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It may be distributed for any reason, provided it is not altered, sold, or used for illegal purposes. =========================================================================== Table of Contents =========================================================================== 1. FAQ History 2. Introduction 3. Controls 3.1. Menu Controls 3.2. Battle Controls 3.3. Game Menus 4. Frequently Asked Questions 4.1. General Questions 4.2. Questions about Units 4.3. Questions about Missions 4.4. Questions about Weapons 5. Unit Stats 5.1. HP 5.2. AP 5.3. HIT and EVASION 5.4. SEARCH 6. Weapon Stats 6.1. AP 6.2. 1SHOT 6.3. CAPACITY and CHARGE AP 6.4. WEIGHT 6.5. Range 7. Team Make 7.1. Leader 7.2. Attacker 7.3. Task Force 7.4. Defender 7.5. Sniper 8. Missions 8.1. Easy Missions 8.2. Normal Missions 8.3. Hard Missions 9. Weapon List 9.1. Knives 9.2. Handguns 9.3. Submachine Guns 9.4. Shotguns 9.5. Assault Rifles 9.6. Semiautomatic Rifles 9.7. Light Machine Guns 10. Terrain List 11. Enemy Teams 11.1. Little Apple 11.2. Green Army 11.3. Bandits 11.4. Orange Shot 11.5. Bulldog 11.6. Knight Force 11.7. Jokers 11.8. The Monsters 11.9. Dark Angel 12. Score 12.1. Mission Scores 12.2. Final Score 13. Codes and Secrets 13.1. Hidden Weapons 13.2. Emulator Cheat 14. Acknowledgments =========================================================================== 1. FAQ History =========================================================================== [ v1.00 ] 09 Dec 2004 - Initial release [ v1.11 ] 08 Feb 2005 - Corrected various spelling and typographical errors - Made "History" section look nicer - Added question to FAQ on fielding fewer than the maximum number of troops allowed for a mission - Changed gun recommendations to include the FN P90 and M134 Vulcan - Changed questions regarding the various guns that I thought were only available to the enemy teams - Added question on finding hidden guns but failing the mission - Inserted locations of the FN P90 and M134 Vulcan to the relevant missions - Provided stats for the FN P90 and the M134 Vulcan - Updated Section 13.1: Hidden Weapons with the locations of the FN P90 and the M134 Vulcan - Updated scoring section to include information on fielding fewer units than the maximum allowed - Added Section 14: Acknowledgments [ v1.21 ] 08 Jul 2005 - Corrected spelling of "Acknowledgments" throughout - Include location of Walther WA2000 in Section 4: Frequently Asked Questions - Corrected warning about AP in Section 7: Team Make - Corrected AP values for units in Section 7 - Changed character recommendations where AP values were incorrect - Inserted location of the Walther WA2000 to Mission 21 walkthrough - Provided stats for the WA 2000 - Updated Section 13.1: Hidden Weapons with the location of the Walther WA2000. - Removed Section 9.8: Enemy-only Weapons - Updated Section 14: Acknowledgments =========================================================================== 2. Introduction =========================================================================== Ball Bullet Gun (BBG) is a pseudo-strategy role-playing game (SRPG), which was released in 1995 by I'MAX and BE-TOP. The game never officially reached North American or European shores, but in 2004, ROM hacking group extraordinaire Aeon Genesis released a patch that renders it into English. This FAQ is based on their translation. BBG is a fairly standard SRPG in many ways. It is divided into 24 different missions, eight each of three difficulty levels. Each mission pits two to six player-controlled characters against a computer-controlled enemy team. The player and the computer take turns moving their units. Victory conditions vary from mission to mission, and may be anything from "kill the leader" to "free the prisoner and return to the escape point". The game differs from other SRPGs in several important ways. First, the characters have fields of view, meaning that they can see only a predetermined number of spaces in front of them at any given time, and objects such as rocks and trees obstruct their line of sight. This adds a challenging new element to the SRPG environment, as finding the enemy (and avoiding being found) become just as important as closing with the enemy and beating him about the head. BBG is also noteworthy for its modern setting. Your characters fight with rifles and machine guns, not with swords and axes (though there are some melee weapons to be had). This makes ranged combat much more common, as rushing at your enemy with a knife is a good way to get yourself killed. Perhaps most importantly, Ball Bullet Gun never takes itself too seriously. Battles can take place anywhere from desert islands to office buildings or shopping malls. When characters "die", stars spin around their heads and they go all google-eyed. Enemies run around in Darth Vader helmets. In short, this is not the game to play if you want an engrossing storyline and vivid, dynamic characters. BBG knows it's a game, and it's a better game for it. I hope you find this FAQ of some use. BBG can be downright hard at times, and I hope my insights can help you through the tougher spots. Please don't hesitate to send email with any questions, comments, criticisms, or corrections (there are no doubt at least a few errors in this document). And in the meantime, happy shooting. =========================================================================== 3. Controls =========================================================================== Most of you probably don't have the instruction manual for BBG. Here, then, is an overview of the game controls and the in-game menus. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.1. Menu Controls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= D-PAD: Move cursor D-PAD UP/DOWN: Move up or down unit list (Unit Selection Menu and Team Make Mode only) D-PAD LEFT/RIGHT: Move left or right among SELECT, MAP, OUTFIT, and START (Unit Selection Menu and Team Make Mode only) A: Select B: Cancel (except from Mission Select Menu) X: Not used Y: Cancel from Mission Select Menu L: Not used R: Not used START: Start game (Title Screens only) SELECT: Not used =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.2. Battle Controls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= D-PAD: Move cursor A: Activate unit and see stats (when cursor is on a friendly unit) See stats (when cursor is on a hostile unit) Select (on Turn Menu and Unit Action Menu) Act (e.g., fire, move, set trap, etc., after one of those actions has been chosen on the Unit Action Menu) B: Cancel X: Open Turn Menu See terrain data Y: Not used L: Move cursor to next unit R: Move cursor to next unit START: Not used SELECT: Not used =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.3. Game Menus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.1. Mode Select Menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mode Select Menu is the first screen you see after the title. The options are: 1 Player: Enters 1-Player Mode. 2 Players: Enters 2-Player Mode. Team Make: Enters Team Make Mode. This is what you should choose if this is your first time playing BBG. See Section 7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.2. File Select Menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After choosing 1 Player from the Mode Select Menu, you are shown the File Select Menu. Here you choose which file (and thus which team) you wish to play the game with this session. The files tell the team name and number of missions cleared (CLR). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.3. Mission Select Menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After choosing a team, you must next select the mission you will face on the Mission Select Menu. The first missions listed are the eight Easy missions. After these have been completed, an arrow will flash in the upper-right corner. Pressing right on the D-PAD while the cursor is in the right column will then move you to the eight Normal missions. There are eight Difficult missions to take on after these have been completed. The information at the bottom of the screen shows specific information for the mission that is currently highlighted. This information is: Place & Rule: The mission's name. Usually a general idea of the location and the mission objectives. Enemy Team: Whom you're up against. For a list of enemy teams, see Section 11. Player Vs. Enemy: How many units each side may field. Clear Point: Your current best score for the mission. Challenge: How many times you have played the mission. Both successful and unsuccessful attempts are included in this number. If you turn off or reset the game in the middle of a mission, however, that attempt will not be logged. After you have successfully completed a mission, one of several symbols will appear next to it on this menu. For a discussion of what these symbols mean, see Section 8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.4. Unit Select Menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Unit Select Menu opens after you have chosen your team (or both players have chosen teams in 2-Player Mode) and the mission you will face. Here you may select the units you will send into combat. Your Leader unit is already selected (you cannot deselect the Leader). A graphical representation of the number of units you may choose appears to the right of the unit list. Below the unit list are several other options (pressing left or right on the D-PAD will highlight these choices): SELECT: Chooses the currently highlighted unit for use in the mission. MAP: Brings up a scaled-down mission map. Units' starting locations flash on the map. The mission number, the Place & Rule, the maximum number of turns allowed, and each team's mission objectives appear below the map. OUTFIT: Opens the Unit Data Menu. See Section 3.3.5. for more information. START: Begins the mission. Be careful; you can begin a mission before you have selected the maximum number of units! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.5. Unit Data and Gun Select Menus --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This menu is accessible both from the Unit Select and the Unit Action Menus. It divides the screen into two halves. The top shows the character's statistics (see Section 5 for more information on what this all means). The bottom shows the weapons the unit is currently equipped with. Pressing right on the D-PAD moves from the soldier's Main Arms to their Side Arms. If you accessed the Unit Data Menu from the Unit Select Menu (i.e., before starting the mission), pressing the A button opens the Gun Select Menu. This shows a list of weapons the character can use, grouped according to weapon type. The statistics for the currently highlighted arms are shown at the bottom of the screen. See Section 9 for a complete list of weapons and a discussion of weapon stats. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.6. VS and VS Select Menus --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you chose 2-Player Mode, you first see the VS Menu. This screen lists the missions available for 2-Player Mode. The missions available are those that are accessible by the various teams listed on the File Select Menu. Even if only one team has access to a particular set of missions, those missions are unlocked on the VS Menu for play by anyone. For a discussion of the missions and mission information, see Section 3.3.3. After choosing a mission, the VS Select Menu opens. Here, you choose two teams, one for Player 1 and one for Player 2. Both players may field the same team if they wish (it will be as if the teams are facing clones of themselves). Another option is Auto Team, which allows a player to field a team of randomly generated units. After players have selected teams, they are in turn brought to their teams' Unit Select Menu. See Section 3.3.4 for more information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.7. Unit Action Menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Unit Action Menu gives commands to the currently selected unit. In all cases, the A button executes the command. The options are: Move: Highlights all the tiles the unit may move to given its present AP. Attack: Brings up two choices: Main Arms and Side Arms. After one or the other is selected, four arrows appear over the unit's head, which you may use to choose the direction in which the soldier will attack. Next, all tiles that the weapon can hit from the unit's current position are highlighted. Pressing A executes the attack on the currently highlighted tile. Be careful; the game will let you fire on empty squares. Search: Executes an Active Search (see Section 5.4). As with Attack, the arrows indicate the direction in which the unit will perform the action. Charge: Allows the unit to reload either his Main Arms or Side Arms. See Section 9 for a list of weapons and the AP needed to reload them. Special: Shows a description of the unit's Special technique and a Yes/No menu to choose whether you will execute the move. See Section 7 for a list of unit types and their Special techniques. Unit Data: Opens the Unit Data Menu. See Section 3.3.5. Unit End: Ends the unit's turn and allows no further actions for that character until the next turn. While the Unit Action Menu is displayed, data for the selected character is shown to the right. See Section 5 for a discussion of these stats. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3.8. Turn Menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This menu has only three options: Map: Brings up the reduced map screen you had access to in the Unit Select Menu. Now, however, the enemy units' locations are not shown. Turn End: Ends the current turn and allows no further actions by any of your troops. Save End: Ends the current turn (and the mission, for now) and saves your position in an empty file slot on the File Select Menu. While the Turn Menu is displayed, data for the piece of terrain currently under the cursor is also displayed. See Section 10 for a complete list of terrains and their statistics. =========================================================================== 4. Frequently Asked Questions =========================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.1. General Questions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q. Where can I find this game? I have no idea. And, no, I won't email it to you or send it any other way. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Where can I find the translation patch? It's on the AGTP website: http://agtp.romhack.net . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Is there any storyline to this game? There may be some thin premise that was on the back of the box or in the manual, but there's nothing in the game itself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Why doesn't this game have (insert favorite weapon, soldier type, feature from some other SRPG, etc.)? I had nothing to do with the game's development, so I have no idea. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What was your score the first time you beat the game? I had 83,000 points (Colonel rank). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.2. Questions about Units =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q: Which unit type is best? They're all good. No, really; read the Team Make section below. That said, the Leaders are probably the most versatile unit type, followed by the Attacker, then the Task Force, then the Defender, and finally the Sniper. That doesn't mean that the Attacker is better than the Defender and so on, mind you. It simply means that if you have an extra slot to fill for a generic mission and all other things are equal, an Attacker might be better to choose than a Defender. Personally, I like the Task Force, simply because it has such a great AP rating on average. If you're careful with them, they can be some of the best units in the game. Then again, so can a Sniper or Defender or whatever. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What types of units should I create at the beginning of the game? The sad truth is that most of the units you create in the beginning will see little active duty. This is because as enemy units defect to you, they eclipse pretty much all of your self-created troops. You still need the created units, though, because you don't get your full contingent of defectors until the Normal Missions. My suggestion, then is to create one of each unit type and then fill the extra slots with whatever you want. I prefer an extra Sniper and Task Force, since you don't get new ones until the Normal missions. So my recommendation is to create one Attacker, one Defender, two Snipers, and two Task Forces. Then make whatever in the 7th slot; you'll probably never use it anyway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Do your units ever get better? Yes, but not often. When you complete a mission with a score of 3500 or more, one of the surviving units gets a boost to one of its stats. You can't choose who gets this bonus or which stat is raised, but you can stack the deck. If you are about to undertake a mission where you can only use a small number of units, using the unit that you would like to see improved gives that unit a higher chance of getting some sort of bonus. It has to survive, first, of course. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Do you ever get new units? Yes. Enemy units will join you after you complete Missions 5 (Acheron), 7 (Apache), 10 (Trick), and 15 (Wink). These units are usually much better than anything you currently have, so you may want to tackle these missions first and gain access to them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What happens if I kill a unit that's supposed to defect to me? Nothing. Apache and the gang do not have to be alive at the ends of their missions to defect to you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Should I get Acheron or Apache first? That's difficult. On the whole, though, Apache's probably a bit more useful, and getting him first will make Acheron's mission that much easier. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Should I get Trick or Wink first? Trick's mission is much easier than Wink's, so I'd go after him first. Then you can use him on the much harder mission where you get Wink. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Do your units defect? Fortunately, no. Your units are completely loyal and will never defect, no matter how poorly you do in battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can you rename the units that join you? You can rename any of your units, not just those that join you. Go to TEAM MAKE mode, choose MAKE, and choose your team. On the next screen, highlight NAME and move down to the newly joined unit. Press B, and you are taken to the CODE NAME screen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Can you somehow get rid of units? Later in the game, you'll probably have a surplus of units, many of whom you may have never used. But, no, I haven't found a way to delete units. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Can units die? Well, yes, but not permanently. If a unit dies in battle, he will be available for the next mission you play. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What the heck do the units say when they get hit? It sounds like "Hito!", which I can only assume is the Japanese equivalent of "Hit!" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.3. Questions about Missions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q: What's the best party to send into battle? This depends on the mission. For those missions where the types of units will have a significant impact, I've given the recommended party in the walkthrough. However, for most missions, your Leader plus one of each of the other unit types is usually good. Once you get some defectors (Apache, Acheron, etc.), it's usually smart to use them as much as possible. This means that by the Hard difficulty level, you'll have your Leader, Acheron, Apache, Trick, and Wink, and that will probably be your party for most missions. For those rare times when you get to use a sixth unit, the choice is up to you. But it might be a good idea to use any character that has received a bonus or two during the previous difficulty levels. Use the same person consistently in the sixth position, so if they gets more bonuses, it won't be a total waste. I personally prefer my sixth man to be a Task Force, but anything can be useful. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Is there any reason to not field the maximum number of units allowed for a mission? You get a bonus to your score. The bonus is 250 points per unit you opted not to field. This is a handy trick later in the game after you've gotten all the enemy- defector units, especially for missions that allow you to field six troops. That sixth unit will probably be one you created at the beginning of the game, and thus fairly useless anyway. By leaving it behind, you can dramatically increase your chances of obtaining a score of 3500+ on the mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Is there any way to control your units' starting locations? Yes, to an extent. As you're choosing your units for a mission, consult the map. Your troops' starting positions will be flashing, along with their numbers. So if you want a Sniper to be positioned far to the left, for example, pick your Sniper so that they are numbered the same as the number on the far left of the map. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. This game is hard! Any tips for how to keep from getting killed? Sure. It's easy to approach this game as a more traditional sword-and-sorcery SRPG, but due to the game's emphasis on ranged weapons and its inclusion of fields of view, you have to play it differently. Some general advice: ¥ You might be tempted to go after an enemy the instant you spot him. Don't! If you don't have enough AP left or some other units in the vicinity who do, you may overextend yourself and leave your unit wide open to enemy counterattack next turn. If you're not over 50% sure your nearest unit can take out the enemy (75% sure is better), make a note of where you saw the enemy and wait until later to take him out. ¥ When moving a character, don't use up all of its remaining AP in one go. Instead, move the unit forward a space or two, stop, and let it look (possibly in a direction you are not currently running). Then continue like this, little by little, until you reach your destination and you can set the unit to looking in the direction you want. You'll get to scan a fairly large area, and it costs no extra AP. ¥ Don't end your turn with all of your units' facing the same direction (unless you expect an imminent enemy attack from that direction). Instead, have units face various directions. This will increase the field of view your team has in sight and thus their chances of spotting an enemy. ¥ As you play through a mission, take note of where you find the enemy. If you decide to play through the mission again, there's a good chance that they'll be in roughly the same area as before. If you fail a mission, this "intelligence" is even better -- you get to see a map with the enemy's location flashing on it. Be extra careful in those areas next time. ¥ Defense doesn't pay. You can win many of the missions by playing defense, mind you, but you'll increase your score considerably if you take an aggressive strategy. That means, for example, that you shouldn't worry about leaving anyone behind as a guardian on "capture the flag" or "shoot the cans" missions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Is there any way to know where the enemy is? There are some things you can do to help you guess. The first is to listen when the enemy takes its turn. While its units are moving, you can hear the sound of their footsteps on whatever terrain they're crossing. Different terrains make different sounds, so if you hear an enemy walking through Mud, for example, you can narrow down their current location. Another trick is to have a Task Force lay traps. These show up on the in-game overview map (accessed from the Turn Menu) as skulls. When an enemy trips one of these traps, you will know exactly where it is, since that trap will no longer appear on the overview map. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What's with all the annoying comments your units make during the enemy's turn? Is there any way to turn this off? You can't turn it off. It can be annoying sometimes, but it's often quite helpful. They will tell you if a unit passes through their field of vision or if they think there's an enemy nearby (which means that there is). "Huh? What was that noise?!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How do I heal my units? Only Defenders can heal. Use their Recover technique (takes 4 AP), and the Defender and any friendly unit in an adjacent space will recover 1 HP. Your units will heal automatically between missions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Do you lose points when the enemy shoots one of your cans? Nope. Your score will be the same (though if the enemy shoots all of your cans, you will, of course, lose). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What's up with all the uncontrolled text scrolling when an enemy shoots a can? I'm assuming that this is merely a bug with the translation patch from AGTP. It will probably be fixed in a future patch release. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Your strategy for Mission (X) is horrible! That's not a question. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Okay, why is your strategy for Mission (X) so bad? Write your own dang FAQ, why don't you? Or better yet, send me your ingenious strategy, and I'll incorporate it into the FAQ (and give you credit, of course). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.4. Questions about Weapons =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q: What's the best (knife, handgun, semiautomatic rifle, etc.)? This depends on the situation. That said, there are definitely better and worse weapons in the game. I prefer the following: Knives: The kunai is very nice, since it can hit three times for only one AP. The spetznaz knife is also good, but it trades an extra point of Weight for its better Hit Rating. Handguns: The WEIGHT-4 handguns are generally better than the WEIGHT-3 ones, but I often give my units WEIGHT-3 sidearms to give them a boost to their AP. So, of the WEIGHT-3 guns, I like the Walther PPK/S (it has the best range), and of the WEIGHT-4 ones, I like pretty much any of them that offers an A-rating in the range. Submachine Guns: The H&K MP5A5 offers the best range, and its other stats are on par with the other SMGs. Shotguns: It's gotta be the Franki SPAS 12. Assault Rifles: The FN P90 (a secret gun found on Mission 7) is the best, since it requires no reloading and it takes one fewer AP to fire than the other guns in its class. Of the non-hidden weapons, the L85A1 is nice, though the XM177E2 isn't bad (the only Assault Rifle to offer an A-rating in its range). I tend not to use Assault Rifles, though, since (with the exception of the FN P90) they're outclassed by the Light Machine Guns for the same AP and comparable WEIGHT. Semiautomatic Rifles: The H&K PSG-1 is a dream come true, since it only takes 1 AP to use. Before getting this, I prefer the H&K G3 SG-1 for its ability to fire multiple shots. Light Machine Guns: The M134 Vulcan (hidden on mission 14) is an incredible killing machine, though its 9 WEIGHT is a downer. As for the regular LMGs, they're all good, though I give the edge to the U.S. M60. The MG34 outclasses it in some stats, but the M60 is lighter, and this late in the game, AP is a big deal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Why don't I have any Light Machine Guns? You don't win your first LMG until Mission 11, so don't worry about not having any in the beginning. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Is it just me or are the CZ 75 and Beretta M92F the same gun? Well, their pictures are different. But, yes, the stats are exactly the same. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Why does the Remington XP-100 suck so bad? At first glance, the XP-100 seems like a worthless weapon. A handgun that only fires one bullet before it needs reloading? It's important to recognize, however, where this gun is really useful: sniping. Since most sniper rifles take 2 AP per shot, the 2 AP needed to shoot and reload the XP-100 isn't out of line. It's a good weapon for your Snipers in missions with crowded maps with lots of obstacles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why do you win a weapon for the final mission? What's the point? You don't have to play the missions in order. So if you want that weapon for use in other Hard-difficulty missions, tackle Mission 24 first. You'll also have access to the weapon for 2-Player Mode. Finally, you might want to play through a mission you've already completed in order to improve your score. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What are the secret guns you can win? How do you get them? The hidden weapons are in hidden chests on various missions. To obtain them, you must move a unit onto a specific location, which will then cause a chest to appear. Moving a unit onto the chest gives you the gun inside. I know of four hidden guns. The first is the FN P90, which you get on mission 7. Its chest will appear if you move a unit onto coordinates (5, 23), in the bottom- left room of the map. Next is the M134 Vulcan, on Mission 14, and located at (60, 21), the bottom-right corner of the map. Next is the Walther WA2000, which is located at (4, 20) on Mission 20. Then there's the the Peacemaker, which you can get on Mission 23 when you move a unit onto the far top-right corner of the map (35, 1). It would seem likely that there are more secret weapons like this, but as of this writing, I have not found them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What happens if you fail the mission after finding a hidden weapon? You still get to keep any weapons you find, even if you ultimately fail the mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Can you get the hidden weapons on 2-Player Mode? Unfortunately, no. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What happens if you find a hidden gun but then fail the mission? You get to . . . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How do you get the Walther WA20? It's probably hidden on one of the maps (like the Peacemaker, M134 Vulcan, and FN P90), and there may be a Game Genie code, but I don't know it. So, sadly, Dark Angel gets exclusive use of this weapon for now. =========================================================================== 5. Unit Stats =========================================================================== Now it's time for a little nitty-gritty. What do all those letters and numbers mean for each of your units? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.1. HP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HP stands for "Hit Points", and as the name suggests, the number of HP a unit has represents the number of times it can be hit by the enemy before dying. A higher number is always better. A unit's HP is listed like this: X/Y. Here, X (the number on the left) represents the unit's current HP. Y is the number of maximum HP the unit can have. So, if a troop with 5 HP is hit once, its HP of 5/5 changes to 4/5. If it takes another hit, it will change to 3/5, etc. The unit's current Hit Points do not go back up unless a Defender uses the Recover ability or until the mission is completed (or failed). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.2. AP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Without a manual, I'm not exactly sure what AP is supposed to stand for, but it's probably something like "Action Points" or "Act Points". Why? Because AP represents the number of actions a unit may perform each turn. Like HP, AP is listed as X/Y, where X is the unit's remaining AP this turn and Y is the maximum AP. AP replenishes completely after each turn. Not all actions are created equal. Movement, for example, usually only costs 1 AP per space moved, but some terrain carries a higher cost. Also, weapons have an AP rating that represents the number of AP the character must expend to use them. Here is a basic breakdown of AP costs for various tasks: Attack: 1-3 (varies by weapon) Charge Weapon: 2-5 (varies by weapon) Movement: 1-4 (varies with terrain) Search (Active): 1 Special: 0-4 (varies by unit type) The weight of a unit's weapons directly impact its AP. See section 6 for more information. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.3. HIT and EVASION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A unit's HIT score represents its ability to hit the enemy in combat, and EVASION represents the unit's chances of dodging enemy fire. Both stats are measured on an A-E scale with A being the best and E being the worst. The chances of a unit hitting a target in combat follow the following formula: (unit's HIT + unit's arm's HIT - target's EVASION) x topography x direction "Unit's arm's HIT" is the rating of the attacker's current weapon at the range where the target is located. See Section 9 for a complete list of weapons and their ranges. "Topography" is the EFFECT rating of the terrain type that the TARGET is standing on. This rating favors the target, so an E here is good for the attacker while an A is good for the target. See Section 10 for a complete list of terrains and their effects. "Direction" is the direction the target is currently facing. This score favors the target, so A is good for the target but bad for the attacker. The ratings are: A - facing the attacker B - side to the attacker C - back to the attacker The main point, however, is that you want your HIT to be high and your enemy's EVASION to be low and vice-versa. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5.4. SEARCH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is perhaps the most complicated statistic to get a handle on. Every unit has a combined SEARCH score, something like 6 (9) or 7 (10). This represents the two different ways to search: passive and active. The first number (the one not in parentheses) is passive SEARCH. This is your character's normal field of view when just walking around, etc. The number in parentheses is your unit's active SEARCH; that is, the unit's field of view when you use the SEARCH command from the Unit Menu. Actively searching takes one AP. In both cases, the unit can see a number of tiles straight ahead equal to his or her SEARCH score (or SEARCH + 1 if you include the space the unit is standing on) and a number from left to right equal to SEARCH + 1 for evenly numbered scores and SEARCH + 2 for oddly numbered ones. So, if your Attacker has a passive SEARCH of 6, it can see six spaces straight ahead (without actively searching) and seven spaces from side to side. The field of view is roughly diamond-shaped. This chart represents the differences in fields of view for different SEARCH scores (X represents the unit and O the field of view): --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | O O | O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O SEARCH 5 O X O | SEARCH 6 O X O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | O O | O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O SEARCH 7 O X O | SEARCH 8 O X O -------------------------------------|------------------------------------- | O O | O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O SEARCH 9 O X O | SEARCH 10 O X O -------------------------------------|------------------------------------- | O O | O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O SEARCH 11 O X O | SEARCH 12 O X O -------------------------------------|------------------------------------- | O O | O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O O O O O O O O | O O O O O SEARCH 13 O X O | SEARCH 14 O X O =========================================================================== 6. Weapon Stats =========================================================================== The weapons your units fight with are almost as important as the units themselves. To this end, BBG provides over 50 different arms for your characters to kill each other with. Each of these weapons has its own statistics, giving each individual weapon its own unique strengths and weaknesses. This section provides a basic overview of weapon statistics. See Section 9 for a complete list of weapons and a more detailed discussion of weapon types. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.1. AP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This number represents the amount of AP required to use the arm in combat. This number is subtracted from a unit's available AP whenever the weapon is employed during a turn. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.2. 1SHOT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This number represents how many shots the weapon fires each time it is used (for knives, this is how many swings the attacker can make per use). If this is a single number, it means that the weapon fires exactly that number for the listed AP. If this is a range (e.g., 01-03), the weapon fires a number of rounds randomly selected from within that range. For shotguns, two numbers are listed here. The first is the number of times the weapon fires per use, and the second is the number of shots that fire with each use. So a 1SHOT of 01 (04) means that the weapon fires once for the listed AP, but each use sends out four individual shots, any or all of which may hit the target. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.3. CAPACITY and CHARGE AP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CAPACITY is the amount of ammo the weapon can hold. In battle, this number is listed as X/Y, where X is the number of shots remaining in the weapon and Y is the arm's maximum ammo rating. Once a weapon has used up all of its ammunition, it must be reloaded before it can be used again. CHARGE AP represents the amount of AP expended to reload the weapon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.4. WEIGHT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is how heavy the arm is. The combined weight of a unit's primary and secondary weapons has a direct impact on that unit's AP (see chart below). In general, the heavier a unit's weaponry, the less it can do in one turn. Therefore, pay attention when outfitting your troops. If you equip a unit with a heavy primary weapon, you may have to sacrifice a better secondary weapon for something lighter. The following chart summarizes the effect of weight on unit AP: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIT'S | WEIGHT CARRIED BASE AP | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | --------|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|- 8-9 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 10-11 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 12-13 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 14-15 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6.5. Range =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Weapons also have a range. This is displayed graphically to the right of the weapon's statistics on the Unit Data and Gun Select Menus. A typical range is a diamond shape centered - on the character at the bottom. The spaces - - - the weapon can hit are shown in different - - - - - colors, which represent the arm's accuracy - - - C - - - at various distances. A is the highest level - - - C C C - - - of accuracy, and E is the lowest. A typical - - C C B C C - - range looks something like the figure to the C C B C B C C right (where the letters correspond to the B C - C B colors displayed in the game). - X - =========================================================================== 7. Team Make =========================================================================== Your first step before you begin fighting is to create your team. You have eight slots to fill, and there are five types of unit you can incorporate into your squadron. This section covers the options and offers some advice on who you might want to choose. Note that the names given here are merely the game's defaults (and you can rename your troops during the Team Make stage). You can even choose more than one of the exact same unit (except for Leaders). The names will change the second time around, however, so the unit here labeled "Harold" may also be called "Flieger" or "Trap" or something else. Hopefully, the following physical descriptions will circumvent any confusion. NOTE: The AP given for each unit in the Team Make phase of the game is higher than what it will be in the actual game. The number given in Team Make mode is the unit's AP WITHOUT WEAPONS. When you see these units again, their AP scores will be lower to compensate for their arms. In the statistics given below, the first number represents the unit's raw AP (without weapons). The number in parentheses indicates the unit's AP with the weapons it comes equipped with by default. See Section 6.4 for more information on weapon weight's effect on AP. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7.1. Leader =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Your choice of leader is one of the most important decisions in the game. This character will take part in every mission from here on out; you have no choice in the matter. Fortunately, the Leader units are fairly well balanced, and any of them makes a good addition to your team. But there are differences, so choose wisely. Leaders can use any weapon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1.1. Garrack --------------------------------------------------------------------------- He has brown hair and yellow goggles. HP: 5 AP: 19 (10) HIT: C EVASION: C SEARCH: 7 (10) A good, all-around choice for leader. His averageness is both his greatest strength and greatest weakness. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1.2. Cliburn --------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's the guy with black hair, a Rambo bandanna, and a smirk on his face. HP: 5 AP: 19 (9) HIT: D EVASION: C SEARCH: 8 (11) He can see farther than the other two choices, but his HIT is pretty bad. Not recommended. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1.3. Rouge --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only female leader. She's got blue hair. HP: 4 AP: 20 (12) HIT: C EVASION: B SEARCH: 7 (10) Her low HP is her main liability, but it's balanced by her high AP and EVASION rate. A good choice for leader, just don't let her get too far ahead of the rest of the team. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1.4. SPECIAL: Team Data --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP: 0 Uses per battle: Unlimited Lets you see all your units' HP and "special status" on one menu. By selecting the number of a particular unit, you are taken to it, a handy trick if you can't remember where you left someone. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7.2. Attacker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Attack-based, and the most balanced of the four!! Get ready for head-on battles!!" Like the blurb says, Attackers are good all-purpose units. They have a higher average HIT score than any other unit but Snipers. Their EVASION scores leave a bit to be desired, though, which can be a liability. All in all, it's a good idea to have one or two on your team. Attackers can use Knives, Handguns, Shotguns, and Assault Rifles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.2.1. Harold --------------------------------------------------------------------------- His backwards ballcap, squinty bespectacled eyes, and curly, blond hair belie his determination to destroy. HP: 5 AP: 18 (8) HIT: C EVASION: D SEARCH: 6 (9) Probably the most balanced of the Attackers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.2.2. Talos --------------------------------------------------------------------------- An angry-looking, mullet-sporting miscreant. HP: 5 AP: 18 (9) HIT: D EVASION: D SEARCH: 7 (10) A slightly higher SEARCH score somewhat compensates for his poor HIT and EVASION. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.2.3. Diana --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A brunette in a red bandanna. HP: 4 AP: 19 (10) HIT: C EVASION: C SEARCH: 6 (9) Another female character who trades one fewer HP for higher scores in several other categories. Not a bad choice, though you may curse yourself when her 4 HP disappear in a few seconds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.2.4. SPECIAL: Pineapple --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP: 2 Uses per battle: 5 Throws a grenade that affects the square where it hits and all adjoining squares. Any hostile unit caught in the blast takes one point of damage (though they can evade). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7.3. Task Force =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Movement-based with tons of AP! Continue ahead and locate the enemy first!" Unfortunately, the Task Force is all-around a weak unit. Their HP is low, their HIT and EVASION leave much to be desired, and their SEARCH is merely average. They do have an average of 3 or 4 AP over other unit types, however, which does come in handy. The Task Force's main saving grace is its SPECIAL, Trap. If you can lure the enemy through a Task Force-created minefield, you may be able to weaken a hostile unit just enough to take him out. Traps also show up on the in-mission Map Screen, so when an enemy trips one, its absence on the map screen gives you a big clue as the enemy's location. Task Forces can use Knives, Handguns, Submachine Guns, and Assault Rifles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.3.1. Flieger --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black mask and yellow goggles. HP: 4 AP: 20 (13) HIT: D EVASION: D SEARCH: 6 (9) The most "average" of the three Task Forces. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.3.2. Guy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's a ninja! HP: 4 AP: 20 (13) HIT: D EVASION: E SEARCH: 7 (10) The Task Force to choose if you actually do want someone to "locate the enemy first". With his HP and EVASION rate, however, he'll be toast as soon as he does find them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.3.3. Candy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- She looks kind of like Betty Boop the morning after. She's got reddish-brown hair with a green feather in it. HP: 3 AP: 21 (14) HIT: D EVASION: C SEARCH: 6 (9) Her EVASION is decent and an extra AP is handy, but with her low HP, it's little compensation. Still, not a bad choice if you want someone who can move in, take a few pot shots, then move back out of range. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.3.4. SPECIAL: Trap --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP: 3 Uses per battle: 5 Places an invisible booby trap on the tile where the unit is currently standing (though if one of your units set the trap, it will appear as a flashing skull on the Map Screen). Traps cause one point of damage to the first hostile unit to step on them, then they are useless. Traps do not affect friendly troops. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7.4. Defender =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Defense-based, with high HP and evasion rates! Tighten up your defense with this!" The game designers probably intended you to use Defenders for, well, defense. And, yes, they are well suited to it. They use weapons that fire many shots for only a few AP, they have excellent EVASION rates, and their HP are high. Their HIT scores are dismal, however, but I guess the idea is that if you leave a Defender behind your other forces (to guard the flag or whatnot), the enemy will be sufficiently weakened that the Defender can finish him off with a few lucky shots. Forget that. Defenders are tanks. They're perfect for sending full-speed toward the enemy, guns blazing. Even if they miss most of the time (due to their abysmal HIT rates), they can often score just enough hits to allow a weaker unit to finish the enemy off. So what if they can't always kill the enemy themselves? Let the bad guys try to take them out; they'll miss more often than they hit! Defenders can use Handguns, Submachine Guns, Assault Rifles, and Light Machine Guns. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.4.1. Anderson --------------------------------------------------------------------------- He's the guy wearing the gas mask and the green helmet. HP: 6 AP: 18 (9) HIT: E EVASION: A SEARCH: 5 (8) So he can't hit the broad side of a barn. The barn couldn't hit him, either, with that EVASION rate. A good choice if you want someone to charge in and weaken the enemy without having to worry too much that he'll get toasted himself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.4.2. Cain --------------------------------------------------------------------------- He looks like he just smelled something really foul (maybe HE should wear the gas mask). He's got squinty eyes and yellow goggles. HP: 6 AP: 18 (9) HIT: E EVASION: B SEARCH: 6 (9) Like Anderson, his HIT is poor, but his EVASION is good (though less than Anderson's). He has an average SEARCH score, though, meaning that he might have a slight edge if you like sending Defenders well ahead of other troops. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.4.3. Betty --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yellow goggles and long, badly permed brown hair. HP: 5 AP: 19 (9) HIT: D EVASION: A SEARCH: 5 (8) Another good choice. Her low SEARCH is balanced by her better HIT and one more AP. Just be careful; she's also slightly weaker than the other two. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.4.4. SPECIAL: Recover --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP: 4 Uses per battle: 5 Heals one HP for the Defender and any friendly units in adjacent squares. As the only means of recovery during a battle, this is a very useful ability indeed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7.5. Sniper =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Recon-based, accuracy is high and eyesight is great! Take 'em out from far away!" The Sniper's a good choice on any mission. You have to be careful to keep them in the back, though; their HP and EVASION rates are typically very low. They more than make up for it with their HIT, however. The Sniper's main weakness is that most sniper rifles take 2 AP for only one shot. This means that they can rarely finish off an enemy in one turn. They're good for guerilla strikes, however; running in, taking a few shots, then running back to safety. Snipers can use Handguns and Semiautomatic Rifles. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.5.1. Thomas --------------------------------------------------------------------------- His blue ballcap and black goggles make him look like he might belong on the FBI's most-wanted list. HP: 4 AP: 18 (9) HIT: A EVASION: E SEARCH: 9 (12) Thomas is the "average" Sniper. His strength is a high HIT and good SEARCH, but his weakness is his low HP and EVASION. Keep him away from the enemy, and he can get in a few shots before your stronger troops move in for the kill. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.5.2. J.J. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dark sunglasses are cool, and the Indiana Jones-style fedora adds an extra level of chic. HP: 4 AP: 18 (9) HIT: B EVASION: E SEARCH: 9 (13) His HIT is still good, but it's lower than the other two Snipers'. Still, he has a better active SEARCH score. It's your choice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.5.3. Celes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- With long, blond hair and a green beret, she does kind of favor her Final Fantasy VI namesake. HP: 3 AP: 19 (10) HIT: A EVASION: D SEARCH: 9 (12) Her one extra AP can sometimes make the difference between killing an enemy troop or just weakening it. Her EVASION is a bit better than her male counterparts', but her low HP is a severe tradeoff. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.5.4. SPECIAL: Point Shot --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP: 1 Uses per battle: Unlimited Your shot has a Hit Percentage of 99% regardless of where your target is within your weapon's range. In other words, if your target is in E range, you still have a 99% chance to hit. Ditto if he's in A range. Not a bad skill, especially if you've got an already weakened enemy in your sights and just have to take him out this turn. Note that you are still charged your weapon's normal AP cost in addition to the extra point to use Point Shot. =========================================================================== 8. Missions =========================================================================== Missions form the heart of Ball Bullet Gun. This is where you test your mettle and see if your troops are up to snuff. There are 24 missions in the game, eight in the "Easy" category, eight "Normal", and eight "Hard". Despite the difficulty ratings, however, all of these missions are winnable, and with luck and skill, you should be able to achieve high scores on all of them. After you complete a mission for the first time, you win a new weapon for your troops to use. These weapons and their stats are listed in the following mission walkthroughs. In addition, enemy troops defect to your side after certain predetermined missions (these enemies do not have to be alive at the end of the mission in order for you to get them). These missions are noted, and the converts' stats are given below. Some missions have more than one objective (but no more than two), each of which carries a different score for achieving. You can only win the mission via one or the other of these goals, not both. In the following walkthrough, these scores are given in parentheses after the mission objectives. In addition, you are awarded some sort of decoration for winning a mission. The award varies depending on your score according to the following chart: 0-1950 (?): Cat Medal 2000-2450: Bronze Medal 2500-2950: Silver Medal 3000-3450: Gold Medal 3500+: Gold Star The first time you win a Gold Star for a particular mission, you get an extra bonus: One of your participating units receives a boost to one of its stats. So, for example, the unit's HIT may go up a notch, or its SEARCH radius may widen by one. The unit who receives the bonus is selected at random, and only those troops who survived the mission are eligible. One caveat about the following mission walkthroughs: Enemy behavior in BBG is often random and, therefore, unpredictable. I have made every effort to give the best possible advice, but I offer no guarantee that my tactics will work for you, nor that they are the best possible way to approach any particular mission. There are too many variables in the game for a one-size-fits-all approach. So, try these tactics out, but don't be afraid to innovate and expand on what I've written here. Who knows, maybe you'll end up writing your own FAQ. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8.1 Easy Missions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The game's Easy missions start out mind-numbingly simple but quickly progress to offer a significant challenge. Missions 7 and 8 in particular can give you quite a headache if you don't know what you're doing. New units join your force after Missions 5 (Acheron) and 7 (Apache). You may want to tackle those first so you can make more use of these powerful turncoats. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1.1. Mission 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Don't leave a single man standing!!" Place & Rule: Grassy Plain: Battle Royale Enemy Team: Little Apple Player 2 vs. Enemy 2 Maximum Turns: 10 Prize: Desert Eagle Recommended Team: 1 Leader; 1 Attacker or Sniper Player Objective: Defeat Enemy Team (2650) Enemy Objective: Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker Terrain: Grassy Plain, Ground, River --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy This one's not that bad, but you can still get your rear end handed to you if you don't know what you're doing. On your first turn, move both of your units so that they're against the rock to the north. Listen closely when the enemy takes its turn. Hear that "plopping" noise? One of the enemy troops is in the river north of you. Jump out of hiding with whoever has a lower Search score. Find the enemy by taking one step at a time until he's within in sight. Blast him. Now you need to take out the other enemy. Move your other soldier out from behind the rock and face north. Now move forward one step at a time or do an active Search. You should be able to find the enemy without too much trouble; he's usually running around the rock to the north of the river. Now move up and kill the guy. It may be hard to do so on Turn 2, so if necessary, move your men out of striking distance and wait for the next turn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Desert Eagle - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - C - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - C C C - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - C C C C C - - CHARGE AP: 2 C C C C C C C WEIGHT: 04 C C - C C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1.2. Mission 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Move all units toward the arrival point!" Place & Rule: Office: Corridor Battle Enemy Team: Little Apple Player 2 vs. Enemy 3 Maximum Turns: 14 Prize: Ingram M10A1 Recommended Team: 1 Leader; 1 Attacker Player Objective: Arrival at Arrival Point (2750), Defeat Enemy Team (650) Enemy Objective: Keep Enemy from Arrival Point Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 1 Sniper Terrain: Carpet, Hallway --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy You can move both your units as far north as possible the first turn. The enemies' footsteps should tell you which ones are on Carpet terrain and which are still on Hallway; chances are it'll be the Sniper somewhere around the northeastern potted plant and the Leader north of the central partition (the Attacker is probably in the far-right narrow hallway). So, Turn 2, send one of your units around the right side and take out the Sniper. End the turn with one unit in each of the two southern corners of the central room. On the enemy's turn, Kid will circle around and fire on one of your two cornered units. You should have enough HP to survive the attack. Then, kill Kid at the beginning of Turn 3. Finish the turn with your units standing south of the flag a number of spaces equal to their AP plus one. So if you've got a unit with 12 maximum AP, it should be 13 spaces away from the flag. At the beginning of Turn 4, go up to the flag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ingram M10A1 - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - C - - - 1SHOT: 03-07 - - - C D C - - - CAPACITY: 30 - - C D E D C - - CHARGE AP: 4 C D E - E D C WEIGHT: 05 E - - - E - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1.3. Mission 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The first to knock down all the cans wins the mission!!" Place & Rule: Maze: Can Battle Enemy Team: Little Apple Player 4 vs. Enemy 4 Maximum Turns: 14 Prize: XM177E2 Recommended Team: Player Objective: Capture all Cans/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Objective: Capture all Cans (2300), Defeat Enemy Team (1000) Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Defender, 2 other units of your choice Terrain: Floor, Rocky Terrain, Stairs (stone) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy First off, before you even begin the mission, select your units in order that the Defender will be on the far right when the mission starts (consult the mission map from the Unit Select Screen). Then, on Turn 1, send the Defender north and east as far toward and into the east-leading hallway above the two skulls as possible (at 9 on the Y-coordinate). Send whomever starts to the far left toward the western hallway directly across from where you sent the Defender. Your other two units should just move as far north into the central portion of the maze as possible. On Turn 2, move the Defender north toward the previously mentioned hallway if necessary and kill the Task Force who is there. Do the same thing with your unit at the other side of the map and kill the Sniper. Your other two units can then move in and kill the Attacker who is hiding out somewhere around (9, 9). Ignore Kid; hopefully he'll head south and try to take out your cans. Send your Defender and the western counterpart toward the cans north of them and send your other two units after the two central cans (be sure to have your Defender heal if it dips below 3 HP, since it'll likely hit a couple of traps). You should be able to finish by Turn 3 or 4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - XM177E2 - D - - D C D - AP: 3 - D C A C D - 1SHOT: 02-06 - D C A C A C D - CAPACITY: 30 D C A C - C A C D CHARGE AP: 4 A C - - - C A WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1.4. Mission 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Don't leave a single man standing!!" Place & Rule: R&D Dept: Battle Royale Enemy Team: Green Army Player 3 vs. Enemy 3 Maximum Turns: 16 Prize: Beretta M84 Recommended Team: 1 Leader; 1 Task Force; 1 Sniper Player Objective: Defeat Enemy Team (2050) Enemy Objective: Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 2 Snipers; or 1 Leader, 1 Task Force, 1 Sniper Terrain: Carpet, Hallway, Stairs (stone) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy On your first turn, move everyone as far northeast as possible. The enemy likes the eastern side of the map (the area around the two clusters of desks on the right side). So on Turn 2, move everyone toward this quadrant. You may even find and kill an enemy unit. On Turn 3, move units one at a time until you sight a unit. Continue to explore like this, moving toward the northwest corner, being careful to stop every few steps to check for enemies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Beretta M84 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: 13 - - - - D - - - - CHARGE AP: 3 - - D B D - - WEIGHT: 03 D B - B D - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1.5. Mission 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The first one to knock down all the cans wins the mission!!" Place & Rule: Desert Island: Can Battle Enemy Team: Green Army Player 5 vs. Enemy 6 Maximum Turns: 16 Prize: Acheron (Defender), H&K MP5KA4 Recommended Team: 1 Leader, 1 Defender, 2 Snipers, 2 units of your choosing Player Objective: Capture all Cans (1800), Defeat Enemy Team (300) Enemy Objective: Capture all Cans/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 1 Defender, 2 Snipers, 1 Task Force Terrain: Bush (type 2), Grassy Plain, Ground, River, Tall Bush --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy First turn, send each of your Snipers toward your side's north and south cans. Your Defender (or someone with a good HP and EVASION) should go south with the Sniper you sent that way. Send the other two troops toward the tree straight ahead. On Turn 2, continue to move your Snipers toward the enemy's top and bottom cans. Keep the high-EVASION person in front of the southern Sniper, though. The two other units should next move to hide behind the rocks ahead of the tree where they were. By Turn 3, you should have at least one enemy within striking distance. Still, play it conservatively. If you can take someone out, fine, but don't leave yourself exposed to enemy reprisal from the Attacker, Sniper, or Task Force you didn't notice. But between your central or southern troop groups, you should have killed the enemy's Snipers, Attacker, and Task Force by the end of Turn 5. Be sure you're using any extra AP at the end of each turn to do active Searches. Now your Snipers should be close to the top and bottom cans. Shoot them from a distance (use the Point Shot ability if you can spare the extra AP). In the meantime, move your other units up from the south toward the center can. Octopus, the enemy Leader, likes to hang out in the Tall Bush to the northeast. Just ignore him. Your only concern now is the center can and the Defender guarding it. He's difficult, mainly because he likes to hide behind the two Short Trees beside the can. Still, try to reach him from the south, and do it with as many units as possible. This means you may need to hide out the turn before you move in to attack, since approaching too quickly or disunified will let the Defender take you out one by one. If you can knock down the final can by Turn 5, do so without worrying about the Defender. If not, you'll need to kill him to maximize your score. If all goes well, you should finish the mission by Turn 6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acheron TYPE: Defender HP: 7 AP: 10 HIT: C EVASION: A SEARCH: 6 (9) Acheron joins you the first time you successfully complete Mission 5. He looks like starting Defender Anderson with his goggles and gas mask, but with 7 HP, HIT C, and SEARCH 6 (9), he's head and shoulders above any Defenders you might have up to this point. Use him like an Attacker or a Defender; his stats are good enough for either job. (Incidentally, if you replay Mission 5 after getting Acheron, Iguana takes his position in the Green Army.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H&K MP5KA4 - - - - - D - - AP: 2 - - D C D - - 1SHOT: 03-07 - - D C C C D - - CAPACITY: 20 - D C C C C C D - CHARGE AP: 4 C C C - C C C WEIGHT: 05 C - - - C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1.6. Mission 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Don't Leave a Single Man Standing!!" Place & Rule: Battlefield: Battle Royale Enemy Team: Green Army Player 6 vs. Enemy 6 Maximum Turns: 18 Prize: L96A1 Recommended Team: 1 Leader; 1 Attacker; 1 Defender; 2 Snipers; 1 Task Force Player Objective: Defeat Enemy Team (1200) Enemy Objective: Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader; 1 Attacker; 1 Defender; 1 Sniper; 2 Task Forces Terrain: Bush (type 1), Ditch, Ground, Mud --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy On the first turn, you want to send three troops toward the northwestern group of three trees and a group of three toward the northeastern ditch surrounded by four trees. After the enemy moves, the Leader and a Task Force should be standing in the northeastern ditch. Take them out with the three troops you moved toward that area. At the other end of the map, there should be an Attacker, a Task Force, and a Sniper among the northwestern trees. Take them out with your troops that are nearby. The enemy Defender should be in the ditch north of these trees; take him out if you have the firepower to spare, otherwise keep south of the trees. He'll run to the ditch directly to your west, so turn left and kill him on the next turn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- B L96A1 B A B B A A A B AP: 2 B A A B A A B 1SHOT: 01 B A A B - B A A B CAPACITY: 10 A A B - - - B A A CHARGE AP: 4 B - - - - - B WEIGHT: 08 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1.7. Mission 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We're more likely to win if we get the leader first!!" Place & Rule: Dept. Store: Target Battle Enemy Team: Bandits Player 6 vs. Enemy 6 Maximum Turns: 22 Prize: Apache (Attacker), FN P90, Maverick M88 Player Objective: Subjugate Enemy Leader (1500) Enemy Objective: Subjugate Enemy Leader/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 1 Defender, 1 Sniper, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Floor, Flooring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy This is one of the most annoying missions in the game. The simple fact is that the enemy's behavior shows little continuity from one fight to a next on this stage. So you might find the Leader on turn four, or you might kill everyone but the Leader by that turn and then spend the next ten turns trying to find the little punk. To add to the annoyance, the computer takes forever to take its turn. It will sometimes cycle through its units without even moving them, and each time, one of YOUR units will have to make a comment. Your best tactic is to listen to the enemy units' footsteps. The Floor tile makes a different sound from the Flooring tile, so you can tell if a particular unit is either in one of the two big hallway areas or in one of the smaller rooms to the side. It's also a good idea to split up your troops into two groups of three. Send one of them south to enter the main area from that direction, and send the other north. If you have one group enter through the first door they come to, send the other to the second door (otherwise, you'll just have everyone meet back up in the center before you've encountered any enemies). The enemy units tend to move in groups of two or three, but this too is random. You could run into all the enemy units in one big group just as easily. Still, it's really a matter of dumb luck if you're able to find enough enemy units to kill (and thus maximize your score) before you find and kill the Leader. The earliest you'll meet an enemy troop is Turn 3 or 4, so be careful as you position your troops at the end of Turn 3 (especially with your Leader). One added note: The FN P90 is hidden on this level. To get it, send someone to the bottom-left room on the map and have them stand at coordinate 5, 25. A chest with the gun in it will appear directly north of this location. Move someone onto the chest to claim the gun. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache TYPE: Attacker HP: 5 AP: 12 HIT: B EVASION: C SEARCH: 7 (10) Apache defects to your team after Mission 7. Never mind that he looks nothing like a Native American (he's got the same sprite as the Attacker Harold -- backwards ballcap, blond hair). His high AP, HIT, and SEARCH scores make him better than the starting Attackers, so Apache should quickly become an integral part of your squad. (From here on out, Apache's place on the Bandits team is taken by Truck.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - FN P90 - - - - - D - - AP: 2 - - D C D - - 1SHOT: 03-07 - - D C B C D - - CAPACITY: ° - D C B B B C D - CHARGE AP: N/A C B B - B B C WEIGHT: 07 B - - - B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Maverick M88 - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - C - - - 1SHOT: 01 (04) - - - C C C - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - C C B C C - - CHARGE AP: 3 C C B C B C C WEIGHT: 06 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.1.8. Mission 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bust out the prisoners and get 'em to the escape point!" Place & Rule: Factory: Prisoner Rescue Enemy Team: Bandits Player 5 vs. Enemy 6 (once you start the mission, you have 6 units, the 6th being the Prisoner) Maximum Turns: 20 Prize: Browning HP Recommended Team: 1 Leader, 1 Defender, 1 Task Force, 2 other units Player Objective: Rescue of Prisoner to Arrival Point (1800), Defeat Enemy Team (300) Enemy Objective: Prevent Prisoner Escape in turn limit Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 1 Defender, 1 Sniper, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Pipe, Plate, Soil, Stairs (metal) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy Consult the mission map while you're choosing units for this mission. You want a good all-around character (such as Apache) to be standing to the far right, you want a Task Force and a Defender (preferably Acheron) to be near the center, and you want a high-EVASION high-HP unit toward the left. This level can be fiendishly difficult or fairly easy. The key is to split up into three groups. Group 1 should consist of a Defender (preferably Acheron) and a Task Force or some other unit with high AP. Send these two up the middle flight of stairs on Turn 1. "Group" 2 should be one person, your toughest, baddest unit (I like to put Apache up to the task). Send this unit up the eastern staircase. Group 3 should be whoever is left, but they should have high EVASION and HP. Send them toward the western staircase, but stop at about the level of the barrels to the right of the stairs. On the next turn, send your Task Force to stand just right or left of the space directly below the prisoner, (14, 15). The Defender should follow behind, ending up somewhere around (17, 15) and ending the turn facing east. Move your lone eastern unit further north as far as possible. Leave the two units in the southwest where they are. At the start of Turn 3, there should be a Sniper and a Task Force at the foot of the northeastern set of stairs. Take them out with your lone wolf over there. Meanwhile, your Task Force/Defender pair in the center should be ready to kill whomever they see to their north in front of the prisoner and then run up and free the poor guy. Usually it's best to let the Defender kill whomever is there (that's why I prefer Acheron, since he can hit decently), and to let the Task Force run up to the Prisoner and then fire with whatever AP is left. Now that you have control of him, move the Prisoner onto the southern catwalk as far as he can go. Leave the southwesterners where they are again. Unfortunately, whoever freed the Prisoner is probably toast by the next turn. For the next few turns, keep moving the Prisoner toward the flag, keep moving the Defender (and the Task Force, if it's still alive) to end up just behind him (forget about whichever of the two center enemies you didn't kill last turn). Do whatever you want with the lone eastern troop; its purpose has been served. Also listen for the sound of enemy troops going down stairs or until your two southeastern troops start saying they think they hear something. That's their cue to kill the enemies that are now at the stairwell. Once you reach the flag with the prisoner, you win. You should be able to get there by Turn 8 at the latest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prisoner TYPE: Prisoner HP: 1 AP: 8 HIT: E EVASION: E SEARCH: 6 (6) He looks like Play (or is it Kid?), and the Bandits have no doubt taken him hostage until his rapper partner forks over some of his royalties from the "House Party" movies. As you can see, his stats aren't much. As soon as you free the poor sot, have him do what he does best: run for it! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Browning HP - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - A - - - - CAPACITY: 13 - - - A B A - - - CHARGE AP: 3 - A B B B A - WEIGHT: 03 B B - B B - X - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8.2 Normal Missions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BBG's Normal missions build on concepts you learned at the easy difficulty. Here you'll find more "capture the flag" scenarios, more "shoot the cans" stages, and a devilishly difficult "kill the leader" mission. There are also some new surprises in store, such as the "rabbit chase", Mission 14. But you've passed eight stages already. You're up to the challenge, right? In the following walkthroughs, I assume you are using Acheron and Apache unless I tell you not to. You get new units after Missions 10 (Trick) and 15 (Wink). Both of these characters are excellent additions to your squadron, so you may want to finish their missions first. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.2.1. Mission 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The first one to reach the flag wins!!" Place & Rule: Snow Plain: Flag Battle Enemy Team: Orange Shot Player 5 vs. Enemy 6 Maximum Turns: 20 Prize: L85A1 Player Objective: Capture Enemy Flag (1500), Defeat Enemy Team (500) Enemy Objective: Capture Enemy Flag/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 1 Defender, 1 Sniper, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Bush (type 2), Grassy Plain, Ground --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy The most difficult thing about this mission is that the snow removes one of your most potent weapons for finding the enemy: all the terrain sounds the same sound! Nonetheless, the mission is winnable. Begin by moving two units as far west as they can go. Move the remaining three as far south as you can. On the next turn, move the western pair south along the road-type terrain. Split the eastern trio up, moving one west and onto the large central road and the other two farther south along the eastern road. At the beginning of Turn 3, you may have a unit far enough southwest to kill the Sniper that should be there, as well as any other unit that may have wandered up there. If not, move south to about the level of the parallel rows of four bushes. In the southeast, you may have someone far enough south to move in and kill some of the two or three units that should be there (hopefully you can take out all of them). Meanwhile, let your lone central unit move further south (this unit, too, might be able to help take out the Sniper or any of the three eastern units you fail to kill). If you can't take the Sniper out, however, don't worry. She shouldn't have enough AP to kill any of your units outright. On the next turn, finish off any of the five units who survived the last turn. Then position someone on the eastern end of the map so that they can begin to make a run for the flag using the path that runs along the bottom edge of the map. Move the two northwestern units far enough down to see all of the rocks that form an inverted L (don't forget the active Search ability). Move your other two units to the patch of Bush directly across the road from the L-shaped rock formation. Your objective now is to kill whichever enemy sticks its head out (usually the Defender to the north of the rocks) and to move your high-AP unit south to the flag. If you have to, use a high-HP, high-EVASION unit to draw the Leader's or Defender's fire. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L85A1 - C - - C B C - AP: 3 - C B B B C - 1SHOT: 03-05 - C B B B B B C - CAPACITY: 30 C B B B - B B B C CHARGE AP: 4 B B - - - B B WEIGHT: 07 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.2.2. Mission 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The first one to knock down all the cans wins the mission!!" Place & Rule: Dept. Store: Can Battle Enemy Team: Orange Shot Player 4 vs. Enemy 5 Maximum Turns: 20 Prize: Trick (Task Force); Kunai Player Objective: Capture All Cans (2000), Defeat Enemy Team (500) Enemy Objective: Capture All Cans/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Defender, 1 Sniper, 1 Task Force Terrain: Floor, Flooring --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy This mission's not all that hard, mostly because the enemy units never come after your cans. They all just kind of stand around in predetermined locations, making it fairly simple to find and kill them. Begin by splitting your troops into two pairs. Send one north toward the closest northern can and the other south toward the closest southern one. Continue to move toward these goals until both these cans have been felled (probably Turn 3). There should be a Defender patrolling to the east of the long line of benches at the center of the map. Take him out with either of the two groups (if you can't make it from the can room to the Defender with enough AP to kill him, hide north or south of the stairwell and do it next turn). Now move your northern pair of units toward the can at the center of the eastern wall. Move in slowly so that you can kill the Task Force who's guarding it. Your southern troops should then move into the southeastern room and kill the Sniper there. Next turn, knock over both of these cans. Now move up into the northeastern area. The enemy Leader and Attacker should be here, the Leader straight ahead and the Attacker by the can. Ignore the Leader and move on the Attacker en masse. Kill him and his can the same turn. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trick TYPE: Task Force HP: 4 AP: 15 HIT: C EVASION: C SEARCH: 6 (9) You finally get a Task Force who's worth something after Mission 10. Trick's the spitting image of the starting Task Force Flieger, but he's got more AP and better HIT and EVASION scores. Too bad his HP is still so low. (Reeling from Trick's traitorous, er, tricks, Orange Shot henceforth employs the talents of De Kock.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kunai - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01-03 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: ° - - - - - - - - - CHARGE AP: N/A - - - - - - - WEIGHT: 02 - - C - - C X C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.2.3. Mission 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The first to knock down all the cans wins the mission!!" Place & Rule: Battlefield: Can Battle Enemy Team: Orange Shot Player 5 vs. Enemy 6 Maximum Turns: 18 Prize: FN M249 Minimi Player Objective: Capture All Cans (1800), Defeat Enemy Team (300) Enemy Objective: Capture All Cans/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 1 Defender, 1 Sniper, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Bush (type 1), Ground, Mud --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy Begin by sending all but two units toward the closest enemy can, straight ahead in the center of the maze. Send the others toward the southern entrance to the wall maze. On the next turn, Knock down the can. Send someone north (preferably a Sniper), careful to stay south of the top wall. Send someone to accompany whoever shoots down the can. Finally, send your southern contingent further east. You should run into the enemy Task Forces on Turn 3 or 4. They tend to congregate to the south of the wall maze, so be careful to position the southern group carefully at the end of Turn 2. Then on Turn 3, take them both out. You may be able to take out the Sniper and Attacker, as well; they tend to either be at the northern edge of the map or else toward the northern edge of the wall maze. Wipe them out with the northern or central units. Be careful toward the central-eastern enemy can; the Leader guards it, and if you end a unit's turn in the area directly west of him, he will likely find your unit and kill it. On Turn 4, finish taking out any of the Attacker, Sniper, and Task Forces you failed to kill on Turn 3. Then move forward and take out as many cans as possible. The enemy Leader and Defender are your only remaining threats; the Defender is by the southeastern can. By Turn 5, you should be able to kill one of them and take out the remaining cans. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - FN M249 Minimi - E - - E D E - AP: 3 - E D C D E - 1SHOT: 04-09 - E D C B C D E - CAPACITY: ° E D C B A B C D E CHARGE AP: N/A C B A - A B C WEIGHT: 08 A - - - A - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.2.4. Mission 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We're more likely to win if we get the leader first!!" Place & Rule: Maze: Target Battle Enemy Team: Bulldog Player 6 vs. Enemy 6 Maximum Turns: 22 Prize: H&K MP5A5 Player Objective: Subjugate Enemy Leader (1000) Enemy Objective: Subjugate Enemy Leader/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 1 Defender, 1 Sniper, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Bones, Floor, Puddle, Rocky Terrain, Stairs (stone) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy This is another annoying "kill the leader" mission. There's really no way to predict where the enemy troops will go, so finding and killing enough enemy units in order to maximize your score is really just a matter of luck. To make matters worse, you have to find and kill all six enemies (with no casualties) by the end of Turn 6 for a score of 3500 or higher. That said, there are a few patterns that you can maybe exploit. The enemy tends to send units to three basic locations: above the northeastern building, into the southwestern building via the westernmost staircase, and to the central crossroads. So the best strategy is to split up to cover these areas and then quickly regroup once the enemy has been found. At the top of the stairs, split up into two groups of three. Send one west and south and the other east and then north. When the west/south group reaches the intersection, send one up and into the building and the other two north through the corridor. Meanwhile, when the east/north group reaches its intersection, send one unit north through the bone field, another west through the corridor, and the third up into the building. Turn 4 is the earliest you're likely to encounter an enemy. Move the two units who took the corridors toward the place where their corridors cross. Save one AP, though, and have each of them do a Search to complete their turns. Meanwhile, move the two units through their respective buildings carefully, looking out for enemies. Move the other two units north through the bone corridor and west past the southern building. If at any point you encounter an enemy, try to kill it, but don't overextend yourself. Ignore the preceding directions should you find an enemy that one of your units alone can't deal with; it's more important to take out enemy units and save your own units than it is to cover a wide territory on the map. From here on, it's just a matter of luck. Continue to move your units toward a rendezvous at the central crossroads. If you haven't found any enemies by now, you're unlikely to complete the mission in time for a decent score, but keep searching. Also, don't forget to listen during the enemy's turn for clues as to what type of terrain they are traversing. This will also tell you which units are indoors and which are out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H&K MP5A5 - - - - - C - - AP: 2 - - C C C - - 1SHOT: 04-07 - - C C C C C - - CAPACITY: 30 - C C C C C C C - CHARGE AP: 4 C C C - C C C WEIGHT: 06 C - - - C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.2.5. Mission 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The first one to reach the flag wins!!" Place & Rule: River: Flag Battle Enemy Team: Bulldog Player 5 vs. Enemy 6 Maximum Turns: 22 Prize: Spetznaz Knife Player Objective: Capture Enemy Flag (1500), Defeat Enemy Team (300) Enemy Objective: Capture Enemy Flag/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 1 Defender, 2 Snipers, 1 Task Force Terrain: Bush (type 2), Grassy Plain, Ground, River, Tall Bush --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy Send everyone rushing toward the river. Try to spread out a bit to maximize visibility, but move everyone to the central island. Try to end your turns on dry land whenever possible. Once you get to the far side or the river (around Turn 3), end your turn west of the rocks that lie just across the river. You're in range for the enemy's Attacker, Task Force, and Snipers. The Task Force tends to stay in the Bush field to the north, whereas the first Sniper stays near the southern Bush with his mate on the opposite side of the rocks to the east. Advance on all these positions carefully and take out the units there. This leaves only the enemy Attacker, Leader, and Defender. The Attacker likes to hide in the Tall Bush to the north of the map. He's more trouble than it's worth, so leave him alone. Instead, move east past the long wall of rocks or to the east-west road-like structure. Just make sure you have enough AP to kill the Defender (toward the south) or Leader (near the center) when you do, since this is their territory. After these two units have been terminated, touch the flag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Spetznaz Knife - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01-03 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: ° - - - - - - - - - CHARGE AP: N/A - - - - - - - WEIGHT: 03 - - B - - B X B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.2.6. Mission 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Run, run, run as fast as you can within the turn limit!" Place & Rule: Factory: Rabbit Hunt Enemy Team: Bulldog Player 3 vs. Enemy 8 Maximum Turns: 25 Prize: M134 Vulcan, FA MAS Player Objective: Survive for Turn Limit (2650), Defeat Enemy Team (0) Enemy Objective: Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 2 Attackers, 1 Defender, 2 Snipers, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Pipe, Plate, Soil, Stairs (metal) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy This is the first of the two "rabbit hunt" maps, where the goal is to simply survive the full turn limit. That said, you still need to take out 6 enemies (with no casualties) in order to get a score of 3500 points. The secret to this map is to simply move everyone to an area with few entrances and to stay there. You've got a few choices. I prefer the sand pit area at the bottom of the map; station one unit at the bottom of each of the two westernmost ladders and send a third to guard the two eastern ladders (I prefer a Task Force, since he can set traps at the bottom of each ladder, hide out west of the barrels, and move in as soon as one of the traps is sprung). Just have each unit do an active Search each turn and blast any enemies who wander into their field of view. You may also want to send one unit (whoever has the highest AP) up the stairs every turn and have them do a quick look right and left. A better place to hide is in the area between the conveyer belts east of your starting point. To get there, simply run up the stairs east of your starting point and then run down the next set of stairs right of there. This area is easier to guard (there's only one entrance), but you're also less likely to get to pick off the enemies and increase your score. A third option is the area toward the top of the map between the two "D1" walls. There are six barrels, one of which is only one space away from the wall to its left, thus giving you an easily guarded entrance. This area is also perhaps more easily reached by the enemy, meaning you'll get to kill a few of them before time runs out. No matter where you hide, you may wish to send someone to the bottom-right corner of the map. At (60,21) you'll get an awesome hidden gun, the M134 Vulcan. Still, this is near where the enemy starts, so you may want to go for the Vulcan on a second run-through rather than your first attempt at the mission. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M134 Vulcan - C - - C B C - AP: 3 - C B A B C - 1SHOT: 07-12 - C B A A A B C - CAPACITY: ° C B A A A A A B C CHARGE AP: N/A A A A - A A A WEIGHT: 09 A - - - A - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C FA MAS C B C C B B B C AP: 3 C B B C B B C 1SHOT: 02-06 C B B C - C B B C CAPACITY: 25 B B C - - - C B B CHARGE AP: 3 C - - - - - C WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.2.7. Mission 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The first one to reach the flag wins!!" Place & Rule: Office: Flag Battle Enemy Team: Knight Force Player 5 vs. Enemy 7 Maximum Turns: 23 Prize: Wink (Sniper), H&K G3 SG-1 Player Objective: Capture Enemy Flag (1150), Defeat Enemy Team (350) Enemy Objective: Capture Enemy Flag/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Defender, 1 Sniper, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Carpet, Hallway, Plate, Stairs (metal) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy Spend Turns 1 and 2 moving everyone north toward the central staircase. On Turn 3, split the squad up, sending three units into the east room and two west. On Turn 4, there may be a Task Force to the left of the eastern metal staircase. You might have someone with enough AP to move up and kill her, but don't do it yet. Instead, move your eastern contingent up the stairs and as far toward the eastern wall as possible. Meanwhile, move the two western units up their metal staircase. Turn 5 is when the action should start. Move your units up from the top of the western stairs and over to the doorway. There will probably be an enemy unit or two they can fire on. Your eastern units can now jump out of hiding and take out as many enemies as they can from the other side. There's likely to be such a large conglomeration of units here that you may not be able to take them all out. Hopefully you won't lose anyone and can finish the job on Turn 6 if it comes to that. Once you've finished the massacre, move toward the two northern rooms. Once you think you have enough AP to do it, run up to the doorway to the eastern room and waste Techno. Make sure whoever does the dirty deed ends its turn closer to Techno's room than the flag room. Meanwhile, move someone with high AP into the left-hand room and around the north end of the room toward the flag. Don't move in if you can't have them end their turn past the path to the right of the partition; the Defender is lurking at the bottom of it. As soon as you get the chance, touch the flag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wink TYPE: Sniper HP: 4 AP: 11 HIT: A EVASION: D SEARCH: 11 (14) Wink ditches Knight Force for your squadron after you successfully complete Mission 15. She looks like the starting Sniper Celes, but she's got higher AP and SEARCH scores than any starters. Her HP and EVASION are still low, however. Use her often, but keep her out of enemy range. (Knight Force fields the Sniper Fernandez in Wink's place from this point on.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H&K G3 SG-1 - C - - C B C - AP: 3 - C B C B C - 1SHOT: 01-03 - C B C D C B C - CAPACITY: 20 C B C D - D C B C CHARGE AP: 5 C D - - - D C WEIGHT: 07 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.2.8. Mission 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Head for the escape point!" Place & Rule: Maze: Escape Battle Enemy Team: Knight Force Player 5 vs. Enemy 8 Maximum Turns: 26 Prize: U.S. M60 Player Objective: Arrival at Escape Point (900), Defeat Enemy Team (200) Enemy Objective: Keep Enemy from Reaching Escape Point Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 2 Attackers, 2 Defenders, 2 Task Forces, 1 Sniper Terrain: Bones, Floor, Puddle, Stairs (stone), Rocky Terrain --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy First of all, ignore all the buildings except the one directly south of the one you start in. That building will actually shave a little time off if you go through it. Just move en masse down the central corridor toward the flag. Try to end your turn with units in the alcoves to either side of the main central hallway. Once you reach the bottom of the hallway, split up into two groups, sending one east and one west. Kill the enemies you encounter, and hide out at the top of the steps. Then, on a fresh turn, descend the steps on one side of the map only and kill the unit waiting there (either a Defender of Techno, the enemy Leader). Then run for the flag; the other unit will remain ignorant of your approach. If you can kill all but one enemy and reach the flag by Turn 9 without losing more than one of your own units, you'll earn a Gold Star. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - U.S. M60 - E - - E C E - AP: 3 - E C B C E - 1SHOT: 04-09 - E C B B B C E - CAPACITY: ° E C B B B B B C E CHARGE AP: N/A B B B - B B B WEIGHT: 08 B - - - B - X - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8.3 Hard Missions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Hard Missions are where you finally see what you're made of. The concepts are all familiar (capture the flag, shoot the cans, etc.), but the teams you face are much tougher, and the maps you must fight on are much more difficult to navigate. Most of these missions also present you with a severe numerical disadvantage, as well. To make matters worse, no enemy forces join you this late in the game. But never fear; read on for strategies to conquer these last levels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.3.1. Mission 17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Move all units toward the arrival point!" Place & Rule: Battlefield: Hamburger Hill Enemy Team: Jokers Player 5 vs. Enemy 9 Maximum Turns: 25 Prize: Remington XP-100 Player Objective: Arrival at Arrival Point (850), Defeat Enemy Team (50) Enemy Objective: Keep Enemy from Arrival Point Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 2 Attackers, 2 Defenders, 2 Snipers, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Bush (type 1), Ditch, Ground, Mud --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy You've got a long way to go and a whole lot of enemies to kill before you get there. The enemies mostly hide out behind the sandbags, marching back and forth each turn. It's only when you get into range that they fire. The idea is, therefore, to find them first and pick them off one by one. To that end, move everyone up, careful to cover the whole map. You'll probably find Bishop, a Sniper first, in the ditch northwest of your starting point, so be careful about moving up too far even on the first turn. Lizard, a Task Force, is opposite him to the left of the map. Moving north, you'll next find Spike, an Attacker, toward the center of the map and Wizard, the other Sniper, west of him (though he sometimes runs over to the patch of Bush on the other side of the map). The Defender Scorpion patrols the large ditch north of them, and Border, an Attacker, guards the small ditch. Careful, Trump, the other Task Force, hides out north of the western patch of Bush. Shark, the second Defender, patrols the small ditch directly northeast of him. This should leave you with only King, the enemy Leader, between you and the flag. You can kill him if you want, but you'll get more points for letting him live and touching the flag instead. To accomplish this, move your highest-AP unit just south of the Bush terrain to the southeast of the flag. On the next turn, you should have enough AP to run up to the flag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remington XP-100 - - - - - C - - AP: 1 - - C A C - - 1SHOT: 01 - - C A A A C - - CAPACITY: 01 - C A A B A A C - CHARGE AP: 1 A A B C B A A WEIGHT: 04 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.3.2. Mission 18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bust out the prisoners and get 'em to the escape point!" Place & Rule: Maze: Prisoner Rescue Enemy Team: Jokers Player 5 vs. Enemy 7 Maximum Turns: 30 Prize: S&W M29 Player Objective: Rescue of Prisoners to Arrival Point (2000), Defeat Enemy Team (350) Enemy Objective: Prevent Prisoner Escape in turn limit Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 2 Attackers, 2 Defenders, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Bones, Floor, Puddle, Rocky Terrain, Stairs (stone) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy Your first objective should be to take out the two Attackers and two Task Forces the enemy sends toward your starting point (the Leader and two Defenders stay behind to guard the prisoner). The Task Forces are the greatest threat due to their high AP. Unfortunately, the enemy seems to prefer to play defense, taking a few steps each turn then leaving its units to lie in wait. But don't let the ease of the approach fool you; it is important to kill these four units! If you don't, they'll hole up outside the flag room and make your arrival there with the prisoner a nightmare. To increase your chances of intercepting these units, split your forces in two, sending one group south and around past the southern entrance of the south-central building and sending another north through the bone-strewn passage and then back south and west past the north-central building (the groups will have to be uneven, since you've only got five troops). Neither of these buildings will shorten your journey any, so you don't need to enter either unless the footsteps of the Attackers or Task Forces tell you that they're walking on Floor rather than Rocky Terrain. Be careful about the north-central building, by the way; you can't enter it from the top-right due to the skulls blocking the entrance. The room with the prisoner has three entrances. Defenders guard the top two, so it's easiest to enter through the bottom. Your best bet is to mount the stairs with two high-HP, high-EVASION units, and have them end their turn as far into the bottom corner of the room as possible. King will attack, but he'll use his secondary weapon, which makes him waste a bunch of AP to get into range. Hopefully it'll be enough, and you can kill him the next turn. While you're disposing of King, you might want to send a unit or two around the north of the hostage building to take out one of the Defenders and maximize your score, though this is a very iffy proposition (don't take both out, since you get more points for getting the prisoner to the flag than you do for killing the whole enemy team). You'll have to wait until only one of the Defenders is within striking distance, otherwise, the other one will just blast whomever you sent up on the next enemy turn. Also be careful inside the building; the Defenders can and do look down into the prisoner room. If you leave units too close to the north side of the room, they'll shoot at you from the doorways. There are many routes back to the flag, but the two quickest are both via the southern staircase out of the hostage room. The first option is to take the eastern partition in the southern wall, then east past the northern entrance to the south-central building, then up and around to the flag. Alternatively, you can take the western partition in the wall, then south of the south-central building and up and into the flag room. Your choice or route will probably depend on whether any enemy Attackers or Task Forces are still roaming about and where audible clues tell you they might be lurking (you'll get more points for killing them, but it's dangerous to have the defenseless prisoner in the midst of a firefight). And either way you go, it's a long trek; with the prisoner's low AP, it'll take at least 12 turns! Plan accordingly; if you don't have that many turns left, go ahead and kill everyone at the prison room. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prisoner TYPE: Prisoner HP: 1 AP: 8 HIT: E EVASION: E SEARCH: 6 (6) In case you forgot how useless the prisoner is, here are his stats once again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - S&W M29 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - D - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - D B D - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - D B B B D - - CHARGE AP: 2 D B B C B B D WEIGHT: 04 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.3.3. Mission 19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The first to knock down all the cans wins the mission!!" Place & Rule: Office: Can Battle Enemy Team: Jokers Player 6 vs. Enemy 7 Maximum Turns: 25 Prize: H&K G3A4 Player Objective: Capture All Cans (1500), Defeat Enemy Team (450) Enemy Objective: Capture All Cans/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 1 Defender, 2 Snipers, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Carpet, Hallway, Plate, Stairs (gray linoleum), Stairs (metal) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy The difficulty with this mission is that the map is very big, and there are a lot of doors. It is therefore very tempting to split your team up into several small groups in order to cover all the exits. Don't. There are far too many, and you'll just end up with several team members caught in dangerous situations. Instead, move everyone together to the hallway directly to your north, then split up into two groups of three. Send one group into the central room via the western entryway, and send the other group north through the eastern hallway and then into the central room via the door there. The Snipers and Task Forces move down in pairs, one down the metal western staircase and the other down the eastern linoleum one. By the time you're within striking distance of the two southernmost cans, they'll be within striking distance of you. Kill them and take out the southern can. Send someone with high EVASION and HP up the western staircase, since the Defender guards it. It's also likely to have been trapped when the Task Force climbed down it. The northeasternmost can is guarded by King (the Jokers' Leader), and he won't see you if you approach from the left and stop eight or more spaces away from the can. The Attacker stations himself at the bend in the right-hand partition. If you approach from the right, he'll jump out and attack. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H&K G3A4 - C - - C C C - AP: 3 - C C B C C - 1SHOT: 03-07 - C C B C B C C - CAPACITY: 20 C C B C D C B C C CHARGE AP: 3 B C D - D C B WEIGHT: 06 D - - - D - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.3.4. Mission 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Head for the escape point!" Place & Rule: Factory: Escape Battle Enemy Team: The Monsters Player 5 vs. Enemy 7 Maximum Turns: 25 Prize: Franki SPAS 12 Player Objective: Arrival at Escape Point (1150), Defeat Enemy Team (350) Enemy Objective: Prevent Enemy from reaching Escape Point Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 2 Defenders, 1 Sniper, 1 Task Force Terrain: Pipe, Plate, Soil, Stairs (metal) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy Wow. A big, confusing map and another numerical disadvantage. There are many paths to the flag, and none is particularly shorter than any other. Split up into two groups, one of three and one of two. One group should take the far left path down to the far left stairs. This entails zigzagging among the barrels and crossing over the Pipe terrain in a couple of places. Play defense once you get down to 16-23 on the Y-axis, since you should encounter an enemy Attacker and Task Force around then. Take them out and proceed down the far-left stairs. Move carefully toward the flag, and take out Dragon, the enemy Leader, who should wander into view. Meanwhile, move your other group toward the far-right stairs, then zigzag between the tanks and barrels, aiming for the bottom-right set of stairs. This group should meet resistance from a Sniper and Task Force around Turn 6 or 7, so be prepared (though these units sometimes remain south of the stairs). Afterward, move toward the far-right staircase, and take out the Defender who patrols that ladder and the one to its left. Leave the other enemy Defender be (he patrols just north of the flag). Whichever group can touch the flag first should. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Franki SPAS 12 - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - C - - - 1SHOT: 01 (05) - - - C B C - - - CAPACITY: 07 - - C B B B C - - CHARGE AP: 3 C B B C B B C WEIGHT: 07 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.3.5. Mission 21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The first one to reach the flag wins!!" Place & Rule: Maze: Flag Battle Enemy Team: The Monsters Player 6 vs. Enemy 7 Maximum Turns: 28 Prize: Walther WA2000, Walther MPK Player Objective: Capture Enemy Flag (700), Defeat Enemy Team (450) Enemy Objective: Capture Enemy Flag/Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attacker, 2 Defenders, 1 Sniper, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Bones, Floor, Puddle, Rocky Terrain, Stairs (stone) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy [NOTE: I have not been able to break a score of 3300 on this mission (touching the flag on turn 11, killing all but one enemy, and having no casualties). If you know a strategy to win 3500 points or more, please email me!] Your chances will be better if you ignore your own flag and send everyone toward the enemy's. Unfortunately, the starting position of your Leader and whomever you selected for position 2 will put them a turn or so behind everyone else. Therefore, you might want to put someone with high AP in position 2 so they can catch up. Lead everyone up to the first large, central staircase. If you really feel like playing defense, you can send a Sniper up into the tiny room to the east of the stairs (have it stand so it can see down the steps and the corridor). I'd rather have an extra unit moving toward the goal, however. If you run full speed ahead, you'll reach the top of the second large staircase by turn 5 or 6. The enemy Attacker, Sniper, and Task Forces make this area by turn 4-6, as well, so this will probably be the first resistance you encounter. There are a lot of oddly shaped walls here, so position your units for best visibility without leaving them too exposed from the north. Be careful! The third staircase is positioned so that you won't be able to see any enemies who might be hiding atop it and to the west. (This is also a good place to let any stragglers catch up to the rest of the squad.) The key to getting a higher score on this mission is to leave one of these first four enemy troops alive (preferably the Attacker). This is tricky, but possible. If you kill the other three and continue running as fast as possible north, the fourth enemy should eventually lose interest in pursuing you. (This is also a good point to send a unit to the small western room to get the Walther WA2000, hidden at (4, 20)). You can either head east or west to reach the flag (don't worry about the small room to the left of the stairs; it's unlikely the enemy will cache a unit there). Getting to the flag is going to be difficult. Two Defenders guard the entrance to the flag room, and the enemy Leader carefully watches the stairs themselves. To make matters worse, reaching the flag room takes a lot of AP, so it's difficult to walk up and kill the Defenders in one turn. You need to approach carefully. Position a number of units to the side of the partition. Then next turn, storm the Leader and the two Defenders who are guarding the flag room. If you still have all six units, you should be able to take them all out. Then the next turn, touch the flag. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Walther WA2000 A A A A A A A A AP: 2 A A A A A A A 1SHOT: 01 A A A A C A A A A CAPACITY: 06 A A A C - C A A A CHARGE AP: 2 A C - - - C A WEIGHT: 07 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Walther MPK - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - D - - - 1SHOT: 03-06 - - - D C D - - - CAPACITY: 48 - - D C D C D - - CHARGE AP: 4 D C D - D C D WEIGHT: 05 D - - - D - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.3.6. Mission 22 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Don't leave a single man standing!!" Place & Rule: Forest: Battle Royale Enemy Team: The Monsters Player 5 vs. Enemy 6 Maximum Turns: 25 Prize: H&K PSG-1 Player Objective: Defeat Enemy Team (1150) Enemy Objective: Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 1 Leader, 1 Attackers, 2 Snipers, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Bush (type 2), Grassy Plain, Ground, Tall Bush --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy Run, Bambi! Man is in the forest! The challenge on this mission is that 90% of the terrain requires AP 2 or more to pass. That means you'll run into hostiles fairly often but lack the AP necessary to kill them. It's very important to travel as a group. Space your troops out for maximum visibility, but keep them fairly close, and make sure to duck behind a tree at the end of each turn (the tall bushes are the second best form of cover; the enemy can see over them but not shoot through them). Move all troops north toward the large patch of Bush (approaching from the road-like structure to the south is not a good idea, as it leaves you too exposed). By Turn 4, you should be just south of the Bush. The enemy will probably have several units directly to your west, probably an Attacker, a Sniper, a Task Force, and the Leader. Play it cautiously. Stand your troops so that they're to the east and south of trees and just hang out. The enemy will come to you. That leaves another Sniper and Task Force. Chances are they're in the southwest quadrant, on the Grassy Plain or Ground. Again, be very careful as you approach the road of Ground. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A H&K PSG-1 A A A A A B A A AP: 1 A A B B B A A 1SHOT: 01 A A B B - B B A A CAPACITY: 05 A B B - - - B B A CHARGE AP: 5 B - - - - - B WEIGHT: 07 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.3.7. Mission 23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Run, run, run as fast as you can within the turn limit!" Place & Rule: Battlefield: Rabbit Hunt Enemy Team: Dark Angel Player 3 vs. Enemy 8 Maximum Turns: 25 Prize: Peacemaker, MG34 Player Objective: Survive for turn limit (2500), Defeat Enemy Team (0) Enemy Objective: Defeat Enemy Team Enemy Units: 3 Leaders, 2 Attackers, 1 Sniper, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Bush (type 1), Ditch, Ground, Mud --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy Finally, another chance to play defense. There are several good hiding spots, so really all you have to do is find one and stay there. Keep having your units actively Search each turn, and when you see an enemy unit wander into range, blast it. Be careful if there are more than one or two units in sight, though; you don't want to overextend yourself and die the next turn. As for where to hide, your options are really three: There's the northwest Mud field, there's the northeast Bush field, and there's the southwest bombed-out buildings. I prefer the Mud, since there are some nice islands of Ground you can station yourself on, and the enemy will be severely slowed down by the 2-AP-per-step Mud terrain. You've also got good visibility there. The Bush is also good for these reasons, but it's difficult to reach since the enemy starts there. However, there is an incentive to hide out in the northeastern corner of the map: the Peacemaker. If you manage to make it to the top-rightmost square on the map, you'll cause a chest to appear. Move onto the chest, and you win a new weapon, the Peacemaker! The problem is that the enemy starts out in this area, so you'll have to be careful as you approach. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Peacemaker - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - D - - - 1SHOT: 06 - - - D B D - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - D B B B D - - CHARGE AP: 02 D B B C B B D WEIGHT: 04 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MG34 - C - - C B C - AP: 3 - C B B B C - 1SHOT: 05-10 - C B B B B B C - CAPACITY: ° C B B B C B B B C CHARGE AP: N/A B B C - C B B WEIGHT: 09 C - - - C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.3.8. Mission 24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Move all units toward the arrival point!!" Place & Rule: Dept. Store: On the Roof Enemy Team: Dark Angel Player 5 vs. Enemy 8 Maximum Turns: 25 Prize: Automag Player Objective: Arrival at Arrival Point (1850), Defeat Enemy Team (700) Enemy Objective: Keep Enemy from Arrival Point Enemy Units: 3 Leaders, 1 Attacker, 1 Defender, 1 Sniper, 2 Task Forces Terrain: Block, Escalator, Floor, Flooring, Stairs (lavender linoleum) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy See that big escalator right in front of you? Don't go up it! The enemy's starting location is right on the other side, so unless you want to lose half your squadron on Turn 2, it's not a wise choice to ascend. Instead, split your forces in two. The first group should head for the small staircase to the far left of your starting position. They should reach it by Turn 2, but don't send them up yet. Stay along the southern wall directly in front of the stairs or to the right and in the shop-type area there. An enemy Task Force should climb down, using up much of his AP, and you can finish him off next turn. Meanwhile, send the other group to the area to the right of the escalator. Have them wait there; the enemy will probably send a Task Force down the escalator, where this smaller group can finish him off (Axe may descend, too, in which case you should kill him; he'll probably just take a few steps onto the escalator and then retreat, though). Now, send one member of the western party up to the stairs (but not up the stairs). This should be someone with high EVASION and HP. This will lure out the enemy Defender, who will attack. Now finish the guy off. Another unit is often right behind him. Meanwhile, the enemy will hopefully send Axe down the escalator as you're moving upstairs en masse. Leave him; it'll be easier to finish the mission with full points if you leave someone behind way back on the first floor. (NOTE: Unfortunately, the above is the best-case scenario. Often, the enemy just plays defense, hiding a bunch of units in the room between the stairs and the escalator, and waits around for you to climb the stairs. This makes the mission much more difficult. Send your highest-EVASION and highest-HP units up the stairs to lure the enemy out of hiding. Still, you may have to play through several times to get a good outcome.) Once you've made it to the second floor, move as far into the alcove north of the stairs as possible (not the alcove with the stairs, the one north of that). Professor is likely to be hiding in one of the two rooms north of this, so hopefully you can avoid him. If not, kill him the next turn with whomever he didn't kill last turn. Ascend the third set of stairs to reach the roof, but don't move out onto the Block terrain unless you've got enough AP among your units to kill Techno, who should be standing to the north. After he's dead, move toward the flag. The Sniper patrols five or six tiles in front of the flag, so he can see you when you get within 14 tiles or so of the goal. If you left Axe (or some other enemy) behind, you can kill the Sniper and reach the flag. Otherwise, try to keep him alive so you can maximize your points. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Automag - - - - - E - - AP: 1 - - E D E - - 1SHOT: 01 - - E D C D E - - CAPACITY: 07 - E D C B C D E - CHARGE AP: 2 D C B C B C D WEIGHT: 04 B C - C B - X - =========================================================================== 9. Weapon List =========================================================================== For definitions of the weapons' various stats, see Section 6. Note: * denotes a secret weapon (one that you neither start with nor automatically receive after completing a mission). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.1. Knives =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Butterfly Knife - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01-02 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: ° - - - - - - - - - CHARGE AP: N/A - - - - - - - WEIGHT: 02 - - C - - C X C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gurkha Knife - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: ° - - - - - - - - - CHARGE AP: N/A - - - - - - - WEIGHT: 03 - - A - - A X A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kunai - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01-03 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: ° - - - - - - - - - CHARGE AP: N/A - - - - - - - WEIGHT: 02 - - C - - C X C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rambo Knife - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: ° - - - - - - - - - CHARGE AP: N/A - - - - - - - WEIGHT: 02 - - B - - B X B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Spetznaz Knife - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01-03 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: ° - - - - - - - - - CHARGE AP: N/A - - - - - - - WEIGHT: 03 - - B - - B X B =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.2. Handguns =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Automag - - - - - E - - AP: 1 - - E D E - - 1SHOT: 01 - - E D C D E - - CAPACITY: 07 - E D C B C D E - CHARGE AP: 2 D C B C B C D WEIGHT: 04 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Beretta M84 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: 13 - - - - D - - - - CHARGE AP: 3 - - D B D - - WEIGHT: 03 D B - B D - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Beretta M92FS - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - B - - - - CAPACITY: 15 - - - B A B - - - CHARGE AP: 3 - B A B A B - WEIGHT: 04 A B - B A - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Browning HP - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - A - - - - CAPACITY: 13 - - - A B A - - - CHARGE AP: 3 - A B B B A - WEIGHT: 03 B B - B B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Browning M1910 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: 07 - - - - E - - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - - E C E - - WEIGHT: 03 E C - C E - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Colt Govt. Issue - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - B - - - - CAPACITY: 07 - - - B B B - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - B B A B B - WEIGHT: 04 B A - A B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Colt Python - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - B - - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - - B A B - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - B A C A B - WEIGHT: 04 A C - C A - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CZ 75 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - B - - - - CAPACITY: 15 - - - B A B - - - CHARGE AP: 3 - B A B A B - WEIGHT: 04 A B - B A - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Desert Eagle - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - C - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - C C C - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - C C C C C - - CHARGE AP: 2 C C C C C C C WEIGHT: 04 C C - C C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Glock 17 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - C - - - - CAPACITY: 17 - - - C B C - - - CHARGE AP: 3 - C B A B C - WEIGHT: 04 B A - A B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H&K P7 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - C - - - - CAPACITY: 08 - - - C B C - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - C B B B C - WEIGHT: 04 B B - B B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H&K USP - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - B - - - - CAPACITY: 12 - - - B B B - - - CHARGE AP: 3 - B B B B B - WEIGHT: 04 B B - B B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Luger P08 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - B - - - - CAPACITY: 08 - - - B B B - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - B B C B B - WEIGHT: 04 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Peacemaker* - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - D - - - 1SHOT: 06 - - - D B D - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - D B B B D - - CHARGE AP: 02 D B B C B B D WEIGHT: 04 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remington XP-100 - - - - - C - - AP: 1 - - C A C - - 1SHOT: 01 - - C A A A C - - CAPACITY: 01 - C A A B A A C - CHARGE AP: 1 A A B C B A A WEIGHT: 04 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - S&W M29 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - D - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - D B D - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - D B B B D - - CHARGE AP: 2 D B B C B B D WEIGHT: 04 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - S&W M4504 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - B - - - - CAPACITY: 08 - - - B A B - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - B A C A B - WEIGHT: 04 A C - C A - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - S&W M646 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - B - - - - CAPACITY: 08 - - - B B B - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - B B A B B - WEIGHT: 04 B A - A B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - S&W M66 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - - - B - - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - - B A B - - WEIGHT: 04 B A - A B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - SIG Zauer P220 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - C - - - - CAPACITY: 09 - - - C B C - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - C B B B C - WEIGHT: 04 B B - B B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Walther P38 - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - C - - - - CAPACITY: 08 - - - C B C - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - C B B B C - WEIGHT: 04 B B - B B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Walther PPK/S - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 - - - - - - - - - CAPACITY: 07 - - - - E - - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - - E B E - - WEIGHT: 03 E B - B E - X - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.3. Submachine Guns =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Beretta M93R - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - D - - - 1SHOT: 03 - - - D C D - - - CAPACITY: 20 - - D C D C D - - CHARGE AP: 2 D C D - D C D WEIGHT: 04 D - - - D - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H&K MP5A5 - - - - - C - - AP: 2 - - C C C - - 1SHOT: 04-07 - - C C C C C - - CAPACITY: 30 - C C C C C C C - CHARGE AP: 4 C C C - C C C WEIGHT: 06 C - - - C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H&K MP5KA4 - - - - - D - - AP: 2 - - D C D - - 1SHOT: 03-07 - - D C C C D - - CAPACITY: 20 - D C C C C C D - CHARGE AP: 4 C C C - C C C WEIGHT: 05 C - - - C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ingram M10A1 - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - C - - - 1SHOT: 03-07 - - - C D C - - - CAPACITY: 30 - - C D E D C - - CHARGE AP: 4 C D E - E D C WEIGHT: 05 E - - - E - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - KG9 - - - - - E - - AP: 2 - - E E E - - 1SHOT: 03-06 - - E E D E E - - CAPACITY: 40 - E E D D D E E - CHARGE AP: 5 E D D - D D E WEIGHT: 05 D - - - D - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mauser M712 - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - C - - - 1SHOT: 01-03 - - - C C C - - - CAPACITY: 20 - - C C B C C - - CHARGE AP: 1 C C B - B C C WEIGHT: 04 B - - - B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sterling SMG - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - E - - - 1SHOT: 03-06 - - - E D E - - - CAPACITY: 34 - - E D C D E - - CHARGE AP: 4 E D C - C D E WEIGHT: 05 C - - - C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - UZI SMG - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - E - - - 1SHOT: 03-06 - - - E C E - - - CAPACITY: 25 - - E C D C E - - CHARGE AP: 3 E C D - D C E WEIGHT: 05 D - - - D - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Walther MPK - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - D - - - 1SHOT: 03-06 - - - D C D - - - CAPACITY: 48 - - D C D C D - - CHARGE AP: 4 D C D - D C D WEIGHT: 05 D - - - D - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.4. Shotguns =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Franki SPAS 12 - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - C - - - 1SHOT: 01 (05) - - - C B C - - - CAPACITY: 07 - - C B B B C - - CHARGE AP: 3 C B B C B B C WEIGHT: 07 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Maverick M88 - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - C - - - 1SHOT: 01 (04) - - - C C C - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - C C B C C - - CHARGE AP: 3 C C B C B C C WEIGHT: 06 B C - C B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mossberg M500 - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 (04) - - - - D - - - - CAPACITY: 06 - - - D C D - - - CHARGE AP: 3 - D C D C D - WEIGHT: 06 C D - D C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remington M870 - - - - - - - - AP: 2 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 (04) - - - - D - - - - CAPACITY: 04 - - - D D D - - - CHARGE AP: 3 - D D C D D - WEIGHT: 06 D C - C D - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - W. Barrel Shotgun - - - - - - - - AP: 1 - - - - - - - 1SHOT: 01 (03) - - - - C - - - - CAPACITY: 02 - - - C C C - - - CHARGE AP: 2 - C C C C C - WEIGHT: 05 C C - C C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.5. Assault Rifles =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - AK47S - D - - D C D - AP: 3 - D C C C D - 1SHOT: 02-05 - D C C C C C D - CAPACITY: 30 D C C C E C C C D CHARGE AP: 4 C C E - E C C WEIGHT: 06 E - - - E - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C FA MAS C B C C B B B C AP: 3 C B B C B B C 1SHOT: 02-06 C B B C - C B B C CAPACITY: 25 B B C - - - C B B CHARGE AP: 3 C - - - - - C WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - FNC - D - - D C D - AP: 3 - D C B C D - 1SHOT: 02-05 - D C B C B C D - CAPACITY: 30 D C B C - C B C D CHARGE AP: 4 B C - - - C B WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - FN P90* - - - - - D - - AP: 2 - - D C D - - 1SHOT: 03-07 - - D C B C D - - CAPACITY: ° - D C B B B C D - CHARGE AP: N/A C B B - B B C WEIGHT: 07 B - - - B - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Galil SAR - D - - D C D - AP: 3 - D C C C D - 1SHOT: 02-05 - D C C B C C D - CAPACITY: 35 D C C B - B C C D CHARGE AP: 4 C B - - - B C WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - H&K G3A4 - C - - C C C - AP: 3 - C C B C C - 1SHOT: 03-07 - C C B C B C C - CAPACITY: 20 C C B C D C B C C CHARGE AP: 3 B C D - D C B WEIGHT: 06 D - - - D - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - L85A1 - C - - C B C - AP: 3 - C B B B C - 1SHOT: 03-05 - C B B B B B C - CAPACITY: 30 C B B B - B B B C CHARGE AP: 4 B B - - - B B WEIGHT: 07 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M16A1 - D - - D D D - AP: 3 - D D B D D - 1SHOT: 02-05 - D D B B B D D - CAPACITY: 30 D D B B - B B D D CHARGE AP: 4 B B - - - B B WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Steyr AUG - C - - C C C - AP: 3 - C C C C C - 1SHOT: 02-06 - C C C C C C C - CAPACITY: 30 C C C C - C C C C CHARGE AP: 4 C C - - - C C WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - XM177E2 - D - - D C D - AP: 3 - D C A C D - 1SHOT: 02-06 - D C A C A C D - CAPACITY: 30 D C A C - C A C D CHARGE AP: 4 A C - - - C A WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.6. Semiautomatic Rifles =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C H&K G3 SG-1 C B C C B B B C AP: 3 C B B C B B C 1SHOT: 01-03 C B B C - C B B C CAPACITY: 20 B B C - - - C B B CHARGE AP: 5 C - - - - - C WEIGHT: 07 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A H&K PSG-1 A A A A A B A A AP: 1 A A B B B A A 1SHOT: 01 A A B B - B B A A CAPACITY: 05 A B B - - - B B A CHARGE AP: 5 B - - - - - B WEIGHT: 07 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- B L96A1 B A B B A A A B AP: 2 B A A B A A B 1SHOT: 01 B A A B - B A A B CAPACITY: 10 A A B - - - B A A CHARGE AP: 4 B - - - - - B WEIGHT: 08 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- D M16A2 Sniper D C D D C A C D AP: 2 D C A B A C D 1SHOT: 01 D C A B D B A C D CAPACITY: 20 C A B D - D B A C CHARGE AP: 5 B D - - - D B WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C M1-Carbine C C C C C B C C AP: 2 C C B A B C C 1SHOT: 01 C C B A - A B C C CAPACITY: 15 C B A - - - A B C CHARGE AP: 4 A - - - - - A WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Remington M700 C A C C A B A C AP: 2 C A B C B A C 1SHOT: 01 C A B C - C B A C CAPACITY: 5 A B C - - - C B A CHARGE AP: 3 C - - - - - C WEIGHT: 06 - - - - - - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Walther WA2000 A A A A A A A A AP: 2 A A A A A A A 1SHOT: 01 A A A A C A A A A CAPACITY: 06 A A A C - C A A A CHARGE AP: 2 A C - - - C A WEIGHT: 07 - - - - - - X - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9.7. Light Machine Guns =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - FN M249 Minimi - E - - E D E - AP: 3 - E D C D E - 1SHOT: 04-09 - E D C B C D E - CAPACITY: ° E D C B A B C D E CHARGE AP: N/A C B A - A B C WEIGHT: 08 A - - - A - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - M134 Vulcan* - C - - C B C - AP: 3 - C B A B C - 1SHOT: 07-12 - C B A A A B C - CAPACITY: ° C B A A A A A B C CHARGE AP: N/A A A A - A A A WEIGHT: 09 A - - - A - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MG34 - C - - C B C - AP: 3 - C B B B C - 1SHOT: 05-10 - C B B B B B C - CAPACITY: ° C B B B C B B B C CHARGE AP: N/A B B C - C B B WEIGHT: 09 C - - - C - X - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - U.S. M60 - E - - E C E - AP: 3 - E C B C E - 1SHOT: 04-09 - E C B B B C E - CAPACITY: ° E C B B B B B C E CHARGE AP: N/A B B B - B B B WEIGHT: 08 B - - - B - X - =========================================================================== 10. Terrain List =========================================================================== The game has a wide variety of terrain. Listed below are only those terrain types your units may walk on. There are several other "terrains" that are impassible, such as walls, trees, vending machines, etc. Each type of terrain has the following stats: AP: The number of AP a unit must expend to move onto a tile of the terrain. EFFECT: This rating (from A to E) is figured into the equation for hitting a target (see Section 5.3). The rating favors the target, so A is good terrain to stand on but bad terrain to shoot at. SHOT PASS: For all passable terrain (those listed here), this is O. For impassible terrain (rocks, trees, etc.), it can be either O or X. An O means that weapons may be fired past tiles of the terrain type, whereas an X indicates that shots cannot pass spaces of the terrain. SEARCH: Like SHOT PASS, this may be either O or X. If the rating is O, it means that units standing on the terrain can be seen by the enemy if within their SEARCH range (see Section 5.4). X, on the other hand, means that units standing on or behind the terrain are invisible to enemy detection. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block AP: 2 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: E SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bones AP: 2 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: C SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bush (type 1) AP: 2 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: C SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bush (type 2) AP: 3 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: C SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carpet AP: 1 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: E SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ditch AP: 1 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: A SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Escalator AP: 2 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: D SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor AP: 1 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: E SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flooring AP: 1 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: E SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grassy Plain AP: 2 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: D SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground AP: 1 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: E SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hallway AP: 1 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: E SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mud AP: 2 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: D SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipe AP: 3 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: B SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plate NOTE: There are two types of Plate terrain. AP: 1 SHOT PASS: O They have the same stats, but the tiles look EFFECT: E SEARCH: O different, and the make different sounds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Puddle AP: 2 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: C SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- River AP: 3 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: E SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rocky Terrain AP: 1 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: D SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soil AP: 1 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: E SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stairs (metal or gray linoleum) AP: 2 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: D SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stairs (stone or lavender linoleum) AP: 2 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: C SEARCH: O --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tall Bush AP: 4 SHOT PASS: O EFFECT: A SEARCH: X --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== 11. Enemy Teams =========================================================================== "Knoweth thine enemy, so that you mayst sneaketh up upon him as the thief and whacketh him about the head." Shanendoa 7:12-13 What follows is a list of all the enemy teams you will face over the course of the game and the members of each one. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11.1. Little Apple =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Little Apple is the first enemy team you meet, and as befits their status as the beginning opponents, they aren't much to fear (it's kind of like your kid brother gathered some friends together to try to kill you). You face the miniature militia in Missions 1 through 3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1.1. Leader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kid HP: 4 AP: 10 HIT: B EVASION: C SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: FNC SIDE ARMS: CZ 75 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1.2. Attacker --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack HP: 3 AP: 9 HIT: C EVASION: D SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: Galil SAR SIDE ARMS: Walther PPK/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1.3. Sniper --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blues HP: 3 AP: 10 HIT: A EVASION: E SEARCH: 8 (11) MAIN ARMS: Remington M7 SIDE ARMS: Glock 17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1.4. Task Force --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rap HP: 3 AP: 12 HIT: C EVASION: D SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: Ingram M10A1 SIDE ARMS: Butterfly Knife =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11.2. Green Army =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Green Army challenges you in the mid-level Easy Missions (Missions 5-7). As their name would suggest, the Green Army wears, what else?, green army fatigues. Whereas you could often blunder your way to victory against Little Apple, it's not quite so easy when you're up against the Green Army. For one thing, their stats are a bit better. For another, they tend to field a larger number of units per mission. They also employ the formidable Acheron, but luckily he defects after Mission 5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.2.1. Leader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octopus HP: 5 AP: 10 HIT: B EVASION: C SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: Steyr AUG SIDE ARMS: Beretta M93R --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.2.2. Attacker --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crab HP: 4 AP: 10 HIT: C EVASION: C SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: M16A1 SIDE ARMS: S&W M645 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.2.3. Defenders --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acheron Iguana HP: 7 AP: 10 HP: 5 AP: 9 HIT: C EVASION: A HIT: E EVASION: A SEARCH: 6 (9) SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: H&K MP5KA4 MAIN ARMS: XM177E2 SIDE ARMS: Colt Govt. Issue SIDE ARMS: Desert Eagle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.2.4. Snipers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snake Spider HP: 3 AP: 11 HP: 4 AP: 10 HIT: B EVASION: D HIT: A EVASION: E SEARCH: 8 (11) SEARCH: 8 (11) MAIN ARMS: M-1 Carbine MAIN ARMS: M16A2 Sniper SIDE ARMS: Luger P08 SIDE ARMS: Beretta M84 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.2.5. Task Forces --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chameleon Frog HP: 4 AP: 12 HP: 3 AP: 13 HIT: C EVASION: D HIT: C EVASION: C SEARCH: 6 (9) SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: Ingram M10A1 MAIN ARMS: UZI SMG SIDE ARMS: Gurkha Knife SIDE ARMS: Rambo Knife =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11.3. Bandits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= It isn't really until you move on to Missions 7 and 8 and face the Bandits that you wish BBG had more of a storyline. Who are these people? Why are they taking over shopping malls and factories? Who is that prisoner they've taken hostage? And is their leader going for more of a Duke Nukem or Max Headroom? My hypothesis is that the Bandits are anarcho-syndicalists, bent on destroying the evil capitalist system. Whatever their aims, the Bandits are nothing to scoff at; their stats and weapons are sufficiently advanced to give you a good challenge. Now get out there and consume them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.3.1. Leader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axe HP: 7 AP: 12 HIT: B EVASION: A SEARCH: 8 (11) MAIN ARMS: H&K MP5KA4 SIDE ARMS: Mauser M712 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.3.2. Attackers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache Truck HP: 5 AP: 12 HP: 4 AP: 10 HIT: B EVASION: C HIT: C EVASION: C SEARCH: 7 (10) SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: Maverick M88 MAIN ARMS: Steyr AUG SIDE ARMS: Rambo Knife SIDE ARMS: H&K USP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.3.3. Defender --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caterpillar HP: 5 AP: 10 HIT: D EVASION: A SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: FNC SIDE ARMS: Desert Eagle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.3.4. Sniper --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arrow HP: 4 AP: 11 HIT: A EVASION: D SEARCH: 8 (11) MAIN ARMS: L96A1 SIDE ARMS: Walther P38 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.3.5. Task Forces --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeep Porcupine HP: 4 AP: 13 HP: 4 AP: 13 HIT: C EVASION: B HIT: B EVASION: C SEARCH: 6 (9) SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: H&K MP5KA4 MAIN ARMS: Ingram M10A1 SIDE ARMS: Butterfly Knife SIDE ARMS: Gurkha Knife =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11.4. Orange Shot =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= We've apparently jumped ahead to the 24 1/2th century. Either that, or we've gone back to the 1950s, because the members of Orange Shot (Missions 9-11) look like they just beamed down from an old-school sci-fi serial. The leader of these interplanetary pirates is Trigger, a man in an oversized Darth Vader helmet (Space Balls, anyone?). Fortunately, Orange Shot isn't much advanced over their Easy-difficulty predecessors, though they do possess some more advanced weaponry. Trick, a Task Force, joins your team after Mission 9 (evidently upset that he didn't get the memo about the dress code). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.4.1. Leader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trigger HP: 5 AP: 11 HIT: B EVASION: B SEARCH: 8 (11) MAIN ARMS: XM177E2 SIDE ARMS: Browning HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.4.2. Attacker --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guts HP: 4 AP: 10 HIT: B EVASION: C SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: Maverick M88 SIDE ARMS: Glock 17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.4.3. Defender --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dank HP: 6 AP: 10 HIT: D EVASION: A SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: M16A1 SIDE ARMS: Desert Eagle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.4.4. Sniper --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rip HP: 4 AP: 11 HIT: A EVASION: D SEARCH: 9 (12) MAIN ARMS: Remington M7 SIDE ARMS: Colt Govt. Issue --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.5.5. Task Forces --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trick De Kock HP: 4 AP: 15 HP: 4 AP: 13 HIT: C EVASION: C HIT: C EVASION: B SEARCH: 6 (9) SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: H&K MP5KA4 MAIN ARMS: H&K MP5KA4 SIDE ARMS: Kunai SIDE ARMS: Butterfly Knife Walker HP: 4 AP: 14 HIT: B EVASION: C SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: Ingram M10A1 SIDE ARMS: Rambo Knife =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11.5. Bulldog =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bulldog is perhaps the most nefarious of the various enemy teams you will face in the course of the game. They are evil beyond imagination, and it is good that you have been sent to destroy them. What did they do to warrant this negative criticism? Well, look at how they're dressed. And what is their name? You see? You see?! Their uniforms are made out of . . . puppy fur! Yes, like Cruella DeVil, Bulldog slaughtered 101 bulldogs to make those snappy uniforms. Get revenge on them in Missions 12-14. Do it for the puppies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.5.1. Leader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bear HP: 6 AP: 9 HIT: B EVASION: A SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: FN M249 Minimi SIDE ARMS: Rambo Knife --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.5.2. Attackers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Armadillo HP: 4 AP: 10 HP: 4 AP: 11 HIT: C EVASION: B HIT: C EVASION: B SEARCH: 6 (9) SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: Maverick M88 MAIN ARMS: Mossberg M50 SIDE ARMS: H&K P7 SIDE ARMS: H&K P7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.5.3. Defenders --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffalo HP: 6 AP: 9 HIT: C EVASION: A SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: L85A1 SIDE ARMS: Colt Python --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.5.4. Snipers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owl Crow HP: 4 AP: 12 HP: 3 AP: 11 HIT: B EVASION: D HIT: A EVASION: C SEARCH: 8 (11) SEARCH: 9 (12) MAIN ARMS: Remington M7 MAIN ARMS: L96A1 SIDE ARMS: Colt Govt. Issue SIDE ARMS: CZ 75 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.5.5. Task Forces --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panther Fox HP: 4 AP: 13 HP: 4 AP: 14 HIT: B EVASION: C HIT: C EVASION: B SEARCH: 6 (9) SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: Sterling SMG MAIN ARMS: H&K MP5A5 SIDE ARMS: Gurkha Knife SIDE ARMS: Rambo Knife =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11.6. Knight Force =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Your final test in Normal mode is to go against Techno and his house full of Knight Force underlings (Trigger's Darth Vader helmet seems to have become quite the fashion trend, though Techno seems entranced with his football helmet). The team is a worthy final challenge, as they use some industrial-strength weaponry and their units are easily a match for your own. Break and beat them in Missions 15 and 16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.6.1. Leader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Techno HP: 8 AP: 11 HIT: A EVASION: B SEARCH: 10 (13) MAIN ARMS: H&K G3 SG-1 SIDE ARMS: Browning HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.6.2. Attackers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slash Rock HP: 4 AP: 10 HP: 4 AP: 10 HIT: C EVASION: B HIT: C EVASION: C SEARCH: 6 (9) SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: Maverick M88 MAIN ARMS: Maverick M88 SIDE ARMS: Glock 17 SIDE ARMS: H&K USP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.6.3. Defenders --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duo Gospel HP: 5 AP: 10 HP: 6 AP: 9 HIT: C EVASION: B HIT: D EVASION: A SEARCH: 7 (10) SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: L85A1 MAIN ARMS: FN M249 Minimi SIDE ARMS: H&K USP SIDE ARMS: Rambo Knife --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.6.4. Snipers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wink Fernandez HP: 4 AP: 11 HP: 3 AP: 11 HIT: A EVASION: D HIT: A EVASION: D SEARCH: 11 (14) SEARCH: 9 (12) MAIN ARMS: H&K G3 SG-1 MAIN ARMS: H&K G3 SG-1 SIDE ARMS: S&W M66 SIDE ARMS: Beretta M84 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.6.5. Task Forces --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beat Chopper HP: 4 AP: 14 HP: 4 AP: 15 HIT: B EVASION: C HIT: C EVASION: B SEARCH: 6 (9) SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: H&K MP5KA4 MAIN ARMS: Ingram M10A1 SIDE ARMS: Rambo Knife SIDE ARMS: Ingram M10A1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11.7. Jokers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Meet King. Some people call him "Space Cowboy". Others call him "the Gangster of Love". Whatever you call him, what's sure is that he and his team of Jokers have leapt ahead a good decade or two past their Normal-difficulty counterparts. Unfortunately, they've jumped no further than the longhaired hippy days of the 1970s anti-war movement. But keeping with the difficulty level, the Jokers aren't to be underestimated. Their stats aren't too different from Knight Force or even Bulldog, but their weapons are definitely next-generation. Gone are the days of sending a Defender out pell-mell without fear; with a weapon like the FA MAS or U.S. M60 that can fire up to 9 shots, an enemy attacker can afford to miss a few times. War? Let's show these draft dodgers what it's good for. The Jokers burn their bras until mission 19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7.1. Leader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- King HP: 7 AP: 10 HIT: B EVASION: A SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: FA MAS SIDE ARMS: Beretta M93R --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7.2. Attackers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Border Spike HP: 4 AP: 11 HP: 4 AP: 11 HIT: B EVASION: C HIT: B EVASION: C SEARCH: 6 (9) SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: FNC MAIN ARMS: Maverick M88 SIDE ARMS: H&K P7 SIDE ARMS: Gurkha Knife --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7.3. Defenders --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorpion Shark HP: 6 AP: 9 HP: 6 AP: 10 HIT: C EVASION: A HIT: C EVASION: B SEARCH: 7 (10) SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: XM177E2 MAIN ARMS: U.S. M60 SIDE ARMS: XM177E2 SIDE ARMS: Colt Python --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7.4. Snipers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bishop Wizard HP: 4 AP: 12 HP: 5 AP: 11 HIT: A EVASION: C HIT: A EVASION: D SEARCH: 9 (12) SEARCH: 10 (13) MAIN ARMS: Remington XP MAIN ARMS: H&K G3 SG-1 SIDE ARMS: Remington XP SIDE ARMS: Luger P08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.7.5. Task Forces --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lizard Trump HP: 5 AP: 14 HP: 5 AP: 14 HIT: C EVASION: B HIT: C EVASION: B SEARCH: 7 (10) SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: H&K MP5A5 MAIN ARMS: H&K MP5A5 SIDE ARMS: Spetznaz Knife SIDE ARMS: Spetznaz Knife =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11.8. The Monsters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= They're creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and spooky. They're altogether . . . unoriginal. The Monsters (Missions 20-22), though a bit tougher than the Jokers, haven't advanced much in other areas. Their leader's still got a permanent, and the rank-and-file are still sporting beatnik bobs. At least they did away with those hideous fuchsia jumpers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.8.1. Leader --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon HP: 7 AP: 11 HIT: A EVASION: B SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: H&K G3A4 SIDE ARMS: S&W M29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.8.2. Attacker --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cerberus HP: 5 AP: 11 HIT: B EVASION: B SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: Franci SPAS SIDE ARMS: Colt Govt. Issue --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.8.3. Defenders --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golem Minotaur HP: 6 AP: 10 HP: 6 AP: 10 HIT: C EVASION: A HIT: B EVASION: B SEARCH: 6 (9) SEARCH: 6 (9) MAIN ARMS: U.S. M60 MAIN ARMS: FN M249 Minimi SIDE ARMS: Desert Eagle SIDE ARMS: H&K USP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.8.4. Snipers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balrog Gargoyle HP: 4 AP: 11 HP: 4 AP: 11 HIT: A EVASION: C HIT: A EVASION: C SEARCH: 10 (13) SEARCH: 10 (13) MAIN ARMS: H&K PSG-1 MAIN ARMS: H&K G3 SG-1 SIDE ARMS: Glock 17 SIDE ARMS: Beretta M92F --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.8.5. Task Forces --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hellhound Salamander HP: 5 AP: 14 HP: 5 AP: 13 HIT: B EVASION: C HIT: B EVASION: B SEARCH: 7 (10) SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: H&K MP5A5 MAIN ARMS: H&K G3A4 SIDE ARMS: Spetznaz Knife SIDE ARMS: Browning HP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11.9. Dark Angel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dark Angel is the biggest and baddest group of criminals you'll come across in BBG. And for the first time ever, you'll face a team with multiple Leaders! One of these goes by the code name of Professor and looks like Frankenstein's monster, and most other members of the team aren't much prettier. And watch out for Professor's M134 Vulcan, a gun more powerful than any other in the game. You will run across some old "friends", as well, such as Axe, formally Leader of the Bandits, and Techno, the former leader of Knight Force. Your pain begins on Missions 23 and lasts through Mission 24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.9.1. Leaders --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axe Professor HP: 7 AP: 12 HP: 9 AP: 13 HIT: B EVASION: A HIT: A EVASION: A SEARCH: 8 (11) SEARCH: 9 (12) MAIN ARMS: FN P90 MAIN ARMS: M134 Vulcan SIDE ARMS: Mauser M712 SIDE ARMS: Automag Techno HP: 8 AP: 11 HIT: A EVASION: B SEARCH: 10 (13) MAIN ARMS: Walther WA20 SIDE ARMS: CZ 75 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.9.2. Attackers --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood Linda HP: 5 AP: 11 HP: 5 AP: 11 HIT: B EVASION: B HIT: B EVASION: B SEARCH: 7 (10) SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: Franki SPAS 12 MAIN ARMS: Franki SPAS 12 SIDE ARMS: S&W M29 SIDE ARMS: S&W M29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.9.3. Defender --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diver HP: 7 AP: 10 HIT: B EVASION: A SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: MG34 SIDE ARMS: Mauser M712 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.9.4. Sniper --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bible HP: 5 AP: 12 HIT: A EVASION: B SEARCH: 11 (14) MAIN ARMS: H&K PSG-1 SIDE ARMS: Browning HP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.9.5. Task Forces --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor Edge HP: 5 AP: 14 HP: 5 AP: 17 HIT: C EVASION: A HIT: C EVASION: A SEARCH: 7 (10) SEARCH: 7 (10) MAIN ARMS: Spetznaz Knife MAIN ARMS: Spetznaz Knife SIDE ARMS: FN P90 SIDE ARMS: Beretta M93R =========================================================================== 12. Score =========================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 12.1. Mission Scores =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The score for achieving the objectives of a mission vary; see the Mission walkthroughs for details. However, there are some things that are held consistent from mission to mission. The following chart summarizes how the game scores your performance after a mission: Scorable Item | Points --------------------------------|---------- Turns before turn limit expires | 100/turn Enemy units killed | 150/unit Player units killed | -100/unit Player units fielded under | maximum allowed | 250/unit =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 12.2. Final Score =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After you complete all 24 missions, the game totals your scores from each and assigns you an overall rank. The ranks are as follows: Grade | Rank | Points ----- |-----------------|----------------- A | Admiral | 92,000 - B | General | 88,000 - 91,999 C | Major General | 84,000 - 87,999 D | Colonel | 80,000 - 83,999 E | Major | 76,000 - 79,999 F | Captain | 72,000 - 75,999 G | Lieutenant | 68,000 - 71,999 H | Warrant Officer | 64,000 - 67,999 I5 | Corporal | 60,000 - 63,999 J2 | Private | 00,000 - 59,999 Congratulations for finishing Ball Bullet Gun! =========================================================================== 13. Codes and Secrets =========================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 13.1. Hidden Weapons =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Some levels have weapons hidden on them. To get these weapons, you have to move a unit to the correct location and have them stand there (i.e., you can't just walk over the right spot; you have to stop there at least temporarily). This makes a chest appear nearby, and moving a unit to stand on the chest gives you the weapon inside. The hidden weapons I know of are the following missions: Mission 7, where you get the FNP90. The secret spot is at coordinates (5, 25), in the bottom-left room. Mission 14, where you get the M134 Vulcan. It's located at (60,21), the bottom, right-hand corner of the map. Mission 20, where you find the Walther WA2000. The chest appears at (4, 20) when you move a unit to the space to the left. Mission 23, where you can get the Peacemaker. The secret spot is at coordinates (35, 1) -- the upper right-hand corner of the map. If you know of any other hidden weapons, please let me know. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 13.2. Emulator Cheat =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you're using an emulator (likely), one of the easiest ways to cheat is with save states. They don't affect the game in any way, so you can use them with wild abandon. That way, you can cover more territory to find the enemy more quickly (if one of your units doesn't find an enemy unit on its turn, you can simply load your saved state and search somewhere else). Best of all, the game determines random seeds at the moment of execution. This means that you can save your state as one of your units is about to attack an enemy. If the attack is unsuccessful, you can load the saved state and try again. Repeat until you get the outcome you want. This also works when the enemy attacks you, of course; save the state, and if you die, reload. =========================================================================== 14. Acknowledgments =========================================================================== Special thanks are due to a few individuals who helped me improve this guide by, well, telling me things I didn't know or was too lazy to find out. These people are: CIDblue - for the location of the WA 2000 Cpt. D - for the location of the WA 2000 Cheveyo - for the location of the FN P90 and for correcting me on the Team Make AP values James Turner - for the location of the M134 Vulcan Xanathis - for the location of the Peacemaker