------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------[ VIDEOCART 11: Backgammon/Acey-Deucy ]----------------- ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- ------------------------------------[Channel F]-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o Well this is the end my friends, we've come to the last episode of the Channel F FAQ Completion Project. It's been a long hard road trying to make an FAQ for each of the 28 retail games + Democart 01 released for the system and now it is time to wrap up the Channel F system. The final game that I will knock out is a 2-in-1 pack called Backgammon/Acey Deucy. At first I thought Acey Deucy had something to do with the dice game Craps but in this game it is a variation of Backgammon. Backgammon I still haven't been arsed to learn to play in the real version but I'll try my best to make a good FAQ for the console version. At the end of this FAQ rather than just end it with the Contact Me section like I do for all my other FAQs, I'm going to end it with a special message to my unknown fans who laid witness to my solo project. Onward to the FAQ. o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Videocart 11: Backgammon/Acey-Deucy and its characters are trademarks of Fairchild and all copyrights belong to them. This FAQ is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka Ice Queen Zero and cannot be put on other sites or posted without my given permission nor can it be reproduced without proper consent. For my other guides: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html o---------------------o CONTROLS o---------------------o Console and Controller 1 - Backgammon 2 - Acey Deucy +---------------------+ | Backgammon | +---------------------+ Cardinal Directions - move cursor Plunge Down - Move a stone when it is under cursor/accept double/doublet mode Pull Up - Decline double and forfeit game Twist Right - Roll the Dice/switch dice order number Twist Left (both players together) - end turn immediately. +---------------------+ | Acey Deucy | +---------------------+ Cardinal Directions - move cursor Plunge Down - Move a stone when it is under cursor/accept double Pull Up - decline double/forfeit game/lock in selected doublet Twist Right - Roll the Dice/Select Doublet MESS EMULATOR 1 - Backgammon Button 5(2) - Acey Deucy +---------------------+ | Backgammon | +---------------------+ Cardinal Directions - move cursor Button 1 (Plunge Down) - Move a stone when it is under cursor/accept double/ doublet mode. Button 2 (Pull Up) - decline double and forfeit game Button 3 (Twist Right) - Roll the Dice/switch dice order number Button 4 (Twist Left) (both players together) - end turn immediately. +---------------------+ | Acey Deucy | +---------------------+ Cardinal Directions - move cursor Button 1 (Plunge Down) - Move a stone when it is under cursor/accept double. Button 2 (Pull Up) - decline double/forfeit game Button 3 (Twist Right) - Roll the Dice o---------------------o GAMEPLAY o---------------------o When the game starts, you will press either button 1 or 2 on the console or for the MESS emulator, number 1 or Button 5 (represents console 2). Below is a small dialog of what the buttons will do. 1 - Backgammon 2 - Acey Deucy +---------------------+ | Backgammon | +---------------------+ This is strictly a 2-player game. The players are blue and red. The blue player will roll first then the red player goes. Who ever rolls the total of the two dice will be the one to move. Ex: 11 is the same as rolling snakeyes and is the lowest roll (2), 66 is the same as rolling bricks and is the highest roll (12). However these are doubles and they are special rolls called doublets so total won't matter for them but everything else does such as 12 = 3, 25 = 7, etc. In the case of a tie, the players roll again. The playing field is divided by four. The bottom refers to blue's area and the top refers to the red's area. The left and the right separates the outer from the inner tables respectively and they are separated by the "Bar". There are 12 spots on both the upper and lower area. The goal is for the players to get all their stones to their inner table before removing them from the table. The layout looks like this at the start of the game. X = Red O = Blue E = Empty | = bar line - = horizonatal line + = dead center red outer red inner O E E E X E | X E E E E O O X | X O O X | X O | X O | X | ------------+------------ | X | O X | O X O | O X O | O X X E E E O E | O E E E E X blue outer blue inner Red's goal is to move its piece through the left of the blue outer to the red outer and to the red inner. Blue's goal is the exact opposite. After rolling the dice. Choose the value of one die and move that stone into an area that is not occupied by no more than one opponent piece. Placing a stone in a spot by itself is called a blot. If you or opponent place at least one stone occupied by the lone stone of the opposing team, it is called hitting the blot and the stone is taken to the bar then placed on the inner table of the opposing team. The chosen value will be the number on the left. You can switch numbers via Twist Right before you Plunge Down to move the pieces. After you move one piece, you can choose to move the same stone again or a different for the value of spots on the second die. Rolling doubles enable you to take four turns instead of two for the same amount of spots. So lets say you got a 33, you can make four moves of 3 spots. To clarify more on hitting the blot, as you know that the stone is taken to the bar. You must roll the dice to remove them from the bar and back to the opposing side's rightmost spot on the inner table and make the long journey to yours. Once you have all 15 stones in your inner table, you can begin the process of trying to remove them from the playing field called "borning" once you roll the required number to exceed the rightmost line, you can born off the piece. If a blot is hit, then you have to get that piece back to the inner table and continue borning off the stones until they are all gone and you win. Another thing you may notice is the doubling cube which says 01 that is green. You can challenge your opponent to see if he/she wants to double down for extra points at the end of the game. It starts at 01 and can go as high as 64. If the opponent rejects, he forfeits the game and you win outright. Plunge Down before rolling the dice to initiate the challenge, and do the same to accept it if you are challenge. Pull up to forfeit. Also if you find yourself with no more moves to make, both players twist left to end the current players turn. +---------------------+ | Acey Deucy | +---------------------+ Acey Deucy is pretty much the same as Backgammon except the stones start off the table just outside the opposing players inner table and you must guide all of them to the other side. You get a special when you roll a 1 and 2 in the same roll called Acey Deucy thus the name of the game variation. When this is played, you move the normal moves of 1 and 2 then you Pull Up to bring up the choose the random double and you move 4 times with that number chosen then you roll again. That's a mouthful of a bonus for an acey deucy. If you get blotted out, the piece is returned to the beginner pile. o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o Fairchild for making the game. GameFAQs for hosting my FAQ as well as my reviews. The readers for reading the FAQ. My grandpa, Jageau "Jagged O" Steile Sr. for having the actual Channel F unit. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o My email address is here if you have any questions to ask about this FAQ or give any suggestions. azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Check out me and my sisters Youtube page at http://www.youtube.com/user/PurrfectTrio my facebook is facebook.com/icequeenzero Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero o---------------------o EPILOGUE o---------------------o And that ladies and gentlemen concludes the Channel F Completion solo project I have had going on for a long time. All 29 listed games have a guide now. As to why I did it? I enjoy helping people learn how play a game especially for a game console that's older than my parents. Ti ji ji~!! ^v^ Of course I'm not the first to single-handley FAQ a whole system. That honor goes to BHodges and his Virtual Boy solo project. I still have plans to help out in the group NES, GB, SNES, and Master System Completion Project and as for the next solo project I got a lot of options, I can take out the Vectrex, APF-IM 1000 (I've done 2 already), Arcadia 2001, or maybe finish off a system that no one has paid attention to in a while. Till we meet again just remember. Stay Gold **blast off** BANG!