------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------[ VIDEOCART 1: TIC-TAC TOE/SHOOTING GALLERY/DOODLE/QUADRA-DOODLE ]------ ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- ------------------------------------[Channel F]-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o Not that many games were released for the Fairchild Channel F system but it has been known for numbering its games. The first game in the series actually was made out of four games in one: Tic-Tac-Toe, Shooting Gallery, Doodle and Quadra Doodle. I'll explain each game separately. If you are playing this using the MESS emulator and you don't know the actual controls of the system, I will tell you the buttons to press on the emulator. As you can see, I've contributed a lot of screenshots to the system itself with the MESS. I'm playing this on the actual console itself. o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Videocart 1: 4-in-1 and its characters are trademarks of Fairchild and all copyrights belong to them. This FAQ is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka Ice Queen Zero and cannot be put on other sites or posted without my given permission nor can it be reproduced without proper consent. For my other guides: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html o---------------------o OVERVIEW o---------------------o Tic-Tac-Toe: Play as the X and try to defeat the CPU's Os by getting 3 in a row before it does. Shooting Gallery: You will be shooting at falling ducks during a set amount of time. Doodle: Just you drawing all over the screen in red, blue, and green. Quadra-Doodle: Auto Drawing. o---------------------o CONTROLS o---------------------o Console and Controller 1 - Tic-Tac-Toe 2 - Shooting Gallery 3 - Doodle 4 - Quadra-Doodle +---------------------+ | Tic-Tac-Toe | +---------------------+ Left/Right = Move between squares Plunge Down = Clear Board Pull Up = Make Selection +---------------------+ | Shooting Gallery | +---------------------+ At the start of the game: S1: Change Time S2: Change Speed S4: Start Game T1: 2:00 T2: 5:00 T3: 10:00 T4: 20:00 Plunge Down = Shoot 3: Stop Game to Change Settings +---------------------+ | Doodle | +---------------------+ Twist Left - activate/deactivate paint tool/set to Manual Mode Twist Right - change color Up/Down/Left/Right - Move around Pull Up - Widen Brush Plunge Down - clear screen Reset - Go to game select 4 - Auto Mode +---------------------+ | Quadra-Doodle | +---------------------+ Twist Left - (activate/deactivate paint tool in Manual Mode)/set to Manual Mode Twist Right - change color in Meanual Mode Up/Down/Left/Right - Move around in Manual Mode Pull Up - Widen Brush in Manual Mode Plunge Down - clear screen in Manual Mode Reset - Go to game select in Manual Mode 4 - Auto Mode during Manual Mode MESS EMULATOR 1 - Tic-Tac-Toe (1/Start) 2 - Shooting Gallery (2/Button 5) 3 - Doodle (3/Button 6) 4 - Quadra-Doodle (4/Button 7) +---------------------+ | Tic-Tac-Toe | +---------------------+ Left/Right = Move between squares Button 1 (Plunge Down) = Clear Board Button 2 (Pull Up) = Make Selection +---------------------+ | Shooting Gallery | +---------------------+ S1: Change Time S2: Change Speed S4: Start Game T1: 2:00 T2: 5:00 T3: 10:00 T4: 20:00 Button 6 (3): Stop game to change settings. +---------------------+ | Doodle | +---------------------+ Button 1 (Plunge Down) - Clear Screen Button 2 (Pull Up) - Widen Brush Button 3 (Twist Right) - Change Color Button 4 (Twist Left) - Activate/Deactivate paint tool/set to Manual Mode Button 7 (4) - Auto Mode Up/Down/Left/Right - Move around +---------------------+ | Quadra-Doodle | +---------------------+ Button 1 (Plunge Down) - Manual Mode All controls are the same as Doodle in Manual Mode o---------------------o GAMEPLAY o---------------------o I will go over the basics of all four games +---------------------+ | Tic-Tac-Toe | +---------------------+ You play as the X. Your goal is to get three X's in a row: horizonal, vertical, or diagonal. Find an empty square and place the X there. If the CPU gets 3 Os in a row, you lose and will be insulted (YOU LOSE TURKEY!). If all the spots are used up without a winner, the game is ruled a tie. +---------------------+ | Shooting Gallery | +---------------------+ First you will choose the amount of time or speed. Default is 2:00 at slow speed. When yiou press 4 during S mode (Button 7 on MESS), the game starts. You shoot at falling ducks coming from the top of the screen. The gun is place in a random spot and tilted at a random angle where the shots will be fired from where the gun is pointed and bounce of the top or bottom of the screen. If you hit a duck, the gun is moved elsewhere at a different angle. Ducks will never fall from the left side of the gun. On the lower left is the number of ducks shot. On the lower right is the number of total shots fired. After time runs out, you are given the option of changing your settings or keeeping the old ones and resuming the game. +---------------------+ | Doodle | +---------------------+ There are three colors to draw with: red, blue, and green. Twist Right to use a different color and Twist Left to activate the paint tool or deactivate it. If you want to clear the board, Plunge Down and if you want to widen the brush, Pull Up. What designs can you come up with? If you want to see the CPU make some drawings, press 4 to go into Auto Mode. If you want to take control of the paintbrush, Twist Left. +---------------------+ | Quadra-Doodle | +---------------------+ Same as Auto Mode in Doodle. If you want to take control, Twist Left. o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o Fairchild for making the game. GameFAQs for hosting my FAQ as well as my reviews. The readers for reading the FAQ. My grandpa, Jageau "Jagged O" Steile Sr. for having the actual Channel F unit. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o My email address is here if you have any questions to ask about this FAQ or give any suggestions. azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Check out me and my sisters Youtube page at http://www.youtube.com/user/PurrfectTrio Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero