____ __ _ __ __ _ __ / __ )___ / /_ ___ ( )_____ / //_/(_)___/ /____ / __ / _ \/ __ \/ _ \|// ___/ / ,< / / __ / ___/ / /_/ / __/ /_/ / __/ (__ ) / /| |/ / /_/ (__ ) /_____/\___/_.___/\___/ /____/ /_/ |_/_/\__,_/____/ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS BY: FUTURE^TRUNKS (future-trunks@mail.com) VERSION 0.53 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH. ALTHOUGH I HAVE PROVIDED ENOUGH INFORMATION TO COMPLETE THE GAME, THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A COMPLETE STEP-BY-STEP WALKTHROUGH, RATHER A REFERENCE IF YOU NEED ANY HELP WITH THE GAME (AND YOU WILL). ----------------Intro---------------- Is it a nightmare? No! It's Bebe's Kids, usually addressed as one of the worst games of all time! I am by no means in disagreement with the people who think this, but people have waited long enough for a FAQ for this game and I have spent long hours trying to beat this game and now I have. This is not a walkthru, but I will do all that I can to help you through this game and appreciate it at least a little (only about 7 or 8 people made this game). Well, on with the FAQ! If you are having just general trouble with the game, I suggest you read "I CAN'T BEAT THE FIRST LEVEL!!! WHAT IS WRONG??!!". There are 2 characters you can choose from, a boy and a girl. It really doesn't matter who you choose, but I suggest the guy, because he's smaller and therefore is harder to be hit by enemies. I kinda rushed thru this faq, so if you have any questions don't hesitate to e-mail me. Table Of Contents 0.0 - FAQs 0.5 - General Instructions 1.0 - General Theme Park Stages 1.1 - I CAN'T BEAT THE FIRST LEVEL!!! WHAT IS WRONG??! 1.2 - I CAN'T BEAT THE SECOND LEVEL!!! WHAT IS WRONG??! 2.0 - The Haunted House 2.1 - THE HAUNTED HOUSE IS DRIVING ME NUTS! HEEEEELP! 3.0 - The Pirate Ship 3.1 - THOSE PIRATES JUST WONT GIVE ME A BREAK! WHAT CAN I DO? 4.0 - The Pit Stages 4.1 - I'M IN WAAAAY TOO DEEP AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! CAN YOU HELP??? 5.0 - The Final Boss!!!! 6.0 - The Great, Great Ending 0.5 ---FAQs--- Q) What is Bebe's Kids? A) Bebe's Kids is a game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Q) Why would you make a FAQ for this game? A) Simple: no one else has. Q) What a stupid reason to make a FAQ... Tell me more about the game. A) This game is very rare, and not much is known about it... I do know that it was made by Motown Games (I believe this was there only production... go figure) and published by Mandingo (Don't ask me who they are either...) in December 1993... and that's about it. It's a "movie-brawler" (sigh), and a veeery poor one at that. Don't be upset if you can't beat the first level, let alone the haunted house... that's what this FAQ is for :) Q) I need help with something that doesn't seem to be in the FAQ!! Heeeeeeeelp! A) That wasn't a question... but ask it in the Bebe's Kids message board at GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com), and I or someone else will address it for you, and I will include it in my FAQ in its next release. Q) I just can't seem to hit some enemies and/or bosses! Can you help? A) Heh heh heh... this game has THE WORST collision detection THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN... but that means the enemies will have a hard time hitting you as well, so it balances out! Seriously though, the enemies' weak spots are VERY touchy, just keep pummeling away until you hit it. 0.5 ---GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS--- button commands: Up, down, left right: move in the respective directions A - duck, pick up item B - jump X - kick Y - punch L & R - used together to perform special moves (look in section 1.1 for details) 1.0 ---GENERAL THEME PARK STAGES--- These are the stages that involve a theme park, Men in Black, Men in Mouse Suits, and dogs (in later levels) 1.1 --I CAN'T BEAT THE FIRST LEVEL!!! WHAT IS WRONG??!!-- The most frequent problem, is that people don't know how to do special moves. I can't say that I blame you, it took me a long time to figure this out too. Uppercut: hold L and R and press Y button. You will unleash a deadly uppercut that kills Mice in 2 hits and guards in 3 hits. It is a special move that you will be using a lot, so get used to it. Spinning-jump-kick: Oy. This move is really annoying to pull off, but you NEED it for the last 2 stages. Jump in the air, hold L and R (as you do for all special moves) and press Y. You will unleash a deadly Spinning-jump-kick. AND, this isn't a special move, but press A to pick up items, including food, and hold L and R and press B (for some odd reason) to throw your items. These are all the special moves in the game, so practice them and whoop some butt! ENEMIES There are 2 enemies in this stage that you fight over and over again. _The Men in Black_ are big men that try to force you out of the park. Try to get a few uppercuts on them, as they are walking away from you. Don't idly stand near them for too long, or he'll pick you up and take off about 1 bar of life every second. _The Men in Mouse Suits_ are... Men in Mouse Suits. These guys won't give you too much trouble, just uppercut your way to victory. 1.2 --I CAN'T BEAT THE SECOND LEVEL!!! WHAT IS WRONG??!!-- This level isn't difficult, just annoying. Stay in front of the man at all costs and break the dishes with a punch, kick, or special move (I suggest kick). The counter will count down every time you break one (landing on the floor doesn't count) and will count up every time the man catches one. You have time though, so watch out. 1.3 --I CAN'T BEAT THE THIRD LEVEL!!! WHAT IS WRONG??!!-- This level is identical to the first, except now the people who work in the food booths try to throw stuff at you. Avoid it. ENEMIES The enemies in this level are _The Men in Black_, _The Men in Mouse Suits_, and a _Black Panther_ for some odd reason. The latter will bombard you but won't cause you too much trouble. Just try to get a couple uppercuts on him when he dashes towards you. 2.0 ---THE HAUNTED HOUSE--- Hahahahaha!!! These mummies and such are trying to scare our heroes!! Of course, they won't slow us down, but the maze will..... 2.1 --THE HAUNTED HOUSE IS DRIVING ME NUTS! HEEEEELP!-- AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! THE DREADED HAUNTED HOUSE!!!!!! STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, if you are reading this, you can join the rest of the group who just CAN NOT beat the Haunted House. But don't fret! We (the people of the Bebe's Kids Message board on Gamefaqs) have found out the solution. While I have not mapped out the maze, here are some tips. First of all, try to ignore enemies. You have limited time and you must spare it wisely. You can go through the bookcases like doors. Look in the top-right corner of the screen, and you should see a blue thermometer. As you get closer to the exit, it gets redder and redder. When you find a room with two doors and a carpet in the middle, YOU ARE CLOSE. Back out of the room the way you came in, and start guessing doors and backtracking if the thermometer gets bluer. Eventually, you will find the exit. 3.0 ---THE PIRATE SHIP--- Arrrr, matey! We are trying to steal your precious cargo... of...... nothing.... there's no reason why we're fighting you..... yar. 3.1 --THOSE PIRATES JUST WONT GIVE ME A BREAK! WHAT CAN I DO?-- These stages are not that hard. Just uppercut and spin-kick the pirates and avoid the swords that the skinny ones throw. The parrots are very annoying, and they are almost impossible to hit. Your best bet is to jump and just belt them with your fist (one hit will do it). You will know you're at the end when you see a steering wheel and a pit in the bottom-right corner. Just jump down the pit and you're on your way to the boss. He's not hard, just spin-kick him a few times and avoid his attacks. Then you're onto the pit stages. 4.0 ---THE PIT STAGES--- 'nuf said. 4.1 -- I'M IN WAAAAY TOO DEEP AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! CAN YOU HELP??? -- Again, these stages are not hard, but are annoying. You will have to jump down pits and jump up pits in the ceiling killing strange-looking enemies and robots (ooook then). You will see food on the way. Pick it up. Don't bother with weapons you may find along the way. These stages will be the last you will have to go through.... until the final boss of the game!!! 5.0 ------!THE FINAL BOSS!------- This guy is a big robot, and he's really hard.... hard to HIT!!! Here's some tips. The rest is up to luck. Pick up the rocks and food at the beginning. Go to the very left of the screen, and he will try to hit you for dear life but will just barely miss. Jump and aim for his chest with the rocks. Then, spin kick him a few times (it has to be in the chest or the game will seldom detect it) and he will go into near-death mode (when his head pops off). Then, spin kick him 3 or four times and avoid the thingies that his head shoot at you from above (don't ask why). This is easier said than done, of course, but just keep going and you'll do fine. 6.0 ---The Great, Great Ending--- Awwww what a cool ending... well, not really. It's a bad ending to a bad game. History: 10/22/01 Started The FAQ, did the table of contents with sections 1-6. 10/23/01 Added section 0, changed version to 0.5 beta rather than 0.5, updated the intro.... nothing big today. 03/10/02 It's been a while, but I added the cool ascii art today. I also added the enemy description for the first and third levels. 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