=============================================================================== || Shin Goketuji Ichizoku || || NEW POWER INSTINT || || MATRIMELEE || =============================================================================== FAQ/Movelist by Shadow Theory (Shadow_Theory@yahoo.com) Version 1.3 =============================~{ TABLE OF CONTENTS }~=========================== I. Version History II. Introduction III. System A. Life Meter B. Stress Meter C. REF Operations D. Bloodline Battles E. Key/Legend IV. Character Movelist 1. Anny 2. Buntaro 3. Chinnen 4. Clara 5. Elias 6. Hikari 7. Jimmy 8. Jones 9. Kanji 10. Keith 11. Lynn 12. Olof 13. Poochy 14. Saizou 15. Shintaro 16. Tane 17. Ume 18. White 19. Lynn V. Hidden Secrets VI. Extra (Battle Intros) A. Reiji Intros VII. Copyright Info =============================================================================== [ I. Version History ] =============================================================================== _____________ [ Version 1.3 ]________________________________________________________ | | | December 19th. Fixed some translations, added new ones. Added | | Keith comments. | | | |_____________________________________________________________________| \ COMING SOON: More Comments. Expect comments prior to combos. _____________ [ Version 1.2 ]________________________________________________________ | | | October 20th. Alphabetized the move sets, added Extra section | | (VII.) Added Reiji Comments, fixes and updated | | Sissy movelist. | |_____________________________________________________________________| \ COMING SOON: Combos, More complete stories. More Comments. _____________ [ Version 1.0 ]________________________________________________________ | | | August 29th. Updated movelists many corrections. | | *Added Rage of Dragon Move Sets | |_____________________________________________________________________| \ COMING SOON: Combos, More complete stories. _____________ [ Version 0.8 ]________________________________________________________ | | | July 30th. Updated movelists many corrections. | |_____________________________________________________________________| \ COMING SOON: Combos, More complete stories, some translation fixes. =============================================================================== [ II. Introduction ] =============================================================================== What’s with Matrimelee and first time FAQ writers? Well whatever it is it’s gripped me as well. I decided to make this FAQ mostly because I’ve always enjoyed fighting games. There was only one other FAQ for this game so I figure I’ve not a lot of competition. Anyhow, this is another great game, which focus more on fun than anything else. Planned here are combos, a complete movelist and my meager translations. Hopefully this FAQ helps you in your quest for well, um…Matrimelee greatness. =============================================================================== [ III. System ] =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Gauges} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this game there are two gauges that you shall use, your Life Meter (of course) and your Stress Meter. (Your power guage) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ A. Life Meter ------------ Your life meter appears at the top of the screen and works like most do in these types of games. Any damage you sustain shall take out a chunk of your health, but you can regain part of it. The part you can still regain will be in red. As the fight progresses you slowly gain this back. If your stress meter fills, when your character expels the energy (adding it to yourstock) you will regain all the regainable energy. If you are knocked to the ground without safe rolling, you shall lose all the red, and your opportunity to gain it back. So safe roll whenever possible! -------------- B. Stress Meter -------------- In this game your normal power guage is instead replaced with a "stress" guage. Unlike most systems, this guage doesn't fill when you land attacks. Instead it fills when your attacks are blocked, or if you are attacked. This is to simulate the *stress* of not having your moves land, or well, the stress one may feel when punched in the face. Whenever your character, or your opponent fills one entire meter of stress, it is added to the stock. Whenever it fills, the character also fires a good bit of energy around themselves, which makes them invunerable to attack and will also interrupt combos. You're able to use this stress in the form of super moves. ---------------- C. Ref Operations ---------------- In some stages you may see a ref standing in the background, you can actually call him into the foreground and use him to attack your enemy! You are able to send him flying into your opponent, or you can stand behind him, as your opponents projectiles will hit him instead of you. Controls: Press BC to bring the ref forward. Press f+BC (Or just hit him with CD) To use the ref as a projectile. Press b+BC to use the ref as a sheild. ----------------- D. Bloodline Battles ----------------- If your opponent taunts you, he is challenging you to a Bloodline battle if you taunt back, you shall accept the challenge. When a Bloodline battle begins, both characters move to the middle of the screen. Between them lowers a television screen which randomly shows different buttons. (A,B,C,D) Hit these as they come up, if you beat your opponent to the punch, than your blow will land. ------------- KEY LEGEND: ------------- ------------------ |A - Light Punch | |B - Light Kick | |C - Heavy Punch | |D - Heavy Kick | ------------------ + - Hit these buttons together. , - Hit in succession. u - UP Air u - Double Jump, for clarifications sake it will be "Air u" f - forward b - back d - down f,f - Run N - Neutral (No Direction) f+AB - Roll forward. b+AB - Roll back. f+C - Throws opponent. (You must be in grabbing range of them.) d+CD - Launcher (Akin to launchers in other fighters, good for starting combos ) CD - Knocks opponent across the screen, and causes them to strike ground. Safe roll - To perform a safe roll, hit AB when your character hits the ground. HOLD - Hold button or direction CLOSE - Must be performed close to opponent. Air - Must be performed in the air. Block - Can only be done during block. Taunt - Hit start. Motions: QCB - (Quarter Circle Back) d,db,b QCF - (Quarter Circle Forward) d,df,f FDP - (Forward Dragon Punch, ala SF) f,d,df RDP - (Reverse Dragon Punch) b,d,db HCF - (Half Circle Forward) b,bd,d,fd,f HCB - (Half Circle Back) f,fd,d,bd,b FQCD - (Forward Quarter Circle Down) f,df,d BQCD - (Back Quarter Circle Down) b,bd,d Note: Kinjite translates to "One Shot Secret Principle." In hindsight it would have been much easier just to write Kinjite, but I was doing translations and such and just got carried away. ============================================================================== [ IV. Character Movelist ] ============================================================================== (Note: My japanese translation skills aren't the best, so if you have better suggestions/and or corrections feel free to send them to me. Stories as complete as I can make them...I'll try to translate them all. Also any move names that have an asterik * beside them mean they aren't a translation of the official name.) ==================== 1. Anny (Annie) ==================== Age: 26 Sex: F Blood Type: AB Fighting Quality (Style): Mutilateral Attack Story: Annie has grown jealous of Keith's quest for the hand of the prince, and has decided that she wants to have her own cinderella story. Movelist: -------- *Split Kick : Hold D then release Swan Crash : QCF+A or C Rainbow Rise: FDP+A or C Stress Shot : HCB,HCB+A or C One-Shot Principle: (b,f)+A(db,df)+C ============= 2. Buntaro ============= Age: 18 Sex: M Blood: O Fighting Quality (Style): Stone Head and Foot Techniques Story: ? Movelist: -------- Sentence Kick! : DPF+B or D Intense Speed Slider! : HCB+B or D Manly! Spirit Blast! : HCB+A or C *Diving Kick : (AIR)QCF+B or D Stress Shot : HCB+D One-Shot Secret Principle - b,hold?,D,B,D,B Notes: Manly! Spirit Blast! is a counter. ==================== 3. Chinnen ==================== Age: 36 Sex: M Blood Type: B Fighting Quality (Style): Doubtful Chinese Fists Power + Lusts Power Story: A worldy priest. Movelist: -------- Intence Optical Fist: f,b,f+A Spark Intense Leg : HCF+B or D Spell Sign : HCF+AC *Skull Projectile : HCB+A or C Stress Shot : A(HOLD),B(HOLD),C(HOLD) One-Shot Secret Principle: QCF,HCB+B ==================== 4. Clara ==================== Age: 13 Sex: F Blood Type: B Fighting Quality (Style): Stick of Magic Story: She promptly decided to join after seeing the prince, whom she thinks is gorgeous. Movelist: -------- Dream Mind Boomerang : QCF+A or C Dream Turn Attack : QCB+ B or D Miracle Death Kiss : (Approaching)HCB+A or C Stress Shot : b,df,f,QCF+C One-Shot Secret Principle: b,db,b,f+C ======================== 5. Elias ======================== Full Name: Patrick Elias Age: 42 Sex: M Fighting Style : Boxing and Exorcism Talent Movelist: -------- Holy Flare : QCF+A or C Magnus : QCB+A or C Hell or Heaven : HCF+B or D Stress Shot (Maximum Delirium): HCB,f+A One Shot Final Principle : HCB,f+C ============= 6. Hikari ============= Age: 13 Sex: F Fighting Quality (Style): Stick Story: Hikari was born as the only girl to a clan of men. Casting aside her gender, she joins the tournament to show her power. MOVELIST: -------- Specials: Chronograph : FDP+A or C *Low stick, high stick : QCB+B or D *Counter Move : FDP+B or D *Lunging Staff : HCB+A or C *Dive Kick : (AIR) QCB+B or D Stress Shot : QCB,HCF+AC One-Shot Secret Principle : d,N,QCF+D Notes: Hikari's One-Shot Secret Principle is a counter. ===================== 7. Jimmy ===================== Full Name: Jimmy Lee Age: 24 Sex: M Fighting Quality (Style): Ryu Zui Ken and Street Fighting Story: To my knowledge ROD characters have no story. Movelist: -------- Red Rage : QCF+A or C Cannon Kick : QCB+B or D Sho Ryu Dan : FDP+A or C Heat Hurricane : HCB+A or C Stress Shot (Gun Blow) : QCB,HCF+A One-Shot Secret Principle : QCB,HCF+C ====================== 8. Jones ====================== Full Name: Johnny Jones Age: 34 Sex: M Fighting Quality : Jeet Kune Do, Kung Funky Movelist: -------- Funky Impact : QCF+A or C Retro Knuckle : QCB+A or C Guady Punch : Repeatedly hit A or C Arc Fliegen : QCB+B or D Stress Shot (Groove Master) : QCB,QCB+B One Shot Final Principle : ??? (I'll have to check RoTD combinations.) ===================== 9. Kanji ===================== Age: 80 Sex: M Blood Type: Stick and Camouflaging Fighting Quality (Style): Story: He wants to be king, and he wants a bride. Movelist: -------- Decrease Life Qigong Bullet : HCB+A or C Intense Stick Cruciform Peirce: Repeatedly hit A or C One Shaku Cloth Hit : HCF+B or D Stress Shot : b(HOLD),f+BD One-Shot Secret Principle : BD,B,B,D ====================== 10. Keith ====================== Age: 26 Sex: M Blood Type: O Fighting Quality (Style): Being able to throw Story: This defective youth has trouble when it comes to women. Movelist: -------- Lighting Slash: QCB+A of C Knuckle Bomber: b(HOLD),f+A or C Rolling CANON : QCB+B or D *Fire Kick : QCF+B or D (Can be done in air) Stress Shot : QCB,HCF+C One-Shot Secret Principle: QCF,QCF+C ======================= 10. Lynn ======================= Full Name: Lynn Baker Age: 18 Sex: F Fighting Style : Ryu Zui Ken and Tai Chi Movelist: -------- Ko Ryu Sho Zan : QCF+A or C Enrestu Ken : HCB+A or C Ko Ryu Kyaku : d,hold,u+B or D Stress Shot (Tobi Ryu) : QCF,HCB+B or D One Shot Final Principle : QCB,HCF+D ================ 12. Olof ================ Age: 29 Sex: M Blood Type: Unknown Fighting Quality (Style): Foot Techniques Story: Oroff does guard work for VIP's, he guards the king's family, the tournament's royal sponsor, though to protect the princess he ended up in the tournament. Movelist: ??MoveName?? : b,bd,d,fd+B or D *Rising kick, falling kick : FPD+B or D *Fireball Projectile : QCF+A or B or C or D Sankottsui : (Air) QCB+B or D Stress Shot : QCF,HCB+D One-Shot Secret Principle : b,db,b,f+C ==================== 13. Poochy (Pochi) ==================== Age: 3 Sex: M Blood Type: ? Fighting Quality (Style): Story: The former faithful dog of someone who now is only a ghost. Movelist: -------- *Dog Bones : QCB+A or C Gauru One! : (AIR)QCB+B or D *Dog Ears : QCF+A or C Stress Shot : (HOLD)A, (HOLD)B,C One-Shot Secret Principle: f,b,f,b,f,b,f,b,f =================== 14. Reiji =================== Age: 26 Sex: M Blood Type: A Fighting Quality (Style): Balance Story: Seeks to test his karate in the tournament. (Work in progress) Movelist: -------- Thunder Leg : Repeatedly hit B or D Intense Palm Motion Wave : QCF+A or C Flow Flame Ascent : FDP+A or C Stress Shot : HCB,F+C One-Shot Secret Principle: QCF,QCF+C ==================== 15. Saizou ==================== Age: 25 Sex: M Blood Type: AB Fighting Quality (Style): Patience Technique Story: ? (Work in progress) Movelist: -------- Dragon Flame Wave : QCF+A or C *Ninja Bomb : QCB+A or C Shaking Empty Whirlwind: (AIR)QCB+A or C Bluecap Laceration : HCF+B or D Stress Shot : QCF,HCB+C One-Shot Principle : db,df,db,df+D =============== 16. Shintaro =============== Age: 16 Sex: M Blood Type: B Fighting Quality (Style): Attacks that desinigrate strength. Story: Shintaro and Buntaro are very close, and while Buntaro admires Reiji's ability, Shintaro is not similarly impressed. Sintaro is quite fashionable and is elated. Movelist: -------- *Rising Kicks : FDP+B or D Power Dunk Shot : HCB+A or C *Fast Combo : FQCD+A or C Stress Shot : QCF,QCF+C One-Shot Secret Principle: b(hold),C,A,C,A Notes: In his One-Shot hold back during the entire input. ================= 17. Tane ================= Age: 80 Sex: F Blood Type: Unknown Fighting Quality (Style): Preponderant Kicking and Peircing Story: Younger sister of twins the Plum. (Work in progress) Movelist: -------- Rock Tooth: b(HOLD),f+A or C Menace Face: b(HOLD),f+B or D Meteor Boisterous Dance Bullet: (Approaching)HCB+A or C Stress Shot: QCF,QCF+A or C One-Shot Secret Principle: b,db,b,f+C ================== 18. Ume ================== Age: 80 Sex: F Blood Type: Unknown Fighting Quality (Style): Wonderful Kicking and Peircing Story: Older sister of the twins Plum. (Work in progress) Movelist: -------- Rock Tooth : QCF+A or C Menace Face : FDP+A or C Heaven Dance Leg : (AIR)QCF+B or D *Hand Blasts : HCB+A or C Stress Shot : QCF,QCF+A or B or C or D One-Shot Secret Principle: db,fd,b,f+AC ==================== 19. White ==================== Age: 31 Sex: M Blood Type: A Fighting Quality (Style): Gigantic Figure Story: Utilizing a style that takes advantage of his long reach, White joins the tournament. He wants the bride, it seems. Movelist: -------- Arrow Shot : QCF+A or C Bufallo Storm : b(HOLD),f+B or D Flying Elbow : (AIR)QCB+A or C Stress Shot : QCF,HCB+D One-Shot Secret Principle: (Approaching)HCB,HCB+C ============================================================================== [ V. Hidden Secrets ] ============================================================================== To play as Rage of the Dragon Characters at character select screen hit: U,U,U,U,D,D,D,L,L,R (UP four times, Down three, Left two, Right one) To play as Sissy at character select a character and immediately hold ABCD, low and behold, your now one of the cheapest bosses evah! =============== Hidden: Sissy =============== Movelist: -------- *Ghost Abubo : QCF+A or C *Bomb : QCB+B or D *Frog : QCF+B or D *Bombs Away : QCB,HCF+A *Frog Trans : QCB,HCF+C =============================================================================== [ VI. Extra (Battle Intros) ] =============================================================================== Before and after battle characters say different things to one another. This is one of the few games I know of where they have things scripted for just about everyone instead of just a few special openings. This section is in progress and has yet to be completed. Since I found it interesting, I assumed some of you may as well. ================= A.) Reiji Intros ================= ------------------------- Reiji vs Ume ------------------------- (Intro) Reiji: I can't lose to a wimp like you! Ume: So Reiji you prefer older women? Hya, hya. (After defeating Ume) Reiji: I won! Boy I'm pumped! Ume: OK. OK. Uncle! Uncle! ------------------------- Reiji vs Clara ------------------------- (Intro) Reji: As a man, I take your challenge. Clara: Clara just can't say no! (After defeating Clara) Reiji: I won! Boy I'm pumped! Clara: How could you beat Clara? We're through! ------------------------- Reiji vs Anny ------------------------- (Intro) Reiji: You can't charm me, a fabulous babe I...bring it on! Anny: Really? You'd choose me over the international karate title? (After defeating Anny) Reiji: Whoa! I won? Cool! Anny: Unbelievable! Me losing...hell has frozen over. ------------------------- Reiji vs Kanji ------------------------- (Intro) Reiji: I'm the victor here! Hmph! Kanji: Men have but on ambition. Right, Reiji? Note: (I assume they meant "Men have but *one* ambition.") (After defeating Kanji) Reiji: Go have a splash of tea, old timer. Kanji: As a man, I'm so ashamed! -------------------- Reiji vs Lynn -------------------- (Intro) Reiji: Let's make this real! Lynn: Just what I was hoping for. (After defeating Lynn) Reiji: Be thankful, it isn't everyday you can fight the likes of me. Lynn: You are a formidable opponent, how unexpected. -------------------- Reiji vs Buntaro -------------------- (Intro) Reiji: Power makes the man. This you will know. Hmph! Buntaro: You dream and it comes true. (After defeating Buntaro) Reiji: What a wimp. You need to work out more. Buntaro: I need more training! I must become stronger! -------------------- Reiji vs Billy -------------------- (Intro) Reiji: You seem to have travelled far, I'll show you my hospitality. Billy: Getting a little too worked up there, pal. (After defeating Billy) Reiji: I thought there was more to you than that! Billy: Drat! I lost! -------------------- Reiji vs Poochy -------------------- (Intro) Reiji: No way I'm losing to a pup like you! Poochy: Wafoon, waffu. [I'm the strongest.] (After defeating Poochy) Reiji: Real men don't whine like a dog at the moon. Poochy: Gyaroon.[I lost!] -------------------- Reiji vs Reiji -------------------- (Intro) Reiji: Let's make this real! Reiji: Let's make this real! (After defeating Reiji) Reiji: Finally a fight with a real man! Reiji: I lost in every way! -------------------- Reiji vs Olof -------------------- (Intro) Reiji: Holy, Goliath! You're a big one. I must stay on guard. Olof: Come show me just how you fight. (After defeating ) Reiji: Whoa! I won? Cool! Olof: Such simplicity. Such power... -------------------- Reiji vs Shintaro -------------------- (Intro) Reiji: My fists will toughen you up! Shintaro: Hmph! I am supreme! (After defeating ) Reiji: Your still a cream puff. You must use your fists more! Shintaro: Oh, fudge, I knew it! I got obliterated! -------------------- Reiji vs Sissy -------------------- (Intro) Reiji: Hmph! The pleasure's all mine. Sissy: My, you are a polite one. It's an honor. (After defeating ) [Have not written up endings, there is a very well done endings faq for this game by Basel, so if your interested I suggest you check it.] --------------------- Reiji vs Elias --------------------- (Intro) Reiji: Run away before you get hurt. Elias: Oh, so you have faith in your strength? (After defeating Elias) [Incomplete] ================ B.) Keith Intros ================ ------------------ Keith vs Poochy ------------------ (Intro) Keith: I'm up against you?! This'll be fast. Poochy: Waun, oh! [What're you talking about?] (After Defeating Poochy) Keith: How precious. You thought you had a chance. Poochy: Kyoon kyoooo... [You beast I just wanted some kindness.] --------------- Keith vs Ume --------------- (Intro) Keith: Back off or I'll pulverize you! Ume: No one like you's going to stop me. (After defeating Ume) Keith: Pure ability! Wah, ha, ha! Ume: I'm just a regular star crossed lover, I am. ---------------- Keith vs Lynn ---------------- (Intro) Keith: This match is mine. Like, totally. Lynn: I won't yeild so easily! Bring it on! (After defeating Lynn) Keith: I do everything cool! It's just my style! Lynn: I, I acknowledge my loss. Grudgingly. ---------------- Keith vs Reiji ---------------- (Intro) Keith: Hey, hey. Take a chill pill, Will! Reiji: There's no way I'm losing now. (After defeating Reiji) Keith: I am a guy who does things cool! Reiji: So my strength does have limits. --------------- Keith vs Clara --------------- (Intro) Keith: So, your hoping to hook up with the prince, eh? Clara: Of course. I'm a prince! (After defeating Clara) Keith: I won! Boy, I'm pumped! Clara: Clara's prince! Give him back! I'm lost! ============================================================================== [ VI. Copyright ] ============================================================================== This FAQ/Movelist is Copyright Michael Snow 2003. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.