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Introduction 2. Presentation and System 3. Characters 4. Controls 5. Command List 6. To Do List 7. Marketing 8. Thanks and Complainings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Legal Notes ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Killing Blade© is a copyright by International Games System, likewise called IGS. So, be careful with other people stuff...Might be your invite to know their lawyers... Copyright© Cpt.Guapo. All rights reserved. This FAQ was totally made by me and I want a bit of consideration with that my little effort. So, if want to use it for your personal use, be my guest. In case you want to publish it on your site, email me. Wanting to point some complement or fail or whatever to enrich this document, I'm here waiting. Having the intention of always add, we're here at your service. Everyone with this attitude will have all expected and due credits recognized publicly, with a diamonds-and-pearls-framed certificate. My wish is that this FAQ be well known 'cause there's nothing available (AFAIK) about this great game here at western grounds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Versions History ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # 1.0 (03/01/2009 - 05/01/2010): Beginning of everything. Very basic, using my observations to understand the Game System and build the Command List, other than personal considerations to create basic characters' profiles. And, yeah, I've started it some months ago, but never had time to finish it to upload it, due to my recent routines...Hey, I'm an ordinary human, OK? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 1.Introduction ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With several Street Fighters, King of Fighters, Fatal Fury of Fighters, Tekken of Fighters, Dead or Alive of Fighters and Guilty Gear of Fighters, why care about The Killing Blade? Because it's a great game, with the same fun factor of those ones more famous. It has most features of them, as team mode (pairs), tag fight, specials, super combos etc. What a pity it is so little known... This game looks like an upgraded «Samurai Shodown», with some similar points, besides some similarities with «Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle». Everything with a pinch of chinese folklore, where it was spawned from. Looking high and low the InterNerd, I didn't find out anything about the move list, what is the minimum you might want regarding a fighting game! Tried even Web Archive and nada! Perhaps there's something in a hypothetical obscure Chinese/Taiwanese forum, but still is far far from a day I'm gonna understand those ideograms...Even I contacted IGS people, but no responses so far...In that situation, as I had a spare time from work and college, I decided to get down to work. Being an appreciator of that subject, it wasn't so hard to discover the commands. I simply tested the more used ones in established games and this made my task easier! To create this document, I used what is more-than-known in FAQs, mainly from «Tekken Zaibatsu», but I wanted to let my personal marks and produced a hybrid guide, however comprehensible. Unless the reader is a bit slow...Well, there are various kinds of people... In characters section, I made many personal descriptions, since niente of informations from manufacturer. Well, we have to cope, my friends...Lastly, I'd like to advise you that I use here references of games and movies. It's a habit of mine. If you don't understand them, contact me. Gents, that's it. Enjoy (or not) this compilation. You can't please whole world, can you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 2. Presentation and System ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # «The Killing Blade» is a fighting versus game for pairs of characters. There is use of a variety of weapons like on «Samurai Shodown» and the story takes place on an ancient Chinese dynasty. # You cannot change the pair at the moment of coming of challenger pair nor choose the same character in same pair. Other than that, the life bar is shared, that is, even switching the fighter, the damage is maintained. When life bar is going down according to received damages, going from yellow and becoming red, the background changes, getting dark and gloomy, changing also the music, to one of anxiety and apprehension. Under that bar, data about executed hits are shown, similar to «Tekken». There are two fields of numerals, being the first one about unitary damage of the hits and second one about the sum of them. # Each fighter has a special combo bar (blue) and a special move bar (red), other than a power indicator (POW) on their corners. The combo's can be filled by player via A+C or automatically during the blocks both your player's and opponent's. The special move bar is filled gradually while any move is executed (you don't need to hit opponent, just execute the move) or when you are hit. Once used, you have to fill it up again to enjoy its benefits. # With the special combo bar full, at any time it's possible to execute the combo, ALWAYS starting with C+D and doing the respectives button sequences, by degrees. The hits may vary from 10 to 30, depending on the character. # The special move bar is used to switch fighters (using 1/3 of bar), which process can only be done with the fighters stand still, on ground or during the block. The called fighter comes already attacking. It's applied obviously for...let's see who guess? For... for... huh, huh?! Special mov...? mov...? Yeah, that's right! For special moves! Veeeeery weeell! These moves are standard, taking out more energy than the normal ones and some characters have more than one. # When the two bars are full, the power indicator actives red flames and then you can apply the counter/"explosive attack" with A+B+C, either during block or attack, being ordinary moves, combos or even special ones. The adversary is immediately repelled, but the attack doesn't cause damage at all. At this moment, the POW mark becomes blue and begins a countdown through those bars, depleting them simultaneously and, during this time, it's possible to execute a super move pressing the combination B+C+D. This move immediately knocks down the opponent and it's kinda coup de grâce, but it is blockable. Its damage varies roughly from 1/4 to 3/4 of life bar. If you execute this super move when the opponent's life bar is still yellow or if before you haven't hit the "explosive attack", the damage is low. It's more damaging when life bar is red (50% remaining) and/or the "explosive attack" have hit before. # Bear in mind that you can use the counter only once during the match Happening that, your special move bar won't fill anymore, and consequently there won't be how activate the specials nor switch fighters...It will rest just the combo bar! If you use the counter on the first round, on the second that won't be possible...Therefore, be sensible, man! # A last detail is, after sub-bosses, each character fights against a nemesis, to then go meet the Big Boss. Don't you know what nemesis is? Go study, you delinquent! Just stay there playing games...! :P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 3. Characters ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # LONG: Appears to be the Ryu of the game. Very powerful. Looks like Wong Fei ---- Hung with mullets; # ZHUGE: An armless one, and he is tough. Fights with a broken sword (or would ----- it be a short sword?) and so your moves have short range, but he compensates with speed. Has three (!) special moves. Appears to be the Ken of the game; # YIZHEN: Skinhead borrowed from «The Shaolin Temple». Uses a staff; ------ # LING: Representative of the panties. Comes from the same academy of Whip, ---- since she uses a...whip. Very fast and has some deadly sequences. Because she is the only female in the game, and apparently the most fragile one, she has two special moves. Her role is a mongol princess and seems to have a crush on Long... # TSAN: This game is a great homage to handicapped persons, you bet that. This ---- one is legless. By the way, double legless. Thus, he balances through 2 swords! LOL...Weird, but original, you can't deny that. Resembles Gen-An Shiranui. Should be some character of Chinese folklore. Other one to give haaarrd work; # JINLUN: Mini Krillin-clone who fights with two rings. Get on people's nerves, ------ inconvenient and annoying. I'm not sure if he is male, female or undecided; # SHANGUAN: A representative of brute force on this game, with face of Che -------- Guevara. Has a style like a general from "Romance of Three Kingdoms"; # ONISKA: Homage to «Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles» and to Lorenzo Lamas with ------ dwarfism. Well balanced, he has two special moves; # ABACUS: As the name implies, he fights with an abacus(!)...And he's pretty ------ strong, this fatty one, probably a compensation to your strangeness...Because...use an abacus as a weapon?! whatever...Badly designed this character...Well, I know he might be a relative of Cheng Sinzan, due to his shape, tics and grimaces; # BUTO: Hey, me likey this one! A homage to Bodhidarma, one of supposed ---- creators of Kung Fu, at least in appearance...Has really devastating moves, and one of those remember Shiro Amakusa Tokisada's one; # HADES: A mixed of Bizarro, zombie and some calligraphist from «Hero», has a ----- strong point in combos, since his basic moves I thought very weak. Should be use wings or a «Rocketeer» type jet, considering his bunch of aerials moves...He looks like a guardian of the dead or evil wizard: check the ghastly way of the moves...I like the background of this guy...He has a move similar to Ryuji Yamazaki's one. Another character with two special moves available; # CHINHU: Another brute force representative. He's like a powerful Wan-Fu, ------ soldier version, not jumper and that uses two maces. Has cool moves and powerful anti-air ones (Remembered me Goro Daimon a lot)... When hits some of them, he moans as if were evacuating with hemorrhoids in advanced stage. Really nice. Seriously! # TWIN TARTARS: They're sub-boss of the hood. They fight a la Rude Bros. and ------------ these bastards are a good challenge...Check it out the hurricane move (or tornado, or twister, or typhoon...ah! Spinning move...); Not selectable. # LORD WIZARD: Jinpachi's cousin? Dhalsim's obscure relative? This is big boss ----------- of the challenge, mates...Did you think the Twins were tough? You didn't see anything yet...At least is more predictable than the Tartars...Not selectable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 4. Controls ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Buttons: ------- A: Light Attack B: Light Kick C: Strong Attack D: Strong Kick M: Any Attack P: Any Kick * Combinations: A+B: Dodge A+C: Charge Special Combo Bar A+D: Change Fighter (Uses 1/3 of Special Move Bar) B+c: Super Attack C+D: First entry of Special Combo. Mandatory. Without this command, the following ones won't work A+B+C: Counter/"Explosive Attack" (Uses the two bars) B+C+D: Super Attack during the Counter # Joystick: -------- * Directions: UL U UR \ | / \|/ L---N---R /|\ / | \ SL S SR * Legend: U: Up S: Down L: Left R: Right N: Neutral The combination among these directions give us the diagonals and are self-explanatory. I chose "S" for "Down" to avoid conflict with button "D". An important note about how the directions letters are written: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + If upper case, indicates to hold joystick on that direction + + + + If lower case, tap the joystick to that direction + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Notations: --------- "+" Means execute the commands simultaneously. Ex. 1: A+B - Indicates press buttons A and B at same time; Ex. 2: r,r+C - In that case, being a composite command, indicates at the very end of first one, press button C; "," Means to execute the commands one by one, normally with time of 1 second between them; Ex.: B,B,C,D - Means press these buttons sequentially; "=>" Means "then", indicating possible(s) complementary (ies) command (s) to the first one executed; Ex.: C+D => C,C,C - Means to press buttons C and D at same time, thus one move will be activated, when then we must press three times C button gradually (see above); "_" Means "or", indicating optional(s) command (s) to the first one presented. Ex. 1: R_L - Indicates we can keep joystick to the right or to left; Ex. 2: r+A_D - Indicates we can tap joystick to the right either with button A or with button D; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + All the movements in next section consider opponent at left side of the + + screen! + + + + Therefore, if you are at right side, you must invert the commands! + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Basic Commands: -------------- * Block: L(Standing)_LH(Crouch)_l(On air); * Jump: UL_U_UR_ul_u_ur; Super Jump: UL,UL_U,U_UR,UR_ul,ul_u,u_ur,ur.; * Dash Forward: r,r; Dash Backward: l,l; * Throw: Close oponnent, R+C. # Basic Special Commands: ---------------------- * 90: 90 degrees forward (Starts on S, pass by SR and ends on R); * -90: 90 degrees backward (Starts on S, pass by SL and ends on L); * 180: 180 degrees forward (Starts on L, pass by SL, S and SR, and ends on R); * -180: 180 degrees backward (Starts on R, pass by SR, S and SL, and ends on L); * SK: Stands for Shoryuken, Forward. The classic widespread move with Street Fighter II, pattern of fighting games nowadays. There are three variations. Use which fits better to you: Starts on R, down on S and ends on SR (classical one) * -SK: Idem above, but backwards. Starts on L, go to S and ends on SL. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 5.Move List ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, let's cut the crap. Let's go to what is really interesting: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ LONG ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # r,r+A; # r,r+C (Same as Close, A); # r,r+D (Same as SL_S_SR+D, but less damaging and with more range). * Command Moves: # 90+M; # -90+M; # SK+M (Also possible during jump); # During jump, -90_90+A (Forward) _+B (Downward) _+C (Diagonally w/ short angle) _+D (Diagonally w/ wide angle); * Special Combo: # C+D => A,A,C,C,D,D,A,C,C,C; * Special Move: # On air, 90,-180+M. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ZHUGE ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # r+A; # r+C; # r,r+A; # r,r+B (Same as S+D, just more range); # r,r+C; # r,r+D (Same as B+C, just more damaging). * Command Moves: # 90+M, (Possible sequence to 5 times. e.g.: 90+A,C,A,C,A. In case with start on C, alternate with A); # -90+M; # SK+M; # During jump, 90+M (Downward); # During jump, -90+A (Forward) _+C (Downward); * Special Combo: # C+D => A,C,D,B,A,C,D,B,A,C; * Special Moves: # Special 1: 90x2+M (For medium distance or anti-air); # Special 2: On air, -90x2+A;\ Activating these two, it's possible to move # Special 3: On air, -90x2+C./ yourself in any direction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ YIZHEN ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # r+B; # r+C; # r,r+A; # r,r+B; # r,r+C; # r,r+D. * Command Moves: # 90+M => -90+D; # -90+M => -90+D; => 90+M (Button A version is weaker); # SK+M (Reversal. Opponent must hit to activates it.); # -SK+M; # During jump, -90+M; # -90+P (Same as r,r+D, just more damaging. The button B version doesn't make it drop and has less range. The button D version is opposite) => -90+D; # SK+P. * Special Combo: # C+D => B,B,C,C,D,D,B,C,C,C; * Special Move: # -90,180+M. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ LING ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # r+D; # sr+D; # s+D (During Super Jump). * Command Moves: # (S,SL)x2+M (Tricky command); # 90+M (When uses C, can hit grounded opponent); # -90+M; # -90+B; # -90+D; # During jump, 90+M. * Special Combo: # C+D => B,B,C,C,D,D,B,C,C,C; * Special Moves: # Special 1: 90x2+M; # Special 2: During jump, -90x2+P. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ TSAN ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # r,r+C_D; * Command Moves: # 90+A; # 90+C; # -SK+M => SKR+M # 90+P; # -90+P => M (Downward) _P (Upward) (Also possible in the air); # -SK+P; # During jump, -90+M * Special Combo: # C+D => A,C,D,B,A,C,D,B,A,C; * Special Move: # During jump, -90,180+M ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ JINLUN ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # r+C; # r+D (Close); # sr+C. * Command Moves: # 90+M (Also possible in the air, but only on Super Jump); # SK+M; # -90+C (Medium distance); # 90+P; # -90+D => M_D. B cancels it (Also possible in the air); # During jump, sr+D * Special Combo: # C+D => A,A,C,C,D,D,A,C,C,C; * Special Move: # During jump, 90x2+M. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ SHANGUAN ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Command Moves: # 90+M (It's possible sequence to 5 times); # -90+M; # SK+M; # -90+P; # During jump, -90+P. * Special Combo: # C+D => A,C,D,A,C,D,A,C,D,C; * Special Move: # 90x2+M. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ONISKA ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # sr+D; * Command Moves: # -90+A (Hits 3 times more when combo bar is full); # -90+C (Also reversal, but only to high and mid moves. Opponent must hit to activates it); # SK+M; # -SK+M => Possible to move to any direction (Also in the air); # -90+P; # -SK+D => R_L. * Special Combo: # C+D => A,C,D,A,C,D,A,C,D,C; * Special Moves: # Special 1: -90,180+M; # Special 2: 90x2+M. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ABACUS ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # r,r+A (Same as "Close, A", but more damaging); # r,r+C (Same as "Close, C", but more damaging); # r,r+B (Same as "Close, B"); # r,r+D (Same as "Close, D"); * Command Moves: # 90+M; # -90+M; # SK+M; # -SK+M; # -90+P; # -SK+P => P(attack) _M(cancel); * Special Combo: # C+D => A,C,D,A,C,D,A,C,D,C; * Special Move: # -90x2+M ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ BUTO ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # r+A;\ # r+B; \ # r+C; / Same as their versions "Close, button x"; # r+D./ * Command Moves: # 90+M (Also in the air); # -90+M; # SK+M; # -SK+M; # -90+P; # -SK+P => M(attack) _D(cancel); # During jump (Only on Super Jump), -90+P. * Special Combo: # C+D => A,A,C,C,D,D,A,C,C,C; *Special Move: # 90x2+M. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ HADES ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # r+C; # r+D; # sr+D (Same as r,r+D, just less damaging); # r,r+M; # r,r+B. * Command Moves: # 90+M_P; # -90+M (Absorbs projectiles filling the combo bar. Using close opponent, hits like any ordinary move); # -90+P => M_P; # During jump, 90_-90+A (Throws still); # During jump, 90+C (Forward and throws); # During jump, -90+C (Backward and throws); # During jump, SK+ M_P ("A" attacks on extreme left side of screen and "D" on the extreme right one); # During jump, -90+P. * Special Combo: # C+D => A,C,D,B,A,C,D,B,A,C; * Special Moves: # Special 1: -90x2+M; # Special 2: 90x2+M. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ CHINHU ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Basic Moves: # r+A; # r+D; # sr+C; * Command Moves: # 90+M; # SK+M; # -180+M (Anti-air throw); # -180+B (Medium or short distance throw); # -180+D (Close throw). * Special Combo: # C+D => B,B,C,C,D,D,B,C,C,C; * Special Move: # -90,180+C. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 6. To Do List ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # It's missing another Long's special that I couldn't do at all...CPU did against me some times and it's damn powerful. It's a variation of first one with projection of Long's shadows. Another thing is his second Dragon Punch, a descending one, like K''s in «KoF». Letters to editorial staff. # It's missing too a Jinlun's aerial throw à la SF II's Guile/Chun Li. Nada! # Story and official description of characters: Men, I still have hope that the IGS guys will answer my questions about this game...I don't know why I'm saying that, it's pretty ancient game, but as soon as I receive the answer, we'll have an upgrade, hombres, trust me... # Combos: As I'm not thaaat expert gamer, lacks me an approach to that skill. But I'm working on a Combos FAQ, a simply one, watching like CPU plays. But I want to count on you, dignified readers of this humble scroll/fans of this game/games enthusiasts, to accomplish this task. Let's go, this is a common interest! Where's the cooperation spirit triggered by globalization? ;) # Strategies: Idem above. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 7. Marketing ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Since this attitude is kinda a convention, I advise to the unoccupied ones that has a version in my mother tongue, Brazilian Portuguese, also here at GameFAQs; # Ah, I'm working on upgrade of "command.dat", an auxiliary file used to view commands of games, specially fighting ones, on some MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) builds. Oh yes, yes...Check the "command.dat" out at its page. Depending on my time, I should enrich it with other games continually. So, delightful moments like this should be happen more often... It's a pity it's not widely supported by builds! It's damn good idea! This way, know it and spread this good news, gents! What do you think? Huh? What are you waiting for? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 8.Thanks & Complaints ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Of course that I MUST thank to great International Games System, aka IGS, by making that gem, mainly considering that they are not from Land of Rising Sun...I wonder if exists a console version. Letters to editorial staff! All the merits to those fellas! # Secondly, to MAME Project, which have showed me that Arcades last while there are who care about them; # Thirdly, to people of Tekken Zaibatsu for their expertise regard command list. To me, they have the very first "ISO 9000" about this matter. They have transformed their job in science. I think you can perceive their influence on this scroll, can't you? ;) # Fourthly, to the team of X-Gaming, by manufacture this damn good thing that is X-Arcade Tankstick! Without it the most of my games, essentially fighting ones, wouldn't be the same...It was $600,00 (with taxes and charges) very well applied...I don't regret it at all...In case you have some bucks being left, X-Arcade Joysticks are one of most valuable gaming assets! # Fifthly, to people who publish this guide on Web: GameFAQs, IGN FAQs and Honest Gamers. All of them sources of guides of one of the main components of pop culture. # Finally, to you, irresponsible player, who doesn't have what to do and get playing all the time, and searching obscure FAQs through Web...What has the world come to?! But I must admit that one thing doesn't live without another one...So, carry on with this bad habit. This is worth to me as well, however in a different basis. ;) Summarizingly...that's it! I really enjoyed it, buddies and...see you in a next adventure. =============================================================================== = I T ' S O V E R (?) = =============================================================================== Submitted by Cpt.Guapo - Published on 01/19/10See all The Killing Blade