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When I update I do so on GameFaqs and request that any other site with permission to use my FAQs keep them up to date. Many thanks. Version 0.50 - Posted on GameFaqs 09 Feb 2009. Version 0.75 - Posted on GameFaqs 12 Feb 2009. Added more stages. Rewrite. Some corrections. Version 1.00 - Posted on GameFaqs 16 Feb 2009. Completed info on all stages. Minor rewrite and clarifications of earlier material. _______________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS: 01 - INTRODUCTION 02 - STORY 03 - CONTROLS 04 - IN GAME DATA 05 - THE GOOD GUYS 06 - ENEMIES and DANGERS 07 - COLLECTIBLE ITEMS 08 - OTHER ITEMS 09 - THE STAGES 10 - CREDITS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 01 INTRODUCTION Alfred Chicken made his first appearance in 1993 on the Game Boy, NES, Amiga and Amiga CD32 in the UK. Alfred reappeared later in new adventures for the SNES (Super Alfred Chicken - 1994), GBC (Alfred's Adventure - 2000),and PlayStation (Alfred Chicken - 2002) in a revamped style by a different company. This is not the easiest of games as there is no save or password function. Even if this game could be saved it would still be difficult in my opinion. However, it is balanced to some extent by the number of extra lives on offer. There is also a secret Warp Room in Stage 1 which provides a handy short cut to Stages 2, 3, 4 and 5. There is also a continue option where you receive another five lives. I'm not sure if that is true of the easier early stages. I do not have the instruction booklet for this game, but I have found online versions for 'Alfred Chicken' games on other platforms which give general info on the names of characters, enemies and items, etc. Those games are not the same as this one, but there are many similarities. This is not a walkthrough. You should explore areas, go through doors, collect items, but most of all have fun. I find walkthroughs which give very detailed info unnecessary. In a good game it should be apparent, for the most part, as to what the player needs to do. But there are a lot of secret areas and rooms in this game so Chapter 09 has some additional advice and tips. There is no right or wrong way to move through a stage. You will have to explore everywhere if you want to find all the secret areas. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 02 STORY The evil Meka Chickens have kidnapped Alfred's girlfriend, Floella, along with Billy Egg and his brothers. It's up to Alfred to rescue them. What did you expect - Shakespeare? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 03 CONTROLS A BUTTON - Jump. Hold to jump higher. Press and hold to descend more slowly. Give Alfred an extra boost when using Springs. B BUTTON - Fire weapon when available. D-PAD: LEFT - Move left. RIGHT - Move right. DOWN - Peck and divebomb. UP - Enter doors. The D-PAD is also used to move in all four directions when swimming, collecting presents at the end of a stage, or when battling the Meka Chickens. START: Press to pause game, and again to go back to the game. START then SELECT shows a series of blocks, some of which are greyed out. This info is useful in some stages. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 04 IN GAME DATA There is a line of data along the bottom of the screen. Reading left to right: P0INTS / BALLOONS REMAINING / SECONDS ELAPSED / DIAMONDS REMAINING / LIVES LEFT P0INTS As far as I know, there is no particular reason to collect points. You get points for killing enemies, releasing balloons, collecting diamonds and other items. BALLOONS To complete a stage you must locate and release every balloon within it. A balloon is released by pecking at its base. Alfred will rise up with the last one to Mr Pekles' Space Station. Clearly, balloons are the most important collectible item in the stages. It is worth keeping an eye on the number remaining. There may come a time when there are diamonds still to find when you come across the last balloon. SECONDS ELAPSED Finish the stage in a fast time and you will be awarded a Speed Bonus in the form of an extra life. Answer a telephone or find a clock to remove 120 seconds from the timer. The timer resets to zero if you find a telephone or clock within 120 seconds of the beginning of a stage. DIAMONDS See 07 Collectible Items. LIVES LEFT / EXTRA LIVES You start the game with five lives. You can earn extra lives at the end of a stage by fulfilling certain conditions within it. Collecting 60 diamonds, finding the watering can, and completing the stage quickly, will all get an extra life. It is also possible to add to your tally of extra lives immediately by finding various objects, such as eggcups. In addition, collecting 100 balls, stars or acorns, etc will also get an extra life. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 05 THE GOOD GUYS: ALFRED CHICKEN Alfred dies very easily so he must avoid contact with all enemies and dangerous objects. He can divebomb clockwork mice and snails - or shoot them if he has found Mr P and received the pot of jam. [Really, I'm not making this up.] Sometimes, when Alfred only just misses an enemy with a divebomb, and ends up beak down in the dirt, an enemy will still die if it touches him immediately. MR PEKLES Mr P helps out at various points in the game. Within a stage he is always located in a hidden room. There you will receive the pot of jam from Mr P, which you can use to shoot enemies. The collectibles also start in this room. On the first stage, for example, you must collect 100 Balls for an extra life. On subsequent stages you must collect stars or acorns, etc. There may not be 100 of a particular type within a single stage, but the collectible theme will repeat in a later stage where you can add to your tally. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 06 ENEMIES and DANGERS: MEKA CHICKENS The villians. At the end of some stages the last balloon released will whisk Alfred into space to do battle with a Meka Chicken. You should always aim for the head - their only weak spot. When defeated the Meka Chicken will release an egg worth 5000 pts - Billy or one of his brothers, presumably. CLOCKWORK MICE The Mice do not present much of a threat. You can dive-bomb them, or shoot them. BYRON SNAIL As for the mice, so it is for the snails. However, some snails have spikes protruding and cannot be killed at all when the spikes are showing. They can be killed when they revert to the normal type. Other snails have chimneys on their backs which periodically shoot hot coals straight up. Extra care is needed when encountering this type. It is often best if you do kill them, especially if you need to get into an area above them - as is usually the case when they are around. And as if that wasn't enough, some stages have jet-propelled snails! These snails shoot across the screen when they detect Alfred's presence. MINO THE WHALE This enemy can be easily avoided - or shot - in the underwater sections. MINES Some circle around an axis, and others follow a dotted line around the screen. You have no choice but to avoid them. BOMBS Sometimes they are asleep. You will wake them if you get too close, and then you will have to get out of the way quickly when they explode. Others are already awake and drift towards you. LASERS Lasers fire down from a point in the ceiling above you. You will need to time it so you pass under them between the laser blasts. MORTARS They shoot up from the ground and fire shrapnel left and right as they explode. You can shoot them before they explode. You can also shoot them before they leave the ground. WATER There are some underwater areas where Alfred dons a mask and snorkel, where he appears to be perfectly at home. At all other times it is deadly. You should only jump into water when it is obvious that it is necessary to go forward in the game. ALICE LADYBIRD Dive-bombing this enemy will flip her over onto her back. Peck her to make her spin across the screen. She doesn't appear very often, and isn't much of a threat when she does. I keep thinking that she must appear for a reason and that I am missing something. JACK-IN-A-BOMB This enemy can be used to your advantage. When Jack is out of his box he shoots bombs, but when you shoot him he retreats into his box. You can then stand on the lid waiting to be shot into the air the next time he emerges. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 07 COLLECTIBLE ITEMS: WATERING CANS If found you will be awarded an extra life by Mr P at the end of the stage. Each is worth 1000 pts. Finding all watering cans in the first four levels gives a different ending to the game. BALLS, STARS, ACORNS, POTS, LIGHT BULBS, and MUSICAL NOTES When Alfred is given the pot of jam the special collectible theme for the stage is revealed. Collect 100 of these items for an extra life - across more than one level if need be. When you shoot enemies they leave one of these collectibles behind as they vaporise. CAN O' WORMS If you find this object, a worm will circle around Alfred for a limited time killing all enemies that it touches. It is also worth noting that you can still be killed during this time if you touch an enemy when the worm is in the wrong part of its orbit. Quickly turning to face the other way will reposition the worm to the corresponding position. This item can be useful for passing through ice blocks quickly. If you already have the pot of jam then my advice would be to use it instead when threatened. EGGCUPS There is no set number to a level. They are more frequent as the game progresses. Each one is worth an extra life. PRESENT Collecting a single present when they appear within a stage will make Alfred invincible for a short time. He can even walk on spikes after finding one of these. PRESENTS At the end of a stage you will shoot up to meet Mr P at the Space Station. On the way you can collect presents. Collect them all for an extra life. DIAMONDS There are 60 diamonds to find in each level. For some reason Mr P speaks of 50 diamonds when dishing out extra lives at the end of a stage, but you won't get an extra life for anything less than 60. Diamonds can also be collected by firing bullets at them. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 08 OTHER STUFF: ICE BLOCKS You can peck your way through ice blocks, but you can get through them more quickly by dive-bombing. BLOCKS and BUTTONS You cannot reach some areas within a stage until you have found a button to switch a particular set of blocks on or off. The blocks have symbols on them which correspond to the symbols above the buttons. When blocks aren't on they are greyed out. You can view the current status of blocks by pressing START then SELECT. This function is useful where there are blocks with different symbols, or where the buttons are located far from the blocks. The blocks show stars, diamonds or crescent moons. CONTROL MINE Control mines are directed by pecking the control blocks. CONTROL BLOCKS These blocks can move the control mine when Alfred pecks them. The arrows change in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction depending on which side Alfred is standing. TIP: Sometimes Alfred may have peck the control block quickly more than once to get the control mine in the correct position. GRIM BLOCKER Grey blocks which can only be destroyed by the control mine. ON/OFF BLOCKS These blocks activate or deactivate the mag mines. MAG MINES Mag mines are controlled by the on/off blocks. When the block is on (happy face) the mag mine will be attracted to Alfred. When the block is off (sad face) it will drop to the ground. Alfred can dive-bomb mag mines which sends him shooting into the air. By doing this repeatedly Alfred can reach areas that would normally be beyond his reach. If Alfred touches a mag mine in any other way he will explode in a puff of feathers. SPRINGS These can help Alfred get to otherwise inaccesible areas. Press the A Button as he lands on them to give him an extra boost. Divebombing springs will also shoot Alfred higher. DOORS When Alfred goes through a door he will be magically transported to another area within the stage. In some stages he may need to go through the same door two or three times. HIDDEN ROOMS These can be located by jumping into walls or dropping through spikes. Obviously, this isn't something Alfred can normally do. This is where Mr P can often be found. Hidden rooms are also revealed by jumping into, or shooting, invisible blocks supporting doors. TELEPHONES and CLOCKS Get these to knock 120 seconds of the timer. RADIOS Peck one of these and the background music changes. They are best left alone as the room may suddenly fill with water killing Alfred instantly. Some radios appear to have no effect. POP CANS They float. Useful when the water level is rising. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 09 THE STAGES: There is no right or wrong way to move through a stage. You'll have to explore everywhere if you want to find all the secrets within a stage. Neither is it necessary to find every egg or diamond, etc to progress - only the balloons, and they are not hidden away in hard to find places. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAGE 1 As is traditional in platformers, and other games, this stage will get you used to the controls and general gameplay. The theme is clockwork mice and cheese. MR PEKLES If you jump into the wall to the right of the laser you will find a hidden room and Mr P. WARP ROOM If you soar up from a spring against a left-hand wall you will reveal a block with a door above it. You cannot get onto the block immediately to access the door. By going right, and past the descending platforms you will reach an area with a balloon and a door just beyond. Fire towards the wall from the balloon to reveal a block a little way up the wall. Jump up, then left from the block and Alfred will disappear from sight. Scroll left as far as possible. Jump up and left again. You will now drop down to the door. TIP: It is not necessarily a good idea to enter the Warp Room, when playing this game for the first time, as you will miss out on the extra lives Mr P will award in the Space Station. But it is a good way to get back to a later level (2,3,4 or 5) given that there is no way to save your progress in this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAGE 2 The areas in Stage 2 are mostly made up of children's building blocks. Some have letters on them and some numbers. MR PEKLES There is an A-block below a circling mine and across from some spikes. Jump across the gap. Walk through the A-block. Jump to reveal a hidden door. Mr P is waiting inside. WATERING CAN In a very large room there are lots of diamonds. Jump up from the small 2-block next to the bomb to reveal a spring. Always choose Door C at the top of this room. TIP: Keep coming back here to collect stars, and so extra lives to a max of three. UNDERWATER SHORTCUT If entering the water for a second time, when you already have the diamonds, you can use a shortcut. About three blocks down on the right there is an A-block. Swim through it to the other side. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAGE 3 This stage has lots of wooden beams with large wood screws protruding. MR PEKLES When you see two wooden blocks and others with a skull motif drop down to land on the spikes above the third plank to the left of the screw. The fourth plank is also safe, but you will have to shift left a bit to drop below the spikes. Anywhere else and it's chicken kebabs all round. You are now standing below the spikes. Go right till you drop, then left to the screw. Jump up to the door. WATERING CAN Go through the iceblocks from the top of the wooden scaffolding and through the door. Near the downward pointing sign fire a bullet to the right to reveal a spring. The watering can is above you. SECRET CHUTE After getting the eggcup stand next to the sign. Jump up and left to enter a chute. MEKA-CHICKEN You can defeat the Meka Chicken by going to the very top of the screen. By flying left and right and shooting at the head you will eventually win. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAGE 4 A short stage with a fizzy drink theme. Short, but difficult. HIDDEN DOOR and SPRING Get up to the pop can and go right. Drop down and left to get into the box below the can. Jump to reveal a door. There isn't enough room to get past the block to access the door. Leave the box to the right, and drop to the jagged glass below to reveal a hidden spring. It's awkward, but you can now use the spring to get to the door. BALLOONS Do not be too hasty to release all of the balloons. There are goodies to be had below the ice-blocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STAGE 5 This stage is themed to books. See CONTROL BLOCKS, PRESENT and ON/OFF BLOCKS above. HIDDEN ROOM There is a secret door leading to Mr P in the room where you start this stage. It is located to the far left behind the chains. You will need the present to get there via the spikes. TIP: You can ride a cloud of steam upwards in this stage. You will need to do so if all the diamonds are to be collected. EGG CUP and WATERING CAN Below a row of double-thick ice-blocks there is a secret way through the bricks to a spring. To the left you can reach an Eggcup through the bricks. Continuing right from the spring you can eventually reach the watering can. THREE EGGCUPS After diving through the vertical ice-blocks and releasing a balloon you can jump right to another ledge. There is a hidden passage through the blocks above. HIDDEN SPRING In a large room with scattered diamonds and a mag-mine, there is a hidden spring among the spikes. From the central safe area it occupies the same space as the third and fourth spikes to the left. It is still possible to collect all diamonds in this room without using this spring. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STAGE 6 The theme reverts to that of the first level. Cheese and mice are back on the menu. See JACK-IN-A-BOMB and MAG MINES above. MR PEKLES As you start this level you will see two diamonds to your right. Jump through them to a hidden spring against the wall. Jump to reveal a door. There is another spring immediately to the left of the first. Use it to access the door. Mr P awaits. ON/OFF BLOCK and MAG MINE When you get to the very tall narrow room with a balloon, on/off block and mag mine, release the balloon and peck the on/off block. When you have manouevered the mag mine so that it threatens Alfred dive-bomb it repeatedly until you reach the top of the room. If you're quick you can also collect an eggcup just before you reach the top. EGGCUP IN SMALL ROOM After you meet the first jack-in-a-bomb you will drop to a small room to collect an eggcup. Shoot to reveal another door to the upper left. Exit. CONTROL MINE When you come to the room with the control blocks, manouervre the control mine to take out the two columns of grim blockers to the right where the dotted lines are to reveal two eggcups. Then take out the column above the button to release a mine which will turn the moon blocks off. Finally, take out the column above the door to reveal the watering can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STAGE 7 Fizzy drinks again as per Stage 4. MR PEKLES After you go through the first door in this stage you will see a balloon and a chimney-snail. Go right and drop towards the jagged glass and go left into the container beneath where you released the balloon. Jump to reveal a door. You have found Mr P. WATERING CAN There is a bomb in a block of ragged ice. Enter the ice to the right, wake the bomb and exit left. Go back in from the right and jump to reveal a door. Enter. Use the mag mine by divebombing to go left over two tall obstructions to get three eggcups and the watering can. MEKA CHICKEN Now you will have to face another Meka Chicken before meeting Mr P in the Space Station. This time you will have to contend with a mine as well, But the technique to win through is the same. Just stay at the top of the screen, moving back and forth, firing at the Meka Chicken's head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STAGE 8 Children's building blocks again. See ALICE LADYBIRD above. She makes an appearance, but serves no useful purpose. Not even as an obstacle. MR PEKLES In the room where you start go left. Get balloon and go up to a lateral platform. Jump up at B-block to reveal door. Enter. EGGCUP In the room with the descending ceiling move right grabbing as many stars as you can. Peck/shoot the on/off block to make the ceiling go up again. When you reach the door don't go through it. Instead, jump up to the A-blocks and walk through to another area. Keep moving quickly right. Collect eggcup. Hit button. Enter door. ANOTHER EGGCUP Immediately you leave the room with the descending ceiling take the platform left across some spikes. Get through the gap between the clocks. Drop to a second set of spikes and walk across the hidden springs. Jump up to collect another eggcup. If that proves too difficult try going left a little higher up the screen across the tops of the clocks and dropping back down if necessary when you can go no further. STARS and WATERING CAN At the top right of the clock-room there is a door. Once inside get the two clocks, then go through door number 1. Then door number 2. Then door number 3. You descend through a field of stars. At the bottom dive-bomb the 2-block to reveal a spring. Use this to get back up to collect any stars you missed on the way down. There is another hidden spring near the top of the room which you can reveal by shooting. The watering can is by the exit at the bottom of this room. CONTROL MINE The door to the top left of the clock room leads to a small room with grim blockers above. Use the control mine to create gaps which you can use to get up to the door at the top right. Obviously, you don't want to get rid of all the grim blockers, as you will have nothing to jump onto to access the door. PRESENT Immediately after leaving the room with the grim blockers you will see a present above you and to the left. Grab it to make Alfred invincible for a short time. Go right. Drop to collect a diamond. There is a hidden spring to protect you from the spikes. Peck the ice block to set the platform moving, but don't ride it. Instead make your own way across spikes and other obstacles until you reach a baby's bottle lying on its side. Wait there for the platform you just released. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STAGE 9 Large wooden beams and screws as per Stage 3. MR PEKLES In the area where you ascend through the wooden beams you will spot two diamonds with two spikes beneath them. Drop through the spikes. Go left a bit and jump to reveal door. Enter. Collect pot of jam from Mr P. Exit. Go to right and reveal spring to go back up through the same spikes you just dropped through. EGGCUPS In the area with the paint pots keep going right to balloon. Shift left and between plank and screw through spikes to collect eggcup. Going left from here will get another if you go through the spikey tunnels to a door with half-moon blocks. Enter and find hidden spring to get up to eggcup. WATERING CAN After getting the second eggcup go back to spring and exit through the door to the top right sitting on top of the screw. You will enter another identical room. Use the spring to get to where the eggcup was in the previous room and go left. Drop down and right to get into the square area made of wooden beams. Reveal door to upper right by shooting. Enter. Collect watering can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STAGE 10 Books again as per Stage 5. EGGCUP and WATERING CAN In the room with the descending ceiling jump up and left into a secret passage through the bricks. Go right on the moving platform. Drop to hidden springs above the spikes and keep going right past the jack-in-a-bomb. Exit. Collect eggcup. Shift left and jump to reveal door. Exit. Collect watering can. TWO EGGCUPS After releasing the balloon in the room with the descending ceiling exit through door and use steam cloud to go up. On the ledge to the right and above the television, which you should peck on, there is a snail. Jump to reveal block with button. Hit button, then use blah-blahs from the television to go up. Exit through the door at the top and collect eggcup. Exit. You will need to access this room again with the star blocks turned off to ascend even higher for another eggcup. There is a hidden spring below this second eggcup which should help to get the balloon in this area. Exit. MR PEKLES On exiting the room with the eggcups, use the blocks to go up. There is a hidden spring against the right-hand wall. Use it to reveal door above. Enter. Collect pot of jam. HIDDEN SPRING On exiting Mr P's room go up left. There is yet another hidden spring which will get you to the moving platform. UNDERWATER To the left of the underwater section there is another eggcup. The exit is to the top right of this room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STAGE 11 Has a theme all of its own. A water pumping station, I think. There are no secret rooms or hidden springs etc that I am aware of. A short stage leading to the final confrontation with a Meka-Chicken. ONE UP SNAIL Just before you get to the final balloon there are a bunch of snails. Keep dive-bombing them until they give up extra lives. MEKA-CHICKEN The Meka-Chicken isn't so easy to defeat this time. It will throw off question marks which explode. (How do they come up with this stuff?) When its energy meter is depleted it will change into a four-way fire-spitting ball. A mine will also appear at this time to make your job more difficult. When you have depleted its energy meter a second time you have won. You descend through a vast field of stars to collect an egg cup and meet Mr P. He reunites Alfred with Floella. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ CREDITS: The NES and SNES manuals for different Alfred Chicken games, which I located online. I do not have a copy of the instruction booklet for this original Game Boy version, but I don't suppose it would have made much difference if I had. The author's persistence. GameFaqs @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ............,...........,.,........IN?7ZIOZZZZZ$$ZZZZ$$$$$$$ .......... ......,..................IN?7ZN$$$$$ZZ$$ZZ$$$$$$$ .....................................78IZ8OOOZ$$$$$$ZZZZZ$$$ ...........:............................7$8D8OZ$Z$$$$ZZZZ$$$ ...........,.............................ON8DZ$Z$$$$$ZZZZ$$$ .........,................................D8DOZZ$$$$$ZZZ$$$$ .......,.................................~N88Z$Z$$$ZZZ$$$$$$ .........,................................OOZZ$Z$$ZZZZ$$$$$$ ..........,...............................ZZ$Z$$ZZZZZZ$$$$$$ .................................IZZ$$$O7ZOD$7$Z$$$$ZZZ$$$$$ ........... ................. .I'.........I=7O8$Z$ZZ$$$ZZ$$$ .........,..........,...,..,.~7=......,....,..=NOZZ$$$$ZZ$$$ ..........,.,..,............ ?I...ZD=...++....,=DZ$$$ZZZZ$$$ ............................:7+..=DN?.:?ZM.....~8$$$ZZZZZ$$$ ............................~$?..,7=..?MMN....:=ZO$$ZZZZ$$$$ .............................I7~,......:,..,.:~+DZ$ZZZZ$$$$$ ........................~$ZZOZZZZ7?+,..,....:+IO8O$ZZZ$$$$$$ ......................~IZ$II?????II7=:,...,:??ZDZZ$ZZZ$$$$$$ ...............,...=Z$7I??++?????????III7ZODN8ZZZ$$ZZZ$$$$$$ ................,I87I??I?=~=+??I??????????I7ZOOZ$$$ZZZ$$$$$$ ................?7+7I???+===+????????????I7II7$ZZ$ZZZZ$$$$$$ ...............?O?III??II+++?????????????I?IIII$Z$Z$$$$Z$$$$ ...........,.:8$IIII?????????????????IIIII77IIII7ZZ$$ZZZZ$$$ ............+87I?I??????????????????IIIIIIIIIII?I$Z$$$$$$$$$ ..........,$8+IIIIII??????????????IIIIIIIIIIIIIII7ZZ$$$Z$$$$ ..........7O+7III??I?IIIIIIII???IIIIIIIIIIIIII7IIIZZ$$$$Z$$$ .........,DIIIIII?IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII??I?IIIIIII7II7Z$$$$$$$$$ .........7ZI777III?????I7?II?II?III?II??I7IIIIIIIIZZ$$$$$$$$ ........,87I??II7DNDOZ$ZZDDZ+IIII?7IIII7II?7$7I?I7ZZ$$ZZZ$$$ .......,:N+I?7DD877777?I$?7$8O7?I?IIIIIII?ZZ7?7IIZO$$$$$Z$$$ ........:NOD8NDOZIIII77III?77$8O7??IIII??$Z7III?IOO$$$$$Z$$$ ..........,..=NZ$IIIIIIIIIIIIII7$ONNNND8Z77?7IIZOOO$Z$ZZZ$$$ .............,ZD7?7IIIIIIIIII777IIIIIIIIIIII??O8OOO$Z$ZZZ$$$ ..............~D8$IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7IODDOZOO$Z$$Z$$$$ ...............ONZIIII7I7III7777777IIIII777$DNOOOZZ$Z$$Z$$$$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Please feel free to email me at terenceshew@aol.com should you spot any secret areas in this game that I may have missed.