==ALEX KIDD IN THE ENCHANTED CASTLE CHEATS== -Codes- To start with 500 coins, during the intro sequence, when you see the chests hold Down + Right + A until the music stops at the title screen. ==ALTERED BEAST CHEATS== -Codes- Enter on the title screen: +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Effect | Code | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Beast Select | Hold A + B + C + Down/Left and then press Start | | Level Select | Press B and Start | | Sound Test | Hold A + C + Up/Right and then press Start | +--------------+-------------------------------------------------+ If you got a Game Over and the game restart, at the title screen hold the A button and press START. You will be able to start back at the level where you last play instead of the first level. +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Effect | Code | +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Return to Last Played Level | Hold A and press START at the title screen (only works if your last | | | play was on any level other than level 1) | +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ -Secrets- When the credits are being displayed on the screen after you have beaten the game, you can control your character to kick away the credited names. ==FLICKY CHEATS== -Codes- Start a new game, and then hold + + + . When the ''Round 1'' screen appears, release all the buttons. Now you can press or to choose the round that you start on (up to 36). -Easter Eggs- If you complete the first 10 rounds of the game in under 20 seconds each and get a perfect score in each bonus round, you should then have over 240,000 points. After you get this feat, you will then see a window at the lower left corner of the screen with a girl in a bikini. ==GUNSTAR HEROES CHEATS== -Codes- With either Gunstar Red or Gunstar Blue motion: b, db, d, df, f+shot button to execute a powerful standing slide. -Easter Eggs- Hold Down on controller one before the Gunstar Heroes logo appears on the screen in order to rotate it. During the 2nd Timeron encounter (which is in the Space Battle stage) a timer will begin ticking from 00'00''00. As the timer keeps going, the Timeron's attacks will change, and at every 20 minutes or so, a circular drone will appear, accompanied by Smash Daisaku's laughter. Avoid this drone for about 2 minutes until it self-destructs, for a single hit will reduce your health to zero. At about 50'00''00 or so, large blue balls will appear. These will rebound once against the screen, and do 11 points of damage instead of the normal 10 points from the smaller ones. Once the timer gets up to 99'50''00 or so, don't destroy the Timeron yet. Instead, wait out the remaining 10 seconds whilst avoiding the Timeron's attacks, but don't stay too close to the Timeron, or you'll get killed by the drone. Once the timer reaches 00'00''00 again, you'll hear that nasty laughter again, but this time, appears in the middle of the screen, and the Timeron will self-destruct, accompanied by the message,. A bit more of that nasty laughter accompanies the next message, . Now, instead of getting a Timer Bonus like you usually would, a Soul Bonus of 930410 points is added to your score. That might be the date that Nami reprogrammed the Timeron, I believe.