** ** ** ** ** * ** ** *** ** *** ** ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * *** * * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * *** ****** * ** *** *********** * * * * ** * * ** * ** * ** *** ** * *** * *** ** ** * *** ** ** ** * *********** * ** * *** ** ** *** *** ** ** ** * * ** * * * * * ** ** * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ******** ** *** *** ** ** * *** FAQ Ver 2.0 3/10/98 (If you have a cooler ascii art please send it to me) ========= SUMMARY ========= 1.INTRO 2.WHAT'S NEW ? 3.EXPLANATIONS 4.BEGIN THE FIGHT 5.KEYS GUIDE 6.BASIC OPERATIONS 7.ABOUT THE HELPERS 8.CHARACTERS : (Portrayed randomly) 8.1 RYU 8.2 GAMBIT 8.3 CHUN LI 8.4 CAPTAIN AMERICA 8.5 HULK 8.6 WOLVERINE 8.7 WAR MACHINE 8.8 MEGAMAN 8.9 MORRIGAN 8.10 ZANGIEF 8.11 CAPTAIN COMMANDO 8.12 STRIDER 8.13 JIN 8.14 VENOM 9.ONSLAUGHT SECTION 10.CODES & MISCELANEOUS 11.TO DOS 12.DICTIONARY 13.VERSION HISTORY 14.CREDITS & THANX ======= INTRO ======= Welcome to the ultimate crossover from Capcom, thanks god I have finally played the arcade, due to a bit of internet support and personal experience I am puting in this new version some of what I have learned so far and yes onslaught is beatable I don't know how but he is. ============= WHAT'S NEW ? ============= HELPER CHARACTERS : Now you get a third character. After you select your players a second screen pops-up and the machine randomly selects a third character for you there are restrictions ... SEE THEIR SECTION CHECK THEM OUT. BOSSES : Prof. Charles Xavier (or at least his evil side) once mind wiped his worst (& thougher, best villian, coolest powered mutant, & friend) Erik Magnus (Also known as Magneto) this made Magneto's dark side out of job so it jumpd inside xavier and mixed with xavier is own dark side and spawned the end-boss of this game a guy who goes by the name of ONSLAUGHT ... SEE THE SECTON ABOUT HIM. EARLY HYPER LEVEL : You begin each battle with one level of Super Gauge power already stored. ============= EXPLANATIONS ============= ====>> About the COMBOS : Okay, there are 3 differents style of COMBOS as was in Marvel Super Heroes, XM vs SF and its sequel MSH vs SF: ----------- [GROUND COMBOS] : Those done in the ground, with supers, with wacky moves and without air launch. Can become air combos if a launcher is applied during one of it taps. ----------- [AIR COMBOS] : Those done after a launcher, they take the opp. to the air for more hits and who knows maybe the infinite combo... ----------- [SUPER COMBOS] : Those that end/or include a super move or TEAM super. ====>> About the LAUNCHERS : Without a doubt, some of the most important normal moves in the game! They set up air comboes and if you don't know your characters launcher, then you are going to have a lot of trouble with doing AIR COMBOS. SOME OF THEM ARE INCLUDED IN THIS FAQ AS WELL AS SMALL LAUNCHERS, THEY ARE DIVIDED IN: ----------- [Normal Launchers] : The generic version, every character has one. It knocks the opp. up at a good height and can be used as ground offense and air defense! Roundhouse and crouched Fierce are the most used buttons for launchers. ----------- [The Regular Launcher] : The second kind, they are special requirements launchers! Small launchers cannot be followed by a super jump because they only knock the opponent a bit up! However, these are quick AND SETUP FOR NORMAL OR AIR LAUNCHERS OR SUPER MOVES. ----------- [Air Launchers] : The BEST kind, they are the BEST kind of launcher they setup air combos, they can be used as air defense. ====>> About the Magic Series: The Capcom beat 'em up has a thing named the magic series it is the order of punches and/or kicks that the character can do in sequence while in on the ground, the air or while super jumping! The magic series go as follows: ----------- [Zigzag] : All buttons can be chained in a zigzag combo! EX. Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse THIS IS NORMALLY THE SERIES OF CHOICE FOR AIR COMBOS and covers all other the magic series (Save for the none series). ----------- [Stronger] : Three hits can be chained from weak to strongest! EX 1. Short, Forward, Roundhouse EX 2. Jab, Strong, Fierce Also can be used as a choice for air combos. ----------- [Weak Start] : Only one weak punch/kick into a stronger punch/kick! EX. Jab, Fierce ----------- [None] : No series! The biggest chain is a single hit into a special move! In this faq each character will have a section for the magic series that can be done in the ground, in a jump, and in a super-jump. ================= BEGIN THE FIGHT ================= After u've entered one coin in the machine u'll acess to the selecter screen ..u have to choose 2 characters, then the MACHINE CHOOSES YOUR HELPER then u'll acess (not on all machines) to the MANUAL or AUTOMATIC mode,well if u want to do BIG COMBOS,choose manual,becuz in AUTOMATIC mode u'll have just 2 bar of super Nd taKe special More BLocK daMaGe froM super MoVes ..:o( and choose your speed ..: - normal mode is the best if u first play XMEN - turbo mode is more exciting.. now BE READY for the FIGHT !! >:o) ============= KEY GUIDE ============= /=---------=\ | U/B U U/F | /=---------=\ | |==| JP MP FP | | B N F | | | | |==| SK FK RH | | D/B D D/F | \=---------=/ \=---------=/ /=----------------------=\ /=---------=\ | Jab Medium Fierce | = | 1 2 3 | | | = | | | Short Forward Roundhouse| = | 4 5 6 | \=-----------------------=/ \=----------=/ P - Any punch K - Any kick JP = Jab MP = Medium Punch FP = Fierce Punch SK = Short Kick FK = Forward Kick RH = RoundHouse Kick FOR COMBO NOTATION I WILL USE JAMES CHEN NOTATION LOCATED AT THE END OF THIS SECTION. U = Up D = Down F = forward B = back D/F = Down Forward D/B = Down Back U/B = up back U/F = up forward 360deg = 270deg = A full circle Charge = hold for 2 seconds QCF = Quater Circle Forward HCF = Half Circle Forward QCB = Quater Circle Back HCB = Half Circle Back DP = Dragon Punch (F,QCF) RDP = Reverse DP(B,QCB) PP = Press 2 Punch Buttons simultaneoulsy KK = Press 2 Kick Buttons simultaneoulsy Corner = Significate you must do this COMBO in the corner Quick = Significate you must do this COMBO very quickly Close = Significate you must be very close to the opponent (air) = Significate that this can be done in the air Best Way TRS = Best Way to Regain Super Magic Series = The magic series the character can use while in a air combo (OTG) means this will hit opponent off the ground (FS) means that the move you just did initiated the Flying Screen (AC) means thar you may use this move as an air combo finisher The Combo notation will be as follows: -> means use Magic Series to reach next move listed XX indicates Special Move cancellation /\ indicates that you cancel the last move with a Super Jump or that you do a Double Jump \/ indicates that you land after the last move and continue on the ground , indicates that no special combo method is needed in between the two moves S. stands for standing C. stands for crouching OC. stands for offensive crouching DN. stands for holding down on the controller while attacking during a jump UP. stands for holding up on the controller while attacking during a jump T. stands for holding towards on the controller (direction you are facing) J. stands for Regular Jumping SJ. stands for Super Jumping DJ. stands for Double Jumping D. stands for Dashing before performing the move AD. stands for Air Dashing (for Rogue and Chun Li only) F. stands for Flying (for Storm, Magneto, and Bison only) FD. stands for Flying Dash (for Storm and Magneto only) ==================== BASIC OPERATIONS ==================== ADVANCED BLOCKING : 3P when blocking The same thing that always it have done since it creation to push opp. away. It slows down certain super moves damage and leaves enough time for a throw if timed correctly. CHANGE PLAYER/THE SWITCH OUT : FP+RH As in MSH vs SF the tag enters at the level your opp. is meaning you may launch a opp. in the air and switch, and get your partner do a attack in a just launched opp. TEAM Super (Uses 2 super bars) : QCF FP+RH Since XM vs SF it does both you and your partner do a super move and a switch out. THE TWO ON ONE(Uses 2 super bars) : B,D/B,D FP+RH You call your partner and both of you attack your opp. for a ammount of time (You get a bar saying it a la DARKSTALKERS 3's Dark Force). While this attack is on your partner will mimick all your normal moves during combos. DID YOU KNEW that during the time this move lasts both your characters get infinite super bar moves which mean you may do a QCF+3P and both characters (if they have) will do his/her/it QCF+3P Super Move??? TEAM Counter(Uses 1 super bar) : QCF FP+RH when blocking After you block a move you call upon your partner to do a special move that makes your player change/switch unlike XM vs SF this move is not invincible save for the dragon punches. HYPER JUMP : D,U HYPER JUMP (Alternate method) : press 3K HYPER JUMP (After a AIR LAUNCHER): U DASH (Back) : B,B DASH (Forward) : F,F DASH (Alternate method) : Direction + 3P KNOCK DOWN ROLL : QCF P when knock down In other words move that makes you do a roll (During it you are invincible), Good against (OTG) moves such as some team supers, some normal moves, etc. THE HELPER ATTACK : MP+MK Check their section and the Whats New for info on them. THE TAUNT : START For irritating opps. leaves you vulnerable during the time it lasts. THE THROW : F+MP or F+FK or F+FP or F+RH A throw move not everybody has the F+RH and F+FK throws but has both F+FP and F+MP throws and some characters(Like Morrigan and Zangief) have special throws, can also be done in air. THE TECH. HIT : F+P(After a throw) This move lets you escape of a throw and avoid getting the full energy drain of it (USELESS AGAINST SOME AIR THROWS) it is efective with both normal and some special throws. SWITCH FIGHTERS (Before a fight) : 3P This move switches your characters before a fight just press all three punches to switch your second character to the first position or vice-versa. =================== ABOUT THE HELPERS =================== They act as a 3rd character, can only be used a certain ammount of times according to the character (I will try to put that number along this faq a brief explanation about what they do and a little strategy talk), you call them forth by pressing both medium buttons (MP+FK) can be called during the two on one, etc. FROM THE CHAOS STRIDER FAQ I have gotten info on how you may pick a specific helper the notation for this motion is also explained. By far I have gotten to pick some helpers and I will rate every helper here in one to five usefulness marked by stars(*). Down is the list of the as of now known helpers as of NOW 20 are reported, which are: ========================================================================== NAME HIS/HER/ITS MOVE RATE TIMES ========================================================================== -- Unknown Soldier Beam Attack 3 out of 5 ? Forgotten World A very good over the average helper whose beam traverses the whole screen he is pretty good against any fireballer and his beam does several hits. TO GET HIM : Press Jab -- Tia Dice Rain 2 out of 5 ? Capcom Mascot I don't know why but you may also call her Pure and Fun, her dice rain only affects an opp. if close otherwise it's a waste that's why she got a so low rate however it destroys fireballs if close. TO GET HER : Press Short -- Anita Shield 4 out of 5 ? Darkstalkers She advances forming a monster shield protecting you from one hit after that protection wears off she throws the objects around her to your opponent. TO GET HER : Press Jab+Strong+Fierce -- Lou Arrow Shot 3 out of 5 ? Chariot He is an elf with an attitude use him if you see your opp. has troubles blocking low attacks. TO GET HIM : Press Strong -- Michelle Heart Beam Attack 3 out of 5 ? Wings of Ales Another character whose projectile is good enough. when you call her she throws a bunch of projectiles in three directions diagonally up forward(May hit opps. Jumping/Super Jumping/in a air attack), center(Any opp. high or low gets hit by it) and diagonally down forward (looking for its use). TO GET HER : Press Jab+Short -- Arthur Lances Throw 4 out of 5 ? Ghouls 'n' Goblins He throws lances at your opponent at his maximum height which lets ducking opponents slip through this attack. If he gets hit, he loses his armor and fights in his jocks! TO GET HIM : Press Jab+Strong -- Saki Beam Attack 4 out of 5 ? Nigiirochou no Kiseki Haven't fought with him can't say a jack about him TO GET HIM : Press Fierce -- Ton-Fu Long Kick 3 out of 5 ? Strider A kick that traverses most of the screen. The utility of this kick remains to be seen TO GET HIM/HER : Press Jab+Fierce -- Devilot Auto Destruction 1 out of 5 ? Cyberbots I have been missinformed about this so here goes how this helper works she appears out of his bot and count to three if your opp. is near you (Say very, very, very close) the mech will explode and make damage to your opp. TO GET THEM : Press Strong+Fierce -- Psylocke Super Psi Thrust 2 out of 5 ? X-Men Nice to see her again by the way Hi Miguel. This super move takes off pretty good damage. TO GET HER : Press Forward -- Iceman Ice Blocks Attack 3.5 out of 5 ? X-Men A whole bunch of ice blocks fall onto the screen starting FROM the front to the back. This attack doesn't reach full screen but reaches more than some of the helpers in this game TO GET HIM : Press Strong+Forward -- Cyclops Optic Blast 2 out of 5 ? X-Men I want to begin a campaign to kill cyclops help me here he does nothing in the marvel universe he is only a saint that is better dead, however he does his old JP optic Blast as he always have been good character to help you. TO GET HIM : Press Jab+Short+Strong -- Thor Laser Shot 3 out of 5 ? Marvel Comics The Norse Thunder god makes his second apperance in a capcom game (What could this mean the third time he will be a playable character) contrary to his profession instead of a big unblockable thunder falling over a helpless character he throws a bolt from his hammer, good range, good damage and is advised a hour before he shoots it and can be ducked. TO GET HIM : Press Short+Strong -- Storm Horizontal Typhoon 3.5 out of 5 ? X-Men A typhoon that hits multiple times and goes no farer than half the screen. TO GET HER : Press Jab+Short+Fierce -- Jubilee Firecracker 2.5 out of 5 ? X-Men A bunch of 5 to 6 sparks that travel the whole screen the closest you are the more they will hit you TO GET HER : Press Short+Strong+Fierce -- Juggernaut Juggernaut Headcrush 4.9 out of 5 4 or 5 X-Men A toned down version of the juggernaut headcrush that has as bonus the ability to dissolve any 1-4 hits projectile. TO GET HIM : Press Jab+Forward -- Rogue Diagonal Rush Punches 2.5 out of 5 9 X-Girl - The beautiest X-Gal - The Most dangerous GIRL 2 Kiss - 1997 BEST COVER MODEL SEE THE UNCANNY X-MEN 342 ALTERNATE - ETC. Any naughty picture of her is accepted in my e-mail hey thing we want/demand to see naughty pictures of her. no way she does her XM vs SF diagonal punches good against characters that jump a lot. TO GET HER : Press Jab+Strong+Fierce+Short -- Colosus Tackle 4.9 out of 5 ? X-Men His tackle will take as much as almost a half of your opp. lifebar no matter how many hits you throw it seems he uses a special version of super-hyper-mega armor which makes only super moves to stop it that plus a very fast speed make him dangerous enough against any character. TO GET HIM : Press Jab+Strong+Forward -- Magneto EM Disruptor 1 out of 5 ? EX X-Villain His beam from MSH, XM vs SF, etc. this is used to be useless as a normal move, it is however less useful as a helper attack. TO GET HIM : Press Short+Fierce -- US Agent Charging Star 4 out of 5 ? EX Cap. America As a ex-capitain america and a "secret" character in MSH vs sf (Hey he was only a palette swap of Cap. America) his move isn't all that good TO GET HIM : Press Strong+Fierce -- Sentinel Sentinel Ram 4.9 out of 5 4 or 5 X-Men Robot Villain His ram disolves projectiles and does over the average damage and it serves as a shield protecting you from 1-4 hits -- Charlie [or Shadow] Several Flash kicks 3 out of 5 4 or 5 Guy who always get killed I know there must be some way to combo this otherwise it is pretty much useless but there must be a way I know ...FOR HOW TO PICK CHARLIE OR SENTINEL CHECK THE TRICKS SECTION. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GENERALS ABOUT THE HELPERS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------- While you are calling your helper you will taunt very fast however during this time you may eat any super or long range attack ------- Colosus, Juggernaut, Sentinel, and many of the helpers of the game that has beam attacks or Rams will destroy any fireball thrown at you and cause damage ------- In the heavy damage department (When I mean heavy I mean at least a quarter of your opp. lifebar gets damage) are Colosus, Juggernaut and Sentinel ------- Check on how to pick a specific helper if you have a preference for he/she/it always pick it ------- So you are calling your helper and get hit or your helper gets hit you lost that helper attack. ================== THE CHARACTERS ================== Some info is based in the characters last appearance therefore some of it maybe inacurate. ================ GAMBIT ================ He is back and this time he is as annoying as he was in XM vs SF however he now seems to be a little more annnoying. CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: Motions his opponent forward, says "Come on" Enter Pose: Leaps onto the screen and holds a glowing card in his hand, says "Hello Monami" Exit Pose: Turns his back with his staff on his shoulder and holding a glowing card, says "So Long, Cher" TEAM Super Move [If active ]: Royal Flush TEAM Super Move [If inactive]: Royal Flush TEAM Counter: Kinetic Card Main Color: Brown Coat Secondary Color:Teal Coat Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR : He doesen't have a special mode Starting Battle Pose: Cards hit the ground and explode as Gambit leaps onto the screen, waves opponent to him, says "Come on" Victory Poses: 1)Rests his staff on his shoulder, says "Never mess with a Cajun!" CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Card : QCF + P (Diagonal Air) Trick Card : QCB + P Cajun Slash : DP + P (OTG) Cajun Strike : D, U + P, then K Cajun Escape : D, U + K Hyper X 1 Royal Flush : QCF + PP Hyper X 2 Cajun Explosion : QCF + KK He jumps onto one of the walls and does a super version of his air Kinetic Card! Which corner he jumps to depends on which direction you input on the joystick! --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- After Cajun Strike : You can Jump again on the wall by Pressing Left or Right --------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======--------- Air Juggles : D+3, DP+3 (Air) Best Way TRS : Push FK Repeatedly Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : D+3 Ground Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None Super Jumping Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None AC finisher : 3, 6, Cajun Explosion, Kinetic Card --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : After D+6 do a Royal Flush Super Combo II : You may finish air combos with the cajun explosion Super Combo III : ??? --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for. --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- IN THE WORKS ================ WOLVERINE ================ The good ol' wolvy is back only this time he seems to be quite toned up, his throw range has been highered, his super moves and comboability is the same from MSH vs SF all his super moves (save for the WEAPON X and BERSEKER RAGE) can be comboed after his normal moves. CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: Clashes his claws together once Enter Pose: Healing Factor of XM: COTA pose Exit Pose: Turns his back to you and pulls off his mask, says "So Long Bub!" TEAM Super Move [If active ]: Berseker Barrage X TEAM Super Move [If inactive]: Berseker Barrage X TEAM Counter: Tornado claw Main Color: Blue Highlights Secondary Color: Red Highlights Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR : He doesn't have a special mode Starting Battle Pose: Leaps onto the screen, throws his head back as his claws pop out, says "Lets Go Bub!" Victory Poses: 1)Stands up straight and clashes his claws. 2)Turns his back to you and pulls off his mask, says "Rookie" CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Berserker Barrage : QCF + P (Push P Repeatedly for more hits) (OTG) Tornado Claw : DP + P (Push P Repeatedly for more hits) Drill Claw : Direction + any punch + kick (Air) Berserker Slash : QCB + P Wolvie Kick : D + FK (In air only) Wolvie comes down from the air with a kick it can be canceled into any fierce(FP,RH) Attack. Hyper X 1 Berseker Barrage X : QCF+ PP (OTG) Hyper X 2 Weapon X : DP + PP Hyper X 3 Fatal Claw : DP + KK Hyper X 4 Berseker Rage : QCB+ PP Wolvie becomes several times faster, can combo incredibly well. ---------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====------- Wall jump : If you are near a wall jump to it after you are in that wall jump in its opposite direction. Heal : During the healing period(when you put wolvie out) due to his good ol' healing factor he will regain more energy than other chars. --------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======--------- Air Juggles : DF+3,3,B+3,QCF+3 Best Way TRS : Push 2 Repeatedly Small launcher : D+2 Air launcher : 6 (Close) Ground Magic Series : Stronger, Weak Start, None Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag, None Super Jumping Series : ZigZag, None AC Finisher : 6, Fatal Claw, 3, Drill Claw --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : Any ground combo into Berseker Barrage X Super Combo II : After a F+MP Throw you may do a Weapon X Super Combo III : Air Combos may be finished with the Fatal Claw --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- I am actualy Looking for uses for the berseker slash ------- More combos for him Wolvy has always been a combo machine however in this machine he has gotten more into the MSH vs SF or MSH Combos and none of his really, really, really long combos of XM vs SF work here --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- You know after berseker rage you speed is greatly improved you may do combos you couldn't think possible like air launch then 6-8 times 2 then drill claw or do a Berseker Barrage X then a FP or Drill Claw oportunities of combo are endless. ------- The Berseker Barrage has no recuperation time this means you may use it to attack a opp., then if the opp. blocks and wants to retaliate may block or do any attack you prefer save for super moves of course (doesn't works against another wolverine). ------- ABOUT HIS COUNTER will only connect if close (the tornado claw is his dragon punch which means it first 2 hits are invincible so you may Counter an opp. attack at up to 3-4 steps away from you). ------- AFTER A THROW you must decide if you tap the buttons franatically (If F+FP) to get a quarter of your opp. lifebar or do a wacky combo (If facing right to a corner and doing a F+MP). =============== RYU =============== Now the mightiest character is back only this time it can be won by mortals... Ryu seems to have absorbed ken and akuma (and probably SF3's Sean and SFA/SFA2's Dan) due to this you can mode change in any of them the mode change is permanent up to the moment you mode change into another character, during the time you are ken or akuma your supers, combos, moves, team supers reflect this change. In every move you shall see a explanation of how akuma, ken or ryu will react to the move in the ground is first then in the air CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: Depends on which character he is Enter Pose: Depends on which character he is Exit Pose: Depends on which character he is TEAM Super Move [If active ]: READ BELOW * SHINKUU HADOUKEN (When as RYU ONLY) : It exchanges hits His old projectile, does pitful damage if blocked * SHORYU REPPA (When as KEN ONLY) : It is good enough team super move. * Messatsu Gou Hadou (When as AKUMA ONLY) If Active ------------------------------ FAST If Inactive----------------------------- VERY DELAYED TEAM Super Move [If inactive]: READ UP TEAM Counter: Hadouken Main Color: White Outfit Secondary Color:Blue Outfit Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR : AKUMA OR KEN OUTFIT Starting Battle Pose: SF3's Sean and SF's Ken speak to Ryu Victory Poses: Depends on the character CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Hadoken : QCF + P (Air) RYU - A always horizontal large ball of ki KEN - A ground horizontal large ball of ki that disipates at a distance/in the air down at an angle and disipates before reaching the ground AKUMA - Horizontal in the air down at an angle Shoryuken : DP + P KEN - Can do it in the air Tatsumakisenpuukya : QCB + K (Air) RYU - Horizontal and if in the air down KEN - Vertical at an angle if in ground and down if in the air AKUMA - Electrified and more damaging Zan Ku Hado Ken : QCF + K (In air only) (As AKUMA ONLY) Ashura Sen Ku : DP + PP or RDP + KK or DP + KK or RDP + PP A teleport only akuma can do it here goes a brief explanation of where you shall appear accordig the motion and buttons pressed (Extracted from Charles Washington MSH vs SF FAQ): DP + PP : Directly in front of opponent DP + KK : Behind the opponent RDP + PP : Teleports back half the screen RDP + KK : Teleports back full screen Overhead Punch : F + 2 [RYU/AKUMA Only] Overhead Kick : F + 5 Inazuma Kakato Wari: F + 3 (As KEN ONLY) Special MODE MOVE [Change into RYU ] : QCB + JP Special MODE MOVE [Change into KEN ] : QCB + SP Special MODE MOVE [Change into AKUMA] : QCB + FP Ryu turns his back and he changes identities! Hyper X 1 Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuyaku: QCB + KK (OTG) Great for raising opps. off the ground (As RYU ONLY) Hyper X 2 Shikuu Hadouken (As RYU) : QCF + PP (Air) (AC) Great projectile, NO suction effect, does no damage if blocked but does up to 30 hits if not, etc. * Shoryu Reppa (As KEN or AKUMA) : QCF + PP (OTG 3 Hits) Hyper X 3 Shin Shoryuken : DP + PP Hands down the coolest super art move in SF3 makes his third appearance in a capcom game Hyper X 4 Shin Ryu Ken (As KEN ONLY): QCF + KK Hyper X 5 Ragging Demon/Shun Goku Satsu/Instant Hell Murder The motion : JP, JP, F, SK, FP (As AKUMA ONLY) Hyper X 6 Messatsu Gou Hadou : QCB + PP (As AKUMA ONLY) Hyper X 7 Pegassuss meteor : QCF + PP (Air Only) That's not its name however I named that after Saint Seiya cuz it looks like it a lot it is AN AKUMA ONLY SUPER move --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- Nothing for him for the moment -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- Air Juggles : 2(One hit only as ryu) Best Way TRS : Everybody Hold D and Tap 5 Repeatedly Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : Everybody D+3 Ground Magic Series : ZigZag, None Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag, None Super Jumping Series : ZigZag, None Yes this is standard among all characters AC Finisher : 3, Shinkuu Hadouken, Tatsumaki Senpuyaku --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : [RYU] After D+6 do a Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuyaku Super Combo II : [KEN/AKUMA] After D+4 or 4 OR 3 do a Shoryu Reppa Super Combo III : [KEN] After D+3 do the Shinryu Ken Super Combo IV : [RYU] Finish his air Combos with a Shinkuu Hadouken Super Combo V : [KEN] Do a D+3 Shinryu Ken --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- Something funny has happened to the recuperation time of the Shinkuu Hadouken if done in the air and the other player is a ryu(or any other character with a fast air Hyper X) and both are near the aereal hyper X your opp. will connect to you. ------- The ragging demon/instant hell murder/shun goku satsu damage is unrecoverable, it has the MSH vs SF range and is unblockable and is comboable after a FP. ------- As for his mode changes you can do the combos of the character you change into YES EVEN THE NONE MAGIC SERIES. ------- The Messatsu Gou Hadou is the best team super moves due to its delay time if Akuma is inactive when your partner calls him for the team super he will delay some time and wait till his partner finishes his super then release his super great tactic if your opp. is fool enough to release the block position. ------- DID YOU KNEW the Shoryu Reppa is one of the fastest super moves in the game this means if you block a super move or normal move and you are close (About 2-3 steps) you may do the move and get from 8-10 hits??? ------- ABOUT HIS COUNTER it is useless againt any long projectile super if not close and is the standard thing so neither ken or akuma sport their dragon punch counter =============== CHUN LI =============== I hated her in XM vs SF cuz she was very cheap in MSH vs SF she came down to the level of a regular player but now it looks like she is going back to the hyper pesky level she had in XM vs SF CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: Holds her hand out and smiles as she says "Gomene = So Sorry!" Enter Pose: Leaps out and makes a peace finger sign, says "YaTa = Wow!" Exit Pose: Holds her hand out and smiles, says "Gomene" TEAM Super Move [If active ]: Kikosho TEAM Super Move [If inactive]: Kikosho TEAM Counter : Senbankya Main Color: Blue Outfit Secondary Color: Red Outfit Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR : She doesn't have a special mode Starting Battle Pose: ??? Victory Poses: ??? CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Hundred Kick : Repeat K (Air) (OTG) Tenshokya : DP + K (OTG hits once) Kikoken : HCF + P Kikisho JR. : B, F + P Senbankya : HCB + K Stomp Kick : D + FK (Air only) Neck Breaker : D + RH Hyper X 1 Kikosho : QCF + PP (OTG) Hyper X 2 Senretsu Kyaku : QCF + KK (OTG) Hyper X 3 Hanzan Tenshou Kyaku : QCB + KK (OTG 1 Hit) Hyper X 4 Aereal Ragging demon : QCF + KK (Air only) --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- Triple Jump : After a Jump, jump again (Can be done three times) Air Dash : When in the Air : F, F Wall Jump : Jump at the wall and Press the opposite direction -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- Air Juggles : Repeat K, D+6 Best Way TRS : Hold down and Tap 2 Repeatedly Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : 6 Ground Magic Series : ZigZag, None Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag, None Super Jumping Series : ZigZag, None AC Finisher : 6, 5, Aereal Ragging Demon, Hundred Kick --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : ??? Super Combo II : ??? Super Combo III : ??? Super Combo IV : ??? --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- Her combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- The stomp kick can be done three times in a row and canceled into a air hundred kick, about the old D+5, senretsu kyaku due to long delay times won't combo ------- the aereal raging demon can be comboed in a zigzag way by making a 1, 2, 3, 4, Aereal raging demon =============== SPIDERMAN =============== Well since MSH vs SF he has been quite toned down in the sense of speed however his range for throwing has been increased his new super move the ultimate web throw takes off half the lifebar (Depending in how your arcade has the damage setting it may take less or more) but is very predictable CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: A random message (Usually "hey", "Come on pal" or "do your Job") Enter Pose: He stand up and moves his head Exit Pose: He jumps back and holds a web TEAM Super Move [If active ] : Crawler Assault TEAM Super Move [If inactive] : Crawler Assault TEAM Counter: Spider Sting Main Color: His normal costume Secondary Color: A maroon costume Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR : He doesn't have a special mode Starting Battle Pose: 1) A reflector spots him as he comes down from a web. 2) He says "Spider sense is mystique" Victory Poses: He only jumps back and hold a web CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Web Ball : QCF + P (Vertical in Air) Spider Sting : DP + P (OTG hits once) Web Swing : QCB + K (Air) (OTG) Web Throw : QCB + P Hyper X 1 Maximum Cacata : QCF + PP(air) One of the oldest super moves presented in this game, After the motion you must add a direction if you don't it is done verticaly down, however don't expect it to work in human opps. Hyper X 2 Crawler Assault : QCF + KK (OTG) Hyper X 3 Ultimate Web Throw : QCB + PP Aereal auto combo-a-la-maximum-spider. STILL LOOKING FOR A USE TO IT. --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- Wall jump : If you are near a wall jump to it after you are in that wall jump in its opposite direction (Altough if you hold the opposite direction for a while spidey gets adhered to that wall longer). Air dash : Yes he can air dash tap F, F or F+3P while in air -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- Air Juggles : D+6 Best Way TRS : ??? Small launcher : D+5 Air launcher : D+5,6 or 2 Ground Magic Series : ZigZag, None Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag Super Jumping Series : ZigZag AC Finisher : 6, F + FP, Ultimate Web Throw (Unsure) --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : ??? Super Combo II : ??? Super Combo III : ??? Super Combo IV : ??? --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- About the D+5, 6 launcher you must first connect the D+5 then do a standing 6 in order to air launch if the D+5 does not connect it won't air launch or small lunch at all so think of an alternative in case you miss the D+5. ------- ABOUT HIS COUNTER it is the same case of wolverine it is his dragon punch that allows him to have some range and does 2 hits that takes off good life but connects only if close (2 steps away from opp.) ------- ABOUT THE ULTIMATE WEB THROW This only works with War man, sorry Iron machine, sorry against War Machine and I haven't gotten it to work in human opps. but after blocking the proton cannon due to his delay time after it is done I have connected to the AI a ultimate web throw a venom web a weapon x a small jump into chun li's aereal ragging demon a small jump into a morrigan auto combo, etc. ------- All his MSH vs SF combos work here =============== WAR MACHINE =============== Belive it or not this guy is actually a palette swap of MSH's iron man only changed a bit in speed, range, and a added super move. CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: ??? Enter Pose: ??? Exit Pose: ??? TEAM Super Move [If active ] : Proton Cannon TEAM Super Move [If inactive] : Proton Cannon TEAM Counter: Repulsor Blast Main Color: ??? Secondary Color: ??? Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR: None Starting Battle Pose: ??? ??? Victory Poses: ??? CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Repulsor blast : QCB + P Smart Bomb : 1+5 Soldier Cannon : QCF + P (Air) Fly : QCF + KK (in air) after you do it QCF + KK to land Knee : D + FK (While in air) ???? : Direction+FP (While in air or flying) Hyper X 1 Proton Cannon : QCF + PP The second oldest super moves presented in this game. Hyper X 2 War destroyer : QCF + KK or QCB + KK Air defense --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- None. -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- After a Throw : ??? Air Juggles : ??? Best Way TRS : ??? Air launcher : 6 Ground Magic Series : Stronger, Weak Start Jumping Magic Series : Stronger, Weak Start Super Jumping Series : Stronger, Weak Start AC Finisher : ??? --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : ??? Super Combo II : ??? Super Combo III : ??? Super Combo IV : ??? --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- ABOUT HIS COUNTER Way back in MSH I loved this counter it was great for any Iron Man player but here due to the lost of the invicibility of a counter it will only counter close attacks that last no more than 2-3 hits ------- ABOUT THE PROTON CANNON The delay time of a blocked proton cannon is amazing you may do any auto combo (This haven't been tried in non-computer opps.) =============== ZANGIEF =============== The SF2's powerhouse is back this time he can mode switch into mega zanguief in case you didn't knew it mega zanguief was a hidden character with a mega-hyper-super armor in MSH vs SF who couldn't block but could withstand several hits without dying (when I say several I mean a 40-hit mega optic blast 3 times) only in this machine mega zanguief will block every 4 hits CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: Flexes his muscles with a grin on his face Enter Pose: Holds his hands into the air in a Number One motion Exit Pose: ??? TEAM Super Move [If active ] : Double Final Atomic Buster TEAM Super Move [If inactive] : Mega Damaging Spinning Lariat TEAM Counter: Ariel Throw Main Color: Red Highlights Secondary Color: Grey Highlights Special MODE COLOR: MEGA ZANGIEF COLOR Auto-Block Color: ??? Starting Battle Pose: ??? Victory Poses: 1)Chest flexes and makes a side arm flex CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Spinning Lariat : 3P or PP (Air) Short Spinning Lariat : 3K or KK (Air) If done while in mega zangief mode will evade low projectiles. Spinning Piledriver : 270deg + P(Air) Siberian Suplex : 270deg + K(Close) Banishing Punch : DP + P (Cancels Fireballs) (unuseable after switch) Flying Power : HCF + K (Far) Ariel Throw : HCB + K Aerial Rave : DP + K Yoga Flame : QCF + P (1 Hit) (As Mega Zangief only) Earthquake : F + 2 (Air = D + 2) Body Press : D + FP(In air only) Headbutt : U + MP or HP(after a jump) Double Knee Drop : D + 4 or 5 (after jump or while in mid-air) Iron Claw : DF + 2 (close) Trip Roundhouse : DB + 5 or 6 Special MODE MOVE : RDP + K Mega Zanguief Mode. Hyper X 1 Atomic Buster : 270deg+PP Hyper X 2 Final Atomic Buster (Uses 3 super bars) : 360degx2+PP Cannot be used after mode change and is a mega atomic buster. Hyper X 3 Leaping Death Snatch : 270deg+KK Only MEGA ZANGUIEF can do this move he leaps into the air and grabs his opp if he is near and in the air due to his extended grab range who knows how far this super may go --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- Grab Dash: After a Dash (F,F) Push 2, 3, 5, or 6 --------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======--------- After a Throw : ??? Air Juggles : D+6,D+5, 3P or 3K Best Way TRS : Push 5 Repeatedly Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : D+2 Ground Magic Series : Stronger, Weak Start, None Jumping Magic Series : Stronger, Weak Start Super Jumping Series : Stronger, Weak Start AC Finisher : ??? --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : ??? Super Combo II : ??? Super Combo III : ??? Super Combo IV : ??? --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- You may escape the Double Final Atomic Buster by Ducking, Jumping or being OUT OF ITS RANGE. ============== MEGAMAN ============== What did you expected when you saw him throw a hadouken in MMX? or When he pulled off a Dragon punch in MMX2? or Why did you thought he appeared in the mall in MSH vs SF?. Yes he is here he is the size of MM7 (The one for the playstation). CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: ??? Enter Pose: ??? Exit Pose: ??? TEAM Super Move [If active ] : Hyper Megaman TEAM Super Move [If inactive] : Hyper Megaman TEAM Counter: Mega Upper Main Color: ??? Secondary Color: ??? Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR: ??? Starting Battle Pose: ??? ??? Victory Poses: ??? CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Mega Upper : DP + P Fireball : QCF + P Mega Buster : Hold FP then Release Item/Weapon get RockBall : QCB + SK Megaman drops a ball on the floor which can be kicked around by him. Item/Weapon get Whirlwind : QCB + FK (OTG) Megaman throws a vertical whirlwind which resembles a lot to Storm's. Item/Weapon get Leaf Shield : QCB + RH Protects against 1 hit and may be thrown to the opp. Item/Weapon use : QCF + K Hyper X 1 Rush Drill : QCF + KK Hyper X 2 Beat Plane : QCB + KK Megaman rides beat you can control beat with the joystick press kick to make him drop bombs down, to get bombs dropped forward press punch Hyper X 3 Hyper Megaman : QCF + PP (Air also) If your opp. is near you when you throw it they will receive a initial hit that will stun you thus making you receive the full super --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- None. -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- After a Throw : ??? Air Juggles : ??? Best Way TRS : ??? Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : 6 Ground Magic Series : ZigZag Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag Super Jumping Series : ZigZag AC Finisher : ??? --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : ??? Super Combo II : ??? Super Combo III : ??? Super Combo IV : ??? --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- You may charge his mega buster up to 9 hits. ------- The more you charge the mega buster the more priority it gets and by the way is it me or does a charged mega buster looks like the King of Fighters Sodouken? ------- If your opp. is near you when you throw the hyper megaman they will receive a initial hit that will stun you thus making you receive the full super, however if they block and advance block the super move you may receive a nasty surprise. ------- All of Megaman super moves leave him wide open if blocked ================ CAPTAIN COMMANDO ================ Yeah another capcom character. CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: ??? Enter Pose: ??? Exit Pose: ??? TEAM Super Move: Captain sword TEAM Counter: Captain kick Main Color: ??? Secondary Color: ??? Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR: ??? Starting Battle Pose: He strikes a pose then his clothing falls in a black beam covering his body ??? Victory Poses: ??? CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Captain Fire : QCF + P Covers the whole screen pretty good for going toe-to-toe with fireballers. Captain Collider : QCB + P Use as a anti-air attack. Captain Kick : QCB + K Commando Strike : QCF + K Using 4 calls Ginzu, 5 summons Mack, and 6 makes Baby appear. Hyper X 1 Captain Sword : QCF + 2P Hyper X 2 Captain Storm : QCF + 2K --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- None. -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- After a Throw : ??? Air Juggles : ??? Best Way TRS : ??? Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : D+2 Ground Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None Super Jumping Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None AC Finisher : ??? --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : Super Combo II : Super Combo III : Super Combo IV : --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- You may charge his mega buster up to 9 hits. ================ JIN SAOTOME ================ Don't know him but the Kazama family and this guy are unrelated but he may have some ties to Ramma of the Ramma 1/2 series. Cutting the joke this guy is the charge character of the game and who knows he even may have some potencial. CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: ??? Enter Pose: ??? Exit Pose: ??? TEAM Super Move: Bloodia Punch TEAM Counter: Saotome Dynamite Main Color: ??? Secondary Color: ??? Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR: ??? Starting Battle Pose: ??? ??? Victory Poses: ??? CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Saotome Typhoon : Charge B, F+P Saotome Dynamite : Charge D, U+P Saotome Crush : HCB + K Hyper X 1 Bloodia Punch : QCF + 2P Hyper X 2 Bloodia Vulcan : QCB + 2P Hyper X 3 Saotome Cyclone : QCF + 2K --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- None. -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- After a Throw : ??? Air Juggles : ??? Best Way TRS : ??? Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : ??? Ground Magic Series : ZigZag Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag Super Jumping Series : ZigZag AC Finisher : ??? --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : Super Combo II : Super Combo III : Super Combo IV : --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- You may charge his mega buster up to 9 hits. ================ HULK ================ The incredible hulk comes back as I have heard the guy has come with a toned down armor, a all new super move and a bunch of block damage to every hit (in MSH vs SF 4 FP killed an opp. here who knows) maybe he has more magic series in air than before I can only wonder. CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: ??? Enter Pose: says "Lets rock" while taking his MSH enter pose Exit Pose: ??? TEAM Super Move: Gamma wave TEAM Counter: Gamma Charge (Straight) Main Color: Green with red pants Secondary Color: Grey with blue pants Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR: ??? Starting Battle Pose: ??? ??? Victory Poses: Raises his arm CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Gamma throw : QCB + P Ground rip off : QCF + P Gamma charge : Charge B, F + K (Straight) Charge D, U + K (Up) Hyper X 1 Gamma Wave : QCF + 2P The most damaging super of MSH vs SF is back Hyper X 2 Gamma Crush : QCB + 2P Don't use it people always know when you come down or where this makes setting traps like supers or BIG COMBOS a snap. Hyper X 3 Gamma Quake : QCF + 2K The new super move in town --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- Double Charge : After you connect a gamma charge successfully press K and hold a direction and hulk will perform another gamma charge in that direction can be done up to 2 times Crush control : You control the direction of the gamma crush you may use D after you do it to land in place however due to the fact that this super move leaves hulk very open do not use this super -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- After a Throw : ??? Air Juggles : ??? Best Way TRS : ??? Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : D+3, 6(But is unusable) Magic Series : He must have one I know it Ground Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None Super Jumping Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None AC Finisher : ??? --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : Super Combo II : Super Combo III : Super Combo IV : --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- You may charge his mega buster up to 9 hits. ================ VENOM ================ The simbiotic suit spidey once had is now playable by the looks he is more than a palette swap of spider man he has power and combos that speak good of him who knows what kind of arsenal of tricks he brings maybe he is a faster version of Sabertooth. CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: ??? Enter Pose: Says "C'mon" as does spiderman Exit Pose: ??? TEAM Super Move: Death Bite TEAM Counter: ??? Main Color: ??? Secondary Color: ??? Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR: ??? Starting Battle Pose: Eddie Brock gets the symbiotic suit to cover him and prepares for the battle ahead Victory Poses: ??? CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Simbiotic throw : HCB + P Spidey's web throw simbioticly Venom Fang : QCF + P The Rush : QCF + K ??? : QCB + K Hyper X 1 Death Bite : QCF + 2K Hyper X 2 Venom Web : QCF + 2P --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- Air Dash : When in air tap F, F or F + 3P to air dash -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- Air Juggles : ??? Best Way TRS : ??? Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : 3 Ground Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None Super Jumping Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None AC Finisher : ??? --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : Super Combo II : Super Combo III : Super Combo IV : --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- After a throw venom is able to combo inmmediatly or do the venom web. ------- When against a super projectile do the air dash ================ CAPTAIN AMERICA ================ The patriot and living simbol of USA is back in this game with what seems is renewed priority, more range, more damage, best launching, his MSH air combo-ability, etc.,etc. He and wolverine had in MSH the highest annoyance factor looks like cappy has reproduced it in here. CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: ??? Enter Pose: ??? Exit Pose: Call his partner with a "Waiter" move TEAM Super Move: READ BELOW If when playing as your partner you do the team super cap does the Hyper stars and stripes case else he does the Hyper charging star TEAM Counter: Stars 'n' Stripes Main Color: ??? Secondary Color: ??? Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR: ??? Starting Battle Pose: ??? ??? Victory Poses: Calls upon a bald eagle CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Shield Slash : QCF+P (air) Stars 'n' Stripes : DP+P Charging Star : HCF+K Cartwheel : HCB+P Hyper X 1 Hyper Charging Star : QCF+2K Hyper X 2 Hyper Stars 'n' Stripes : DP+2P Hyper X 3 Final Justice : QCF+2P --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- Double Jump : When in air tap U or U/F or U/B to repeat a jump Accordingly -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- Air Juggles : ??? Best Way TRS : ??? Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : 2, D+3 Ground Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start Super Jumping Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start AC Finisher : ??? --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : Super Combo II : Super Combo III : Super Combo IV : --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- Use his double jump to jump over big fireball projectiles ================ MORRIGAN ================ The Darkstalker and pretty good looking scubuss is here she has absorbed Lilith (DS3's new character and a morrigan off-spring) she wields what I've named RYU FACTOR (Brief explanation: a hyper good character made better and powerful making people forget the other characters in the game). Although she absorbs Lilith in her starting battle pose she has no special mode move but in most of her super moves you see Lilith attacking (save in the soul eraser) she is hands down one of the fastest character in the game her supers are good cuz none of his ground super has long recuperation time and in order to attack her after a super you need to be very close. Also, I think that although morrigan is a good character in the DS series there are very good characters that should be in this arcade such as demitri, donovan, jedah, galon(J. Talbain), Bulleta(Baby Bonie hood) that should have been/could be better in this arcade hey it is named marvel vs capcom show some new capcom characters CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: ??? Enter Pose:??? Exit Pose: ??? TEAM Super Move: Soul Eraser TEAM Counter: Shadow Blade Main Color: ??? Secondary Color: ??? Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR: ??? Starting Battle Pose: She calls DS3's Lilith forth and they merge into Morrigan Victory Poses: ??? CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Soul Fist : QCF + P (air) Can not be blocked low. Can be thrown multiple times in air and due to a little hop it causes after thrown serves as a small "air hop". Shadow Blade : DP + P Can be done in air. Vector Drain : HCB + P (Close) (Special Throw) High Flying : Hold SK then F, F or B, B Shell Pierce : D + K (While in air) Hyper X 1 Soul Eraser : QCF + 2P Hyper X 2 Silohuete Blade : DP + 2P Hyper X 3 Darkness Illusion : QCF + 2K --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- None. -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- Air Juggles : ??? Best Way TRS : ??? Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : D+3 Ground Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start Super Jumping Series : ZigZag, Stronger, Weak Start, None AC Finisher : ??? --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : Super Combo II : Super Combo III : Super Combo IV : --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- I wouldnt understimate the Soul Eraser Hyper X it is hands down the fastest super move in the game very little recuperation time does good damage if blocked and even more if not blocked with 20 or more hits it is good enough, don't use the Darkness illusion if not as an AC finisher cuz it maybe blocked and leave you wide open. ================ STRIDER HYRIU ================ He is one of the fastest character in the game combos extremly well mosy of his moves do more than average damage during the urobolos move his speed and damage of his moves is increased several times due to this after tapping the uroboros you may even do 20-hit combos like nothing. CHARACTER INFO -------------- Taunt: ??? Enter Pose: ??? Exit Pose: ??? TEAM Super Move: Legion TEAM Counter: Ame no Murakumo Main Color: ??? Secondary Color: ??? Auto-Block Color: ??? Special MODE COLOR: He has no special mode Starting Battle Pose: ??? ??? Victory Poses: ??? CHARACTER MOVES --------------- Ame No Murakumo : QCF + P Gram : DP + P/K (Air) P - High Sword K - Low Sword Vagula : QCB + K The following description of this move is extracted from a Kao Megura Capcom vs Marvel Faq as is and without modification: Strider leaps away and clings to the wall nearest him using a small hand sickle. You can move up or down by pressing in those directions. Pressing Punch makes Strider behind him with the Cypher, pressing Kick makes him deliver a diving kick, and pressing F + Kick gives the diving kick more of a horizontal range (covers nearly the length of the screen). You can drop back to the ground by pressing D + Kick. Formation A : QCF + K Cypher : QCF + P (In air only) Teleport : QCB + P ??? : RDP + P or K Satellite Orbit : Charge B, F + P ??? : Charge B, F + P (Air) Bomb Drop : Charge B, F + K ??? : D + RH Hyper X 1 Ragnarok : DP + 2K Hyper X 2 Legion : QCF + 2K Hyper X 3 Urobolos : QCF + 2P --------===== [TRANSITION MOVES] =====-------- Double Jump : When in air tap U or U/F or U/B to repeat a jump Accordingly, can be done up to 2 times -------======= [GOOD TO KNOW] =======---------- Air Juggles : ??? Best Way TRS : ??? Small launcher : ??? Air launcher : D+3 Ground Magic Series : ZigZag, None Jumping Magic Series : ZigZag, None Super Jumping Series : ZigZag, None AC Finisher : ??? --------======= [ COMBOS ] =======--------- Ground Combo I : ??? Ground Combo II : ??? Ground Combo III : ??? Jumping Combo I : ??? Jumping Combo II : ??? Super Jumping Combos : ??? Super Combo I : Activate Urobolos and do any air combo --------======= [TO DO ABOUT ] =======--------- ------- His combos and replace lots o' his ??? for what they should stand for --------======= [ TACTICS ] =======--------- ------- During the Urobolos strider gets to combo incredibly mega-well use this time to try to connect a air combo with 5-6 hit start in the ground then all the 6 hit in air for a 20-25 hit combo. ------- Use his double jump to jump over big fireball projectiles ====================== ONSLAUGHT SECTION ====================== As I approach the end of this faq I decided to make a section with what I know by far of this guy who is pretty damn though: ---------- [PHASE I : FIRST BLOOD ] : In the first one he is about the size of Juggernaut or slightly higher he doesn't block and if hit more than say 5 hits he will start yelling (for first timers if you beat him here it is no end of the game) this section focuses in what that first phase is, what attacks he will use, etc. if you have beaten him here then check out PHASE II : RUNNING BLOOD for how to fight him in the second phase. * He has several attacks at his disposition like the Juggernaut Headcrush (Onslaught style), Cyclops Mega Optic Blast (Onslaught style), XM's Magneto's Hyper Grav (Yes with it good ol' range which was full screen and used to seek you out), as a added bonus Onslaught has the ability to call upon any helper in the game to aid him (that means fight you while he heals), a teleport, XM's Magneto's Magnetic Shockwave, and a jumping or/and flying power try to avoid all/any of this as good as you can and remember it ain't over. * Try to manage your health as best as possible you get to fight onslaught in phase 2 with all the energy you and your partner have left also Onslaught may also kill you or your partner in phase I and in phase II onslaught may "resurrect" him to fight you. * Learn very well any weakness in the helpers attack cuz although in phase I Onslaught uses from 5-10 helpers or no helper at all you may be in for a nasty surprise during the fight. * Most of Onslaught attacks drain good energy and are pretty damn fast so observe him carfully as he prepares to attack avoid the Hyper Grav this move does no damage by itself but Onslaught combos it with a helper call or one of his drain-too-much-too-fast move. ---------- [PHASE II : RUNNING BLOOD ] : In this phase you must behold onslaught's might by watching him transform into a apocalypse sized giant and fight him with the fighters you get left from phase I and with the energy they have left. Here is what I have seen this far of Onslaught during this phase: * He retains the hyper grav, a beam that goes to ground then explodes, a fist a la XM vs SF or MSH vs SF Apocalypse, the ability to fly/jump and eye-beams his teleport and ability to call upon helpers remains here also * Combo him every time he misses a move and try to connect more hits in the air(his face) than in the ground(His Hand) air combos and ground combos with the none magic series work great during this phase. ====================== CODES & MISCELANEOUS ====================== - HAVE SENTINEL AS A HELPER : After selecting your characters and before the helper screen appear hold Start and MP + FK + FP - HAVE SHADOW AS A HELPER : After selecting your characters and before the helper screen appears hold Start and JP + FK + FP ================ TO DOS ================ - Make a web page - Convince marvel that they should kill cyclops - Put combos, more combos and many more combos in this faq - See all the 528 (more or less) episodes of Dragon ball and Dragon Ball Z P.D. If you got a dragon ball and/or dragon ball Z that are thinking in giving away e-mail me. - Get lots more of info on this machine - Beat onslaught gosh this guy is tougher than cyber akuma and apocalypse joined - See Demon Beast Invasion the whole series like 5 videos - Get another couple of ASCII Art for this faq - Try to fill the individual characters to dos - Expand the Onslaught Section - Expand the Credits & Thanx - Get back to university =================== DICTIONARY =================== All the abreviations used in this faq plus a couple more are here: BOF= Breath of Fire. CB= CyberBots. CC= Captain Commando. DS1= Dark Stalkers 1,Vampire: The Night Warriors in Japan. DS#= A Darkstalkers game (From 1 to 3) FF#= Final Fight #(From 1 to 3). MSH vs. SF= Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. NWDS2= Night Warriors: Dark Stalkers 2,Vampire Hunter in Japan. S1= Strider 1. S2= Strider 2. SF1= Street Fighter 1. SFA1= Street Fighter Alpha 1 Warriors Dreams,Street Fighter Zero in Japan. SFA2= Street Fighter Alpha 2 ,Street Fighter Zero 2 in Japan. SF2= Street Fighter 2, The World Warriors. SFCE= Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition. SF2HFT= Street Fighter 2 Hyperfighting Turbo. SF EX= Street Fighter Extreme. SF EX Plus= Street Fighter Extreme Plus. SF2TAM= Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie (only released in Japan). SF:TM= Street Fighter: The Movie. SNSM= Saturday Night Slam Masters,named Muscle Bomber in Japan. SNSM2= Saturday Night Slam Masters 2, named Muscle Bomber 2 in Japan, never released in US. SPF2T= Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo. SSF2= Super Street Fighter 2. SSF2T= Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo,Super Street Fighter 2 X in Japan. TSF3= Three: Street Fighter ]|[. VSDS3= Vampire Savior: Dark Stalkers3,Jedah's Damnation in Japan. XM vs SF= X-men vs. Street Fighter Ryu, Morrigan, Chun Li, Zangief, Any capcom character appearing in this game is property and copyrighted, trademarked and anything that finishes in ed and has a legal meaning of Capcom Ltd. The same happens with the marvel Guys. ================ VERSION HISTORY ================ + ADDED - REMOVED * NEW / IMPROVED ** VERSION 2.0 ** REVISION A * ONSLAUGHT SECTION * DICTIONARY SECTION - Nothing + MOVES NAMES FOR STRIDER / ALL THE CHARACTERS SECTIONS * VERSION HISTORY / ASCII ART (THANKS TO ISMAT) / CREDITS & THANKS SECTION ** VERSION 1.0 ** REVISION A + MOVES NAMES + NEW CHARACTERS + ALL SECTIONS + CREDITS & THANKS REVISION B WAS PUBLISHED ================ CREDITS & THANX ================ * God at heaven * Me at Byway2@Hotmail.com (No E-bombs please) * Miguel and Baraka in Stop Video, Dominican Republic for Showing me how powerful can morrigan be * Kombo from whom I got lots of info about old XM vs SF chars and who made the main structure of this FAQ whose web page used to be at http://www.mygale.org/02/kombo/index.htm * James Chen whose combo notation is now the new combo notation standard in this faq * Foreigner at Foreignermiguel@Hotmail.com who has been a support for me since my first faq way back in DS3 * Ismat whose e-mail I will feature in the next revision * Kao Megura at KMegura@Yahoo.com whose web page at http://www.kao.home.ml.org to whom I owe some of the moves descriptions, names, and the CODES & MISCELLANEOUS * Migs Rustia at squatter@iconn.com.ph whose web page contains the most accurate info I have seen of this arcade check it out at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/5027 * Silver Sage at Chromeluv@Hotmail.com whose strategies somehow appear in this version of the faq and will continue making good cameos in future versions * Lancer at Gamer@Technologist.com whose web page is at Home1.Pacific.net.sg/~lancer/yr98.txt who contributed with the Shadow and Sentinel codes. * Charles Washington at crw3165@Lxe.com to whom I never thanked enough for his MSH vs SF Guide that also makes cameos in this faq as some old (MSH vs SF or XM vs SF) characters moves names. * Anthony Cannon at Ponder@Best.com * The Thing at TheThing@Hotheros.com whose web page at http://www.hotheros.com wich presents a very nice side of the super hero life * John Culbert at tigeraid@Geocities.com whose web page is at http://www.geocities.com/SilliconValley/Heights/1910/ which helped in the form of moves names and stuff * Yow Hong Chieh at Oka@Mindless.com web page at http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Castle/3009/ whose faq served some moves names and stuff * Juanjo at Juan.Calcano@Codetel.net.do whose web page is at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/lakes/6649/ for keeping me with good roms and info about games. * Microsoft at http://www.microsoft.com for not trying to enter the arcade games market (just imagine the games they would throw Bill gates vs. the world a fighting game in which you try to beat all rival companies out of bussiness or who knows what). * Capcom of Japan and Capcom of USA for making great games web pages at http://www.capcom.co.jp and http://www.capcom.com * 3Dfx for making the coolest video cards for the PC * GameFAQS at http://www.gamefaqs.com which maintains what I consider is the largest video gaming information site in the internet and faqs for virtually any game for any system (yes no matter how old it is). * Sony, Sega or Nintendo whicever get the translation of this arcade has my money on their system and this line * Sega of America at http://www.segaoa.com for accepting the XM vs SF translation in the saturn I don't thank you for me but lots of my friends asked me to than you so. * Marvel Comics at http://www.marvel.com (Hey there are cooler sites in the net but this is the official so) for inventing cool characters with good background and pretty good heroes (Save for cyclops of course) * Chaos at Chaos_106@Hotmail.com to whom I thank the codes for specific helpers, lots of strider information, he made the ascii art at the begining, etc. ------- THIS USED TO BE THIS FAQ ASCII ART ***\\ //*** ///\\\ ********* \\\ /// ******** ** *** \\ // *** /// \\\ ********* \\\ /// *** ** *** \\ // *** /// \\\ *** // \\\ /// ***** ** *** \\// *** /// ----- \\\ *** // \\\ /// ***** ** *** *** /// ----- \\\ *** \\ \\\ /// *** ***** *** *** /// \\ *** \\ \\\/// ******** ***** VS C A P C O M DONE BY : ME For the initial version of this faq way back in febraury ... ANY COOLER THAN THIS ONE OR THE ONE AT THE START SEND IT TO ME PLEASE