BattleZone Rise of the Black Dogs (N64) FAQ/Walkthrough _______ _ _________ (____ \ _ _ | | (_________) ___) ) ____| |_| |_ | | _____ __ ____ _____ _____ | __ ( / __ | _) _)| |/ __ ) / / / __ \| __ \ / __ ) | (__) | ( || |_| |_ | ( ( / / / /____| |__| | | | ( ( / / |______/ \_||_|\___)___)_|\_____) (_______) ____/|_| |_|\_____) -=R I S E o f t h e B L A C K D O G S=- By: BlisteringFlare *********************************************************************** * Version v0.4 / Started: 07/29/00 / Last update: 01/07/01 * *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= -Intro- ======================================================================= Well This was one of my favorite PC games so when I heard about it being ported over to my favorite platform (N64) I was generally eager to play it. From what I saw in the screen shots it looked great or err the same. Heck you even got a four player deathmatch, 2 player strat game, and races!! But after I got it home and loaded up the first mission (avoiding the training because I was already a vet form the orignal PC version). I was essentially very dissapointed in fact I felt almost cheated, but after playing for 10 mins I decided it's not all that bad. Well maybe it was just loyalty to the franchise. Either way all the orignal startegy was intact. Although the graphics left much to desire. But that happens to much if not all ports. And with the addition of the Black Dog missions I felt content with my purchase at least. So if for some reason you are reading this and thinking of buying this game do so only if you can stand some bad graphics and sometimes shoty control. ======================================================================= -Table of Contents- ======================================================================= 1. Story 2. Controls 3. Weapons 4. Units 5. Commander Walkthrough 6. Fequently Asked Qusetions 7. Multiplayer Tips 8. Codes/Easter Eggs/Glitches 9. Arcade High Scores 10.Credits 11.Farewell/Contact 12.Legal 13.Version History ======================================================================= -Story- ======================================================================= This is a pretty interesting and long story so I'm gonna sum it up for you. There was a small meteor that crashed into the desert of New Mexico mmm Rosewell anyone. In this meteor was Biometal a stong and easy molded and very technologicly advance metal. Well once they got all of it they started experimenting with it, and soon started to have massive technological advances i.e. it was a technologically advance metal see (sorry). They kept this from the general public of course. And had a fully operational base on the moon. By the time they were landing (supposedly) on the moon for the first time. The look for Biometal before the Soviets get it. And of course this turned ugly and soon it became a war bettween the Soviets and the Americans. The rest of the story you will find out as you progress though the game. ======================================================================= -Controls- ======================================================================= Well if you have every played a FPS such as Turok you know the controls. C buttons - up : move tank up - down : move tank down - right: move tank right - left : move tank left Z button : Fire weapon A button : "Smart Reticule" when the green line is one something pressing a selects that action B button : change weapon D pad : moves stuff in the "Smart Reticule" menu Control stick : turns your ship ======================================================================= -Weapons- ======================================================================= ****************************************************************** * Cannons * * Basic Weapon, fires straight from the barrel * ****************************************************************** * Name * Description * cost* ****************************************************************** * AT-Stabber * the standard cannon for most tanks * 2 * * Super Stabber * heavy cannon only standard on B.D. tanks* 2 * * Blast Cannon * laser cannon * 2 * * Flash Cannon * hold down Z for laser beam * 2 * * Mag Cannon * hold down Z to charge then release * 2 * * Mini Gun * machine gun * 1 * * Tag Cannon * marks enemy then shoots 6 rockets at it * 3 * * Rave Gun * plays techno music as you shoot * 3 * ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** * Rockets * * hold down the Z button to lock on then release to fire rocket * ****************************************************************** * Name * Description * cost* ****************************************************************** * Comet Cruise * slow but able to cause massive damage * 2 * * Hornet * fast rocket,attracted to heat * 2 * * Shadower * targets shadows * 2 * * Rocket Bomb * heavy rocket, but does not lock on * 2 * * Sandbag * slows down other units * 2 * ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** * Mortars * * best for long distance aiming * ****************************************************************** * Name * Description * cost* ****************************************************************** * Regular Mortar * fires in an arc * 2 * * MDM Mortar *press Z once to fire and againto detonate* 2 * * Pop Gun * fire directly up and locks on to target * 2 * * Splinter * hits ground and spews shoots all around * 2 * ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** * Mines * * player cannot get hurt from thier own but enemy will * ****************************************************************** * Name * Description * cost* ****************************************************************** * Proximity mine * blows up all in area * 2 * * Bolt mine * mine sends out lighting charge * 2 * * Solar Flare * fire shoots up from flare mine * 2 * * M-Curtain mine * mine that reflects enemy weapons * 2 * * Mits Mine * mine thats attrats vehicles to it * 2 * ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** * Special * * * ****************************************************************** * Name * Description * cost* ****************************************************************** * Thumper * shakes the ground doing damage * 3 * * Site cam * make the terrian tranparent * 3 * * Redfield Gen * Makes unit invisible to radar * 3 * * Phantom VR * Cloaks unit but not on radar * 3 * ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** * Hand-Held Weapons * * for use only when you are out of your ship * ****************************************************************** * Name * Description * cost* ****************************************************************** * Plasma Rifle * basic soilder weapon, useless * 2 * * Sniper Rifle * very useful, aim for the colorfull block* 2 * ****************************************************************** ======================================================================= -Units- ======================================================================= For every unit there is a American, Soviet, and Black Dog version. Each with there own little diffrences but utimatlely the same. ****************************************************************** * Action * ****************************************************************** * Name * Description * cost* ****************************************************************** * Razor * scout vehicle * 2 * * Light Tank * fast armored vehicle * 2 * * Tank * medium armored vehicle, well rounded * 8 * * Bomber * slow but heavily armored vehicle * 9 * * Walker * armored walking unit * 12 * * Rocket Tank * vehicle with long range rockets * 9 * ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** * Strategy * ****************************************************************** * Name * Description * cost* ****************************************************************** * Scavenger * collects scrap for building * 3 * * APC * deploys 5 armed soldiers * 8 * * Artillery * strike from long distances with mortars * 8 * * Minelayer * lays minefields on command * 8 * * Recycler * builds units, most essential unit * 8 * * Factory * builds advanced units * 8 * * Armory * builds power ups i.e. ammo and weapons * 8 * * Turret * once deployed will defend area * 6 * * Tug * used to move heavy objects * 6 * * Construction Rig* constructs base buildings * 8 * ****************************************************************** ======================================================================= -Commander Walkthrough- ======================================================================= This part of the FAQ will be split up into three parts. One the American walkthrough, two the Soviet walkthrough, and third the Black Dog walkthrough. And each of these three sections will be split up into missions 1...2...3 etc. WARNING: before you start playing this make sure that you have gone though all training!! Training is the face with the head phones on at the single player select screen. ************************************************************** -American- ************************************************************** ******************************* -Red Arrival- ******************************* First thing you should do is get in the the tank. At the far right of the line of units. Then select your Recycler order it to build a scavenger. While it is building select Nav beacons then select Scrap Field. When the scavenger is done building select it and order it to go to the nav beacon Scrap Field. Now go ahead of your Scavenger to the Nav beacon. Wait there until two soviet fighters will popup on radar chase them down and kill them. After you do so another soviet fighter will shoot it down also. Then after that even another soviet fighter will appear this on to the southeast. Once you kill the last fighter you should be near or around the base. Wait there you will soon get orders that the hostiles are of course soviet. Any other fighter after this will not harm anything. Then eventually your mission will end. ******************************* -Eagles Nest 1- ******************************* In this mission your main proirity is to protect that Command Tower. First thing you do is destroy the two Soviet fighters attacking the Command Tower. Then on command screen tell the Recycler to build a turret build at least six of these and set them up around the Command Tower. And set atleast one by the Recycler. The next set of two Soviet Fighters will approach from the southeast. After you and your turrets destroy them you will get word that reinforcement are on there way. Order both of them to follow you. After that 3 more fighters will come and an APC will come towards your Recycler. Destroy anything around the Recycler first make sure to kill all evil red men. After a while it will change to a FMV of the soviets base. Then you will get order so escort two transports to the launch pad. When the FMV is over order the each of the offense to defend a transport. Then scout ahead for Soviet turrets. Try to caught them before they deploy becasue they can't shoot till they deploy. After you shoot down all three turrets just wait for them at the launch pad. Then Mission Over ******************************* -The Relic Discovered- ******************************* This mission is your first taste of actual commandering. Once you start order the Recycler and the Factory both to go to geysers. Now once the Recycler is setup order it to build a scavenger build about 2 of these. Then order your Factory to build a Tank again build two. When these tank are done or each of them to defend a building. With your Recycler build atleast 4 turrets put 2 at each building. Now over time 2 Soviet attack waves will come. After they do you will get word of Soviets gather to the Southeast. Build another Tank and order it to follow you. Then half way there a FMV will start and they will give you orders to build a tug a move the relic to the recyler. Build on right after the FMV the kill the baddies by the Relic. Then order your tug to pick up the Relic by selecting th tug then pointing to the Relic and pressing A. Now stay close to your tug or order the tank following you to defend it. Your base defenses should be able to take care of any attack runs the Soviets put up. Now after the tug picks up the relic order it to follow you. Then go to your base have it park by the Recyler and destroy and baddies that are there. After that thye should say object secured. Then Mission Over ******************************* -An Unexpected Connection- ******************************* First thing is to order your Recycler and Armory to geysers. Then order your Recycler to build 3 savengers. Then order your Recycler to build 4 turrets 2 for each building. Then build 2 scouts 1 for each building. Wait for your scrap to build up while attacking the waves of Soviet fighters and sometimes Captains. Build 6 more scouts and have all of them following you. Then select the Nav beacon Volcano and head up to it. I would then build 2 additional turrets and have them deployed at either side of the hill leading down inside the volcano. Then as fast as you can order 3 ammos and 3 repairs from the armory. To inside the volcano place them all in one spot away from the fighting. Now just tough it out and keep ordering ammos and repairs when needed. Then Mission Over TIP: When a enemy ship is stuck on the side of a hill your scouts will try to hit it wasteing alot of their ammo. So when this happens ram the enemy ship so it hits level ground. ******************************* -Escape From Mars- ******************************* First order both of the tanks to defend the Recycler. Then order the Recycler to follow you. Then make your way down the canyon. Soon after you come out into a wider canyon you should get your recon orders. Follow the coordinates to the object then circle it once then after the FMV. Go to Nav Beacons and select Starport and then go to it. Around 625 meters from the Starport you will encounter 2 Soviet turrets and a Soviet Howietizer, destory them. Then go on to the Starport. At about 350 meters from the starport order your Recycler to the nearest geyser. Then circle ALL of the alien buildings. Then move back to your Recycler to protect it from the encoming Soviet fleet you will see in the FMV. Once the fleet is destroyed build 2 scavengers, 1 scout, and 4 or 5 turrets. By now you should have your orders to investigate the Soviet Launch Pad do not leave leave until you have done the following. Surround your base with the turrets and order all offence except the scout to defend the Recycler. Then around 5:30 (timer: top right of screen) get into the scout. Head NorthEast in to the canyon. Go as fast as possible ignoring all enemies and trying to acoid their fire. If you come to a deadend just hop the canyon wall. by 3 minutes you should have found the Launchpad. Once you have found the Launch Pad order your Recycler to pack up. Then select the Nav Beacon "Dust of point". Then order your Recycler to go to the "Dust off point". Then you go to the same nav. Once you and your Recycler are both at the Nav. Then Mission Over Tip: time is the key in this level waste no time do everything as fast as possible. more to come..................... ======================================================================= -FAQ- ======================================================================= 1. Q. How do I get the glitches that freeze the game during FMVs to stop? A. First you need to own a gameshark v3.30 or better then enter the following activator code - D007AF000000 ======================================================================= -Arcade High Scores- ======================================================================= Well here is the interactive part of this FAQ. Send me your scores ( make sure to specify which army American, Soviet, or Blackdog. And I will post it on this FAQ. On the next big update. ************************************************************** -American High Scores- ************************************************************** ************************************** *#* Name * Score * Date * ************************************** *1*BlisteringFlare* 16304 *12-04-00* *2* * * * *3* * * * *4* * * * *5* * * * ************************************** ************************************************************** -Soviet High Scores- ************************************************************** ************************************** *#* Name * Score * Date * ************************************** *1* * * * *2* * * * *3* * * * *4* * * * *5* * * * ************************************** ************************************************************** -Black Dog High Scores- ************************************************************** ************************************** *#* Name * Score * Date * ************************************** *1*BlisteringFlare* 17438 *12-04-00* *2* * * * *3* * * * *4* * * * *5* * * * ************************************** ======================================================================= -Credits- ======================================================================= Steven Blackburn - for hooking me on to this game from the begining. Plague of Tims - for co-running the old clan with me. ======================================================================= -Farewell/Contact- ======================================================================= Well looks like its the end of my first complete FAQ. I hope you enjoy it as I enjoyed making it. And for more stuff on BattleZone visit If you any comments, praises, or smart ass remarks about this FAQ please e-mail me at : The latest version of this FAQ will always be found at ___________ / ___ ___ \ |/ _ \ / __\| |||_|/ | _|| |||_|\ | | | ||___/ |_| | This has been another diabolical production of : \___________/ ======================================================================= -Legal- ======================================================================= This FAQ is copyright 2000 Chris Watson. Ask permission before posting this in anyway. Only Chris Watson is authorized to make changes and updates to this FAQ. Any unauthorized changes or updates made to this FAQ not approved by Chris Watson is prohibited by law. If you would like to use any information from this FAQ contact me at: ( Battle Zone is Copyright Activsion ltd ======================================================================= -Version History- ======================================================================= 12-04-00 This is the first released version of this FAQ. ====================================== 01-07-01 Update to my new e-mail address format problems fixed and new levels lots of them will be coming soon. END