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New in this version -ASCII box art -More maps -Format and better spelling, and slightly different wording -------- Contents -------- I. About II. General Info A. Getting Started B. Controls III. Cars IV. Tracks V. Driving Techniques VI. Secrets/Codes/Tips/Neat things VII. Rumors IIX. Contact Info IX. Legal Stuff X. The End This FAQ really isn't long but if you want to find anything just use Ctrl+F on your browser. __________________________________________________________ I. About ---------------------------------------------------------- -Published by Titus (Yes, the people who brought you Superman 64) -Supports: Rumble pak and Memory Card -Fully Licensed Cars Box Art (looks better the further away you are) ;;iii;rr77XSXXSa8BWMMMM@0aX;:,,:i7SaZ000Za22Sa22SXXXS2S22S2XSSi ,ii ::; i,,,:,,:ii:ii;;i;;i.. ,:;SZWMMMMMMMM@0aXS;,X,7 X ,Z7r7;rrr7XSSZS r;;MB8S;B00r 7 iiii::,,....:ir7XXXXri::,,. .; .B 8 M S;7r7rr;7X,iaM S M 7 7;;i:;rX2aZ82r;, i 78rMaMMaM87r,.7;aZ00M8,;MMS MMSBWMW X Sa2S7riirX7: .,, . . Mi0W8MMBM0BW.Z Z MMSS rSi8 .M 7M M8 MMXMMMW X r7XXS28Mi. .i.iZSSMZMBM80B7i, MMr2 .B Mr8@ M8,ZS M 7 ;r;7XaZi 7M@MBr,:MMM08; r iX,XMMMZXM MZ,MMMM 82aS8MM 8Mr .i;;r; .:,::, 2 ;MM. MMa,:. MM; MBMZBM:;M MM:MB;MWZZ aZaZM@MMM r0XMMi,7Xr;i ... X0.MB 7i ,7iM ;M MXMa M MMaBZ@M.;. 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BW0rM@Z8M0B0 @@@MS. ,aM@W@@M@@MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0ZaWW@MMMMMMMMMMWMX M800 @MMMWM0aMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM@MMMMM@MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM@MMMMMMMS80MS ,2 8M000 @@MMXZ0B8;MMMM@MMMMMMMMMMMMM@MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM@@MMMMS00Mi . ,M000 @MMMB@@@WWM@@MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS00M2ZZr82@000 @MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM@MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMa00W@MMMM@WBB0 __________________________________________________________ II. General Info ---------------------------------------------------------- A. Getting Started- You should have anywhere from three to six options depending on the number of controllers plugged in. They are as follows -One player -Arcade-timed race like an arcade -Championship- a series of races in which points are earned as well as other cars -Single race- one race -Time trial- just you and the clock -Two players -Three players -Four players -Records-the tracks and their respective records -Options -Game -Toggle Difficulty -Speed Units -Help Arrow- Arrows directing corners -Controllers -Analogue- partial or fully -Type- Wheel or Standard -Sound -Sfx- On/Off and volume -Music- Same as above B. Controls- Well, this is a racing game so, they are pretty simple --- /Joy \ Steer Left <- |stick| -> Steer Right \___/ (A)-Gas (B)-Brake Rearview (^) Rear View (<) C (>) Hand Brake (\/) Downshift (when using manual gearbox) _______ R______| Up shift(when using manual gearbox) ------- |L_____ Not used Change View |--| ___| |___ | D-pad | | | | | Change View ___________________________________________________________ III. Cars ---------------------------------------------------------- All racing games have cool cars. Lamborghini64 is no exception is features fully replicated cars from various manufacturers. Including Lamborghini (obviously), Ferrari, McLaren, Porsche, Dodge, and Buigatti. You start with the Lamborghini Contach and Diablo. Are there different cars in the game? You betcha. Wanna unlock 'em? Check the secrets section! Here is the full list of cars Lamborghini -Diablo -Contach Ferrari -F50 -Testarossa/512TR(can not be determined from playing the game) Bugatti -EB110 GT Dodge -Viper GTS coupe McLaren -F-1 Porsche -959(yes,the legendary all-wheel drive rally-monster) ___________________________________________________________ IV. Tracks ---------------------------------------------------------- AL64 contains six tracks. I don't have ASCII maps of 'em all yet but if someone wants to make me some I'll happily put them here and give you credit. There are beach/coast area tracks, country area and my favorite street area complete with tough 90º turns one after another. All feature secrets in the San Francisco rush style but not nearly the plethora of secrets that rush contains. They sometimes help you out but occationally they actually end up being longer than the normal route. If you want, feel free to e-mail me some secrets/shorcuts and I will gladly add them to my FAQ. Make sure you specify where and in which track and please spell correctly not like "Yo wut^ g, ][ fund @ $ecrit" or "i be hte 1337 nd r0Xors ur b0Xors". Overall tracks are not too difficult and many can be completed easily. The track markers can be turned on or off. They simply show arrows in the direction of a turn. Green arrows are the least sever turn, yellow the middle and red the most sharp. It has an effect on how you drive them, which bring be into my next section. If you follow the track markers it is easy to do well. First Track -Pretty Simple -Almost an Oval -Main point of CAUTION is heading into the tunnle at the start as you may get bumped of the road and into the side missing the entrance and lossing time -This goes counter clockwise and starts at the "!" on the map Map ______________ / \ |_!_ | \__--_______/ That is the basic idea, on this one I removed part and added where the pits are. ______________ / \ |---| | \__--_______/ ^ This is the pit Second Track Rest of the tracks coming soon! If you need them I'll put them up sooner. ___________________________________________________________ V. Driving Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------- Yes, it can be done by just flooring it but you'll miss some fun and cool stuff. Personally my favorite is donuts. To do a good, solid donut hold gas, hand brake and left/right. Suddenly you should let go of brake and the car will spin like a top and do a 540º Or you can use hand brake while driving at a high speed and turning. It works great. Kind of reminds me of Ridge Racer. This technique can be used around 90º corners but first turning the opposite direction of the corner and doing a 270º in to it. It looks really cool when you pause and look at it through the viewer. During pit stop lightly tap upward repeatidly to get the perfect fuel rate. Also, if you don't need anymore just press A to skip to putting on tires. For tires use your thumb or your palm to rapidly rotate the control stick. Show those Mario Party Skills! ___________________________________________________________ VI. Secrets ---------------------------------------------------------- Tips Tricks Secrets From Gamefaqs Reverse Tracks Win the championship mode on Novice and Expert to unlock the reverse tracks. Contributed By: SS3 Grown Trunks, Source: Self Unlock New Cars Just win the following to get the car that you want: Porsche 959 Arcade Basic series (Novice) Ferrari 512 TR Arcade Pro series (Novice) Dodge Viper GTS Arcade Pro series (Expert) Ferrari F-50 Arcade Basic series (Expert) McLaren F1 Normal Championship series (Expert) Bugatti EB110 GT Normal Championship series (Novice) Contributed By: SS3 Grown Trunks, Source: Codebook ___________________________________________________________ VII. Rumors ---------------------------------------------------------- Well there's not much digging to really by done on this title. There's only one somewhat interesting tidbit I found. Back in they day when the 64DD was promised and hypped, an expansion to this game was planned/worked on. It was supposed to unlock more cars and what not. Evidently when Radnet and the 64DD dream crashed so did this project along with many others. ___________________________________________________________ IIX. Contact Info ---------------------------------------------------------- More info to add, suggestions or submitions? TELL ME! Gamefags Message Board alex1015 E-mail Wafflejuice7[at yahoo].com (spam proofed that's all) ___________________________________________________________ IX. Legal Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------- Here it is again. Kind of sad it has to be put here again. This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It CANNOT be reproduced electronically(except for personal use). It warrants the authors permission to be placed on a web site except Gamefaqs. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, alex1015 All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Copyright Alex Baer 2002, 2003. ___________________________________________________________ X. The End ---------------------------------------------------------- Well, that's it. That is my first FAQ ever. Feedback would be nice. Also thanks to CjayC, Parents, Friends, girlfriend, YOUR NAME HERE(for a submition) etc. Please, e-mail me, I want you to! ASCII art, secrets, tips, credit will be given.