Der Langrisser Version 0.9 This guide copyrightİ TBrayer. If you want to use this guide ask me otherwise you are not authorized to do so. This guide is for Der Langrisser, for the SFC. Table oı Contents: 1: Basics 1a: Character creation quiz 1b: Basics for this game 1c: Miscellaneous Notes 2: Langrisser II 2A: Cast - Elwin - Hein - Rouga - Riana - Sherry - Keith - Lester - Aaron - Leon - Imelda - Vargas - Eggbert - Est - Ost - Sonia - Rana Dark Princess - Rana Human 2B: Other characters 2C: Playable character classes 2D: Troops 2E: Allegiances 2F: Spells and Summons 2G: Weapons, Armor, and other equipable items 2H: Scenario guide - Beginning Path - Light Path - Imperial Path - Independent Path - Chaos Path Part One: Basics/ Things that both games have with no difference ________________________________________________________________________ 1a: Character creation Quiz: ________________________________________________________________________ (This is borrowed entirely (with many thanks) from No-Life Translations/ Project: Langrisser ( many thanks for allowing me to use this. [Main Character Creation Quiz]   The Main Character Creation Quiz, is a quiz that determines how your main character is like. Like what class is he going to be, how strong he is, how much money he has, how strong his magic is, and more things like that.   *Legend*   LV = Level AT = Commander Attack DF = Commander Defense MP = Commander Magic Points A = Troop Attack bonus D = Troop Defense bonus CR = Command Range EX = Experience points Troop = Elwin's # of troops  Unit = Elwin's troop unit selection MDF = Magic defense MDMG = Magic damage (offensive magic) MRNG = Magic range Class = Elwin's class Item = Item added to inventory Magic = Elwin's inherent magic spells Summon = Elwin's inherent summons P = Points (money)    Note that a "=" negates any previous value for a statistic. This chart is valid for Langrisser LE, effects are slightly different in the SFC version (and possibly PC-FX and Dramatic versions). For Langrisser I (PSX and SAT versions), the quiz starts on question 5.   Elwin's Base Statistics: LV=1 AT=23 DF=18 MP=0 A=0 D=0 CR=2 EX=0 Troop=4 P=500                          Unit: Soldier MDF=? MDMG=? MRNG=? Class=Undefined                          Item=None Magic=None Summon=None                                                                          Q1: The enemy staged a surprise attack on you while you were replenishing your resources. What do you do?   Retreat:                   D+1  Goto Q2   Defend honorably: No Effect Goto Q3   Counterattack:        A+1 Goto Q4   Q2: Where do you think God is?   God doesn't exist:    Class: Warlock, Magic: Magic Arrow,                                       A=1, D=1 Goto Q5   In the heavens above: Class: Bishop, Magic: Heal1(?),                                           Troop-1, Unit: Priest, A=0, D=4                                           Goto Q5 In the heart and spirit: D+1 Goto Q4   Q3: What do you think is the most important thing in establishing an unrivaled force?   Power to destroy:  Class: Gladiator, Unit: Bandit,                                     A=1, D=2 Goto Q6   Strong leadership: Class: Fighter, Troop+1,                                     A=1, D=3 Goto Q6   Good mobility:      No Effect Goto Q4   Q4: What kind of things would you like at your next house?   The smell of the sea:       Class: Pirate, Troop+1, Unit: Merman,                                                  A=0, D=2 Goto Q7   The soft breath of spring: Class: Knight, Troop+1,                                                 Unit: Trooper, A=2, D=0 Goto Q7 A fresh gentle breeze:      Class: HawkKnight, Troop+1,                                                 Unit: Harpy, A=1, D=1 Goto Q7   Q5: If the world falls into crisis, what would save it?   Mysterious holy power: Magic: Force Heal1 Goto Q8   Vast knowledge:             Magic: Thunder Goto Q9   My strength:                AT+1 Goto Q10   Q6: If you were to take command of an army, what would you find most desirable in your units?                       Great soldier strength: Troop+1, Unit: Trooper Goto Q9   Perfect regulation:        D+1 Goto Q10   High morale:                D+1 Goto Q11   Q7: Which of these abilities would you find in an ideal army?   Commander strength:         AT+1, MV+1 Goto Q10   Impenetrable defense:       D+1 Goto Q11   Power to annihilate enemy: A+1 Goto Q12   Q8: What image would you like to hold when confronting a person of darkness?   A vile enemy:            Magic: Turn Undead, MP+4 Goto Q13   A being to worship: Item: Devil Axe Goto Q14   Difficult to kill:          Item: Mirage Robe, MP+2 Goto Q15   Q9: What would you consider your role of life in this world?   To protect those you love: Magic: Protection1, MP+4 Goto Q13   To strengthen myself:       AT+2, DF+1 Goto Q14   To pursue my dreams:       Magic: Attack1, MP+4 Goto Q15   Q10: An allied unit is under siege, but your unit is in a perilous situation as well. What command would you issue?   Order a retreat:            Item: Speedboots, EX+7 Goto Q14   Call for reinforcements:  Item: Large Shield, Magic: Protection1 Goto Q15   Help the allies in trouble: Item: Cross, Magic: Heal1 Goto Q16   Q11: What would you wish for in life?   Knowledge:                 Magic: Thunder, MP+4 Goto Q15   Wealth:                     P+300, Item: Large Shield Goto Q16   Power and authority: Item: Wand Goto Q17   Q12: If you gained great powers, what would you use them for?   To protect the people: Item: Amulet Goto Q15   To rule over all:            AT+1, DF+2 Goto Q16   To promote justice:      Unit: Priest, AT+1 Goto Q17   Q13: What do you think love is?   Something shared:            Magic: Charm, MP+1 Goto Q18   Something received:          Item: War Hammer Goto Q18   Something that strengthens: AT+1 Goto Q18   Q14: If you could change the world, what would you wish for the people to have?   Love, hope, and courage: AT+1 Goto Q18   Freedom and liberty:         MP+2 Goto Q18   Harmony and peace:          DF+1 Goto Q18   Q15: What ability must a person have to rule a country?   Charisma:     Magic: Charm, MP+1 Goto Q18   Leadership: Magic: Quick, MP+1 Goto Q18   Initiative:      A+1 Goto Q18   Q16: Of the following choices, which do you think is most important in becoming a hero?   Virtue and (of) determination: MDF+10 Goto Q18   Strong Leadership:                D+1 Goto Q18   Courage:                          A+1 Goto Q18   Q17: Hmm, you are a boy aren't you!?   No, a romanticist...:     Magic: Heal1 Goto Q18   No, a burning spirit...: AT+1 Goto Q18   No, a man of steel...:   DF+1 Goto Q18   Q18: At the beginning of a battle, what do you need the most?   Knowledge and tactics:   Magic: Heal1, MP+3, A+1 Goto Q19   Cool judgment:            DF+1, MP+2, D+1 Goto Q19   Exceptional battle skills: AT+1, DF+1, A+1, D+1 Goto Q19   Q19: What is your idea of an invincible army?   Small numbers, good skills: Troop-1, A+1, D+1 Goto Q20   Weak but large numbers:     Magic: Attack1, Troop+1, MP+2 Goto Q20   Commander is strongest:     AT+2, DF+1 Goto Q20   Q20: What is a cause you think is worth dying for?   For glory and honor:      AT+2 End   To defend my country:   Magic: Attack1, MP+1 End   To protect those I love: Magic: Protection1, DF+1 End   Results Derived From Langrisser Memorial, All Credits For Results Goto The Respective People Who Submitted Info, Edited For Html Visibility By Moon Knight, This Document's Design Is Meant For Use Only On Http:// But Is Free For Use In The Creation Of Your Own Version Of This Documentation. Please Do Not Copy This Document In It's Entirety Onto Your Commercial And/Or Personal Webpages Without Making Proper Changes Unless You Leave This Credits Section In, And Give Us A Link. Have A Nice Day. ________________________________________________________________________ 1B)Basic gameplay: ________________________________________________________________________ After the character creation quiz is over, Lushiris offers to give you a tutorial for the game asking if you want to hear more after every part is done. What she explains is (with my comments/additions added in): 1: Leader and Troops: Your army is composed of your characters (Leaders) and their troops/summons (Troops) Leaders can and should be equipped with weapons and an item (this includes armor) which you buy at the store at the start of each level. 2: Command Range In battles, the blue glow that pulses around a leader is their command range. Troops inside that range get bonuses on Attack, Defense, and other stats. 3: Troop Healing A troop can recover 3 HPs when it stands right beside/adjacent to its Leader. Other than that you can only heal yourself with magic. As your HPs go down, the amount of damage that unit can do also goes down. Enemy troops hardly ever attack if their HPs are lower than 7 or 8. 4: Leader Healing If a commander uses the Health command, they regain 3 HPs and 2 MPs. A note that enemy leaders will NEVER attack if their HPs are 7 or lower they will always heal themselves. 5: Affinities Different units have different types. The various types are: Soldier, Spear, Horseman, Archer, Sea, Flier, Demon, Undead, Gel and Dragon - Soldiers are weak against Horsemen and Fliers, but strong against Spearmen. - Spearmen are weak against Soldiers but strong against Horsemen. - Horsemen are weak against Spearmen but strong against Soldiers. - Fliers are weak against Archers but strong against Soldiers. - Sea troops are weak outside of water (they do not receive their +30/50% stat bonus). - Undeads, Gels, and Demons are weak against Soldier (Holy) troops and leaders. - Archers (except for the Ballista) deal major damage to Fliers, but their low defense makes them easy to kill if you attack them in meelee combat. ... you should choose troops that you think will be able to work effectively. 6: Gaining Experience When an enemy unit dies, the leader/leader of the troop that killed it gains experience. Troops give a little experience while Leaders give a much bigger amount. If the Leader dies, all the troops that the leader still possesses die(disband), and you don't receive exp. for those. It is a good idea to destroy the enemy leader after you have killed the troops (Killing the troops and then the Leader nets more than two times the experience). You need experience so your characters become more powerful. There are two ways of gaining exp.: Kill something or heal. Even if you heal a big group you sill only get the same exp. as if you killed one troop, so don't have one character rely on exp. from only healing. 7: Arranging Leaders/Beginning a scenario Before the battle begins you post your leaders to various flags on the map. To do this, use the Commander Post command (found at the start of each scenario) In some levels you can not choose where they start. A leaderıs name is grayed out once you have assigned them a post. Don't forget to hire troops since even in the early levels you can easily lose without them. There are two other commands at the beginning of the scenario: 1)Hire Troops: You hire your troops with this command. You are allowed to only hire one kind of troop per leader (in Langrisser 2 (Megadrive) you could hire as many different troops as you wanted and in 4 and 5 you could hire 2 different types). The enemy gets to hire more than one kind for some reason. and 2)Store: Store has its own three options: 1)Buy, which lets you buy equipment for your commanders 2)Equip: following the lead of most RPGs you need to equip your equipment before you are actually using it. 3)Sell: Sell equipment you don't want/need. Good for getting more P after a level where every second commander drops a knife or some equipment you don't need. After you have set your leaders up, press A on the bottom option and you will get one last option: Do you want to save? yes/no (the save will go into the Œcontinue level in progressı save slot). After that the level begins. ________________________________________________________________________ 1C) Misc notes: ________________________________________________________________________ Langrisser 1 is a remake of the original Langrisser for Sega Megadrive. Langrisser II in this game is a remake of the SFC/PC-FX game Der Langrisser. Langrisser II is the first in the Langrisser series to have a nonlinear story. There are a lot of branches of the story depending on choices you make and what you do. At the end you are on four possible paths: Light, which is where you are fighting with Kalzath to kill Raygaurd and Bozelıs monsters, Imperial, where you have joined Raygaurd and are fighting to defeat Kalzath and Bozel, Independent, where you have killed Bozel and are killing just about everybody else, and Chaos where you have allied with the demon god Chaos to kill Kalzath and Raygaurd. Because of the way english names in japanese are written, there are several ways that some names can be said and/or spelled. Here's some of the conflicts I've found... there are most certainly more Kalzath = Kalxath = Kalzas Riana = Liana Lana = Rana Jessica = Jesica = Jeshica Bozel = Boseru Lushiris = Lushiris = Rashris Sherry = Shelly = Sally Ledin = Redin Part Two: Der Langrisser ________________________________________________________________________ 2A) The cast: ________________________________________________________________________ Elwin (or the name you choose for the hero): Your main Character, you get him from the start (duh). He is the strongest character in the whole game except for a few choice characters like Bernhart and Leon. I say make him a warlock cause killing one commander and his troops can raise a warlock four levels or so. (Elwin can thus get class change by Scenario 3 instead of 4 and 5). He gets some nice offensive spells out of it as well, like fireball. The Hero class is inferior to the King class because both classes have the swordblast attack but King has more defense. After that don't make him a mage though since you need his brawn. He is a descendant of Light (can equip the Langrisser) and is the only playable character who can equip the Alhazzard. Sage Highlord Lord General ---> King Read Below Swordman SilverKnight Swordmaster ---> Hero Highlander Knightmaster ---> Royal Guard First Class could be: Fighter, Gladiator, Knight, Hawk Knight, Warlock, Priest, or Bishop Recommended: Warlock or Bishop - and then building towards either King or Royal Guard Playable on: Every scenario ________________________________________________________________________ Hein: You start with him too. You have to make him a Sorcerer - Mage - Archmage if you want him to attain his secret class. If you don't want to make him into an attack magic user, make him a Paladin - Priest - Swordmaster. On the Imperial and Independent paths this is a good choice since there are no characters who know the strong healing magics. If you do that you get a semi strong fighter who has heal2, freya summon, and a bunch of offensive spells. Arch Mage ---> Wizard Mage Sorcerer Sage Warlock Saint Paladin Swordmaster Priest HighPriest Recommended: Warlock, Sorcerer, Mage, Archmage, Wizard Or: Warlock, Paladin, Priest, Swordmaster Playable on: Every Scenario ________________________________________________________________________ Scott: He is your main cavalry character early in the game and later in the Light path. He is sort of like Leon in terms of stats and classes except that he cant use the Langrisser. General High Lord Lord Swordmaster Knight Swordman Silverknight Knightmaster --> Royal Guard Highlander Dragon Lord Recommended: Knight - Lord or Silver Knight - Highlander - Knightmaster - Royal Guard Playable on: Beginning and Light path As an enemy classes: Highlander ________________________________________________________________________ Rouga: He shows up as an NPC in scenario 2 and 3 and joins you a while into Scenario 3. His secret class, HighMaster and the class you need to make him for him to attain Highmaster class, Ranger have some rather big drawbacks. As a Ranger his command range is zero (1 with a necklace) and he can equip a longbow or an arbalest but these two decrease his stats. To make him a HighMaster you have to make him a Gladiator - Assasin - HighLord - Ranger - HighMaster. If you Don't want to make him a Highmaster build him towards Knightmaster or Swordmaster. KnightMaster Highlander Silver Knight SwordMaster Gladiator Swordman Assassin General HighLord Ranger ---> HighMaster Recommended: Any class except General Playable on: Beginning, Imperial, Independent, Chaos As an enemy classes: Highmaster ________________________________________________________________________ Riana: You get her after Scenario 3 ends. You have to make her Sister - Cleric - Priest - HighPriest for her secret class. If you Don't need a character dedicated to healing build her towards Archmage or a Swordmaster. HighPriest --> Agent Priest Cleric Sage Sister Saint Paladin Archmage Mage Swordmaster Recommended: Sister - Cleric - Priest - HighPriest - Agent or: Sister - Cleric - Saint - Archmage Playable on: Beginning, Light, Chaos As an enemy classes: Priest, HighPriest, Agent ________________________________________________________________________ Sherry: You get her in Scenario 3 as well. As a flier, she gets stats nearly identical to Keith, but two fliers is usually more than you need so you could make her something else, like towards Princess class. She can be a Royal Guard but since you already have Scott and maybe Elwin going towards that i wouldn't recommend it Ranger --> HighMaster Swordman HawkLord Sage --> Princess HawkKnight DragonKnight SilverKnight Dragon Lord --> Dragon Master? UnicornKnight Knightmaster --> RoyalGaurd Recommended: HawkKnight or: HawkKnight - HawkLord - DragonKnight - Sage - Princess Playable on: Beginning, Light As an enemy classes: DragonKnight, DragonLord, Sage, Princess ________________________________________________________________________ Keith: You get him after Scenario 4 ends. Either make him a Serpent or a Dragon He gets fairly good stats and is a good flier in the light path. His only really big problem is his low defense which makes him very venerable to enemy attacks late in the game. Making him a Lord boosts his Defensive stat with the sacrifice of some of his offensive stat. Serpent Lord Serpent Knight Hawk Lord Dragon Lord --> Dragon Master Hawk Knight Dragon Knight Lord Knight Master High Lord General Recommended Path: Hawk Knight - Hawk Lord or Lord - Dragon Knight - Dragon Lord - Dragon Master or: HawkKnight - HawkLord - SerpentKnight - SerpentLord Playable on: Beginning, Light As an enemy classes: DragonKnight, DragonLord, DragonMaster ________________________________________________________________________ Lester: You get him after Scenario 6 ends. Until he is a Serpent Knight he sort of sucks but he can make some major kills in water levels (water units get +50% in water and +30% in river and beach). Instead of making him a SerpentKnight, make him a DragonKnight : both classes gain virtually the same stats, and he gains the ability to hire Angels, which comes in handy late in the game (since Nixies are slow in indoor levels.) DragonLord DragonKnight Captain SerpentLord ---> Serpent Master Pirate SerpentKnight Assassin KnightMaster Swordman SwordMaster Recommended Path: Pirate - Captain - Serpent Knight - Serpent Lord - Serpent Master Playable on: Beginning, Light As an enemy classes: SerpentKnight, SerpentLord, SerpentMaster ________________________________________________________________________ Aaron: You get him in Light Path Scenario 9. Even though there is only one path out of several in the Light path where you can use him to the end, Aaron is a very good unit once he gets some levels. He has both high defense and high offense stats. As a Hero Aaron is very strong. Ranger --> High Master HighLord Lord SwordMaster --> Hero Fighter Sword Man Paladin Sage Saint DragonLord Recommended Path: Fighter - Lord - HighLord - Swordmaster - Hero Playable on: Light As an enemy classes: HighLord, Hero ________________________________________________________________________ Leon: If you don't join Raygaurd then he will be your enemy (or if you betray Raygaurd). If you go down the Imperial path however he is a very good character who is exceedingly powerful He starts at a very high level as well. He's about the only playable character whose got a shot at killing Elwin on equal grounds. Even better is he can use the Langrisser so he can get the big stats bonus it gives (if Elwin gets the Alhazzard give Leon the Langrisser) General High Lord Lord Swordmaster ---> Hero Knight Swordman Silver Knight Knightmaster ---> Royal Guard High Lander Dragon Lord Recommended path: Knight - Silver Knight - Highlander - Knightmaster - Royal Guard Playable on: Imperial As an enemy classes: Knightmaster, RoyalGaurd ________________________________________________________________________ Imelda: Sheıs the Imperial mage. Like Leon she is an enemy in every other path than imperial. Either make her a mage or a saint for the secret classes. I made put her on the path to the Queen class since you already have Hein going towards Wizard. If you've got Hein as a Mage make her a Saint and vice versa. She has both good physical and magical potential, but doesn't get a secret class for being a swordmaster. Zarvera Mage Sorcerer Archmage ---> Wizard Warlock Saint Assassin Sage ---> Queen Swordman Swordmaster Recommended path: Warlock - Sorcerer - Saint - Sage - Queen or: Warlock - Assasin - Swordman - Sage - Queen Playable on: Imperial As an enemy classes: Saint, Sage, Queen ________________________________________________________________________ Vargas: He is sort of like Aaron. He makes for a good Serpent, of which you are lacking of in the Imperial path. The story makes him a General but as far as i can tell he doesn't get a secret class. He's an enemy in every path other than imperial too. He is so useful as a serpent in this game im surprised they didn't give him the secret class of SerpentMaster. Archmage High Lord Lord General Fighter Swordman Assassin SwordMaster SerpentKnight SerpentLord Recommended Path: Fighter - Assassin - Serpent Knight - Serpent Lord Playable on: Imperial As an enemy classes: HighLord, General ________________________________________________________________________ Eggbert: He is the other Imperial mage. When you get him he starts at a really low level so unfortunately its very likely he wont attain his secret class unless you use the level skip cheat. Its semi-challenging to level him up when he is a summoner since he is troops and spells sort of suck. As a zarvera, however he is very strong with some decent units and spells. DarkMaster class is somewhat disappointing (one new spell and one new troop). If you don't want a summoner he can be a Hein clone and be a Wizard. I Don't recommend building him towards his only physical class because generals do a forward charge attack and Eggbertıs defense is too low. General Saint Sorcerer Sage Warlock Mage Necromancer Arch Mage ---> Wizard Summoner Zarvera --> Dark Master Recommended path: Warlock - Necromancer - Summoner - Zarvera - Dark Master Or: Warlock - Sorcerer - Mage - Archmage - Wizard. Playable on: Imperial As an enemy classes: Zarvera, Dark Master ________________________________________________________________________ Est: Bozelıs female mutant henchman. She doesn't get a secret class so you Don't need to worry about it. Either make her a flier (GreatDragon) or a mage (VampireLord). The manual has Iron golem instead of Stone golem (stone golem is correct so its a typo). I Don't know how to romanize the name of her fourth sea class (looks like a coiled up snake). Making her a GreatDragon makes her exceedingly strong (like 55 attack) but dragon-type units are really really slow (her movement is reduced to 2 in indoors and its only 6 or so outdoors), but that is the only flying class that isn't weak against arrows. Great Dragon Phoenix Serpent Ielm Guard Scyillia Kraken Lich Vampire Lord Saccubus Iron Golem Recommended path: Scyillia - Lich - Saccubus - Vampire Lord Or: Scyillia - Serpent - Phoenix - Great Dragon. Playable on: Independent, Chaos As an enemy classes: Great Dragon, Scyllia ________________________________________________________________________ Ost: Bozel'sı male mutant henchman. He is good as any non-mage class. He doesn't get a secret class, Like Est, so you Don't need to worry about one. Make him a class that you are missing (GreatDragon is equivalent to DragonLord, MasterDino is like a Knightmaster, VampireLord is like Archmage and Living Armor is like Swordman). The manual has Iron golem instead of Stone golem (stone golem is correct so its a typo). Great Dragon Phoenix Cerberos Master Dino Werewolf Minotaur Dullahan Vampire Lord Living Armor Stone Golem Recommended path: Werewolf - Dullahan - Living Armor - Stone Golem or VampireLord Or: Werewolf - Cerberos - Phoenix - MasterDino Playable on: Independent, Chaos As an enemy classes: Master Dino, Living Armour, Phoenix ________________________________________________________________________ Sonia: You can get her in every path except Light. I have no idea why they made her a Knight since her attack and defense are downright bad. She is much better as a mage, since she has high MP and her secret class is a mage-type. Continuing her to Knightmaster wouldn't be a good idea in most cases. In the independent path she starts at a very high level, but on the imperial path she starts at a very low one. General SwordMan Assassin SwordMaster Knight Mage SilverKnight Archmage ----> Wizard Highlander KnightMaster Recommended Path: Knight - Assassin - Mage - Archmage - Wizard. Playable on: Imperial, Chaos, Independent As an enemy Classes: Silverknight, Archmage, Wizard ________________________________________________________________________ Rana: Rianaıs twin sister. She is Bozelıs maiden of darkness; there are two Ranaıs that you can get in this game. There is Rana the Dark Princess, and Rana after being released from Bozelıs grip. In both cases I say make her into a mage, she gets three secret classes and they are all mage-type. Even as a DragonLord she can be a fairly good character. Rana, Dark Princess DragonLord Saint Necromancer Sage --> Dark Princess Shaman Summoner Sorcerer Zarvera --> Dark Master Mage Archmage --> Wizard Recommended Path: Anything Playable on: Chaos Rana (Human) DragonLord Saint Cleric Sage --> Princess Sister Priest Sorcerer HighPriest --> Agent Mage ArchMage --> Wizard Recommended Path: Anything Playable on: Light ________________________________________________________________________ 2B) NPC/enemy characters (that are not playable under any route) ________________________________________________________________________ (Various Imperials) Liard: Leonıs second in command. He's either useful or a nuisance depending on what path your on. Classes: HighLander, Knightmaster Zilmu: Vargasıs second in command. He only appears in a few levels and is fairly easy to kill. If you want to go down the Imperial path Don't kill him. Classes: Fighter, Swordman Morgan: He's the annoying mage who brainwashed Riana in Scenario 3. You can kill him in Scenario 4 if you catch up to him while he's running away. Classes: Sorcerer Camilla: High-ranking mage in Eggbertıs army Classes: Sorcerer Kramer: Leader in Imeldaıs army Classes: HighLord Bernhart: The Imperial Emperor. Heıs really strong but has bad magic defense (hint, hint) Class: Emperor (other characters) Shinto Priest: He is more of a story character than a useful ally in play. He's the head of the shrine that Elwin tries to have Riana placed so she's safe from he imperials. Jessica: She has connections with Lushiris (the goddess) and appears in every Langrisser game as either a NPC or a playable character (Playable in Langrisser 1,2, and 4). She is only an NPC/enemy in this game. In some paths where she is an enemy sometimes she gets a demotion of levels (example: In Imperial 11 she is a archmage but the level right after she is a level 9 mage again) Classes: Mage, Archmage, Wizard Bozel: Bozel is sort of the anti-jessica. He is connected to the evil god Chaos and HE is in every Langrisser too. If you go the evil paths he is an NPC. His defense is rather low so ballistas can whack him. This is about the only level where is class, Dark Master is attainable in a playable character (Eggbert and Rana DP) Class: DarkMaster Lushiris: You actually get to fight and kill her in one of the paths. Class: Lushiris Chaos: Like Lushiris in terms of stats. For somebody so strong he's kind of weak. Class: Chaos ________________________________________________________________________ 2C) Playable Character Classes: ________________________________________________________________________ At the moment this is incomplete... A - means nothing Classes (Level 1) Fighter Troops: Soldier Spells: None Soldier Gladiator Troops: Barbarian Spells: None Soldier Knight Troops: Trooper (Kalzath), Lancer (Imperial) Spells: None Horse Pirate Troops: Merman Spells: None Water HawkKnight Troops: Fairy (Kalzath) Harpy (Elwin) Spells: None Flyer Warlock Troops: Soldier Spells: Magic Arrow, Fireball, Attack 1 Soldier Shaman Troops: Barbarian Spells: Thunder, ? Soldier Sister Troops: Monk Spells: Heal1, ForceHeal1, Turn Undead Soldier (Holy) Priest (Elwin) Troops: Monk Spells: ? Soldier (Holy) Bishop (Elwin) Troops: Monk Spells: Heal1, Forceheal1, Fireball Type: Soldier (Holy) Werewolf Troops: Wolfman Spells: None Type: Horse Scyillia Troops: Lizardman? Spells: None Type: Water ____________________________________________ Classes (Level 2) Lord Troops: Soldier, Pike Spells: Heal1 Type: Soldier Assassin Troops: Soldier (Kalzath and Imperial) Berserker (Monster), Barbarian Spells: None Type: Soldier Silver Knight Troops: Trooper (Kalzath) Lancer (Imperial) HellHound (Sonia) Spells: None Type: Horse Hawk Lord Troops: Fairy, Trooper Spells: None Type: Flyer Captain Troops: Merman, Elf Spells: None Type: Water Sorcerer Troops: Elf Spells: Mute, Fireball, Decline Type: Soldier Necromancer Troops: Elf (Imperial) Dark Elf (Monster) Spells: Thunder, Summon Salamander Type: Soldier Paladin Troops: Monk Spells: ForceHeal1, Protection1, Turn Undead, Resist Type: Soldier (Holy) Cleric Troops: Monk Spells: Heal1, ForceHeal1, Turn Undead, Summon Valkary Type: Soldier (Holy) Dullahan Troops: Raise, Zombie Spells: None Type: Undead? Cerberos Troops: Hellhound, Wolfman Spells: Fireball Type: Horse Serpent Troops: Lizardman, Bat Spells: none Type: Water Lich Troops: Leis, DarkElf, Zombie Spells: Fireball, Quick, Attack1 Type: Undead ____________________________________________ Classes (level 3) Swordman Troops: Bandit Spells: None Type: Soldier HighLord Troops: Phalanx Spells: Heal1 Type: Soldier HighLander Troops: Dragoon (Kalzath) Royal Lancer (Imperial) BoneDino (Sonia), Fairy (Kalzath) Harpy (Elwin and Imperial) Bat (Sonia) Spells: None Type: Horse Unicorn Knight Troops: Dragoon, Monk Spells: Heal1 Type: Horse DragonKnight Troops: Angel (Kalzath) Griffon (Imperial) Spells: None Type: Flyer Serpent Knight Troops: Nixie (Kalzath) Leviathan (Imperial), Ballista Spells: None Type: Water Mage Troops: Ballista Spells: Attack2, Type: Soldier Summoner Troops: High Elf Spells: Attack1, Fireball, Summon Stone Golem Type: Soldier Saint Troops: Crusader Spells: Quick, Protection2, Zone Type: Soldier (Holy) Priest Troops: Crusader Spells: Heal2, ForceHeal1, Protection1, Summon Freya Type: Soldier (Holy) Minotaur Troops: Ogre, Golem Spells: None Type: Soldier Living Armor Troops: Elemental (impossible to hire), Skeleton Spells: None Type: Undead Phoenix Troops: Gargoyle Spells: Fireball Type: Flyer Kraken Attack Forward Charge Troops: Leviathan, BoneDino Type: Water Saccubus Troops: Raise, ArchDemon Spells: FireBall, Charm, Attack2, Resist Type: Undead ____________________________________________ Classes (Level 4) General Troops: Grenadier, Phalanx Spells: Heal1 Type: Soldier Swordmaster Troops: Grenadier, Phalanx, Ballista Spells: Quick Type: Soldier Ranger Troops: None Spells: Tornado, Blizzard, Blast Note: The ranger has zero command range, you can give the character a command range of one with a necklace. Type: Soldier Knightmaster Troops: Dragoon (Kalzath) Royal lancer (Imperial) BoneDino (Monster) Spells: Attack1 Type: Horse DragonLord Troops: Angel (Kalzath) Griffon (Imperial) Gargoyle (Monster) Spells: None Type: Flyer Serpent Lord Troops: Nixie (Kalzath) Leviathan (Imperial), Phalanx Spells: Attack1 Type: Water ArchMage Troops: High Elf(Kalzath and Imperial) Witch (Monster), Ballista Spells: Meteor, Earthquake Type: Soldier Zarvera Troops: Ballista, HighElf (Imperial) Witch (Monster) Spells: Meteor, Attack2, Summon DemonLord Type: Soldier Sage Troops: Ballista, HighElf, Crusader Spells: Again, Earthquake, Protection2 Type: Soldier (Holy) High Priest Troops: Crusader, High Elf Spells: Heal2, ForceHeal2, Protection2, Summon WhiteDragon Type: Soldier (Holy) Stone Golem Troops: Golem, Spectre, Elemental Spells: None Type: Spear MasterDino Troops: BoneDino, Gargoyle, Skeleton Spells: Fireball Type: Horse Great Dragon Troops: Gargoyle, Ogre, ArchDemon Spells: Fireball Type: Dragon Ielm Guard Troops: Leviathan, Gargoyle, Archdemon Spells: None Type: Sea Vampire Lord Troops: Ballista, Archdemon Spells: Meteor, Attack2 Type: Undead ____________________________________________ Secret Classes King Troops: Phalanx Spells: Heal1 Type: Soldier Hero Troops: Grenadier Spells: None Type: Soldier High Master Troops: None Spells: Earthquake, Teleport Type: Soldier RoyalGaurd Troops: Griffon(Imperial) Angel(Kalzath) Spells: Attack1 Type: Horse DragonMaster Troops: Dragoon Spells: Attack1 Type: Flyer SerpentMaster Troops: Nixie Spells: ? Type: Water Wizard Troops: Ballista, Griffon Spells: Teleport Type: Soldier Dark Master Troops: Ballista Spells: Teleport Type: Soldier Agent Troops: ? Spells: ? Type: Soldier (Holy) Queen Troops: ? Spells: ? Type: Soldier (Holy) Princess Troops: Grenadier Spells: Teleport Type: Soldier (Holy) Dark Princess Troops: Dark Guard Spells: Teleport Type: Soldier ________________________________________________________________________ 2D) The Troops ________________________________________________________________________ Angel: AT24 DF23 Flier*** Impervious to Magic Arch Demon: AT30 DF24 Demon*** Impervious to Magic Ballista: AT22 DF10 Archer* Range is 6 Bandit: AT28 DF16 Soldier Barbarian: AT19 DF13 Soldier Bat AT23 DF15 Flier Berserker: AT21 DF13 Soldier Bone Dino: AT29 DF20 Horse Crusader: AT24 DF20 Soldier(Holy)** Dark Elf: AT19 DF8 Archer Range is 3 Dark Guard: AT26 DF23 Soldier Dragoon: AT28 DF20 Horse Elemental AT24 DF24 Undead**** Elf: AT19 DF8 Archer Range is 3 Fairy: AT23 DF15 Flier Gargoyle: AT27 DF20 Flier Gel: AT20 DF20 Gel Golem: AT22 DF26 Spear Grenadier: AT26 DF23 Soldier Griffon: AT29 DF19 Flier Harpy: AT25 DF13 Flier HellHound: AT24 DF15 Horse High Elf: AT23 DF10 Archer*** Range is 3, Impervious to magic Lancer: AT24 DF15 Horse Leviathan: AT28 DF21 Sea Raise: AT21 DF16 Undead Lizard man: AT24 DF13 Sea Merman: AT23 DF13 Sea Monk: AT19 DF14 Soldier(Holy)** Nixie: AT27 DF18 Sea Pike: AT18 DF18 Spear Phalanx: AT23 DF26 Spear Royal Lancer: AT30 DF21 Horse Trooper: AT24 DF15 Horse Skeleton: AT21 DF20 Undead Soldier: AT20 DF14 Soldier Specter: AT25 DF21 Undead Wolfman: AT19 DF14 Horse Zombie: AT20 DF13 Undead Witch: AT24 DF10 Archer*** * The game considers Ballistas as Œbow armiesı but they do not have the anti - air goodness that other archers have, they just have double the range as other archers ** Monks and Crusaders have the holy attribute that makes them Have a huge bonus on Undeads, Demons, and Gels *** These troops are impervious to magic. **** Due to a bug in the game Elementals can not be hired (even though some of Est and Ostıs classes say you can hire them. They didn't fix this bug in Langrisser I + II for some reason, you would've thought they would have. Note: All undead units (Ghost, Skeleton, Zombie, Spectre, and Elemental) can have instant death if you cast ŒTurn Undeadı on them. This is useful in later levels where the leaders sometimes have undead troops. You cant instant death an Undead leader though. Sea units (Merman, Lizardman, Leviathan, Nixie) gain a +50% bonus in water and a +30% bonus on beach. Flyers get a +25% bonus no matter what (ie: in a crater they get 5+20% =25% on a high wall they get 40-15% = 25%) Every Side of the battle gets different units which sometimes have different stats. They are: Dark Blue - Elwin, Hein, Rouga (not when he is an enemy however) Light Blue - Scott, Sherry, Keith, Lester, Riana, Rana, Aaron, Jessica, Lushiris, all Kalzath Commanders. Dark and Light Green - Leon, Vargas, Imelda, Eggbert, Liard, Bernhart, all Imperial Commanders. Red - Est, Ost, Sonia, Rana DP, Bozel, Chaos, all monsters. Some troops are exactly the same but one costs more (Elf and DarkElf), one unit that is even slightly worse than another costs more (Golem costs more than Phalanx). ________________________________________________________________________ 2F) Spells and Summons: ________________________________________________________________________ Attack Spells: Single unit attacks: MagicArrow 1MP Weak Damage to One Unit (Fire) Blast 10MP Stronger Damage to One unit (Energy) Thunder 4MP Stronger attack to one group (Thunder) Area attacks: Fireball 2MP Weak attack over an area (Fire) Tornado 2MP Area Attack (Wind) Meteor 8MP Powerful Area attack, long range (at the exact center (where all the meteors go) if it can, the terrain becomes crater.) (Earth) Earthquake 14MP Powerful Area attack, no range (Randomly makes surrounding terrain crater) (Earth) Healing spells: Heal1 2MP Restores up to 3 HP (in an area) Heal2 4MP Restores all HP (area) ForceHeal1 3MP Restores up to 3 HP (group) ForceHeal2 6MP Restores all HP (group) Status Spells: Again 10MP Allows commander and troops to move again. Charm 6MP Makes enemy leader into NPC (hardly ever works) Decline 4MP Reduces Magic Defense Mute 2MP Unit is unable to cast magic (low success rate) Quick 5MP Raises movement (one leader and his troops) Resist 5MP Increases Magic Defense Sleep 4MP Puts enemies to sleep (very low success rate, notice a trend?) Teleport 5MP Teleports one leader and troops (allies only) TurnUndead 5MP Instant death to undeads (you can get massive exp. this way) Zone 5MP Makes the Command range bonus less (again, low success rate) Attack1 2MP Raises attack stat for group +3 Attack2 4MP Raises attack stat for group +5 Protection1 2MP Raises defense stat for group +3 Protection2 4MP Raises defense stat for group +5 *Wind spells hurt Flyers more *Fire spells hurt Undead more Summons: Valkary Cleric Fireball, Quick Flyer Freya Priest ForceHeal2, Attack2, Charm, Sleep Flyer WhiteDragon HighPriest Salamander Necromancer None Horse Iron Golem Summoner None Spear Demon Lord Zarvera Meteor, ForceHeal2 Demon Fenrir ? Slepnil Scen.X3 None Horse (to be able to summon Slepnil you must equip the Odinıs Buckler, found in scenario X3 and some shops) Aniki Scen.X1* Heal1, Decrease, Blast Soldier (to be able to summon Aniki you must equip the item you receive when you stand where Baran was in Scenario X1 ________________________________________________________________________ 2G) Equipable Weapons and armor list ________________________________________________________________________ Weapons: Knife Bonus: AT + 1 Comment: Basically anybody can equip this except some of the monster classes, its useful until you get better things. War Hammer Bonus: AT + 2 Comment: A lot of classes can equip this as well. Great Sword Bonus: AT + 4 Comment: This is the best sword you are going to have for the majority of the game, not as many classes can use it however. Flame Lance Bonus: AT + 5 Comment: The best weapon that money can buy, but only mounted classes (Serpent, Dragon, and Horseman) can use it. Masayan Sword Bonus: AT - 4, DF - 3, Experience received is double. Comment: There's a few ways to get this weapon, its sort of useful because of its 2x exp. bonus, but you'll only get half as many kills with your weakened character. Devil Axe Bonus: AT + 8, DF - 3 Comment: If you have a character who cant use the Langrisser or other strong weapons like the FlameLance, this is a useful weapon. Good for characters whose attack is Sword-Blast (like a gladiator, swordman, etc.), where the attack stat is a lot more important than defense. Langrisser Bonus: AT + 3, DF + 1 (after event) AT + 9, DF + 2 Comment: At first its not so useful, but after an event it is very powerful. Only descendants of light can use it however (Elwin, Riana, Sherry, Lana, Leon) Alhazzard Bonus: AT + 12/10, DF + 1 Comment: The strongest sword in the game. Only Elwin can use it however. LongBow Bonus: AT - 2, MV - 1, Range 3, Attack bonus vs fliers. Comment: Makes the character like a beefed up elf, its useful against fliers, but otherwise its pretty useless. Arbalest Bonus: AT - 4, MV - 3, Range 8 Comment: (there only a few select classes that can equip these. So far i have seen that Assasin, Ranger, and Highmaster can. There are probably more) Much better than the LongBow, if you have a class that can equip this, it is very useful. Its the longest range physical attack in the game. Wand Bonus: Magic Range increased Comment: Good to buy for mages. Orb Bonus: Double MP maximum Comment: Very good to buy for mages (especially healers and summoners), because it doubles MP HolyRod Bonus: ? Comment: Don't know if this actually does anything Armor/Accessories: Small Shield Bonus: DF + 1 Comment: For the few levels before you can buy a Robe, this is what you'll use. Robe Bonus: DF + 1, Magic Defense Increased Comment: Not so useful, but its one of the first accessories you get Mirage Robe Bonus: DF + 2, Magic Defense increased Comment: Good for mages before you can buy the DragonScale Large Shield Bonus: DF + 2 Comment: Limited use, but its cheap and lots of enemies drop it. Chain mail Bonus: DF + 3 Comment: A lot of classes can equip this, more than those that can equip plate armor. Plate armor Bonus: DF + 4 Comment: One of the best armors, but only some classes can equip lit (Lords, swordsmen, and knights) Dragonscale Bonus: DF + 4, Any class can Equip this (even mages and fliers) Comment: The best armor in the game. Anybody can equip this, and it gives a sizable defense bonus. Speedshoes Bonus: MV + 2 Comment: Good for units that are really slow like Mages or any leader with ballistas or somebody who has a LongBow or Arbalest. Amulet Bonus: M.Defense increased Comment: Marginally useful, but you have to give up your armor to use this Necklace Bonus: Command range +2 Comment: Good for Rangers and HighMasters, who have no command range at all. Also good for classes that have small command ranges. Crown Bonus: Command range +2 Troop attack bonus + 3 Troop defense bonus +2 Comment: Very Useful, it is like a Necklace with extra bonuses. This item is very rare however. ________________________________________________________________________ 2H) Scenario guide ________________________________________________________________________ Note: The game is divided up into five paths, two of which have several different branches of their own. These are: Beginning, Light, Imperial, Independent, and Chaos. Since there are many levels which have the same name in the game, I have written in brackets the Scenario number that you would find that scenario with the level select, which hopefully makes this mess a whole lot less confusing... Beginning 1 (Scenario 1) Victory Condition: Defeat of Beldo Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, or Beldo gets to the bottom of the map You cant choose where your leaders start this time. Depending on what you answered on the character creation quiz Elwin will be either a : Warlock, Priest, Bishop, Knight, Fighter, Hawk Knight, Gladiator or Pirate. Except for Pirate, they are all good classes (there is hardly any water in the beginning of the game), Warlock is a very good class since Elwin gets some nice attack spells and it has a very small experience bar. Make sure you always have the best equipment you can afford. It makes a large difference over time. So get a knife and shield for your characters now. To win this simply waste the Imperial Commander who is near to you, then go waste Beldo (the guy who's pushing Riana around). Don't go after Leon and Liard since they are way more powerful than you at this point. If the two NPCs are both alive at the end you get a free 100P. After you kill Beldo, the ³Lordıs Army² turns up and Leon runs away, Scott joins. ____________________________________________ Beginning 2 (Scenario 2) Victory Condition: Riana gets to the top of the map, or death of all enemies Losing Condition: Defeat of Elwin or Riana Don't hire more than a few Troopers for Scott since most of the guys in this Scenario are Pikes which are spear units and can kill horses easily. They made Scott ³Mr. Tutorial² since most people probably said no to Lushrisıs question of if you need to learn how to play. The idea of this level is that you are supposed to protect Riana as she moves northward. But Masaya made this so easy that you Don't really need to worry about Riana much. Her troops get a large defense bonus and the Imperial soldiers (except Liard) cant really hurt her much. After Turn 1 Leon leaves and Liard attacks. Kill the two fighters at the bottom then let Lauren worry about Liard. If you insist on killing Liard then use Scottıs (or Elwin if he was a knight) troopers. But if Liard is defeated then your relations with Leon decline. (affects the story later on) If you go north enough or you kill the two Fighters then more guys will turn up at the top around the river. Use anything but horses to kill them since most of their troops will be pikes. After those guys die two more will show up along with Rouga (NPC for now). ____________________________________________ Beginning 3 (Scenario 3) Victory Condition: Death of all enemies Losing Condition: Death of the Priest, Elwin, or Riana Have scott defend the middle since the two sides have pike troops. A few turns into the level Rouga will join. Have him make as many kills as you possibly can this level since he gets the worst troops in the game until his class change. If you go far enough down on the two sides, reinforcements will show up. They're easy enough so Don't worry. If you move about halfway down the map the girl Sherry will turn up. She will move to protect the entrance of the temple, and her flying troops About the only thing you have to worry about in this map is being overwhelmed by weak enemies, or letting a group get past you and kill Riana or the priest. This is the first level where you will see ranged units, but they are not anything to worry about if you Don't let low-defence units in their range. The archerıs range is three. At the end of the Scenario Sherry and Riana joins. ____________________________________________ Beginning 4 (Scenario 4) Victory Condition: Death of all enemies Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, all NPCs If Hein has promoted yet, have him hire elves. The flier you encounter can be a nuisance, use other fliers or archer to take them out. Have two characters attack each of the two groups of knights and soldiers. If you Don't have anti-knight units yet have scottıs horsemen attack the enemy horsemen. You will notice that Rouga can only hire the worst troop unit in the game, the Barbarian. I recommend you level up Rouga as fast as you possibly can because he will end up sucking if you Don't. Use Elwin, and soldiers or monks to take out Vargasıs pike soldiers and elves, then horsemen to defeat vargas. The two NPCs wont die quickly, but they will eventually be defeated, so send Sherry and somebody else to kill the attackers off. Half a dozen or so turns into the Scenario, a warlock, Morgan, and Zilmu show up. If you are quick you can kill Morgan since he will try to run away. Take out the other guys with whatever strategy works. At the end of the Scenario, Keith joins and Scott leaves. ____________________________________________ Beginning 5 (Scenario 5) Victory Condition: Death of Camilla Losing Condition: Death of Jessica or Elwin Here is your first look at Eggbert and Jessica. On turn 1 Eggbert sets fire to the forest, and every phase it moves a square down. Unless you are really really slow you shouldn't have to worry much, since the two mages that try to stop you are weak. Two pirates show up as reinforcements, but out of water they are quite weak so kill them with anything. Use a flier to kill the Hawk that starts near you, but Don't take too long. After a while a knight, Vargas and Zilmu show up. Don't kill Zilmu unless you are sure you Don't want to take the Œevilı paths since it lowers your Œrelationsı with the imperials and they wont ask you to join if you kill both Zilmu and Liard (in Scenario 2). Camilla, who you have to kill to win, is just an ordinary troop and can be killed by anything. At the end of this Scenario, Lester joins ____________________________________________ Beginning 6 (Scenario 6) Victory Condition: Get the Dark rod or Kill everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin You can get some major experience for Riana in this level (since you might have noticed its rather hard to get exp. for her). If you get her close enough to the ghosts have her cast ³turn undead². Its instant death to all undead troops. She can get several levels with just one cast if you are lucky. The gels (known as slimes in Langrisser 1 and Langrisser 2) hardly damage you, but you hardly damage them. Don't try to kill all the Gel troops since they are so annoying to kill. The Wolfman are considered horses, but their stats are so bad that anybody can kill them without much trouble. Try to get a few kills for Lester so you can promote him. The Lich at the end has Skeletons, which are semi-tough, but you can instant-death those with Turn Undead. After you kill a few of the guardians, Eggbert shows up and takes the Dark Rod, and then teleports out again. You have to keep fighting since the guardians will go ravenge the land if you Don't. I cant seem to remember how to get to Secret Scenario X1 so just use the level skip cheat to get to it. ____________________________________________ Beginning 7 (Scenario 7) Victory Condition: Death of everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin or villagers Put Rouga closest to the enemies because you want to get Sonia later on in the game you have to not kill her. If you move Rouga into her command range they will talk and she will leave. Around turn 3 Sonia summons some groups of strong monsters in the graveyard but Don't worry about them. The monsters left when Sonia leaves are really easy to kill. After a while Leon and Liard show up but they are NPCs in this and help you kill the monsters Sonia summoned. At the end of the Scenario Leon will ask you if you want to join Raygaurd (provided you didn't kill Zilmu and Liard). If you said yes to Leon, Riana asks you if you are sure. If you still want to then say yes again. If you join Raygaurd, Riana leaves. Sherry leaves. Keith leaves. and Lester leaves Leon joins, and you can promote him. And you will go to Imperial Scenario 8 (Scenario 37) If you Don't join Raygaurd, Rouga leaves. And you will go to Light 8 (Scenario 8) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Light 8(Scenario 8) Victory Condition: Kill Kramer in 18 turns Losing Condition: Turn over, Death of Elwin Captain Lester will be useful here since he can hire twice as many elves as Hein (you are up against a completely air army). Have Keith attack some of the flyers and go over the bridge until the flyers charge. They will all bunch together so the fireball spell will be useful. You can get tons of exp on this level if you kill the harpies first and then the commanders. Kramer has ballistas, which are long range archers who can wipe out low defense units rather fast but are weak against magic and die easily in a meelee. ____________________________________________ Light 9 (Scenario 9) Victory Condition: Kill Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, Aaron or villagers Here is the first level where you can use the mermen troops without them being at a huge disadvantage. If you move a bit up two sea commanders will show up, but you can them fairly easily with Sea, Air, or Horse commanders. Have somebody go up the map on the far left so the two commanders there will charge you and you can intercept them with Lester. A while into the level Aaron and Imelda have a dialogue and she sends troops after him. You can promote Aaron twice but he remains an NPC till the end of the Scenario. You Don't have to worry too much about Aaron but the computer might make a mistake and leave the Villagers open and the scenario would end in a loss. At the top left corner there is a secret tile (the square with the four poles sticking out of the water). Answer the middle for a RuneStone. ____________________________________________ Light 10 (Scenario 10) Victory Condition: Kill Vargas Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Have Lester and Hein hire archers and put them along with a strong character on the right starts. The air commanders have griffons which are really strong for this point in the game so after you get the harpies just hit the commander. If somebody can get Phalanxes do so since the horsemen can be annoying to kill. Let them come to you once they are charging. After most of the troops are dead Vargas shows up, you can kill him fairly easily with horsemen. This is rather early for a main character to die but Vargas really does die at this level (so does Zilmu but he isn't a main character). Leon and Co. will show up after Vargas dies but they leave. ____________________________________________ Light 11 (Scenario 11) Victory Condition: Somebody gets the Langrisser, You kill everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, Leon gets the sword This level is far easier than Imperial 11 (the other level where you are rushing to get the sword) because you have more descendants of light and one of them is possibly a flier. If both Sherry and Elwin are horses you can even send up Riana, provided she doesn't get whacked. All you have to do is charge Sherry up to the sword and have other characters whack the commanders. If Sherry isn't a flier then the descendant of light that is a foot soldier should get speed shoes and run up to the sword (the underwater parts inside of the fortress are considered inside so horsemen are slowed down significantly. After a while Leon shows up and charges for the sword. He is pretty fast so either kill him (not easy or likely) or just get there before he does. Jessica will show up on turn 8 but its probably too late for her to be of any use. If you use the level skip cheat to play this level again, the second time you will get the Mayasan sword (lowers stats but raises exp you receive). If you get it give it to somebody with low levels. ____________________________________________ Light 12 (Scenario 12) Victory Condition: Defeat Leon Losing Condition: Death of Elwin There isn't much to worry about in this level. Lester is useful in this map because of the moat. Send Keith and/or Sherry to go kill the mages and ballistas and use horsemen or soldiers to get the troops that come down. After most of the troops are scrapped Rana Dark Princess appears and summons two phoenixes. The phoenixes are not hard to kill as long as your flyers are dragons and have angels. Liard and Leon are not tough as long as you keep soldiers and weak commanders out of the way. ____________________________________________ Light 13 (Scenario 13) Victory Condition: Defeat Bozel, Bernhart Losing Condition: Death of Elwin There is almost no need to hire horsemen at all here since there are alot of spear troops and horses are slowed down a lot here. Flyers are useful since they are not slowed down and thus have a way faster movement. The three mages will cast meteor on you so kill them quick so you Don't have to heal constantly. Defeat Eggbert since he will bombard you with spells if you Don't. If you have trouble with Bozelıs Spectre troops cast Œturn undeadı to instant-death them. The story forks here depending on who you defeat, Bozel or Bernhart. If you defeat Bozel you will go to Light 14 (Scenario 14) If you defeat Bernhart you will go to Light 14 (Scenario 25) ____________________________________________ Light 14 (Scenario 14) Victory Condition: Defeat of Imelda within 23 turns Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, Turn Over This level should be very tough. The time limit is really really high (even if you are slow you can probably beat this level in 15 turns or so). If you move about halfway to the east on the map, Liard and an Imperial commander show up, but they are easy to kill since they have really weak troops. Hopefully Keith and/or any other flying character is well into the third class so they have angels and can kill the Imperial flyers. Kill the ballistas with magic or just kill the leader that has them. The Serpent Knight is easy to kill because he only has Lizardmen. Whack Imelda with knights or ballistas. ____________________________________________ Light 15 (Scenario 15) Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies within 18 turns Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, Turn over Fliers and Serpents will be useful here. The initial enemies are pretty easy to kill as long as you Don't let the ballistas or witches waste you. Before you waste Lana make sure your leaders are all on the beach. Once you waste Lana, Faias the VampireLord shows up, and summons 2 Krackens and one Irem Guard (all sea). Let them come out of the water so they lose their 50% terrain bonus. Faias will cast Meteor on you, Kill his troops with Turn Undead and then use anything to get him. Jessica turns up on Turn 10 or so. ____________________________________________ Light 16 (Scenario 16) Victory Condition: Death of Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Every Scenario 16 in the game is this map. The mages that are protected behind the rock wall will be annoying, if you Don't want to go all the way around to kill them, use ballistas. Jessica is an NPC here but she's next to useless as always. Eggbert teleports away after a while so Don't worry about him. The only thing you need to really worry about in this level is having a leader get hit with enemy ballistas. At the end of the scenario, Riana and Lana (Human) join you, and Aaron leaves (you Don't get a choice on this path). Riana gains enough levels to be early into the 4th class Lana gains levels up to level 1 of the fourth class ____________________________________________ Light 17 (Scenario 17) Victory Condition: Death of Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, the rod makes it to the bottom of the map Wonder what happened to Rouga? well here he is. The rod is placed randomly in one of four of those rooms. The archmages will cast lots of meteors on you, and their ballistas can be annoying as well. You Don't have to charge into the enemy, so let them come to you. Your two new healers will be very useful here. On Turn 10, enemy phase, Leon shows up at middle of the bottom. If you have guys there who aren't protected, they will get whacked. For somebody who has maxed out the secret class, Rouga the enemy really really sucks. A couple of Scottıs dragoons can kill him. Whoever kills the leader that is holding the rod gains the rod as their equipped weapon; it displaces whatever your character is holding. After the end of this scenario, there is a big fancy ceremony (in the playstation version there is a movie) and the Holy Rod makes the Langrisser a lot stronger; Langrisser now gives +9 attack and +2 defense. ____________________________________________ Light 18 (Scenario 18) Victory Condition: Defeat Sonia Losing Condition: Death of Elwin You can buy DragonScale armor in this level, get it for anybody who cant equip plate armor. When you cross a certain point in the map, two Ielm Gaurds will show up at the top of the river. Let them come out of the water and kill them there. The flyers are ridiculously weak (equiv. to HawkLord), all you have to watch out for are the Archdemons that some of the monsters have as troops. Archdemons are the most powerful foot soldier in the game. A while after that a VampireLord teleports in and he and Sonia talk (basically Bozel doesn't like her anymore), and the monsters start attacking her. Since the level ends when Sonia gets whacked, and the Vampirelord and Saccubus will kill Sonia within a few turns, start aiming for the enemy leaders so you can get some experience. At the end of the Level you have a choice of going to going to the castle Valzellia (or something like that), or going to Sonia (you go to Sonia if you say no to Valzellia). If you chose Valzellia you go to Light 19 (Scenario 19) If you chose Sonia you go to Light 19 (Scenario 22) ____________________________________________ Light 19 (Scenario 19) Victory Condition: Kill all the enemies Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Have any character who can hire spearmen do so since you meet a huge army of horsemen this level. Eggbert appears and teleports Jessica to you, then leaves. Jessica doesn't help you, she leaves. Kill the mages so they don't cast meteor on you. Luckily a lot of the horsemen have Lancers and not better troops so they are easier to kill. Use magic and dragoons to defeat Leon. ____________________________________________ Light 20 (Scenario 20) Victory Condition: Defeat Bernhart Losing Condition: Death of Elwin If you played the original Langrisser II for Sega Megadrive you will recognize this level, since the events that happen are very similar. Bernhart is the master of the monsters now because Bozel is dead and he holds the Alhazzard. If anybody has teleport it will be useful in this level. Have two or three leaders hire Ballistas and take out the four mages near you on turn one so you don't get hit with lots of meteors. Jessica is here again as an NPC. She is moderately helpful with her Meteors. The Dragon can be taken down with Attack2-ed Ballistas or any fighter. Eggbert and Bernhart (for some reason) both have high magical attack. Kill the two VampireLords with anything. On turn 8 or so, Leon turns up (even though you beat the stuffing out of him just a while ago), and he turns up at a very odd place, the center of the map where all your starts are. If you have any leaders still there they will most likely get killed. If you are far enough up the map you can just ignore Leon and go kill Bernhart. If you aren't just kill him with Spearmen and Dragoons. Bernhart is very strong, but Elwin is stronger. Wear Bernhart down with magic, and then use Elwin to attack (you can use Keith too if his level is high enough). ____________________________________________ Light 21 (Scenario 21) Victory Condition: Death of Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This is the last level of this path so hit the leaders and forget about the troops. Take out all the low-defense enemy leaders on turn one with ballistas. Kill both the Golems with Grenadiers and the MasterDinos with Spearmen. Don't kill Sonia until all the enemy troops are dead. When you defeat Sonia, Chaos gets summoned. Eggbert appears as an NPC and tells you to weaken Chaos (ie: defeat him) so he can finish him off with a special spell. Chaos has strong magical powers but doesn't have very good stats if Elwin is at a good enough level. You cant use magic (Chaos is invulnerable to it) so use Elwin, Sherry, and any other strong fighter to kill him. And then that's it... you have beat the Light Path. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Light 19 (Scenario 22) Victory Condition: Defeat Sonia Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Jessica appears here again as a semi-useless NPC unit. She has no troops so kill the VampireLord above her or it will kill her. The Phoenixes have elementals which can be Turn Undeaded. The Living Armors will cast Fireball on you a lot, but you have a lot of characters who have healing ability so you should do fine. Sonia will try to summon Chaos but fails. Sonia is easy to kill again. ____________________________________________ Light 20 (Scenario 23) Victory Condition: Kill all the enemies Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Have any character who can hire spearmen do so since you meet a huge army of horsemen this level. Eggbert appears and teleports Jessica to you, then leaves. Jessica doesn't help you, she leaves. Kill the mages so they don't cast meteor on you. Luckily a lot of the horsemen have Lancers and not better troops so they are easier to kill. Use magic and dragoons to defeat Leon. ____________________________________________ Light 21 (Scenario 24) Victory Condition: Defeat Bernhart Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This is the last level of this path so forget about the troops and concentrate entirely on the leaders (you wont be needing exp.) If you played the original Langrisser II for Sega Megadrive you will recognize this level, since the events that happen are very similar. Bernhart is the master of the monsters now because Bozel is dead and he holds the Alhazzard. If anybody has teleport it will be useful in this level. Have two or three leaders hire Ballistas and take out the four mages near you on turn one so you don't get hit with lots of meteors. Jessica is here again as an NPC. She is moderately helpful with her Meteors. The Dragon can be taken down with Attack2-ed Ballistas or any fighter. Eggbert and Bernhart (for some reason) both have high magical attack. Kill the two VampireLords with anything. On turn 8 or so, Leon turns up (even though you beat the stuffing out of him just a while ago), and he turns up at a very odd place, the center of the map where all your starts are. If you have any leaders still there they will most likely get killed. If you are far enough up the map you can just ignore Leon and go kill Bernhart. If you aren't just kill him with Spearmen and Dragoons. Bernhart is very strong, but Elwin is stronger. Wear Bernhart down with magic, and then use Elwin to attack (you can use Keith too if his level is high enough). Then that's it... you beat the Light path. Langrisser 4 and 5 are both based on the story that you beat the game on this path. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Light 14 (Scenario 25) Victory Condition: Defeat of Est, Ost, and the Vampire Lord Losing Condition: Death of Elwin There seems to be only one dock in all of this game, so many many levels have this map. The only thing you have to worry about is the enemy ballistas, which will go for your leaders if they are in range. When you are 2/3 across the map Est, Ost, and two Scyllias show up. The Scyllias are the monster equivalent of a Pirate, so they are super weak. Est is somewhat hard to kill but Ost is not. If you beat this level in 15 turns or less, you go to Light 15 (Scenario 26) If you didnt beat them in 15 turns you go to Light 15 (Scenario 28) ____________________________________________ Light 15 (Scenario 26) Victory Condition: Defeat Imelda Losing Condition: Death of Elwin There are a lot of fliers and enemies with low defense in this level, so have at least a couple leaders hire ballistas so you can take those units out at a distance. Let the sea units come aboard before you attack them so its easier to kill them. The fliers at the top of the map are weaker than those at the bottom of the map, and they aren't protected by other leaders, so you can take those out easily. When you move a troop onto her ship, Imelda orders the mages to charge. Imelda is easy to kill, hit her with Angels or Dragoons. ____________________________________________ Light 16 (Scenario 27) Victory Condition: In 16 Turns, Defeat Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin If you can, avoid killing Lana again because it affects event later on if you defeat her. Hire troops with good mobility so you can get off the ship quickly. There are lots of undead troops in this level, so Turn Undead is very useful. Make sure all your troops are nearly out of the water before you kill all the attacking troops since when you do... Faias the VampireLord teleports in, and a GreatDragon, and two Krackens appear, and Lana leaves. Lester with Nixies can kill the Krackens easily, but letting them come ashore is a good idea again. Faias and the GreatDragon are both fairly weak so you don't have to worry about them much. Just like in Light 15 (Scenario 15) if you have a leader step onto the whirlpool-looking thing on the top part of the beach, and answer yes, you get +4 MP. Jessica shows up on turn 8, but wont be of much help. ____________________________________________ Light 15 (Scenario 28) Victory Condition: Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, Death of all NPCs If you were too slow in defeating Est, Ost, and the VampireLord in the previous Scenario, you will go here instead of Light 15 (Scenario 26). The enemies here have somewhat high levels, but if you have been leveling up your characters these should not be a problem. Just remember the Spear-Soldier-Horse maxim and you will do all right. If you are too slow you might have to kill the leader instead of the troops first to get to the enemies attacking the villagers. ____________________________________________ Light 16 (Scenario 29) Victory Condition: Defeat Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This is one of the hardest levels in the game. All of your leaders are spread out. Put your two strongest Characters at the top since that is where the strongest enemies are. Lester with Nixies and your fliers will be very useful in this level. Have them protect your weaker characters. once the sea enemies are dead, this will be a much easier level. ____________________________________________ Light 17 (Scenario 30) Victory Condition: Death of Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, Death of Jessica You have to make sure Jessica doesn't die in this level, mostly all you have to do is kill any Ballistas that are near her. You'll get hit with a lot of magic, so put a character with healing ability on both sides. When you have got to the mouth of the caves, Bozel tries to resurrect the Alhazzard, but Eggbert caused it to not work. The monsters and the Imperials will start fighting each other. The turn after that, Bernhart appears back from the dead and teleports to where Bozel is and kills him. Eggbert is semi-hard to kill because of his HighElves, which are anti-air so you cant attack with fliers unless you feel lucky. Bernhart isn't so hard again, but his troops are somewhat strong. After the Scenario, Riana joins and you can raise her to the fourth class. Then, you raise Lana up to the fourth class (she is still an NPC for the time being). If you did not defeat her in Light 12 and Light 16, she will offer to join you. Because the game was only designed for you to have a maximum of 8 leaders at one time, Aaron will leave if you choose to have Lana join you. If you don't, Lana will be an NPC and Aaron will stay with you (it basically boils down to whether you want another fighter or another mage). ____________________________________________ Light 18 (Scenario 31) Victory Condition: Death of Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, the rod makes it to the bottom of the map (This level is exactly the same as Light 17 (Scenario 17) and Light 18 (Scenario 31)). Wonder what happened to Rouga? well here he is. The rod is placed randomly in one of four of those rooms. The archmages will cast lots of meteors on you, and their ballistas can be annoying as well. You Don't have to charge into the enemy, so let them come to you. Your two new healers will be very useful here. On Turn 10, enemy phase, Leon shows up at middle of the bottom. If you have guys there who aren't protected, they will get whacked. For somebody who has maxed out the secret class, Rouga the enemy really really sucks. A couple of Scottıs dragoons can kill him. Whoever kills the leader that is holding the rod gains the rod as their equipped weapon; it displaces whatever your character is holding. After the end of this scenario, there is a big fancy ceremony (in the playstation version there is a movie) and the Holy Rod makes the Langrisser a lot stronger; Langrisser now gives +9 attack and +2 defense. ____________________________________________ Light 19 (Scenario 32) Victory Condition: Defeat Sonia Losing Condition: Death of Elwin (This level is the same as Light 18 (Scenario 18) You can buy DragonScale armor in this level, get it for anybody who cant equip plate armor. When you cross a certain point in the map, two Ielm Gaurds will show up at the top of the river. Let them come out of the water and kill them there. The flyers are ridiculously weak (equiv. to HawkLord), all you have to watch out for are the Archdemons that some of the monsters have as troops. Archdemons are the most powerful foot soldier in the game. A while after that a VampireLord teleports in and he and Sonia talk (basically Bozel doesn't like her anymore), and the monsters start attacking her. Since the level ends when Sonia gets whacked, and the Vampirelord and Saccubus will kill Sonia within a few turns, start aiming for the enemy leaders so you can get some experience. After this level you go to Light 20 (Scenario 23). ____________________________________________ Light 18 (Scenario 33) Victory Condition: Death of Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, the rod makes it to the bottom of the map (This level is exactly the same as Light 17 (Scenario 17) and Light 18 (Scenario 31), except that instead of Lana you have Aaron) Wonder what happened to Rouga? well here he is. The rod is placed randomly in one of four of those rooms. The archmages will cast lots of meteors on you, and their ballistas can be annoying as well. You Don't have to charge into the enemy, so let them come to you. Your two new healers will be very useful here. On Turn 10, enemy phase, Leon shows up at middle of the bottom. If you have guys there who aren't protected, they will get whacked. For somebody who has maxed out the secret class, Rouga the enemy really really sucks. A couple of Scottıs dragoons can kill him. Whoever kills the leader that is holding the rod gains the rod as their equipped weapon; it displaces whatever your character is holding. After the end of this scenario, there is a big fancy ceremony (in the playstation version there is a movie) and the Holy Rod makes the Langrisser a lot stronger; Langrisser now gives +9 attack and +2 defense. ____________________________________________ Light 19 (Scenario 34) Victory Condition: Defeat Sonia Losing Condition: Death of Elwin (This level is the same as Light 18 (Scenario 18) and Light 19 (Scenario 32) except instead of Lana you have Aaron) You can buy DragonScale armor in this level, get it for anybody who cant equip plate armor. When you cross a certain point in the map, two Ielm Gaurds will show up at the top of the river. Let them come out of the water and kill them there. The flyers are ridiculously weak (equiv. to HawkLord), all you have to watch out for are the Archdemons that some of the monsters have as troops. Archdemons are the most powerful foot soldier in the game. A while after that a VampireLord teleports in and he and Sonia talk (basically Bozel doesn't like her anymore), and the monsters start attacking her. Since the level ends when Sonia gets whacked, and the Vampirelord and Saccubus will kill Sonia within a few turns, start aiming for the enemy leaders so you can get some experience. ____________________________________________ Light 20 (Scenario 35) Victory Condition: Defeat Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Have any character who can hire spearmen do so since you meet a huge army of horsemen this level. Eggbert appears and teleports Jessica to you, then leaves. Jessica doesn't help you, she leaves. Kill the mages so they don't cast meteor on you. Luckily a lot of the horsemen have Lancers and not better troops so they are easier to kill. Use magic and dragoons to defeat Leon. When you defeat Liard, he dies. ____________________________________________ Light 21 (Scenario 36) Victory Condition: Defeat Bernhart Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This is the last level of this path so forget about the troops and concentrate entirely on the leaders (you wont be needing exp.) If you played the original Langrisser II for Sega Megadrive you will recognize this level, since the events that happen are very similar. Bernhart is the master of the monsters now because Bozel is dead and he holds the Alhazzard. If anybody has teleport it will be useful in this level. Have two or three leaders hire Ballistas and take out the four mages near you on turn one so you don't get hit with lots of meteors. Jessica is here again as an NPC. She is moderately helpful with her Meteors. The Dragon can be taken down with Attack2-ed Ballistas or any fighter. Eggbert and Bernhart (for some reason) both have high magical attack. Kill the two VampireLords with anything. On turn 8 or so, Leon turns up (even though you beat the stuffing out of him just a while ago), and he turns up at a very odd place, the center of the map where all your starts are. If you have any leaders still there they will most likely get killed. If you are far enough up the map you can just ignore Leon and go kill Bernhart. If you aren't just kill him with Spearmen and Dragoons. Bernhart is very strong, but Elwin is stronger. Wear Bernhart down with magic, and then use Elwin to attack (you can use Keith or any other flier too if his level is high enough). Then that's it... you beat the Light path. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Imperial 8 (Scenario 37) Victory Condition: Cross the bridge in 21 turns and defeat Lester Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, Turn over. This level has the same map as the light Scenario 8. If you have Elwin up to HighLord by now have him hire Phalanxes and kick the mounted guys who attack you. If you Don't use pikes or horsemen. After they are dead, Don't do much except heal until Turn 6 or so, when Imelda shows up and joins you. You can promote her once (even though her initial class is Warlock she doesn't have some of the Warlock spells like MagicArrow, oddly enough). She comes with High Elves, which can kill fliers easily. When you pass a certain point, Keith and a bunch of fliers will show up. Keith has Angel troops, which are really strong at this point, but Imeldaıs HighElves (and Dragoons if you have them) can kill them. After the Fliers are dead, just go kill Lester and the rest of them and you win. If you are having trouble killing Lester, kill the girl who keeps healing him and the other troops that help him. If you use Leon enough you can get him to the third class change. Make him a HighLander because the Imperials get way better horsemen than the monsters or Kalzath. Im not quite sure if there is an effect for the question that is posed to you at the end of the level. ____________________________________________ Imperial 9 (Scenario 38) Victory Condition: Defeat Sherry Losing Condition: Death of Elwin There isn't much hard about this level. Just kill the spear troops with bandits or soldiers and the soldiers with horsemen. After a while Vargas shows up (he is your friend now) and you can promote him. He comes with grenadiers, which are strong for this point in the game, but by the time you get him mOst of the enemies will be dead. Kill Sherry with Hein or Imeldaıs archers. At the end of the Scenario Vargas leaves, but he will be back. ____________________________________________ Imperial 10 (Scenario 39) Victory Condition: Kill Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin (note that it doesn't matter if the NPC leader dies) This level is sort of like Imperial 8 for the reason that if you cross the bridge fast, strong guys will appear at both sides, but this time they are Serpent Knights. Leon will ask you if you want the Knight to help you. I Don't think it matters, but say no because he is too weak. Aaron will ask Elwin some questions: Im not sure if they will effect your game. If you Don't have a leader with Ballistas yet killing the two mages at the top of the map will be somewhat hard. ____________________________________________ Imperial 11(Scenario 40) Victory Condition: Leon or Elwin gets the Langrisser Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Jessica or Sherry gets the langrisser At the beginning, Liard will ask you what you want him to do: (this isn't an accurate translation) Secure a path to the sword: He helps you fight to the Langrisser Defend: He stays where he is Or Let him decide: Random I chose Defend because Leon (my other horseman) was going for the sword. Have Elwin and Leon go for the Sword, and Hein and Imelda (along with NPC Liard) defend against the soldiers attacking in your direction. Have Rouga do whatever you want. After you kill the soldiers attacking at the bottom left, have your guys attack the bottom right side and try to get Jessica (she is a descendant of light and can draw the sword). If you are too slow, Keith and his troops will block your way and you will have to kill him. If Elwin and/or Leon is mounted he will have to go around instead of through the middle which is faster. After a while Vargas will show up and you can promote him again. Again he turns up too late and isn't really useful at the point you get him, this level. If you take too long, Sherry will appear at the bottom right and go for the sword. If you want to win by killing everything hit her with archers and ballistas. This level is another fork in the story: If Elwin gets to the sword first or you choose to not give the langrisser to Raygaurd: You go to Independent 12 Both the Empire and Kalzath are your enemy Leon leaves Imelda leaves Vargas leaves You get the Langrisser If Leon gets the sword or you choose to give the sword to Raygaurd: You go to Imperial 12 The Empire gets the Langrisser but you can use it. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Imperial 12(Scenario 41) Victory Condition: Death of everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Give the Langrisser to Leon, since Elwin is stronger and on this path (there isn't any more significant branching) eventually you get the Alhazzard, which gives a bigger offensive bonus. This is easy. If you can hire high elves do so and ballistas as well. Kill Sherry and Keith with the elves and Jessica and Riana with the ballistas. This isn't hard. In the epilogue Eggbert joins. You can promote him twice. ____________________________________________ Imperial 13(Scenario 42) Victory Condition: Death of everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, Scott, Lauren, or any other troops escape. This level is the same as Independent 14, except that if anybody escapes then you lose. Have characters with high defense or good troops go at the top (I used Leon and Rouga/Vargas) After a while, two groups of horsemen will appear and try to run away around the fort. You can easily catch up to them as long as you Don't waste time. ____________________________________________ Imperial 14(Scenario 43) Victory Condition: Defeat Aaron Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This is the same as Light 12. The only real problem here is the sea leader. If Vargas is a Serpent knight the enemy one is easier to kill. Just go for the leader though since Nixies whack Leviathans. It doesn't matter if the villagers escape or not. Aaron is sort of strong for this point in the game, hit him with ballistas and magic, then Leon or Elwin. The rest of the troops are easy to kill. ____________________________________________ Imperial 15(Scenario 44) Victory Condition: Eggbert converts Riana Losing Condition: Riana dies/escapes, Death of Elwin. This is the same as Independent 15. You can try killing everything since getting Eggbert and his low defense close to Riana is hard. Again the big problem is the sea leader (Lester this time). I have found that Royal Lancers work well against Nixies even if they are in water. Eggbert/Imelda/Hein should be able to Hire HighElves which kill fliers (and thus Keith). Both Jessica and Sherry will cast Earthquake on you sometimes so make sure you are healed up. You can kill Rianaıs troops but Don't attack her or the level is over. ____________________________________________ Imperial 16(Scenario 45) Victory Condition: Defeat Bozel Losing Condition: Death of Elwin When you are placing your leaders, put Rouga at a point close to Sonia so on turn 1 you can move him up to her and she leaves. Bozel will hit you with meteors if you get close to him, just heal and kill him. If you want more experience you can kill the monsters that are below where you start. A few turns into the level Jessica, Lester, Sherry, and a generic Kalzath commander will show up and Est and Ost will go after them. You can kill them but you Don't have to. At the end of the scenario you are posed a question: Will you go after Bozel (yes/no). If you say no you will be asked Will you go after Jessica (yes/no) If you say no to that it will repeat. If you said go after Bozel you will go to Imperial 17 (Scenario 46) If you said go after Jessica youıll go to Imperial 17 (Scenario 51) ____________________________________________ Imperial 17(Scenario 46) Victory Condition: Kill or talk to Sonia Losing Condition: Death of Elwin In the prologue Jessica and Liard fight (he wins) at the Raygaurd gates and she drops the HolyRod, which you can equip. This level can be hard because of the sheer numbers of enemies you have to fight. The dragons will sometimes cast fireball on you and the VampireLord and Sonia will cast Meteor if you get too close. Have a 2 or 3 leaders hire Phalanxes and 2 hire soldiers and then put the phalanxes against the horses and the soldiers against the Golems. If you have good relations with Sonia, (you moved Rouga into her command range in Beginning 9 and Imperial 16) then move Rouga into her command range again and she will join you. You can promote her twice (very odd since in Independent 12 she joins at a higher level than the one she starts with here). You will go to Imperial 18(Scenario 47) if you got Sonia. If you didn't get Sonia to join you for whatever reason you'll go to Imperial 18 (Scenario 74) ____________________________________________ Imperial 18(Scenario 47) Victory Condition: Defeat Bozel Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Have two or more leaders hire Ballistas so you can take out the witches and mages that appear on both sides of you on Turn1. The Three VampireLords and both Est and Ost will cast attack magic on you so either be quick or pull your troops back a bit so they are out of the range of the Vampireıs Meteor. Bozel has Infinite magic defense (like an Angel) and will most likely do instant death on Elwin, so use ballistas to weaken him (if you can get them in range) and then a strong character to finish him off. At the end of the level you will get the Alhazzard (Only equipable by Elwin). ____________________________________________ Imperial 19(Scenario 48) Victory Condition: Kill Lester Losing Condition: Death of Elwin If Vargas is a serpent put him at the top and have his Leviathans slaughter the angels there. The enemy serpent will be hard to kill. If you have lots of trouble just hit the commander. Don't let Lester get into the water or he will be tougher to kill. Take advantage of the computerıs stupidity and put spears against horses and soldiers against spears. ____________________________________________ Imperial 20(Scenario 49) Victory Condition: Kill Sherry Losing Condition: Death of Elwin The two commanders that are slightly into the fortress wont come after you, you have to come to them. Just use whatever strategy you have used before to dispose of them. If Vargas is a Serpent Knight then Leviathans will be very useful in this level. A while into the battle a KnightMaster will appear on both sides of the map. They are not anything to worry about as long as you Don't have weak characters way at the back. Unless you are desperate Don't bother trying to kill the two leaders that are beside Sherry. Sherry and those two leaders will cast Meteor or Earthquake every turn when you get close so kill them quickly. If you can hire Griffons or Angels have somebody do so since they are immune to Earthquake (You would most likely have Griffons from DragonLord or RoyalGaurd Leon and from RoyalGaurd Elwin, if those two are those classes). ____________________________________________ Imperial 21(Scenario 50) Victory Condition: Kill Jessica Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Since this is the last level just hit the leaders and forget about leveling up. Most of the leaders are fairly powerful so watch out. Riana, Rana, and Jessica will hurl meteors and earthquakes at you non-stop so send in a flyer or just wait till they use up all their MP to attack. If anybody is a Wizard class (Hein, Imelda, Eggbert) then the Teleport spell will be your best friend. All you have to do is warp Leon or Elwin up to Jessica and kill her. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Imperial 18(Scenario 74) This level is basically the same as Imperial 18 (Scenario 47) except that you Don't have Sonia ____________________________________________ Imperial 19(Scenario 75) This level is basically the same as Imperial 19 (Scenario 48) except that you Don't have Sonia ____________________________________________ Imperial 20(Scenario 76) This level is basically the same as Imperial 20 (Scenario 49) except that you Don't have Sonia ____________________________________________ Imperial 21(Scenario 77) This level is basically the same as Imperial 21 (Scenario 50) except that you Don't have Sonia ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Imperial 17(Scenario 51) Victory Condition: Kill Lester Losing Condition: Death of Elwin If you chose to go after Jessica after Imperial 16 this is the level you go to. If Vargas is a serpent he can make a lot of exp here. Nixies have low defense so hit them with HighElves and Ballistas. Kill the Angels with archers or strong troops. After while a couple reinforcement leaders will show up at the top but they are really weak so just keep up your attack. Don't let Lester get into water or he will be far harder to kill. ____________________________________________ Imperial 18(Scenario 52) Victory Condition: Kill Jessica Losing Condition: Death of Elwin In the prologue of this (after you have placed your commanders) there is a somewhat disturbing scene of Sherry, I Don't want to spoil it so you can find out for yourself. Just use the same strategies you have used in the past and you will turn out fine. Vargas the Serpent can make tons of kills here again. You'll get hit with lots of Meteors again so just keep healing. Sherry and Jessica can be defeated with Physical attacks (you probably wont be able to get ballistas close enough). ____________________________________________ Imperial 19(Scenario 53) Victory Condition: Defeat or Talk to Sonia Losing Condition: Death of Elwin or Bernhart At the end of Imperial 18 you have to rush back to the palace... you find Sonia, Est, and Ost overrunning the palace with monsters. At the top there is Bernhart and Liard. They will lose their troops fairly fast but they are both pretty tough and they themselves wont die for a while. If Elwin can cast ŒTurn Undeadı put him in the middle and on turn two (after he has moved up) have him cast it and you can wipe out three commandersı worth of troops (and get massive levels). If you want Sonia to join you move Rouga up and and near her. If not just kill her. ____________________________________________ Imperial 20(Scenario 54) Victory Condition: Kill Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This level can be hard since you are attacked at several directions at once. Move If you moved Rouga up to talk to Sonia in Beginning 7, Imperial 15 and Imperial 19 she will join you (the next scenario will become Imperial 21 (Scenario 78). If you didn't she will go with you at the end of the level but wont fight with you. ____________________________________________ Imperial 21(Scenario 55) Victory Condition: Defeat Bozel Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Right down to the Dialogue this level is identical to Imperial 18 (Scenario 47), except that Sonia is not fighting with you. Have two or more leaders hire Ballistas so you can take out the witches and mages that appear on both sides of you on Turn1. The Three VampireLords and both Est and Ost will cast attack magic on you so either be quick or pull your troops back a bit so they are out of the range of the Vampireıs Meteor. Bozel has Infinite magic defense (like an Angel) and will most likely do instant death on Elwin, so use ballistas to weaken him (if you can get them in range) and then a strong character to finish him off. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Imperial 21(Scenario 78) Victory Condition: Defeat Bozel Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This level is identical to Imperial 21 (Scenario 55) except that Sonia isn't fighting with you. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Independent 12(Scenario 56) Victory Condition: Kill everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Equip Elwin with the Langrisser at the beginning of this level. Hire troops with high defense stats since you will need them. At first this level looks really hard and it is. Have Elwin, Rouga, and Hein fight towards the right side of the map. Kill as many enemies as you can and on turn 3... Sonia appears, along with Est and Ost. Sonia joins, you can promote her twice Est joins, you can promote her twice Ost joins, you can promote him twice. After that the level is a breeze. Now the only tough part is Eggbert and Leon. Use spells to kill Eggbertıs ballistas, then send in a troop. Try to kill Eggbert before his troops are dead and you will probably lose the leader. Leon is tough to kill if you Don't have many horsemen. Use the Golems Ost starts with and the BoneDinos (considered horses) to defeat him. ____________________________________________ Independent 13(Scenario 57) Victory Condition: Defeat Bernhart Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This level is fairly easy as well. Have Hein and Sonia get ballistas and the rest horsemen or spears. Eggbert will use magic on your ballistas if you get too close, so heal them or cast ŒQuickı if you have it. After a while Bozel the Dark Master will show up as an NPC. If you got Hein or Sonia up to Archmage class, they have the Meteor spell which you can use on the Emperorıs throne to change his +40% terrain bonus into +5%. Elwin (and maybe Est or any horseman) is about the only character who can hurt Bernhart, so use him on Bernhart after hitting him with all your magic. Killing Bernhart is about the first hard battle in this game, hit him with lots of magic and then with Elwin and any other strong commanders. ____________________________________________ Independent 14(Scenario 58) Victory Condition: Kill Scott and Lauren before they escape through the back exit Losing Condition: Death of Elwin, Scott or Lauren escape. Scott and Lauren have the unpleasant task of getting killed in every path except light, first. This level can be tougher than Imperial 14 since you Don't have any guys at the other end, where Scott and Lauren will eventually run to. Let the Serpents come to you, and Meteor all the troops you can before you attack them. Don't take too long or you wont be able to catch up with Scott and Lauren. ____________________________________________ Independent 15(Scenario 59) Victory Condition: Death of everybody except Riana, Sonia converts Riana Losing Condition: Riana dies/escapes, Death of Elwin. This levelıs map is the same as Scenario 4 except there is more at the top. You have to get Sonia close to Riana so Riana will agree to come with you. Or, you could slaughter all of the other people for experience, and just block Riana from escaping. Use High Elves or Witches if you have them on Keith and Ballistas on the Mages that are guarding the bridge. Lester is tough to kill since he wont leave the water much and will intercept you before all your troops are across the bridge. The Saccubus and Vampire Lordıs ArchDemon troops are the best soldier unit in the game and are very good at killing, so make sure Est or Ost gets a class where they can hire them. (They should have or be about at class change by now). Don't kill Riana or its game over (sometimes troops will attack her on their own). If you chose ³A vile enemy² in the character creation quiz, go to Independent 16a If you chose ³A being to worship² go to Independent 16b. ____________________________________________ Independent 16a(Scenario 60) Victory Condition: Defeat of Bernhart (later added: Death of Bozel) Losing Condition: Death of Elwin If you chose ³A vile enemy² in the character creation quiz, then this level will be the toughest in the game. Put Est and Ost at points closest to the Imperials. If you want to be extra careful, Don't hire troops for them. Put Elwin as close as possible to Bozel and either Sonia or Hein close to Bozel as well. On turn one, Bozel does a ³ceremony² and the Alhazzard gets a lot stronger. Then a big horde of imperials turn up. The langrisser starts flashing and it becomes stronger. Elwin decides to kill Bozel. Any troop or leader that has a ranged attack should go along with Elwin to go whack Bozel (Bozel always gets the first attack in a battle so unless Elwin has exceptional defense he cant kill Bozel by himself). Avoid killing the monsters if you can, because when you kill Bozel, you receive the Alhazzard, and become the master of the monsters (thus they obey YOU now). Any monsters still alive become NPCs and Est and Ost rejoin. By now Bernhart, Leon, Eggbert, and Liard are probably somewhat close. Have Rouga and Somebody else block the ends of the caves and your Ballista leaders pummel the low-defence leaders. Kill Bernhart with magic and Elwin. Riana and Rana (now Human because Bozel is dead) will NOT join you and they teleport out. ____________________________________________ Independent 16b(Scenario 60) Victory Condition: Defeat of Bernhart Losing Condition: Death of Elwin If you chose ³A being to worship² then you will go to this level instead of 16a. There are less NPC monsters but they Don't start as enemies. Hit the Imperials in the bottlenecks/choke points and blast them with ballistas and magic. Eggbert and Bernhart will annoy you with their Meteor spells, so keep healing. Bozel and another monster will be an NPC in this but they are nearly useless. If Ost was made into a Stone Golem, killing Leon in this level and levels to come is much easier (since Stone Golems have good strength and defense and are spear/anti-knight units). Kill Bernhart with Elwin, again. At the end of this Scenario, Riana joins and you can promote her twice (or up to the fourth class), Rana Dark Princess joins and you can promote her three times. Go to Chaos 17. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Independent 17(Scenario 66) Victory Condition: Kill Vargas and Imelda Losing Condition: Death of Elwin You are now the master of the monsters, but besides Soniaıs troops, Est, and Ost you will never see another Monster troop or leader again. Go figure. The task at hand is to kill Vargas (General) and Imelda (Queen). Bernhartıs stats have been set really low this level, something like 14 attack and 18 defense. Est the Vampire Lord, Sonia, and Hein are useful hitting the big mass of troops near Vargas with Meteor. The Mage will annoy you with meteor so kill him as fast as you can. After Vargas is dead, you can kill Imelda pretty easy with Ballistas. ____________________________________________ Independent 18(Scenario 67) Victory Condition: Kill everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin You meet a massive army of Leonıs horsemen. If Est or Ost is a Stone Golem this level will be easier. Have two or three characters hire phalanxes and golems and the rest horses and ballistas. Take out the mages with ballistas and magic. Take Leon out with Your strong characters. Form a line with all of your spear troops and slaughter the horsemen while your ballistas and archers hit them from behind that line. If some of the horsemen get around your line of spear troops hit them with your horse troops. Try to kill lots of the horsemen before the Dragon knight gets there and kills your spear troops. ____________________________________________ Independent 19(Scenario 68) Victory Condition: Kill Bernhart Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Use Ghosts/Spectres as well as Hein and Soniaıs ballistas to kill the mages on turn one. This is the same map as a bunch of other levels. Eggbert will meteor any ballistas that get close to him so cast Œquickı on them or use other methods. There isn't anything new here so you Don't have to worry much. In the SNES version the portrait of Bernhart looks really stupid when you attack him. Meteor Bernhartıs throne again to kill his +40% bonus. Bernhart is easier to kill now than in Scenario 14 since he doesn't have the Alhazzard. ____________________________________________ Independent 20(Scenario 69) Victory Condition: You wake up, Death of everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin You have to be fairly quick in this level. It doesn't say so but the level ends as a loss around turn 25 if you Don't kill everything by then. There is a lot of ground to cover in this level so hit the commanders if you are taking too long. You have to split your forces into three groups of two and take on all three of the forces at once. Use Elwin to kill Sherry and Lester. There is a lot of holy troops in this level so Don't hire undeads. I Don't know if you absolutely have to move units on top of the gate things that what's left of Kalzath is guarding (you get some dialogues if you do). ____________________________________________ Independent 21(Scenario 70) Victory Condition: Defeat of Lushiris Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This is the last level of the Independent path, just hit the commanders and forget about exp. Lushiris, Jessica, Riana, and Rana (Human) talk and Lushiris teleports away. Your troops are divided so Don't put two mages together or they will get killed (ie: Sonia and Hein). For some reason you can walk on the starscape (you wouldn't think that you could if you saw the map). The commanders here are strong but you are stronger and the commanders aren't very well placed : on the sides there are only spears and in the middle there are only horses. You can use that to your advantage. Kill the Highpriest if she tries to move behind other commanders so she wont heal the enemy. You'll get hit with Meteor and Earthquake literally dozens of times so use healing magic a lot. Once Rana and Jessica are out of MP you can run up and whack them. After a while Lushiris comes back with reinforcements : Ledin (Hero class) and another commander (King Class), they are both very strong but you can kill them with your strongest units. Lushirisıs angels are immune to magic and can whack foot soldiers and most horses. Highelves and witches can kill them but their range is rather small and you'll end up having to put them inside Lushirisıs command range which means that all the angels left the next turn will kill your elves. Archdemons, if you can hire them, are also useful because of their high stats. Lushirisıs attack is always first and ranged attacks are ineffective. Have somebody cast ³Decline² on her so her Mdefence wont be so high and then hit her with attack magic. Once her HP is down to 9 or less you can send in your strongest commanders (Est, Ost, Rouga, Elwin) and kill her. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Chaos 17(Scenario 61) Victory Condition: Kill Vargas within 20 turns Losing Condition: Time up, Death of Elwin This level is exactly the same as Independent 17 except you have Riana and Rana DP, and you Don't have to kill Imelda. Riana and Rana both start at very low levels, so try to get them some exp. Hit the big bunched up group of enemies with Meteor a bunch of times and use your physical troops to kill them when they are damaged. Just kill Vargas and you win. ____________________________________________ Chaos 18(Scenario 62) Victory Condition: Kill Imelda Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This is the only level besides Light 12 where you see Imperial Serpent Knights. Don't cast Meteor directly on the bridges or you wont be able to cross easily. If Est and/or Ost can hire Spectres or Ghosts have them do it so you can reach out and kill the enemy ballistas. After a while Leon and Liard run away. Proceed to kill Imelda, she isn't physically strong. ____________________________________________ Chaos 19(Scenario 63) Victory Condition: Death of everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This is one of the hardest levels in the game. At first all you see is Leon, Liard and another generic Imperial commander. Don't hit them until you've got your troops bunched up in such a way that they aren't isolated from each other (like when the level starts). Once you hit and of the enemy units then a couple more commanders will show up at the forest at the bottom right. Hit those enemies, and two mages show up at the bottom left. Hit THOSE enemies and three fliers will appear at the top left. If a character isn't guarded they will be short lived once all the enemy units show up. Anyhow kill them how you normally do. ____________________________________________ Chaos 20(Scenario 64) Victory Condition: Defeat of Bernhart Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This level looks like it should have been hard but it isn't. After you kill some of the enemies, Leon and co. turn up, just kill him the same way you always do. Simply kill Eggbert with ballistas and Bernhart with magic and Elwin. ____________________________________________ Chaos 21(Scenario 65) Victory Condition: Kill everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin This is the last level of the Chaos path, so just hit the commanders and forget about the troops. This is not very hard for a last level, even if you didn't get exp very well. Sherry and Lester can be hard to kill, take them out with Elves. Because of the way the starts were positioned you might end up losing a couple characters. If anybody is a sea or a flier unit this level will be easier since you wont get stuck in choke points and then wont get hit by a dozen casts of meteor. ____________________________________________ Secret Scenario X1 (Scenario 71) Victory Condition: Kill Everything Losing Condition: Death of Elwin Welcome to the Muscle Shrine! This is actually harder than it was in Langrisser II (Genesis) because nobody has sleep at this early level. The aniki are strong, but they are magically delicious. Its hard to kill them quickly, which you have to do if you want to get the item you need to get the Aniki summon (have to stand where the head Aniki is).