Drakkhen FAQ/Walkthrough Super NES Version 1.2 Creation on: February 22, 2004 Last Updated: March 23, 2005 By: Brandon C.D. (BCD) Contact: E-Mail - bcd851@yahoo.com This document is copyright 2004-2005 Brandon C.D. All Rights Reserved. ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ I. Table of Contents (ToC) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ To find what you need faster, hit ctrl+f on you keyboard and enter the three symbols to the right of the section, to get to where you want quickly. I. Table of Contents (ToC) II. Intro (ITR) III. Getting Started (GST) A. Controls (CNT) B. The Icons and Menu screen (ICN) C. Battle (BTL) D. The Overworld and Dungeons (TOD) 1. The Overworld (OVW) 2. The Dungeons (DGN) IV. Forming the Party and Stats (F&S) A. The Character Classes (CHC) B. The Stats (TSA) V. Walkthrough (WLK) A. The Beginning (BGN) B. The Marsh and Ice regions (M&G) C. Collecting the Tears (CTR) D. The End (TND) VI. Appendices (APX) A. Appendix A: Items (APA) 1. Weapons (AA1) 2. Armor (AA2) 3. Miscellaneous (AA3) B. Appendix B: Spells (APB) 1. Field Spells (AB1) 2. Battle-Defense (AB2) 3. Battle-Attack (AB3) VII. Miscellaneous Info (MII) A. Hints and Tips (H&T) B. Fast Experience Points (FEX) C. Game Genie Codes (GGC) VIII. Thanks and Credits (T&C) IX. Version History (VRH) X. Legal Info (LGI) XI. Contact Info and Closing (CIC) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ II. Intro (ITR) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ Hello and welcome to my Drakkhen walkthrough. This FAQ features both a complete walkthrough and a full and in-depth guide to the world of Drakkhen. This means there is a full list of weapons, armor, items, and spells. A bestiary might be added in the future, but it is still an idea and may never appear at all. I hope you will find the FAQ useful and helpful in your experience with Drakkhen. For those of you who want to know what this game is, Drakkhen was one of the first games available for the Super NES. It is a RPG that was ported to the SNES from the PC. You move around the overworld in a first person perspective, while the dungeons, and battles are in a third person view. You control a party of four in a quest to save the human race by collecting eight magical tears. Not much to it storywise. However, It is a very unique game and I don't think there is another game like it. For more information about the game, read the Getting Started section and the reviews for this game. Finally, I would like to warn you that this FAQ does contain spoilers. I did my best to keep the spoilers to a minimum, but in order to write this FAQ, I needed to have a few. If you wish for a spoiler-free walkthrough, I suggest you look at terrisus' FAQ. ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ III. Getting Started (GST) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A. Controls (CNT) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= D-pad: Overworld view- Up and Down: Move forward and backwards. Left and Right: Turn left and right. Third-Person view- Move the selected character around. Menu Screen/Icon selection- Move the Cursor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Select/Start: Brings up the map and compass screen on the overworld. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L and R buttons: Overworld view- Brings characters from first-person to third-person mode and back. Battle- (overworld battles only)-pressing the L and R buttons repeatedly will allow you to escape battles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y Button: Switches character you move in third person mode. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X Button: In a dungeon, you can toggle whether or not you want to take the whole party or the individual character you have selected. Red means you take the group, blue means you will take only the character you have selected. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B Button: Cancel/go back to the previous screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Button: Confirm selections. Brings up the icon selection option if not selected. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= B. The Icons and Menu screen (ICN) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To be able to select the icons on the lower right corner of the screen, press the A button, and you will be able to select an icon. Press A to choose an icon or B to go back to moving your characters. The Icons: ======================= Here is the layout of the icons. _____________ | 1 | 2 | 3 | _____________ | 4 | 5 | 6 | _____________ | 7 | 8 | 9 | Here is what each one is and what they look like. ******************************************************* 1. Character info icon (looks like a person's head) 2. Speak icon (set of lips) 3. Help icon (Super NES controller) 4. Take icon (open hand) 5. Combat icon (sword) 6. Activate icon (hand pushing a button) 7. Look icon (eye) 8. Exit icon (door) 9. Save icon (tape) ******************************************************* Here is what each icon does. 1.) Character info icon: This is where you can see you character's status, the items you have in your inventory and your equipment. This is also where you equip weapons and armor, use or drop items, and cast non-battle spells. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.) Speak icon: If you encounter somebody with information, you can use this to have them tell you what they said again if you missed it the first time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.) Help icon: Here the game provides you a description of the controls, icons, and general information about how to play the game. If you think I wrote this section poorly, then look at this instead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.) Take icon: If you find a particular object, you can use this icon to take and keep the item. You will need to be close enough to the item reach it. Note: Inside a dungeon, if you see a red dot, it is usually something worth looking at. Sometimes it will be an item for you can take. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.) Combat icon: Here you can set up what each character will do in battle. This includes just attacking with their weapon, casting an attack spell or a defensive type spell. For more information, check the battle section of the FAQ, which is just after this part. You can tell whether or not a character is set up to use a spell or not by looking to the right of the screen next to their MP. If you see a sword they are set to attack with their weapon or to stay away from the enemy. If you see a staff, that character will try to cast the spell they are set to use when a battle occurs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6.) Activate icon: This icon is used to push a button or pull a lever. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7.) Look icon: If you find something interesting, look at it closer by getting close to it and using this icon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8.) Exit icon: You can exit a castle (dungeon) at any time. Just select this icon and voila, you are sent back to the entrance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9.) Save icon: To save your game, just select this icon. Just remember you can only save on the overworld. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= C. Battle (BTL) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Battles in Drakkhen are almost entirely controlled by the CPU. Battles occur randomly on the world map, and fixed inside dungeons. You hardly control your characters in battle. The only thing you do in the middle of a battle is move around the character you have selected. However there are things you can do to improve your chances. =============================================================================== 1.) Adjust the character's combat settings. These settings effect what the AI will have each party member do in battle. This includes having an character attack in battle, cast attack spells, use healing and support spells, or to stay away form the enemy. Adjust these accordingly. For example, have your Magician cast his/her best attack spells on bosses, but against weaker enemies or times when you want to conserve MP, have it use weaker spells or attack with it's weapon. This leads to tip two. =============================================================================== 2.) Equip the best weapons and armor you can get Better equipment can make a difference. Stronger weapons do more damage, and better armor will reduce the damage you take. The one exception to this is giving a character a bow and arrow. Although, many weapons are stronger, the Bow & Arrow is the only long-range weapon in the game, making it a great weapon for magicians and priests to use when you want to conserve MP, or when you want to stay away from an enemy's range. Just watch out because it is possible for enemies to break your equipment, meaning you lose it forever. You do not want to lose all your powerful equipment from one measly battle. This leads us to tip three. =============================================================================== 3.) Save and save often. You never know what will be at the next turn. I know this is said in almost any game, it is very true with this game. There are several enemies that can either kill your whole party very easily, destroy all of you equipment or both. After finding a useful piece of equipment, defeating a major enemy, or going up a few levels. It is highly advised that you save your game because a single enemy could come around the corner that could very easily take away your hard earned stuff. =============================================================================== 4.) If all else fails, gain more levels. By defeating enemies and earning experience points from weaker enemies, you can go up levels to increase your stats and learn new spells to face stronger enemies. These two things that can make battles easier. You can also earn more jade, the game's currency, to buy better equipment and items this way. Escaping from battle: It is possible to escape from battles. On the world map, keep tapping the L and R buttons constantly. Eventually, the enemy will run away regardless of how powerful it is although it will sometimes take longer for it to work in some battles more than others. Inside a dungeon where the battles are not random, the only way to escape a battle is to go into another room. However, if you go back into the room the enemy will still be there, and you will need to fight some of the battles in the dungeons to advance further. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= D. The Overworld and Dungeons (TOD) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================== 1. The Overworld (OVW) ========================== The Overworld is where you will be for half of the game. You travel around in A first person perspective across the island of Drakkhen. Random battles occur here too. Over time, the time of day passes from day to night. Some areas are only available at certain times of day and some of the most powerful enemies only appear at night, so be cautious. The overworld consists of four areas. Each represents one of the four elements. These elements are earth, fire, wind, and water. First is the forest in the near south, which is the earth region, this is where you begin the game, and where the weakest of enemies are. The marsh is just north of that, which is for water ,you cannot go there at first, but you will shortly into the game, the enemies are stronger too. To the far north is the icy region. This area is the wind part of the island. You will visit this area third. The enemies are even stronger and there are a few large dungeons here. Finally to the far south is the desert. This represents fire and it is where some of the strongest monsters live and where the final dungeons are. Throughout the overworld are Inns, which usually have either information or sometimes a merchant that you can buy or sell weapons, armor, or items appears in them. Merchants can also appear randomly on the roads, so carry a few spare pieces of equipment to sell to them when they appear for jade. Also throughout the map are Anaks. At an Anak, you can receive free healing of your HP and MP, along with being able to revive dead allies. Make sure you know where the closest one is so get there quickly if someone dies. Also on the map are the fortresses or dungeons. These are where the dragon princes and princess live. Most of which you will need to go inside to meet and fight them in order to get the tears you need to complete the game. Three other things to be concerned with are things to avoid. First is water, if you get to close to water, your characters will become visible and will sink and eventually drown if you do not do anything. To get them out of the water, keep pressing the L and R buttons. Just remember to step away form the water afterwards so they don't head back to their death. The second set of things to worry about are the things that look like statues/tombstones. If you bump into one of these you will face a powerful giant cat-like monster. This thing will destroy you very quick, even if you are at high levels and have strong equipment. Only face them if you want to die. The third thing to avoid, while not as deadly as the other two is worth mentioning, is the road of flashing arrows. This road has a purpose that you will find out about later in the game. But until then don't go near it, especially after you become stronger because when you are weaker the dragons will not attack, but once you go up levels and get better equipment, they will challenge you to battle and can easily kill you, so do not go there until you need to. For information about locations or about various places on the overworld, either press the start button to see the map, where you are, and what direction you are heading. You can also look at DHowell's map for more info. ******************************************************************************* ========================= 2. The Dungeons (DGN) ========================= The fortresses or dungeons are where the dragon princes and princesses live. You will have to visit them throughout the game. Most of which you go inside and explore. There you will face non-random enemies, and will find treasures and items. You will also find switches and levers you will need to push or pull to reveal new areas to progress. There are also many locked doors or dark rooms. Doors can be unlocked with either keys, which you can find from red dots in dungeons, or by casting the spell Unlock. You can light up dark rooms with torches. You can pick up torches for later use, but they will make the room you are in darker, or you can cast the Light spell. Last, but not least, you can exit a dungeon any time with the exit icon. However, you cannot save your game inside. One more thing to remember is that when you exit a dungeon, everything inside will respawn. This means that whenever you reenter the place, everything will reappear, including enemies and items. You can reenter a dungeon and recollect the weapons and armor inside. Just remember that all the doors are locked again. For more information about getting started, or how to play the game in general, go to the help menu (the Super NES looking icon, upper right corner). ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ IV. Forming the Party and Stats (F&S) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ Before you begin the game, you will need to form a party of four characters. You can either take the game's preset party, or create you own custom party. Although they will not be too much different, except that you choose the character's gender, name, and where their stats will be distributed. Creating your party is a four-step process. Here are the steps in order: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.) Choose the character's gender, male or female. Not much to it, and I do not know how it effects the character except for how they look. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.) Choose the character's class. They can either be a Fighter/Amazon, Scout, Magician, or a Priest/Priestess. Your party will end up with a character belonging to one of each, so you cannot have party of four fighters or the like. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.) Give the character a name. Enough said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.) Distribute their stats. You will see a set of five numbers between 5 and 18.Each number is used for each stat. The stats you put them into are Power, Agility, Intelligence, Knowledge and Physique. One last stat is Fortune, which is preset. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A. The Character Classes (CHC) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fighter(Male)/Amazon(Female): The Fighter/Amazon is your strongest character in hand-to-hand combat. He/she will be able to use all of the weapons and armor. He/she will almost always have the most HP, Defense and Power. Focus on power more than anything because that is what they rely on the most to damage their enemies. The main weakness is their lack of spells. They start with the spells Strength and Invisibility and those are they only two spells they get. But they really don't need them to be a major character in your party. Those spells are all they need to make them even bigger powerhouses than they already are. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Priest(Male)/Priestess(Female): The Priest/Priestess is your primary healer and support character of the group. He/she has useful healing and defensive spells along with a few attacks spells for taking out enemies out as well. If you do not want to worry too much about caring for your party, then you will want them to have higher Intelligence, improving the AI the game gives them allowing them to use their spells more efficiently and wisely. However it is still not that great and you will still have to often manually use the Priest for these vital functions. They have a decent selection of weapons and armor, including robes, which only they can equip. However, they should try stay away from the front lines in battle and only come in when desperately necessary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magician: The Magician specializes in attack spells and other forms of magic to cripple your enemy. These attack spells can make a great difference in some battles, turning the tides in your favor. For this reason, try to get their Knowledge up higher, because that effects their ability to use magic. However, they are the weakest characters in hand-to-hand combat and have the lowest HP and Defense of all the characters. They also have the worst selection of armor (even with coats, which only they can equip) in the game. This means they can die very easily if they are attacked. Try to keep them away from the enemy and have them attack with their magic from afar, or if you want to save MP, equip them with a Bow & Arrow for a long-range attack without the cost of MP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scout: The Scout is somewhat of a mix between the Fighter/Amazon and Magician. They can use all of the weapons and armor of the former, and learn some spells of their own. Most of their spells are for non-battle purposes, so they will usually join the Fighter/Amazon up front in the heat of battle. Just be careful because they do not have as much brute strength as a Fighter/Amazon but they are more agile. Agility is their best attribute and are best at sneaking in and out of tight spots. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= B. The Stats (TSA) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here is a rundown on the various attributes each of your characters have. To see them go the character info icon, select the character, then select information their stats. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Power: Power is how strong the character is. With more power, you attacks do more damage. Equipping better weapons also increases you power. Power is the most important stat for the Fighter/Amazon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Agility: Agility is supposedly how accurate you attacks are and how well you can dodge enemy attacks. It is supposedly the main stat of the Scout. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Intelligence: Intelligence is how smart you character is. With higher intelligence, a character will react better and faster in battle. This is good to make as high as possible for a Priest, so they can use their healing a support spells better. However, I do not notice too much of a difference, but for the most part, they do act smarter overall with higher Intelligence. Still, you will need to control them manually every now and then to make them do what you want. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knowledge: Knowledge is what determines a character's strength with spells. Higher knowledge means stronger spells. Because the Fighter/Amazon does not learn many spells, this is useless to them. But for a Magician, you will want your knowledge as high as possible. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Physique: Thanks to an email I recently received, I found out what this stat does. Physique is the character's ability to use the weapons and armor they have equipped. With a higher Physique, the weapons and armor they are using are less likely to break in battle. Very important if you do not want to lose all of your equipment in battle and have to take the time and effort to replace them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fortune: Fortune is a preset stat for each character. I don't know what it does. I suppose with higher amounts, you can find rare items off enemies and such. It also says it makes it more likely for you to escape from battles. Once you have formed your party, you are ready to start the game. ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ V. Walkthrough (WLK) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ NOTE: For each section of the walkthrough, I have a recommended level for your characters to be at for each section of the game. They are my suggested minimum levels your characters should be at for that time in the game. However, being a level or two higher than the recommended levels I provide will usually make things a little easier if you are having trouble. As you progress throughout the game, the merchants you encounter will change the weapons and armor they sell. At each section of the walkthrough, I have a short list of the weapons and armor they sell at that point of the game to help you get the weapons and armor you want before it is too late to get them. Items on the other hand are more or less random, but they are more likely to sell the rings and staves you may want later in the game. Once you have started the game you will receive a message that sums up the game's story, as stated below. Afterwards, the game the will ask you if you want an explanation of the controls and icons. It is just like what I mentioned in the Getting Started section. After that you will begin the game. Here's a quick rundown of the story the game provides you: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Four elements form the universe. Two poles govern these elements. These eight principles proceed from all. All is as the Phoenix." -Methration Ultimate Magus "When the dragons were destroyed, a new world was born. But, the humans may be destroyed. The humans failed to heed the gods' advice and wiped out the dragons. So the gods made a new world. One for the Drakkhen; half human, half dragon. The new Drakkhen island world was divided into four parts. They were earth, fire, air, and water. Each area is ruled by two Drakkhens. The human world is in danger of being destroyed by the Drakkhen. But the gods have granted the humans a final chance for survival. They will be spared if they can collect the eight tears on Drakkhen island. Start your quest by inquiring at prince Hordkhen's castle. His castle lies before you. Go fourth!! May luck be with you!!" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A. The Beginning (BGN) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ============================================= 1. Prince Hordkhen's castle, first visit. Recommended level: 1 ============================================= Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bludgeon, Rod, Shirt, Jacket, Leather, Light Robe, Light Coat, Light Helmet, Buckler, Light Buckler, Shoes, and Boots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you start the game, the first thing you need to do is head straight to the castle in front of you in the distance. This place is Hordkhen's castle. When you enter there will be four doorways guarded by barriers and a buckler hanging on the wall. To remove them, hit the second switch to the left. Hitting the other symbols will bring fourth enemies. You can hit them repeatedly if you want to fight enemies for exp. though. Now take the Buckler and go to the passage to the far right. You will face a lizard monster. Defeat him, and you will see four Bucklers and a Rod for you to take. Give each character in your party one and give somebody the Rod. Now head to the room north, you will find two Short Swords, take them and head back to the entrance. Now back at the entrance, take the passage second to the right(the one with the stairs). This passage is a stairway to the second floor. Go up the stairs, defeat the lizard and head left. You will see an armored lizard, but he will run away, head left again and defeat the lizard in the room. Now head south, you will now meet Prince Hordkhen. He will ask you to go visit his sister, Hordkha, who lives to the east, and tell her go come see him. The only thing left to do here is to go into the room behind Hordkhen. Here in the upper right corner, you will see a suit of armor, a Light Cuirass and Greave. Take them and use the exit icon to leave the castle. You may want to go back in to take more Short Swords and Light Cuirasses and Greaves for your other party members, along with fighting enemies from pressing a wrong switch at the entrance for experience points. ******************************************************************************* ========================================================================= 2. Heading east to Princess Hordkha and the second visit to Hordkhen. Recommended level: 1-2 ========================================================================= Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: Same as above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you have left the castle and you are ready to head out, go to the east. Just watch out for the flashing road in the middle because you cannot go through it. Go around it from the north or south, but do not head to far that you go into the marsh or swamp. If you do, you will be sent back because you are not strong enough yet. Once you made it past the flashing arrows, continue heading to the far east to the castle. Along the way, you may want to visit the Anak for healing. Once you finally reached Hordkha's castle, head to the entrance. You will be informed that Prince Hordkhen's troops attacked and left the castle damaged and that Price Haaggkhen's troops kidnapped Princess Hordkha and the humans there. You will be asked to tell Hordkhen the news. Now head back to Hordkhen to tell him the news. When you reach the entrance, you will notice a shark guarding the castle. Avoid this shark because if it catches one of your characters, it will kill it instantly. To get past it, stay to the right of the bridge and once the shark is to the right of the bridge, make a run for it. Once you are inside, go to Hordkhen. He will then tell you to go to Haaggkhen's castle, which is to the north in the marsh. He will then give you the power to enter the swamp. Now you can enter the swamp, but you may want to stick around to earn more experience points and gain levels until your Magician or Scout (or better yet both) has the spell unlock so you can enter Haaggkhen's castle when you get there. Once you are ready, head to the marsh region up north to the castle in the western part of the marsh. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= B. The Marsh and Ice regions (M&G) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================================= 3. Prince Haaggkhen's Castle. Recommended level: 3-4 ================================= Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bow & Arrow, Short Sword, Leather Plate, Chain Mail, Light Robe, Light Coat, Light Helmet, Power Helmet, Light Shield, Medium Buckler, Heavy Buckler, Light Greaves, and Medium Greaves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you reach the entrance to Haaggkhen's castle, the drawbridge will be lifted so you cannot enter the castle. To open it simply have your Magician or Scout cast the spell Unlock. Once you have entered, hit the switch on the far right to remove the barrier. Now head north twice, and in the room you can have your Priest or Priestess step on the symbol in the middle of the room to restore, his or her HP. Now head left and go the door on the upper right and fight the monster. You will find a Light and Heavy Shield, both of which are better than your Bucklers. Take them and head back and go into the room on the upper left. Staying this room will cause your characters to constantly lose HP. Plus you will be attacked by bats. Even after you kill them, more will keep coming. So get out of this room as fast as you can by heading to the passage way covered by a curtain in the center of the room. Now head left and then down and left again. Now go to the room upwards to pick up another Heavy Shield. Then go back down and go down again. You will be stuck in a room with a fireplace with a monster in. You cannot kill the thing, so just cast Unlock or use a key to open the door and go down again twice. You will now be in a room with another one of those fireplace monsters. Have one of your characters walk up to the fireplace. This will activate a switch that will open a door. Once you have done that, go to the right, then down and right again. Now unlock and go through the door to the right and then go down twice. This will take you to a room with a coffin. You can either ignore it and proceed by going to the right or touch it and fight zombies for experience points. For more info about the Zombie, check the Hints and Tips part of the Miscellaneous section of this FAQ. Anyway once you are finished with the Zombie, or you decided to skip him, head right. You will reach a dead end with a fountain. Have one of you characters (preferably one of your stronger characters who has plenty of HP) look at the fountain. That character will be transported to a room filled with water with a water-like monster. The a new monster will just come back it you kill it and you will constantly lose HP while you are in the room, so run to the left door as fast as you can. You will reach a room with a prisoner asking you to set him free. Set him free by pulling the lever right next to the door you just came from. By setting him free, he will tell you that Princess Hordkha was taken to Princess Nakkhtkha's castle and to ask Prince Naakhtkhen where it is. He will tell you to go to Naakhtkhen's castle, which is in the far northeast of the island in the icy region. That will be you next destination. But first, go to the right. You will find a Zombie, kill it and there will be a Power Cuirass and Light Greave for you to take. Take them and head down. Now you can exit this place. However, you may want to re-enter the castle to get another Heavy Shield and Power Cuirass or two for the rest of the party and to earn some more experience points before you face the even more powerful monsters in the Icy region in the far north of the map. ******************************************************************************* ============================== 4. The Icy north. Recommended level: 6-7 ============================== Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Cuirass, Hyper Cuirass, Medium Robe, Medium Coat, Heavy Helmet, Power Helmet, Medium Buckler, Heavy Buckler, Heavy Shield, Hyper Shield, Heavy Greaves, and Power Greaves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you are ready, head to the castle in the far northeast. When you enter, Naakhtkhen will greet you. He will tell you that his castle is now destroyed, and that Nakkhtkha wants to kill Hordkha to get her gem. He will then ask you to go to Nakkhtkha's castle, which is to the west, and he will distract the guards so you can enter. Now head west to the western castle in the icy region, it is Nakkhatka's castle. Be careful with the monsters here, especially the big black giants. They can kill you very easily and destroy you equipment with their beams. Once you arrive at Nakkhatka's castle, hit the switch next to the door on the right side to remove the barriers. Once you have done that, go up and then unlock the door to the right and go through it. Defeat the monster in the room and take the two Hyper Cuirasses and Power Shields for your Fighter/Amazon and Scout. Once you have taken the armor upgrades. Head back to the left, but remember this room because you will head back there shortly. Now head up, in the next room, you will notice two doors leading up and one to the left. Avoid the room to the left! If you go in there the door will lock behind you and the only way to exit is to use the escape icon to leave the place, so you would then need to re-enter the place. Anyway head up again and go to the right. An old man will greet you and tell you some unimportant stuff. Ignore him and go up again twice. You can fight the monster on the way in you want. Now you will be in a room with two switches. Hit the two switches to unlock two doors somewhere in the dungeon. Once you have hit the switches, head back to the room with the Hyper Cuirasses and Power Shields. Now take the passageway down and to the right and fight the monsters in the rooms if you want to. Now go down and to the left, then go down twice and fight the monsters on the way. You will now find yourself in a room with a fountain in the middle of it. Unlock the door to the right and go through it, then go down. You will now enter the catacombs of the castle. Once you enter the castle's catacombs, you may want to have the Scout cast the spell Light or have somebody else use a torch to brighten up the dark rooms ahead. Head down until you cannot anymore. You will reach a room where it says you hear a strange sound in the next room. Go through the door to the right. This room is Princess Hordkha's chamber. Once you see Hordkha, use the speak icon to listen to what she has to tell you. She will tell you about the tears, and that they are gems that are in the Drakkhen princes' and princesses' foreheads. She will then give you her tear, which is the first of the eight tears you need to collect. Now speak to her again with the speak icon. She will tell you that she is going to Haaggkha's palace and that you should follow her. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= C. Collecting the Tears (CTR) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================================== 5. Princess Haaggkha's castle Recommended level: 7-8 ================================== Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saber, Medium Cuirass, Heavy Cuirass, Medium Robe, Medium Coat, Heavy Helmet, Power Shield, and Power Greaves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After your conversation with Hordkha, exit the dungeon and head to Haaggkha's castle, which in the eastern part of the marsh area. Hit the symbol to the right of the door to get rid of the barriers. However, the enemies that can come from the left switch give better experience and jade than from the previous dungeons so it is a good spot to go up a few levels if you need to. Anyway once you have removed the barrier the path in the castle is very straightforward because there is only one path for you to take. Just go up three times, then left, then up twice, then left again. There is nothing worth looking at on the way, so don't bother. You will now find yourself in Princess Haaggkha's chamber. Use the speak icon to talk to her. She will tell you that she spoke to Hordkha and that they need your help defeating the fire troops led by Prince Hazhulkhen. She will then ask you to go and kill Hordkhen because he is getting ready to join the fire troops. She will then give you a Dragon Cuirass and Sword if you have enough inventory room, and you will seriously want them so make sure you have the space to hold them. There is nothing else for you to do here, unless you want to build up your character's levels from the enemies at the entrance from pressing the wrong switch. There is also a passage to the right of the room above the entrance. However there is nothing else worth seeing or doing here, so once you are ready, it is time to go back to Hordkhen's castle and kill him. ******************************************************************************* ============================== 6. Kill Hordkhen Recommended level: 8-9 ============================== Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Same as above along with the Hyper Helmet, Shield, and Greaves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it is time to kill Hordkhen and take his tear. Head back to his castle. I suggest you save your game now because he is very powerful. The castle is the same way it was before, and the shark is still there to make sure you do not enter. When you get inside, remove the barrier and go up the stairs and go to the left twice then down to see Hordkhen. Before facing Hordkhen, I would suggest in the room before you face him, in the battle with the lizard, have anyone with a Ghost Staff equip one. For those that do not have one, have them cast Invisibility on themselves. This will make it harder for Hordkhen to hit them. Also have the Priest/Priestess (and Magician too if he/she has it yet) cast Shield to protect his/herself in case they do get hit. Now kill the lizard and make the rest of your preparations for your battle with Hordkhen. Now make sure your Fighter/Amazon and Scout have the Dragon Swords you got from Haaggkha and War Rings (If you have them) equipped. Now change their combat settings to have them cast Strength to boost up their Power so they can do the most damage possible with their attacks. Have the Priest/Priestess attack with Fire Ball (or Anti-Matter if he/she has it yet). Have your Magician attack with the Anti-Matter spell. Let them have Sage's Rings Equipped to make their magic stronger if you have them of course. Now before entering the room, I suggest you wait a few seconds to let your HP and MP regenerate to full because you will need all of it. Once you are ready, head into the room to face Hordkhen. He will try to attack you with fireballs and can easily destroy your equipment so be careful and try to avoid them if you can. Just have your Fighter/Amazon and Scout attack with all their might enhanced by Strength, and your Priest/Priestess and Magician attack with Fire Ball and Anti-Matter. Eventually, he will die and leave you with his tear. Now that Hordkhen is dead, head back to Haaggkha's castle to tell her the news. Use the speak icon to talk to her when your reach her chamber. She will give you her tear as a reward. She will then ask you to go visit Princess Hazhulkha's castle because they have not heard anything from her as of late and want to know what is going on with her. She will tell you that her castle is in the southwest (The castle in the western part of the desert) and that Prince Naakhtkhen will be somewhere in the desert too. Now use the exit icon to leave the place and head southwest to the desert. ******************************************************************************* =============================== 7. The desert Recommended level: 9-10 =============================== Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Sword, Power Cuirass, Hyper Cuirass, Heavy Robe, Heavy Coat, Hyper Helmet, Dragon Helmet, Hyper Shield, Dragon Shield, Hyper Greaves, and Dragon Greaves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: I suggest you take some time going up a few more levels before entering the Desert. The enemies here are some of the strongest and most annoying in the game. Bow & Arrows are a good weapon of choice here because you will encounter several enemies that come from the sky and fly around, meaning it is hard to hit them with close range weapons. Once you are ready, go to the desert in the south. Head for the Castle in the southwest and wait for dawn because you can only enter the castle at dawn. Otherwise you will have to wait to enter. I suggest you save you game when you are there before dawn so in case you miss it you can reset and try again. Once you enter the castle, you will find out a bloody battle occurred here and no one here is alive. Every room you enter here you receive messages about how there is blood everywhere and everything is destroyed. There are no treasures or enemies here so just find Hazhulkha's chamber. To get there, go up and right, then down three times. Now head left and down. You will now find yourself in a room that appears to be a dead end but it is not. To the right, where you will see something on the wall, is actually a passageway. Go through it and just follow the path ahead. Which means you must go to the rights again, and then go down, left, down and right twice. Finally you have reached Hazhulkha's chamber. You will find her dead body lying on her throne with her tear removed. There is nothing in this room. Just cast unlock and go down to the next room. A rather weak monster will appear with Hazhulkha's tear. Defeat it and you will receive the tear and Prince Naakhtkhen will appear. Use the speak icon to talk to him. He will tell you to go north to Princess Naakhtkha's castle (the one in the northwest) and kill her. ******************************************************************************* ================================ 8. Kill Princess Naakhtkha Recommended level: 10-11 ================================ Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Sword, Dragon Cuirass, Heavy Robe, Heavy Coat, Dragon Helmet, Dragon Shield, and Dragon Greaves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your next task is to head up north back to the icy region. Head back to Princess Naakhtkha's castle in the northwest. Once you reach the place, I suggest you save your game before facing her. Now once you enter, remove the barrier by hitting the switch to the near right of the door. Now go up twice, unlocking any locked doors you encounter. Then head right and up twice. Now hit the switches and go left twice then up. Once you are ready go up again to face Naakhtkha. Before you face Naakhtkha, I suggest you prepare for her the same way you prepared for Hordkhen. Before entering the room have every body equipped with Ghost Staves. Have those without one cast Invisibility on themselves. Also have your Priest/Priestess (and Magician if he/she has it yet) cast Shield on themselves. Make sure your Fighter/Amazon and Scout have the Dragon Swords you got from Haaggkha and War Rings equipped. Now change their combat settings to have them cast Strength to boost up their Power so they can do the most damage possible with their attacks. Once you enter, have the Priest/Priestess attack with Fire Ball (or Anti-Matter if he/she has it yet). Have your Magician attack with the Anti-Matter spell. Let them have Sage's Rings Equipped to make their magic stronger if you have them. Now before entering the room, I suggest you wait a few seconds to let your HP and MP regenerate to full because you will need all of it. Once you defeat her and get her tear, Prince Naakhtkhen will appear. He will then give you his tear and ask you to kill Haaggkhen and take his tear and then go after Hazhulkhen and get his tear. First, go to Haaggkhen's castle (The one in the western part of the marsh you visited when you first went to the marsh.) and finish him off. ******************************************************************************* ================================ 9. Kill Prince Haaggkhen Recommended level: 10-11 ================================ Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: Same as above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now go south to the marsh and head to the dungeon in the western region. Again, cast Unlock to open the drawbridge and enter. Remove the barrier by pushing the switch on the far right. Now go up three times and left. Now take the passage in the upper left, then head up and left. Now head down then left. Finally, when you are ready, head up and face Haaggkhen. Use the speak icon and he will insult you, then the fight will begin. Follow the same advice I gave for defeating Hordkhen and Naakhtkha and you will win easily. You will now have seven of the eight tears. There's only one tear left and Hazhulkhen has it. He resides in the one dungeon you have yet to visit, the one in the southeast desert. Once you are ready go there. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= D. The End (TND) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =================================== 10. Prince Hazhulkhen's castle Recommended level: 11-12 =================================== Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: Same as above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you can enter the dungeon in the southeast you must first get a permit to enter. To get one, enter the two tents just south of the castle. Once you have done that, it is time to enter. To remove the barricades from the door, hit the second switch on the left. Now there are two things you can do now. You can do one of the following: 1.) Get some Dragon gear as an upgrade to what you have now. 2.) Go on and Kill Hazhulkhen and take his tear. ******************************************************************************* 1.) If you want to Dragon stuff, here's what you need to do: Remember, you may have to unlock some of these doors with Keys, the Unlock spell or the Theifi's staff. From the entrance, go left, and down. Remember to unlock any doors and defeat any enemies that you encounter and there will be several locked doors along the way. You will now meet a dragon that happens to be a spy on your side. Listen to what he has to say then head left. Ignore the old man here and go down. Then go left, down, and right. Now go down three times. You will find yourself in a room with a poll in the middle of the room. Just go right then down. You will now reach a dead end with a Dragon Cuirass, Greave, and Sword for you to take. Take them, but do not look at them or the Empty Phial. If you do, then you will have to fight a Dragon. They are very powerful, but they can earn you over 6,000 jade and a lot of experience points. Once you are finished, use the exit icon to leave the place and save your game. Now you can either go back for more or go and kill Hazhulkhen. ******************************************************************************* 2.) When you are ready to face Hazhulkhen, here's where you need to go: I will remind you again, you may have to unlock some of these doors with Keys, the Unlock spell or the Theifi's staff. From the entrance, go up, then left twice, then up, left, up, right, then up and left. You will now face a monster that can shoot fireballs. Defeat him with your strongest attacks then head left again. Now head up, then up the stairway. Once you are up the stairs, head up one last time to face the Prince. Prepare for him the same way you prepared for the last few battles against the other Princes and Princesses. Have everyone use Ghost Staves, or cast Invisibility on themselves. Have your Priest/Priestess and Magician cast Shield on themselves if they have it. Now when your are ready to fight, have your Fighter/Amazon and Scout attack with all of their might, while the Priest/Priestess and Magician back them up with Fire Ball and Anti-Matter. Eventually, he will give in and you will receive the eight and final tear. When he is defeated, a priest will appear. He will tell you to go to road with the flashing arrows in the middle of the forest region of the map. Here they will take the eight tears and convert them into the ninth tear, which will save humankind. This is the only thing left for you to do. So exit the dungeon and head northwest to the flashing road in the center of the map. ******************************************************************************* ============================================= 11. The flashing road and the ninth tear Recommended level: 12-13 ============================================= Weapons and Armor available from merchants at this time: Same as above ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you have the eight tears, head to the flashing road in the center of the map. However, do not get careless yet, because the enemies will still attack you and they are as strong as ever. Once you step foot on the flashing road, you will be greeted by four large dragons. First they will congratulate you. Then they will convert the eight tears into a special night tear to save humanity and send you back to the human world. With this you have completed your quest. Congratulations! You have just completed Drakkhen! ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ VI. Appendices (APX) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ This is my collection of supplementary data for the game. This includes a list of weapons, armor, items and spells. A bestiary with a list of the enemies may be worked out as well, but will likely not happen because it would be too time consuming. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Appendix A: Items (APA) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Key: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a key to show how I list the items and what the abbreviations mean. Weapon/Armor/Item Name: The name of the item. Power/Defense/Effect: How strong the piece of equipment is, or what it does. Cost*: The amount of jade necessary to purchase the item from a merchant. *NOTE: The amount to sell an item is only one fourth of the buying price. Who can use it? (Weapons and Armor only): The characters in the party who can use it. Each character is abbreviated as stated below. F = Fighter/Amazon P = Priest/Priestess M = Magician S = Scout NOTE: When you purchase a weapon or armor from a merchant, there is a chance it will have a +X, X being a number, to end of it. This is an additional amount of power or defense added to the item. For example, a Power Shield has a base defense of 16. A Power Shield +2 would have a defense of 18 instead. This will only appear on items you purchase from a merchant. ******************************************************************************* ======================= 1. Weapons (AA1) ======================= Weapons in Drakkhen increase your power. With more power, as stated in the Party and Stats section, you do more damage to the enemy. All weapons in Drakkhen are close range, with the exception of the Bow and Arrow. ================================================================= Weapon Name Power Cost Who can use it? ================================================================= Dagger 5 3000 All Bludgeon 10 4000 All Bow & Arrow* 15 8000 All Rod 20 10000 All Short Sword 32 20000 All Long Sword 44 40000 All Saber 56 100000 All Dragon Sword 80 1000000 All ----------------------------------------------------------------- *Note: This weapon is long ranged. ******************************************************************************* ======================= 2. Armor (AA2) ======================= Armor increases your defense. With more defense, you take less damage from enemies. There are 6 types of armor your characters can wear. Each character can wear one of each type; however, not everyone can equip every type of armor. Look at the lists for more info. Body Armor: ================================================================= Armor Name Defense Cost Who can use it? ================================================================= Shirt 1 2000 All Jacket 2 5000 All Leather 4 8000 All Leather Plate 5 10000 All Chain Mail 6 10000 All Light Cuirass 10 15000 F S Medium Cuirass 14 20000 F S Heavy Cuirass 20 25000 F S M Power Cuirass 30 30000 F S P Hyper Cuirass 35 35000 F S Dragon Cuirass 40 40000 F S ----------------------------------------------------------------- Leg Armor: ================================================================= Armor Name Defense Cost Who can use it? ================================================================= Shoes 1 2000 All Boots 2 3000 All Light Greaves 10 5000 F S P Medium Greaves 14 10000 F S P Heavy Greaves 20 15000 F S M Power Greaves 30 20000 F S Hyper Greaves 35 25000 F S P Dragon Greaves 40 30000 F S ----------------------------------------------------------------- Shields: ================================================================= Armor Name Defense Cost Who can use it? ================================================================= Buckler 5 5000 All Light Buckler 6 7000 All Medium Buckler 8 10000 All Light Shield 8 12000 All Heavy Buckler 10 15000 All Heavy Shield 14 20000 All Power Shield 16 25000 F S Hyper Shield 20 30000 F S P Dragon Shield 25 35000 All ----------------------------------------------------------------- Helmets (Fighter/Amazon and Scout only): ================================================================= Armor Name Defense Cost Who can use it? ================================================================= Light Helmet 6 5000 F S Heavy Helmet 8 13000 F S Power Helmet 10 9000 F S Hyper Helmet 14 19000 F S Dragon Helmet 20 25000 F S ----------------------------------------------------------------- Robes (Priest/Priestess Only): ================================================================= Armor Name Defense Cost Who can use it? ================================================================= Light Robe 8 5000 P Medium Robe 15 12000 P Heavy Robe 30 40000 P ----------------------------------------------------------------- Coats (Magician Only): ================================================================= Armor Name Defense Cost Who can use it? ================================================================= Light Coat 9 5000 M Medium Coat 15 12000 M Heavy Coat 22 30000 M ----------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* ========================== 3. Miscellaneous (AA3) ========================== Consumable items: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consumable items are items that disappear after being used. This includes healing items and the like. Here is a list of them. Item Name Cost Effect ================================================================= Phial (HP)* 10000 Restores an ally's HP Phial (MP)* 10000 Restores an ally's MP Heart 50000 Revives a dead ally Key 10000 Opens a locked door Torch 1000 Lightens up a darkened area Empty Phial 10000 Does nothing, sell or drop it. ================================================================= *Note: With these items you will notice a number next this item in your inventory. The number is how many times you may use the item until it is gone. Rings: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rings raise your stats; however, you need to equip them. To do this use it like you would a consumable item. To unequip a ring, you can either equip a different ring, give the ring to somebody else to use, or discard it. Remember, you can only have one equipped at a time. Ring Name Cost Effect ================================================================= War Ring 50000 Power +10 Wind Ring 30000 Agility +10 Flash Ring 20000 Intelligence +10 Sage's Ring 25000 Knowledge +10 Force Ring 40000 Physique +10 Star Ring 35000 Fortune +10 Defense Ring 34000 Defense +10 ================================================================= Staves: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Staves, work the same way rings do. They each have unique effects. I would like to thank Phoenix Fist (a.k.a. Blood Angel Dante) for the info on what almost all of the staves do. Just like the rings, you can only have one equipped at a time. Staff Name Cost Effect ================================================================= Air Staff 50000 Halves the effect of enemy's spells. Earth Staff 40000 Halves the damage you take from an enemy. Ghost Staff 36000 Makes your character invisible. Lucky Staff 32000 Lets you avoid traps. Does not always work Life Staff 38000 Speeds up your HP regeneration rate. Magic Staff 50000 Speeds up your MP regeneration rate. Theifi's Staff 35000 Lets you go past locked doors. Word Staff* ??? ??? ================================================================= *NOTE: I have yet to find this staff. However, based on what I know, it is probably a dummied item. This means it is in the game code but it is not enabled. So you could not possibly collect this item without using a game enhancer like Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR). More info is needed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Appendix B: Spells (APB) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Spells in Drakkhen are divided into three categories. Field spells you can use outside of battle, Defensive spells for battle, and Attack spells for battle. I have divided this list into the three categories, and list the spells in alphabetical order. Key: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a key to show how I list the spells. Spell Name: The name of the spell. MP Cost: How much MP it takes to cast the spell. Learned by: The characters that learn the spell and the level that they learn it at. The number next to the abbreviation is the level the character learns the spell. For example, the Magician learns the spell Heal Minor at level 5, to show that, I list it as Magician-level 5. Effect: What the spell does. ******************************************************************************* ========================= 1. Field Spells (AB1) ========================= Field Spells are the spells you can use outside of battle. You can cast them anytime by selecting the character info icon. Select the character you want to cast the spell, and select magic from the menu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cure MP Cost: 5 Learned by: Priest/Priestess, Magician, and Scout-level 1 Effect: Cures Poison and other ailments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heal Minor MP Cost: 4 Learned by: Priest/Priestess-level 2, Magician-level 5 Effect: Restores HP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heal Major MP Cost: 20 Learned by: Priest/Priestess-level 7, Magician-level 10 Effect: Restore even more HP than Heal Minor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Light MP Cost: 1 Learned by: Scout-level 2 Effect: Brightens up a dark room ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Resurrection MP Cost: 50 Learned by: Priest/Priestess-level 9, Magician-level 13 Effect: Revives a dead ally ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed MP Cost: 18 Learned by: Priest/Priestess-level 6, Magician-level 14 Effect: Increases the caster's walk speed, very useful for getting around from place to place ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Teleportation MP Cost: 30 Learned by: Scout-level 3, Priest/Priestess-level 8, Magician-level 15 Effect: Teleports your party back to the entrance of a dungeon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unlock MP Cost: 1 Learned by: Magician-level 2, Scout-level 4 Effect: Unlocks locked doors ******************************************************************************* =========================== 2. Battle-Defense (AB2) =========================== Defensive spells in battle are mostly spells that protect you from enemy attacks. To use Defensive spells in battle, go to the combat settings icon and select the character you want to cast the spell. Choose Defense-Magic and then select the spell you want them to cast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anti-Magic MP Cost: 40 Learned by: Magician-level 12 Effect: Reduces the effect of enemy spells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heal Minor MP Cost: 4 Learned by: Priest/Priestess-level 2, Magician-level 5 Effect: Restores HP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heal Major MP Cost: 20 Learned by: Priest/Priestess-level 7, Magician-level 10 Effect: Restore even more HP than Heal Minor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Invisibility MP Cost: 5 Learned by: All-level 1 Effect: Makes caster invisible, making it harder for enemies to hit them ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shield MP Cost: 6 Learned by: Priest/Priestess-level 4, Magician-level 11 Effect: Creates a barrier around caster, reducing the damage they take from enemy attacks ******************************************************************************* ========================== 3. Battle-Attack (AB3) ========================== Attack spells are used to damage or disable enemies. You cast them the same way Defensive spells are cast, just select Attack-Magic instead. Just watch out because with most of these spells, the caster will just keep casting the spell until the enemy is dead or they run out of MP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anti-Matter MP Cost: 5 Learned by: Magician-level 4, Priest/Priestess-level 10 Effect: Attack the enemy with a projectile stronger than Fire Ball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Confusion MP Cost: 5 Learned by: Magician-level 7 Effect: ??? I don't know. Confuses an enemy perhaps? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dispel MP Cost: 30 Learned by: Magician-level 8, Priest/Priestess-level 11 Effect: From what I have seen, Dispel can temporarily disable an enemy's ability to use spells. I am not completely sure about this yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dragon Power MP Cost: 100 Learned by: Magician-level 9, Priest/Priestess-level 12 Effect: Temporarily raises caster's level by one ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fire Ball MP Cost: 2 Learned by: Magician-level 3, Priest/Priestess-level 3 Effect: Fires a projectile at the enemy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paralysis MP Cost: 10 Learned by: Magician-level 6 Effect: Paralyze an enemy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength MP Cost: 5 Learned by: All-level 1 Effect: Boosts the caster's attack power, making their attacks do more damage* *NOTE: Both me and Phoenix Fist have found that using this spell will not allow enemies to drop any items or jade when you defeat them. So if you want the items or money they drop I would suggest not using this spell. ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ VII. Miscellaneous Info (MII) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A. Hints and Tips (H&T) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Bow & Arrow: Although it is far from being the most powerful weapon in the game, the Bow & Arrow is one of the most useful. That's because it is the only long-range weapon in the game. Plus anyone can use it and it does not consume MP like the Magician's spells. You can use it to attack those annoying flying enemies, or to have your characters (especially your weaker ones) keep their distance from the more powerful enemies. =============================================================================== Unlock and Keys: As you begin to explore more of the dungeons, you will encounter more and more locked doors. You can either use keys or the Unlock spell by the Magician or Scout. Overall you best bet is to have the Scout cast Unlock. Later in the game, as locked doors become common, keys will take up too much space and you will want to save the Magician's MP for his/her more powerful attack spells. This is why it is best to leave this to the Scout because the Scout's does not use or have as many spells as the Priest/Priestess or Magician. =============================================================================== Lighting up dark rooms: Inside the dungeons, you will encounter some rooms that are very dark and your characters will not be able to see or take anything. You can get around this by lighting up the room by using a Torch, or by having the Scout cast the spell Light. I suggest having the Scout to the job because Torches will consume your inventory rather quickly and Light does not cost a lot of MP that can easily regenerate back to full soon enough. =============================================================================== HP and MP restoration: There are several ways to restore HP and MP in Drakkhen, especially HP. You can always use a Phial of HP or MP. For HP, you can cast one of the Heal spells or visit the Anak. However, if you are in no rush for healing, you can just sit and wait for you HP and MP to heal up. In Drakkhen, your HP and MP gradually heal up over time as long as your characters are visible on the screen. You can very easily refill all of you HP and MP for free if you are willing to take the time to let them fully heal. A good spot to do this is in a room in a dungeon with no monsters. Just sit there and wait for a minute or two and you should be fully healed and ready to continue your quest. =============================================================================== The hidden inn: There is an Inn that is not on the map. Although it may not sound like much, this inn, unlike others always has a merchant inside for you to buy and sell items with. It is located just west of Hordkhen's castle and northeast of the two inns in that are right next to each other in the forest region. I suggest you collect a few spare Short Swords are Hordkhen's cast at the beginning and sell them here for more jade so you can buy better armor early on. =============================================================================== Haaggkha's locked door: Honestly, I don't think there is any reason to explore this part of Haaggkha's castle. But if you want to explore it, here is how to open the sealed door. In Haaggkha's castle, there is a passageway to the right in the room above the entrance. Eventually, you will reach a room with four switches and a locked door that can not be opened by keys or the Unlock spell. Hit the switches. Each switch when you hit it will receive a number. To make the door open, make the switches have the following numbers: 4281. The far left switch should have the number 4, second left 2, second right 8, and the far right switch 1. This will open the door. Be careful because in the next room is a big dragon that can defeat you easily. But it can give you over 6,000 jade if you can defeat it. In the room below, is some spare equipment. A Power Cuirass, Light Greave, and a Short Sword are in there. Nothing much and you will probably have better stuff by now. =============================================================================== The teleportation points: Throughout the island are four teleportation spots. These places can instantly send you to where another teleportation spot is. They look like a big cross on the map with four triangles pointing out and a square in the middle. There is one in the far northwest corner of the island in the icy region. One is west of Hordkhen's castle in the forest region just south of the marsh in the far west of the map. Another one is just south of Hordkha's castle in the eastern part of the forest region. Then one is just east of Hazhulkhen's castle in the desert in the southeast. These can sometimes be good to get you from one place to another. But most of the time, they do not send you where you want to go. Plus most of these points are nowhere near where you want or need to go. =============================================================================== Better equipment early on: In the earlier parts of the game, you may find yourself struggling at bit. One reason could be a lack of decent equipment. However you may not have enough money to afford anything better. One good way to get better equipment earlier in the game is to fight the gold armored lizards. Defeating these guys can give you some very useful equipment; this includes: Power Helmets, Heavy Cuirasses, Medium Robes, and Long Swords, this stuff should make things easier. However, these enemies may be pretty powerful, but you should be able to take them on. The best spot to face them early on is east of the flashing road around the Anak. You can heal there if you need to so don't worry about getting killed too much. Later on, you can go to Princess Naakhtkha's castle in the far northwest of the map in the icy area. You will find one in the room above the entrance, the room to the right of that, which the Hyper Cuirasses and Power Shields in it, and the room below. If you need to fight more exit the place and fight them again. If you need healing there is an Anak to the west that's not too far away from the castle. Just remember to save your game after getting something useful. You never know what may happen. =============================================================================== Electric guitars?: Here is a little known easter egg found in the game. When you finally finish the game and the credits roll, about halfway through the credits, a scene with electric guitars will show up. The number of guitars shown will depend on how many of your characters are alive when you reach the flashing road at the end of the game. The less characters alive, the more guitars will show up. I have absolutely no idea why the developers did this and it has no purpose at all. =============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= B. Fast Experience Points (FEX) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you need to earn a few more levels up there are two great ways to do so. At the entrance to most of the dungeons, where there are barriers, you can hit the wrong switches to summon enemies to fight. Just keep hitting them and call more enemies. Later in the game, at Haaggkha's castle, you can use the wrong switch to fight big, green guys that give more experience and jade than the enemies in the previous castles. Another great spot for experience points is in Haaggkhen's castle where you find a coffin. Touching the coffin will bring fourth a zombie. These guys are worth a lot of experience points, and you can just keep touching the coffin and fight more and more as you please. Plus they can drop Long Swords, which are better than the Short Swords you will most likely have at the time when you first reach the place. They can also drop Ghost Staves. These are useful because they make it harder for enemies to hit you. It is possible to constantly fight the zombie while you are away. Make sure your second character from the left is alive and selected. After you touch the coffin and fight the zombie, that character will always walk next to the coffin, and if selected they will always summon the Zombie. You can leave it on overnight and the next day, they will still be fighting the thing and will most likely gone up a few levels. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= C. Game Genie Codes (GGC) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here are a few Game Genie codes I have found. Most of these codes were by Galoob and can be found in the Game Genie manual. However, I found these codes From about.com's video game strategies section which can be found at (http://www.vgstrategies.about.com) and the Game Genie Code Creator's Club website which you can find at (http://www.videogamesource.com/genie/) Game Genie is a trademark of Galoob (which is now part of Hasbro). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DC33-6FD8 Regenerate 10 MP instead of 1 for when your characters are on the screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DE33-6FD8 Regenerate 15 MP instead of 1 for when your characters are on the screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7433-6FD8 Regenerate 50 MP instead of 1 for when your characters are on the screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8E27-6D28 Infinite MP when not in battle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8E3D-696D E830-A408 8EA2-0113 Immunity to most attacks ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ VIII. Thanks and Credits (T&C) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ This FAQ would not be possible without the following people whom I would now like to thank: Jeff "CJayC" Veasey, for creating and operating GameFAQs. (http://www.gamefaqs.com) Kemco and Infogrames (They now use the Atari name.) for developing and publishing this game. Phoenix Fist (a.k.a. Blood Angel Dante) for the info on the staves, most of the spells, and a few other pieces of info. The person called Iqniz who e-mailed me about the Physique attribute. I don't know what name you want me to call you, but thank you very much. The people at the FAQ Contributors-Help and Critiques forum at GameFAQs for critiquing this FAQ and providing me suggestions on how to improve it, along with how to make it easier to read. Jeff Rovin, because several years ago, he published a series a books called "How to win at Nintendo Games". His Super NES book contained a small walkthrough that helped me the first time I played this game several years ago. Finally, I would like to thank myself for writing this FAQ. ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ IX. Version History (VRH) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ Version 1.2 (3/23/2005) - First update in almost a year, I found out what Physique does. I also added the cost of all the items and when various items can be bought from merchants at various points in the game. Updated the format a little and added more info in Hints and Tips. I may not update this FAQ for a very long time, if at all. I doubt there is much else to add to this guide. But hey, you never know. Version 1.11 (4/7/2004) - I improved the formatting for the entire FAQ and moved the non-game info to the bottom. I also added a search function to help readers reach a section faster. I also found out about one more staff, but I do not know what it does. Version 1.1 (3/16/2004) - Added more info about the spells. Also added more to the hints and tips and dungeons section, including Game Genie codes. This will most likely be my final update to this FAQ. Version 1.01 (3/9/2004) - I corrected a few errors in the walkthrough along with a few spelling and grammatical errors. I also improved the formatting in a few parts to make the headers easier to read. Finally, I added more info to Appendix B (the spells). Version 1.0 (3/5/2004) - The walkthrough is complete! I also have most of Appendix B finished. I still have some information missing about two spells and when some characters learn the spells. Added more info in the Miscellaneous info section. Version 0.7 (3/1/2004) - I completed the Appendix A (the item lists). I also added more information about the character classes and more hints and tips and added more to the walkthrough. I still need to finish the walkthrough and Appendix B (the spells). I also improved the formatting and spacing to make it easier to read and make the headers and sub headers easier to recognize. Version 0.5 (2/27/2004) - Started the second part of the walkthrough. Updated the lists and added some additional information. Added some spacer bars to help make several parts of this FAQ easier to read. Version 0.4 (2/22/2004-2/27/2004) - Started writing this FAQ. Completed the Intro, Getting Started and Party sections. Beginning the walkthrough and have most of the items listed. ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ X. Legal Info (LGI) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ This document is protected by United States and international copyright laws and may not be redistributed or edited in any way, shape or form without my permission. This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances and is for personal and private use only. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise redistributed publicly without advance written permission. It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my expressed written permission. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, BCD. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document, even those that are not specifically mentioned herein, are acknowledged, respected, and owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you find anyone violating these guidelines or you are interested in placing this guide on your web site, please contact me by my e-mail address shown above. This document is copyright 2004-2005 by Brandon C.D. All rights reserved. Drakkhen, Copyright 1989,1990 Infogrames and 1991 Kemco. All rights reserved. This FAQ is unofficial and is not endorsed by Infogrames, Kemco or Nintendo. My FAQs may be found on the following sites and linked to by affiliates: GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) Neoseeker (http://www.neoseeker.com) IGN (http://www.faqs.ign.com) There are some other sites that I have given permission to host some of my FAQs. You will know exactly who you are. The sites above however, will always have the most recent versions my FAQs, along with the latest and most accurate information. Here are the other sites you my find this particular FAQ on: The SNESGamebase (www.lostinconsoles.com/snesgamebase) You may also find my FAQ on a parent or affiliate site of those above. Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com) is not allowed to host any of my FAQs. If you find anything by me there, contact me please. ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ XI. Contact Info and Closing (CIC) ~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~-==-~~-==~~ If you have any questions or comments, or if there is any information that is incorrect or missing in is FAQ that I may not be aware about, let me know. You may e-mail me at the address at the top of this FAQ. The address again is bcd851@yahoo.com for those who do not want to go back to the top. I can also be contacted on AIM by request. However, I am almost never on AIM so you may be better off to just e-mail me. ******************************************************************************* My E-mail guidelines: If you are going to email me, make sure I will know what it is about. Use a subject line to let me know it is about this FAQ or I may never read it. (I recommend using "Drakkhen" as a subject line.) This will let me know that it is about this FAQ before I read it. Also use proper spelling and grammar. I can tolerate one or two errors, but if there are so many errors that it is almost unreadable, then it will be deleted and ignored. Besides, the easier it is for me to read, the faster I can help you and give you a reply. I will not respond to anything asking about something that is already answered in this FAQ. Also, please do not send me spam or anything obscene. ******************************************************************************* Thanks for reading. Be sure to check out my other works at the links below. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/40378.html http://www.neoseeker.com/members/submissions/BCD/ This document is copyright 2004-2005 Brandon C.D. (BCD) All Rights Reserved.