After Burst Game Boy Developer: Dual Publisher: NCS By: GammaBetaAlpha ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Table of Contents -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Basics [HELP] Walkthrough [WALK] Codes [CODE] Donations/Amazon [DONT] Contact Info [CONT] Credits [CRED] ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Basics -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [HELP] After Burst is a Japan-only game that combines platforming elements with a little bit of a puzzle element. Through thirty games, you have to use your gun to shoot at a sphere. Upon destroying it, the level ends and you move to the next level, with three bosses at the tenth, twentieth and thirtieth levels of a thirty-level game. The puzzle element comes in with navigating around each level screen. Typically, blocks will impede you from moving and getting closer to a sphere. To get to the sphere, you need to destroy certain blocks that can be broken. Some blocks hold up other non-destroyable blocks: by destroying a block, you can cause a column of blocks to sink, freeing up space. Your gun can also be charged and its angle can be rotated between perfectly horizontal and perfectly vertical, changing the direction a shot is sent. Getting angles and charges correct is vital for some levels. After every fifth level, you are given a password you can use on the title screen to go to the sixth, eleventh, sixteenth, twenty-first and twenty- sixth levels. There also exists a 1P VS mode, where you basically run around an arena with lots of destroyable blocks while fighting a computer-controlled robot, an a 2P VS mode, where two humans play against each other. -------- Controls -------- A - Jump B - Attack, Hold to Charge (Release to attack) Start - Pause and Unpause Up, Down - Rotate the angle of your gun Left, Right - Move Around ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Walkthrough -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [WALK] --------- LEVEL ONE --------- Hold B to charge your shot at the beginning. Once the enemy robot leaps over the blocks, release your shot to send a straight charge of energy at the foe, taking out the mechaniloid. Once it is destroyed, you can shoot a part of the ceiling to the left side, but as total time also counts towards your score bonus at the end of the level, the opportunity cost outweighs time lost. Instead, hop over the two platforms to the sphere and shoot at it to destroy it. --------- LEVEL TWO --------- To the right of where your character starts off, you should notice a column of blocks that look distinctly different from most of the normal blocks - the blocks that have a - through the middle are destroyable blocks, done with your gun shot. Wait until the enemy robot has gone to the left and starts moving right before changing the angle on your gun to take out several wall blocks, then rotate your gun angle a little and charge a shot up to blast the robot enemy once it returns left towards you. With the robot out of the way, head right to where the rotating energy orb is. Wait until it moves to the right side and jump through the gap to the left side of that block to land up on a higher block. Continue jumping up and left to the upper-left corner of the room, and let loose a no-charge bullet to drop down at a trajectory onto the sphere and destroy it. ----------- LEVEL THREE ----------- Start this level by angling your gun upwards and hitting the first robot with an angle shot twice to clear out the small area it is in. Jump over to where you displaced the robot from. When the second robot on treads starts to come left, shoot the lower of the two destructible blocks above its head to send the top block falling down for an instant kill, or else use two shots again. Do not move right quite yet: instead, turn the angle of your gun to point up-right and fire a charge shot at the airplane once it appears on the right side of the level. It requires two shots to destroy, so you can either wait until it returns to the upper right corner or pursue it if it is continuing left and take it out with another charge shot. From there, move to the right and onto some blocks. Level your gun out to point left and jump and shoot at the uFO to the left twice with some proper timing to destroy it. Following its destruction, go left through the blocks and jump up and shoot right at the sphere to destroy it. ---------- LEVEL FOUR ---------- At the start of level four, you will have to navigate your way right across the bottom floor, where there are five bombs that are instant-kill if you set them off by touching them. Fortunately, however, you can also destroy them with a shot from your gun, and collect the remains of each for a 200 score bonus. Once you reach the right side, turn around and destroy the bottom block on the column of destructible blocks for the rest of them to fall down, and destroy a SINGLE one of the other destructible blocks. Jump up to your right and around left. Take out the robot from afar, and you can ignore the airplane once it moves out of range for around ten seconds. If you destroyed a single one of the destructible blocks on the column, you should be able to stand on top of the column and have your gun level with the sphere in the room to the left. Charge up a shot at a straight angle and fire to destroy the sphere. ---------- LEVEL FIVE ---------- Press and hold the B button as soon as you come into this level to charge up a shot. Once the enemy robot moves left and within range, fire away at it, then immediately jump into the air to dodge its bullet. Once in the air, press right and land on the contraption hovering down and up, and it will rise in the air to show a vertically high level. It IS possible to get a shot off at the sphere while rising up and almost level with it, but incredibly tricky. Instead, the most probable way to deal with the sphere is to continue rising up with the hover-pod for a bit longer, than jump off once the fire-breathing contraption on the right wall also rises to stay level with you. You should fall faster than the fire-machine will lower, and land on the small cliff edge where the sphere is. Quickly shoot out a bullet to land and destroy the sphere. If you miss the first time, simply fall down to the floor to your left again, wait for the hoverpod to come by, and repeat for a second attempt. --------- LEVEL SIX --------- PASSWORD: 31520347 Move to the right end, hop up, then move to the left side. You should notice the next row up there are two destructible blocks, one of them hanging from the roof, the other part of the roof. Wait until the robot is moving left. Once it is UNDERNEATH the block, jump up with a fully charged shot and it will stop and fire back at you. Release your shot once you touch the ceiling to destroy the first block, causing the second one to fall down on the robot, destroying it instantly (instead of having to shoot the robot three times otherwise). Head right from here, destroying the block that fell on the robot, and shoot the three blocks on the floor-roof at the far right end to be able to move up again. Jump up with charged shots three times and shoot it at the robot here - wait until it has shot once after the first two attacks before firing again. With the second robot out of the way, head left and shoot the destructible blocks on the lower-right side of the chamber the sphere is in with an ANGLED shot (if you fire straight up, the blocks will fall down, destroying you). A second destroyable block and a regular block should fall down. Destroy the destructible block and jump on the regular block. You will have to move left and right a bit until your gun is about in the middle of the gap, then angle your shot slightly left from a completely vertical position to be able to fire at the sphere and finally destroy it. ----------- LEVEL SEVEN ----------- Start by advancing right, constantly shooting at the destroyable blocks to push right while avoiding the energy orb rotating around. Near the end, shoot two more destroyable blocks holding up columns of regular blocks to make both columns sink to the ground. Hop up on top of the two columns, then jump and shoot the destroyable block to your right holding up a third column of regular blocks up next to the sphere, making these blocks sink down to the ground. There will be two remaining destroyable blocks next to the sphere. Do NOT hit the lower one first - instead, hop up to your left and then up to your right, avoiding contact with the second energy orb, then shoot an angle shot at the top block. Go back down and strike the lower block to make all the regular blocks fall down again, then head back up. Use an angle shot to hit the sphere through the small gap to destroy it and wrap up this level. ----------- LEVEL EIGHT ----------- Aim left and charge up a shot to start and destroy the first robot. Repeat for when the second robot lands on the ground floor to destroy it. Advance to the middle of the floor, slightly to the right. You should see a single destroyable block above the lone regular block hanging down. Aim at it and shoot at it, then shoot at it again to destroy the points item to make it disappear entirely, making another regular blcok fall down in its place. Head left and jump to the right of the block with the energy orb rotating around it. Make your gun level with the destroyable block here. Shoot it and then quickly run past it before the blocks above it sink. This will leave you trapped in the corridor with no way back out, so you can only press inward again. Shoot the next block to your right, then quickly run past it again before the next regular block falls down. Shoot the third block in a row: this one will not cause anything to fall down on you, fortunately. Turn back to the left. To the right of where the sphere is, there are three destroyable blocks. Shoot the first one from the bottom and move right so you do not get caught under falling blocks. Destroy a second one, but do not worry about trying to break the last one as it does not matter. Move to the right again and aim straight up at the ceiling, where there are two more destroyable blocks. The first one you do not have to worry about. However, when you fire off the charged shot for the second one, immediately jump up and land to the left in the short period of time that you can do this, otherwise you will get trapped down below. Once you land, you should have open access to the sphere and can shoot at it to destroy it. ---------- LEVEL NINE ---------- Start the level by hopping up the blocks to your right. Stay underneath the last of the lower blocks to avoid getting hit by the overhead airplane dropping its payload down on you. Once the plane has moved on, hop up and shoot the five destructible blocks barring access to the inside, and destroy the robot from long-range as well. Move to the inside top chamber. Destroy the four blocks to your left, then use an angle shot to destroy the bomb on the lower left ledge next to where the sphere is. Next, shoot the destroyable blocks to your upper right, and hop out, destroying the airplane as well if it is nearby. Walk along the top of the S-shaped area to the upper-left side. Fall off from the top and press right to land where the bomb was that you previously shot to deactivate. Next, destroy the sphere to end the level. --------- LEVEL TEN --------- Level Ten is the first of three boss battles in the game, each which occur at every tenth level. You are also given a total of 5 minutes to complete this level, a phenomenal amount of time that you do not actually need and which really only serves to inflate your score. Carefully survey the battlefield once you start. You should see the boss, a mechanical machine, at the top of the screen. Part of the boss is being held up by six destroyable blocks. On the ground floor, you have a full layer of destroyable blocks. Destroy the six at the centre of the screen, which are level with the open space up above. Next, destroy the six blocks holding the boss up. Once all six are broken, jump back and watch as part of the boss falls down into the gap created in the floor. From here, it is a simple matter of letting loose several gunshots at the part of the boss on the floor (specifically, its dome head) until it is destroyed, and the level then ends. Stay underneath one of the two blocks hanging in mid-air so that you can be assured you will not get strafed by some of the boss's diagonal shots by accident and have to repeat the level over again. ------------ LEVEL ELEVEN ------------ PASSWORD: 11145378 A note: DO NOT destroy the robot moving around on treads in here. Much like the hover-pad several levels ago, you can jump on tread-robots and use them as a makeshift mobile platform, and that is indeed what you need to do in here. Move left and wait until energy sphere rotates to the right side to jump through the gap to the left. Once the energy orb continues down, run right past it, and hop onto the top of the robot on treads. If it is not already at the far left end of its movement (it cannot go past the hole in the floor), wait for it to move left and then hop off up and to the left, on top of the roof of the 9- shaped set of blocks housing the sphere. Once up top, shoot at the top of the set of four blocks to the left to knock one down. Wait for the two energy orbs to your left to be on their down- path, then drop down, turn right and shoot another block. Charge up your shot to make it go straight so it destroys the sphere and quickly jump back up before the energy orbs kill you (if this happens even while the sphere is in the motion of self-destructing, you will still have to redo the level). ------------ LEVEL TWELVE ------------ Shoot one of the two destroyable blocks hanging in mid-air here (NOT both). Wait for a hover-pod to come down, and hop onto the top of it. Once it carries you nearly to the top, jump onto the side ledge or onto the middle hover-pod. Aim your gun straight up, and charge a shot. Shoot twice to destroy the two blocks underneath the left side of the sphere when your hover-pod goes underneath it, then shoot and send a third charged shot to hit the sphere and destroy it. -------------- LEVEL THIRTEEN -------------- Hop onto the moving block to give your avatar some extra height, then quickly jump up right and then up left to the upper-left corner of the area. Next, turn around to face right and send three charged shots to destroy the three destructible blocks to your right. Fall down to your right once the moveable block is on the left side, and head right. Right after the first of the two lighting-pods fires from the centre, hop onto the elevator and let it carry you up, avoiding fire from the lighting-pod way at the top. Head right and drop down once the second lightning-pod fires right at the lower right corner. It will start to move up, giving you enough time to drop below it. Fire several times at the destroyable blocks while the lightning-pod fires at the area above, then move down and destroy the sphere. -------------- LEVEL FOURTEEN -------------- Move left and shoot at the first destructible block, and quickly dash left past it before the column above it collapses and sinks. Ignore the next destructible block, and instead loop around clockwise and jump up to destroy the block up top. Drop back down and then eliminate the third and final destructible block in that column to clear space for you above. Move around clockwise and then counterclockwise until you are prevented from moving further left by another destroyable block. Break this one open with a gunshot and then quickly run left past it before the column falls down to the ground, which would prevent further movement left. You should see a robot to the lower left and several bombs. LAND on top of the robot's head, then jump back up to the high platform. Walk right to stand on top of the two destroyable blocks. Stand right over top, then angle your gun to point directly up, and fire twice to destroy the two moveable blocks. From here, it is a simple matter of firing a third shot that will drop down and strike the sphere perfectly: however, you need to have a bit of good timing as if it impacts an energy sphere the bullet will be blown up prematurely. ------------- LEVEL FIFTEEN ------------- Charge your shot up and destroy the robot to your left right away, after jumping to the right to dodge it. For reference, you cannot destroy the bullet- shooting machine up near the top of the screen. Next, head left. Below and to the right of the sphere are two destroyable blocks. Shoot straight up with a charged shot to destroy the right of the two, then jump up and shoot straight left to eliminate the second block. There are two more blocks of interest from your vantage point on the floor to destroy. Strike the block to the left and up from the gun-shooting machine and quickly move to the right to avoid a falling block. Next, destroy a second block to the right of the machine and again run right to avoid getting hit by a falling column of blocks. Hop onto the column, then move onto one of the moving blocks once it goes right and use the added height to jump onto the single block above to the right of the shooting machine, then go left through the corridor up above. Shoot the remaining two destroyable blocks, then drop down. Angle your gun straight up and shoot a single bullet to make it fall back down and strike the sphere. ------------- LEVEL SIXTEEN ------------- PASSWORD: 13020060 Start by destroying the two blocks hanging in the air to your left, then move left and drop down and walk right, destroying a couple more blocks to progress. Once you can get within aiming range of the two blocks hanging in the air to the right, destroy the RIGHT of the two blocks, but NOT the left one. Once the lightning-pod stops firing and starts moving around, hop onto the left block and then jump up higher again. Up top, fire at a couple of the ceiling blocks to make your way out, then head left and drop down to the bottom-left corner of the screen. Here, aim right and fire off several charged shots until you can hit the sphere. --------------- LEVEL SEVENTEEN --------------- There are a couple of methods that you can use to finish this level up. The first is to leave the robot here alive. Let it move left to start, and once it starts moving right, hop onto it once it passes under the X-shaped laser thing. When it hops to jump over the column, immediately jump up through the gap at the top, face right, and shoot an angled shot at the sphere (then quickly move left upon landing so you do not have to repeat the level if you get shot by the robot prior to the sphere completing its self-destruction phase). The second method is to watch the X-shaped device in the middle of the room. You will only lose a life if you come in contact with one of the energy spheres, so if you hop on once the energy sphere is at the direct-top, you will have more then enough time to land and jump up again to the top. From there, it is a simple matter of getting an angle shot correct to destroy the sphere while occasionally dodging a bullet from the machine to the far-left. -------------- LEVEL EIGHTEEN -------------- Start by going left and jumping onto the hover-pod. Once it carries you back to the centre, jump off. Go up a little bit, and destroy the two destroyable blocks up here. The second one will fall down after the first is destroyed, so if you are standing right underneath the two, charge a second shot up and fire it to destroy the block while it is still falling. Move right through the narrow corridor, but stay back if you have to wait out the energy orbs. Once you get to the right side, destroy the two blocks above you. Charge a shot up and jump to see a third block holding up a normal block. Send your charged shot to destroy the destructible block, then quickly move back left so you don't get hit by the falling rock. Around this time, watch out for the overhead airplane so you do not get attacked by a dropped bomb. Use the falling regular block as extra height leverage to jump up to the top of the platform. Move left and destroy the block here (to the lower-right corner of the sphere), then continue left and down. Jump up through the gap into the small area to the left of the sphere, then navigate around and destroy the sphere to wrap the level up. -------------- LEVEL NINETEEN -------------- Move right once the level starts to avoid getting hit by a falling robot, and fire at it once it lands to destroy it right away. Following the robot's destruction, fire at a couple of blocks to your left, then jump over through the gap and continue left. Make your way up, ignoring the moveable blocks, until your gun is level with the four destroyable blocks to the left underneath the sphere. Charge up four shots and destroy all four blocks, specifically so the column to the far left falls down a single space. Continue up towards the top of the screen, once more ignoring the moveable blocks here as they do not have any use in this level. Drop to the left of the first set of bombs - once you fall past them, immediately press right so you do not fall into a second set of bombs. Where you land, you should be next to another destroyable block. Blast this one to make the column of regular stones protecting the sphere drop another space, then jump up and blast the sphere with a final charged shot to finish the level. ------------ LEVEL TWENTY ------------ In this level is the second of three bosses in After Burst. Hop up onto the first block and charge your gun blaster. Leap up and fire at the BOTTOM of the three destroyable blocks to your left. Once the remaining two fall down, hop onto the top of the fallen column, and face right. From this vantage point the boss cannot attack you. For this boss, its weak point is also the black dome. However, the dome routinely retreats in and then comes back out, so you can only injure it part of the time (when the dome is out of the body and can be hit). You need to fire extremely weak shots for the trajectory to strike the dome - if you look at the arrows on the upper-left cursor that show how strong your charge shot is, you should have an arrow and a half full or two and a half arrows full (depending on your positioning on the column) before releasing to make the positioning correct to strike the boss. Aside from that, the boss takes a lot of hits to destroy. The author counted about nine hits before it was finally destroyed. ---------------- LEVEL TWENTY-ONE ---------------- PASSWORD: 36985214 This level requires more some quick reflexes than any real puzzle- solving. Once the first two robots fall down on the ground floor, hop onto one of the robots' head and use it as height leverage to make a great leap to the top set of lone blocks hanging in the air. Move around and to the top of the screen (so your character is actually partly hidden by the grey status bar at the top), and destroy the destructible block in the roof surrounding the sphere. Move to the left side and take out a second destroyable block from the left side to collapse another regular block. Charge a shot and jump up to fire right through the gap at the sphere to destroy it and end this level. ---------------- LEVEL TWENTY-TWO ---------------- You can shave off a lot of time in this level by making a couple of tricky jumps, but as you are given two minutes, it is not a big issue unless you are looking to max out your score. Start by hopping onto the hover-pod after it has gone right and then moves back left, landing on it once it goes underneath the block you start on. You can jump onto it at the initial start of the level and get to the left side right away, but this can be tricky. Charge up a shot and shoot the first destroyable block here with a charged shot from afar (if you land up top, this is not possible to shoot at while staying up top), then wait for the hover-pod to come back left. Hop onto it and then jump up high again and shoot down two more destroyable blocks. Go back down and wait for the hover-pod to come by again, then use it to slowly move right, and hop onto the lone block at the right end. Turn to face left, charge up a shot, jump up high and let it loose on the remaining destroyable block. Charge another shot and jump up again to strike the sphere through the gap. ------------------ LEVEL TWENTY-THREE ------------------ Wait for the two lightning-pods at the beginning to finish, then quickly rush past them before they reactivate. Jump up at the end and move left. Destroy the first of two destroyable blocks underneath where the sphere is and move left to avoid getting hit by a falling column. Move left onto higher ground and turn around to destroy the second destructible block and cause the column to fall another space, exposing the sphere up above. To your left, destroy the BOTTOM two blocks first, then rush left through the gap, turn around and take out the final top block to make the column of stones above it collapse. Head left to the end and charge up some shots. Jump up and shoot from afar. Once the lightning-pod moves right, move up and into the gap for better aiming, then quickly retreat once it comes back. Repeat until you can strike the sphere and wrap the level up. ----------------- LEVEL TWENTY-FOUR ----------------- This level requires a bit of tricky timing with your movement. Go to the far right end and aim your rifle straight up. Hop on top of the first block that has an energy sphere and shoot at the destroyable block above you. Quickly drop down to the left, then press right to avoid contact with the next energy sphere in line. Repeat this two more times, again making sure to avoid touching the energy spheres. Once you land in between th two bombs, wait until you can dodge the final energy sphere. Jump onto the block where it is rotating around, then jump again up into the upper-left corner. Aim right with multiple charged shots to destroy the blocks protecting the sphere, then fire a last shot to finally eliminate the sphere. ----------------- LEVEL TWENTY-FIVE ----------------- You will not be given much time for this level, so you need to move fast. This is also a level where luck plays a bit of a role due to a nasty fall that you need to maneuver around. Quickly jump up and destroy three blocks at the top, then move up the several single blocks. Watch out for the energy orb rotating around. Once you get to the top, you will have to deal with the plane. Stay on the last lone block before the rop row of blocks, and stay to the left. Once the plane drops its load, quickly move right to avoid it, then jump up to the right. From the left end, destroy the third and fourth destroyable blocks here by aiming straight up and just firing with no charge, and drop down before the plane comes back (if you do not have enough time, go back left and drop down to the hanging block and do the same trick as above to avoid the bomb dropped by the plane). Once you have a space cleared, drop down through the hole and quickly press right, but stop once you get past the X-shaped device. Inside, go right, and you should see three mines on the floor right above where the sphere is. Destroy the left-most one by standing on the hanging platform above and shooting straight up, letting it drop down. Wait for the clockwise-moving block to come around, and hop onto it. When it goes down, fire again into the air for the bullet to land on the middle mine, destroying it. Ignore the third mine and instead land in the space cleared of mines. Fire into the air once more to destroy the destructible block underneath you, and then shoot again one last time to destroy the sphere underneath. ---------------- LEVEL TWENTY-SIX ---------------- PASSWORD: 93493887 Start by angling your gun up, and shoot the first destroyable block up above your on-screen avatar. Charge a shot and shoot a second time to destroy the next block, and immediately jump up and right to avoid getting hit by the falling column. This is the tricky part. Wait until the first energy orb moves up, then move around the X-shape in the middle, going right over top of it, down its right side, then left underneath it to touch the bottom floor. From there, move right, and navigate around the second energy sphere. Climb up the right side, then hop left over top of the second X-shape, taking out the remaining two blocks up top. Once they have been cleared out, move down and left, avoiding the energy sphere, until you get to the lower left area. Aim straight up and let loose a charged shot to destroy the sphere and finish this level. ------------------ LEVEL TWENTY-SEVEN ------------------ You are fortunately given quite a lot of time to finish this stage, which is just as well. Wait for the hover-pod to come back your way, then quickly jump up onto the right most of the three hanging blocks and turn right. Fire at the first three bombs and jump when the energy sphere comes close and hold B to jump high and avoid the sphere entirely. Once you have some room on the right platform, hop on, and turn left. From afar, fire several charged shots to clear out most (but not all) of the blocks in the far left corner. Once the easy ones are destroyed, hop over to the left hanging block. Jump up into the air and let loose uncharged shots while high up for the trajectory of the shots to fall down and destroy the blocks in the way and eventually the sphere itself. ------------------ LEVEL TWENTY-EIGHT ------------------ IMMEDIATELY hit the A and B buttons once you come into this level, the B button to shoot at the robot right in front of you and the A button to jump over it in case you do not get your shot off in time. Once the robot is out of the way, focus on the airplane, changing your angle quickly to adjust for where it is and moving away out of its payload. When both of those foes have been destroyed, head over to the right end of the screen. You will need to aim your gun straight up, and shoot up, and slowly destroy every block in the two right columns while avoiding the energy sphere as it rotates around. Once you destroy the two columns, drop down then shoot every destroyable block in the next two columns to your left. Now, it may look like you have a clear shot, but do not try for one just yet. Instead, charge up several more shots and shoot the column of four blocks to the left of the middle energy sphere. This way, when you drop down and shoot a charged shot at the sphere, you can quickly hop up into a safe spot. If you tried retreating back right, more than likely you would accidentally end up hitting the energy sphere and destroying yourself. Staying right next to the sphere will also kill you as the self-destruct animation does not end quickly enough. ----------------- LEVEL TWENTY-NINE ----------------- Do not even bother trying to board the hover-pods. Instead, jump up onto the higher right-side block and then shoot out to the left, trying to destroy the hover-pods and mines of the floor as much as you can and dodge the occasional shots from the hover-pods. Once you have a clear spot on the ground, jump down there and clear out the hover-pods, then work your way to the center. Aim your rifle right up at the center, charge your gun, and shoot a bullet up to destroy the lone destroyable block. Repeat once more to destroy the sphere and wrap up the penultimate level of After Burst. ------------ LEVEL THIRTY ------------ For the third and final boss, once more it is vulnerable only to its black dome. This time, the dome is only on the top part of the main machine. To destroy it, you will have to jump onto one of the small two hover-pods that move around the room, charge up a shot, jump up and then shoot at the black dome. All three parts of the boss (the main machine and the two hover-pods) can fire straight down to the ground. Make sure not to be right underneath a hover-pod when it is close to the ground, as you will sometimes just not have enough time to move out of the way of the shot. It will take around a dozen charged shots to defeat the boss. Move to the right once the battle begins, as staying on the left hand side to start is basically a crap-shoot. Once one of the pods starts to dip in elevation, hop onto it. Once the pod moves back up, shoot at the boss. With some good maneuvering, you can stay on your current pod or cross over to the other pod. However, if you touch the side of a hover-pod it will kill you, so do not take the risk if you are not sure of a good landing. Once you take out the final boss, enjoy your one-screen five-second ending. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Codes -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [CODE] These are all codes to get to specific levels in the game: Level 06 31520347 Level 11 11145378 Level 16 13020060 Level 21 36985214 Level 26 93493887 ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Donations/Amazon -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [DONT] I don't really care too much about donations, but if you are feeling generous, feel free to send one via PayPal to gammabetaalphafaqs AT gmail DOT com Alternatively, if you ever order any items from, go to the link below. You do not have to buy anything right away, but (if you do not clear browser cookies often) any items you buy within the next 90 days will count as a 'referral order' to me, meaning I get anywhere from 4-6% as a referral/affiliate payment of what you ordered (ie. order $100 worth of stuff, I get $4-6 from Other than that, considering this FAQ is for an obscure old game, if you have any other obscure old games that you do not play anymore, consider sending them to me (I will even pay the shipping cost!). I write FAQs for plenty of obscure old games with no FAQs, and having a physical copy of the game (and even better, a manual) is superior to not. You can email me if interested at gammabetaalphafaqs AT gmail DOT com ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Contact Info -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [CONT] Although I believe I have found everything there is to find in this game, there is occasionally the possibility of some super secret level in an obscure game that was never found because it was too obscure, or the like. If you have anything that you feel needs to be includes, feel free to email me at gammabetaalphafaqs AT gmail DOT com If you have any other information to contribute or notice any errors, again, shoot me a notice at gammabetaalphafaqs AT gmail DOT com If you wish to host this guide, or use information from it, consider the FAQ semi-public domain: you can host it without asking and derive information from it word-for-word if you wish, but keep the document unchanged if hosting it and give credit where due if using information ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Credits -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ [CRED] Thanks go to this NicoNico user for videos of the first twenty levels: ________________________________________________________________________________ ©2013 GammaBetaAlpha FAQs