Hanagumi Taisen Columns 1 FAQ version 1.3 by Vash the Stampede Last updated 1/13/2000 Contents ======== Foreword I. What's new II. Basics III. Character traits IV. Puzzle Mode Scenarios V. Story Mode Translations 1. Shinguuji Sakura 2. Kanzaki Sumire 3. Maria Tachibana 4. Kirishima Kanna 5. Iris Chateaubriand 6. Li Kohran 7. Fujieda Ayame 8. Yoneda Ikki 9. Teigeki Sannin Musume (Yuri, Kasumi, Tsubaki) VI. Codes VII. Version history Foreword: This is a work in progress. I am not fluent in Japanese; it is my goal to be. I am not authorized by any official party to translate any aspect of this game. I am translating for two main reasons, those being a desire to strengthen my knowledge of the language and to provide a resource that someone might enjoy or find useful. Feel free to distribute the guide as long as: 1. Pproper authoring credit is given. 2. The guide is unaltered. 3. No profit is made. If you read this guide please drop me a line at kayama@mail.anonymizer.com Suggestions, complaints and criticisms (provided they are constructive and not merely 'You suck!' and the like), compliments, comments are all welcome. Any translation notes or comments of mine are enclosed in curly braces {}. If you feel these are redundant, or maybe if there are not enough of them let me know. I. What's new Stories for the unlocked characters (Ayame, Yoneda, and Teigeki Sannin Musume) have all been translated, which completes all of the stories for all of the characters. Also, minor corrections here and there. II. Basics The rules of Columns are very simple. Try to establish as many links as possible. A link is where three or more gems of the same color are lined up vertically, horizontally or diagonally. The linked gems are then cleared, and any gems left unsupported drop down. The dropping gems can land and cause yet another link. When one link results in another link, this is called a chain, in this case a 2-chain, since two total links occurred. A link that causes another two links is a 3-chain, and so on. However, if two separate links occur simultaneously, it is not considered a chain. Cinderella Mode --------------- Pick a protagonist and battle against the others to become the lead. If you chose Yoneda, obviously, he's going for the male lead (and replacing Oogami). Story Mode ---------- Short stories in the same manner of episodes in the main game, centered around one of the protagonists. However in this case, puzzle battles and fishing things out of stacks of gems seem to be a part of everyday life as these are referred to as such in the stories. :) One Player Mode --------------- The are two types of one-player games: Classic, and Puzzle. Classic is a basic scoring game with no set rules. Just last as long as you can. When the meter in the middle of the playing field fills, the rainbow gems are released and you can use them to break all gems of the same color it lands on. With Puzzle, you are given a set of scenarios which you are to accomplish within the given time limit (although some scenarios have no time limit). There are 50 scenarios initially, though through a code, you can unlock another 40, for a total of 90. Two Player Mode --------------- Pretty self-explanatory. You and an opponent pick a protagonist and have at it. Options ------- Difficulty: Easy, Medium, Difficult Sound: Stereo, Mono Pad Controls: C clockwise B counterclockwise, C counterclockwise B clockwise Gem Style: Hanagumi Gems, Shaped Gems, Heroine Gems { The game looks at your Sakura Taisen 1 saves and sees if you completed the game. If you completed the game, whoever you completed it with has gems shaped like them. And they stay crispy in milk! } Cinderella Performance: Skip, Don't Skip { This is misleading. By performance they mean the fighting-game like post match dialogue. There doesn't seem to be an actual performance of the play, unfortunately. } Story Voices: Voices, No Voices Omake: Press C { Omake appears when you complete any Cinderella or Story Mode episode. Each new picture obtain from further completions are found here. } III. Character Traits ====================== Regulars ======== Shinguuji Sakura ---------------- Attack: Lines Dropped : 2 per level Drop Counter : 4 Defense: Lines Removed : 2 per level As expected, the main character is usually well-rounded in abilities. Sakura adjusts well to most strategies. Kanzaki Sumire -------------- Attack: Lines Dropped : 2 + 1 per level Drop Counter : 2 + 2 per level Defense: Lines Removed : 2 + 1 per level Sumire is fairly well-rounded in ability as well, however she lends herself more towards storing power levels for bigger attacks. Maria Tachibana --------------- Attack: Lines Dropped : 3 + 1 per level Drop Counter : 1 + 1 per level Defense: Lines Removed : 2 + 1 per level Maria's attack drops a lot of gems, but they don't last very long. A successful strategy for Maria is to save up for one big attack, then relentlessly attach with one level attacks. Kirishima Kanna --------------- Attack: Lines Dropped : 2 per level Drop Counter : 2 + 2 per level Defense: Lines Removed : 1 per level Kanna is best at saving up for big attacks. Defending is practically pointless unless desparate. If at level 3 and blocks need to be cleared right away, it's better to opt for the rainbow gem. Iris Chateaubriand ------------------ Attack: Lines Dropped : 2 + 1 per level Drop Counter : 3 Defense: Lines Removed : 3 + 2 per level Iris clearly has the strongest defense. While not the strongest attacker, she can use levels as needed to just outlast her opponent. At level 3, her defense clears about three-fourths of the playfield! Li Kohran --------- Attack: Lines Dropped : 1 per level Drop Counter : 9 Defense: Lines Removed : 2 per level Although she drops the least amount of gems, her dropped gems last the longest of anyone. A strategy similar to Maria by saving up for one level three attack and then relentlessly attacking works just as well for Kohran. Unlocked Characters =================== Fujieda Ayame -------------- Attack: Lines Dropped : 2 per level Drop Counter : 5 Defense: Lines Removed : 2 per level Ayame is pretty strong overall but has one glaring weakness. The pattern she drops on her opponent are columns of identical color (like Ryu from Super Puzzle Fighter Turbo 2), so if the opponent can last long enough for them to return to normal gems, they eliminate themselves and fill the opponent's meter. Sannin Musume ( Yuri, Kasumi, Tsubaki ) --------------------------------------- Attack: Lines Dropped : 2 + 1 per level Drop Counter : 3 + 1 per level ( Maximum of 5 ) Defense: Lines Removed : 2 + 1 per level "Sannin de, ganbarimasu!" You'll hear this in your sleep. Yoneda Ikki ----------- Attack: Lines Dropped : 1 + 1 per level Drop Counter : 3 + 1 per level Defense: Lines Removed : 3 per level Although he doesn't look overly powerful, Yoneda's strength lies in his drop pattern. It is obnoxiously shuffled, and it doesn't tend to eliminate itself much if at all. A relentless Yoneda is tough to deal with. Plus, his defense is as strong as Iris'. IV. Puzzle Mode Scenarios The scenarios may seem very similar at times, but they are modified in difficulty by pre-existing gems in different arrangements. Your choice of "cheerleader" doesn't seem to have a direct effect on what gems are dropped. 1 - Within 1 minute, eliminate 20 gems. 2 - Within 1 minute, eliminate 4 gems of the same color simultaneously. 3 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate the flashing gem. 4 - Within 1 minute, perform a 2-chain. 5 - Within 2 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 6 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate the flashing gem. 7 - Within 1 minute, eliminate 5 gems of the same color simultaneously. 8 - Within 1 minute, eliminate 40 gems. 9 - Within 2 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 10 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 11 - Within 3 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 12 - Within 1 minute, eliminate 10 red gems. 13 - Within 2 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 14 - Within 1 minute, eliminate 6 gems of the same color simultaneously. 15 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 16 - Within 1 minute and 30 seconds, eliminate 20 green gems. 17 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate 7 gems of the same color simultaneously. 18 - Within 3 minutes, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 19 - Within 3 minutes, perform a 3-chain. 20 - Within 1 minute and 30 seconds, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 21 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate 20 green gems. 22 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate the flashing gem. 23 - Within 3 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 24 - Within 3 minutes, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 25 - Within 1 minute, perform a 3-chain. 26 - Within 2 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 27 - Within 3 minutes, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 28 - Within 3 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 29 - Within 1 minute, eliminate 50 gems. 30 - Within 1 minute, perform a 3-chain. 31 - Within 3 minutes, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 32 - Within 3 minutes, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 33 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate 8 gems of the same color simultaenously. 34 - Within 2 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 35 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate 25 blue gems. 36 - Within 1 minute, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 37 - Within 3 minutes, eliminate 9 gems of the same color simultaneously. 38 - Within 4 minutes, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 39 - Within 3 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 40 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate 30 pink gems. 41 - Within 3 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 42 - Within 3 minutes, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 43 - Within 3 minutes, perform a 4-chain. 44 - Within 4 minutes, eliminate all of the flashing gems. 45 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate 10 gems of the same color simultaneously. 46 - Within 2 minutes, eliminate 110 gems. 47 - Within 5 minutes, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 48 - Within 3 minutes, eliminate the flashing gem. 49 - With no time limit, get all of the gems under the flashing white line. 50 - Within 1 minute, perform a 10-chain. V. Story Mode ============= For each belief point the protagonist of the story has, Oogami gets a certain bonus percentage during the puzzle sections of story mode. The puzzle sections are either Puzzle Scenarios or a Match (protagonist vs. another character). For the Puzzle Scenario, the bonus percentage is applied to the base time. For a Match, the bonus percentage applies to the speed of filling the ki meter. 1. Shinguuji Sakura ------------------- August, the 12th year of Taisho. Oogami was spending this hot and humid summer evening in the Captain's Quarters. Oogami: Well, well, it's hot isn't it. Even up until the time for the night watch... Seems like it's going to be a long night, isn't it. ...hm? Who could it be. Yes! I'm opening the door now. Sakura: Good evening, Oogami-san. Oogami: Hi, Sakura-kun. What is it? Sakura: Um... This evening, at the Sumidakawa River, they are having a fireworks display. Maybe, if you have some free time... We could go to it, together? LIPS Choice: 1. Sounds good, let's go together. (S+) 2. I'll call the others. 3. It would be a hassle. (Choice 1) Oogami: Sounds good, let's go together. After making room for me, I'd be happy to spend time with you. Sakura: Thank you very much! I'm glad I gathered the courage to ask... Oogami: By the way, until what time is the fireworks display going to last? Sakura: It will be from seven o'clock until nine. It will be fine. We will return in plenty of time before the middle of the night. Hoohoo, this is getting exciting, isn't it. Now, Oogami-san, let's go! (End Choice 1) ( Episode title screen - A Short Evening For a Romantic Maiden! ) Oogami: Well, let's go. Ayame: Ah, it's Oogami-kun. Just who I wanted to see. Sakura: Good evening, Ayame-san. Ayame: Ah, Sakura is with you? Hoohoohoo, as always you are close. Oogami: ...B-by the way, what do you want with me? Ayame: It's bad considering that you two are taking trouble to leave but... If you could, I need some of your time for a few tasks. Perhaps you could come with me? LIPS Choice: 1. I understand. 2. Well, I'm a little busy... (S+) (Choice 2) Oogami: I'm sorry, Ayame-san. The truth is, just now, I promised I would go with Sakura. Sakura: Oogami-san... Thank you very much. You are taking the trouble to look out for me... However, business is most important... Please place priority upon it. Ayame: ....Well, how shall we do this. We'll have a match, and if I win, you will perform the tasks. In return, if you win, the tasks can wait until tomorrow. In my position, I cannot be too soft. Please understand, both of you. (End Choice 2) Match: Sakura vs. Ayame Ayame: ...Excellent! Now then, please go with care. Oogami: Right, here we go! Now then, Sakura-kun. Let's go by way of the salon. Sakura: Yes! Oogami: Oh no, it's almost seven. We need to hurry. Sumire: What is this... The ensign and Sakura-san. Sakura: ....Ah! S-sumire-san! Sumire: You two have come to this place at a good time. My spoon has fallen underneath the sofa. Won't you find it for me? LIPS Choice: 1. ....I understand. (S+) 2. We're in a hurry right now. (Choice 1) Oogami: ....I understand. The spoon is underneath the sofa? Sakura: Oogami-san... Oogami: Sakura-kun, I am going to quietly do as she asks here. As for Sumire-kun... If we run recklessly and are caught it would be terrible. Sakura: Ah, I see... That's true. Just as I would expect of you, Oogami-san! Sumire: ...You two, what are you discussing with each other in such a sneaky fashion? Oogami: N-no, it's nothing. Right, I'll find the spoon! Puzzle Scenario (find the spoon): Within 1 minute and 30 seconds, eliminate the flashing gem. Oogami: This would be Sumire-kun's fallen spoon, wouldn't it? Sumire: Ah, that is the one. Thank you very much, ensign. You were a great help. Oogami: No, no, you're quite welcome. Well, let's go, Sakura-kun. Sakura: Yes! Oogami: ...Well, well. How far will we get safely. Maria: ...? What's that, I thought I heard something. Oogami: (Ah...it's Maria!) Maria: I thought she was going to rehearse with me but Sakura was not in her room... I'm worried. Sakura: O-oogami-san! If she sees me, I... I will have to rehearse with her. Oogami: (We should hide here... no, wait. Maybe we should just run for it...) LIPS Choice: 1. Run. (Time over) Maria: I don't hear anything else... I probably just imagined it. Oogami: (Right, this is good... she hasn't realized we're here.) Sakura: O...Oogami-san... Oogami: W-what's wrong, Sakura-kun? Sakura: I...I'm going to sneeze. Oogami: W....what did you say? Stifle it! Sakura: No...no good... A....aaaa.... Aaaachoo! Maria: ....!! That voice...Sakura?! Oogami: Oh no, we've been spotted. Sakura-kun, run!! Maria: Sakura, wait! Where do you think you're going?! (End Time over) Match: Sakura vs. Maria Oogami: Phew...I think it's okay to stop running. Sakura: I think so. However, we've wasted a lot of time, haven't we. Oogami: It's five minutes before eight... we don't have time to sneak through the brush any more. Tsubaki: Ah, it's Oogami-san! Oogami: Woah... Tsu-tsubaki-chan. And Yuri-kun and Kasumi-kun as well... Yuri: What's this? Sakura-kun is with you too. What is going on? Sakura: N-no, that is... Nothing. Oogami: W-what about you all? What are you doing at this hour? Kasumi: We've been assigned a great deal of work... We are working overtime today. Yuri: That's right! Oogami-san, we could use your help. If you have some free time, please give us a hand! LIPS Choice: 1. I understand...I'll help. 2. I'm in a bit of a hurry right now. (S+) (Choice 2) Oogami: Right now...we're in a hurry. It's bad of me, but I can't help with your work. Right, Sakura-kun? Sakura: Yes, that's right... I am really very sorry. Yuri: A-haaa... You both want to go out to see the fireworks display, don't you? Oogami: Ehh?! W-why do you say that?! Yuri: What's this...I struck a chord. That's really what's going on, isn't it. Oogami-san and Sakura-san going together alone to see the fireworks... Ahhhh, this is a juicy bit of news! Oogami: W-wait a minute! Yuri-kun, please don't take it upon yourself to spread rumors! Yuri: Well then, this is what we will do. If you two can win in a match against us, we will keep silent about it. Kasumi: In return, if you lose, you will help us with our work. Sakura: Oogami-san, let's do our best! If we don't hurry, the fireworks display will be finished! Match: Sakura vs. Sannin Musume Oogami: Sakura-kun, hurry! There is still time! Sakura: Y-yes! Oogami: We've made it to the entrance hall... It's been a long road, hasn't it. Sakura: At last... At last, I will see the fireworks with Oogami-san. Iris: Ahhhhhh! Oniichan! Where are you going with Sakura? Oogami: Eeee?! It can't be...that voice... Sakura: I....Iris?! Iris: Where are you going without telling Iris?! LIPS Choice: 1. We're going to see the fireworks. 2. We are doing the night watch. (Time over) Sakura: ....... ...Iris, we wanted to go see the fireworks. Oogami: S-sakura-kun! If you say that, Iris will... Sakura: I do not want to lie about this any longer. I have had enough of running around. I want to say what I feel, that I want to go out with Oogami-san! Oogami: Sakura-kun... Iris: Oniichan, just as Iris thought you wanted to leave without telling her! Iris says she wants to go see the fireworks!! Iris wants to go with oniichan too! Match; Sakura vs. Iris Iris: No, no, no, no! Iris wants to go with oniichan to see the fireworks!! Oogami: Iris, it's past your bedtime. Here, look at the clock. It's already nine o'clock... Ehhh?! Nine...past nine o'clock!! Sakura: The fireworks display... must be over now. Iris: What, that's boring. Iris wanted to see the fireworks but now she'll go to bed. Oogami: Sakura-kun... Sakura: How disappointing... The fireworks with Oogami-san... I wanted to see it... Ah?! That's it, Oogami-san. Wait just a moment! Oogami: Eh?! What's the matter?! Sakura: Please wait right here. I will be back soon. Oogami: (Sakura-kun...what could this be?) Sakura: ...Thank you for waiting, Oogami-san. I quickly ran back to my room to get these. Oogami: Ah, incense fireworks! { This is what it translates directly to. The original is "senkou hanabi" literally incense stick fireworks. } Sakura: These are wonderful fireworks. Well now, let's go use them! Waaa, how pretty... A somewhat... mysterious light, isn't it. Big fireworks in the night sky are good but, now and then something like this is good as well, isn't it... Oogami: This would be a fireworks display for two, wouldn't it. Sakura: Oogami-san... It somewhat cold isn't it. Oogami-san... is it okay if I move a little closer? Oogami: Eh? You say you're cold. I think the night is very warm... Sakura: That's fine... But I think it's cold. Shown written in the upper left as the credits roll: "Sakura-kun, this is the very last one." "So it is..." "Oogami-san..." Final picture: "I hope this one burns forever." 2. Kanzaki Sumire ----------------- November, the 12th year of Taisho. Oogami and Sumire were called to Director Yoneda's office. Sumire: What is it, Director. You have called me here... Yoneda: Right. The truth is, tomorrow a special fan organization will be making a trip to Teigeki. And so, I want you two to be the Hanagumi Representatives and guides to the fan organization. Sumire: Hanagumi Representatives did you say?! Director Yoneda understands well, does he not? Choosing me as a Hanagumi Representative, he truly is an intelligent owner! Yoneda: ...At any rate, Oogami. Do your best together with Sumire. LIPS Choice: 1. I'll do my best. (Sum+) 2. What will the other members of the group do? (Choice 1) Oogami: As for myself, I don't know how useful I will be but... I'll do my best with Sumire. Sumire: Ensign, there is no need to worry yourself. I will be with you. Sakura: What's this, Oogami-san. You seem to enjoy the idea of being together with Sumire-san. Oogami: S-sakura-kun?! Kanna: We can't agree with you deciding on the Hanagumi Representatives without telling us anything about it, Director! Oogami: Woah, e-everyone... All here, even Ayame-san! What in the world is going on? Kohran: We won't allow this is what! Iris: Iris says that she and oniichan will be the ones to welcome them! Yoneda: I-Iris. As far as welcoming the fan organization, we're just going to have someone else do it a little, for now... Iris: Ah, that's boring! Again, only Iris is left out of the group! Maria: ...At any rate, doing things this way is just a little unfair, isn't it. I also do not approve of it. Yoneda: Ahhh, alright, alright! Why don't you compete to become the Hanagumi Representatives! Sumire: I demand that it be a contest of splendid outfits. Sakura: ...Understood. Then, it will be a Hanagumi Representative Judging Contest! Ayame: My, my... this has turned into something very interesting, hasn't it. I wonder if I should also participate? Oogami: Well, well... this has turned into something terrible, hasn't it... (Episode title screen - Falling Cherry Blossoms! Sumire Six-time Changing!) Sumire: Well, I am prepared. For this judging, who will be my first opponent? Maria: ...I am. From "Ai Yue Ni" I will compete in the guise of Andre. Sumire: I see. A comparison of splendid costumes it is. If you will wait here just one moment... As for myself, I will be competing in this New Year's kimono. Andre or Kandre I do not know which, but I will not lose to such an outfit. Maria: So you say but... Sumire, do you know which country this outfit is from? Sumire: Ohohoho...Did you think that I would not know such a thing? LIPS Choice: 1. An English outfit. 2. A German outfit. 3. A French outfit. (Sum-) (Choice 3) Oogami: Perhaps...it's a French outfit, isn't it. Maria: Just as I would expect from you Captain. You really are knowledgeable aren't you. Sumire: I knew that as well. Ensign, may I please answer for myself!? Oogami: S...sorry. Maria: If you behave in such a fashion tomorrow during the welcoming what will the guests think? Sumire: It is none of your affair! The role of Hanagumi Representative is one that I will yield to no one! And so Maria-san, let us begin! (End Choice 3) Match: Sumire vs. Maria Maria: You did it, Sumire... I lost. Sumire: Well, naturally this would be the expected result, wouldn't it. Now then, who will be my next opponent? Kohran: Sumire-han, I'm your opponent. From the stage of "Daikyo Ryuuto", I will compete in the guise of the explorer! How's that, Sumire-han? You won't have anything to top this! Sumire: With my outfit, you wish to put yourself against with something for the common people? This is the outfit Seki-musume from "Ai Yue Ni." It is the most common and plain outfit I have! { Sumire refers to Seki-musume here, but I'm not sure if Seki is a family name or not. } Kohran: ... "Common, common" you say that too much. Do you really know anything about it? Surely, you don't know anything about "takoyaki" either? You poor thing. { Takoyaki - octopus dumplings } Sumire: N, now just a minute! I know what it is! Takoyaki... takoyaki is... LIPS Choice 1. A kind of food that is wrapped octopus.. 2. It's a kind of fried food. (None chosen-Time over) Sumire: Erm... This time, I will allow the ensign to answer. Oogami: S-sumire-kun, the last time I answered you got angry, didn't you. Sumire: B-be quiet! Do not indulge in the bad habit men have of saying meaningless things. Kohran: Now, now, stop fighting. ...Really, would it be okay if you did such things tomorrow? Sumire: I have had enough of trival conversation. Kohran, you will not be there. Now, let us begin! (End Time over) Match: Sumire vs. Kohran Kohran: I, I've been defeated. I lost! Sumire: Ohohohoho! That makes two victories, does it not. Kanna: Heheh, the third opponent is the great Kirishima Kanna. { Kanna does something unusual here by adding an honorific to her own name by saying Kirishima Kanna-sama. I figured that would be the closest English equivalent I can think of } I will be competing in our pilot outfit. As a member of the Hanagumi it's only fitting. Sumire: How quaint. For this match, stand and be ready. ...Now, how is this? Kanna: Heheh, as I thought you also came in the outfit of the Teitokagekidan unit. Now I'll put an end to this. { "I'll put an end to this" is just a guess. I could not figure out the meaning of what she says, which is "Chitta, sama ni natteru ze." Any help would be appreciated. } How does that old proverb go? The something to do with a horse and an outfit, or something. Erm... how does it go? { This whole section is based around Japanese wordplay so bear with me here...} LIPS Choice 1. It's { Mago ni mo ishou ) 2. It's { Mago ni mo ishou } 3. It's { Uma no mimi ni nenbutsu } Time over - Sum+ { Okay. Choice 1 and 2 are said the same but use different characters. Choice 1 means "The clothes of a grandchild as well." Choice 2 means "The clothes of a packhorse driver as well." Choice 3 means "Praying into the ears of a horse." Choice 3 is a Japanese idiom equivalent to "In one ear and out the other." } (None chosen-Time over) Sumire: It goes, "The clothes of a packhorse driver." { ... I don't get it. Anyone? } Oogami: Just I expected of you Sumire-kun. You knew it well. Sumire: Hoo... It only took a little common sense. And also, the clothes of a packhorse driver would be perfect for Kanna-san would they not? The type of people Kanna-san belong to would consider it such a splendid outfit, would they not? Kanna: ...I won't tolerate listening to this any more! I will take the role of Hanagumi Representative! Prepare yourself! (End Time over) Match: Sumire vs. Kanna Kanna: Damn, I lost. Sumire: You are 1,000,000 years too early to beat me. Please leave. Now, that makes three victories, does it not? Who will be my next opponent? Ayame: I will be your opponent this time. How is this, in the outfit of a kimono? Sumire: It will do fine. Kimono, it is... My usual kimono will be more than sufficient for this situation. My special New Year's kimono made from special Nishijinshiki would be too overwhelming a victory here, I fear. Ayame: So you say but do you know what Nishin is? LIPS Choice: 1. It's the name of a store. 2. It's the name of a person. 3. It's the name of a place. (Time over - Sum+) (Time over) Sumire: Naturally, I am aware of it. It was shikimono made in Nishinjin of Tokyo, thus Nishinjinshiki. Oogami: Just as I would expect of Sumire-kun to be very knowledgeable about kimonos. Sumire: Ohohohoho...It is only natural for a lady to know such things. Ayame: It's just like Sumire. Before we get too big, let us begin the match. Sumire: My opponent has no deficiencies. Let us begin, Ayame-san. (End Time Over) Match: Sumire vs. Ayame Ayame: My, my... You did it, you two. Please do as well tomorrow. Sumire: Ohohohohohoho! Please leave it to us, do not worry! Yoneda: Hm! This will be enough. Tomorrow the roles of welcomers will belong to Oogami and Sumire. Sakura: Wait just a moment! There is still me left. I am qualified to challenge. Sumire: Come forth, Sakura-san. In this manner, you will be my last opponent. For this last judging of outfits, the ensign will decide the theme. What kind of clothes does the ensign think we should use? LIPS Choice: 1. The outfits of the stage would be nice. (Sum+) 2. The outfits of a soldier would be nice. 3. ...Bathing suits would be nice. (Choice 1) Oogami: As for me, I think the outfits of the stage would be nice. I liked those types of outfits that Sumire-kun was wearing before. Sumire: Ohohohoho, I am happy. In that case, I will once again compete in such outfits. Sakura: .......... As for me, I will compete in the outfit as Gai-musume. It was the lead role I portrayed in "Ai Yue Ni." Sumire: My, how impertient! It is only the social standing of Gai-musume. I will not lose, Sakura-san. No one else will be the ensign's partner! { As with Sumire, I'm not sure if Gai is a family name. } (End Choice 1) Match: Sumire vs. Sakura Sumire: Ohohohoho! In this fashion, I have won! Yoneda: Well, tomorrow the welcomers for the fan organization will be Sumire and Oogami. Now then, dismissed! ....Ah, oh yes. Sumire, Oogami. So that you will have energy tomorrow, be sure you get plenty of sleep. Oogami: ......? Why would we need energy to welcome the fan organization? Sumire: Um... Ensign, a moment please... Oogami: What is the matter, Sumire-kun? Sumire: Um... For the assignment tomorrow, it is really okay that it will be you and I? I am sometimes more proud than I want to be, I hope you will forgive me. Oogami: Sumire-kun... ...It's okay. Tomorrow will be fun, Sumire-kun. Sumire: Ensign... Thank you very much. I too think that tomorrow will be fun. ( And on that day... ) Sumire: Everyone! Right, please line up in a single row! Just a moment, do not scribble on the wall! The bathroom? Please wait! Ah, please do not pull my kimono! Oogami: Well, well... the fan organization making a trip to Teigeki turned out to be elementary school students. Sumire: I...when I heard we were to be the Hanagumi Representatives this is not what I had in mind! Honestly, that old geezer Yoneda! I will remember this! Shown written in the upper left as the credits roll: "What now, what now?" "Finally, it's over." "Sumire-kun, thank you for all your work." Final picture: "Well, maybe this will not be so bad, once in a while." 3. Maria Tachibana ------------------ July, the 12th year of Taisho. Oogami was leaving to begin the night watch. Oogami: Now, then. It's gotten pretty late... { Daibu yo mo fukete kita - Lit. The night has aged quite a bit } I'll start the night watch right now. ...hm? At this time...who could it be? Yes! I'm opening the door now. If it isn't Maria... At this time of night, what is the matter? Maria: Captain. You are about to begin your night watch right now, aren't you? If by chance it wouldn't bother you too much, would it be alright if I accompany you? LIPS Choice 1. Sounds good. Let's go together. (M+) 2. Well, I wanted to go alone, but... 3. Well now, won't you come in? (Choice 1) Oogami: Sounds good. Let's go together. When you are around, I feel reassured. Maria: Thank you very much. It's a selfish thing to ask, so I apologize, but... (End Choice 1) Recently, the members of the Hanagumi have been staying up well into the night. It's something I've been noticing. Oogami: I see. Well then, tonight we will do this night watch together! Maria: Right! ( Episode title screen - Maria's Falling Star in the Night ) Oogami: Now, first we decide were to start the night watch. Maria: Right... First, let's go to the stage. Iris: Ah! Maria and oniichan! What are you two doing here together? Maria: Iris?! I might ask the same thing of you, at this time of night, what are you doing? Iris: Something I heard Kohran say... She said that the Heavenly River would flow in the sky at night! { Ama no gawa - Heavenly River, known in English as the Milky Way } I want to see that river! Oniichan, do you know about Ama no gawa? LIPS Choice 1. You should not stay up so late. 2. The stars are close together, which makes it look like a river. (M+) 3. It's the name of a sumo wrestler, isn't it? (Choice 2) Oogami: The stars are close together, which makes it look like a river. I have seen Ama no gawa. Maria: Just what I would expect of the captain, he's very knowledgeable. Iris: Wow!! Iris wants to see, Iris wants to see! Wants to see Ama no gawa! (End Choice 2) Maria: Iris, at this time to see Ama no gawa it's the middle of the night. Please see it tomorrow. Iris: No, no, no! Iris wants to the the river of stars! Maria: Please don't be difficult... Crying awkwardly is not the way to do things... ...How about this, Iris. We'll have a match. The deal is, if you lose, you must return to your room. Iris: Okay! Iris, without fail will not lose! Match: Maria vs. Iris Maria: Now then, Iris, you promised. Tonight, please return to your room. Iris: Awww, I wanted to see Ama no gawa! But a promise is a promise. Iris will go to bed. Good night, Maria, oniichan. Oogami: Good night, Iris. ... Well, Maria. Let's go to the stage. What's this? Sakura-kun is on the stage. Maria: It looks like she is practicing a dance. However, practicing to such a late hour is not good for the body. Sakura: Ah, it's Oogami-san and Maria-san! Is it time for the night watch? Maria: That's right. Tonight, the captain and I are doing the night watch together. Sakura: ...hm. Oogami-san, you seem to be getting awfully close to Maria. LIPS Choice 1. You shouldn't be up so late. (M+) 2. To tell the truth, you're right. 3. That's not true! (Choice 1) Oogami: Y-you shouldn't be up so late, Sakura-kun. R-right, Maria? Maria: T-that's right, captain! Sakura, you heard the captain. Tonight, you should go to sleep. Sakura: ...What's this, I think there is something going on, isn't there. Are you really only doing the night watch? Maria: Sakura, start behaving appropriately. What time do you think it is? Quickly, get back to your room. Sakura: ...Understood. At this time, I am returning to my room. (End Choice 1) But before that... Maria-san! I challenge you! Maria: Well, I cannot decline. Fine. Come, let's begin. (End Choice 1) Match: Maria vs. Sakura Maria: Sakura, you promised. Tonight, you will go to sleep. Sakura: Fine. You two, spend as much time as you want with each other! Oogami: Well... She won't be speaking to me for a while... { Not totally sure about this. Original was: Shibaraku kuchi o kiitekure sou ni na } ...But I'll have to keep at it. Let's continue the night watch. Maria, where should we go this time? Maria: Right. For the time being, let's go to the corridor. ...Wait just a moment. That isn't the sound of voices speaking, is it? Oogami: ...It is. Seems like there are people in the night watch room. What's this... It's Kohran and Kanna. Kohran: Ah, Oogami-han. Maria-han is with you too. Kanna: Kohran and I were just talking and she was about to start. Will you two join us? LIPS Choice 1. You shouldn't be up so late! (M+) 2. Count me in! ( Choice 1 ) Oogami: You shouldn't be up so late! What could you be talking about at the middle of the night?! Maria: You heard the captain. What time do you think it is? Kanna: It's gotten dangerous! Kohran, I hate to run but, I think I'll turn in before you! Oogami: Ah! Kanna ran away!! Kohran: Just what I would expect of Kanna-han! Quickly retreating away when things get risky... Well then, I'll be off myself. Maria: Just a moment, Kohran! Prepare yourself to be thoroughly rebuked. ( End Choice 1 ) { I'm not sure I'm happy with this line. "Toppuri shibote ageru" is the phrase in question and it would seem to translate to "Being well-pressed" but that makes no sense to me. Seems like an idiom I am unfamiliar with to me } Match: Maria vs. Kohran Kohran: I, I've been beaten! I'll go back to my room, so please forgive me! Maria: That will be fine. If you're going to have a chat, you'll do it during the day? Kohran: ...Yes, yes. Now then, goodnight. Oogami: ...Kanna ran away, didn't she. Where could she have run off to? Maria: That's right, she did... For the time being, shall we look in the basement? We still have not been down there tonight. Oogami: That's true. Well, let's go to the basement. No one in the locker room... ...What's this? It's the sound of water. Maria: ...Someone must be in the shower, then. LIPS Choice 1. S-staying up this late is not good. (M+) 2. I'll check for myself to see who it is in the shower... (Choice 1) Maria: Exactly, Captain. No doubt it's one of the others. I'll go in. Please wait here, Captain. (End Choice 1) Oogami: ,,,,,, Maria: ...Aaah!! I'm sorry, I'll leave right away! Oogami: Wh, what?! Maria, what's wrong!! Maria: Ah....no, well... Captain, quickly, let's go! Oogami: W-wait, Maria. What happened?! Yoneda: Ah? Who is it? Who came in during my shower? Oogami: D-director! W-was... Was that you bathing in the shower? Yoneda: It was me. Honestly, who came in without warning!? Maria: I...I'm sorry, Director. I didn't think it was you... Yoneda: No, I won't forgive this! After all that trouble I took to relax, you interrupted and now I'm in a bad mood! First, we will begin to pass sentence on you here. Come, I challenge you! Match: Maria vs. Yoneda Yoneda: Feh, you did fairly well. This will be enough, in this way, I'll forgive you. Maria: Director, I am really sorry for going into the shower. But it is pretty late. Please go to bed for the night. Yoneda: Okay, okay. Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll be going now. Oogami: Well, well... We have been spared, haven't we. Now then... Where did Kanna run off to? Maria: I think I know the place where Kanna would run off to. Let's go, Captain. Oogami: Ah! There's Kanna! Maria: Just as I thought, here she is. Well, Captain. What shall we do? LIPS Choice: 1. Staying up this late is bad! (M+) 2. Let's get something to eat, too! { In choice 2, meshi - slang for meal. Grabbing a bite to eat would be a good English equivalent } ( Choice 1 ) Oogami: As always, staying up this late is no good! This time, we will be strict about it. Maria: Exactly. If the enemy appears one wouldn't be ready. (End Choice 1) We of the Teitokagekigan need to be well-rested as we have an important duty to be at the ready. Oogami: ...What you say is true, Maria. As the Captain, if I should not let this go without saying something about it. Right, I'll make this clear to Kanna. Maria, let's go. Maria: Right! Kanna: Feh, I thought you'd find me. Oogami: Kanna. As the Captain, if I see you up to late, I must do something about it. We will have a match. If you lose the match, you must return to your room. Kanna: ...I understand. This time I won't run away. For this fight, be ready! Match: Maria vs. Kanna Kanna: Feh, I lost. A promise is a promise. I'll obediently go back to my room. Oogami: Well, well, Kanna also has returned to her room. ...What's this. it's getting very late. Maria, we should also be getting back. Maria: ...That's true. Let's go, Captain. Oogami: ...What this? Maria, what's the matter? Why did you stop so suddenly... Maria: Ah...I'm sorry. I was just admiring out through the terrace at how beautiful the stars in the sky are. Oogami: ...They really are. Let's go out on the balcony for just a moment. Maria: Wow... Ama no gawa is beautiful, isn't it... In Russia you don't see many of the southern stars, but here there are so many... Oogami: I see... In countries far north, you don't see the southern stars... Maria: ...In days past, during the war, the movement of water on the ground was the only means of finding direction. But now, along with the Captain, I can see the southern stars. My, it's wonderful, isn't it. Oogami: This peacefulness, I hope it lasts forever. Maria: It will last. As long as the Captain hangs in there, right? Oogami: Hahaha, that's one way to look at it. Sakura: Well now, Oogami-san. You really are awfully close to Maria-san, aren't you? Oogami: Eeee?! Th-that voice... Maria: E-everyone... Oogami: W-wait a minute. Um... Let's calm down a little bit. Yoneda: You interrupted my shower and you're telling me to calm down?! Kohran: The way as you spoke to us, we're speaking to you, aren't we? Iris: And you were seeing Ama no gawa! Oniichan, sneaky, sneaky! Maria: That's not true, Iris... Oogami: W-wait a minute, everyone! Listen to me! Sakura: No, the matter is closed. Everyone, it's time to pass sentence on Oogami-san. { shioki - punishment, execution } Oogami: W-what are you going to do?! Shown written in the upper left as the credits roll: "That was pretty bad tonight, wasn't it? Well then, Maria, goodnight." "Goodnight, Captain." "What's this? A bright star, right out there..." Final picture: "Captain..." 4. Kirishima Kanna ------------------ September, the 12th year of Taisho. The autumn of reading. As one of his occaisional readingsm Oogami came to the book archive. Oogami: What's this...it's Kanna isn't it. It's unusual to see her in the archive. What could be the matter? Kanna: Ah, the Captain... The truth is, I was looking for a book. Oogami: Heh...what kind of book? For Kanna to be reading a book is very rare. Kanna: Feh. Don't say that, Captain. It's an encyclopedia. It's the eigth volume of "Science and Technology" ... LIPS Choice: 1. I'll help you look for it. (K+) 2. I wonder who borrowed it. 3. Kanna...is looking for an encyclopedia? (Choice 1) Oogami: I'll help you look for it. I have some time to spare. Kanna: R-really, Captain? Thanks...you'd be a big help. Oogami: Nonsense, your troubles are my troubles. { The idiom used was "otagaisama - we are of equal status in this regard" } The encyclopedia, "Science and Technology," is it? Well then, let's begin the search! (End Choice 1) (Episode title search - Kanna's autumn is the Autumn of Reading?!) Kanna: Phew...I've only looked here but I haven't seen it. Where could it have gone? Oogami: Certainly, someone must have borrowed it. Wouldn't Kohran be one to borrow an encyclopedia called "Science and Technology?" Kanna: ...That's true. Well, let's go to Kohran's room. Oogami: By the way... Why do you need to find the "Science and Technology" encyclopedia? Kanna: Eh, well that is... W-whatever. Hurry, let's go, Captain! Oogami: Well alright, but... I feel a little cheated. Kohran: Ah, Oogami-han and Kanna-han. What do you want with me? Kanna: The truth is, I'm looking for a book. The Science and Technology encyclopedia, did you borrow it? Kohran: Kanna-han is looking for an encyclopedia? That sure is unusual, isn't it? Is it going to snow today, too? LIPS Choice: 1. Kohran, apologize! (K+) 2. It is, isn't it. Oogami: Kohran, that's going too far. Saying that kind of thing, you should apologize! Kanna: That's right, that's right! You said it, Captain! Kohran: Ah...s-sorry. It's just that I thought Kanna looking for a book was strange, that's all... Kanna: I understand, it's fine... But did you borrow that encyclopedia? Kohran: Hmmmm... I think I remember borrowing it at one time but... But I don't quite remember. Well, I'll look through my bookshelf. If you like, Oogami-han, won't you give me a hand? Oogami: Right, I understand. Kanna, let's start looking right away. (End Choice 1) Puzzle Scenario (find the book): Within 2 minutes, eliminate the flashing gem. Kanna: Alright, we found it! I thought Kohran might have borrowed it. Oogami: Wait, Kanna... This is an encyclopedia but... It's an encyclopedia of "Nature." Kanna: W-whaaaat?! Ahhhhh...after all that trouble I thought we found it... Oogami: Kanna, we'll talk to someone else. We'll find the person that borrowed it. Kanna: Understood. Later, Kohran. Oogami: Well now... Who's place should we go to? Ayame: Ah... It's Oogami-kun and Kanna, isn't it. What is the matter, that you're here? Kanna: Oh, this is good! Captain, you think Ayame-san would know? Ayame: Erm, Ayame-san... You haven't seen the encyclopedia, "Science and Technology" around anywhere have you? Ayame: I don't know if it was science and technology but... I did see an encyclopedia. Oogami: Eh, really? Please tell me where you saw it! Ayame: Hoohoohoo... I see. If you could do something I ask of you, I will tell you. LIPS Choice: 1. Do what she asks. (K+) 2. Force her to tell. (K+) { Choosing Choice 1 will unlock Ayame's story } (Choice 1) Oogami: ...I understand. In return for what you ask of me, please tell us where you saw the encyclopedia in return. Kanna: Captain... You'd go the trouble for me... Ayame: Just what I would expect of Oogami-kun. A captain who looks out for his group. Well then, please look at task I have in my hands. Now then, before long, will you help with my tasks? Oogami: Well, well... For only looking for the encyclopedia, I've gotten a lot of things to do. Puzzle Scenario (help with Ayame's tasks): Within 2 minutes, get all the gems under the flashing white line. Oogami: ...Now, Ayame-san. As you promised, please tell me were you saw the encyclopedia. Ayame: I understand. If I'm not mistaken, Director Yoneda used it around bedtime for a pillow. Kanna: I see, it was Yoneda-ossan. Thank you, Ayame-san. Oogami: Right, let's go! Excuse us! Director Yoneda, we've come to ask that you return the encyclopedia! Yoneda: What did you say? That encyclopedia, what are you talking about? Kanna: We have proof, Director! The encyclopedia, "Science and Technology," you used it as a pillow didn't you! Yoneda: "Science and Technology" is it... I don't remember it too well. Which of the series was it? LIPS Choice 1. It was volume 4. 2. It was volume 6. 3. It was volume 8. (K+) (Choice 3) Oogami: It was volume 8. Kanna: Just what I would expect of the captain! His memory is strong, isn't it! Yoneda: Ahhh, now I remember. That encyclopedia. It was a good pillow! I'm not going to return it. You'll have to seize it from grasp! Kanna: Oh, oh, now you've said it. Without reservation, from your very arms I'm going to take it back! (End Choice 3) Match: Kanna vs. Yoneda Kanna: It's my victory! Now, Directory, as promised, return the encyclopedia. Yoneda: A-as for that... Now I remember, that book isn't here. Sumire took it. Perhaps... She was going to use it for kindling I think... { Not sure about the last line. It was "nabeshiki ni tsukau to ka nan to ka" } Kanna: Did you say kindling? Damn it...that Sumire!! Oogami: Kanna, control yourself. At any rate, let's go to see Sumire. Please excuse us, Director. Sumire: Ah, the ensign and Kanna-san. Such an angry face, what could be the matter? Kanna: Don't pretend to be innocent! The eigth volume of Science and Technology kindling... no, no, no, Ah, whatever just give it back! Sumire: Kanna-san... are you well? Did you eat something strange that you have become like this? Kanna: W-what did you say, you! Are you trying to start something again! { Kanna uses a very rude pronoun version of "you" here, "teme" } Sumire: Ensign... Do you have nothing to say about this? LIPS Choice: 1. We've come to ask you to return the book. (K+) 2. We've come to drink tea with you. 3. We've come so that you can continue fighting. (Choice 1) Oogami: We've come to ask you to return the book. The encyclopedia, is all... Sumire: Ah, that book is it? After I put some kocha into the teapot, I used it rest under the pot. { kocha - green tea } I would like to return it to you but, only on one condition. You must do something that I tell you to do. Kanna: Wh-what did you say! Don't be so arrogant, you! Oogami: Kanna...control yourself. We've gone through a lot to get to this point. Kanna: Captain... Sorry...you're doing all this for me... Sumire: Are you prepared? Well then, begin. (End Choice 1) Puzzle Scenario: Within 2 minutes, eliminate 130 gems. Sumire: That will be sufficient. I shall return the encyclopedia to you. ...I just had it in my hand. I do not seem to have that encyclopedia with me. Kanna: W-what did you say, you! Are you going to withhold from us?! Oogami: Kanna, calm down. ...Sumire-kun. Where could the encyclopedia be? Sumire: Using it to rest the teapot upon, Maria-san got angry. After that, Maria-san in that fashion took it away. Oogami: