Super Chinese World 2 walkthrough Version: 1.1 by Jelt, jeltb (at) hotmail (dot) com Started writing: 20/02/06 for GameFAQs only If you have any questions, found something wrong, new or need an explanation, you can contact me by mail or on GameFAQs Super Ninja Boy board. Table of contents: ================== I)INTRODUCTION II)HISTORY III)COPYRIGHT IV)BASICS OF THE GAME V)WALKTHROUGH Part A: First galaxy Part B: Second galaxy Part C: Third galaxy Part D: Fourth galaxy Part E: Fifth galaxy VI)EQUIPMENT LIST VII)MAGIC LIST VIII)LEVEL BONUSES IX)SECRET PASSWORDS X)CREDITS/THANKS I)INTRODUCTION: =============== Super Chinese World 2 is a Culture brain game released in 1993 and was never released out of Japan sadly. It's a sequel to Super Chinese World (SNES) which was released in the US as Super Ninja Boy, and a prequel to Super chinese world 3, which all feature the same heroes, Jack and Ryu. Their gameplay is also quite similar, battles that look like a beat-them-all, platforms, 2 players mode. Though, in this one, there aren't RPG battles anymore, but there's a battle mode. My main regrets are the easiness, the length, the language (which probably hid me good aspects of the game) and the background, space is quite boring, last galaxies are far too small, there aren't any planets with a world map after the first ones! II)HISTORY: =========== Version 1.1: Got the ending message translated, added a secret password section Version 1.0: First version, full walkthrough is lacking: how to do special moves, level bonuses, the meaning of the ending message submitted the 05/03/06 III)COPYRIGHT: ============== This document is ® 2004, Jelt ( jeltb (at) hotmail (dot) com ) and may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Furthermore, this document can't be altered, edited, or sold without approval. If these terms are violated, proper legal action will be taken. You can print this document for personal use only. If you want to use this document on your site, or FAQ, e-mail me and ask for permision. I'm always glad to let people use my work, so long as they've been given permission. Any site found to be using this document without consent will be asked to remove it or suffer legal consequences. This document is unofficial and is in no way affiliated with any company. IV)BASICS OF THE GAME: ====================== a)How to play: ************** This game looks like a standard RPG, you wander around the world map, visit cities, meet enemies in random encounters and go through dungeons. There are 2 different parts in the game: the battles and the platform scenes. The battles are like in beat-them-all games, you can freely move and fight. There are blocks that gives you extremely powerful weapons (hammers kill any enemy in one hit, nunchaku hits multiple times), S (you can have up to 5 of them, if you take more, you lose them all, actually they are useless as far as I know, sometimes you can counter-attack and there's a S appearing, but it doesn't consume anything), HP, money or a projectile, but most of the time it's either a weapon or a S. Battles haven't changed much compared to SNB, though you have much more moves. The platform scenes work the same way, except you have a path to follow and he screen doesn't have any depth. There are few enemies, and you kill them in one hit most of the time. If you fall in a hole, you have to start again with half of your life. Otherwise, both parts play the same way. There aren't many platform scene, or they're too often left alone with no dungeon after so you don't have to worry about your life, sadly. Last thing, if you are playing alone, most of the time before boss fights you can choose between Jack and Ryu, and one of them has full HP/NP! That's also why I suggest Jack for the beginning, to have Ryu against bosses. b)Basic moves list: ******************* The 2 characters (Jack (red ninja) and Ryu (blue)) are quite similar except for few moves, J stands for Jack, R for Ryu, + means you must press the second button after, & at the same time. Also, after level 3, you can turn into a giant ninja with many more moves if you press select when your K meter is full (running raises it). Last thing, some skills (well, the fireball and super kick attack easy way) seem to be unlocked after leveling up. Here are the basic moves: All: ---- SELECT: Turn into a giant ninja START: Select your magic and item Hold down Y+Move: Run Back: Guard Guard&Down: Crouch L: Use or equip your selected item R: Use your selected magic Little ninja: ------------- B: Jump (jumping IS an attack, more powerful than your punches!) Y/A: Weak punch/use your equipped item or keep pushing to run X: Strong punch/use your equipped item Run+X or B+Y/A: Strong punch while running/jumping Giant ninja: ------------ B: Jump (as powerful as the kick or Strong punch attack) Y: Weak puch (useless)/use item Forward+Y: grab (deadly!) A: Kick (as powerful as the Strong punch attack) X: Strong punch/use item Run+X: Strong punch B+Y/A: (J) Strong punch while jumping (quite hard to hit) c)Advanced moves list: ********************** Once you get the basics, you can try these ones: Little ninja: ------------- Crouch+Y: Sweep kick (most powerful attack when you're small) B&down: Crouch (very hard to do, forget it, look at the next move) B&Y&Down: Sweep kick, can be done easily whenever you want and makes you crouch! Just keep the down button pushed. Giant ninja: ------------ B&Y&Down: Sweep kick, works same way as if you were small B+Y: (R) Flying kick (Ryu performs a powerful kick attack while in air) B&Y: Magic spin kick (great attack, powerful and useful) B&Y&Up: (J) Head attack (very effective, but a bit hard to hit enemies) B&Y&Up: (R) Kick attack (useless, near impossible to hit enemies) X (keep pushing, then release it, works better if you move): Super kick attack A (keep pushing, then release it, works better if you move): Fireball Back+B then Forward+X: Aerial magic spin kick (useless) Special moves: -------------- Sometimes, you'll perform other moves like an uppercut or a spin kick (without the aura) while trying to do the Magic spin attack, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do them when you want. Contact me if you have more information. Super attacks: -------------- There are two other attacks that I know off, and they seem to work only against bosses. Strangely, the super kick attack can be done differently (look above). To perform them, you must be a giant ninja, go behind the boss and simply press A or X: -with A button, Jack performs a flying spin kick attack and falls on the boss while doing this. It hits most of the time, except if the boss dashes. Ryu performs a Magic spin kick attack untill he meets a wall and then go the other way. Well, it doesn't seem very accurate but it works well against most bosses. -with X button, you perform an elemental magic punch attack. V)WALKTHROUGH: ============== When you select "New game" you are asked the number of players, the ninja you want to play (Jack or Ryu, Ryu is stronger but I suggest Jack however for the beginning), the difficulty (normal, easy, hard) and the sound selection. PS: I was in 1P hard mode when I wrote this guide, and I learned many moves while writing this guide, so at the beginning I'll only talk about the easiest moves (seems more logical anyway). ********************* PART A: FIRST GALAXY ********************* --------------- 1)Blue planet: --------------- Forest: Head South to find the first city, try to buy all equipments before going further, the snakes you will find later are rather powerful. Then go through the bridge to the Southwest, then head West for the second city. There, you must talk to a woman in the zoo to open a special dialogue scene. Also, there's a game in a house that gives you the Exit spell (to flee fights) so don't miss it. NB: After level 3, if you hold down Y or A, you fill up your K meter. When it's full, press select to turn into a big ninja, with far more powerful attacks! Some magics can only be used as a giant ninja. First dungeon: Now, go up untill you see a house and a cave, the house is a convenience store, the cave is the first platform scene and a dungeon. The platform scene isn't very hard, but each time you fall you lose half of your HP and pay attention to the punches, you'll need HP to finish the dungeon. The dungeon is very small, just go right and up to see the boss, and don't forget the chest to the right! Enemies here deal heavy damages, so avoid at all cost to be surrounded, you could lose 100 HP without being able to move. Don't worry about your HP before fighting the boss, because you can chose between Jack and Ryu, and the latter has full HP! Moreover, when Ryu is giant, by pressing B+A or Y, he does a kick attack VERY useful to attack from afar. This way you can kill the boss without any problems, as you'll avoid most of his attacks. Going to the third city: After killing the boss, come back to the second town and talk to the woman in the zoo, she will open the way in the wall to the North. Leave the city, go North, enter the wall and you'll have to fight another boss! Just use Ryu, his flying kick attack and grabs are rather effective, though, try to avoid the fireballs, they deal around 30-40 HP of damages. When he's dead, head North to the third city. It's a common city, except for a game based on words that I didn't understand, just try randomly and you'll win quickly. Strangely, it doesn't seem to give you anything. Crystal field: Head Northwest to see a crystal field, with new enemies. Just go South, enter the house (a convenience store) and then enter the warehouse. Warehouse: There's just a platform scene here, with lava killing you instantly so beware. The lava arrows are very annoying, especially in the second screen, you must stop everywhere the ground isn't falling, then restart to run. You'll notice a little passageway at the end, but you can't enter now. After all this, you just have to do few steps to open a chest and leave, so you don't need much HP anyway. You just found a boat, so come back Northeast of the last city and try to walk on the water while standing on the bridge to use it. The sea: There's not much to do on the sea, there are only 2 other places to land, one is useless and the other brings you back near your rocket. Take it to go to space, and enter the Water planet to the Southwest. ---------------- 2)Water planet: ---------------- First visit: Go on the sea with your boat, head Southeast to find 2 islands and land on the southern one. The house is a convenience store, and the warehouse with an antenna is a dungeon with old enemies, that you must visit however. Dungeon: Take the left path, go upstairs and take the chest: you find the cure magic, Vitalizer! Now take the middle path (the right one is empty) and you'll eventually fight a boss. This time, I think Ryu is more useful, but it's an easy fight anyway. I hope you know how to turn into a big ninja, because otherwise you'll only remove 1HP per attack ^_^ (and it's common if you can't read Japanese and haven't read this guide). Otherwise, it's a quite easy boss: turn into a big ninja, move back a little then run behind the boss, then change direction and press A. If well done, your character will do a super kick attack (that's why I prefer Ryu, except if the boss dashes, he'll always hit) that inflicts around 20 HP of damages. That's not that easy to perform, but as you have the healing spell, this boss shouldn't be a big threat. Leaving the planet: Go on the other island (Northwest) and enter the house, you will receive the Micro ninja spell! Now return in your rocket and leave the planet (note: it is Northwest of this island). Come back to the first planet (Northeast), take your boat and go back to the third city (Northwest), there talk to the king and the queen. Then, come back to the warehouse at the West, get through the platform scene (the Micro ninja spell makes it very easy) and just before the end, take the little passageway now that you have the Micro ninja spell. You receive a sword. Leaving the galaxy: Now leave the planet, push Y and select the second galaxy to be teleported there. NB: Perhaps you noticed a fire planet in this galaxy, it's useless for now. ********************** PART B: SECOND GALAXY ********************** Map: There's a white planet there (sky planet), Northwest of your starting place, a sort of greek temple (a platform scene that gives you a item and money) Northeast of the planet. First, let's go to the greek temple. ---------------- 1)Greek temple: ---------------- There's just a cave there, so enter. A man tells you he will reward you if you finish the platform scene in less than 200 seconds. This isn't a hard task but each time you die you have to start again at the beginning of the screen so don't go too quickly. In the first screen, you can try to go on the upper platforms by jumping while you're running or while you're standing still if you turned into a giant, it's easier on the the third platform. Once you're up, kill the 2 heads and run to the left. The 2 other screens have nothing special, you should finish in less than 200 seconds if you don't die too often. You earn an unknown item the first time, then 500 sen. I don't know the use of the item, it appears in the equip menu and it's always better to have it. My best score is 122 seconds but you could certainly do better. -------------- 2)Sky planet: -------------- Getting items: Enter the town to the Northeast. Try to avoid the music hall for now, it will bring you in a dungeon, and you'd better get everything before. Leave the town and head Northeast by whatever path you want, they all lead to the same place: a house (convenience store) and a cave (platform scene). Finish the cave (nothing special inside) and you receive the Magiport spell, that lets you teleport back to the last convenience store! Now, return to the city, and when you're ready, enter the stairs behind the music-hall, talk to the singer and you'll appear in a prison. Prison: There's not much to do there, go left all the time to find a wall that must be destroyed with a boo bomb, there's a new sword behind. Now go up, then right, down and left and you'll meet the boss. He shouldn't be a problem, except perhaps if you don't have the best armors. The grabs are still very effective, and the "hidden" sword is also quite powerful (even if you're small). Then you appear in space, head west to see the temple, then return to the sky planet. Behind the wall: Go back to the first city, in the city hall talk to the singer. Leave, head North, enter the wall, head Northeast and enter the city. There's the scorpio guy from SCW1 in the house at the Northwest corner! He gives you a spell, Magidoor (makes you leave a dungeon). There's a castle there too, but you can't enter because of the lack of light, so leave the town, head Northwest, use your boat (beware, enemies on water are very powerful), land to the South, head Southwest untill you see a convenience store and a cave. This is just another platform scene, without any dungeon behind so no difficulty here, except that you will certainly regret the dragon from SCW1. After there's a dialogue scene with some choices, choose A, B, C, otherwise you'll have to try again untill you choose A, B, C. Then you receive the Light spell, to light up dark places! So go back to the last city. Dark castle: Go upstairs, then go left, down, left, up and go downstairs, you'll find a new sword in a chest. Leave and go all the way right, go downstairs. The castle is quite linear actually, you'll quickly find the only path and a chest with the Turtle Watch spell (slows down the enemies' mouvement, not very useful). Follow the only path, and you'll meet a jester, the boss. Again, he's a weakling, well he tries to defend sometimes, but you can simply grab him 5 times to kill him. Otherwise, you can slow him with your Turtle Watch and try to do a super-kick attack, it's always funny to watch it. After this easy fight, you now have an aircraft to explore this planet! NB: At this point, you can come back on the first planet in the first galaxy and try to buy the best equipments. Third city: Enter your aircraft and head East to see a new island, full of forest and rivers (and you can't land on these...). Land on the field and enter the city. There's a game to get money here, in the Northwest corner, you just need to push Y as fast as possible. The first level is very easy (so you can more or less all money you want...) but the second is far too hard. There's also a dojo, a man there asks you to find his daughter (well, I guess). Leave the city, use your boat to get through the river and reach a little island with a wooden house, actually it's a dojo. Dojo: This dungeon is quite simple, there are 6 bosses, you fight one at each floor. I won't make a detailed guide, all save the last one aren't hard at all, if you know how to use your moves. The last boss is a big blue monster, very tough so avoid basic attacks and grabs (they don't work), rely on powerful attacks such as the super kick attack (Turtle Watch helps), head attack or flying kick (depending of your character), the last sword or boo bombs (as they always remove 30 HP). Strangely, this boss has a low attack power so you won't need much Vitalizer. Leaving the galaxy: Return to the third city, in the dojo. Talk to the guy that asked you for his daughter, get the 4th star part, go back to your rocket, leave the planet, change galaxy: choose the third one. ********************* PART C: THIRD GALAXY ********************* Map: Head East to see a star-shaped satellite, then North you'll see a red planet with a little purple one, then Northwest to find a greek temple with a little purple planet. As last time, let's begin with the greek temple. ---------------- 1)Greek temple: ---------------- Enter the cave, and you'll have to get through another platform scene. You have 170 seconds, and you receive 3000 sen for winning. But there are other things hidden in this game, the platform scene has multiple paths and there are 2 chests to find. To get the first one, go right on the first screen, then just before the 2nd screen's end, jump on the platform that goes up and leaves the screen. You'll appear near a chest, the level counter 4. To get the second chest, go up on the first screen (stand on a moving platform going up that leaves the screen sometimes), then on the second screen, run untill you see some plaforms on the ground (they make you jump if you walk on them), stand on the third one (it's moving, so sometimes you just see a hole) and you will find the treasure chest, the ice spell! Otherwise, you can gather money here, but it's not really needed, especially if you found the ice spell (it costs 20 000 sen at the shop!). ------------------ 2)Star Satellite: ------------------ Enter the house in the Northwest corner, there's a policeman that wants you to bring back the singer from the sky planet (second galaxy). Go there, first city in the music hall, then head back to the policeman, he allows you to enter the red planet. -------------- 3)Red planet: -------------- There's not much to do here, go downstairs, gaze at the gundam-looking robot talk to everyone and leave. You must visit the fire planet (first galaxy). --------------- 4)Fire planet: --------------- Enter the cave, use the light spell, it's a new dungeon. Go North, East, South, East at the next split, East, East. Then, there's a shop if you follow the left path (use a boo bomb on the wall), the other path leads to the boss. Forget the shop, there's the same later and you don't need anything now. The boss is, once again, lame. Use Jack, his head attack and fire rain spell are very effective, but less than the defense kick attack, with this move you can annihilate him without taking damages. Return to the red planet, talk to everyone and you now have the spaceship! You can go anywhere with this spaceship, and on a planet it can turn into a plane, a boat or a big robot (it can only walk on the ground...)! There are also an inn, a convenience store and a shop inside (more information about the shop in part D 2)) ********************** PART D: FOURTH GALAXY ********************** Map: Head North to see a red planet, Summer planet then East to see the Frost Towers (go down a little, otherwise you will only see the little purple satellites) and that's all. ----------------- 1)Summer planet: ----------------- There's just a city there, with the same shop as the one on the fire planet. Otherwise, there are 4 games, the usual "push Y game", a memory game (you get 100 000 sens if you match all the pairs!), the word based game that I still don't understand and a roulette. Nothing great, but it opens the new weapons and armors' problem: ---------------------- 2)Equipments problem: ---------------------- You realized there were many new shops with very expensive armors and weapons. Well, they're not needed immediately, but there's a big problem with the last swords: they are completely overpowered, enemies can't avoid your attacks and it removes all difficulty in the last part of the game. There's a tournament in the next dungeon with 8 bosses, if you use the thunder or fire sword, you just have to push Y all the time to win. So I'll go on as if these swords don't exist, as you probably won't need any help if you use them. PS: Don't forget there was a hidden shop in the very first planet of the game. ---------------- 3)Frost Towers: ---------------- A very simple dungeon: little rooms and many stairs. Try to go upstairs as often as you can, taking the nearest stairs to find a chest with the Thunder sword inside. Go downstairs twice, then head East to find another path. Go upstairs untill you leave the dungeon, the talk to the man on the ring. Once again, there are 8 fights so be sure to be prepared! The enemies in this tower are quite strong, the boss fights aren't easy either, you'll perhaps waste all your Vitalizers before the end but fleeing battles before the tournament is enough to be able to get rid of all the bosses, if you're good enough. The tournament: Against the first boss, you can simply do Jack's super kick attacks all the time, it works perfectly, contrary to the second one (the judoka) who uses a fire aura to hurt you everytime you try. You'd better grab him, because he guards pretty well against all attacks. The third one (a Honda robot) has a very powerful grab (like Honda from SF2...) but apart from this, he's quite weak, flying and magic spin kicks should kill him in no time. The fourth one, the boxer, is utterly weak, well he can evade attacks and deal good damages, but he dies very quickly nevertheless. The fifth one, a kind of alien barbarian, has a powerful grab too. He also counter-attacks your basic attacks so beware. Flying kicks, magic spin kicks and Jack's super kick attack are quite effective against him, as he keeps falling. Then you meet the powerful alien judoka, that keeps avoiding attacks and using sweep kicks. You'd better not stay in front of him more than few seconds, since he'll always hit you. You must try to jump and go up and down often, this way you'll avoid his attacks and be able to try to hit him once. The flying, magic spin kick attacks and grabs work well if you're near him, and Jack's super kick attack is also quite effective. Fortunately, he doesn't have much HP. Then you meet a lizard fighter, well he's far weaker than the alien judoka, any strategy works since he doesn't avoid anything. His only powerful attack is his multiple punches attack, he can block you on a wall and kill you with his infinite punches very quickly, you won't have time to react! So just try to avoid the screen borders. Eventually, you fight the evil knight, and once again he's not as tough as the alien judoka, though he attacks pretty quickly in a wide range with attacks very similar to yours. You should avoid normal attacks and rather use a sword, flying/magic spin/ super kick attacks, head attack or even the boomerang spell if you manage to throw it behind the boss, the return will hurt him much. He shouldn't be a big threat, but after all these fights, you may lack of vitalizers. After this fight, go upstairs and talk to the kings, you can now go to the fifth galaxy. ********************* PART E: FIFTH GALAXY ********************* Last preparations: There's hardly anything in the fifth galaxy, there's a red planet with only a completely useless city, and a skull fortress which is the last dungeon. Once you enter, you must die to leave and you can't buy anything in your spaceship so prepare yourself before going there! (though, you don't loose much if you die, just some money) ---------------- Skull fortress: ---------------- Head Northwest, and you'll find the skull fortress. Once you're inside, go right and use a boo-bomb on the wall which has little green lines, you'll find a chest with the T item. Then push A in front of the star door, and you'll be in a platform scene. It has multiple paths and 3 hidden items inside. First, to have the last armor, take the normal exit (go near the sign), then in the second screen take a platform going down when you see the sign and you'll find the chest. Then finish the platform scene, go down and you can retry it. This time, take the platform going down in the first screen when you see the sign, then the one going up in the second screen just before the end. You appear in a new screen, where there's directly a platform going up which makes you leave the screen, take it if you want to have the Aura sword, but you'll have to restart if you want to have everything. This scene is quite hard, as there are invisible platforms on the lava. From the first visible platform, jump to the right (not a double jump!) without running and you should land on an invisible platform. Go right a bit (you landed on the platform's left part) and do it again to land on a second invisible platform, and from there you can run and jump on the next visible platform. There do the same jump thrice, then jump vertically to land on an invisible platform, from which you can access the exit. You found a secret shop, with armors worth 200k sens ^_^. Once you're done with this, follow the only path and you'll fight a lame pink boxer. He keeps coming near you to attack, but he's so slow you can destroy him in no time. Follow the path and you'll meet another boss, another Honda robot, so weak that he's far weaker than a enemy. Keep following the path to meet another Jester boss, very weak. Then you appear in a room full of pillars, go to the upper-right corner and use a boo-bomb on the wall with a bandage, you'll find a new shield which lets you be a giant ninja as much time as you want, provided that you filled your K meter entirely. Though your K meter isn't always near full as it was with the shield from the secret shop. There's also a Bonzebot in a chest in the bottom-right corner. There's another alien judoka, left of this chest. He isn't as strong as last time, as he attacks far slowly. You can get rid of him quickly, he doesn't guard any attack. Then you meet another ninja boss, quite strong this time. He tends to avoid your attacks by becoming invisible for few seconds and jump a lot, so you too should jump often and avoid basic attacks. If he becomes invisible, you can try Jack's super kick attack, with a good timing you will hurt him when he reappears. Otherwise, you can do flying and magic spin kicks and head attacks, he doesn't dodge them well at all. After this fight, you meet another old boss, the evil knight, and he has become far stronger. The simplest way to win is to use Ryu, and to only use the flying and magic spin kick attacks, the flying kick stops him when he tries to do the magic spin kick and most of his jump attacks or when he rises, stand near him when you use it, you must hit him when you're going up, not when you're falling. Otherwise, you can slow him with the Turtle watch spell and use a sword, as it lets you attack from afar, and use the common strategy. When you're done with him, you eventually meet the last boss! ----------- Last boss: ----------- During the first transformation, you canNOT hit him, you must guard, wait for an attack and press X when you see a S. Do it around 5 times, and he'll change his colour: the fight can now really begin. The fight is rather easy with a sword because of the range advantage, you can also make him fall all the time with head attacks or simply jump behind him when he attacks and hit him. Stay close to him, just keep attacking untill he falls under 300 HP. He then gets back his 1200 HP and becomes faster. Now, he keeps sending fire balls, and he uses a powered-up fire rain spell. You must jump in order to dodge this spell and stay in the air as long as possible (his version hits all the screen) and guards if you're in front of him while he sends fireballs. He uses these skills very often, so you'd better learn how to avoid them quickly otherwise your HP will fall very quickly. Apart from this, he didn't change much, head attacks and Jack's super kicks are still very effective, you still have to stay close to him and keeps attacking, except if he starts using his fireballs. If you have enough vitalizers, there shouldn't be any big problem. You can now enjoy the ending, and see an old man telling you a secret password to start the game at level 50. VI)EQUIPMENT LIST: ================== I kept the general names from Super Ninja Boy, with the order of your inventory. Strangely, in shops, swords are under the level counters. Power | Price | location | special power (if any) 1) Protector -A | 100 | 1st city G1 -B | 300 | 2nd city G1 -C | 750 | 1st/2nd city G2 -D | 2000 | 3rd city G2/Star sat G3 -E | 5000 | Star satellite G3 -F | 9980 | Fire planet/hidden shop G1/Summer planet G4/Skull Fortress shop G5 -G | 10k | Spaceship -H | 300k | Skull Fortress shop G5 2) Helmet -A | 120 | 1st city G1 -B | 250 | 2nd city G1 -C | 600 | 1st/2nd city G2 -D | 900 | 2nd/3rd city G2 -E | 1800 | Star satellite G3 -F | 8000 | Spaceship -G |11500 | Fire planet/hidden shop G1/Summer planet G4 -H | 200k | Skull Fortress shop G5 3) Armor -A | 100 | 1st city G1 -B | 0 | dungeon G1 -C | 280 | 3rd city G1/1st city G2 -D | 800 | 1st/2nd city G2 -E | 1800 | 3rd city G2 -F | 6000 | Spaceship -G | 24k | Hidden shop G1 -H | 0 | Skull fortress G5 4) Shield -A | 80 | 1st city G1 -B | 150 | 3rd city G1 -C | 400 | 1st city G2 -D | 800 | 1st/2nd city G2 -E | 1500 | 3rd city G2 -F | 5000 | Spaceship -G | 10k | Hidden shop G1 | K meter is always near full -H | 0 | Skull fortress G5 | If you transform with a full K meter, you | don't shrink for the rest of the battle. 5) Sword -A | 90 | 1st city G1 -B | 500 | 3rd city G1 -C | 0 | warehouse G1 -D | 900 | prison/2nd city G2 -E | 3k | dark castle/3rd city G2 -F | 6k | Star satellite G3 -Flame | 12k | Spaceship | burns enemies, can't be guarded -Thunder | 0 | Frost Towers G4 | electrocutes enemies, can't be guarded -Aura | 0 | Skull Fortress G5 | burns enemies, and burned enemies burn | other enemies they hit. 6) Level Counters -level 1 | 150 | 1st city G1 -level 2 | 270 | 1st/2nd city G2 -level 3 | 1200 | 3rd city G2/Star Satellite G3 -level 4 | 4000 | greek temple G3/Spaceship 7)others -Ice spell | 20k | Star satellite G3 8)items: -Sweet Bun 30 sen Recovers 40 HP -Meat Bun 300 sen Recovers all HP -boo bomb 50 sen Opens walls with a cross-bandage, attacks enemies -cupsule 50 sen Heal abnormal statuses?? (completely useless) -Bonzebot 900 sen Brings back to life a dead ally (2P mode) -Errandbot 1500 sen Calls a shopkeeper, selling items VII)MAGIC LIST: =============== Names are taken from Super Ninja Boy: -Vitalizer 15 Heals HP -Light 30 Lights up dark places -Magiport 5 Brings you back to the last Convenience store visited -Magidoor 5 Leave a dungeon -Rainbow 5 Prevents enemies encounters -Escape Leaf 10 Leave a battle or a platform scene -Micro Ninja 10 Turns you into a little ninja, able to get through small passageway (rare) and to avoid many traps in platform scenes -De Tecoy 15 Creates a copy of yourself, that weak enemies aim first -Turtle Watch 15 Slows down enemies -Boomerang 15 Sends an energy boomerang, which comes back to you. Can be very powerful if it's blocked behind an enemy. -Ice 10 Freezes an enemy, hit him and he'll die most of the time -Fire rain 5 (Jack only) Jack starts to fly and sends fireballs on a line -Thunder rain 5 (Ryu only) Ryu goes in the middle of the screen and a lightning bolt rotates around him, hitting enemies. VIII)LEVEL BONUSES: =================== Sometimes, when you level up, you gain new abilities. KP is a number added to the basic maximum of uses of a spell to determine how many times you can use it, under (in the status screen) there's the level of your K meter, the higher, the longer your K meter is. It's incomplete, I'm sure I missed some and some bonuses are still unknown, perhaps they are new moves? level 3: K meter appears level 10: Boomerang spell level 11: K meter increases level 12: ?? level 18: De Tecoy spell level 20: K meter increases and NP +1 level 21: ?? (fifth element in the equip menu) level 25: Fire rain/Thunder spell level 30: KP+1 level 32: K meter increases IX)SECRET PASSWORDS: ==================== I know only 1 password for the moment, but if you have others like the sound test as there was in Super Ninja Boy, contact me: start with level 50: (x,y)=(character number x from left to right, y from up to down) (8,2),(7,4),(5,5),(3,3),(2,4) (thanks to Gillian Seed for the translation) X)CREDITS/THANKS: ================== Thanks to Dalton Of Zeal, his review of Super Chinese World made me discover Super Chinese world 2, he helped me for this guide, and it's always great to know someone who played most game of super chinese series. Thanks to CYeong, he wrote a FAQ for Super Ninja Boy which was very useful to write mine (layout of the FAQ, name of spells and items). Thanks to Gillian Seed for translating the ending screens. Thanks to Culture Brain, for making this game. Thanks to GameFAQs, for hosting this guide. Thanks to Bouledefeu, one of the rare site I know who made an article about SCW2: (in French) Thanks to the Super Ninja Boy board, it's cool to find people who played SNB, as they are sadly quite rare.