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To be honest, I wasn't even familiar with this game OR the first Rolan's Curse until I undertook this project. I've now played through the first game and gotten a feel for the series (It's essentially a Zelda clone). This is also an effort to help out the GameBoy FAQ Completion Project located at Gamefaqs.com, which is a project designed to have a FAQ for every gameboy game released. If you feel like helping, go over to the contributor boards at gamefaqs and help out! Also, this guide was written rather quickly and probably won't see any updates barring any HUGE piece of info I missed, which is doubtful. Since it's a habit though, here's my email (Y'know, in case you want to send a lovely "Thank You" email or something). Gregorio31 @ gmail . com ===================== - Table of Contents - ===================== Things to know. Controls. Characters.............................................................[RC-CH] Chapter 1: The elf and the boomerang....................................[RC-1] Chapter 2: Lane and the Ghost...........................................[RC-2] Chapter 3: Help from the un-dead........................................[RC-3] Chapter 4: The Magician and the Tower...................................[RC-4] Chapter 5: Martial Arts and... Robots?..................................[RC-5] Chapter 6: The Cherub and the Dragon....................................[RC-6] Chapter 7: Two dark knights.............................................[RC-7] Chapter 8: The final battle!............................................[RC-8] Bosses................................................................[RC-BOS] Credits...............................................................[RC-CRE] =============== THINGS TO KNOW: =============== Rolan is the name of the land, not a person! Since this game is essentially played out screen-by-screen, I'll make a mini-map of each area (example below), and then below it I'll describe the area and any items of interest in it. 1 - 2 - 3 | 4 - 5 To level up in this game, you need to find items! The items you want are in chests and look like your character's portrait. Weird huh? Once you get more than four characters (including your main hero), you'll need to CHOOSE which ones to keep. Read the characters section to pick out your team. You can farm for healing items, which I totally recommend. Healers heal your HP, but not your MP! To start, enter your name and hit "ED" to continue. You'll then be given the backstory to the game, which doesn't consist of very much. It basically says that years have passed since Barius, who terrorized the people of Rolan, was destroyed (The events of the first Rolan's Curse). however now evil has returned and monsters are now roaming free again. Great. And with that we'll be free to explore. Before we start, let's go over the controls and status menu really quick. ========= Controls: ========= Directional Pad: Controls movement. A Button: Control main weapon. B Button: Control secondary weapon. Start Button: Goes to status menu. Select Button: Selects characters. As you can see, pretty simple stuff. Here's what you can do in the status menu: "ITM": Select this option to use an item (descriptions below). Large Portion: Restores 50 HP Fairy's Tears: Fully restores HP Magic Ball: Fully restores MP Fairy Wings: Warps you to the area of your choice. "POW": Select this option to view your status. It will show you your level as well as your weapons and stats, as shown below. |-----------------------------------| | |--------| Knight Lv. 1 | | | Insert | | | | face | HP: 30/30 | | | here! | | | |--------| MP: 10/10 | | | | B: ELECTRIC A: Sabre | | __ Ball | | ( ) MP 1 o|===> | | \--/ | | Damage: 15 Damage: 7 | | | | Range: Range: | | Short Narrow | |-----------------------------------| "MAP": Shows you a map of the surrounding area, as well as tells you the name of the place your currently at. "SAV": Lets you save the game. Two save slots! Fancy! You'll also notice that you can get a quick look at your HP/MP and items by going to the status menu. Of course you can see all that stuff while playing the game, but more is good! There's also several items that enemies can drop while your out exploring, as listed below. Small vial: Restores 8 HP. Small eggplant: Restores 5 MP. Large eggplant: Restores 10 MP. Ok, now that we know all that, let's play! ========== Characters ========== [RC-CH] Hero: Your default charater. A knight with great stats and a wide sword swing (it gets wider as you level up). You will always have your hero. Pit: The first companion you meet. An elf who can destroy walls with his bombs. He starts out with daggers but gains a boomerang. He actually becomes a ranged powerhouse, but get's outclassed as the hero's sword swipe widens. Lane: Your first healer, Lane attacks with her staff. I love to keep her around, as she learns the all-important healing spell, which helps you power through many many boss battles, as it heals the entire party and you can cycle through characters. Kyle: A poor waste of human life, Kyle is the living dead: a zombie. He attacks with his giant bone arm and he can get quite strong. He can also clear walls with his thunder spell. Jude: A magician who invites you to his quest to gain power. He has a fireball spell that is his standard attack and a very powerful quake spell. I personally skip him in this walkthrough. Lee: A martial artist who attacks with a Sai and has a fire spell. He starts out with a very high HP count but suffers from lack of range. I suspect he'd be a great attacker, but I passed on him. Lora: A cherub whose wings have broken. She offers to help you. I passed on her, but she appears to be a replacement for Lane if you wish, as she has a heal spell. She also attacks with a bow, giving you some range if you wish. Zold: The last character you meet, Zold is a dark knight whose stats are astronomical at level one. I definitely recommend taking him, as he's a beast. He also has a very interesting dark ball spell. He seems to be a dark version of the main hero. Walkthrough: ==================================== Chapter 1: The elf and the boomerang ==================================== [RC-1] 13 | 9 12 | | 8 - 7 - 10 - 11 | 6 | T2 | 5 - 4 | 3 - 2 - 1 - T1 ------ Virgin ------ T1: Virgin Feel free to talk to the towns people. See that guy directly to the right of you? He can heal your HP if you come back to him (referred to as a house of healing). Not much to learn here except that we'll gain companions along the way and there are monsters out and about. Yea! Want to try out your sword-arm? Leave the village by heading out to the left. ------ Fields ------ 1: Out here you will meet your first enemy: the slime. These things are REALLY weak and move slowly, so no worries. You can't seem to walk through flowers though. Continue on. 2: Here you'll find slimes AND monkeys. Monkeys are faster and take more hits, so I would recommend ignoring them for now. Let's go left past the bridge, but go up the left-hand side of the screen (between the trees) to screen four. (Optional) 3: This screen has some slimes and a wizard, as well as a chest with a small vial in it. Skip it all if you don't need the health. Heck, even if you do it's easier to go heal in town. 4: Here, just go left. 5: On this screen grab the treasure chest directly in-front of you for a fantastic prize: a level-up item! Welcome to level 2. Now back-track to screen two. 2: Now go back up to screen 4, but take the OTHER path. Y'know, the big one? 4: Up here you'll meet shadows. They're pretty easy to kill but can move eratically. I recommend just ignoring them. 5: More monkeys and slimes. Head north to enter the next town, Cadal. ===== Cadal ===== T2: Cadal Here you'll meet your first companion: Pit. He starts out at level one and looks like a little elf type guy. Remember that you can switch characters by pressing select! Pit comes equipped with bombs and a dagger. Pit's dagger attack is WEAK! Seriously, don't attack with this guy. However, he DOES have bombs, which can be used to open paths, so take him along. Also not that the middle villager by Pit apparently has his boomerang. You have two exits from Cadal: north and west. We're focusing on the northern path for now, so play along! 6: Now we're in mushroom land! The snails here are slow but have a lot of hp. The frogs here are more like the shadow people from earlier. Go north. (Also note the rocks that you passed. Pit can blow those up). 7: Up here kill the snails on the right and check the chest to find a level-up icon for Pit. He still sucks though. Now head right. We need more level-ups! 8: In this scree, make your way up to the north-west corner. There's another chest here with ANOTHER Pit level-up. Sweet. Go back to screen 7 now. You can use the upper path. 7: Here you'll be past the rocks. There are two exits here, north and east. Take the north path. 9: Here you'll come into a wide open area with more enemies. Make your way north and check out the upper-left chest for a here level-up icon and the right chest which has a Pit level-up icon. Jackpot. Go back to screen 7. 7: Just take the right exit this time. 10: This area has snails and a dino-warrior, along with three exits to the right. Take any of them. 11: Now that you're in this duck-filled area, go into the south-east corner corner to find another chest with a Pit level-up icon. 12: Head up here, but take the far-left path. Skip the dino's. 13: Now use Pit's bombs on the rocks and check the chest for a level-up icon for the hero! Yea! Now see that circular icon in the north-east corner? Kill the enemies surrounding it and get ready for a boss fight. Step into it to fight the boss. ================ Boss: Flying Imp ================ Seriously, all this guy does is fly around the room, so use whatever stragegy you want to finish him. Bombs work well, as does the hero's lightning/sword. You'll get a magic ball after the fight. After the fight, travel back to Cadal and talk to the middle villager. He'll be impressed by Pit's turn-around and give him is boomerang. Yea! Time to move onto the next chapter. ============================= Chapter 2: Lane and the Ghost ============================= [RC-2] Time to head out of the west exit of town this time, so we can travel to another city! Oh, and just so you know, the boomerang has replaced Pit's weapon. I actually enjoy using him now! Feel free to play with either character. Map to Baroa: 5 | 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - T1 | T2 - 6 1: Here we're in a forest area with more shadows. Take the north-west exit to the left. 2: Continue on to the left. Have you tried out the boomerang yet? Nice, huh! 3: Here you can see a bridge heading down, but continue left. There's a chest here with some health in it if you need it. 4: You'll only be in a little part of this screen, so head north. 5: Blow up the stones north of you to find a chest with a Pit level-up icon. Sweet! Cross the bridge to the left and go down to screen four again. 4: Keep going down. Kill monkeys if you wish. 6: Here you can enter the next town by taking the exit on the left. ===== Baroa ===== Here you can recruit another character, Lane. She's the southern cleric, and will offer to join you right off the bat. Accept to have three party members! Lane's staff is pretty weak, but she does have a shield. It costs an awful lot of MP though, so I'm sticking with the Hero or Pit. Again, we have two choices on where to go next, north or west. We'll be going west first. Here's the map of the next area: (Note: For this area I recommend using Pit for his range, as lots of monsters use ranged attacks. Also, be sure to kill the blobs and stock up on health potions. You'll need them, trust me.) 16 | 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 | 5 - 6 - 7 10 | | | 4 8 - 9 | | 3 - 2 - 1 - T1 1: Out here in this castle area you'll encounter warriors who can throw fire in front of them as well as flying helmets. There's a chest to the north here with a level-up icon for Lane. We'll get that other chest later. Go left. 2: Go up and around past the warriors and helmets and continue left. 3: Here you'll run into a tentacle blob thing. This thing takes a LOT of hits but can drop a large eggplant and large potions. Continue on and head north, killing another eggplant. 4: Kill the blob thing here and cross over the river. To the south is another chest with a level-up icon for Lane. Gotta level up the new party member after all! Continue north. 5: Here you'll fight off two more blobs. Make your way to the east. 6: Here your stuck in a corridor with heads and a warrior. Just go past them to the east. 7: In this part, go up. See that narrow path to the west. Take it. 6: Now you're in the narrow portion above the previous corridor. Follow it to find a chest with a level-up icon for Lane. Go back east. 7: Now just take the east path, up and around, exiting to the south. 8: This is a winding path area, but make your was to the southern exit, which leads to the northern section of screen one. 1: Now you can grab that chest that we saw a long time ago! Finally! It's a level-up icon for hero! Head back to screen eight. 8: Back in the winding path area, go up and take the eastern exit. 9: Here kill the blob. There's a treasure chest with some health on the left that you can grab before taking the northern exit. 10: Here there's several paths to the north, but only the third and fourth go anywhere. Kill any blobs in the way and head north. 11: Up here are more flying heads and warriors. Despite the eastern exit looking like the entrance to a town, its not, so don't get your hopes up yet. 12: This area is pretty small, but is hiding some chests above and below this initial area. We'll get them soon though. Go east into the next area. 13: For starters, go down and left, right back to screen twelve. 12: Now grab the chest for another level-up icon for Lane. Go back to screen thirteen. 13: Out here again, bomb the rocks to the north and take the west exit back to screen twelve. 12: Now you can grab the chest for a level-up icon for Pit. What's that, level seven for him. What a beast! (I'm using him full-time now) Go back to screen thirteen. 13: Ok, let's carry on. This screen does have a chest with health if you want, otherwise head right. 14: You have to go up and around this screen (Clockwise), but you'll find a chest in the middle for another Lane level-up icon. Carry on. 15: Kill the pots and blob blocking your way, and check out the lower-right corner of this area. Bomb the rocks and open the chest for a hero level-up icon! Make your way north. 16: In this room there's several wizards that appear in the corners, so take them out carefully. You'll see another boss icon to the north, so save and get ready to take him on. ================ Boss: Evil Ghost ================ Ok, this guy is EVIL. I hate him. And in all actuality, he's not that hard. Being just a floating ghost, all he does is float around on the top of the screen in a figure eight pattern. Where this gets hard though is that he'll spawn smaller versions of himself that basically home in on you. Oh, and guess what? They become invisible. Yeah, so expect to be hit a few times out of nowhere. This is where those health potions I had you stock up on help out. I started out as Pit and layed into him at the start, then ran around in my own pattern to try and avoid ghosts while laying down bombs and hurting it when I could. One potion later and Pit was almost dead, so I switched to the hero and basically followed the ghost while swatting away at him. I went through two potions, but emerged the victor. Grab the magic ball that he leaves. Now you can head back to Baroa (refill potions along the way) and talk to the High Cleric there to get the heal spell for Lane. Sweet. ================================ Chapter 3: Help from the un-dead ================================ [RC-3] Ok, let's head to the next town now. Here's the map for the next area: T2 | 7 5 - 4 | | | 6 - 2 - 3 | 1 | T1 Heal up at Baroa and head out the north exit. 1: Out here are some easy blobs and a warrior. That chest only has health in it. 2: Ah, some bridges. Take the right one for that health chest if you wish, but go up the right hand side and take the right exit in the middle. 3: Ignore the north exit and fight your way south. Down here is a Pit level-up icon. The strong get stronger... Now go north. 4: Up here there's some blobs, spikey guys, and... monkeys? Weird. The chest has some health in it. Go left. 5: Head left and you'll see a chest with a Lane level-up icon in it. Now go down to screen two and head left to six. 6: Here stay on the left side and head up to screen seven. If you go up the right side you can find a chest with some health in it. 7: Continue up to the next town. ======= Keepers ======= Talk to the people in town to learn about Kyle, the missing warrior, and the town's treasure: the Thunder Rod. Hmm, it sounds like we'll be going to a graveyard. Heal up at the cleric and head out the west exit. 15 - 14 | | 11 - 12 - 13 | | 10 - 9 | 8 | 7 3 | | 6 2 | | 5 - 4 - 1 - T1 1: You'll see a chest that you can't reach and a ghost. Head north. 2: Up here skip the first chest and kill the weird eyeball magician. He moves way more erratically than normal magicians. The second chest has a level-up icon for our hero. Ignore the path downwards (it leads to that first chest) and head up. 3: Here you won't find any monsters, but you WILL find Kyle. Turns out he's a zombie. Wha? Hey, he recovered the thunder rod though! We still gotta defeat the magician though. Say yes to Kyle to take him on as a party member. He has a spell that lets him play dead and a bone for a weapon. Go back down a screen. 2: Here you can grab the lower chest for a Kyle level-up icon. Now this may sound a little weird, but go back to Keepers. Remember that health chest before you entered town? (Screen 7 of the last section?). It has a Kyle level-up icon as well. Go grab it can come back to screen 2. Welcome back! Now head down the far-west side of the screen heading south so you can get to the chest in screen one. 1: Grab the chest here for yet another Kyle level-up icon. Gotta get him leveled up. He's actually got REALLY decent attack now. Head to the left now. 4: Head around the rocks to take the left exit. There's some floating ghouls here that will slowly hone in on you, but they are very weak. 5: Don't bother with the lower area unless you want some minor health. Head north. 6: This screen is full of crows, which come at you fairly fast but are weak. Kill them all and head north. 7: Here kill the ghouls and blow up the rocks with Pit. The chest here has a level-up icon for Lane. Head north. 8: Not much here except ghosts and later crows. Head north. Get ready to run. 9: No! These crows don't stop spawning! Hurry and run to the left and then up. Take the left exit as soon as you can. 10: Magicians and ghouls. Fight your way to the Kyle chest in the lower left. Head upwards to the next screen. 11: More magicians and a crow. Grab a Pit level-up icon in the upper left-hand side. Now head out the right exit (use the north path). 12: Here kill the magician and an annoying crow, then head south and follow the looping path to that chest in the middle. It's got a level-up icon for the hero in it. Get out of there and take the east exit. 13: You'll get a Kyle level up chest right off the bat. Go north, there's nothing to the south for you. 14: Up here kill the annoying crows and make your way left. This chest ha a Kyle level up in it. Head to the left. 15: Ignore the ghosts and head for the boss circle to the upper left. Get ready! ============== Boss: Magician ============== This guy doesn't do much more than phase in and out and move erratically. You can watch him using Kyle's play dead magic for a bit if you wish. Remember, he CAN hit you when he's invisible, so stay on the move and keep in mind that he only moves horizontally or vertically. Use that to your advantage and take pot shots at him. Use everyone but keep Lane for last and use her healing spell since it heals the entire party when you use it. Pit is good for pot shots and dropping bombs while Hero and Kyle can get in some powerful repeated side hits. Get the item after he dies and head back to screen 3, as we need to get that Thunder Rod (you didn't forget about that, did you?). Once you get to screen 3, you'll see the magician is chilling nearby! He tells us that Barius is the reason he turned bad. Pfft. I thought I killed you? Check the grave where you found Kyle and you'll get the Thunder Rod. This will replace the play dead magic with the thunder magic. Go back to town and heal up. ===================================== Chapter 4: The Magician and the Tower ===================================== [RC-4] Time to make the trek to another town. After healing up in town take the east exit out. 3 - 4 | | T1 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 6 - T2 1: New music, new area. Watch out for the slowly-homing pufferfish thing and head right. 2: Not much here. The bridge leads to an island in the middle of the lake with a chest with health in it (which is in screen 3). I recommend just going south and taking the right exit. 5: Here, grab the chest for a Lane level up and break the rocks with Pit. Head east again. 6: Double the blowfish and monkeys. Fun. Go east to the next town, Duwane. ====== Duwane ====== Not much about this town. One resident mentions a sorceror who went to a tower. Heal up and head east. This "tower" is known as Metals. Note: Remember, you can only have 3 party members. Chests that you pass here will have level up icon's for the new party member, Jude, but not until you get him (they'll have health otherwise). You should make plans for what kind of party you want. Note: Personally, I'm keeping Pit, Lane, and Kyle. ====== Metals ====== 14 | 12 - 13 17 | | | 11 - 10 - 15 - 16 | | 8 - 9 | 5 - 6 - 7 | 4 | 3 | T1 - 1 - 2 1: Another new area. I don't know about you, but I LOVE the music to this area. The jars are guarding some health, so don't bother. The inner "room" also only has health. Head right. 2: There's some weird moving books in this area that get around to homing in on you. Take care of them and go south for a Kyle level up icon. Head north. 3: There's some more erractic books and a moleman in here. Kill/ignore them and head north. 4: More jars. The chest here has health. Move up again. 5: Another chest with health with more jars guarding the passage onwards, which is right this time. Yea, variety! 6: Here kill the moles and books and use Pit to destroy the rocks leading down-wards. There's three chests down here. Grab the upper one for a Pit level up icon and the right one for a Kyle level up icon. The remaining one has health. 7: Kill the jars and mole. Grab the chest below you for a hero level up icon. Move around the screen and head north. 8: Kill the moles and jars. You can't reach the chest that taunts you yet, so continue right. 9: Lots of books flying about. Make your way around the screen and north. 10: This is only a portion of the screen, so kill the jar and head leftwards. 11: Kill the jars and head south, which leads to screen eight. 8: Get the chest for a hero level up icon, then head back north. 11: Grab the chest here if you wish (it has health in it) and head north. 12: There's a chest being guarded by some jars to the left with a Lane level up icon in it. Head east. 13: Head eastwards and upwards. The chest here has health. Go north. 14: Here you will find Jude, the wizard. Now up until now you've only had four party members. Now, if you want Jude, you'll need to leave one behind! Choices, choices.... You already know what I did... 13: Head south past the jars to continue. The south exit leads to screen ten. 10: The chest here has a Kyle level up icon in it. Head east. 15: More of the usual monsters. Go around the screen and head east. 16: Grab the health in the chest below if you wish and head north to screen seventeen. 17: Head down the path, killing the enemies in your way. At the end of the path you'll see the boss icon. ================ Boss: Giant Hand ================ Ah, yet another boss that doesn't pose any danger... himself. The giant hand will move back and forth, barely covering any ground, but every few seconds he'll throw an eyeball at you. And that's it. Honestly, since the hero and Kyle hit so hard, just prance them up there and hit the hand a TON. Between the two of them, it'll die. Grab the item that drops and exit. Note that the left exit takes you back to the tower while the right exit leads to a new area. ====================================== Chapter 5: Martial Arts and... Robots? ====================================== [RC-5] Now that we're out of the tower, time to head up to a new town: Guild T1 | 6 - 5 | 4 | 3 - 2 | 1 | TW 1: There's some monkeys and a chest with health in it behind a barrier. Continue north. 2: There's a Lane level up at the top of this area. Continue to the left. 3: There's some warrior wandering about here. Dangerous. Head north. 4: More warriors and blobs. Go north. 5: There's some health in the chest at the top of the screen. Head left. Make sure you take the bottom path and THAN go left. 6: This screen is full of shadows. Fight your way past them and enter Guild. T1: ===== Guild ===== Finally, you can visit a healer! There's also another choice to make here, as the martial artist Lee lives here and is willing to join you. He's got some very good stats at level one and can be decent, although he lacks range. Again, I'm sticking with Kyle, Pit, and Lane. When you're ready, head north. Onwards! | 5 - 6 - 16 - 15 | | | 4 - 7 - 8 - 14 | | | | 3 10 - 9 - 13 | | | 2 - 1 - 11 - 12 | T1 We have some choices on how to get to the next boss, who is in screen 10. You can go from 1-10, or from 1 to 10 to 7 using bombs. The most important thing is to grab the level ups from screens 10 (which you can get by going south from screen 7) and 5. Or if your using other charaters, you may want to explore the area before moving to screen 10. I'm just going from 1-10. I also explored after defeating the boss for some level-up icons. 1: Wow, some ducks! Also, the new music here is good! 2: There's some health in the bottom left corner here. 3: Fight the hordes of magicians as you go north. Take the left path unless you want to bomb some rocks. 4: Up here there's a ton of ducks in the ruins. There's also a giant plant protecting a chest. With my current party, there chests are just health. 5: There's some more magicians here. The upper left chest has a Pit level up icon guarded by a plant. Head right. 6: There's some monkeys in here followed by a warrior in you stick around. Head down. 7: Get through this small area and head right. 8: Head down to screen nine. 9: Head to the left. 10: This area is swarming with warriors. Take them out and head down the narrow corridor south to the boss icon. ====================== Boss: Mechanical Beast ====================== This giant robot thing moves around the area slowly, spitting out orbs that try and run into you. Each orb goes straight, but they often turn to try and run into you. You can make 90 degree turns to try and avoid them, but it's pretty hard. The orbs hit HARD so be careful about how long you let your hero's stay in. Feel free to use a big potion or two. Grab the item that drops and exit. Go back down to Guild if you want to heal really quick, and than continue on to screen 16 and head north. ==================================== Chapter 6: The Cherub and the Dragon ==================================== [RC-6] 19-- | 15 - 16 | | 3 - 4 - 9 13 - 14 17 | | | | | 2 - 5 8 - 10 - 11 - 12 18 | | | 1 - 6 - 7 | S 1: Wizards and monkeys. Go North. 2: More wizards. North again. 3: More of the same. Head to the right. 4: There's a Kyle level up icon near the top here. Man that guy is STRONG now. Make your way pass the bridge heading to screen 9. If you have other characters, explore screens 5-8. 9: LOTS of shadow's and crows. Move south. 8: Move east here. 10: Kill the blobs and go south pass the two bridges. Head east past the sign into a new area. Note: In this new area you can get the Cupid Lora in screen 18. Head towards her if you want to get her. There's also a TON of level up icons around for her. Follow the guide to skip her. If you want her, take the southern path east from screen 11. Note: There's a river that runs through this area, dividing a lot of the screens in half. 11: Frogs combined with some floating skulls. Kill them and head east. 12: Kill the frogs and snails so you can grab the Pit level up icon in the corner. Head back to screen 11 and take the north path now. Follow it until screen 13. 13: Go up to the northwest of this area for a Lane level-up icon. Head east. 14: Move up the rocks past the frogs and head north. 15: Move up the narrow space to find a chest with a hero level-up icon. Sweet! He should be very powerful by now, doing almost 100 DMG per sword swing. Keep heading east. 16: Not much to do here. Go north. 19: Grab the health and continue east to a new area: Fossils. Note: I'll be doing a new map for this area. The other one is getting too big. | 8 - 7 - 6 - 4 | | 5 - 3 | 2 | 1 1: New area, same music. There's some floating skulls and ghosts here. Move north. 2: A chest here with some health, along with a nice variety of enemies. Head north. 3: Move around the bones to the north section and fight your way to the chest up here for a hero level up. You should also notice that your sword swing is much wider now, which is handy. Head left. 5: There's some health down below. Head north. 6: Don't bother with this mess, just head west and left to the next screen. 7: There's some more health in the middle, but continue on to the left. 8: Ah, here's the boss icon for the area, time to face the dragon. ==================== Boss: Ancient Dragon ==================== This guy is a LOT like the Giant Hand we fought earlier. He stands in place and moves his head, shooting out fireballs which are VERY hard to dodge due to the fact that they'll change their path to try and hit you. So... the best thing to do is to go up near his head and start hitting him. Once you get close to death, change out your party member and start hitting some more. I went through hero, Pit, Kyle, and used Lane as she hit the dragon and also healed the party. The dragon died while I was hitting it with Lane. Watch as the corpse dissappears. Exit the boss icon and move to the new area north of you. ============================== Chapter 7: Two dark knights... ============================== [RC-7] Onwards! - 19 - 18 | | 20 17 - 16 | | 21 15 | 14 - 13 | 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 | | 6 11 | | 5 12 | | 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 1: Monkeys in a field. Ah, how peaceful! 2: Keep heading left. 3: Warriors and blobs. Keep heading left. 4: Shadows. Head north. 5: More shadows and some health in a chest. Head north again. 6: Head up the corridor's past the monkey's and head north. 7: More monkeys. As you can see on the map, go north to continue. The other way loops back to the entrance. 13: A new area with new music. There's a Lane level up icon in the north that you should grab. Head left through the southern path. 14: More tentacle monsters. Farm these for health and MP if you need to. I have at least 10 large potions right now. There's also a Kyle level up icon here. Head north. 15: LOTS of magicians and some more tentacles. There's some health in a chest here too. Head north again (use the right path). 16: Head west. Not much else to do... 17: You can head north and east to screen 16 for some health if you wish, otherwise go west and then north. 18: Kill the magicians. Grab the chest with health if you wish. Continue west. 19: Here grab the chest with health if you wish. There's magicians and a tentacle monster. Be sure to have some health in reserve! Head south, we're going to pick up a new character. 20: Grab the chests with health in them and fight your way south. 21: Here you'll meet the black knight Zold, who will offer to join you so he can reunite two halves of his sword. I am personally replacing him with Pit, but you can do whatever you want. Head back to screen 19 and head west. Grab the two chests on screen 20 for some Zold level ups. Note: Making a new map again, as the other one is again getting big. This map starts off when you go west from 19. 5 - 6 - 7 | | 4 8 | 3 - 2 | 1 1: Either blow up the rocks or go around the west side of the screen, but head north. 2: Move around the rocks counterclockwise and fight past the tentacles to go west. 3: Grab the chest in front on you for a hero level up icon. I was level 14 by this point. You may notice a better sword swing as well. 4: Fight past the moleman. The chests here have health if you wish. Go north. 5: Fight past the tentacles to find a Lane level up in the upper northwest. Head east. 6: Fight the warriors and grab the Kyle level up icon to the south. Head east. 7: Fight past the magicians and head south. There's some health in a chest here too. Head south through the middle path. 8: Fight off the enemies and grab the hero level up icon. Ready for the next boss? ================= Boss: Dark Knight ================= Also known as Zold's brother... I kid! Anyway, he likes to move around a LOT, charging downwards to try to hurt you. I kindof treat this fight like the Dragon and Hand battles. See, I stand up near the top of the screen, against the left hand wall and about one space down. Than I just hit him a ton as he gets near me. You can do this too, just remember to switch out your characters before they die and use Lane last so you can mass heal everyone. Doing this (and using a potion or two), you'll take him down easily. Pick up the item he drops. Ah, two exits again. The left one leads back to the screen you were just on while the right one goes into the next area. (-NOTE-) Janosch wrote me to tell me of trick/secret that I didn't know: I had this game more than 10 years ago and recently decided to try it again. I looked for a FAQ and found your one which I found very good except for one point: Zold can have a new sword. After defeating the Dark Knight, you have to return to the place where you met him. His Dark Blade will then turn into the Special Blade, which gives him a ranged attack + lots of melee power. Janosch ============================ Chapter 8: The final battle! ============================ [RC-8] 7 - 6 - 5 - T1 | | | 8 - 9 - 4 | | | 1 - 2 - 3 1: New area, new music. Two warrior will try to ambush you from behind. Move east to screen 2. 2: Fight your way east again. 3: Blobs. Yea! Go down and back west to screen 2. 2: Follow the path west, back to screen 1. 1: Now that you're on the other side of the river, grab the chest for a Zold level up. Go back to screen three and head north to screen four. 4: Here break through the rocks and head east. Move around the trees and head north. 5: Break through this set of rocks too and head east to a town: Farewell! ======== Farewell ======== Here you can finally heal up. This town is full of people who wish us well, telling us that Barius is near. Are you ready? 9 | 6 - 7 - 8 | | 5 - 4 | | 1 - 2 - 3 1: Go up the edge of the screen, as the bridge leads to nowhere. Kill the crows that try to hit you and head east. 2: There's a TON of crows here. Quickly head right. Heading upwards leads to a chest with some health in it, so don't bother. 3: Kill the crows and magicians. Head back to screen 2. We'll get that chest yet, just wait awhile... 2: Move through the narrow space up to screen 5. 5: Head right to screen 4. 4: Left back to screen 5. 5: Back to screen 4... 4: Kill the magician and head upwards. 7: More monkies in a field! Lol. Head left. 6: Head upwards above the logs. 7: Ah, now we're making progress. Take the south path to the right. 8: Take the east path, which leads through screens 7, 4, and 3. You'll pass a first chest with health in it and get a Zold level up in screen 3. Now head back to screen eight and take the west path, which leads to screen 9. 9: Head to the middle island and go north to end up in a new area: the dungeons! ======== Dungeons ======== 6 - 7 12 - 13 - 15 | | | | | 5 8 11 14 16 | | | 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 9 - 10 1: A new area! Kinda looks like Contra and has some very dramatic music. Fight the molemen and grab the health in the chest if you wish. 2: You can fight your way south and around to a Lane level up icon. Go east once you're ready. 3: You can get the top chest, but the bottom chest has a Zold level up icon. Go east again. 4: LOTS of flying dragon heads in here, but they're easy to get by. You can go north to screen five, or west back to that chest in screen three. It's only got health in it, though. 5: Fight past the magicians. This middle area has a Kyle level up icon and health in it, while the chest on the bottom right has health. Go north. 6: Fight past the magicians and medusa heads to the next area. Same music though. The chest has health. 7: Ah, more of a castle feel. Go through the corridor's, killing mages. 8: More corridor's. There's a chest with some health to the right. Head south. 9: A short jaunt to the right. 10: Here you can go left back to a chest in screen 9 or right and up to screen eleven. Head left. 9: Here you can get the first chest for a Lane level up icon. The second chest has health. Now take the right path from screen 10 to go north to screen eleven. 11: This area requires you to zigzag to the left, eventually being able to go up to screen 12. 12: The middle chest in this area has a Kyle level up icon. Grab it and head east. 13: The rocks here hide a chest to the north that only has health in it. Screen number 14 is also hiding two chests that only have health in it. Not really worth it, given the gauntlet you have to go through. Just go east to screen 15. 15: Go around this spiraled area. The center chest has a Zold level up icon. Down to screen 16. 16: Another place full of corridor's, with a boss icon at the end. Make your way to it and get ready for the final boss! ============ Boss: Barius ============ The final boss! The strategy to take down Barius is very similar to the dragon and hand fights: smart use of health management. Barius will stay solitary up at the top, with his very noticable weak spot flashing on the right. Go up to it and attack like a madman. Go through all your characters, using Lane last. Barius has a LOT of health, so don't be surprised if you go through the Hero, Zold, Kyle, and Lane twice. But it's the last battle, so use all your health items and keep at it. He'll fall for sure. After the battle, a short epilogue will ensue, telling you the fates of any party members that are with you. Oh, and... Congrats on beating Rolan's Curse 2! ====== Bosses ====== [RC-BOS] From chapter 1: ================ Boss: Flying Imp ================ Seriously, all this guy does is fly around the room, so use whatever stragegy you want to finish him. Bombs work well, as does the hero's lightning/sword. You'll get a magic ball after the fight. From chapter 2: ================ Boss: Evil Ghost ================ Ok, this guy is EVIL. I hate him. And in all actuality, he's not that hard. Being just a floating ghost, all he does is float around on the top of the screen in a figure eight pattern. Where this gets hard though is that he'll spawn smaller versions of himself that basically home in on you. Oh, and guess what? They become invisible. Yeah, so expect to be hit a few times out of nowhere. This is where those health potions I had you stock up on help out. I started out as Pit and layed into him at the start, then ran around in my own pattern to try and avoid ghosts while laying down bombs and hurting it when I could. One potion later and Pit was almost dead, so I switched to the hero and basically followed the ghost while swatting away at him. I went through two potions, but emerged the victor. Grab the magic ball that he leaves. From chapter 3: ============== Boss: Magician ============== This guy doesn't do much more than phase in and out and move erratically. You can watch him using Kyle's play dead magic for a bit if you wish. Remember, he CAN hit you when he's invisible, so stay on the move and keep in mind that he only moves horizontally or vertically. Use that to your advantage and take pot shots at him. Use everyone but keep Lane for last and use her healing spell since it heals the entire party when you use it. Pit is good for pot shots and dropping bombs while Hero and Kyle can get in some powerful repeated side hits. From chapter 4: ================ Boss: Giant Hand ================ Ah, yet another boss that doesn't pose any danger... himself. The giant hand will move back and forth, barely covering any ground, but every few seconds he'll throw an eyeball at you. And that's it. Honestly, since the hero and Kyle hit so hard, just prance them up there and hit the hand a TON. Between the two of them, it'll die. Grab the item that drops and exit. Note that the left exit takes you back to the tower while the right exit leads to a new area. From chapter 5: ====================== Boss: Mechanical Beast ====================== This giant robot thing moves around the area slowly, spitting out orbs that try and run into you. Each orb goes straight, but they often turn to try and run into you. You can make 90 degree turns to try and avoid them, but it's pretty hard. The orbs hit HARD so be careful about how long you let your hero's stay in. Feel free to use a big potion or two. Grab the item that drops and exit. From chapter 6: ==================== Boss: Ancient Dragon ==================== This guy is a LOT like the Giant Hand we fought earlier. He stands in place and moves his head, shooting out fireballs which are VERY hard to dodge due to the fact that they'll change their path to try and hit you. So... the best thing to do is to go up near his head and start hitting him. Once you get close to death, change out your party member and start hitting some more. I went through hero, Pit, Kyle, and used Lane as she hit the dragon and also healed the party. The dragon died while I was hitting it with Lane. Watch as the corpse dissappears. Exit the boss icon and move to the new area north of you. From chapter 7: ================= Boss: Dark Knight ================= Also known as Zold's brother... I kid! Anyway, he likes to move around a LOT, charging downwards to try to hurt you. I kindof treat this fight like the Dragon and Hand battles. See, I stand up near the top of the screen, against the left hand wall and about one space down. Than I just hit him a ton as he gets near me. You can do this too, just remember to switch out your characters before they die and use Lane last so you can mass heal everyone. Doing this (and using a potion or two), you'll take him down easily. Pick up the item he drops. Ah, two exits again. The left one leads back to the screen you were just on while the right one goes into the next area. From chapter 8: ============ Boss: Barius ============ The final boss! The strategy to take down Barius is very similar to the dragon and hand fights: smart use of health management. Barius will stay solitary up at the top, with his very noticable weak spot flashing on the right. Go up to it and attack like a madman. Go through all your characters, using Lane last. Barius has a LOT of health, so don't be surprised if you go through the Hero, Zold, Kyle, and Lane twice. But it's the last battle, so use all your health items and keep at it. He'll fall for sure. ======== Credits: ======== [RC-CRE] Gamefaqs Gameboy Completion Project for providing the motivation. No way I would have done this without that! Also, thank you to DeMatt and AShultz, for the great reference material on gamefaqs.com. It helped a lot, especially Shultz's maps! Thanks to Janosch for pointing out a new weapon for Zold! I'll also thank... um... English Toffee latte's. Hey! I wrote this in January! It's COLD out there! ~Fin