PASSWORDS Passwords (Note: If a code with an 1,l or a I doesn't work, switch them around) Texas vs. Boston = iAAEIGbe Boston vs. Chicago = AEECBGcC Texas vs. Detroit = icB6JaDb Seattle vs. Toronto = 3cC6JbDE Cleveland vs. Kansas City = 0cA7IKDa Minnesota vs. Cleveland = lcB5IKDa San Diego vs. Montreal = gAAEGEbk New York vs. New York = FAleBHbf San Francisco vs. Texas = fclBGiBA San Diego vs. Cleveland = gcA7HKDg New York vs. Atlanta = hAAEHFbh Oakland vs. New York = jcA2FHD2 Pittsburg vs. San Francisco = fAAEFDb3 LA vs. Philadelphia = eAAEECb5 Houston vs. Boston = ccA7EGD6 Milwaukee vs. Detroit = acA7HJD2 New York vs. Cincinnati = dcA2FHD8 Chicago vs. Chicago = 2AAGGAbf Chicago vs. Atlanta = 2c36Ahbl California vs. Baltimore = kcB3GIDi EASTER EGGS Fat Pitch At any time during a game, substitute your pitcher with another player that is not a pitcher. This new pitcher will throw a pitch called ''Fat''.