------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------[ VIDEOCART 17: PINBALL CHALLENGE ]------------------ ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- -------------------------------------[Channel F]------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o On paper... when you think about the name Pinball Challenge, you would probably think you are dealing with something related to pinball like bumpers, flippers, launcehrs, etc. Unfortunately, that is not what you are going to see within this game. Instead, you will play a mere Breakout clone and then some. o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Videocart 17: Pinball Challenge and its characters are trademarks of Fairchild and all copyrights belong to them. This FAQ is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka Ice Queen Zero and cannot be put on other sites or posted without my given permission nor can it be reproduced without proper consent. For my other guides: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html o---------------------o CONTROLS o---------------------o Left/Right - move left/right ->Up - speed up ->Down - slow down PLUNGE DOWN - launch ball TWIST LEFT - decrease game number/paddle size/mode TWIST RIGHT - increase game number/paddle size/mode PULL UP - choose the option o---------------------o GAMEPLAY o---------------------o The G? appears upon turning the game on, twist left or right to decrease or increase the number for the game. Choose the size of the paddle between 4 and 14 then choose the variation 1 to 33. Game 1: Pinball Wiz 1 player game and basic form. This is chosen if no choice is made in 10 seconds. Game 2: Co-op Partners 2 players. Player one can only move the paddle right and player two can only move the paddle to the left. Both players must work in sync of each other. Game 3: Crossover Partners Players take turns hitting the ball. Ball changes between green and blue to represent the current player color each time the ball is hit. Game 4: Pro Challenge 2 player competitive move. One player hits and scores points if he/she hits a block then switches places with the other player who is below. If the top player misses, the bottom player can hit the ball and the top player vanishes while the player remaining will shrink and stay shrunk while still active. Game 5: Block Shot 2 player competitive mode. The offensive player has to get the ball past the defensive player who tries to prevent the offensive player from scoring by trying to block the ball back before it reaches the blocks. If the offensive player misses and the defensive one hits, the offensive player's big paddle will disappear and the defensive player's blockers will disappear too. The roles are then reversed until that player misses. Game 6: Double Block Same as Game 5, blockers stay intact when a shot is missed by one player. Mode 1: Paddle Shrink 1 Ball shrinks slightly when it touches the top wall. Mode 2: Paddle Shrink 1/2 Ball shrinks to half its original size when it touches the top wall. Mode 3: Paddle Change Each time the ball is hit, it will strink to the next smallest paddle size down to size 4 then it expands to size 14 and starts shrinking again. Mode 4: Ball Speedup Ball speed increases with every hit of the paddle. If you hit the red bricks or the top blue bricks, the ball may speed up even more. Mode 5: Invisible Blocks Self-explanatory. You can't see the blocks until after you miss the ball after which the remaining blocks will reveal themselves temporarily. Mode 6: Pro Speed Extra speed added to the previous modes. They are reserved for variation 17-32 and are an upgrade of variation 1-16. Just add 16 and you will know what game variation you got + Pro Speed. Extra Notes: -While there are 2112 variations, there are really 6 different games with 32 different ways to play and 11 default sizes. See the variation section for the 33 variations. The 33rd variation is to replay the previous game over and over. -The are 6 layers of bricks, the bottom 2 layers (green) are worth 1 point for each brick. The middle 2 layers (blue) are worth 4 points and the top 2 layers (red) are worth 7 points each. In all, you should earn 384 points for one set of blocks. -You are given 7 balls to work with regardless of what mode you are in. You will keep knocking away blocks until all 7 balls are used up and it is game over. -The way it works is that once all bricks are destroyed and let's say you used up 2 balls to do it, you have 5 balls remaining to clear out the next set of bricks and the cycle goes on. -The ball bounces in different angles depending on number of times it hits the paddle. After the 4th pattern, it will stay until it reaches the upper blue or red bricks. It'll speed up and keep the first pattern afterwards. o---------------------o VARIATIONS o---------------------o 01: Paddle Shrink 1 02: Paddle Shrink 1/2 03: Paddle Shrink 1 + Changing Paddle 04: Paddle Shrink 1/2 + Changing Paddle 05: Paddle Shrink 1 + Ball Speedup 06: Paddle Shrink 1/2 + Ball Speedup 07: Paddle Shrink 1 + Changing Paddle + Ball Speedup 08: Paddle Shrink 1/2 + Changing Paddle + Ball Speedup 09: Paddle Shrink 1 + Invisible Blocks 10: Paddle Shrink 1/2 + Invisible Blocks 11: Paddle Shrink 1 + Changing Paddle + Invisible Blocks 12: Paddle Shrink 1/2 + Changing Paddle + Invisible Blocks 13: Paddle Shrink 1 + Ball Speedup + Invisible Blocks 14: Paddle Shrink 1/2 + Ball Speedup + Invisible Blocks 15: Paddle Shrink 1 + Changing Paddle + Ball Speedup + Invisible Blocks 16: Paddle Shrink 1/2+ Changing Paddle + Ball Speedup + Invisible Blocks 17: Variation 01 + Pro Speed 18: Variation 02 + Pro Speed 19: Variation 03 + Pro Speed 20: Variation 04 + Pro Speed 21: Variation 05 + Pro Speed 22: Variation 06 + Pro Speed 23: Variation 07 + Pro Speed 24: Variation 08 + Pro Speed 25: Variation 09 + Pro Speed 26: Variation 10 + Pro Speed 27: Variation 11 + Pro Speed 28: Variation 12 + Pro Speed 29: Variation 13 + Pro Speed 30: Variation 14 + Pro Speed 31: Variation 15 + Pro Speed 32: Variation 16 + Pro Speed 33: Lock-In previous selection for subsequent games o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o Fairchild for making the game. GameFAQs for hosting my FAQ as well as my reviews. The readers for reading the FAQ. My grandpa, Jageau "Jagged O" Steile Sr. for having the actual Channel F unit. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o My email address is here if you have any questions to ask about this FAQ or give any suggestions. azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Check out me and my sisters Youtube page at http://www.youtube.com/user/PurrfectTrio my facebook is facebook.com/icequeenzero Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero