T H E ____ _____ ___ _ _ ____ ____ ( _ \( _ ) / __)( )/ )( ___)(_ _) ) __/ )(_)( ( (__ ) ( )__) )( (__) (_____) \___)(_)\_)(____) (__) .___________. _______ .__ __. .__ __. __ _______. | || ____| | \ | | | \ | | | | / | `---| |----`| |__ | \| | | \| | | | | (----` | | | __| | . ` | | . ` | | | \ \ | | | |____ | |\ | | |\ | | | | | | |_____|_______|_|__|_\__|_|__|_\__|_|__|___/ / |_________________________________________________/ ___ _____ __ _____ ____ / __)( _ )( ) ( _ )( _ \ ( (__ )(_)( )(__ )(_)( ) / \___)(_____)(____)(_____)(_)\_) M I N I - F A Q !!! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* By Crazy Bone X No1Cartman@aol.com Version 1.2 Last Updated: 8/8/00 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Visit my web page! http://crazybonex.cjb.net for all my latest FAQs! THIS DOCUMENT IS COPYRIGHT 2000 JEFF CAMPBELL. IT MAY NOT BE SOLD, IN ANY WAY, INCLUDING (BUT NOT LIMITED TO): BEING PUT IN A MAGAZINE, BEING INCLUDED WITH A GAME PURCHASE, OR BEING PUT ON A CD. THIS DOCUMENT MAY ONLY BE USED FOR PERSONAL, PRIVATE USE. ONLY ONE (1) COPY MAY BE PRINTED OUT (like I'm gonna believe you need 25,000 copies). IF YOU ARE CAUGHT SELLING THIS DOCUMENT, LEGAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN _IMMEDIATELY_ Come on you guys, stealing SUCKS! Make your own damn FAQ! +=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S +=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+ 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONTROLS 3. CHARACTERS 4. TIPS N TRICKS 5. CONTACT 6. CREDITS ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N ______________________________________________________________________________ This game kicks ass (that was a good opening line!). It absolutely _is_ the best tennis game I've _ever_ had the privilege to have played. The reason this is a mini-FAQ is that there isn't much to have a full FAQ about. Now, I've told you about the game, I'll tell you about me (you can skip this next paragraph if you feel the need to do so)! You know me as Crazy Bone X, but I'm pretty sure that's not my real name. My "real" name is Jeff Campbell. I live in southern California, writing this at 8:00 AM during summer! Writing is a hobby of mine, video games have been a hobby all my life. Actually, this pretty much is my life (during summer). Whatever, have a good time with this mini-FAQ. Drop me a line and tell me what you think of it! ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. C O N T R O L S ______________________________________________________________________________ Here are the super-complex (yeah, right) controls in the game. If you want tips on using these, go to the Tips N Tricks section of this mini-FAQ. ____________________________________________________ | __________________________ | | POWER |-----------------C O L O R| OPTION (O) | | ====--O | ||==================|| | | | | || || | B _ | | | || || | (_) | | ,---. | || || | A _ | | : /Ż\ : | || || | (_) | | ` \_/ ` | || || | | | '---' | || || | | | | || || | | | | || || | | | | || || | | | | ||==================|| | . . . | | |-------NEOGEOPOCKET-------| | | ....... ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ . . . | | ....... | | ....... S N K . . . | |____________________________________________________| POWER BUTTON Turns game on and off (duh). OPTION Pauses the game (only used when someone is serving). A BUTTON: Hit fast serve Stroke (strong volley) Select B BUTTON: Hit slow serve Volley (Weak volley) De-select JOYSTICK During a toss up, the course of a ball is determined by moving the joystick left or right to serve in the selected direction. The longer the joystick is pressed, the greater angle of the serve. Also, hitting the tossed up ball high sends it to the back court, and hitting it low lets you drop the ball in the forward court. Moves left, right, up, down, and all around! Chooses between options ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. C H A R A C T E R S ______________________________________________________________________________ There are eight characters at the beginning of the game. Two secret characters can be found in the game, that trick is in the Tips N Tricks section of the FAQ. Here are the characters and some information about them: REGULAR CHARACTERS: ALICE Alice is weak. My grandma hits harder than her, no joke! Anyway, she shines in speed. If you are going to use her efficiently, you're going to have to run back and fourth along the court hitting the ball where your opponent is not. Since she hits so weak, try to hit the ball far left, then right, hopefully your opponent will miss. Try to avoid picking this character. DAVID David is probably my favorite non-secret character. He can hit the ball (very well), and he can run (not so well). Always try to hit the ball as far away from your opponent, because he hits fast so your court foe won't get it in time. Hehe, easy points. Pick this character later on, once you have experience with less powerful characters. MAO Mao is pretty much the equivalent to Alice. They both suck. Use the same strategies as Alice. LOUIS Louis is a very good character. Why? She can run faster than David, has about the same power, and only slightly less defense. This would be a good character to start the game with. Smash the ball at your opponent, and when he/she's least expecting it, hit it to the far side of the court. HIYAMA Hiyama is like a harder hitting Alice or Mao. She's still fast as hell, but she can hit pretty good too. If speed is your thing, this is the way to go. Wear your opponent down by running back and fourth on the court, then when you see the opportunity, make it count. TANAKA This is the all around character. He doesn't excel in anything, so use basic court skills. Another good starter. LUCY Lucy is also another speedster, but this time she doesn't really suck at hitting or defending. Use the same tactics as the other speedy players. LEE Lee is the equivalent to Hiyama. Look at her strategies for Lee's. This guy just bugs me. That stupid tennis wear, the headband, argh! SECRET CHARACTERS: (Go to the Tips N Tricks section to learn how to get these guys) AMIBA Amiba is much like David. He can hit, run a little, and defend. Only problem is, it's really hard to hit the ball with him! You can't see you racquet, making it extremely hard to hit the ball. Forget this guy, if you want someone like him pick David or. . . KAORU We've all seen this guy. The fat, American one, that can hit hard, but can't run! This is my favorite character. At first, he seems useless. But after a while, you learn how to cope with his slowness. Come on! He has a high metabolism! Really! This guy is good because he hits the ball REALLY hard. It is the equivalent to any other character's spike. His lob also goes REALLY high in the air, making it hard to hit. If you feel you've got experience, pick this guy. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. T I P S N T R I C K S ______________________________________________________________________________ The section you've all been waiting for! Yay!!! I'll start with some. . . TIPS: If the ball comes from a lob, spike it! It's a lot harder hit a spike. Unless you are Kauro, then every hit is a spike :). If you're close to the net, lob it into the backcourt and they might not be able to get it in time. Haha, stupid opponents. This game is just about hitting it where your opponent is not. I discussed this in the characters section, and I'll discuss it here. Just like in real tennis, you to hit the ball so your opponent missis it, therefore you getting a point. You will develop your own way of playing, but until then use this technique. REMEMBER: The score goes Love (0), 15, 30, 40, SET (win). But, if you and your opponent are tied at 40, you must win by two points to win the set. Rules are rules. There are MANY, MANY trophies (A.K.A. cups). Some can only be gotten on special days. Try setting your NGPC's date to the date spring/summer/winter/fall start, and you could get special trophies. If you set it on a certain astrological sign time of the month (like December 29th would be the Capricorn cup). This game is suppose to get you to play it everyday, haha. Now it's time for the secret character tricks! TRICKS: To get Amibia, beat the first three opponents in tournament mode. I myself wouldn't have bothered with this if I knew he sucked so bad. To get Kauro, beat the Aries cup. Keep playing cups until you get to this cup, then it is random whether he will be the last opponent or not. Happy hunting! To get alternate costumes, at the character select screen pick your character with the B button. To see a groovy little character animation, press down before you serve. Your character will do something along the lines of bouncing the ball. Hey, I didn't say these were good tricks! ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. C O N T A C T ______________________________________________________________________________ If you want to e-mail me, telling me how much you love or hate me, telling me how accurate or inaccurate this FAQ is, or whatever, this section will be of use to you. ATTENTION WEBMASTERS: If you want this FAQ on your site, e-mail me with the subject Webmaster. I have my mail system set up so certain subject titles are put in different folders. If you DO NOT do this, you will be refused the FAQ no matter what. This FAQ can be found on the following: www.gamefaqs.com http://crazybonex.cjb.net www.gamesages.com www.gamewinners.com ATTENTION REGULAR PEOPLES: CONTACT: My e-mail address is No1Cartman@aol.com if you want to contribute, please put CONTRIBUTE _______ as the subject, ______ being the name of the game. If you just want to talk put the anything you want as the subject line. Better yet if you just want to talk, IM me with AIM, my screen name is No1Cartman. I'm usually online too! But DO NOT contact me because: -You want me to update a FAQ -You want me to work for you -You want me to join a group -You want to tell me how much I suck Praise is welcome. I may not answer you, but you know I'll read it. I think that about sums up this section, no? 6. C R E D I T S For all the people I think deserve credit: -CJayC -Brett "Nemesis" Franklin -Most of the people at the GameFAQs message boards -FIGlet, www.surfplaza.com/figlet, -Bill Gates, -Everyone who writes for GameFAQs -ASCII art makers -Me!!! İ COPYRIGHT 2000 JEFF CAMPBELL