==CODES== -100 Ships- Go to the Options menu and set up the options as follows: Difficulty - Hard Ships - 2 Continues - 1 Then select Sound 65 in Sound Test and press A. There won't be a sound, but when you start playing, you'll start with 99 ships. -Skip first level- Hold down B and press the Start button on the title screen. You should start on the second level now. -Stage Select- Highlight ''Sound Test'' in the Options menu. Then press A to listen to the sounds in this order: . A stage select option should appear at the bottom of the screen. -Start with 99 Bombs- Press on controller two at the ship select screen. -Weapon Power-Up- Go to the Options menu and set up the options as follows: Difficulty - Hard Ships - 3 Continues - 2 Then select Sound 77 from Sound Test and press A. No sound will be heard, but when you start playing you can gain Level 20 firepower by pressing B on controller two.