FAQ #2 (UPDATED) E shay monda moola dip....DIP! ----- -- -- --- --- --- ' - \ ' ' ' ' / \ ' ' / / ' ' \ \ ' ' ' ' / / ' ' / / ' ' ) ) ' ' ' ' ' -- ' ' / / ' ' / / ' ' ' ' ' / ' ' / / ' '-- / ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '/ / ' ( ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ( ' - \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '\ \ ' ' \ \ ' ' ' ' ' \ ' ' \ \ ' ' ) ) ' \ / ' ' -- ' ' \ \ ' ' / / \ ----- / \ \ ' ' \ \ ' '- / \ / \ / ' ' \ \ ----- ------- --- --- --- --- - - -- -- --- - ---- ' '\ \ ' '' ' ' \ / ' ' '\ \ ' ' ' --- ' ' ) ) ' '' ' ' '\ \ / /' ' ' ' ) ) ' ' ' ' ' '/ / ' '' ' ' ' \ \ / / ' ' ' '/ / ' ' ' --- ' ( ' '' ' ' ' \ \ / / ' ' ' ( ' ' ' ' ' '\ \ ' '' ' ' ' \ \ / / ' ' ' '\ \ ' ' ' --- ' ' ) ) ' \/ ' ' ' \ \/ / ' ' ' ' ) ) ' -- ' ' ' '/ / \ / ' ' \ / ' ' ' '/ / ' ' ' --- --- -- - - - --- ---- ---- The walkthrough! Author: Cedric Cooks/Oda (Username: Cedoda) E-mail address: cedric60914@yahoo.com This basically here is the same walkthrough done a year ago, but updated with more detail. It is still thus far the only Buck Bumble guide on the net (Until another one comes in, of course). Table of Contents 1. Story 2. Controls 3. Items 4. Weapons 5. Enemies 6. Helpful tips 7. Walkthrough 8. Credits 9. Disclaimer Revision History 7/24/2000 Finished up controls section. 7/25/2000 Finished sections 2-5, and I'm done with stages 1-10 on the walkthrough. 7/30/2000 Added "Extras" to the walkthrough. 8/11/2000 Just for fun, I'll throw in the lyrics to the introduction! 2/18/2001 Story is now thrown in. 8/16/2001 Completely updated, with a new disclaimer and a completely re-edited walkthrough. Also took out the rap. 1. Story The setting is Rural England, everything appears to be peaceful, but not for long....... A chemical spill that took place years ago has affected a good number of insects, now being referred to as The Herd. Immediately, weapons were being made, and with an unusual interest in nuclear weapons, they, with their leader, the queen, are plotting to take over the garden, and perhaps the entire world. Only one bee known as Buck Bumble can put a stop to this threat. Good luck! 2. Controls Control Stick: Move A: Fly B: Hover C-left/C-down: Change weapon C-up: Change camera angle C-right/R/L: Do a loop-de-loop. (Press any button before he's halfway finished to turn around quickly) Start: Pause 3. Items Honey drop: Eat this hanging from flowers to recover some health. If they are found in a green sphere, and you grab them, you'll fully recover your life meter! Point particles: Depending on how big it is, you'll get 10,100, or 500 points. 10,000 points. means an extra life! Key piece: Needed for key doors, they are gotten by performing certain tasks, usually by killing a certain enemy. Switches: Shoot the blue dot and see what happens! It can't be hit while it's red. They mostly open doors. Explosives: Carry these to your destined area, but make sure it doesn't hit ANYTHING or you're dead. Nuclear Device: Fly through one and get out of that area quickly! Red Doors: Opened by killing all enemies. Yellow Doors: Opened by hitting switches. Key Doors: You need all three key pieces before you can open these! Portals: Takes you to another area, obviously. Some may require you to shoot every enemy in the area in order for it to open. 3. Weapons (I don't know their real names, so don't scream at me if I get it wrong. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent and overthrow the guilty. Sort of.) 1. Blaster Pistol Full ammo: Unlimited Power: Pathetically weak Ammo packs it comes in: None, it's infinite Speed: Kind of slow Usefulness: As Marshmallow would say, "Leave this one in the garage!" This puny little weapon, just like any other starting weapon, is weak and useless, and is only to be used as a last resort if you run out of ammo, although with the ammo you collect here, there won't be any! Definitely a must put away once you get a weapon better than this. 2. Plasma Blaster Full ammo: 500 shots Power: Pretty darn good Ammo packs it comes in: 50 shots Speed: Medium Usefulness: Very helpful. Now this will be a MAJOR threat to the herd! It fires plasma blasts, which has the potential of wiping out several enemies in a few hits. It holds the most ammo in the game, and it has a nice fire rate. Basically, this is your bread and butter for most of the game. 3. Grenade launcher Full ammo: 40 Power: Ok Ammo packs it come in: 5 shots Speed: Pretty slow Usefulness: Some An O.K. gun, basically for ground targets. It can also be used for airborne targets, but it's preferred for heavily armored targets, such as snails and weevils. 4. Multi bomb Full ammo: 20 Power: Strong (Assuming all bombs hit the target) Ammo packs it comes in: 3 groups of them Speed: Medium Usefulness: Some I only use this to destroy the heavily armored turrets on the ground, and is also recommended for heavy enemies on the ground and multiple enemies on the ground at once. Not suprisingly, they're for ground targets. Oh, the bombs spread out, weakening the damage but allowing you to hit multiple enemies. 5. Auto-crossbow Full ammo: 200 darts Power: Weak as weapon #1 Ammo packs it comes in: 30 arrows Speed: Very freaking fast! Usefulness: Almost as useless as weapon #1 It looks more like an automatic crossbow, that's why I gave it the name. Anyway, it fires arrows at very high speeds (They even stick to surfaces), but they are so weak, that bosses will find this weapon ticklish (Apart from your starting weapon, of course). I only use this to defuse the Nuke weapon on stage 13, but that's it. 6. Homing Missile Gun Full ammo: 20 missiles Power: Man, this is going to hurt..... Ammo packs it comes in: 5 missiles Speed: Pretty fast Usefulness: It's helpful enough, at least. Your basic "Fire and forget" weapon, it launches a missile at your enemies. No need to lock on, just aim and shoot. They can only go a certain distance before they run out of fuel and lose altitude, however. 7. Laser gun Full ammo: 100 shots Power: Strong Ammo packs it comes in: 30 shots Speed: Medium Usefulness: For certain situations Don't let the small size fool you, this weapon packs quite a punch. This small red laser has the potential to level some heavily armed enemies in a few hits, and some form the weaker ones in one hit. 8. Fly-By-Wire Missile Launcher Full ammo: 20 missiles Power: You'll feel this one in the morning Ammo packs it comes in: 5 missiles Speed: Pretty fast Usefulness: Prepare to fall in love with this weapon! It's similar to the homing missiles, but you control the missile yourself! Take cover and fire, because if you get hit, you'll lose control of it and you'll have to fire another one. It too, can also go a certain distance, but the fall can be used to your advantage to strike some targets below (Sometimes). 9. Lighting Gun Full ammo: 10 blasts Power: Medium Ammo packs it comes in: 3 shots Speed: A little slow Usefulness: Not as useful Big in size, but not in power, this fires a lightning blast that goes through several enemies. Don't expect this to work on bosses, though, it's not really powerful against them. 10. Lock-on Plasma Blaster Full ammo: 100 shots Power: Medium Ammo packs it comes in: 40 shots Speed: Did that just pass Speed Racer's car? Usefulness: Good One of my favorites, it fires plasma blasts that chase enemies. However, the lack of ammo won't be enough, but it's nice for taking out enemies in groups. 11. Stun Gun Full ammo: Unlimited (Although the dumb thing says 10 for some unknown reason) Power: It only paralyzes, though enemies will find this ticklish Ammo packs it comes in: None. Be happy. Speed: Medium Usefulness: Only used in the 11th level, it's thrown away once completed. Used only in the 11th level, this is used for shooting Herdlings. 4. Enemies Dragonflies: There are 2 types of these bugs. The first type just flies around, another type fires at you and follows you. Wasps: These things are completely annoying. The moment one sees you, it'll try to sting you! Plus, they rely on that safety in numbers tactic-they travel in groups. Oh, the other type carries a gun and fires it at you. Mosquitoes: They crash into you........annoying things............. Snails: Some threats they are-they just move around. However, when they die, and blood flies all over the place, don't get hit by the blood, as it'll harm you. Another type is where they have a gun mounted on their backs, and when they die, they'll fire two heat seeking missiles at you! Weevils: I hate these enemies. Their nose is a cannon of sorts, and when a bomb hits you, it takes off an insane amount of health! That's not right! Thankfully, they shoot in a straight line, allowing you to move away, but it does turn when you move. Beetles (Wild guess) : Very rare, they fly around and fire lasers at you. Spiders: They hang on webs, blocking your path. The only way to remove the web is to kill the spider. Ants (Another wild guess): These little munchkins squirt blood at you. Flies: They fire pulse shots at you, and always seem to get in the way when you have a chance to go somewhere. Earthworms: Found watery areas (How odd.........), they fire pulse blasts at you when you get close. They're also a little hard to hit because they move their head a lot. Giant Beetles: A bigger, tougher, and well armored beetle, they fire lasers at you from one place. When they near death, they get up and fly around. Gatekeepers: These rare machines unload heavy firepower on you (Can you say lasers and homing missiles?). Even if you know what the weak spot is, you'll have to make it past their tricky firepower to get to it! Boats: They shoot missiles at you. And here are some other traps! Protector beams: When you get close to a certain object, it'll fire lasers at you. Look for switches to shut them off. Proximity Mines: One type hovers in the air, and gets close to you when you get close enough. Also fires laser blasts. Thankfully, these can be destroyed. On the other hand, there is another type where they are planted on the ground, and will ALMOST KILL YOU (If not instantly) if you're not careful. Plus, they can't be destroyed. Turrets: One fires from ceilings but is weak, the other kind is mounted on the ground, but has strong defense. 5. Helpful tips 1. Flee to a certain area (Such as a corner) and blast some bugs from there while hovering in place. 2. Take cover whenever possible. This holds especially true for later stages. 3. Doing a loop-de-loop can save your hide when it come to enemies attacking you up close-especially if it's those annoying wasps. 4. Save honey drops for when you really need them. Trust me, this game hard enough with all this firepower being aimed at you. 5. Don't touch the water! If you do, press A rapidly to get him out! Otherwise, he'll die. Besides, I'd laugh myself silly if a bee could swim. 6. Impossible as it may seem, you can shoot enemy missiles! However, it's better to fly away from them. 6. Walkthrough Note: Secret areas are now covered in the walkthrough! Stage 1: Shock Strike Objective: Kill all enemies in the area. Simple enough, teleport out of your base (The route is linear) and get ready for action. Turn to the left and kill the dragonflies and pick up the plasma gun while you're at it. Head for the red door. The moment it says "Herd Gate Open", 3 wasps will fly out. That's also your cue to shoot before they even reach you. Head through and you'll find more enemies. Kill the flying ones first, then the snails with the grenade launcher. Look for a trail of points to continue, but beware of the proximity mines at the top and bottom! The last 3 enemies won't be much trouble, just a snail and two dragonflies. Stage 2: Radar Run Objective: Locate the 3 radar dishes before your base is discovered. The herd seems pretty desperate to locate your base, eh? Anyway, shoot the switch to open the door ahead. You'll immediately see a radar dish. Shoot that and continue to kill the enemies you see around you. There should be another switch in the area, shoot that to open a door. Go over the hill (Hence the trail of points leading up) and continue into it. You'll spot another dish, destroy that and take care of the wasps. You'll have seen a green wall on your way in. Behind it is some points leading to a warp. Inside, you'll find 2 wasps, a full health honey drop, and the Auto-crossbow, but don't use it (Yet). See those gray rocks with flashing blue dots? Destroy those to uncover the secret passage HQ told you earlier in the briefing. You'll be encountering the weevils for the first time, so pull out your grenade launcher and get ready to pack some serious heat! After the rumble, you'll see a pond. Remember, if you fall in the water, press A repeatedly to get out or he'll drown. Go over the lily pads to get some Multi bombs. Ahead is a warp, but 3 midair mines block the path. Shoot them, but beware of a wall turret. Ah, the last radar dish! And unlike the last two, they're heavily guarded! Ignore all threats and destroy the last dish. Stage 3: Return Fire Objective: Save the base before it's gone! Ah, the Herd was just lucky......... This stage will pose a challenge. Go forward (The path is linear) and you'll spot a switch. Shoot it to open the door. You'll have to go back, since it's a dead end, and you'll eventually see the yellow door along the way. Go inside and into the warp. Surely you know the way back to base? Good! Remember to shoot the mines so you won't get badly hurt. Eliminate all threats around the base and it'll be safe! Sort of.......... A Herd ground unit managed to put a nuclear device here, so you'll want to take it out of the base. To where they dropped it and gently go down until you pick it up. Go back to the warp. After going through the door, go left. Going to the right will only make you go to the spot where you shot the switch earlier, so don't go to the right. When you approach the pad, go low enough go Buck will drop the explosive on the pad. There! Done! Stage 4: The Sonar Tower Objective: Destroy the Sonar Tower. HQ is slow at finding equipment, I know. Start off by shooting the shield generator and follow the wire to another shield generator. All 4 shield generators are connected to each other, and they are all connected to the Sonar Tower. There are also enemies and mines along the way, so be careful. Short stage walkthrough, eh? Once you've blown up the shield generator, you're free to shoot the Sonar Tower. Stage 5: Big Blips Objective: Wipe those enemies (As big blips of course) before the base is threatened. Why can't HQ get a security system? You start off at your base. You know the way to the warp. Once you warp to the location, you'll encounter Earthworms for the first time. Use your plasma gun to shoot them in the head that they die. Then you'll face a giant one which is more powerful than the last two. To make this guy a joke, shoot him when he starts to rise up out of the water, Or better yet, get in his face an wipe him out instantly with the Multi bomb! Stage 6: Short Fuse Objective: Take the explosives and drop them under the Herd's control center. Shoot the switch to destroy the protective beam, but don't pick up the bomb yet. Rather than go forward to the door, but it's locked! However a wire coming out of here will lead to a switch. Avoid the mosquitoes and shoot it, then get out of here! After heading through the door, shoot the wasps and look down. You'll see the Homing Missile Launcher! Pick it up and continue through the linear path leading you into the smelly old sewers. You're only threats here are Earthworms and a wasp. Explore the area for power ups and when you see a yellow door, go to the left and you'll encounter a switch. Guess what you have to do to it........ Head through and blast the Earthworms with your homing missiles, and wa- la! You've just cleared the path en-route to your destination! Go back and pick up the explosives and head to the control center. Ignore all wasps and go inside carefully inside and drop them under the target. Stage 7: Outpost Objective: Destroy the Herd Outpost. A pretty linear level, search the area for power ups (Including the Homing Plasma Gun), and blast the life out of those wasps. Then after nailing the fly (Who just likes to get in your way), you'll see mines at the top and bottom. Shoot the mines at the top so you won't be taken by surprise when they explode in your face, and head to the right through the fence. There are two protective beams. To the right are two switches. One has a fly guarding it, and another by a army of ants. Shoot both switches to remove them. Then shoot some kind of blue covering to enter the sewers. The sewer path to the Outpost is linear, just watch out for enemies and search for items. Once you're there, you'll have to destroy the generators connected to the Outpost. Two of them, however, are connected to each other. Once destroyed, the center of the Outpost is all yours to blow up. Stage 8: The Sewers Objective: Kill all wasps and wasp generators. The entrance to the sewers is basically straightforward, along the way to your right, there should be a secret passage. Here, you'll find lots of health and points and ammo. Not that much, though....... Shoot the blue covering blocking the entrance, and keep going 'til you land in a room full of mosquitoes. Avoid them to your best ability and go to the right, and blow up the midair mines. Careful, though, as one will surprise you from the right (That's because you're closer to that one than the one to the left.). Pick either direction you want to go, left or right, because the have wasps generators and wasps galore. After you finish off one wasp generator, go to the other side and blow up that one. However, there are a total of three, and we only have one more left to go. Remember that room with the mosquitoes we went through earlier? Well, you'll see another path dead ahead when you re-enter. If you see pipes aligned vertically on the walls, you're on the right path. Go to the far end and follow the linear path to the final wasp generator. Stage 9: Clean Up Objective: Scan this particular area for any info. As always, proceed forward. You'll get a message that says "DANGER! KEEP LOW!" It's not a fireworks display, but rather, bombs bursting in air like "The Star Spangled Banner" are launched from cannons. They'll tear you apart if you're careless, so stay low at all costs. You'll have to look for 3 key pieces here, the first one is right when you enter. Shoot that weird looking box with the blue dot for key piece #1. Follow the water path to the end and you'll encounter a earthworm, blast him for the second key piece. And the third one will be obtained from shooting one of the wasps. Go back to the start, and enter through the door. Kill all enemies to open the portal. Once you go inside fly forward avoiding all mosquites and shooting flies in your way. To be honest, I think HQ just sent you out there to kill stuff. But it'll change after you go inside.......... You're accidently warped to a mini-boss, and you must kill it to clear the stage. First off, never, and I repeat, NEVER GET UP IN IT'S FACE AND SHOOT HIM. You're just asking for a suicide mission and you'll end dying under heavy fire. Shoot it from a point where it can't shoot back, but pick a weapon that has enough range to hit it, at least. It'll rise up when low on health, so keep at it and it should go down after a while. Stage 10: Scramble Pylon Objective: Destroy the Scramble Pylon. HQ found the reason for the teleport error, but if I remember correctly, shouldn't it be you and not HQ trying to find the rest of the Herd equipment? Anyway, this door has five switches, and you'll have to find them all. The first four are easy to find, it's fifth one that'll confuse some first timers. Naturally, the first half is non-linear. First off, fly through the logs (Inside one of them is the infamous Fly- by-wire missiles). Eventually, as you exit the second one, you'll see a wire going out. Follow it to a switch, but brace yourself-lots of enemy fire is ready to tear you up. Once that's taken care of you can do the other four in any order. However, I usually do it like this: Fly to the right. One switch is on the left side, the other on the right. Follow the left one first and you'll find a switch at the end. Shoot that. The other one is hanging around the area with all of the earthworms. Then go to the left side. Follow the right wire this time first. You'll be gunned down by lasers, but be thankful that at the end there are two flowers! After that's gone, do the other one. And wa-la, we have opened the door! The pylon is guarded by 3 earthworms and a boat. I like to blast the pylon from afar with 2 manual missiles. It'll go down completely afterwards, but be sure to watch out for the boat, because while the earthworms shots can't reach you, the boat will, because it moves around. Stage 11: Herdling Research Objective: Capture 3 different colored Herdlings. Don't let HQ's briefing fool you-it's actually quite noisy here, because of the turrets and other enemies around here. You'll also have to search for (Yet again) 3 key pieces. First off, after the path at the start spits you into a wide open area, go to the left a little. Here, if you see a mound a with some automatic guns (I'm tired of calling them turrets right now) and a platform with a weapon you've never seen before, that's the stun gun. Pick it up and blow up one of the automatic guns around here with the multibomb for the first key piece. Near the start of the area, you'll see small yellow bugs. That's one of the Herdlings you have to find! Unless you have eyesight that can help you spot Waldo in under a minute, don't confuse with the yellow ants around here. Shoot it with the stun gun (It'll flip over, meaning it's paralyzed) and carefully pick it up. Then take to the start point so it'll be warped back to headquarters. One thing you need to know about Herdlings-treat them like explosives so you wont accidently touch the ground and they'll get smashed and die. Buck won't lose a life, but that means you'll have to get another one, and there are three in each area, and to my knowledge, they don't come back, so you'll want to be careful. I'm only saying this because I never knew if there were an infinite amount of these guys. The remaining key pieces shouldn't be hard to find, one is in the building with square holes, and the last one from blowing up the snails. Enter and you'll see wasps armed with guns, keeping in mind that they take more hits then their unarmed cousins. Be sure to kill the snail, too, so the red door will open. Here, you'll spot a switch being guarded by a automatic gun. Blow it up and shoot it, then follow the path to the end for some red Herdlings. Do the same procedure as before. Remember, you can defend yourself and keep the Herdling intact. Remember that switch you shot earlier? The door that was once locked is now open! Ignore all threats and you'll see the last species of Herdling-green. Do the same tactic as you did for the other two. Stage 12: The Extractor Objective: Destroy the Extractor. At the start, you'll eventually see wires connected to a switch. Follow both wires (They go the same way, and the switches are apart from each other, so you don't need to follow the other wire.) and shoot the switches from a distance, since they are surround by proximity mines on the ground. After that, shoot the main switch. Follow the wire to the door and enter when it opens. Inside you'll see 2 more switches, with midair proximity mines and flies. Stay low and shoot both switches (And the flies blocking them) to open the door and remove the protective beam to your left. Kill all the wasps in the next area, and after going through that red door, another switch should be to your right. This will get rid of one more protective beam guarding the extractor. There's also a secret alcove (Destroy the rocks with blue flashing dots, see Stage 2: Radar run) under the ground with health and ammo. It's pretty easy to take out everyone in the area before you blow up the extractor, and you can stock up on health and ammo by shooting those boxes. Shoot both sets of realistic looking batteries to wipe out the extractor. Stage 13: The Nuke Tower Objective: Disable the Nuclear weapon before it's launched. I wonder what made nuclear weapons turn on the Herd so much....... Anyway, stock up on ammo, then push forward. Turn left to a path leading to a switch, shoot it, and continue on the path you were just on. Avoid the homing missiles at all costs, they're being launched at you the entire time. Go behind the barrel near the fence and the madness of homing missiles will stop. Upon entering the next area, however, look to your left for a switch. It'll get linear until you enter the sewers. A protective beam blocks the portal. Kill the earthworm, then head to the left for a switch. Enter the portal......... You have 1:50 (Or 1:40, I forgot the time) to disable the Nuke missile. Eliminate all threats, the use your Auto crossbow to shoot the blue dot. It'll move somewhere else after a few hits. For the record, it'll start in the center, then move to the left, then to the right. It'll repeat once more. Stage 14: Mucus Storage Objective: Destroy the Mucus Storage. You'll truly make friends with the Fly-by-wire missiles in this stage (And for the rest of the game). Pick up all the ammo in here and continue. You'll see some flying enemies in front of the protective beams. Kill the enemies with the Homing Plasma Blaster, then shoot the switch ahead with the Fly-by-wire missiles, since the beams guard them. Go forward and kill all the enemies in the next area (Including the guns mounted on the walls) And do the same for the next area. After that, you'll have to go through some holes in the fences, but ahead are some more protective beams. Use your Fly-by-wire missiles to hit the switches. You'll then be at the mucus storage. Personally, you can either hit the blue dots on the silos from afar with your manual missiles (Another name for the weapon), or get up close with the Lazer gun and shoot it a few times. Be wary of the enemies, though. Stage 15: Depot Attack Objective: Kill the wasps before they reach the depot. Then, destroy the Spore Carrier. A linear stage, you must kill three wasps before they reach the depot. However, when you hit a wasp, it'll leave behind a 10 point powerup, so they'll take lots of punishment before they give up the ghost. Apart from dying, you'll also lose a life if even one wasp reaches the depot station. The Spore carrier isn't as tough as it looks, though. Get behind it and shoot the two engine exhausts, then the top will uncover it's weak point. Shoot like mad until it goes down. Stage 16: Steralization Objective: Trigger the nuclear device and escape. Another linear stage, I can cover this in one paragraph, because the Herd has already triggered the device and you have about 2:40 seconds to escape, and this stage basically consists of you using your Homing Plasma Blaster to shoot anything getting in your way. You'll get some ammo for this gun along the way, and you'll want to get out of here alive by using this weapon in this stage, unless you want him to enjoy being part of the fireworks show. Stage 17: Scorpion Killer Objective: Kill everything in the hives area of the Herd's base. All right, start off by shooting the spider on the web. Then go to the left, being sure to shoot the proximity mines. Be careful, though, they fire back! Pick all of the power ups and health and go to the other side. Along the way, you'll see a spider who will shoot orange blasts that spun around and try to hurt you! Take cover and fire your fly by wire missiles at it. Shoot another spider on the web and you'll see another giant beetle. Use the same strategy as you did on level 9, explore for power ups, and continue. Kill the Earthworms in the next hallway, and you'll another Giant Beetle (AGAIN?!) You should know how to kill those. Be honest. At the end of this linear stage is a warp. Kill the Giant Earthworm to enter. You'll fight a Gatekeeper at the end, but it's not as hard as it looks. Get in between the two guns and fire your laser gun at it. Stage 18: Core Nuke Objective: Use a bomb to blow up the core. Everything in the first area must eliminated, and that includes the ant and wasp generators (Unless you like endless enemies). A portal will open, so continue into the next area. The path is pretty linear for the moment, so go ahead and blast the spider on the web. Eventually, a bomb, a mosquito generator and a portal will be seen at the end. Wipe out the generator, deactivate the switch to remove the protective beams (So you'll pick up everything in the room, including the bomb), and enter the portal with the bomb in hand. It'll be very hard to do, though...... The moment you enter this new area, go to the left, don't go straight right now. Shoot the switch so one more protective beam will be gone, then continue ahead and turn left again. You'll see the spot on where to drop the pad, but you'll have to shoot the 4 blue spots (You'll see them, trust me) with your manual missiles. Killing the earthworsm are optional, and if you did kill all 4, wasps will eventually come in as reinforcements. In any case, get rid of the protective beam, drop the bomb, and get the heck out! You have about 1:30 (or 1:40) to exit, but it shouldn't be hard to do, except at the beginning. Go through the middle and turn right if you get lost at the beginning. Ignore the earthworms and rush into the portal! Whew...... Stage 19: Gatekeepers Objective: Destroy all gatekeepers, then kill the QUEEN! Okay, everyone....final stage.....here we go! Turn around right now, because you are facing the path to the Queen's chamber. After going through a linear area for a while, go to the left. You'll face a gatekeeper, do the same strategy as you did in stage 17, but watch out- they fire homing missiles at you more often! Pick up the key piece, and go the other direction, since this is a dead end. If you by any chance cross a bridge of sorts, you're on the right path. Ahead is another gatekeeper, take care of him. And on the right side of the bridge, is another gatekeeper. You'll know it when you see some bars aligned. After slughtering all the gatekeepers and getting all the key pieces, it's time to work your way to the Queen's chambers. The Queen can be a pain to take out for first timers. She has two phases. The first phase is where she walks around and fires lasers at you when close. She also unleashes homing missiles at you, and she does this a lot. Use the Fly-by-wire missiles to shoot her in the head. Get away when she gets too close, and make use of the flowers in the corners of the arena. Her second phase is much easier, she flies around. It's pretty easy to kill her with the Plasma Blaster, because she really doesn't do anything other than follow you around. Afterwards, you'll beat Buck Bumble! 7. Credits Nintendo/Ubi Soft: Well, they made the game, after all. Cedric Cooks/Oda (Cedoda): I wrote this! CJayC: Let's just say without him, this website, www.gamefaqs.com, wouldn't exist! Wow, the credits were that short? 8. Disclaimer FOR THE WEBMASTERS: This guide was made by me, Cedric Cooks/Oda (Cedoda). I have nothing to do with Ubi Soft, Nintendo, or any other affiliates (If any) involved in the making of this game. It can be printed out, but not for money. Also, make sure you give me credit if you want to post this on your site. If you say this is yours, you'll be in serious trouble (Not to mention that CJayC (Gamefaqs webmaster) will send out powerful lawyers afterwards. The latest version is always at www.gamefaqs.com, and I'd appreciate it if you update it when my new version is updated, unless you like the previous one better. FOR THE COMMONFOLK: So you want to print this guide out? Well, first, you need my permission, and you must promise not to sell it. You will use the guide as the thing it's intended to be-a guide. Either that, or out of entertainment (Reading it just for fun). If you must send me E-mail, send me informative E-mail, which includes hints, secrets, and thank you's for the guide. Don't send me idiotic E-mail, which includes job applications for your site, complaints, insults, stuff already mentioned in the guide, etc. Trust me, it won't make it. Both of you people must follow these rules. Failure to do this will result in you not using the guide altogether. Until the next guide, everyone.......... FEEL THE STING OF BUCK BUMBLE, BABY!!!!!!!!!!! Copyright 2000 by Cedric Cooks/Oda All rights reserved -"And that's the end of that chapter!"-