==CODES== -Hidden Sound Test- When the main title "GP Part II" comes out, but before any music heard, Hold L+R button on Controller 2, and press "Start" button on Controller 1. The screen will changed to dark with only "Sound Test" text appear. To choose the music, tap the D-pad left or right to make the music titles appear. To plays the music, just tap B or A button. ==PASSWORDS== -Level Passwords- A the title screen, select GP Race, then enter the following passwords at the Continue screen: +-------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Effect | Password | +-------------------+---------------------------------------+ | Round 02 | JHDXB1CX PZBZ5WLCL YFW4BB4B DBGDBBCF2 | | Round 03 | JMGYB1CX PZBZ5WWC4 #LCRKCWB GBGFBBDK6 | | Round 04 | JSOYB1CX PZBZ5W4FM RRYBLDLB JBGHBBCPH | | Round 05 | J126B1CX PZBZ5XKHP G128TGBB KBGRBBCZW | | Round 06 | J527B1CX PZB25XSJY O6G4XGBB MBGSBWGDB | | Round 07 | J93FB1CX PZB25XZKZ D#14OGWB MWGYBWCK6 | | Round 08 | KC3FB1CX PZBZ5X7K7 XFJW3HBB QWG3BWKQJ | | Round 09 | KJKFB1CX PZBZ5YFMQ &K3G6JBB RBG5BWJVD | | Round 10 | KPKGB1CX PZBZ5YQP0 SRK88J40 TBG5BWHY& | | Round 11 | KTKGB1CX PZBZ5YYP0 5W48#6BD WBL8BWZFZ | | Round 12 | KPKGB1CX PZBZ5Y6RH K1MXBLLD YBL8CMBJF | | Round 13 | K2KGB1CX PZBZ52BSS 356SBMLD ZBR&CMJPF | | Round 14 - Europe | F2L8FCMW YWDWBFF9S R8687PWJ XBG9B5HWC | +-------------------+---------------------------------------+ ==SECRET ITEMS== -Speed Boost- To get speed boost at the beginning of race, just try to make the speedometer's needle-hand pointing at the line between number "8" and "10" when the green light's up. If you time it correctly, you will get extra boost which may passed all the opponents when the racing just starts. This trick is working almost the same like Speed Boost trick in Mario Kart.