Boss Characters Finish the game with 4 full teams, 1 edit team with Shingo, and 1 edit team with Leona on any difficulty level. You will get 1 boss character for every time you clear the game for a total of 6 bosses. Level Select Finish the game once then go to the SETTINGS screen. You can now choose your starting level. Play as Kyo from King of Fighters To access a classic version of Kyo, simply select Kyo using the OPTION button. Shortcut Moves After you have won the more than 97 wins on the record, you can do this. When selecting the 'Extra' or 'Advance' mode, use the 'option' button to select it and you should be able to use short cut moves during game play. It requires you only to press a directional button with either punch or kick to do moves that would otherwise be hard to perform. Specials can be done by pushing semi circle forward and a punch or kick button, or semi circle backwards and punch or kick. Character unlocks Unlockable How to Unlock Orochi Beat the game with Shingo and two other characters Orochi Chris Beat the game with the New Face Team Orochi Iori Beat the game with Leona and two more characters Orochi Leona Beat the game with the Savior Team Orochi Shermie Beat the game with the Southtown Team Orochi Yashiro Beat the game with the Heroine Team