------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------[ VIDEOCART 4: SPITFIRE ]------------------------- ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- ------------------------------------[Channel F]-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o You didn't think this system wou;dn't get away without releasing a whack game did you? Spitfire is the first of the lackluster games I will cover in my quest for a Channel F Completion. What hurts this game the most besides its piss poor excuse for controls is the fact that it's a single game cartridge that wasn't even worth the money to buy even in those days. If you are playing this using the MESS emulator and you don't know the actual controls of the system, I will tell you the buttons to press on the emulator. As you can see, I've contributed a lot of screenshots to the system itself with the MESS. I'm playing this on the actual console itself. o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Videocart 4: Spitfire and its characters are trademarks of Fairchild and all copyrights belong to them. This FAQ is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka Ice Queen Zero and cannot be put on other sites or posted without my given permission nor can it be reproduced without proper consent. For my other guides: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html o---------------------o OVERVIEW o---------------------o Blue Max and the Red Baron are at it again as the battle between the Allies and the Axis still rages on while the two pilots try to shoot each other down. You would probably recognize this activity as dogfighting. You are playing for points here. This is a 1 or 2 player game. o---------------------o CONTROLS o---------------------o Console and Controller 1 - Two player game 2 - Player 1 (Blue Max) vs the CPU (Red Baron) Plunge Down = Fire Up = Rotate clockwise Down = Rotate counterclockwise MESS EMULATOR 1 - Two player game 2 - Player 1 (Blue Max) vs the CPU (Red Baron) Button 1 (Plunge Down) = Fire Up = Rotate clockwise Down = Rotate counterclockwise o---------------------o GAMEPLAY o---------------------o There ain't that much to say about this game. You are just going around trying to shoot ach other down. Both of you start on the ground then a countdown from 3 to 0 will occur and once the number reaches 0, both planes will take off and manuever around the sky. I assume that the players will keep fighting until one of them reaches 99 although this game is endless and it does get boring really quick. If you go out one part of the screen, your plane will wraparound (come out from the other side). Now if you choose to go against the computer, you better get used to the sorry excuse for controls quickly because the computer is tough competiton and will wipe the floor with you in a matter of seconds. Always remember that you cannot fire your weapon until you've made at least one turn. In either game, when the losing plane gets shot, it will tumble to the ground and roll into the command station. A funny thing to note is that if the losing plane was shot down, it will fall through the floor and come out throught the top and then tumble into the tower. o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o Fairchild for making the game. GameFAQs for hosting my FAQ as well as my reviews. The readers for reading the FAQ. My grandpa, Jageau "Jagged O" Steile Sr. for having the actual Channel F unit. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o My email address is here if you have any questions to ask about this FAQ or give any suggestions. azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Check out me and my sisters Youtube page at http://www.youtube.com/user/PurrfectTrio Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero