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Real Monsters ------------------------------------------ Super Nintendo - SNES ****************************************************************************** ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ****************************************************************************** Written by: Michael Tincher Type of FAQ: FAQ/Walkthrough/Guide E-mail address: mtincher69@yahoo.com Yahoo! IM: mtincher69 AIM: mtincher43 Version: 1.3 Last Update: August 4, 2003 ****************************************************************************** ============================================================================== ////////////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== ----------------------------- Table of Contents ---------------------------- ============================================================================== ////////////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== I. Introduction a.) Author's Note b.) What's New c.) Legal Notice d.) Site Permission List II. Controls a.) Basic Controls b.) Triple Monster Moves III. Screen Display & Options Menu IV. Story V. Level Previews VI. Walkthrough *Incomplete* a.) Level 1: The City Dump b.) Level 2: The Human School c.) Level 3: The Post Office d.) Level 4: The Natural History Museum VII. Items VIII. Enemies IX. Bosses X. Monster Grading Scale XI. Credits ============================================================================== ///////////////////////////// Section I \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== ------------------------------- Introduction ------------------------------- ============================================================================== Section I: Introduction Section I: Introduction Section I: Introduction Sectio ============================================================================== o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=o | Author's Note | o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=o Hey, and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Aaahh!!! Real Monsters. It has been a long time since I last updated this, but here you go. I have gotten back into the mood to write for this, so the guide my be completed very soon. Anyways, Aaahh!!! Real Monsters is one of Nickelodeon's many attempts at a great video game. Unfortunatley, not many people seem to like this game, or any of the other Nickelodeon games. Hopefully, this FAQ/Walkthrough will help anyone who needs/wants to use it. Well, enjoy the guide. If you happen to like my guide, IM or e-mail me sometime and tell me. Do the same thing if you do not like the guide. If you have the time, tell me what you dislike about so I can maybe change it sometime. o=~=~=~=~=~=~o | What's New | o=~=~=~=~=~=~o Version 1.3 - Finished Level 3: The Post Office. I have three more levels to go, before this FAQ/Walkthrough is completed. - August 4, 2003 Version 1.2 - I have around half of the third level completed. - July 27, 2003 Version 1.1 - After such a long time without an update, I added a Level 2 walkthrough; an enemies, bosses, and credits section. I also changed the layout and added the ASCII art at the top. - June 10, 2003 Version 1.0 - First Version. Only have Level 1 completed in the walkthrough section. - January 18, 2003 o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o | Legal Notice | o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o This FAQ/Walkthrough is (c) 2003 to Michael Tincher. It may not be used for your own profit or on any other site without my permission. If you see this FAQ/Walkthrough on any site that is NOT on my Site Permission List, please contact me immediately. If you would like to use this FAQ/Walkthrough on another site, contact me and ask me if you can use it. If I let you use it, please don’t change anything about the guide and give me proper credit. You may print this guide out for YOUR OWN PERSONAL USE. Do not print this guide out, then go and sell it. If you do not want to kill a tree by printing this guide out, you can save it to your hard drive for your personal use. o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o | Site Permission List | o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com/ IGN http://faqs.ign.com/ My Site http://www.angelfire.com/games5/mtincher/ ============================================================================== ///////////////////////////// Section II \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== --------------------------------- Controls --------------------------------- ============================================================================== Section II: Controls Section II: Controls Section II: Controls Section II: Con ============================================================================== o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o | Basic Controls | o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o | ____LEFT_________|__________RIGHT______ / \ / _ (X) \ / _| |_ _ _ \ ( |_ _| // // (Y) (A) ) \ |_| // // / \ Select Start (B) / \ ______________ / \__________/ \___________/ All of the following information in this section was taken from the instruction manual. L Button & R Button ------------------- Switch between Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm, determining which monster leads the group. The other two monsters will follow you. The monsters can only be switched when all three are standing on level ground. Control Pad ----------- Controls the direction you move, jump, and throw trash. Press DOWN to crouch and look below you. Press UP or DOWN to scurry up and down ladders. Start Button ------------ Press this to pause if things get too terrifying. Press again when you’re read to go on. Select Button ------------- Press this to move story or grading scenes along. Y Button: THROW TRASH. ----------------------- All good monsters carry an unlimited supply of trash to throw at enemies. If an enemy gets messy enough, they will usually run away. You can throw while jumping, crouching, or hanging from bars. You can’t throw while climbing ladders - it’s just not safe, even for monsters. B Button: JUMP --------------- Ickis can jump the furthest. Krumm doesn’t jump very high, but this allows him to jump over some objects while avoiding things that are above him. Oblina can jump as high as Ickis, and because she is so tall, she can reach prizes that are higher in the air. A Button: SCARE! ----------------- Now you’re screaming! Use each monster’s special scare at the right time to frighten humans away. Since you’re just learning this frightful skill, you will need a Monster Manual each time you perform a scare. Careful! They’re limited, so use them wisely and look for more monster manuals along the way. X Button: TRIPLE MONSTER MOVES. -------------------------------- Each of the three monsters can perform a unique move using the other two monsters. Learn these moves well - teamwork is frightfully important and your group will need to use Triple Monster Moves to find important rubbish and get past certain obstacles. All three monsters must be standing close together in order to perform a Triple Monster Move. o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o | Triple Monster Moves | o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o Frightening Fling ----------------- Ickis is the smallest and most agile monster. When he is leading the group, he can help the trio jump really far across dangerous drops and otherwise impassable chasms. Position Ickis at the edge of a ledge, press the X Button and watch those monsters fly! Eerie Eye Ejector ----------------- Krumm, as the selected leader, can use his eyeballs to search for hidden rooms, enemies, or prizes. Press the X Button to have Krumm put down one of his eyes, which Ickis and Oblina will hit in the direction Krumm is facing. The eye will float and hang. You can use the Control Pad to scroll through the screens to see what lies ahead. When finished, press the X Button to retrieve the eyeball. Tower of Terror --------------- Oblina is taller than the other two monsters and can help the trio climb steep cliff faces or other tall obstacles. Press the X Button to have Ickis and Krumm pile on top of each other and help Oblina reach new heights. Of course, she will help the two others climb up after her. ============================================================================== //////////////////////////// Section III \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== ---------------------- Screen Display & Options Menu ----------------------- ============================================================================== tion III: Screen Display & Options Menu Section III: Screen Display & Options ============================================================================== o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o | Screen Display | o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o All of the following information in this section was taken from the instruction manual. Heart ----- Shows how much health you have left. Your health will go down when your lead monster is hit by an enemy or obstacle. If all of your health is lost, you lose a chance at getting a passing grade. Be careful! Lead Monster and Tries ---------------------- Show which of the monsters you’re controlling and how many tries you have left to pass your midterm exam. Trash ----- Each time you find a bag of fresh trash, you will receive a limited supply of Double Trash throw at enemies. Double Trash will help you eliminate enemies faster. When you run out of Double Trash, your monster will throw regular run-of-the-dump trash. Monster Manual -------------- Shows how many times you can use your scare. If you run out, you will have to find more Monster Manuals to study up! Assigned Prize -------------- For each level, the Gromble will assign a prize for you to find. Look everywhere - you won’t be able to move on until you find the prize shown! When you find the prize, a yellow highlight will surround the prize displayed. o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o | Options Menu | o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o Difficulty ---------- SCARY is the easiest level of difficulty. NIGHTMARE is the hardest level of difficulty. Music ----- This is to turn the haunting music ON or OFF. If you keep it on, you’ll even hear our personal favorite, the "Elevator Music", it’s frightful! SFX --- Use this to turn the scary sound effects ON or OFF. Controller ---------- Use this to change the control buttons. ============================================================================== ///////////////////////////// Section IV \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== ---------------------------------- Story ----------------------------------- ============================================================================== on IV: Story Section IV: Story Section IV: Story Section IV: Story Section IV: ============================================================================== "I am the Gromble... You may call me ‘Your Headmaster Grombleness Sir.’ Your performance so far at the Monster Academy has shown you to be a disgusting pile of worm-ridden filth - and I’m darn proud of you. BUT - you’re going to have to prove yourself on your Midterm Exam if you want to call yourself a REAL MONSTER! ICKIS! OBLINA! KRUMM! You three will work as a team on this exam. You will stay together at all times and will receive a single gruesome grade on your frightful performance. For each portion of your exam, I will assign you a delightfully tasty bit of trash to find throughout the City and an unsuspecting human victim for you to scare. Your assignments will become increasingly terrifying, and to receive a passing grade you must eventually scare even the surprisingly fright-free MONSTER HUNTER! Remember, you terror-trainees, collect only the finest trash and brush up on your most heart stopping poses to be on your scary best behavior. I’m expecting a lot from you and your monstrous abilities. Any questions? Nooo? Then get out there and petrify someone!" ============================================================================== ///////////////////////////// Section V \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== ------------------------------ Level Previews ------------------------------ ============================================================================== ection V: Level Previews Section V: Level Previews Section V: Level Previews S ============================================================================== All of the following information in this section was taken from the instruction manual. The City Dump ------------- Each portion of your exam will begin in the dump outside the Academy. There are enemies here, but you must complete the dump level to reach human world. Some enemies scrounge for the same food you do (crows and rats) while others protect the valuable refuse (junkyard cats and dogs). Falling tires, spiky plants, spewing sewage and avoided. There’s even an old rubber ducky shooting bubbles - Aaahh!!! You know how monsters hate to be clean! Fortunately, there are many things to help you in the dump as well, such as springs, slides, bars to climb on or slide down, levels to open doors and pipes to carry you who-knows-where. Old fans blow you around, so you’ll need to perfect your flying skills to use them to your advantage (try aiming your leading monster for the fan itself instead of the air above the fan). The Human School ---------------- Your assigned prize here is a red sneaker, and your victims will be the school librarians, but somehow you’ve ended up in the gymnasium! Kids with water balloons, basketballs, tennis balls, and paper airplanes are running everywhere - and you thought YOU were the monsters! Defeat them with your trash, or scare them away if they start overwhelming you. Watch out from basketballs and volleyballs throws from off-screen, and keep moving from side to side when you’re climbing ladders. *Trampolines are always fun to play on, but be careful where you land. *Springboards can be pushed to different locations, and you can even use them to shoot yourself into a basketball hoop - for two points, of course! *Watch out for steam, and stay out of the showers, for Krumm’s sake! *Some toilets are a quick means of transportation: just press DOWN when you’re on one. Once you make it through both gyms, you’ll have to brave the school halls. Kids are running everywhere and are especially fast when the school bell rings. Duck into the air ducts or hop up on the lockers to get out of the way. The Post Office --------------- Your next assigned prize is a coffee mug, and your victim will be the head postal clerk. She is located deep inside the automated package-receiving area, and has seen everything, so she will be especially hard to scare. Watch out for the machinery! Avoid the heavy mailbags and falling packages, automatic sorting machines and package grabbing arms (though these might give you a free ride)! Postal workers are quick with their clipboards, but mostly defenseless. Don’t get hit! Large boxes can sometimes be knocked off ledges by your trash and pushed to different areas to help you reach high locations. Mail carts might contain hidden springs or prizes, just keep your eyes open for falling packages. You can walk on conveyor belts regardless of which direction they are moving, but you may be able to find levers and reverse the belts to help you. Opening and closing mailboxes are simple once you get the rhythm down. HINT: The head postal clerk has seen everything, so she is especially hard to scare. Try the switches on the wall. The Natural History Museum -------------------------- Your assigned prize here is a golden dinosaur skull and your intended victim is the brave museum guard. Dinosaurs may have ruled the earth once, but monsters rule now! The museum is a fun place, with many huge exhibits to climb on - just watch out for skeletons with spikes or sections that might break beneath you. There’s also a mechanical dinosaur (Pteranadon) in here dropping eggs and another dinosaur that spits whenever you come near. The school kids are back, on field trip this time, and they seem to have run of the place. The dino skull exhibit makes an outrageous obstacle course and the "Plants of the Dinosaur Age" might bounce you to frightening heights. The shallow tar pits will only slow you down, but watch out for the deep tar pits! The Mall -------- You can find all sorts of things at the mall - hopefully you can find your assigned victim here is the shopping lady. The school kids are back, but this time they’re shopping! They’ve traded in their sports equipment for radio-controlled tanks and dune buggies that chase after you. Use the fountains and trees to get up high, but you have to keep moving or you’ll fall through the palms. Watch out for the steam, spiky cactuses, pie-throwing jack-in-the-boxes and the shopping lady...Wait! She’s the one you’re supposed to scare! That was way too easy - something’s wrong here... keep moving while you can! The Monster Hunter’s House -------------------------- Now you’re ready for the Grumble’s final test - the house of Simon, the Monster Hunter. Your assigned prize will be a photo of one of the monsters (Ickis, Oblina, or Krumm), and your victim is simon. You’ve already seen this scary fellow - he’s been taking your picture, trying to prove that you exist. But you can’t have that - if humans believe in monsters, they won’t be as frightened by you. First you have to get by all of his super-secret traps and defenses, which are deisgned to capture monsters like you! The FLYING EYES trick is one of the Monster Hunter’s earliest creations. They hover about, searching for monsters. If it spots one, it moves in to harass them or release a monster net. If you’re caught in a net, you’ll have to use a scare to get free - don’t worry, it won’t use up any of your Monster Manuals. The Monster Trackers look like vacuum cleaners, and they once were. Now they are computer-controlled devices for tracking and capturing monsters. Some of the Trackers are set on patrol, and will ignore you, but others seek out and attack monsters. If you’re fast, you can avoid the monster trackers, but if they’re after you, you can only defeat them by destroying the flashing control center on top. The Monster Hunter also have cameras and televisions set up to capture monsters on film. If you walk in front of a camera, you may be mesmerized by seeing your picture on screen (being a particularly attractive monster, of course). This won’t hurt you, but it might slow you down enough to be caught by a Flying Eye or a Monster Tracker. Take no chances and destroy cameras with your trash. Find the photo of each of the three monsters and you’ll face the Monster Hunter himself. HINT: The Monster Hunter can only be scared when he is changing his glasses - try turning out the lights and see what happens! ============================================================================== ///////////////////////////// Section VI \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== -------------------------------- Walkthrough ------------------------------- ============================================================================== alkthrough Section VI: Wakthrough Section VI: Walkthrough Section VI: Walkthro ============================================================================== o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o | Level 1: The City Dump | o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o Go to the right. You will be going down. Soon you will reach a flat spot. Watch out there is a rat running through here. Jump upon the ledge and jump across to the next. Then continue right. You will be going up. Watch out for the trash compactor. After you get past the compactor, you will be going downhill. Get the Monster Manual at the bottom. There is a monkey running back and forth in the pit. Jump out and go right. There will be another pit. On the other side of the pit, there is a monkey throwing trash. After that, go right and jump on the tire. It will bounce you high enough to make it to the top. Go right. Jump off of the steel beam as far as you can to an extra life. Continue right. There will be a monkey running. You will soon come to a ledge. Jump up and get it. Jump back down and continue right. Fall down and get a bag of trash. Jump on the spring to go up. Jump on the next spring to go up (To the right of the second spring, there is a Jar O' Fleas and a monster manual.). Go left and watch out for the spewing sewage. Once you have gone left so far, there will be a spinning arrow. Jump up and hit it. Once you hit it, the arrow will stop and pint to the upper right hand corner. (If you jump up and throw a piece of trash at the switch to the left of the arrow, it will unlock the door to your left. There is a bag of trash in there.) Use Oblina's Tower of Terror to jump up on the ledge. Continue upward. There is a monkey running back and forth (Once you reach the top, you can jump up on the rope and go left to get a monster manual, bag of garbage, and a Jar O' Fleas.). Continue right. Watch out for monkeys, tires and spewing sewage. Once you get to the third spinning arrow, jump up and hit the arrow. Throw a piece of trash at the switch. It will activate some moving platforms. Jump up to the top and go right. There will be an angry dog that attacks you. I will call the dog The Junkyard Dog from now on. Throw trash at it until it dies. Once you defeat him go right and get the shoe. Continue right to the exit. Go right. Jump over spewing sewage. Go over the trash pile, and continue right. Watch out for birds and ducks. Once you cannot go any farther select Oblina as the leading monster. Use her Tower of Terror to get up the ledge. Use it again at the next ledge. Throw some trash at the switch to the left. Now choose Ickis as the leading monster. Jump on the ledge to the left. Bounce off of the spring and to the left. Watch out for the bird. Jump left again. Be careful because this platform moves. Quickly jump left again onto the spring board. Bounce up onto the next spring board. Bounce on the ground and then jump no the tire. On your way up, throw trash at the rat to kill it. Bounce on the platform where the rat was. Jump on the moving platform to the right, then jump to the land on the right. Watch out for the next two trash compactors. In between them there is a switch. Jump up and throw a piece of garbage at it. Continue right. Jump over two of the spiky plants. Land on the springboard and bounce to the rope above. Go right and get the Monster Manual. Watch out for the rats. Once you reach the end, drop down and continue right. Once you get to the spinning arrow, jump and hit it. Then continue right. Once you start to roll, roll all the way to the bottom. Then go left. Jump on the rope and go across the pit. After you cannot go any farther, drop down. Go under the trash compactor. Jump on the next rope. Go across then drop down. Continue left. Jump and hit the spinning arrow. Then go down. Be careful going down because the platforms will break away. Once you have reached the bottom, go left. Jump over the spiky plant. Next try to jump over the spring board. Jump on the fan to go up. Keep going back and forth on the fans until you reach the top. You will have another set of fans to the left to do the same way as before. After you reach the top, go left. Once you go so far, a duck while spit at you. Near the duck is a platform you must step on to move the bar below. Quickly go down and then right. You will be doing a zigzag patttern. When it finishes, go right. Soon you will go down off a ledge. After you land on the next ledge, go left. You will fall down another ledge. Once you land, there will be a shoe you need to get. After you get it, go left. You will soon reach the exit. Congratulations, you have completed Level 1. o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o | Level 2: The Human School | o=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~o ----- ACT 1 ----- When you start out, go right. Jump up on the mats and when you get to a set of orange cones (the kind that road crews use, not ice cream cones) select Ickis as your main monster and use his Frightening Fling to get across. Keep going right. When you reach a latter that is leads towards, go down. Duh! After reaching the bottom, go left. Hop on the first trampoline that you reach. Continue to bounce on this trampoline until you are able to grab ahold of the bar that is on the ceiling. Grab the bar and go left until you cannot go left any further. When this happens, drop down from the bar and go left. As soon as you reach a ladder, go down it. Afterwards, when you reach the bottom, go right. You will go right, over a basketball goal, and by a person shooting some hoops. If you continue to go right, you will eventually reach another ladder that leads down that you should go down. Now, go right in the dressing room/bathroom. Go right until you reach another ladder, but this one leads upwards. Keep going right. Soon thereafter, you will need to hop up some stairs. At the top of the stairs, you should notice a ladder. This ladder leads downwards, so you know which way to go. When you reach the bottom, go right until you see an arrow pointing upwards. Follow this arrow up a nearby ladder. Go up until you see a spinning arrow to your left. Jump off of the ladder and touch the spinning arrow. Go in the direction that the arrow points at, which is left. You will soon find a weird looking structure that you can climb around on. When you get to this, climb up it. After reaching the top, climb right, until you are able to jump on a ladder and climb up it. Upon your arrival to the top, go right so you can grab the shooe. Then, jump over to the next platform on your right. Continue to go right until you reach the EXIT. ----- ACT 2 ----- When you start out on the second part of the second level, go right. Jump on the trampolines that you reach to get over the cones. There will be pipes beside the trampolines that let out steam. So be careful for that, because the steam will hurt you. There are four trampolines in a row that you have to do like this. The fourth trampoline is used to reach a higher level. However, when you go to land, watch out for the Spitwad Sally that is waiting for you. Soon thereafter, you will come to some airplanes soaring around in the air. The airplanes are flying around pipes that you must swing across. Swing across these pipes. Quickly, you should reach a shower that turns on and off by itself. Wait until the water is not running, then swing under it as fast as you can to get to the other side. If you keep going across these pipes, you should again reach another shower head. Above the shower head, however, is a bar that you will need to jump on. To the right of the bar, you will see an opening where you can begin to walk again. Right after you start to walk in this new area, you will be attacked by a Balloon Bombing Bonnie. Beside her, is a weird lattuce type structure that you can climb around on. Hop on it and climb to the RIGHT. Near the other side, you will be assulted by two Tennis ball Launching Lisa's (Do you like the weird names I have given the people so far?). Whenever you get to these two enemies, begin to climb upwards. At the top of this odd structure is a Spitwad Sally awaiting your arrival to the right. After you get rid of Sally, jump to the right and go right. Incase you didn't notice, you are in a bathroom. That is disgusting, isn't it?! Anyways, back to the subject. To get over the first stall that you see, you can use Oblina's Triple Monster Move, or you can just simply jump up on the nearby sink, and then jump over the stall. The decision is up to you. On the other side of the stall is a toilet for you go flush yourself down. This has to be even more disgusting than what I mentioned before! The trio of monsters will be brought up in the middle of three toilets. Now, you will have to choose one toilet to go down, but only one will take you to where you need to go. The right toilet defianetly not the middle toilet. That should have been a no brainer. The correct toilet to go down is the one on the left. When you get out of the toilet, there will be a Spinning Arrow to your right. Jump and hit it. Then go in the direction that it points at, which is down. Go down, and when you hit bottom, go left. There will be a Balloon Bombing Bonnie harassing you. When you see an opening to drop down, do so and go right. There will be another Balloon Bombing Bonnie using a slingshot to toss balloons at you. When you drop down again, continue to head right. Soon, you will reach an area with a couple of bars, a few cones, and a shower head. Climb to the top of the bars, jump over the shower head to the next bar, then jump on the edge of the stall. Now, jump over to the bar on the right. Next, jump over the shower head, but fall in between it and the wall. After this, go right through the hallway. Go right until you reach a toilet with water shooting up continuously out of it. This toilet sort of reminds me of a geyser, does it you? To the left of the toilet, hanging from a wall, there is a red button that you have to jump up and hit with trash. When you do this, it makes the toilet shoot water even higher. Jump on top of the water. In return, the water will push you pretty far up. Land on the right hallway when the toilet shoots you up. At the beginning of this hallway, there is a Spitwad Sally getting ready to make a wet, papery strike on you. To the right of the Sally, there is a ton of pipes that have steam bursting out of them. You must walk through the steam and pipes, or do you? If you fall straight down, and then walk across the bottom, you will not get injured by the steam that is coming out of the pipes. If you continue to walk to the right, you will soon reach another toilet similiar to the one a few seconds ago. You must do the same thing as before. The red switch is above, and to the right of the toilet. Above the toilet, to a platform on the right, there is a Tennis ball Launching Lisa. Across from the Lisa, is a ladder that you should climb down. It will lead you to a pile of mats that has a Spitwad Sally on them. Once on the mats, fall off of the mats, and go left. You will soon come to a Airplane Al. Then, you will approach a trampoline. Jump over it and keep going left. Soon thereafter, you will come upon a large sink, stall, and toilet. Jump on the sink, over the stall, and onto the toilet. Then, flush yourself down the toilet. When you come out, jump over the stall to the right. Go all the way to the left (you will meet and Balloon Bombing Bonnie) and flush yourself down the toilet furtherest to the right. After you come out again, you should see a Tennis Shoe to the left of the toilet. Jump over the stall and grab the shoe, then continue to go left. You will soon be attacked from above by a Tennis ball Launching Lisa. Just ignore her, and keep going left until you reach the exit. ----- ACT 3 ----- Upon gaining control of Ickis, Oblina, or Krumm, go right until you reach a stall. On the otherside of this stall is a Balloon Bombing Bonnie. To get over the stall, you will have to use Oblina's Triple Monster Move. Go all the way to the right. You should notice a red button on the floor. Lay down on the floor by pressing down, and throw trash at the button. When the button becomes smashed down, go back and over the stall. Beside the stall you should notice that there was a trapped door that is now opened. Obviously, you will need to go down through the trapped door. Down here, there will be a Rat that try to hurt you. Go right until you reach another opening in the top of the floor. Jump up onto the floor. To the right, you will have a Balloon Bombing Bonnie and a Airplane Al attacking you. Knock them out of your way, and go right. If you keep going right, you will encounter another Airplane Al, but before he can do much damage to you, you should fall down the floor in front of him. When you get under the floor, go right. There will be another Rat that goes wizzing by you. Continue to go right until you reach an opening in the floor that you can jump through. After getting back on the floor, go right, but watch out for the Airplane Al that will bomb you with his paper airplanes. You will have to go up a set of stairs, then jump over a stall while going right. A short distance away from the stall you just jumped over, there will be a stall that you have to use Oblina's Triple Monster Move to get over. When you get over the stall, jump on the toilet, and flush yourself down it. There shall be a Balloon Bombing Bonnie shooting water balloons at you right after you pop out of the toilet. Jump over the stall, throw trash at Bonnie until she runs away, then go down the toilet that is at the end of the room. As soon as you reach the otherside of the Ol' John, jump over the stalls and go left. You will have to go under the floor again. When you go under, a Rat will chase you again. Go left, under the floor, but when you see an opening in the floor again, jump out of it. This time, you will continue to go left. While walking left, you will encounter an Airplane Al and a Balloon Bombing Bonnie. After you get past Bonnie, there will be another area in the floor that you will go under. There is yet, another Rat under the floor, and of course jump up onto the floor when you reach the opening towards the left. A school bell will begin to ring randomly. So, watch out for students sprinting down the halls. When you get so far left, again you will see another hole in the floor (They really need these floors fixed. Look how many holes are in them!). Drop down in it, and go right. You will do a zig-zag pattern going down, under the floor. There will be about four Rats that come after you. Finally, when you can get back into a hall, there will be a spinning arrow for you to jump and get. The spinning arrow will point towards the right, so just conitinue to go right like you were. You will encounter a Balloon Bombing Bonnnie in the hall, but she is not shooting water balloons with her slingshot. Instead, she is franticly running in the middle of a hall. In fact, you will meet more than one Bonnie sprinting through the hall, and they will be coming from both directions. You will soon come to a wall that you cannot jump over. Select Oblina as your main monster, and use her Triple Monster Move to get over. Keep going right. You will go down a flight of stairs, and jump over two stalls. After jumping over the second stall, you will be on a toilet. Flush yourself down. I advise not to begin to wonder what else has went down those toilets. When you splash out of the toilet, jump over the stall to your right and go in the same direction. Quickly thereafter, you will fall throw the floor and go down under the floor. Go left and down until you finally reach another hall. Go left in this hall. While walking in the hall, the bell will ring and out comes a bunch of Bonnies running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Eventually, you will reach another opening in the floor, in which you will drop yourself into. While crawling under, steam will spray from above you. Once you reach the next open spot, jump out and go left, but watch out for the Airplane Al that will throwing paper airplanes at you (What else would he be throwing?! Duh!) from your right. Soon, you should come to a Nerdy Ned that will throw his books on you upon the siting of you. Beside the Ned is an Airplane Al. Continue to go left and you will encounter another Nerdy Ned and yet another hole in the floor. Go under the floor and go left until you reach the opening. Jump out from under the floor, go left in the bathroom until you reach a stall that you cannot jump over. Isn't it obvious what you must do now?! Incase you are clueless about it, use Oblina's Triple Monster Move to get over. Flush yourself down the toilet that is on the other side of the stall, and wathc the monsters go round 'n round. After you squirt out of the toilet, there is a stall to your right that you must jump over. On top of this stall is a Spinning Arrow. Beside the stall is a Balloon Bombing Bonnie. Scare off the Bonnie and go right. Keep jumping over the stalls that you reach until you get to an opening in the floor. Drop yourself underneath the floor. Crawl right just a little bit, then you should see the way out from under the floor. Watch out for the Airplane Al that is near where you will jump out at. Continue to walk right, fall down the next hole in the floor, jump out when you get upon the next opening, and hop over the stall. Now, step on top of the toilet and flush yourself. As soon as you fly out of the toilet, jump to your left, over the stall. Go left and jump over the first hole opening that you encounter. The next drop in the floor has the Tennis Shoe, so get it, but watch out because steam will spray out from the sides in this opening. Now, keep going left. You'll find, yet another, place to drop under the floor. Go under the floor and jump out on the next side. Proceed left. While journeying left, you will confront a Nerdy Ned. Be careful when you are walking under the bookshelves because books will fall off and hit you. When you travel so far left, you will get to a humongous bookshelf. Books will start to continuoulsy fall from this shelf. This is the boss of Level 2. We shall call him... No, no, no. It is not Minnie Me, but The Man Librarian. To defeat The Man Librarian, use all of the Monster Books that you have. If you run out of Monster Books, just throw trash out him. The attacks of The Man Librarian are simple. He will either fling books at you, or tell you to be quiet. When he throws books at you, jump over the books, or duck under them. When he places his index finger over his mouth, as in telling you to be quiet, you will be pushed away. I guess it is because of the air that he is blowing out. --------- Mini-Game --------- After you defeat Level 2, you will be taken to a mini-game. In this game, you will have to get Ickis through five different basketball hoops in 60 seconds. The only challenging part is to dodge the basketballs that are dropping everywhere. The first three baskets that you encounter will have the rims facing the right, while the last two will be facing the left. Here is a crappy illustration of what I mean. |0 |0 |0 0| 0| o~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=o | Level 3: The Post Office | o~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=o ------------------------- ACT 1 - Back in the Dumps ------------------------- At the beginning of Level 3, you will be back in the City Dump. Start out by going right, watch out for the fountain with spewing toxic liquids. Go in the tube that you see and role. Go right and jump up the platforms that you see going diagonal to the right. When you reach the top one, jump right. On this platform, there will be two switches, but only one unlocks the tube you need to go through. Throw a piece of trash at the first switch, then drop down to the nearest door. KEY: S - Switch W - Moveable Wall __S__S______ ______ |____________| |______| W GO HERE AFTER HITTING SWITCH _____ W___________ |_____| |____________| _____ W |_____| W___________ |____________| When the you quit rolling through the tube and come out on the other end, go right. You will come to a Rat throwing trash at you, then you will reach a couple of Spikey Thorns. Soon thereafter, you should reach another Rat throwing trash at you, but this time the Rat is on a platform above you. Jump up and throw trash at the Rat, then jump no the platform he was sitting on. Jump onto the next platform that is up and to the left of the one you are currently on. Now, right above the platform you are standing on, you will see another platform. That platform will begin to move when you jump on it. So jump on it, and duck under the Spikey Thorns the platform goes under. When you reach the other side of the thorns, there will be another platform towards the bottom of the screen. Jump on this platform, and it will travel upwards. Once it gets above the Spikey Thorns you previously went under, you will see a platform on your right that you must jump on. This platform will go right, and under a few Spikey Thorns. You will have to duck under this thorns also. On the other side of these thorns, you will see a large area for you to jump on. Jump on it and grab the spinning arrow that is there. Watch out for the compactor that is going up and down over the Spinning Arrow. Beside the spinning arrow and the compactor is a tube that you will must roll through. When you reach the other side, you should see a rope that leads from the top left, down to the bottom right. Hop on this rope and slide until you see a rope parallel and to the right of the one you are on. Upon seeing this other rope, you should jump onto it, and then onto the patch of garbage land to the right of the two ropes. While you are doing all of this, water will be raising, so there is no room for error. After you get back unto land, you should see a compactor and another tube. Go under the compactor while it is up, then skid through the tube. When you reach the other end, you will see nothing but water. There is too much water for you to jump across, so what will you do? If you look up, you should see a tire hanging in a bunch of trash. Leap upwards, and throw a piece of garbage at the tire. When you hit the tire, it will fall into the water, sink, the float back to the top. Wait until the tire floats back to the top, then jump onto it. Sometimes when you first jump on, a Crow will try to knock you off of the tire. When you land on the tire, it will start to float across the water, heading towards the right. Soon, you will reach another patch of land. There will be a Rat at the edge. This Rat is hard to hit with a piece of trash, so jump over him when the tire begins to sink. Now, hurdle yourself into the tube that is there. After you reach the next side, fall down, and go right. You will encounter a Spitting Duck. Once you go so far right, the screen will quit moving, and out of nowhere you will be attacked by The Junkyard Dog. Defeat him using the same strategy that you did in the first level. Once you defeat the Junkyard Dog, head right. Soon, the same thing will happen as with the Junkyard Dog a few seconds ago. But what could it be this time? It is surely is not the Junkyard Dog! Instead it is a monster that is yellow, with antennas sticking out of its head. The monster also has weird spikes coming from its back. He is wearing a dark green outfit, with dark blue polka dots. From now on, he will be called Brutus. Brutus cannot be injured with fish bones, much less ordinary trash. So, how do we defeat him? If you look towards the top-middle of the screen, you will see a tire. You will have to toss trash at this tire. Hold the directional pad in the general direction of the tire, then throw a piece of trash at the tire. To hit Brutus, you will have to wait until he is almost under the tire. That's your que to launch some trash at the tire. Sometimes, you will have to jump to be able to hit the tire. Upon the defeat of Brutus, go right and grab the Coffee Mug. Continue to go right until you reach the EXIT. ---------------------- ACT 2 - Misplaced Mail ---------------------- As soon as this level begins, go right. You will soon reach a Mailer Mary. Scare her away by throwing trash at her, or completely ignore her. Continue to go right. You will jump up two different places because of the floor level being raised. After jumping up the second time, you will see a conveyor belt. Walk right, under the conveyor belt. The trio of monsters will encounter two Mailer Marys. Not to far after you meet the third Mailer Mary of the level, the belt will make a 90 degree angled turn, and go back. You will see the belt disappear within the large mail room. Jump up on the belt now, and go left. You will have a little bit of trouble walking on it because the belt is moving to the right. Soon thereafter, you will reach a place where the coneyor belt goes upwards at a slight angle. Keep walking on the belt, but be careful because at the top of this little climb there is a chute that tosses boxes straight down. Directly to the left of the chute, you will see that the belt makes another 90 degree angle and goes to the back of the room. However, you don't have anything to worry about. Just jump on the floor that is on the left of the conveyor belt. When you reach the second set of mailboxes, you will be greeted by a Mailer Mary. Throw trash at her to scare her off. You don't need her in your way at the moment. Upon reaching the third set of mailboxes, you should notice that they move inwards, and outwards. But guess what? You will be jumping on these all the way to the next floor. If you wait a couple of seconds, you will see that the bottom row of mailboxes move. When they go outwards, quickly jump on top of it, then rapidly hop to the next set of mailboxes that are sticking out, but aren't moving. Almost directly across, on the right, a set of boxes will pop in and out. Jump on this set of boxes as soon as they reach out. Whenever those boxes begin to go inwards again, jump straight up. You will land on, yet, another set of mailboxes that are going outwards. Next, leap to the established mailboxes that is up and to the left of the ones you are currently standing on. Before you do anything else, make sure that you have Ickis as your leading monster. Now, when you are ready, jump onto the platform of mailboxes that are sliding back and forth. They will be up, and to the right of where you are standing. Then, jump to the upper-left, onto the stationary plataeu of mailboxes. Almost directly above, there is another stationary plataeu that you need to jump on. After that, you should notice the platform that is gliding around. Hurdle on this platform, then jump onto the next two set of stationary mailboxes that you see. The next part is tricky, so listen...Crap, I mean read...carefully so you don't fall down. Get on the very edge of the platform you are standing on. Next, as soon as the platform, which is almost directly to the right of you, comes out, lightly press the jump button. After landing on the new platform, quickly sprint to the very edge. Jump when you are about to fall off the right edge of the platform. This should cause you to fall right in the middle of a set of stationary mailboxes. This part of the game, you must be very quick. If you look to the upper- right, you will see two platforms of mailboxes that come out at the same time. Ouch!!! This is going to be hard to do. As soon as the boxes come out, leap onto the first. Then hurl yourself up on the second on. Now you will have to hop through the hole that is in the roof of the second floor, or the floor of the third floor. It just depends on the way you look at. Once on this floor, go left. Soon, you will encounter a Mailer Mary. Get rid of her, and move on. Now, jump on the pipe that was beside the Mailer Mary. Next, go right on the pipe, then hop up on the next horizontal pipe. After that, continue to go right for a little bit further. Then, leap onto the third horizontal pipe. If you look a little bit to the right, as well as up a little, you will see an opening in the floor. Hurdle through this hole. This will be one of the paths you can take. The other is to just keep jumping up the pipes until you reach the next floor(this way is much easier). Down below, I will tell you how to get through the hardest path. I don't think you will need any more information on how to get through the easy path, although I only gave you one sentence for the easy path. ********* Hard Path ********* On the newly discovered floor, there is a Mailer Mary frantically running back and forth. So, watch out for her. Once you demolish her, you should notice that you will have to jump on mailboxes like earlier. Thankfully, this set is not as hard as the previous set. First of all, jump on the motionless set of 3 mailboxes. Stand there, and watch what all is happening around you. After watching the mailboxes move inwards and outwards, you should have a good fell about this. Now, look to the left of the screen. Wait until the three mailboxes come out, then hop onto them. Quickly, turn to the right. When the set of mailboxes you are standing on begins to go inwards, another set towards the right will start to go outwards. Vault yourself on this set, then get to the right edge. From here, repeat the same process as you did just a second ago. After that, it becomes simple. As you should see a gaping hole in the above floor. Obviously, this is for you to leap through. Now, go right until you see a Spinning Arrow, as well as a diaganol pipe. Hit the Spinning Arrow, then slide down the pipe. Upon reaching the bottom, go right. Fall down when the level you are on ends. Then go left. You will sneek upon a Mailer Mary. If you quickly throw trash at her, she will not give you a problem. While walking left, you will encounter another diaganol pipe. Slide on this until you reach bottom. After reaching the bottom, walk right. Down here, the trio of monsters will encounter a Mailer Mary. Shortly after the encounter with Mailer Mary, there will be another level that you will have to jump on. After jumping up, continue to go right. Soon, you will reach another conveyour belt. Do you see a problem with the belt? Well, if you don't, it is going to the left, while you need to go to the right. It isn't hard to simply walk on the belt. The only thing it will do is slow you down. While walking down, watch out for boxes that come rampaging down the coneyour belt. Upon arriving at the bottom of the conveyour belt, there is a platform on the right of the screen that you need to hop on. From here walk right. Be careful not to get hit by any of the mail bags that are swinging around. You will encounter three mail bags through this area. After the third bag, you will begin to go down platforms that are similiar to stairs. Soon, you will end up in a pit type area. Within this pit is a Mailer Mary. Quickly dismantle her, before she can inflict a lot of damage. Then, select Oblina as your lead monster, go to the right end of the pit, and use her Triple Monster Move to get out of the pit. Now, walk right until you are not able to walk towards the right anymore. You will be beside yet another conveyour belt that you will have to go on. Jump on it and walk upwards. Watch out for boxes on this belt. However, they are not a big concern, since they don't move fast. After reaching the slot that drops the boxes, you will need to jump on another conveyour belt, and continue to walk up it. There is nothing that can hurt you on this belt. Whenever you reach the end of it, jump to the left. There will be a rolling mail cart that you can jump on, which causes you to bounce up because of the tarp over it. Bounce yourself up, then jump on the conveyour belt that you see near the roof. On this belt, there are mail bags that can cause some serious damage. As soon as you come to the end of the conveyour belt, drop yourself downwards. Then go to the right. While walking right, you will go down a few levels. Soon thereafter, you will encounter a Mailer Mary. Quickly, you will come upon a slot that drops boxes that is in between two islands. Don't worry if you don't make the jump, because you can jump out of the pit that you fall in, before getting hit by a box. Now, you should see a mail cart with a tarp over it. Use it to bounce yourself up to the next level. On this new level, you will see another mail cart with a tarp on it. To the same thing as you did just a second ago. A Mailer Mary will be awaiting you on the next floor. Keep going right. Soon, you will reach an area with chuts that have boxes flying out of them, and platforms that you must jump on. If you can't jump from platform to platform, don't sweat it, because it is still possible to make it. After getting past this part, you will encounter another mail cart with a tarp over it. Do not use it to bounce just yet. Go to the right of the mail cart, and scan the floor around you. You should see a red switch on the floor. Hit it with a piece of trash, then go back to the mail cart, and jump on it to reach the higher level. Hop on the platform that is on the newly discovered area. This platform acts like an elevator. It will take you up to the next floor. From here, you will have a choice of two conveyours belts to jump on. It doesn't really matter which one you choose since it will take you to the next conveyour belt you need to get to. Get on the next conveyour belt that you meet, and ride up it. When you are towards the top of this belt, there is another conveyour belt to the left that you can jump on. Do so, then walk to the left on the conveyour belt. You should notice another conveyour belt that you need to get on. This one is kind of tricky to get on. Go to the top of the belt you currently are on, then run back to the right. Whenever you start to go down the conveyour belt, jump in the direction that the above conveyour belt is at(which will be to the right). Within this conveyour belt, there are mail bags swinging back and forth. So watch out for them. After reaching the end of the belt, there is a chute that is dropping boxes. Wait until a box has been dropped, then run under the chute, and jump to the next floor. While walking right, you will reach a crane that is picking boxes up out of a mail cart. To the right of the second mail cart you encounter is the end of this floor, but there is a place for you to lower yourself to the next floor. So, it is obvious that you need to lower yourself to the lower floor. On this floor is a Mailer Mary. You will have to do the same thing again. After falling to the next floor, which is very short, you will encounter another Mailer Mary. Next, fall down the opening, and go left. You will be attacked by about three Mailer Mary's while going left. After walking to the left for a while, you will see a red switch on the wall, and a coffee mug in front of it. Grab the coffee mug, and hit the red switch with a piece of trash. Now, walk back to the right to the point in which you arrived on this floor. You will see a wooden gate lower, opening a new area. Walk in this new area, and go through the EXIT. ---------------------------- ACT 3 - Sorting Out the Mail ---------------------------- At the beginning of this level, go right. After starting to walk right, you will encounter a Mailer Mary. Beside the Mailer Mary, is a chute that doesn't have any boxes coming out of them. Jump over this obstacle, then you will be presented with another, which is a chute that has boxing dropping from it. Wait until you see a box fall, then jump across. If you end up falling down the chute, upon reaching the bottom, go left until you meet a mail cart with a tarp stretched tightly over it. When you jump on this, it will cause you to bounce back up. Incase you fall down in next little bit, use this same process. It will be stated when a new process must be used. Anyways, back to where we were. After the first chute with boxes, there is a box crusher. As soon as the box crusher begins to go up, you go under it and to the other side. You will encounter another box crusher, so use the same method as before. On the right side of the second box crusher, the floor is beginning to crumple. Watch out for certain places in the floor, because it will cause the floor to give away on you. Once you contine to go right, you will encounter, yet again, a third box crusher. After crossing through this box crusher, you will need to pay attention to the floor because there are soft spots that will break once they have been stood on. Soon you will encounter a Mailer Mary. There will be a raised spot in the floor, in which she will be standing on. After the Mailer Mary goes away, jump up on the raised level, and keep going right. Quickly, you will approach a chute that has boxes dropping from it. If you fall down here, go right just a bit and jump on the stretched out tarp that covers a mail cart. If you fall down past this point, then go left until you find the mail cart with the tarp extended over it. After this box chute, there will be another one that you will have to cross over. Upon doing that, you will see a raised floor to your right. As well as a red switch on the ceiling. Throw a piece of trash at the switch. When you hit the switch, the wood board that was blocking your continuous of the level will move. Now, just jump on the pipe and watch yourself fall down to the bottom. You will land in a mail cart at the bottom. Walk to your right, under the conveyour belt, until you reach the end of the belt, and a Mailer Mary. Toss trash at the Mailer Mary until she runs away. Then, look to the left and hop onto the conveyour belt. This belt will have boxes going on it, so watch out for them. Upon reaching the chute that is dropping the boxes, you will notice another conveyour belt to the upper right of the screen. After jumping on this belt, walk to the right. At the end of this belt, there will be a mail bag swinging back and forth waiting to hit you. Beside the edge of the conveyour belt is a box chute. Go under the chute, and continue to go right. Shortly thereafter, you will run-into another box chute. If you keep going right, you will confront a Mailer Mary. Past the Mailer Mary, the floor ends. So you will have to drop down to the next floor, once the floor you are currently on ends. You will do a sort of zig-zag pattern for a while. Continue to do this until you reach the bottom. You will encounter one Mailer Mary on your journey down. Now, go left for a short distance, which is until you reach a weird looking box that is tall, and wide. Lunge yourself onto this box, then look up to the left. You will see a new floor for you to hurl on. However, this floor is not as easy to get on as you would expect. To get on this floor, you must use Oblina's Triple Monster Move. After that, go up using the conveyour belts. It isn't too hard to figure out how to make it up this belts. When you reach the last belt, go left. You will now be on a normal mail floor. However, that doesn't mean there isn't anything in your way that will injure you. While walking to the left, you will have to watch out for the swining mail bags. There are three that you will have to dodge. After the third, you will see a pipe that you must slide down on. To make it easier, when you are almost at the end of the pipe, jump to the left where the spinning arrow is. When you hit the arrow, it points to the left. So obviously, you need to go to the left. Jump up and go left. Before you even get started walking, you will be attacked by a Mailer Mary. Quickly, the floor will end. You will see a pipe that is horizontal. Cling onto this pipe, then drop yourself down to the next pipe by pressing the Down button on the Control Pad and the B button. Continue to do this until you reach the bottom. After reaching the bottom, go left, then up the conveyour belts above. Watch out for boxes that are traveling along the belts. When you reach the last belt, you will see a box chute directly above it, and a small surface directly to the left of it. Jump on the small surface, then jump upwards and to the left. Now, start to walk to the left. You'll encounter a Mailer Mary, so get rid of her. Just continue to go left until you see a green arrow pointing down. Now, go down. When you reach the bottom, walk to the right. Walk through the weird looking fence type stuff that is similiar to what you just walked through about a minute ago. On the other side, there is a mail cart with a tarp strapped to it. Jump on the tarp. While in the air, go to the left so you will land on the platform with a Mailer Mary on it. Quickly get rid of the Mailer Mary. Then hit the red switch that is on the floor at the edge of the platform. Now, go left. You will be back to where you were a second ago. Now, use the mail cart with a tarp extended across it to bounce yourself upwards. Grab the top pipe, then thrust yourself onto the floor that is on the right. You should notice that the green arrow is pointing upwards now, instead of downwards. Go up. You will have to jump back and forth on each platform to make it to the top. Go left once you reach the top, fall down, then continue left. Through here, there are mail sorting machines that are hard to avoid getting grabbed by. Do the best that you can through this area, while walking to the left. You will go by four mail sorters before you reach a mail cart with a tarp tightly wrapped over it. Once you reach this cart, bounce on it, and go to the left. Soon, you will fall down on a pipe. When this happens, just drop yourself on down. You shall land on another pipe, but this one is slanted. Slide on it until you reach the end of the pipe. At the end of the pipe is a Mailer Mary. Scare her off, then go right. You will encounter a box crusher, a box crane, and another box crusher, in that order, while walking right. Keep walking right until you fall down and run into a wall. Then, turn around, walk left, and fall down. You will see a Mailer Mary, so by now you should know what to do with Mailer Marys. Continue to walk left. You will encounter a box chute before reaching a tricky part of this level. You will notice a conveyour belt that is carrying mail bags. If you know what to do here, it isn't hard. Along the conveyour belt, there are holes for you to get in to keep from getting hit by a mail bag. Wait until a mail bag goes by you, then jump out of the hole, dart to the left, and fall down into the next hole. Continue to do this until you reach the end of the belt. If you keep going left, you will be attacked by a Mailer Mary. Beside the Mailer Mary is a mail cart with a tarp strapped over it. To the left of the cart is a coffee mug. Get the coffe mug, then jump on the mail cart, which will cause you to bounce up. While in the air, fly to the left onto the floor. Here, you should see an EXIT sign. So, walk to it to finish the level. ------------------------ ACT 4 - Mail Room Mayhem ------------------------ This is the boss stage of Level 3: The Post Office. You will face Big Birtha in a tricky battle. The red switch all the way to the left controls the top conveyour belt. If the switch is up, the belt will move to the left. If the switch is down, the belt will be going to the right. The switch all the way to the right controls the bottom belt. The switch positions are the same as the one on the left. Big Birtha will continously toss boxes at you. To hurt her, you will have to drop a box on her. Below are a few maps that will help explain how to defeat Big Birtha. ********** Position 1 ********** When Big Burtha is just to the left of the left edge of the bottom belt, you will need to have both switches pointing up. KEY: ---- C ~ Conveyour Belt _/ ~ Left Switch Up _ ~ Left Switch Down \ \_ ~ Right Switch Up _ / ~ Right Switch Down B ~ Big Birtha CCCCCCCCCC __ _____ \_| | | |_/ CCCCCCCC __| | | |_____ | | | | __| | |___________|___B________________________|________| ********** Position 2 ********** When Big Burtha is just to the right of the right edge of the bottom belt, you will need to have the left switch pointing up, and the right switch pointing down. KEY: ---- C ~ Conveyour Belt _/ ~ Left Switch Up _ ~ Left Switch Down \ \_ ~ Right Switch Up _ / ~ Right Switch Down B ~ Big Birtha CCCCCCCCCC _ __ _____ / | | | |_/ CCCCCCCC __| | | |_____ | | | | __| | |___________|____________B_______________|________| ********** Position 3 ********** When Big Burtha is just to the right of the right edge of the top belt, you will only need to have the left switch moved. The position you need it in is pointing downwards. KEY: ---- C ~ Conveyour Belt _/ ~ Left Switch Up _ ~ Left Switch Down \ \_ ~ Right Switch Up _ / ~ Right Switch Down B ~ Big Birtha CCCCCCCCCC __ _____ _ \_| | | | \ CCCCCCCC __| | | |_____ | | | | __| | |___________|___B________________________|________| --------- MINI-GAME --------- After the completion of Level 3, you will get to take part in a Mini-Game. In this mini-game, you must collect nine tomatoes, while riding on a mail cart, as well as attempting to avoid mail bags. o~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=o | Level 4: The Natural History Museum | o~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=o ============================================================================== //////////////////////////// Section VII \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== ---------------------------------- Items ----------------------------------- ============================================================================== II: Items Section VII: Items Section VII: Items Section VII: Items Section VII ============================================================================== Some of the following was taken from the instruction manual. Apple Cores and Soft Drink Cans ------------------------------- Sink your fangs into these absolutely atrocious edibles to restore one health point. Arrow ----- Sometimes, throughout the course of a level, you will encounter arrows that point in a certain direction. These arrows will be pointed into the direction that you need to go. During your adventure, these arrows will be a huge help. Bag of Fresh Trash ------------------ While the monster have an unlimited supply of trash, finding one of these allows them to throw a limited supply (usually ten pieces) of particularly potent projectiles that will get rid of enemies faster. Completion Marker ----------------- If you touch one of the spinning yellow arrows, it will point your way and mark your passage through the level. If you lose a try, you will return to the last marker you touched. You will also find other, non-spinning arrows that will help you find your way to your goal. Diaper ------ Lucky monsters become invincible after collecting one of these. Unlike the diaper itself which will be around forever, the invincibility will wear off. Run quickly through dangerous areas once you get one of these. Jar O’Fleas ----------- Fleas, please! Nothing goes down quite like these! A jar of these babies will bring your health back to full (Krumm likes the crunchy container the best). Maggots, Roaches, and Flies --------------------------- May look like enemies, but these small slimy things are quite delicious. Press DOWN to chomp on one of these and restore your health one point. Monster Manual -------------- Each one of these that you collect will allow you to perform a special scare to frighten humans or other enemies. Collect them whenever you can - if you run out, you will have to rely on your physical abilities instead of your monstrous ones. One-Up ------ Grab these to earn an extra chance to try again from the last Completion Marker you touched. You know it won’t be easy to pass the Gromble’s test, so get these while you can! Spinning Arrow -------------- Whenever you see an arrow that is spinning, jump and hit it. Not only will it point towards the direction you should go, but it also allows you to go back to that spot if you die, instead of going back to the beginning of a level. ============================================================================== //////////////////////////// Section VIII \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== ---------------------------------- Enemies --------------------------------- ============================================================================== III: Enemies Section VIII: Enemies Section VIII: Enemies Section VIII: Enemies ============================================================================== First of all, these are not the actual names of the enemies. The names were created by me. =========== Airplane Al =========== Level(s) Found: Level 2 - The Human School This guy will make paper airplanes, and toss them at you. His hair is dark and spikey. He will wear a yellow jacket, white shirt, and red shorts. ====================== Balloon Bombing Bonnie ====================== Level(s) Found: Level 2 - The Human School Balloon Bombing Bonnie will shoot water balloons at you using her slingshot. She wears a yellow hat that is turned around backwards on top of her red hair. She also wears a purple shirt that is mostly covered with overalls. ==== Crow ==== Level(s) Found: Level 1 - The City Dump Level 3 - The Post Office The crow is found in Level 1: The City Dump. The Crow will fly back and forth in search of you. When he has targeted you, the crow will do a kamikaze dive right at you. =========== Mailer Mary =========== Level(s) Found: Level 3 - The Post Office This old woman should not be a problem for you. She will be writing on a clipboard with her pen. When she notices that you are around, she will take her clipboard, and hit you with it. ========= Nerdy Ned ========= Level(s) Found: Level 2 - The Human School This book carring, over-achieving geek will scream bloody murder as soon as he sees you. He will drop all of his books, so watch out and make sure they don't hit you after they leave Ned's hands. === Rat === Level(s) Found: Level 1 - The City Dump Level 2 - The Human School Level 3 - The Post Office The Rat can be found in Level 1: The City Dump. The sewer rat looks more like a monkey though (Well, that is my opinion of it). Sometimes the rat will run at you trying to injure you, othertimes the rat will try to get as far away from you as possible, but most of the time he will throw other kinds of garbage at you. ============= Spitting Duck ============= Level(s) Found: Level 1 - The City Dump Level 3 - The Post Office This is a mechanical duck that is found in Level 1: The City Dump. It will pop out of the piles of garabge and spit out you. Becareful because the duck is extremely accurate. ============= Spitwad Sally ============= Level(s) Found: Level 2 - The Human School Level 4 - The Natural History Museum Spitwad Sally takes spits wads of paper at you. She has long, dark hair. She is set apart from everyone else because of the straw she always carries with her. ========================== Tennis ball Launching Lisa ========================== Level(s) Found: Level 2 - The Human School The Tennis ball Launching Lisa person is annoying. She is usually standing on a platform shooting tennis ball at you using a cannon type thing. She has short, dark hair. She wears a green shirt, purple lipstick, and light purple pants. ============================================================================== ///////////////////////////// Section IX \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== ---------------------------------- Bosses ---------------------------------- ============================================================================== osses Section IX: Bosses Section IX: Bosses Section IX: Bosses Section IX: Bos ============================================================================== First of all, these are not the actual names of the bosses. The names were created by me. Also, not all of these enemies that are listed below are bosses of a level. I just put enemies that needed special techniques to be defeated, and/or enemies that had a health heart. ========== Big Birtha ========== Level Found: Level 3 - The Post Office This is the boss stage of Level 3: The Post Office. You will face Big Birtha in a tricky battle. The red switch all the way to the left controls the top conveyour belt. If the switch is up, the belt will move to the left. If the switch is down, the belt will be going to the right. The switch all the way to the right controls the bottom belt. The switch positions are the same as the one on the left. Big Birtha will continously toss boxes at you. To hurt her, you will have to drop a box on her. Below are a few maps that will help explain how to defeat Big Birtha. ********** Position 1 ********** When Big Burtha is just to the left of the left edge of the bottom belt, you will need to have both switches pointing up. KEY: ---- C ~ Conveyour Belt _/ ~ Left Switch Up _ ~ Left Switch Down \ \_ ~ Right Switch Up _ / ~ Right Switch Down B ~ Big Birtha CCCCCCCCCC __ _____ \_| | | |_/ CCCCCCCC __| | | |_____ | | | | __| | |___________|___B________________________|________| ********** Position 2 ********** When Big Burtha is just to the right of the right edge of the bottom belt, you will need to have the left switch pointing up, and the right switch pointing down. KEY: ---- C ~ Conveyour Belt _/ ~ Left Switch Up _ ~ Left Switch Down \ \_ ~ Right Switch Up _ / ~ Right Switch Down B ~ Big Birtha CCCCCCCCCC _ __ _____ / | | | |_/ CCCCCCCC __| | | |_____ | | | | __| | |___________|____________B_______________|________| ********** Position 3 ********** When Big Burtha is just to the right of the right edge of the top belt, you will only need to have the left switch moved. The position you need it in is pointing downwards. KEY: ---- C ~ Conveyour Belt _/ ~ Left Switch Up _ ~ Left Switch Down \ \_ ~ Right Switch Up _ / ~ Right Switch Down B ~ Big Birtha CCCCCCCCCC __ _____ _ \_| | | | \ CCCCCCCC __| | | |_____ | | | | __| | |___________|___B________________________|________| ====== Brutus ====== Level Found: Level 3 - The Post Office Brutus is a monster that is yellow, with antennas sticking out of its head. The monster also has weird spikes coming from its back. He is wearing a dark green outfit, with dark blue polka dots. From now on, he will be called Brutus. Brutus cannot be injured with fish bones, much less ordinary trash. So, how do we defeat him? If you look towards the top-middle of the screen, you will see a tire. You will have to toss trash at this tire. Hold the directional pad in the general direction of the tire, then throw a piece of trash at the tire. To hit Brutus, you will have to wait until he is almost under the tire. That's your que to launch some trash at the tire. Sometimes, you will have to jump to be able to hit the tire. ================ The Junkyard Dog ================ Level Found: Level 1 - The City Dump Level 3 - The Post Office (Not a boss in this level) The Junkyard Dog will sprint back and forth across the screen. If you do not jump over him, then he will chew you up like a chew toy. He will soon become tired after running so much, so he will need a break. When he stops in the corner of the screen, while he is huffing and puffing trying to get his breath back, throw trash at him. Continue to repeat this process until you have eliminated The Junkyard Dog. ================= The Man Librarian ================= Level Found: Level 2 - The Human School To defeat The Man Librarian, use all of the Monster Books that you have. If you run out of Monster Books, just throw trash out him. The attacks of The Man Librarian are simple. He will either fling books at you, or tell you to be quiet. When he throws books at you, jump over the books, or duck under them. When he places his index finger over his mouth, as in telling you to be quiet, you will be pushed away. I guess it is because of the air that he is blowing out. ============================================================================== ///////////////////////////// Section X \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== -------------------------- Monster Grading Scale --------------------------- ============================================================================== n X: Monster Grading Scale Section X: Monster Grading Scale: Section X: Monste ============================================================================== The following was taken from the instruction manual. Your grade will be based on the standard Monster Academy grading scale. The Gromble has developed a foolproof method for determining the best performance for each group of monsters on their exam. The math is frightfully complex and can be viewed in the Monster Academy Offices. It’s very simple, really. Collect all the assigned prizes, frighten away all the enemies and scared the assigned victim to get a good score. The numbers on the screen indicate how many of the prizes you have collected or enemies you have defeated. You can always go back to try to improve your score. The Monster Academy, as with the finest institutes of higher learning, will reward your performance by grading on the 5-point Roach Scale. 5 roaches of course, being the best grade. ============================================================================== ///////////////////////////// Section XI \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ============================================================================== ---------------------------------- Credits --------------------------------- ============================================================================== ts Section XI: Credits Section XI: Credits Section XI: Credits Section XI: Cre ============================================================================== -I would like to thank God for giving me the ability to be living, much less ability to write. -I would like to thank CJayC for putting this FAQ/Walkthrough on his site, for being a great guy, and putting so much time into GameFAQs. -World-of-Nintendo for giving me a copy of the instruction manual, and for the SNES ASCII art controller. -The people at the FAQ Contributors Board for being such nice people. Especially Trace "Meowthnum1" Jackson, Michael "Reptile" Tyler and ZoopSoul. I haven't talked to them a whole lot, but they are cool when I do. -Finally, myself for typing up this guide, and for taking the time to make this guide. ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright 2003 to Michael Tincher and is protected under International Copyright Law. (c) 2003 Michael Tincher. All rights reserved. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/16332.html ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=