KNIGHTS OF VALOUR 2(NINE DRAGONS) Walkthrough/MoveList/ComboCreation/WeaponInfo/ArmourInfo Guide Updated on 8/2/02 Version 2.36 Done by dralf Email: Website: Best viewed using IE, resolution 800*600, font size medium. MAJOR CHANGES Version 1.0 (23th December 2001):1st Faq. Version 1.11(10th January 2002) :Added in Walkthrough. Renamed "Arrow Carts" to "Ballista" Reckless ZhangFei's HuPao and LongPao are converted to english Renamed Bloody Zhaoyun to Righteous Version 1.23(14th January 2002) :Used a tool to check for errors Version 1.36(17th January 2002) :Added in Bonus Stage Version 1.50(18th January 2002) :Both PangTongs' ZhiDiChengGang and ShenGuiFu are translated to english Fake DiaoChan's DieWu translated to english Version 2.00(23th January 2002) :Added in Code for fighting 18 bosses (twice at a time) in Boss Challenge Added in stage 4 walkthrough Added in Armour Information Version 2.11(26th January 2002) :Added in Weapon Information Added in Credits Version 2.23(2nd February 2002) :Renamed DoubleBow to GoldenBow Renamed RedSpear to FireArm Added in stage 5 walkthrough Deleted Codes Section Version 2.36(8th February 2002) :Renamed Weapons to Relics Renamed RedSparrow to RedPhoenix Renamed BlueDragon to GreenDragon Knights of Valour series are all the craze in arcades right now. No respectable arcade-goers have not tried this series at least once. The combo system of kov is extremely well done. For those familiar with the game, their brains are filled with how to create and improve their existing combos. The kov series is to arcades as FF is to playstations. Both are extremely well done and popular. There are many secrets in this game. Remember the "Pheonix down" bug in FF that can be used to take down an undead king instantly? Well, this game has something similar. (KOV2Original only) Since the game is in Chinese language originally, and the developer's English website is full of errors (e.g. Holly water), most of the items and locations will be translated from Chinese into English by me. Try NOT to email me as much as possible. I may be able to understand your problems. As the saying goes, 3 cobblers are better than a Zhuge Liang. (Though I doubt it) If you have any doubts about anything, search, then ask in the message board. It can get really annoying after answering the same questions for umpteen times. The numbers are substitutes for up(8), down(2), left(4), right(6). It's easier to refer to than using qcf (quarter-circle forward), scf (semi-circle forward), etc. Knock = 66A (while running, press A). SR = Secret Room. The contents are as follows, 1. Skills List 2. Combo System 3. Combo Breaking 4. Jamming Effect 5. Armour Information 6. Weapon Information 7. Walkthrough 1. Skills List ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some arcade may not have the skills list put up near the machine, so for those who want to try out a new character or has just started playing the game, it can be quite frustrating. There are "Normal" and "Evil" Characters, with the "Evil" Characters having different skills but lower life and lower attack power. Below is the skills list (N = Normal, no need to use a power bar in order to use it) (S = Special, need a power bar in order to use it) (F = Formation, need a power bar in order to use it, can't be used together with Magic and other Formations) (T = Trick, need a power bar in order to use) (M = Magic, need a power in order to use, can't be used together with others Magic and Formations) Guan Yu Rebellious GuanYu ======= ================= (N)LongXingPiZhan 236A (N)KuangLongNiZhuan 236A (N)FeiLongZaiTian 28A (N)FeiLongZaiTian 28A (S)HuiFengSaoYe 236B (S)HuiFengSaoYe 236B (S)KuangLongChuHai 46B (S)KuangLongChuHai 46B (F)SkyLanterns 28B (S)KuangLongXuanWu 28B (F)FireBeasts 82B (F)FireBeasts 82B (F)Pikemen 41236B (F)Pikemen 41236B ZhangFei Reckless ZhangFei ======== ================= (N)KuangFengShi 236A (N)LongBaiWei 236A (N)ErHuPuYang 6BA (N)ErHuPuYang 6BA (N)ErHuZhangZui B2A/B3A (N)ErHuZhangZui B2A/B3A (N)MengHuChui 28A (S)ShenLongBaiWei 236B (S)ShenLongBaiWei 236B (T)Confuse 46B (S)TigerCannon 46B (S)HuoNiuHanDi 28B (S)HuoNiuHanDi 28B (S)TianBengDiLie 82B (S)TianBengDiLie 82B (F)Pikemen 41236B (S)DragonCannon 41236B ZhaoYun *Righteous ZhaoYun ======= ============== (N)DaPengZhanChi 28A (N)DaPengZhanChi 28A (N)FeiTian 6AAAA (N)FeiTian 6AAAA (N)TanZhua B3A (N)TanZhua B3AA (N)ChuanLinJiao B3AAAAA (N)ChuanLinJiao B3AAAAA (N)LiHuaCi 236A (S)RiYueShuangHua 236B (S)RiYueShuangHua 236B (S)MengLongChuZha 46B (S)MengLongChuZha 46B (M)Typhoon 28B (S)ZiLongZhuQue 28B (F)Pikemen 82B (F)Pikemen 82B (F)Fire arrows 41236B (F)Fire arrows 41236B MaChao *Rich MaChao ====== =========== (N)DiTangZhan 236A (N)DiTangZhan 236A (N)ChongTui 28A (N)ChongTui 28A (N)TanTui(Ground) 6AAAA (N)YueMaDeng B2A (N)TanTui(Air) B2AAAA (N)KongQiShe B2A+(A)*n (S)BaiNiaoChaoFeng 236B (S)BaiNiaoChaoFeng 236B (S)ShouYao 46B (S)ShouYao 46B (F)Rolling Boulders 28B (F)Rolling Boulders 28B (F)Dropping Boulders 82B (F)Dropping Boulders 82B (F)FireBeasts 41236B (F)FireBeasts 41236B HuangZhong Fierce HuangZhong ========== ================= (N)ZhuiFengPiYue 236A (N)ZhuiHunPi 236A (N)ZhuiTianJian 28A (N)ZhuiTianJian 28A (N)ZhuDiJian B2A (N)ZhuDiJian B2A (N)SuiRenJian 6A (N)SuiRenJian 6A (M)Blizzard 236B (S)DuPiHuaShan 236B (S)FenXinJian 46B (S)FenXinJian 46B (S)GuanShanJian 28B (S)GuanShanJian 28B (F)Ballista 82B (F)Ballista 82B (F)Fire arrows 41236B (F)Fire arrows 41236B Zhuge Wise Zhuge ===== ========== (N)YingFengDanChen 236A (N)YingFengDanChen 236A (N)ChaoGe 28A (M)Blizzard 236B (M)Flood 236B (M)Lightning 46B (T)Confuse 46B (M)Typhoon 28B (F)SkyLanterns 28B (M)BaZhengTu 82B (T)Taunt 82B (M)Recover 41236B (M)Summon(Fire) 41236B DiaoChan Fake DiaoChan ======== ============== (N)TianNvSanHua 28A (N)TianNvSanHua 28A (N)TiYunZong 6AAAA (N)TiYunZong 6AAAA (N)YuNvJinZhen B2AAAA (N)YuNvJinZhen B2AAAA (N)YuQian 236A (N)YuanFei 236AA (M)Blizzard 236B (M)Blizzard 236B (S)FengMing 46B (S)FengMing 46B (S)YunLiFan 28B (S)YunLiFan 28B (S)ChanTui 82B (S)ChanTui 82B (M)Recover 41236B (S)ButterflyDance 41236B PangTong *Potential PangTong ======== ================== (N)ZuoYouPiShan 236A (N)ZuoYouPiShan 236A (N)Iron Spike 28A (N)Iron Spike 28A (N)Talisman (To Ground) BA (N)Talisman (To Ground) BA (N)Talisman (To Sky) B6A (N)Talisman (To Sky) B6A (N)GeKongXianFa 6A (N)FangDian 6A (M)Blizzard 236B (F)Rolling Boulders 236B (M)Lightnning 46B (T)Confuse 46B (M)Typhoon 28B (T)Frighten 28B (M)Summon(Lightning) 82B (T)Taunt 82B (M)Summon(Fire) 41236B (F)Dropping Boulders 41236B SunQuan Tyrant SunQuan ======= ============== (N)BaWangHuZhua 28A (N)BaWangHuZhua 28A (N)HuBiGou 236A (N)HuBiShuangGou 236A (S)YiCiDingJiangShan 236B (S)YiCiDingJiangShan 236B (S)JiangDongNuHou 46B (S)JiangDongNuHou 46B (F)SkyLanterns 28B (S)BaWangPaoXiao 28B (F)Pikemen 82B (F)Pikemen 82B (F)Sailors 41236B (F)Sailors 41236B All those who have * beside their names mean that there should be better names for them. Post in topic "Faq Improvements" about new, more suitable names. 2. Combo System ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to create a totally new combo that you had thought up by yourself, you had to know what the combo system is based on. The Combo system is made up of 4 sets and 1 extra hit only. What is considered 1 set? AAAA AAA AA A 236A + Whatever skills that particular character has. 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 E.g. Zhuge's(Dragon) combo: AAA+AAA+AAA+AAA+A(using the ice fan or lightning sword) Usually people will get 13Hits, only those skillful ones can manage up to 17Hits. E.g. Reckless ZhangFei's combo: AAA+AAAA+236A+236A+28A E.g. PangTong's(Phoenix) combo: AAA+AAA+AAA+236A+66A Maximum 14Hits combo, the 236A must be timed properly to have 4Hits. 3. Combo Breaking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In some cases, the combo can be dragged for infinity (so long as you have enough power gauges and enemy generals) It is easier to use the infinite combo by using Zhuge and his BaZhengTu. (That's why you can find Zhuge "experts" everywhere) The combo with the maximum efficiency is as follows: 82B(BaZhengTu), since the first hit will always knock away the enemy, just anyhow hit for the first strike. Then use AAA+AAA+AAA+AAA+82B (at this time, the unfortunate guy will "fly" up and get struck in the BaZhengTu). At this time use a surrendered general to "knock" the guy. (Just use the auto- knocking that occurs when a surrendered general comes into the screen) Then you can do the whole 4 sets and 1 hit again, but with the existing number of hits continuing. Eg. AAA+AAA+AAA+AAA+82B+any surrendered general (like say NiuJin) At this time, the number of hits is 12-16hits, depending on how skilful you are. Use NiuJin's 236A 4 times, then press "D" to let NiuJin go back. (Remember to time properly in order to "knock" the enemy) Use Zhuge's 82B immediately when you landed, the enemy will "fly" up again. "Knock" the enemy again with NiuJin, and use 236A 4 times again. Repeat the whole Combo again for as long as you like. (So long as you have enough power gauges and surrendered generals) 4. Jamming Effect ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using Zhuge's BaZhengTu, you will see this jamming effect very clearly. The most famous one is the Zhuge and Righteous ZhaoYun Combination. Zhuge cast BaZhengTu, anyhow attack the first hit, then just keep hitting A, then Bloody ZhaoYun use his ZiLongZhuQue. If done properly it should be able to slice off a lot of the enemy's life. I believe it can easily slice off a bar of any enemy's life, and 1&1/2-2 bars of fire elemental enemies. 5. Armour Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name Defense Resist/Special Ability ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ PeaceRobe 9% Poison CopperArmour 10% Theft ChainArmour 12% Fire *Yellowrobe 4% Faster gathering of energy BrightArmour 14% Fire + Explosive *CloudRobe 9% Lightning, Triple-Jump Ability HeavenRobe 12% Explosive + Freeze *ThornsArmour 9% Damages Enemies when they hit you KingArmour 14% Dizzy + Explosive GodClothes 14% Dizzy + Explosive OldestArmour 12% Wooden + Talisman WarRobe 17% Poison + Fire FeatherClothes 15% Dizzy *GoldenRobe 6% High Momentum rating *WindRobe 7% Movement speed increases EmperorArmour 15% Explosive + Freeze SavageArmour 20% Lightning + Freeze 6. Weapon Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name Attack Special Ability ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ (GY)DragonKnife 12% Destroy Obstacles (DC)RedDagger 18% None (PT)WizardKnife 20% None (HZ)FireBow 37% Fire-Elemental, can't use 236B (ZY)FireArm 18% Destroy Obstacles (ZG)FireFan 50% Fire-Elemental (MC)RedSword 50% Destroy Obstacles, 1 hit = 1 set (ZF)SnakeSpear 12% Destroy Obstacles RealHalberd 14% Fire-Elemental, (GY+ZF+ZY) Destroy Obstacles (ZG)LightningSword 20% Lightning-Elemental (SQ)ThreeSection -18% Can do 9 hits for AAAA Can't use Specials (PT)HookKnife 25% 236A can do 4hits (HZ)GodBow 100% Explosive-Elemental, can't use 236B (GY)FireKnife 28% Fire-Elemental, Destroy Obstacles (HZ)GoldenBow 28% Shoots 2 arrows, Fire-Elemental, Lightning-Elemental (DC)TigerClaws 32% Can't use Specials (ZG)ExplosiveFan 42% Explosive-Elemental (MC)BlueSword 25% None (HZ)PoisonBow 12% Poison-Elemental, can't use 236B (MC)BlackClub 10% Dizzy Effect, can do only 2 hits (ZG)IceFan 28% Ice-Elemental Halberd 45% Destroy Obstacles, (GY+ZF+ZY) can't use Specials *Due to lack of Space, I have to put in Initials of Characters names to represent who are able to use which weapon. *Evil and Normal Characters use the same weapons. **GuanYu = GY ZhangFei = ZF ZhaoYun = ZY MaChao = MC HuangZhong = HZ Zhuge = ZG DiaoChan = DC PangTong = PT SunQuan = SQ 7. Walkthrough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =================================================================================== Stage 1: Nothing much to say about this stage. There is a "secret"(everyone knows already) place in the background where there is a gap between the reeds. You can go in there only after you have cleared the enemies, and the "GO" sign appears. Remember to grab all the firebombs and keep them. When inside the "secret" place, knock(66A) the armoured soldier to get Peacerobe. When the boss, XiaHouDun, appears, just knock him once to get the holy water, and 3 times if you wanted to get GuanYu's Dragonknife. Remember, it must be before the sky lighted up. When the sky lighted up, you will automatically run to a place filled with dynamites. Throw the firebombs on them(If you do not have sufficient bombs, just knock XiahouDun once in the dynamite screen to get 1 firebomb). The boss's blood must be very little in order to succeed, and he must be in the left half of the screen. When you succeed, there will be an animation of XiaHouDun running away, but halfway through, got blown back by the dynamites and trapped. 2 options will be given: Kill Persuade to surrender Kill: get Taoist Wind Scroll Persuade to surrender: fight XiahouDun again. After defeating him, you will get XiaHouDun's command. Victory items:ChainArmour (if the dynamites mission had succeeded), otherwise it will be CopperArmour. =================================================================================== Stage 2: Instantly at the beginning of the stage, there will be a mission of setting the city on fire by shooting in fire arrows. Keep pressing A to shoot fire arrows. Then, go up-right to where there is a gap between the buildings. You will then go up on the roof. But, to get into the armoury secret room(SR), you have to fail in setting fire. The armoury secret room is directly upwards of where you emerged. *************************************************************************** Armoury SR: hit the dragonheads on left and right according to the formula. 66,444: get Taoist Fire Scroll Then, 6,44,666: to get Sunzi's Book of War Roof: If DiaoChan were present, hit the eagle flying by to get her RedDagger. Then, 2 screens later, you will see a hole on the roof. Jump on it 3 times to get into the roof secret room(enemies must be present to succeed). Roof SR: Kill all enemies present, then hit the dragonheads according to the formula. 44,6,666,44,6: get SupplyHorse if either Zhuge or PangTong were present, otherwise, a book of Knifemen-Formation is dropped. *************************************************************************** If PangTong were present, IMMEDIATELY go up and hit the cart twice when you get out of the Roof SR, to get the WizardKnife(Looks more like Sabre, but if the developer wanted to call it knife, who are we to argue with him). The box just beside the cart contains a DetoxifyHerb. Then proceed on. Go out of the city. 2 options will be given: Get into White River Dike Go upstream of White River White River Dike: One of the enemies will give you a bun when killed. There is a mission of destroying the dike. When the boss, CaoRen, appears, destroy the dike. He will be swept by the ensuing burst of water and become dizzy. Just anyhow hit him. He is one of the easiest boss in the game, I can defeat him with full blood. The killing blow must be a normal move, if you wanted to use get his command. Upstream of River: Proceed on. A few screens later, there will be a "GO" sign. Upwards of it will be a gap between 2 trees with broken pots lying on the ground. That will be the Forest(Up) Secret Room. Downwards of it will be pile of tree branches lying in a pile. That will be the Forest(Down) Secret Room. You only can go into either one. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Forest(Up) SR: HuangZhong's FireBow is in the steel box. Book of Knifemen-Formation is inside another box. Forest(Down) SR: Knock the cart-pusher in the left of the screen to get the Yellowrobe. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Exit the secret room. Proceed on. The boss, CaoRen will appear. Just anyhow hit him. He is one of the easiest boss in the game, I can defeat him with full blood.(^_^Hehe, copy and paste). Victory items:BrightArmour, book of Sailors-Formation. =================================================================================== Stage 3: There will be a lot of civilian refugees running towards you at the beginning of the stage. Save them. They will leave behind gifts (score) in gratitude. Proceed on. In the last screen, there will be a building and a fence in the background. Go in the gap between them BEFORE you finish off the enemies. That place is the Spear Secret Room. *************************************************************************** Spear SR: IMMEDIATELY hit the fatty at the bottom right of the screen. If you don't, he will kick away the box containing the FireArm for ZhaoYun. If ZhaoYun were not present, the box contains a present (300,000 score) There is a SevenStarLantern in the top right box, and a book of Ballista-Formation on the left. *************************************************************************** Exit Secret Room, then IMMEDIATELY kneel down(2B). If you had saved the old man earlier (teaches you to respect the elderly), you will get a Cloudrobe and a book of Civilian-Formation. 2 options will be given: Save Young Master Seek for Relief Forces Save Young Master: You are on a bridge called ChangBanQiao (Direct Translation: Long Wooden Bridge). There are lots of battering rams coming your way. If you had the Cloudrobe, triple-jump to avoid being rammed. Otherwise, just walk up and down to avoid them, or go in front and wreck the rams down (recommended). Proceed on. After killing 3 cavalries, you will come to an area with a bridge on the left and a building in the background. There will be battering rams (again). Hit the lowest one to get an item that can increase the number of surrendered generals that you currently have. Hit the highest one twice to get a chickenleg (proper translation should be chicken drumstick). There will be two archers and two armoured soldiers. Eliminate them. The fatty formation will then come out. Smash them into a pulp. Then you will come to a place with a well on the right and a fence on top. A woman is preparing to jump down into the well and suicide. She will ask you to take care of her baby(your young master), then she will leave her baby behind and jump down into the well. One archer and two infantries will then come out from the left. They will stay in this screen for a limited time. DON'T take the baby if you wanted to get into the Well Secret Room. To get into the Well Secret Room, you must move against the well for 3-5 seconds(depending on your time perception. For goodness sake, please don't use stopwatch, it's very embarrassing^_^), then jump(press B). The enemies must still be on screen in order to succeed. Either throw a smokebomb, use Zhuge's 82B (recommended), or assign a player to engage the enemies while the other jump. There is another Secret Room. Don't go into the Well Secret Room. Take the baby. Clear away the 3 enemies. Then, hit the fence on top 6 times. The fence will break and just press up to go into the Bridge Secret Room. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Well SR: Hit the dragonheads(got water flowing from the mouths) on extreme right and extreme left once. The gate will open and flow out one box. Open it to get the ThornsArmour (Those who had played Diablo2 before will know what I am talking about). Open all the other 3 boxes flowing towards you. The boxes contain Holy water, Wuzi's Book of War, and Firefan(if Zhuge were present). Bridge SR: Open the top box to get the KingArmour And if you had accessed this room by going the route of seeking for relief forces, use Zhangfei (must have Cloudrobe equipped) to triple-jump and hit the bag underneath the roof 3 times. SnakeSpear(Not sure about the name) is inside. Otherwise, the bag will contain Taoist Wind Scroll. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you had gone to the Well Secret Room, you will go and fight the boss immediately upon exit. If you had go to the Bridge Secret Room, you will fight a few formations. If MaChao were present, use him to knock the archer in the first formation to get his RedSword (ChingGangJian). The last formation should have a bun. Fight the boss, ZhangHe. At a certain time, another boss, MengHuo, riding an elephant, will come out. he will then alight from the elephant and fight you. DON'T stand in the elephant path, it will squash you! (I was preoccupied with attacking ZhangHe once, and thought the elephant to be just a harmless animation. I got squashed as my punishment) Just finish them off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you had ZhangFei, walk to the bridge on the left of the screen and press 28B (In order to succeed, MengHuo's life must be half before using the special). MengHuo will be frightened off, leaving behind SnakeSpear(Not sure about the name). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- When ZhangHe is defeated, he will lie on the ground, with light shining within him. Throw him a Holy Water if you wanted to get his command and the Real Halberd. He will be revived and will fight you again. Knock him thrice to get the Real Halberd. (or false Halberd, depending on whether you had played KOV2O before) After defeating him again, he will agree to serve you. Defeat MengHuo to get the elephant command. Victory Items: BlackBeast, book of Knifemen-Formation Seek for Relief Forces: Difficult way. Not recommended for beginners. Protect the guy (I think it's LiuQi) riding a white horse. Be careful, friendly fire (^_^Counter-strike) is on. Just 5 hits and the guy will abandon you. Proceed on. The boss, SimaYi, will appear. Hit him with specials and formations. Fire Arrows formation and FireBeasts formation will go down well with him. When he summoned his image, knock him to get the Wooden-man command. Defeat SimaYi. Victory Items: Sunzi's Book of War, Heavenrobe (not sure about the name) Proceed on. Go into the Bridge Secret Room. Exit and proceed on. There will be a few formations. If MaChao were present, use him to knock the archer in the first formation to get his RedSword (ChingGangJian). The last formation should have a bun.(^_^copy and paste) Fight the boss, ZhangHe. When ZhangHe is defeated, he will lie on the ground, with light shining within him. Throw him a Holy Water if you wanted to get his command and the Real Halberd. He will be revived and will fight you again. Knock him thrice to get the Real Halberd. After defeating him again, he will agree to serve you. Victory Items: BlackBeast =================================================================================== Bonus Stage: It will only appear when you are playing multi-players. Keep on pressing "A" to run. The winner will get 7 million points, usually. If you were fast enough, you can get 8 million points. =================================================================================== Stage 4: This stage is the turning point in this game. It determines which stage you go to after completing this stage. First, you start at the dockside. There are 3 cavalries at back and 1 in front. There will be a short dialogue. Then the fighting begins! Just clear away all the enemies. On the ship, kill the 2 sailors. 2 options will be given: Fight Caocao's Army Attack soldiers After Fight CaoCao's Army: Harder way. Though if you wanted to break high score, this route is inevitable. After choosing this route, there will be an arrow telling you to go right. Just go right. Kill all enemies. Choose left or right. LEFT: Nothing of interest here. Kill all enemies. Proceed on. Go right. Branches back to one route. RIGHT: After killing all the enemies, just kneel down and press "A" to hit open the lock. Jump into the cabin. CABIN: Except for the third candle (counting from the left) , hit all the rest. Kill all enemies. Hit the 2nd last candle twice to go into Caocao Secret Room *************************************************************************** CaoCao SR: Throw firebombs at duck and pig to get a book of Knifemen-Formation and a book of Sailors-Formation. Open the boxes to get RedPhoenix and Taoist Fire Scroll. *************************************************************************** Exit Cabin. Proceed on. Go right. Branches back to one route. There is a CureHerb (aka Ginseng, aka Rensheng) after killing one of the sailors. (Though you must not had entered Caocao Secret Room) Look carefully for the CureHerb. 2 out of 5 times, my partner and I missed it. Kill all enemies. You will see CaoCao dashing across the walkway on the right. Run over the walkway to the ship on the right. After killing the enemies, go right and the boss, NiuJin, will jump in. He's quite hard to defeat by melee means (Though it's possible). You can get him to surrender by defeating him in a short time. (within 45 seconds if I were not wrong) If you were using PangTong, HookKnife (looks more like a Sabre) will be given as a victory item (must get NiuJin to surrender). Just use the Lightning God + Iron Spike trick to finish him off within a short time. Next stage will be stage 5 (CaoCao). Victory items: WuZi's Book of War, WhiteTiger. Attack Soldiers After: After choosing this route, there will be an arrow telling you to go left. Just go left. Kill all enemies. Choose left or right. LEFT: Kill all enemies CABIN: Hit the Third and Fifth Lanterns once. Kill all enemies. Then hit the last lantern twice to go into SunQuan(Left) Secret Room. *************************************************************************** SunQuan(Left) SR: Hit the boxes according to the formula to get Zhuge's LightningSword. The sizes of the boxes are randomly fixed. Therefore, when u sees 3 big & 2 small: Open all the big, then the small 2 big & 3 small: Open all the small, then the big Wait a while for a metal box to drop down. Inside is the LightningSword. SunQuan's ThreeSection should be inside one of the boxes. *************************************************************************** Exit Cabin. Proceed on. Go left. Branches back to one route. RIGHT: Don't even bother about going this way. It's not worth it. Kill all enemies CABIN: Don't hit any lanterns. Don't disturb the sleep of the soldier. Kill all other enemies. Wait for the soldier to wake up by himself. The way to the SunQuan(Right) Secret Room is opened. Go in. *************************************************************************** SunQuan(Right) SR: GodClothes and a book of Civilian-Formation are inside the boxes. Knock the white metal soldier to get SevenStarLantern. If u were using SunQuan, use his 28A to hit the central lantern thrice to get his weapon, ThreeSection. *************************************************************************** Exit Cabin. Proceed on. Go right. Branches back to one route. The boss, GanNing, will appear on the screen after some animations. Just attack and kill him. Be fast about it, or else another boss, Zuoci, will appear and help him by throwing energy balls around. You can get GanNing's command by defeating him using a character with a score of 30 millions. By getting his command, u will also get HuangZhong's weapon, the GodBow. Next stage will be stage 6 (SunQuan). Victory items: Book of Sailors-Formation, GreenDragon(if Zuoci did not appear) =================================================================================== Stage 5 (CaoCao): Kill all enemies. The boss, XuHuang, will appear with an animation of him doing a mighty chop He is one of the most difficult boss to melee KO. He has fast hit recovery rate, high damage and high momentum rating. Just try to finish him off before he runs away. Not sure about the time limit. Just throw everytime you got at him. When he is defeated, there will be an animation of him having a headache and then he transforms into a Wooden-Figure. It/He will jump up into the air and then a talisman will magically appear on its/his forehead, and then a soldier (on your side for a change) will appear and set fire to him. It/Him will be burned down into ashes. I'm not sure what is IGS trying to convey by this bizzare animation. After defeating him, u will get his command. Victoy items: Book of Civilian-Formation 2 options will be given: North Hill Changling Road North Hill: Proceed on till you sees a cave being blocked by a huge boulder. XuHuang will come out and help you blast open the boulder. Another boss, XuZhu, will be inside. He's completely clumsy and slow. Just melee him. If you wanted to get XuZhu's command, use Xuhuang to do the finishing blow. Then switch back to your character and kneel down close to XuZhu's shining body. He will then surrender and you will be able to get his command. You can then choose to go either left or right. LEFT: FeatherClothes is inside one of the boxes. In order to get into the North Hill (Left) Secret Room, you must throw 3 firebombs (using BC) on the dynamite somewhere between the 2 wooden barriers, then throw 1 firebomb (to be found somewhere near there) to ignite the dynamite. *************************************************************************** North Hill(Left) SR: Supplyhorse and FireKnife are inside the boxes. *************************************************************************** Exit. Back to main route. RIGHT: WarRobe is inside one of the boxes. In order to get into the North Hill (Right) Secret Room, you must throw a firebomb to ignite the ballista, then knock the ballista to crash onto the Knife-Cart. *************************************************************************** North Hill(Right) SR: GoldenBow, DetoxifyHerb and GreenDragon are inside the boxes. *************************************************************************** Exit. Back to main route. Kill enemies. Proceed on. Fight the boss, ChengYu. Quite hard to defeat using melee means. Not sure why he's ranked as easy. In order to get his command, the character who is doing the killing blow must have a score of 45 millions. Then, another boss, CaoCao, will come out, He will want to kill ChengYu for betraying him. Just block his dashing attack. Thus you will get ChengYu's command. Victory Items: Taoist Wind Scroll, ExplosiveFan Caocao is quite easy to melee KO. Just be careful of his flying swords when his blood reaches red. Knock him five times to get BlueSword. It's quite hard to get his command. Here's the way. Kill him using a book of Civilian-Formation, under the effects of 2 Relics (GreenDragon + WhiteTiger will be the best, leave BlackBeast for earning score). Victory Items: Book of Ballista-Formation Changling Road: You will be at a screen with a neutral boss, HuangGai. He will plead with you to save him. There is now 2 hiddden choices for you to choose. Hit him and you will go by the South Hill Route. Protecting him from being hit by the enemy soldiers will lead you to Gound Route. South Hill: Ignore his plea and hit him^-^. Then just finish off the soldiers. There will be an arrow pointing down. Follow it. You are then at a place with 2 wooden barriers blocking the way. Destroy them and the soldiers that come with them. Then go on. There is a cave on the upper-left and another wooden barrier on the right. Don't hit the barrier and prevent the enemies from doing so too. After finishing all the enemies, go into the cave. In the cave, finish off the enemies. Then kneel and move right for a few seconds to go into the Gound Secret Room. *************************************************************************** Gound SR: There are SevenStarLantern, ThreeSection and GoldenRobe in the boxes. *************************************************************************** Exit from the Gound Secret Room by going right. Then, you will emerge from a cave (not the same one) and there is a wooden barrier on the left. Destroy it. Boulders will be rolling down from the left to the right. Wait near the cave to prevent being squashed by the boulders. Kill all enemies and go on. There will be chickenleg on one of the enemies. Just kill him to get it. Then the boss, XiaHouYuan, will appear. He will start out by knocking a boulder rolling towards him by his brute strength alone. He is a bit difficult to defeat. Knock him thrice to get CureHerb. If you wanted to get his command, just use XiaHouDun (the boss who you had defeated in stage 1) to do the finishing blow. Then use XiaHouDun to stand on him and press AB to go into berserk mode. He will then surrender. You will get TigerClaws as a side product. Victory Items: Holy Water Back to main route. Kill enemies. Proceed on. Fight the boss, ChengYu. Quite hard to defeat using melee means. Not sure why he's ranked as easy. In order to get his command, the character who is doing the killing blow must have a score of 45 millions. Then, another boss, CaoCao, will come out, He will want to kill ChengYu for betraying him. Just block his dashing attack. Thus you will get ChengYu's command. Victory Items: Taoist Wind Scroll, ExplosiveFan Caocao is quite easy to melee KO. Just be careful of his flying swords when his blood reaches red. Knock him five times to get BlueSword. It's quite hard to get his command. Here's the way. Kill him using a book of Civilian-Formation, under the effects of 2 Relics (GreenDragon + WhiteTiger will be the best, leave BlackBeast for earning score). Victory Items: Book of Ballista-Formation =================================================================================== Stage 6 (SunQuan): Stage 7: =================================================================================== FAMOUS COMBOS =================================================================================== Righteous Zhaoyun's X-Slash AAAA+236A+28B+B3AA+28B PangTong's LightningSpike Combo (near wall) 82B+(28A)*5 GuanYu's SwitchKnife Combo AAAA+*switch to FireKnife*+(236A)*4 DiaoChan's FairySpin Combo (28A)*5 HuangZhong's Spinning Combo (near wall) AAAA+(236A)*4 Reckless ZhangFei's DragonTail Combo AAAA+(236A)*3+28A =================================================================================== CREDITS =================================================================================== Thanks to Father and Mother for rearing me up Thanks to Juliet for a lot of Information Thanks to Melvin for lanching surprise attacks on me everyday to increase my reflex Thanks to Ravenclaw the Idot for always using the unlimited combo trick on me in BC =================================================================================== The End for now. I will do the rest on another day. Concentrating on creating website. Next Faq will not be out in a while.