Fox Interactive and Capcom Entertainment Presents.. ................................................................. ****** * * **** ** * * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * ******** * * **** * * * * * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * **** * ** * * ***** * ****** ****** **** **** ***** ***** ***** ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****** ****** **** * * ******* * * * ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** **** **** * * * ***** * ** ***************************************************************** ************ALIEN V.S. PREDATOR COMPLETE GUIDE v1.05************* **********Written By: AziaN PreDaToR HunTeR AnD WaRRioR********** ***************************************************************** Updates will be handled by Naru2000. Thank you for reading this! (This is the final version of the guide. Any corrections or submissions sent it will be posted, but will not change the version number. You will be given proper credit of course.) Contents -------- --->Contact Information<--- ---->Revision History<---- Section 1. About this Guide 1-1. Basic Information About the Game Section 2. Walkthrough Strategy 2-1. Round 1:City of Despair-DONE! 2-2. Round 2:War in the Underpass-DONE! 2-3. Round 3:Forced Assault-DONE! 2-4. Round 4:Assault on a Queen-DONE! 2-5. Round 5:Secrets-DONE! 2-6. Round 6:Nightmare in the Labs-DONE! 2-7. Round 7:Hunts End-DONE! Section 3. Technical Information 3-1. Profiles & Move List 3-2. Weapons 3-3. Foods & Items 3-4. Enemy List and Profile 3-5. Honor Point System Section 4. Miscellaneous Information 4-1. Cool Stuff 4-2. Links Section 5. Frequently Asked Questions 5-1. Frequently Asked Questions 5-2. E-mails Section 6. Credits ******************************************************************************* ----------------------------->CONTACT INFORMATION<----------------------------- ******************************************************************************* GameFAQs Username: Naru2005 E-mail/MSN: AIM/AOL: Naru2000 In E-mails, include "AvP Arcade" anywhere in your Subject Line, so that I know you're asking about this guide. In MSN Messenger, I am online daily as well as I am on America Online. In ICQ, I am not very often online as I only come on once a week to check messages. If you want to leave me a message, feel free to anytime. If I am *Away* in MSN or AOL, feel free to drop your e-mail and message in the text box so that I can e-mail you back your answer once I am back. Thank you. ******************************************************************************* ----------------------------->REVISION HISTORY<-------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* v1.07 (February 7, 2006): Revival with a new username. Will update occasionally if necessary. v1.06 (April 7, 2004): Final Version. Decided Not to Do Game Scripts Because There is already one in the In-Depth section of this game. v1.05 (March 28, 2004): Included a new Section, Section 4: Miscellaneous Information with some information. Scanned through entire FAQ again to make sure there are no more spelling mistakes.(105k) v1.00 (February 14, 2004): Scanned through the entire FAQ to make sure there are no more spelling mistakes or similar. Other various information added.(102k) v0.90 (February 3, 2004): Finished Enemy Profile, fixed some mistakes.(102k) v0.80 (February 2, 2004): Updated some Enemy Attacks and fixed some mistakes. (100k) v0.70 (January 31, 2004): Finished Round 6 and Round 7 Walkthrough, finally.. updated Enemy Profile.(92k) v0.50 (January 30, 2004): Described most enemy attacks and finished most of Round 6 Strategy Walkthrough.(81k) v0.40 (January 27, 2004): Revised Enemy Information with profiles. Section 3-4.(70k) v0.30 (January 25, 2004): Revised Contact Information, Reorganized Contents and Diagrams. Added a new section. Section 4. Frequently Asked Questions. Walkthrough still incomplete.(69k) v0.20 (January 24, 2004): Posted Guide to GameFaqs.(70k) ******************************************************************************* ----------------------->SECTION 1. ABOUT THIS GUIDE<--------------------------- ******************************************************************************* This guide is for everything you need to know about the Alien vs Predator Arcade game. If you have any questions or suggestions, please e-mail me at Please do not copy this guide without my permission. Doing so will cause you to commit plagiarism. Note that in mind. This guide is found posted at the following sites: Thank you for taking the time to read this guide and hopefully the updates will occur every week or two, depending on how much information I receive during that time. ------------------------------------- 1-1. Basic Information About the Game ------------------------------------- ========================================== WHAT IS ALIEN v.s. PREDATOR? ========================================== ALIEN v.s. PREDATOR is the old Capcom Action/Adventure 4-player beat 'em up side-scrolling game. You have 4 characters to choose from. They are two Predators, Warrior and Hunter, and two Marines : Major Dutch Schaefer and Lieutenant Linn Kurosawa. The whole game is just plain easy if you know the tactics. All you do is battle your way into an alien/marine infested world, and beat the game, and relax while watching the credits. ========================================== THE GAMEPLAY ========================================== The gameplays VERY much like Final Fight, The Punisher, and other Capcom side-scrollers. Controls -------- |-Legend-----------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Joystick Controls: | Character Faces Right: | | O O O | ___ ___ ___ | | \ | / | |___| |___| |___| | | O- 0 -O | (__A__) (__B__) (__C__) | | / | \ | (A) (B) (C) | | O O O | Weapon/Gun|Attack|Jump/Dash | |____________________________________|_______________________________________| As you can see, the A button(left) is for your gun, the B button(middle) is for attacking with your weapon, and the C button(right) is the one for jumping. ========================================== THE BATTLE SYSTEM ========================================== ALIEN v.s. PREDATOR's battle system is fairly unique as it combines the traditional FFG elements as well as excellent 2D elements. You have an ENERGY METER (health meter) that, when completely yellow, it's 100% health. When you get hit by an enemy, or a projectile(i.e. grenade, knife, etc..), your bar will start to deplete. After it's completely red and you get hit once more, you have lost a life and will jump down if you have more than x1 (displayed on top right of energy bar, it could be any number from 0-9). All other enemies will be knocked down and points will be given to the player. At the end of the game, if you have x0 or more, you will earn bonus points by how much lives you have left. Your Status On-Screen: ____ 9999999<--Honor Points Character-->| |P.Warrior________x9_ <--Extra Lives Icon------->|____|____________________|<--Energy Bar Score system is here : x0 = 500,000pts x1 = 700,000pts x2 = 900,000pts x3 = 1,100,000pts x4 = 1,300,000pts x5 = 1,500,000pts x6 = 1,700,000pts x7 = 1,900,000pts x8 = 2,100,000pts x9 = 2,300,000pts These points are only earned when finishing a game with 1 coin/credit. A continue will not get you these high scores. Lives go up to only x9, it cannot go any further. ******************************************************************************* -------------------------->SECTION 2. WALKTHROUGH<----------------------------- ******************************************************************************* ============================= 2-1. ROUND 1- CITY OF DESPAIR ============================= ******************************* Alien Massacre -Weapons: Pipes(3), Disc, Super -Food : Soft Drink -ENEMIES : WARRIORS ******************************* There are only 2 parts of the whole round. First, you must fight many Warriors on this part of the level. Kill all the warriors using the SUPER MAGAZINE(which is obtained when going to the right side and hitting attack around the middle. A super should come out.) Hit as many barrels and phone booths as you can. One of the phone booths should give you a disc, which is the tallest one. When you kill enough warriors, a Demonstration logo will appear, and you will be ready to fight Chrysalis. _______ SECRETS 1.) On the left and right sides of the Coffee Shop, there should be a pipe that is vertical. Hit it as many times as you can and a pipe should appear. 2.) Hitting the "One Way" sign twice will give you a pipe. ***************************** Chrysalis -Food : Soft Drink -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, STALKERS ***************************** Watch the scene where your character turns on the lights and say anything related to "Look out!". When Chrysalis starts rolling, hit him in the back or blast her with the Shoulder Cannon if you are using a Predator. Or use your own tactics and stay with it. Make sure you don't do the wrong move at the wrong time or else you'll be fresh meat to the bugs. Hit the boxes to reveal some food and items. Grab them if possible. This boss is worth 10,000pts. =================================== 2-2. ROUND 2 - WAR IN THE UNDERPASS =================================== ***************************************** THE SEWERS -Weapons: Grenade Launcher, Super -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, ARACHNOIDS, STALKERS ***************************************** As you start the level, 3 Stalkers will come down. Kill them and dash all the way to the right. Two more Stalkers will appear, as well as loads of Arachnoids and Warriors. There is a box and a barrel. The barrel has a grenade launcher inside of it, while the box contains a Super Magazine. After all are dead, dash all the way to the right. Hit the 3 boxes for some gems and a pizza/chicken. Most likely it'll be a pizza. More Stalkers will appear jumping out from left to right. Air attacks work well in this area. After all are dead, a demo of you going in the elevator will be shown. ****************************************** Elevator -Weapons: Grenades(2) -Items: Emerald -Foods: Soft Drink -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, STALKERS, ROYAL GUARD ****************************************** Watch the scene where you activate the switch on the left so the elevator can go down. Kill the aliens that drop down. At some point the elevator will stop and you have to hit the switch on the right(10,000pts) to keep it moving. A ROYAL GUARD will drop down. This looks like a tough mutha, but actually he's easy if you know the tricks of beating it. One of the barrels will give you two grenades. Use them to throw it to the Royal Guard. When you beat the crap outta it, the door will slide open on the right. Dash all the way to the right and Warriors will start to drop down. WATCH OUT FOR THE ONES THAT COME FROM THE LEFT, THEY'LL SPIT ACID!! So keep yourself down or high dash over them. The barrel there give you a Medicine, which will restore your health completely, so use it wisely. After they are finished, you are now ready to battle Razor Claws! ****************************************** Razor Claws -Weapons: Pulse Rifle, Super -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, STALKERS, RAZOR CLAWS ****************************************** Watch the scene where you talk to a surviving corpse, but dies after the conversation is over. Razor Claws will jump down on your left afterwards, so hit him as soon as he drops to the ground. On the left side of the room, there are 3 boxes, with only one of them giving you a Super Magazine, and another one reveals a Pulse Rifle. Use them to hit Razor Claws, and don't miss, or else it's a waste. Keep your air attacks going on this quick alien. Once he has lost enough energy, Warriors will start to drop down, 3 by 3. The last set of aliens that drop down are a horde of stalkers, but you'll probably kill Razor Claws before they drop down. This boss is worth 20,000pts. Once Razor Claws is dead, you'll watch a cutscene afterwards. ============================= 2-3. ROUND 3 - FORCED ASSAULT ============================= ************************************************** APC/Arachnoid -Weapons: Use your own -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, STALKERS, SMASHERS, ARACHNOID ************************************************** This level is fairly easy. After you watch your character saying something like your gun is fresh, BLAST AWAY! First, shoot the southwest position, so all of the aliens that come out will get hit by it. The same pattern continues, so after 5-7 times of the pattern, the ARACHNOID should appear. You'll know if you see his life bar one the bottom. CONCENTRATE ON HIM, NOT THE ALIENS. One direct shot at the most should take 25% of his energy away. But before you blast him, walk a little bit to the left, because some aliens(most likely Stalkers) will come from the top, pouncing onto you. This boss is worth 10,000pts. If he's dead, he's dead. You'll fight more of the Purple Arachnoids in Round 6: Nightmare in the Labs. ================================= 2-4. ROUND 4 - ASSAULT ON A QUEEN ================================= ********************************************** Starting Point - Egg Chambers -Weapons: Grenade Launcher, Disc, Knives, Pulse Rifle, Pipe, grenades(4), Flamer -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, STALKERS, SMASHERS, CHEST BURSTERS, FACE HUGGERS ********************************************** When you start the level, you will see no enemies until you walk forward 10 steps to the right. Warriors coming in groups will start to attack you, so watch out, because these aren't no normal Warriors, they can retaliate as easy as you think they can't. There are 3 boxes. The first one has a disc inside, while the one on the upper right has a grenade launcher. The middle gives health, most likely a food that'll give 65-70% of health, or 25,000pts if you didn't get hit once at all. Once all the Warriors are dead, dash all the way to the right until you can't go any further. More aliens will come around. There are 3 more crates. The 1st one gives a number of gems, the middle with a flamethrower /flamer, and the last one being random. Use the flamethrower wisely and never miss a single enemy. It does a lot of damage to the Smashers that come out. If you has saved the grenade launcher from the last area, you're in for good luck. Once all are dead, dash all the way to the right until you can't reach any further, chestbursters will start to burst out of the infectoids or drop down from above. If you killed enough of them, Infectoids will start to come out and rape you. These enemies are fairly easy. Use your own gun and you'll kill them in one hit! There are two crates above, one of them giving you 4 grenades, and the other one with a nasty surprise. Anyways, after they are dead, dash all the way to the right until you see a smashed car. Now your enemies will increase due to traffic. First of all, there is 5 Stalkers guarding the egg chambers. When most of them are killed, Warriors and Smashers will start to appear. Watch out for the couples that run to the right then an acid spit. Three Smashers will try to push you, one-by-one, if you're not careful with them. They have full energy, so fight them wisely. Once all are dead, a Demonstration memo will appear and you'll head downstairs. **************************************************** Downstairs - Royalty -Weapons: Random, Grenades(2) -Food : Soft Drink -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, SMASHERS, STALKERS, ROYAL GUARD, DEFENDERS **************************************************** Your character will dialogue for moments before you go back to attacking. There's a box on the far southwest corner containing a Soft Drink. The two barrels above will give random objects. First 3 Stalkers will stalk you. Kill them and two Warriors and Smashers have their turn to try and attack you. A couple of Defenders will come from the right and gang up on you. Defenders make a first appearance in this level and it's right here. What they can do is block most of your attacks excluding some. The next part is a horde of Stalkers that are still down on the ground. They'll start to stand up once they see you in a certain distance/time. After that, the Royal Guard will come down at the far right, looking for you as food. Defenders, as well as Warriors will back up the Royal Guard if he's in too much pain. So get to a safe place and kill them. After that, you will come to a barrel on the right. Two Smashers will drop down. The barrel contains Chestbursters, as well as 4 grenades for a mini-bomb war. The best way is to do air attacks on all these critters, so you wont get hit that easy. ************************************************************************ Egg Chamber -Weapons : Grenades(4), Knife, Disc, Super -Food : Beefsteak -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, SMASHERS, STALKERS, CHEST BURSTERS, FACE HUGGERS ************************************************************************ Uh-oh! A room full of eggs. The eggs contain Face Huggers in them, so watch out! If a face huggers gets onto you, you gotta get it out by moving the joystick left and right as fast as possible before your energy starts to drain constantly. Smashers will come from the hole in the middle-top, Warriors will come left and right, spitting acid at you. The best way is to stay on the bottom, attacking them! If you are lucky to survive, it's not over. Hordes of Stalkers coming everywhere from the right will give you some of their taste. If you saved the disc, you wont have much trouble. Just keep them on one side and you'll be fine. If you survive, you'll meet the mother of all aliens, the ALIEN QUEEN! PREPARE! ************************************** The Queen -Weapons: Random -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, SMASHERS, STALKERS, FACE HUGGERS, ALIEN QUEEN ************************************** This mutha is even bigger than the Royal Guards. It has a few primary attacks, most of them involving the tail. I can't tell you which tactic or how to beat her. Every character has his/her own style of killing this Queen. I find it easiest with the girl(Lt. Linn), as which an aerial style of combat will get this Queen with no pain onto you. Otherwise, if you find a strategy that works for you, stay with it. This boss is worth 20,000pts. Killing her doesn't mean it's over. YOU GOTTA FIND OUT WHO IS PLANNING THESE ODDS TO BE WEAPONS OF THEIR COMPANY. YOU WILL FIND OUT ON THE NEXT LEVEL, WITH A MARINE -INFESTED WORLD THAT WILL BRING YOU TO THE SOLUTION. ===================== 2-5. ROUND 5- SECRETS ===================== ******************************************** Military Base - Sentry Units -Weapons: Knives, lots of guns -ENEMIES : PRIVATES, SERGEANTS, CORPORALS(2), SENTRY UNITS(5) ******************************************** I guess this level is called secrets because it's all about some things that they are hiding from you. It's your job to find out. Once you start this level, there is a statue on the upper right. Smash it for 10,000pts (5k for each half). Marines will come out left and right, getting serious as tough as they can. The first Corporal will be here in this area. The next part will be mostly Privates and Sergeants. The last squad to come in after you will be the Smartgun marines. There are two barrels, both being random. Sometimes the box on the bottom gives you nothing. After that, here is the secret. Just watch the cutscene. After you find out who is planning this, dash all the way to the right until the Pulse Rifle Privates come out left and right. Kill all of them, and you'll see the end of the Sergeants on this level. The next area is 5 Sentry Units, top to bottom, shooting at you. If you were smart, you'll blast them with your gun, staying as far left as possible, so they don't get you easily. But not only you'll destroy Sentry Guns, if you move a little further right, you'll meet up with bomb squads, left and right, using guerilla tactics(hit and run). Air attacks work well for them. SECRETS ------- -There's a ring behind the first tree you see. Grab it for 10,000pts. -There's a Emerald on the top behind the tree with the Sentry Guns. Grab it for 5,000pts. *************************** Crash Site -Weapons : Knives and Guns -Food : Medikit -ENEMIES : PRIVATES *************************** As you come along the site, you will see 3 boxes. One of them contains a Medikit, and one of them contains a Porker. The first box is random. From here, Privates will come from both sides and try to attack you. Kill all of them, using air attacks(since guys can't jump and attack you). After the last Private or two dies(or while you're killing the last Private), squads of 3 coming from left and right sides will use short controlled bursts, so I recommend air attacks to kill them. You wont be able to kill ALL of them though. You can open the crate with the Medikit in it and save it when you fighting Power Loader. This way you don't have to worry about dying too fast. You can also save the Porker if you hit the middle box *only* when you're on the right side breaking it. Now you are prepared for a battle with the Power Loader! ********************* Power Loader -Weapons: grenades(4) -ENEMIES : PRIVATES ********************* This is a Wayland Yutani Corporation military issued Power Loader you are battling against here. Its a yellow mechanic designed for picking up cargo, etc.. But this is not meant to do that, it is used to kill you! There is a Private inside of the Power Loader, of course. There are 4 grenades in the two boxes on the southeast corner. Pick them up to bomb the Power Loader, which should take more than 35% of his long energy bar. If you have saved the Pulse Rifles from the hit-and-run guys back in the last area, you can kill this thing easily..just shoot until its down.. when its back up, shoot it again. Be sure to hold down the attack button, in which this will drain its energy fast. If you didn't do so, then you should use air attacks against it. Watch out for its flamer though. The machine is built with it to burn you. This loader can do many tricks, such as Grab and Burn, Burn You, Throw you, etc.. Once its dead, you will have your victory. This boss is worth 30,000pts. =================================== 2-6. ROUND 6- NIGHTMARE IN THE LABS =================================== ***************************************** Starting Point -Weapons : Random, Knives and Guns -ENEMIES : PRIVATES, SERGEANTS, CORPORALS ***************************************** Once you start the round, you'll see a few Smartgunners waiting for you to make the first move. You can always get a head start by using your gun, as these guys are complete idiots. Killing all the Privates trigger a set of Sergeants with Pulse Rifles. And then a couple of hit and run squads will appear and try to distract you. Once they are dead, head ALL the way to the right until you can't go anymore, and a couple of Smartgun squads will walk from the left waiting for the right moment to attack.. Once you get a Smartgun from them, it's cake for you. There is some food there and a weapon if you want to use that.. The last set of soldiers should be a squad of Corporal Smartgunners... The upcoming demonstration should appear once they are all dead.. ***************************************** Control Box -Weapons : Pipe, Grenade, Pulse Rifles(2) -Points : 30,000 -Timer : 20 seconds countdown ***************************************** You have thirty seconds to destroy this machine, known as the control box. There are two Pulse Rifles, one grenade and one pipe. This part should be fairly easy. If you fail, you will not get the 30,000 bonus and will take a heavy amount of damage. Hitting parts of the control box will give you points as well. Once the box is destroyed, be prepare for the next part. ****************************** Cryo Tubes -Weapons : Knives and Guns -ENEMIES : PRIVATES, SERGEANTS ****************************** Once you come out, hordes of Privates and Sergeants will come straight at you from the right. Air Attacks work well here with the Predators, ground shooting for Linn, and ground combat for Dutch. Use any weapons they drop against them as they WILL give it up. After this part is done, DASH all the way down until you reach a door. Break it. Soldiers from the left will come and try to kill you. Use the same strategy above(air attacks for Pred, etc..) and stick to it. You should have saved some Smartguns for easy work. Once they are all dead, dash right and break the three boxes. Grab everything and kill the Private that comes from the left. He's easy work. Once he is dead, it's time for demonstration, and it looks like something happened back there... *************************************** Cryo Chamber #2 -Weapons : None -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, SMASHERS, STALKERS *************************************** Once you are in this part, a horde of Stalkers will come from above. Kill them, and more with Warriors will drop down. Killing them will trigger a Smasher to try Head Smashing you from the left. These aliens are easy to beat as long as you are on one side and they are on another. Don't let them crowd up on you and you should be fine. The last set of enemies should be a horde of Smashers. Once they are killed, head right.. all the way.. ************************************************************** Medlabs -Weapons : Super -Food : Medikit, Salad, Soft Drink -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, SMASHERS, STALKERS, DEFENDERS, ARACHNOIDS ************************************************************** At some point, two Warriors and two Defenders will come from the left and start to look for some fresh food. Kill them, and a horde of Arachnoids will jump down and surround you. Try to get them on one side and yourself on the other. After you kill them, head right and Smashers/Arachnoids will jump down. After they are dead, WATCH OUT!! Stalkers and Defenders will appear jumping out from the left. After they are dead, watch out again, as Smashers and Warriors will come from the left already prepared for attack. After they are dead, two Defenders and Arachnoids will jump down left and right So kill them, and replenish your health with the Salad, Soft Drink, and Medikit from the boxes above.... Now you must be ready for the next part, as you'll have to face a Predator who is crazy and insane. *************** Mad Predator -Weapons : None *************** Mad Predator?! Why is he mad? Because the company captured him and infected him and is using him against you. Anyway, the elevator will start to go up, but don't worry about that. Your focus is the Mad Predator who can kill you in four to five hits if you're not careful. Watch his movements... when he jumps up to the railing that means he is about to launch a attack straight down at you, so jump high whenever necessary. When he uses stealth, look closely at the red dots to get a point of where his position is, and hit him whenever possible. You should be able to survive this fight if you play carefully. He does take very little damage, but he can be beaten quick. This boss is worth 40,000pts. ======================= 2-7. ROUND 7- HUNTS END ======================= ***************************************** Starting Point - Steel Door -Weapons : Disc, Super -Items : Ingot -Food : Lobster -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, SMASHERS, ARACHNOIDS -GUYS : PRIVATES, SERGEANTS ***************************************** So yeah, after you kill the Mad Predator which was kind of tough, hit a few boxes to collect some jewelry for a decent amount of score. Then head to the right and Warriors will come out from all over the screen looking for food. Kill them, and more Warriors will come out. There is about 3 stages of Warriors to fight through. The last one being coming from both sides and doing the Triple Acid Spit. Once all the Warriors are dead, go all the way until you can't go anymore. Arachnoids will be there lying on the ground. Killing them will trigger another set of Arachnoids. When two Arachnoids are left, Smashers will come and try to Head Smash you from the left. Be careful, as they come at you FAST. Once all are dead, get the food for regeneration. If the enemies are giving you some trouble, there's a Super Magazine in a box in the middle North. They're all dead, so head right and go all the way until you can't go anymore. Soldiers will be coming from the left. Killing most of them will trigger a hit-and-run squad to appear. Remember to always use their guns against them when you get the opportunity(unless you are looking for challenge), as they are weak for that. ****************************************************************** Laser Room -Weapons : Flamer, Disc, grenades(4) -Items : Ring -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, SMASHERS, STALKERS, DEFENDERS(1), ARACHNOIDS, INFECTOIDS, CHEST BURSTERS, SENTRY UNITS(2) ****************************************************************** As you enter this room, loads of Infectoids will come roaming at you. They are easy work, as they move slow and have all sorts of weaknesses. One Flamer blast can kill a lot of them if you align properly. Once they are dead, try to get past the line of lasers. If they aren't enough, a group of Chest Bursters will come and annoy the hell out of you. The box at the other end will give you grenades, but it's not that easy to pick up, as a group of Chest Bursters were hiding in there(They were probably trying to pull the pin from the grenade themselves so they can go for suicide). Also, a couple of Sentry guns lie, so smash them for a total of 4,000pts. Aliens will start to drop down. The laser can affect them, too, so use that opportunity whenever possible. Also, this will be the last Defender you will see in this round. Demonstration will begin once all are dead. ******************************************************************** Complex -Weapons : Grenade Launcher, grenades(4), Pulse Rifles(3), Flamer, Super(2) -Food : Sea Bream -ENEMIES : WARRIORS, SMASHERS, STALKERS, ARACHNOIDS, CHEST BURSTERS, ROYAL GUARDS, CHRYSALISES ******************************************************************** You enter the next room. There are three parts in this room for you to complete before you enter the next one. The first part, which you're in now, has 3 sets of enemies you must defeat. The first set is a horde of Stalkers. The 3 barrels in the middle contain weapons as well as more Stalkers. Once most of the Stalkers are wiped out, Warriors will come left and right spitting acid at you. They shouldn't be too hard as it's only 4 of them. Once the Warriors are dead, the last set are the Smashers, which will also come left and right trying to Head Smash you to death. Killing the Smashers are as easy as killing the Warriors. Once they are dead, it's time to head for Part 2. Part II is quite tough. First of all, there are 3 sets of barrels. The ones on the left has some grenades as well as Chest Bursters and Warriors. The south ones has jewelry and food, and the right ones contains food, Pulse Rifle, and Super Magazine. Anyway.. Royal Guards will rush out from both sides. You have to fight two of them, which can cause a problem. Use the Pulse Rifle and Super Magazine to take care of them. Once both Royal Guards are dead, hordes of Arachnoids will come out and ambush you. These Arachnoids are not that strong, and this will be the last time you'll be seeing these critters. Once they are all dead, it's time for the last part of the room.. Part III comes. It's easy, as it's only two Chrysalises with a hefty amount of energy. But they take more damage from your attacks, so that should be no problem. There are two crates up there for you, with food and a flamer. Use the flamer, as it can cause a lot of damage on them, giving you a massive head start. Also, there is a barrel with a Super Magazine. I suggest saving it for the Power Loader in the next room if you're using a Predator. Once both Chrysalises are dead, it's time to head for the next room. A demonstration shows.. ************************************************************************* Military Base - Sentry Units -Weapons : Grenades(2), Super, Grenade Launcher -Food : Soft Drink -Items : Radio and Helmet(1k pts each), Ingot(20,000pts) -ENEMIES : PRIVATES, SERGEANTS, CORPORALS, POWER LOADERS, SENTRY UNITS(5) ************************************************************************* You enter the next room. Looks innocent, but it's tough alright as a heavy machine is waiting for you here. If you *did* manage to save the Super Magazine from the last room, blast away at it. Collect the radio and helmet on the bottom left. And on the top right, kill the Private and collect the Ingot. There is a box there with a couple of grenades in which you can use against the Power Loader. Hitting the Power Loader in the back is the most effective way to kill it. Air Attacks also work well. Once that Power Loader is dead, head right until you can't anymore and collect any items or food. A few soldiers will come out with guns, so take care of them and you should be able to go right. Head right until you can't anymore. Another Power Loader awaits along with smart gun soldiers. There is a grenade launcher in the southeast part of the room (just hit the computer), which can make short work of the soldiers that come from the left. Remember to stay on one side and let them go to the other so you can pick them off easier. Also, use their weapons against them as they no longer need them. Kill the soldiers first, then focus on the Power Loader, or vice-versa. Once all are terminated, go into the next room. This part you'll be dealing with mainly Stalkers. They come in bunches, so pick them off one by one. If you managed to save the Grenade Launcher from the last area, this part will be cake. Once they are dead, be careful of the Sentry guns.. ****************************************** Pre-lift off -Weapons: Super -Items: Ring -Food: Soft Drinks(7) -ENEMIES : PRIVATES, SERGEANTS, CORPORALS ****************************************** Collect the Soft Drinks, take out the Sentry Units and the soldiers, then head all the way until you can't go anymore. The computer above gives you a Super Magazine. Soldiers will come from the left trying to ambush you, but you wont die that easily. Just take out any guy with a gun and use their weapons against them, as always!(lol) All these soldiers care about is trying to get their gun back instead of walking up to you.. so it should be fairly easy. ********************************************************* EEV - Sentry Units -Weapons : Grenades(4) -Food: Medikit -ENEMIES : PRIVATES, SERGEANTS, CORPORALS, CHEST BURSTERS, SENTRY UNITS(8) ********************************************************* The second you come in, you'll notice 3 Smartgunners and Sentry Units in front of them. Kill them all. The barrel above gives you a Medikit just in case you need it. More guys will come out as well as a grenade hit and run squad from the left. Same tactics.. use their weapons against them.. and get ready for the next part. Head all the way until you see a barrel. The barrel contains some grenades and lots of Chest Bursters. More Chest Bursters will come down looking for blood. Use slides, or air attacks against them for maximum effectiveness. After that head down until you see five more Sentry Units. Smash them all for a nice 10,000 pts. But this isn't the end, as more soldiers will come out from the left, with weapons! Use it against them and perform air attacks as they can't jump. Once all are dead, the last room awaits you... ***************************************** Warm-up for Final Battle -Weapons: Super -Food: Random -ENEMIES: PRIVATES, SERGEANTS, CORPORALS ***************************************** Watch as the Commander tries to shoot you and yap a few things. After that, you have control. Soldiers will start to come from the left and right. Food is up there in the left corner by breaking the computer apart. This is a long warm-up, as it's quite tough, but it will get you prepared for the final battle. You will be fighting only soldiers this half of the room. So stalk up on either Pulse Rifle or Smartgun ammo, whichever one you prefer. You'll know if you are almost done, as when two grenade squads have come out and try to blow you up will give you that signal. Then.. the final battle awaits... ******************************************************** Alien Queen #2 : Final Battle -Weapons: Super, Pulse Rifles(2) -Food: Random -ENEMIES: SMASHERS, STALKERS, ROYAL GUARDS(2), ALIEN QUEEN, CHRYSALISES(2) ******************************************************** Once you see the demonstration of the Alien Queen slicing the other guy in half, it's time for YOU to fight her. Her overall energy is twenty-five percent more than all the other bosses you've been fighting. As you take her energy down, Chrysalises will start to roll from the left. They are easy, as they take normal low level enemy damage. Once they are both dead, Smashers will come out and try to ambush you along with their mother. The true way to survive is to avoid as many attacks from the Queen as possible. The boxes on the right will give two Pulse Rifles, which can deal about 40-50% of the Queen's energy for ALL the shots to be direct damage. And not to mention the Super Magazine to deal more damage, and the food to replenish any lost health. If you manage to kill all the Smashers, the next set of aliens are the Stalkers. Of course, they'll be in groups, but their energy is weak as a rat. If you manage to kill them, two Royal Guards will come out doing the Rushing Stampede, so avoid that. There are no more aliens to protect their mother after the Royal Guards, so it's only you and the Queen. ************************* I can now officially say, WALKTHROUGH FINISHED!! YES!!! ******************************************************************************* ---------------------->SECTION 3. TECHNICAL INFORMATION<----------------------- ******************************************************************************* --------------------------- 3-1. Profiles and Move List --------------------------- |-PREDATOR WARRIOR----------------+-Maj. DUTCH SCHAEFER--------------| | CODE:XX-000082 | CODE:CDS-170A3 | | Favorite Weapon:P.Spear | Favorite Weapon: Anything he | | (Combi-Stick) | can get his hands on | | Gun: Shoulder Cannon | Gun: Smart Gun | | | | | A proud leader, he seeks | Abandoned by his superiors, | | both prey to hunt, and kin | he fights because it is what | | who have gone missing on | he knows... and loves. | | this world. | | | | | | Speed: 70% Average | Speed: 30% Average | | Power: 60% Average | Power: 100% | | Skill: 65% Average | Skill: 50% Average | | | | | A warrior from the stars | A cyborg created to fight | | who lives for combat. He | extraterrestials. He lost | | searches the galaxy for | his right arm in the 2nd | | worthy game to hunt. | Alien War, and has since had | | Equipped with powerful | it replaced with a smartgun | | weapons, his honor will not | rig. He lives only to avenge | | let him take unfair | himself against the aliens! | | advantage during a hunt. | | | | | |-Lt. LINN KUROSAWA---------------+-PREDATOR HUNTER------------------| | CODE:BH-00054C | CODE:XX-000131 | | Favorite Weapon:Katana | Favorite Weapon: Halberd | | (Samurai-Sword)| (Naginita) | | Gun: Large Caliber Pistol | Gun: Shoulder Cannon | | | | | Honor bound to defend those | A berserker, feared even by | | who betrayed her, she still | his own people.For him the | | prays that it was a | hunt is all. | | mistake. | | | | | | Speed: 60% Average | Speed: 70% Average | | Power: 20% Average | Power: 70% Average | | Skill: 100% | Skill: 45% Average | | | | | A cyborg who lead the 13th | A hunter from beyond. This | | Colonial Marine Corps. She | young warrior seeks to prove | | is a master of ancient | himself by hunting the most | | martial arts which she | dangerous creatures known. | | combines with her super | He will destroy himself | | strength for lethal effect. | rather than be defeated. | | Always equipped with a | | | Japanese Katana, the blade | | | represents her soul. | | |_________________________________|__________________________________| |-Legend-----------------------------+---------------------------------------| | Joystick Controls: | Character Faces Right: | | O O O | ___ ___ ___ | | \ | / | |___| |___| |___| | | O- 0 -O | (__A__) (__B__) (__C__) | | / | \ | (A) (B) (C) | | O O O | Weapon/Gun|Attack|Jump / Dash | | | '+'="And,Simultaneously" | | | ','="Followed by" | | | '*'="Hold button" | | | (Example: 'A*B' means press A and | | | hold, press B) | |____________________________________|_______________________________________| |-DATA OF FILE:PREDATOR WARRIOR----------------------------------------------| | The Warrior's normal attack pattern is three P.Spear swipes followed by a | | stationary pole vault-like kick. This final kick has jast a tad less range | | than the P.Spear swipes, and sometimes misses the target. If weaponless, | | he fights hand-to-hand with the Wristblades instead. If he is hit by an | | enemy immediately behind him while attacking, he will execute a reverse | | sweep. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jumping/Dashing Moves: | | Dash- -O+(C) | | [Moves about 1/2 screen width] | | | | Dash Kick- Dash, (B) | | | | Dash Knee- Dash, |+(B) | | O | | | | After initiating a Dash Kick, it is possible to land multiple kicks by | | further pressing the ATTACK button each time the Warrior connects with a | | target. Furthermore, the Warrior will rebound from connection in the | | current direction of the joystick, making it possible to dash into a group | | of enemies,kick several, and then bounce out without ever touching the | | ground. | | | | After initiating a Dash Knee, it is possible to turn it into a Dash Lunge | | Punch by pressing the ATTACK button once upon connecting with a target. | | | | High Jump- O+(C) | | | | | | | High Dash- O+(C) | | / | | | | Backward Hop- O-+(C) | | [Dash Kick, Dash Knee, and P.Spear Dive work too, but are awkward. You can | | also execute a Backward High Dash, just reverse the direction of the way | | the Warrior is facing with the joystick, and vice-versa.] | | | | P.Spear Dive- Jump, |+(C) | | [If he is without his P.Spear or is holding another weapon, O | | he executes a Diving Kick. Repeatedly pressing, or holding the | | JUMP Button results in multiple hits. He is momentarily vulnerable | | after execution.] | | | | Rebound Off-Walls- Dash, Backward Hop | | High Dash works too. You must Dash on a wall and then pull the joystick | | the opposite direction to the wall. You can execute any of these moves | | after you rebounded off the walls-the P.Spear Dive(Diving Kick), Dash | | Kick, and Dash Knee then Lunge Punch or you could use your Shoulder | | Cannon.] | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Low Attacks: | | Short Slide- |+(C) | | O | | | | Long Slide- \ +(C) | | O | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Upper Attack: | | Flying Kick- | O+(B) | | [This move is more defensive than offensive. It moves him a O | | | good distance and can hit several enemies.] | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Grabbing Moves: | | Grab- You will grab the enemy when you touch it. | | [Alien Queens/Power Loaders/Infectoids/Face Huggers/Chest Busters are | | immune to grabs.] | | | | The following moves can be performed after a successful grab- | | | | Wristblades Pummel- Center Joystick, Press (B) repeatedly(Fast) | | | | Straight Pummel- *(B) or press it repeatedly while holding forward | | | | Ground Smash- Jump, (B)[Hold |+(B) for a Merciless Smash] | | O | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Auto-Guard Counter Move: | | Twirling P.Spear- Any two buttons simultaneously | | [He crouches and twirls his spear above his head. Without his P.Spear,he | | hops and fires a single shot from his Shoulder Cannon straight down, even | | when his Shoulder Cannon has overheated. This move drains energy for each | | enemy affected!!!] | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| |-DATA OF FILE:Maj. DUTCH SCHAEFER-------------------------------------------| | Schaefer's normal attack pattern is four punches.If he picks up any melee | | weapon,he will keep it and swing it repeatedly.If he is hit by an enemy | | immediately behind him while attacking,he will execute a reverse sweep. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jumping Moves: | | Jump: O+(C) | | | | | | | Spinning Kick: Jump,(B) | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rushing Moves: | | Rush- -O+(C) | | [Also,center joystick and tap C repeatedly,moves about 1/2 screen width] | | | | Rush 'N Punch- Rush,(B) | | [Also C*B,can be done while sliding] | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Low attack: | | Sliding Punch- | or \ +(C) | | O O | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Grabbing Moves: | | Grab- You will grab the enemy when you touch it. | | [Alien Queens/Power Loaders/Infectoids/Face Huggers/Chest Busters are | | immune to grabs.] | | | | The following moves can be performed after a successful grab- | | | | Pummel- Center joystick,press (B)repeatedly[Fast] | | | | Suplex- Hold joystick toward/away and press or *(B) | | | | Backbreaker- (C)*(B) | | [Major damage!!!Major pain!!!Schaefer is immune to ALL attacks when | | executing this move!] | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Smart Gun Rig Uppercut- | O+(B) | | [The descent is slow, and it can leave him vulnerable O | | | in the air.Smart Gun can be fired in the air at this point,while pressing | | the Weapon[Gun] Button or the Attack Button.] | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Auto-Guard Counter: | | Spinning Electric Sparks- Any two buttons simultaneously | | [He overloads him arm and spins in place while sparks fly.This move drains | | energy for each enemy affected!] | |____________________________________________________________________________| |-DATA OF FILE:Lt. LINN KUROSAWA---------------------------------------------| | Linn's normal attack pattern is four Karate moves followed by a katana | | slice. Without her katana, she will only do four Karate moves. If she is | | hit by an enemy immediately behind her while attacking, she will execute a | | reverse sweep. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jumping/Air Attacks | | If Linn's air attacks connect, she can rebound and execute another air | | attack.If executing a Jump Kick, she will rebound in the direction of the | | joystick.If executing a Stab she will rebound up.Repeated Stabs usually | | result in an Air Throw.She can also rebound off the walls. | | | | Front Flip- -O+(C) | | [Moves 1/2 screen width] | | | | High Jump- O+(C) | | | | | | | High Flip- O+(C) | | / | | Jump Kick- Jump,(B) | | | | | Jumping Stab- Jump,|+(B) | | [If she is without her katana or is holding another weapon, she O | | executes a Jump Kick.Repeatedly pressing the ATTACK BUTTON results | | in multiple hits.] | | | | Air Throw- Jump,(B) | | [She must overlap with an enemy.She can also throw Aliens just when they | | are dropping from above.] | | | | Back Flip- O-+(C) | | [Jump Kick,Jumping Stab,and Air Throw works too,but are arkward.You can | | also execute a Backward High Flip,just reverse the direction of the way | | Linn is facing with the joystick,and vice-versa.] | | | | Rebound Off-Walls- Front Flip,Back Flip | | [High Flip works too.You must Front Flip on a wall and then pull the joy- | | stick the opposite direction to the wall.You can execute any of the | | following moves after you rebounded off the wall- the Jumping Stab,Jump | | Kick,and the Air Throw or you could shoot with your Large Caliber Pistol.] | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Low Attack: | | Sliding Kick- | or \ +(C) | | O O | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ground Attacks: | | Katani Slice[Iaikiri]- Tap Joystick Forward Twice | | [If she is without the Katana or is holding another weapon,she executes a | | roundhouse kick.] | | | | Soukeiha[Double Energy Blast]- Hold (B) for a while then release | | [She may freely move and use the WEAPON and JUMP Buttons while charging. | | Even firing a picked up weapon will charge her bolt,often resulting in a | | discharge when the weapon clip is emptied and the button is released.] | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Upper Attack: | | Koeikyaku[Tiger Rising Kick]- | O+(B) | | (It also affects enemies on the ground!) O | | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Auto-Guard Counter: | | Senpuzan[Spinning Slice]- Any 2 Buttons simultaneously | | [She jumps into the air,spinning with her katana extended.She can do this | | in place or combined with a leap to one side.The leap can be directed by | | using the joystick when the buttons are pressed.Without her katana, she | | stays put and does a Double Sweep by kicking the legs from under everything| | around her.This move drains energy for each enemy affected!] | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| |-DATA OF FILE:PREDATOR HUNTER-----------------------------------------------| | The Hunter's normal attack pattern if four Halberd/Naginita slashes. If | | he is without his Halberd he fights hand-to-hand with his Wristblades and | | kicks instead. If he is hit by an enemy immediately behind him, he | | executes a reverse sweep. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Jumping/Dashing Moves: | | Dash- -O+(C) | | [Moves about 1/2 screen width] | | | | Dash Kick- Dash, (B) | | | | Flying Tackle- Dash, |+(B) | | O | | After initiating a Dash Kick, it is possible to land multiple kicks by | | further pressing the Attack Button each time the Hunter connects with a | | target. Furthermore, the Hunter will rebound from connection in the | | current direction of the joystick, making it possible to dash into a group | | of enemies, kick several, and then bounce out without ever touching the | | ground. | | | | After initiating a Flying Tackle, it is possible to turn it into a Dash | | Lunge Punch by pressing the ATTACK button once upon connecting with a | | target. | | | | High Jump- O+(C) | | | | | | | High Dash- O+(C) | | / | | | | Backward Hop- O-+(C) | | [Dash Kick, Flying Tackle, and Diving Cannonball work too, but are | | awkward. You can also execute a Backward High Dash, just reverse the | | direction of the way the Hunter is facing with the joystick, and | | vice-versa.] | | | | Diving Cannonball- Jump, |+(C) | | O | | Repeatedly pressing, or holding the JUMP Button results in multiple hits. | | He is momentarily vulnerable after execution.] | | | | Rebound Off-Walls- Dash, Backward Hop | | High Dash works too. You must Dash on a wall and then pull the joystick | | the opposite direction to the wall. You can execute any of these moves | | after you rebounded off the walls- the Diving Cannonball, Dash Kick, and | | Flying Tackle then Lunge Punch or you could use your Shoulder Cannon.] | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Low Attacks: | | Short Slide- |+(C) | | O | | | | Long Slide- \ +(C) | | O | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Upper Attack: | | Wristblades Uppercut- | O+(B) | | [He is immune to some ground attacks while he is in the air. It O | | | affects enemies on the ground! However when you are landing, you are | | momentarily vulnerable. Do be careful when you use this attack. If you | | miss the target, you can get hit hard or even get killed if you have | | low energy!!!] | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Grabbing Moves: | | Grab- You will grab the enemy when you touch it. | | [Alien Queens/Power Loaders/Infectoids/Face Huggers/Chest Busters are | | immune to grabs.] | | | | The following moves can be performed after a successful grab- | | | | Wristblades Pummel- Center Joystick, Press (B) repeatedly(Fast) | | | | Straight Pummel- *(B) or press it repeatedly while holding forward | | | | Ground Smash- Jump, (B)[Hold |+(B) for a Merciless Smash] | | O | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Auto-Guard Counter: | | Mini-Discs Spin- Any two buttons simultaneously | | [He crouches and spins Mini-Discs around himself. Without the Halberd, he | | hops and fires a single shot from his Shoulder Cannon straight down, even | | when his Shoulder Cannon has overheated. This move drains energy for each | | enemy affected!!!] | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| ----------------- 3-2. Weapons List ----------------- PREDATORS- Wristblades: The Predators are armed with Shoulder Cannons.The cannon fires single shots.On the ground, the cannon automatically targets the first enemy in the line of sight but cannot seem to track Chest Busters, Face Huggers, and the first Alien Queen.In the air, the cannon initially fires in the direction of the joystick, but the cannon's auto-tracking takes over almost immediately.Direct hits result in explosions affecting the target and other enemies near it.Those affected are enveloped in flame and are knocked down (except Alien Queens and Power Loaders).The reload status bar indicates firing availability. Each time the cannon is fired, the reload status bar decreases.If the reload status bar is totally depleted, the cannon has overheated, otherwise the reload status bar continuously refills.The cannon can QUICKLY overheat.The Warrior's native weapon is the spear, and the Hunter's native weapon is the Halberd(Naginita).They cannot use other melee weapons.They simply throw them. Schaefer is armed with a smart gun rig on his arm. He fires a barrage of smart gun bullets. On the ground, he fires by waving his arm up and down covering all angles in the direction he is facing. In the air, he fires according to the joystick direction. The reload status bar indicates firing availability. Each time he fires, the reload status bar decreases. If the reload status bar is totally depleted, the gun has overheated, otherwise the reload status bar continuously refills. Schaefer carries no melee weapons, but he can use ANY weapon that he picks up, including the Warrior's spear, the Hunter's halberd, and Linn's katana. Linn is armed with a large caliber automatic pistol. She fires a stream of pulse gun bullets. On the ground, she fires an initial burst striking the ground and then proceeds to shoot horizontally in the direction she is facing. In the air, she fires according to the joystick direction. The reload status bar indicates firing availability. Each time she fires, the reload status bar decreases. Unlike the Predators or Schaefer, Linn does not have continuous refill. When the reload status bar is depleted, she must stop and reload her gun. Reload occurs immediately after depletion, even when surrounded by enemies. During reload, she is COMPLETELY VULNERABLE. Linn's native weapon is the Katana. She cannot use other melee weapons. She simply throws them. Other Weapons: Melee Weapons- Knife: Basic weapon that affects all enemies in the line of projection. This weapon is simply picked up and thrown.If it hits a wall, it falls to the ground. Pipe: A simple but effective weapon. Schaefer is the only one who can use it to repeatedly smash enemies. The Predators and Linn simply throw it. If it hits a wall, it falls to the ground. Disc(Smart Disc): Just think PREDATOR 2 :) When thrown, the Disc returns to the thrower along the line of projection. If the thrower is not on the same horizontal plane as the Disc during its return, the Disc will travel off the screen and is lost. The Disc is capable of knocking down some enemies with a single hit. Linn can use the Disc to hit enemies on the ground. If it hits a wall, it falls to the ground. Fire Power Weapons- Super Magazine: A character picking up this item can continuously use their weapon, or gun to fire unlimited amount of rounds in a ten seconds period. Super Magazines are found in some containers and also appear whenever a player joins a game in progress. Hold the WEAPON(Gun) Button if this occurs for rapid fire!!! Flamer: Use with care. Each blast lasts about a second, leaving your backside vulnerable. This weapon is short-lived but is very effective against hordes of Aliens(Xenomorphs). Pulse Gun(M-41A Pulse Rifle): A very effective weapon that bombards enemies with constant fire. It has long range and is useful against most bosses. The bullets do not go through enemies.Shoot enemies extreme- ly close, and watch their energy bar. Short-Controlled-Bursts is what I recommend for this weapon. Smart Gun(M-56 Smart Gun): Improvement over the Pulse Gun. More firepower. Unlike the Pulse Gun, the Smart Gun shoots bullets that go through enemies, affecting all in the line of fire. This weapon is most effective on Royal Guards, Mad Predator(s), Chrysalises and when you are surrounded by a lot of enemies. Explosives- Hand Grenade: Powerful hand-thrown weapons. The explosion affects the target and other enemies near it. Those affected are enveloped in flame and are knocked down (except Alien Queens). If an enemy soldier is hit before he throws a Grenade, the fallen grenade can be picked up and used. Grenades hit in mid-air can also be picked up and used. Grenade : Improvement over hand grenades. This is a very powerful weapon. If the grenade hits, the following explosion propagates to enemies that are in the direction of firing. If fired from one end of the screen, one direct hit is capable of enveloping in flames all enemies on screen. -------------- 3-3. Item List -------------- There are numerous items placed throughout the game to aid you in your fight. Some items restore partial health, and some simply increase your score. The items are stored in some form of container, but be cautious, some containers store Aliens(Xenomorphs)! Some food items does not acuurately give you the health you needed. For example, a Salad can give you 25% in one area, then at another area, it gives you 20% of health. The only accurate health supply is the Medikit, which restores 100% to your health. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | Item: Honor Points: Energy:| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Soda Can 5,000 10% | | Hot Dog 5,000 20% | | Salad 10,000 20-25% | | Pizza 15,000 30-35% | | Hamburger 15,000 30-35% | | Ham 20,000 45-50% | | Cheese 20,000 45-50% | | Meat 20,000 45-50% | | Chicken 25,000 65-70% | | Porker 25,000 65-70% | | Turkey 25,000 65-70% | | Beef Steak 40,000 85-90% | | Lobster 40,000 85-90% | | Sea Bream 40,000 85-90% | | | | Medicine 50,000 100% | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Item(s):(Gems,Jewelry,Gold) Size:(Small/Medium/Large) Honor Points: | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jewel-Amber Small-2,000 Medium:N/A Large-4,000 | | Jewel-Aquamarine N/A 4,000 | | Jewel-Amethyst N/A 3,000 | | Jewel-Emerald Small-3,000 Medium-5,000 Large-8,000 | | Jewel-Lapis Lazuli N/A 8,000 | | Jewel-Topaz N/A 2,000 | | Jewel-Necklace N/A 6,000 | | Jewel-Ring N/A 10,000 | | | | Gold-Ingot N/A 20,000 | | Gold-Radio N/A 1,000 | | Gold-Helmet N/A 1,000 | |____________________________________________________________________________| ----------------------------- 3-4. Enemies List and Profile ----------------------------- Energy Key: Very Low = Puny Bar Low = Short Bar Medium = Decent High = One Full Bar(or a little less) Very High = Overlapping by a lot 1. Warriors ----------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Black Energy: Medium-High Abilities: Claw Attack, Venomous Tail Whack, Multiple Acid Spit Appearance: All except Round 5 a. Claw Attack: Some aliens will do it faster than others, but nonetheless it's predictable from most of them. They'll either crawl up to you and do it or do it when you're close to them. b. Venomous Tail Whack: The aliens will do the same movements as when they are about to execute a claw attack, but this time they have their tails to do the job for a little more damage. There's nothing to worry about as the animation for the tail attack is much slower for lower level aliens, but fast for higher level ones. c. Multiple Acid Spit: This move is predictable no doubt. Warriors will jump back and then do a acid spit if you are in a range that aligns with their position. Every alien will telegraph some sort of animation before they do a acid spit. And the acid spit is close range, so staying far would deal you no harm. 2. Stalkers ----------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Brownish-White Energy: Low Abilities: Claw Attack, Extending Bite, Venomous Tail Whack, Jumping Pounce Appearance: All except Round 5 a. Claw Attack: Some aliens will do it faster than others, but nonetheless it's predictable from most of them. They'll either crawl up to you and do it or do it when you're close to them. b. Venomous Tail Whack: The aliens will do the same movements as when they are about to execute a claw attack, but this time they have their tails to do the job for a little more damage. There's nothing to worry about as the animation for the tail attack is much slower for lower level aliens, but fast for higher level ones. c. Extending Bite: This move is fast for ALL aliens(although some aliens will do it slower than others). The good thing is that this ability is close range, so using range attacks will prevent them from getting to you with this move. All aliens HAVE to stand before they can execute this move, so be careful of their movements. d. Jumping Pounce: Ya, you got it right. They will jump at you causing damage with their claws. A few aliens can do this, and it's predictable from the start, so careful. 3. Defenders ------------ Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Bluish-Green Energy: Low Abilities: Defending Block, Claw Attack, Claw Uppercut, Extending Bite, Jumping Pounce Appearance: Round 4, 6, and 7 a. Claw Attack: Some aliens will do it faster than others, but nonetheless it's predictable from most of them. They'll either crawl up to you and do it or do it when you're close to them. b. Extending Bite: This move is fast for ALL aliens(although some aliens will do it slower than others). The good thing is that this ability is close range, so using range attacks will prevent them from getting to you with this move. All aliens HAVE to stand before they can execute this move, so be careful of their movements. c. Jumping Pounce: Ya, you got it right. They will jump at you causing damage with their claws. A few aliens can do this, and it's predictable from the start, so careful. d. Defending Block: They will block your attacks sometimes. The last hits of a regular normal attack pattern will stop them, and hitting them with range weapons from half screen away will prevent them from blocking. e. Claw Uppercut: Different from Claw Attack, except they do it in a form of a uppercut. This move is FAST, so careful. Good thing it's only close range. 4. Smashers ----------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Green Energy: High Abilities: Extending Bite, Claw Attack, Head Smash Appearance: Round 3, 4, 6, and 7 a. Claw Attack: Some aliens will do it faster than others, but nonetheless it's predictable from most of them. They'll either crawl up to you and do it or do it when you're close to them. b. Extending Bite: This move is fast for ALL aliens(although some aliens will do it slower than others). The good thing is that this ability is close range, so using range attacks will prevent them from getting to you with this move. All aliens HAVE to stand before they can execute this move, so be careful of their movements. c. Head Smash: They'll rush at you with their heads, doing a decent amount of damage. They'll make a sound before they do it, so it's predictable. And also this is their only range attack. 5. Infectoids ------------- Type: Zombie Color: Pale Skin Energy: High Abilities: Grab and Release Chest Burster Appearance: Round 4 and 7 a. Grab and Release Chest Burster: Ya, they'll grab you and release the chest burster inside of them to bite you, so shake them off. 6. Chest Bursters ----------------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Brown Energy: Very Low Abilities: Jump and Bite Appearance: Round 4 and 7 a. Jump and Bite: Same as facehuggers instead they try and bite you, taking little chunks of health. Watch out, and be sure to shake the joystick left and right. 7. Face Huggers --------------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Tan Energy: Very Low Abilities: Face Hug Appearance: Round 4 and 7 a. Face Hug: Yep, basically they are trying to snap on to your face and plant a embryo inside of you. Shake the Joystick left and right to rip them apart. 8. Egg Chambers --------------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Blackish-Blue Energy: Low Abilities: Releases Face Hugger Appearance: Round 4 and 7 a. Releases Face Huggers: The egg will open and up comes out a face hugger if you're close enough. Watch out though, as the face hugger might get you. Destroying the egg before it gets a chance to open is the effective way to not worry about the facehugger. 9. Royal Guards --------------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Greenish-Yellow, Bluish-Purple Energy: Very High Abilities: Claw Attack, Multiple Acid Spit, Venomous Tail Whack, Rushing Stampede Charge, Diving Spike, Grab and Bite, Tail Pile Driver, Extending Bite. Appearance: Round 2(Green), 4(Green), and 7(Both) a. Claw Attack: Some aliens will do it faster than others, but nonetheless it's predictable from most of them. They'll either crawl up to you and do it or do it when you're close to them. b. Venomous Tail Whack: The aliens will do the same movements as when they are about to execute a claw attack, but this time they have their tails to do the job for a little more damage. There's nothing to worry about as the animation for the tail attack is much slower for lower level aliens, but fast for higher level ones. c. Multiple Acid Spit: This move is predictable no doubt. Warriors will jump back and then do a acid spit if you are in a range that aligns with their position. Every alien will telegraph some sort of animation before they do a acid spit. And the acid spit is close range, so staying far would deal you no harm. d. Extending Bite: This move is fast for ALL aliens(although some aliens will do it slower than others). The good thing is that this ability is close range, so using range attacks will prevent them from getting to you with this move. All aliens HAVE to stand before they can execute this move, so be careful of their movements. e. Rushing Stampede Charge: When the ground shakes, that means they are coming from either direction. They'll stop eventually, but you can either jump over them, or walk down the path and avoid it. f. Diving Spike: They jump up and try to sit on you with their ass. This move is easily avoidable by staying out of their way. g. Grab and Bite: The Royal Guards are looking for nice fresh meat, so they'll grab you and hold you up biting you until you die. Wiggle the joystick left and right to shake them off if they do this. h. Tail Pile Driver: This is when they use their tail and use it to wrap around you and then jump and smash you on the ground with it. To avoid this, wiggle the joystick left and right to shake them off. 10. Arachnoids -------------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Purple, Bluish Energy: High Abilities: Claw Attack, Venomous Tail Whack, Extending Bite, Jump and Bite, Venomous Tail Uppercut Appearance: Round 2(Bluish), Round 3, 6, and 7(Purple) a. Claw Attack: Some aliens will do it faster than others, but nonetheless it's predictable from most of them. They'll either crawl up to you and do it or do it when you're close to them. b. Venomous Tail Whack: The aliens will do the same movements as when they are about to execute a claw attack, but this time they have their tails to do the job for a little more damage. There's nothing to worry about as the animation for the tail attack is much slower for lower level aliens, but fast for higher level ones. c. Extending Bite: This move is fast for ALL aliens(although some aliens will do it slower than others). The good thing is that this ability is close range, so using range attacks will prevent them from getting to you with this move. All aliens HAVE to stand before they can execute this move, so be careful of their movements. d. Venomous Tail Uppercut: Instead of hitting you with its ass, they will flip up and slice you vertically, dealing 25% more damage than a normal tail whack. e. Jump and Bite: They jump all the way up and land on you with a bite attack, so stay away from their point of view to avoid this. Some aliens will jump higher than others.. 11. Chrysalises --------------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Greenish, Brownish, Bluish Energy: High-Very High Abilities: Curling Roll, Claw Attack, Extending Bite, Venomous Tail Whack, Rushing Attack, Jump and Bite, Jump and Claw Attack Appearance: Round 1(Green) and 7(Brown and Blue) a. Claw Attack: Some aliens will do it faster than others, but nonetheless it's predictable from most of them. They'll either crawl up to you and do it or do it when you're close to them. b. Venomous Tail Whack: The aliens will do the same movements as when they are about to execute a claw attack, but this time they have their tails to do the job for a little more damage. There's nothing to worry about as the animation for the tail attack is much slower for lower level aliens, but fast for higher level ones. c. Extending Bite: This move is fast for ALL aliens(although some aliens will do it slower than others). The good thing is that this ability is close range, so using range attacks will prevent them from getting to you with this move. All aliens HAVE to stand before they can execute this move, so be careful of their movements. d. Jump and Bite: They jump all the way up and land on you with a bite attack, so stay away from their point of view to avoid this. Some aliens will jump higher than others.. e. Rushing Attack: This is a telegraphed attack. Basically when they are about to tilt their head backwards, they are trying to smash you with their head. The range of this attack is not very far, so moving up or jumping over them would be ways to avoid them. f. Jump and Claw Attack: Instead of jumping and biting you, they will launch a Claw Attack. Like Jump and Bite, stay away from their point of view to avoid this attack of theirs. 12. Razor Claws --------------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Purple Energy: Very High Abilities: Claw Slice, Claw Stab, Jumping Slash, Rushing Stab, Reverse Claw Slash Appearance: Round 2 a. Claw Slice: Since Razor Claws is self-explanatory of what it actually has as his weapon, it'll use it against you. The Claw Slice is just like the Claw Attack of many aliens except that it'll slice you with it. The move is obviously close range and avoiding it wouldn't be much of a problem. b. Claw Stab: This move will knock you down as Razor Claws will execute this quick!! Anyway, the move is close range and staying away from it will be a effective way to avoid it. c. Jumping Slash: Just like the Jump and Claw Attack, except this is Razor Claws version of it. d. Rushing Stab: Ya, just like any other rushing move, except that this is its version. Sometimes it will jump first and then execute this move. It homes into you, so be quick with your evasion. e. Reverse Claw Slash: Razor Claws will only execute this ability if you are right next to it trying to hit it while it is flat on the ground from a previous knockdown. So when it is knocked down, don't try to hit it or else it will execute a reverse slash which can be quite damaging. 13. Alien Queen --------------- Type: Alien(Xenomorph) Color: Black Energy: Very High Abilities(Both): Super Acid Spit, Super Claw Attack, Super Extending Bite, Venomous Tail Stab Abilities(Round 4 only): Grab and Toss, Super Venomous Tail Whack Abilities(Round 7 only): Squashing Step, Hook with Venomous Tail, Grab and Bite, Grab and Slam. Appearance: Round 4 and 7 a. Claw Attack: Some aliens will do it faster than others, but nonetheless it's predictable from most of them. They'll either crawl up to you and do it or do it when you're close to them. b. Multiple(super) Acid Spit: This move is predictable no doubt. Warriors will jump back and then do a acid spit if you are in a range that aligns with their position. Every alien will telegraph some sort of animation before they do a acid spit. And the acid spit is close range, so staying far would deal you no harm. c. Extending Bite: This move is fast for ALL aliens(although some aliens will do it slower than others). The good thing is that this ability is close range, so using range attacks will prevent them from getting to you with this move. All aliens HAVE to stand before they can execute this move, so be careful of their movements. d. Venomous Tail Stab: Her tail is big enough for you to see, so stay away from that ass of hers and you'll be safe from this stabbing move. e. Grab and Toss(Round 4-only): She'll grab you if you are in front of her view doing nothing/slow attacks and toss you for a whopping 35% damage, so avoid that at all costs. A good way is to stay behind her, or be fast with your attacks. f. Super Venomous Tail Whack(Round 4-only): This move is un-noticable with sight, but with hearing you can know which one is the Stab and which one is the whack. g. Squashing Step(Round 7-only): The Queen jumps up high and tries to stomp on you for a quarter of your life bar. This move is noticeable and should be able to be avoided with ease. h. Hook with Venomous Tail(Round 7-only): Sometimes the Queen will flee if she has taken enough damage from you to the ceiling above. Then she will stick out her tail and try to hook you with it. To avoid this, stay on the sides as much as you can. If she manages to catch you, the move can inflict 65% of your life bar, which is a pretty big chunk. i. Grab and Bite: Pretty much like the Royal Guards, except that she doesn't pick you up. If you do nothing, it takes your entire life bar away, so wiggle the joystick left and right as FAST as you can to avoid any further damage. 14. Private ----------- Type: Human(Soldier) Color: Brass helmet and armor Energy: Low-Medium Abilities: Shoot with Pulse Gun, Shoot with Smart Gun, Throw Hand Grenades, Throw Knives, Whack with Pulse Gun, Whack with Smart Gun, Stab with Knives, Slash with Knives, Standing Kick, Fallback Appearance: Round 5, 6, and 7 a. Shoot with Pulse Rifle: Pretty self-explanatory, as they will shoot you with their Pulse Rifles, 3 rounds by 3 rounds(aka short-controlled bursts). To avoid this, stay away from their line of fire. b. Shoot with Smart Gun: They'll shoot more crazier with this thing, and the only way to avoid this is to stay away from their line of fire. c. Throw Hand Grenades: Only hit-and-run squads would do this. They come out and throw grenades at you trying to blow you up. d. Throw Knives: They take a knife and try to throw at you. Stay away from the line of where the knife is thrown to avoid this. e. Whack with Pulse Rifle: They only do this if you are very close to them, in the case where they would whack you instead of shooting you. f. Whack with Smart Gun: Same deal here. If you're too close, they'll choose to whack you. g. Stab with Knives: Only when you're close to them will they do this move. h. Slash with Knives: Only when you're close to them will they do this move. i. Standing Kick: As if their guns and knives aren't enough, they still got their army boots to launch a kick straight at you for 20-25% damage. They must've known how to kick hard, or it was programmed that way. They will only execute the kick if you're too close to them. j. Fallback: Sometimes if a soldier can't find any weapons to use, he'll just flee the scene. You can still kill him though. He's very vulnerable without any arms to protect himself with. 15. Sergeant ------------ Type: Human(Soldier) Color: Blue Armor Energy: Low-High Abilities: Shoot with Pulse Gun, Shoot with Smart Gun, Throw Hand Grenades, Throw Knives, Whack with Pulse Gun, Whack with Smart Gun, Stab with Knives, Slash with Knives, Standing Kick, Fallback Appearance: Round 5, 6, and 7 a. Shoot with Pulse Rifle: Pretty self-explanatory, as they will shoot you with their Pulse Rifles, 3 rounds by 3 rounds(aka short-controlled bursts). To avoid this, stay away from their line of fire. b. Shoot with Smart Gun: They'll shoot more crazier with this thing, and the only way to avoid this is to stay away from their line of fire. c. Throw Hand Grenades: Only hit-and-run squads would do this. They come out and throw grenades at you trying to blow you up. d. Throw Knives: They take a knife and try to throw at you. Stay away from the line of where the knife is thrown to avoid this. e. Whack with Pulse Rifle: They only do this if you are very close to them, in the case where they would whack you instead of shooting you. f. Whack with Smart Gun: Same deal here. If you're too close, they'll choose to whack you. g. Stab with Knives: Only when you're close to them will they do this move. h. Slash with Knives: Only when you're close to them will they do this move. i. Standing Kick: As if their guns and knives aren't enough, they still got their army boots to launch a kick straight at you for 20-25% damage. They must've known how to kick hard, or it was programmed that way. They will only execute the kick if you're too close to them. j. Fallback: Sometimes if a soldier can't find any weapons to use, he'll just flee the scene. You can still kill him though. He's very vulnerable without any arms to protect himself with. 16. Corporal ------------ Type: Human(Soldier) Color: Red cap and armor Energy: Low-High Abilities: Shoot with Pulse Gun, Shoot with Smart Gun, Throw Hand Grenades, Throw Knives, Whack with Pulse Gun, Whack with Smart Gun, Stab with Knives, Slash with Knives, Standing Kick, Fallback Appearance: Round 5, 6, and 7 a. Shoot with Pulse Rifle: Pretty self-explanatory, as they will shoot you with their Pulse Rifles, 3 rounds by 3 rounds(aka short-controlled bursts). To avoid this, stay away from their line of fire. b. Shoot with Smart Gun: They'll shoot more crazier with this thing, and the only way to avoid this is to stay away from their line of fire. c. Throw Hand Grenades: Only hit-and-run squads would do this. They come out and throw grenades at you trying to blow you up. d. Throw Knives: They take a knife and try to throw at you. Stay away from the line of where the knife is thrown to avoid this. e. Whack with Pulse Rifle: They only do this if you are very close to them, in the case where they would whack you instead of shooting you. f. Whack with Smart Gun: Same deal here. If you're too close, they'll choose to whack you. g. Stab with Knives: Only when you're close to them will they do this move. h. Slash with Knives: Only when you're close to them will they do this move. i. Standing Kick: As if their guns and knives aren't enough, they still got their army boots to launch a kick straight at you for 20-25% damage. They must've known how to kick hard, or it was programmed that way. They will only execute the kick if you're too close to them. j. Fallback: Sometimes if a soldier can't find any weapons to use, he'll just flee the scene. You can still kill him though. He's very vulnerable without any arms to protect himself with. 17. Power Loader ---------------- Type: Machine Color: Green, Yellow Energy: Very High Abilities: Flame Unit, Rushing Drill Charge, Grab+Shake And Burn, Grab And Toss, Grab And Body Slam, Slamming Punch, Power Block, Reverse Uppercut Appearance: Round 5(Yellow) and 7(Green) a. Flame Unit: The Power Loader is equipped with a Flame Unit. Well, actually two. There is one in the middle somewhere and there's another one in the top somewhere. Shoot it with your gun to force him to stop using that flame button! b. Rushing Drill Charge: Like any other rushing move, he'll use the two hands of the Power Loader to try and drill you. This move does a lot of damage, so staying behind them or jumping over them will be the most effective way to avoid it. c. Grab+Shake and Burn: As if the Drill wasn't enough, he will use the hands of the machine and grab you and burn you, which does decent damage. d. Grab and Toss: If he doesn't burn you, he will toss you. e. Grab and Body Slam: If he does neither above, he will slam you which I don't have a clue on how he can do that. All grabbing moves are close range, so staying away from it or attacking from behind will prevent him from executing those abilities. f. Slamming Punch: Uncommon move. g. Power Block: If you try to hit the front of the machine sometimes, it will block it to receive less damage. Like Defenders, they can't block if you shoot from afar. h. Reverse Uppercut: Sometimes if you jump, he'll execute this move, but it's uncommon. 18. Mad Predator ---------------- Type: Alien(Predator) Color: Grayish, Brownish Energy: Very High Abilities: Wristblades Mini-Uppercut, Shoulder Cannon (Target Required, Then Blasts) [He can use this while Cloaked], Off-The-Wall-Jump Dash Lunge Punch, Cloak-Reappear, Shadow Hop-Lunge Punch, Shadow Walk, Shadow Hop-Shoulder Cannon Blast (Triple/Double Shot), Grab And Throw, Grab, Super Straight Wristblades Pummel Appearance: Round 6(Grayish in 1-player only) a. Wristblades Mini-Uppercut: Pretty self-explanatory. Use Escape move once they hit you once. This move will not knock you down(unless he hit you while you were in the air), and can probably take out your entire lifebar. b. Shoulder Cannon: Self-explanatory. It will launch a blast at you which does a hell of a lot more damage than yours. c. Off-the-Wall-Jump Dash Lunge Punch: He jumps off the wall and launches a wristblades punch right at you. d. Cloak-Reappear: Argh ! Why can't you cloak and he can?! No fair!! Aww!! Anyway, he'll go invisible and probably will try to blast you with it's shoulder cannon. So look out for the three red dots! The good thing is that he remains in one position and stays there, so use any oppotunity available to hit him. e. Shadow Hop-Lunge Punch: As if the Shadow Walking isn't enough, he'll jump up to the railing and launch a Wristblades attack to your exact position. Use escape move or stay away from his line of attacking to avoid this. f. Shadow Walk: He wont do anything to you unless you are close to him. So this is completely harmless. g. Shadow Hop-Shoulder Cannon Blast: As if the Shadow Walking isn't enough, he'll jump up to the railing and launch a double/triple blast at you. Jump high to avoid this. Use your timing. h. Grab and Throw: Yep, he'll grab you and throw you for a nice 25% of your energy bar. i. Grab + Super Straight Wristblades Pummel: This is Mad Predator's most damaging ability. He will grab you and launch a series of Wristblade attacks to take off at most 70% of a full energy bar! ------------------------ 3-5. Honor Points System ------------------------ Points are valuable especially when you want a very High Score and Extend an Extra life quicker. It is placed on top of your characters energy bar. ____ 9999999<--Honor Points | |P.Warrior________x9_ <--Extra Lives |____|____________________|<--Energy Bar At the end of each round the game will tally up the player(s) results,which means your Vital,the amount of energy you have left (Excellent if you have Perfect).It also tallies up all the Enemies you have killed,how well you Attack (the total amount of hits made for the whole round).Finally,and last of all it gives you bonus points for Finishing the Round.Every Round has different points at the end when it tallies up the player(s) results,then they add it up to get the total amount of points. Note:The Vital points written below are only if you have perfect energy at the end of that ROUND. In 2 or 3 Players Simultaneously Games the one who kills the Boss at the end of each round gets the FINISH bonus points. ROUND 1-City Of Despair VITAL-15,000 ENEMY-Random ATTACK-Random FINISH-10,000 ------------------------------ ROUND 2-War In The Underpass VITAL-20,000 ENEMY-Random ATTACK-Random FINISH-15,000 ------------------------------ ROUND 3-Forced Assault VITAL-30,000 ENEMY-Random ATTACK-Random FINISH-20,000 ------------------------------ ROUND 4-Assault On A Queen VITAL-35,000 ENEMY-Random ATTACK-Random FINISH-25,000 ------------------------------ ROUND 5-Secrets VITAL-40,000 ENEMY-Random ATTACK-Random FINISH-30,000 ------------------------------ ROUND 6-Nightmare In The Lab VITAL-50,000 ENEMY-Random ATTACK-Random FINISH-50,000 ------------------------------ ROUND 7-Hunts End VITAL-80,000 ENEMY-Random ATTACK-Random FINISH-80,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Round 6-Nightmare In The Lab, has a special stage where characters must destroy a big Control Box on an elevator platform, fail to destroy it in 20 seconds results in a crash, inflicting ~50% damage to the characters, and there will be NO Bonus. If destroyed, you will be rewarded 30,000 points Bonus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Honor Points For All Weapons: Note: All melee weapons get more Honor Points than guns and explosives types of weapons. All Character's Guns:Shoulder Cannons/Large Caliber Pistol/Smart Gun Rig worth 100 Honor Points per hit,and that is the same for both Fire Power Weapons and Explosives type weapons. Both Pipes and Knives worth 300 Honor Points per hit, but for Schaefer, when he picks up the Pipe and whacks enemies with it, it is only worth 200 Honor Points per hit. The Smart Discs worth the most amount of Honor Points- 1,000 Honor Points per hit. ******************************************************************************* -------------------->SECTION 4. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION<--------------------- ******************************************************************************* --------------- 4-1. Cool Stuff --------------- 1. How much Range is a Aliens attack? ------------------------------------- Sometimes when aliens attack you, the range of the attack is farther than what it's supposed to be. Much too weird to be seen... 2. Glitchy Sounds? ------------------ Only happens when a marine is hitting you. Sometimes the sounds of the attack get mixed up, which means they could whack you with a knife or slice you with their guns. 3. Alien Warrior - Quadruple Damage ----------------------------------- A Alien Warrior can spit acid.. about three bursts. If all three bursts get onto you, you will take thrice the damage than normal. Always watch out! However, this rarely happens. I've experienced it once during the beginning of the 7th Round. 4. Never use the Grenade Launcher the WRONG way! ------------------------------------------------ Shooting the grenade launcher in a very close range is a bad idea. The reason is because they wont count in the full damage and causes the enemy to be pushed back instead. 5. Give the Man his Gun? Ha, No! -------------------------------- A Marine at his most vulnerable point is when he has no weapon to carry. Either they will find one or fall back. This is a good opportunity to take them out. However, if you do nothing and you're on the path the Marine is about to walk to, he will kick you with his army boots. ---------- 4-2. Links ---------- 1. Capcom's Official Website - 2. Fox Interactive's Official Website - ******************************************************************************* ------------------->SECTION 5. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS<--------------------- ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------- 5-1. Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------- Q1. Can I help you with this FAQ? A: Sure thing, just try to help me with any additional info I might have missed. Q2. I'm stuck in a particular game! Can you help me?! A: Although I haven't wrote any guides for the following games, I can be more than happy to help you with the following PS1 and PS2 titles..that is if you're on the lazy side to look for yourself in GameFAQs... These are the titles I still have a fresh memory on.. Capcom vs SNK 2 Chaos Legion Devil May Cry Devil May Cry 2 Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Silent Hill Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill 3 Terminator: Dawn of Fate The others I'm still trying to complete and get more knowledge on.. Q3. I don't know how to beat a (certain enemy)! Please help!! A: E-mail me and I'll give you the best flawless possible strategy! ------------ 5-2. E-mails ------------ (Coming Soon!) ******************************************************************************* ----------------------------->SECTION 6. CREDITS<------------------------------ ******************************************************************************* - Thanks to Dez Chiu for helping Pat Ling with beating the game on first credit. - Thanks to Capcom for developing the game. - Thanks to you for playing and reading the guide. - Thanks to Gamefaqs(CJayC) for posting the guide. - Thanks to Rey Kenzaki for most of the Technical Information!