Article: 16100 of Newsgroups: alt.sega.genesis, From: (Fil Brown) Path: cf-cm!uknet!demon!!fil Subject: SF2'SCE - Moves list v1.2 Organization: Alcatel Network Systems Reply-To: X-Newsreader: Demon Internet Simple News v1.27 Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 16:47:24 +0000 Sender: Fil Brown Version: 1.2 Date: 9403.4 STREETFIGHTER II' - SPECIAL CHAMPION EDITION - MEGADRIVE/GENESIS MOVES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is intended to list all of the 'special' and a few not so special moves specifically for the MegaDrive/Genesis version of Street Fighter 2 - Special Champion Edition. I created this document to answer easily the many requests I have heard for the 'special' moves in SF2SCE. While most of them are listed in the manual, some are not [in my manual, anyway], such as Dhalsim's Corkscrew moves. This is because, although SF2 FAQ's exist, they contain much more information than is used for the MegaDrive/Genesis version. This document can never be complete, but I have tested all the moves listed, and hope that they are all accurate. Any further comments or additions to this list would be _most_ welcome at The moves listed are all available while playing in Hyper mode, but not necessarily in Champion mode. The terms used are as follows: K (any kick) - but strength/speed/range may depend on power Short - Light Kick [default = A button] Forward - Medium Kick [default = B button] Roundhouse - Hard Kick [default = C button] P (any punch) - again power may affect strength/speed/range Jab - Light Punch [default = X [A+Start*] button] Strong - Medium Punch [default = Y [B+Start*] button] Fierce - Hard Punch [default = Z [C+Start*] button] * Note: Start pauses the game with a six-button pad These terms are considered the standard across all versions as HK for Hard Kick also means Hurricane Kick, but I have explained them here for people who do not know the meanings. The directional controls are displayed with the player facing to the right, [when the player is facing left, they are reversed], with the moves shown in order from left to right, thus this sequence: | + \ + ----x K | \ x x shows a move where you begin by holding the joypad down, and rotating it towards your opponent, pressing any kick button as you reach the toward position. [This is the sequence for Sagat's Low Tiger Shot.] This notation: When close: x---- / ----x Strong/Fierce requires that you are close to your opponent, and that you press either away _or_ towards, and either medium _or_ hard punch. [This is a throw for most characters] Some moves require a 'charge' period, where you hold a direction for 2 seconds before continuing with the move, this is shown as: x---- + 2 + ----x K This requires that you hold the joypad away from your opponent for 2 seconds, then push towards your opponent, pressing any kick button simultaneously. [This is M. Bison's Scissor Kick, and Balrog's Dashing Uppercut.] Remember that the time in seconds refers to the time of the timer [if displayed], not real time, and that moves can be charged up when blocking, while waiting for a previous move to finish, or while the 'Round X' message appears at the start of a round. The computer seems not to need this charge time -but that's another story... For each character I have included a brief description of the moves they use most often when the computer is controlling them [Level 4 and above], and a brief description of each 'special' move, with further info on the more complex and difficult to perform ones. The reason I state Level 4 or above is that it is perfectly possible on Levels 1-3 to win all of the fights by just walking up to your opponent and punching them in the face or throwing them. RYU & KEN ~~~~~~~~~ Ryu is a fast fighter and enjoys pelting you with hundreds of fireballs, especially when you are a character who cannot retaliate. He also uses plenty of dragon punches, but after he's performed one he is very vulnerable to attack from the side. Ken's moves are very similar to Ryu's, except that he is stronger, but not as fast. The computer plays him similarly to Ryu with a few subtle differences: for example Ken is more fond of the dragon punches than the fireballs. Ken is especially dangerous when he corners you. Both of them always throw you when you are stunned. For more information on Ken's moves, see Ryu's equivalents. FIREBALL "Ha Do Ken" Ken/Ryu's missile attack is easy to perform, and is best used in cancelling other player's missile attacks, and dealing with players who continually use either Honda's 100 Hand Slap, Chun Li's Lightning Kick, Blanka's Electricity or Bison's Psycho Crusher - as these annoying moves will be swiftly ended. When Zangief is spinning, he cannot be hit by a missile attack. Note that Ken and Ryu, as all the characters are presumably gas-powered as their fireballs appear to be blue, instead of the more conventional orange. | + \ + ----x P [Travels faster with harder punches] | \ x x GOLDEN FIREBALL "Ha Do Ken" This is caused by a 'deliberate bug' in the game, and is most commonly done when three or four Fireballs are fired in quick succession. It does more damage than the usual attack, but moves slower. HURRICANE KICK "Tatsu Maki Sen Pu Kyaku" This is another easy to use move, and can hit an opponent many times when trapped in a corner, or stunned. Use it with caution, as a missile attack will take you out, and most characters can just kick you out of the air. | + / + K x---- | / x x DRAGON PUNCH "Sho Ryu Ken" This move I find very difficult to perform, but I find the best method is to use a sort of anti-clockwise rotation, but on the lower-right quarter of the pad. As mentioned earlier, this move leaves you very vulnerable to a side attack after it has been performed, but it is always useful to get you out of a corner when you're in trouble. ----x + | + \ | \ x x P AERIAL HURRICANE KICK "Tatsu Maki Sen Pu Kyaku" This takes a bit a practise before it can be used to any great effect, as an escape route from a corner, surprising the slower opponents by getting behind them, or for attacks on fighters still in the air. x | [to jump] + | + / + K x---- | | / x x POWER THROW This move is easy to use when an opponent is stunned, and takes a lot of energy, but is too dangerous to use otherwise. When close: x---- / ----x Fierce The move requires that you push towards an opponent and press Hard Punch, so a non-stunned opponent would have you on your back before you get to that range, unless you could surprise them by jumping over them, or catching them as they land. LEG THROW This is a variant of the Power Throw, and the same cautions apply. These moves are best used when an opponent is stunned, but not in a corner where a Hurricane Kick would be more effective. When close: x---- / ----x Roundhouse AXE KICK This is not a special move as such, but deserves a mention, when close to an opponent this kick delivers two Hard Kicks in quick succession, and is the best move to use on the Special Stages. When close: Roundhouse LEG SWEEP [KEN: FOOTSWEEP KICK] Knocking the enemy off their feet, this move [and the other character's equivalents] will prove useful to you as you play the game more, although not as fun as the special moves. | | x Roundhouse E. HONDA ~~~~~~~~ E. Honda is a surprising fighter, while the computer controlled version is fairly easy to beat, it is also pretty easy to beat the computer with Honda, making two player games involving a Honda a lot of fun. While the computer likes to try and headbutt and belly flop you, it starts it's 100 hand slap from a distance, giving you a chance to use a missile attack. Never let Honda trap you in a corner. 100 HAND SLAP This move is very easy to perform, and Honda can be moved while doing it. If an opponent is trapped in a corner, then this move is a real energy sapper. It is a somewhat 'dishonourable' way of winning, and two player partners will soon tire of your tactics - but if victory over the computer at all costs is your aim, then a quick switch to Honda can get you past that difficult fight. Press any PUNCH button repeatedly. [Harder punches move faster] SUMO HEAD BUTT "Dos Koi" This easily-done move is useful for getting yourself across the screen in a hurry, but most characters can easily knock your fat figure from the sky when you try this move on them. x---- + 2 + ----x P SUMO SMASH This move is slightly harder to perform, but can be charged up while blocking [as all the Down, Up + Kick moves]. Honda looks absolutely ridiculous while he is performing this move, so use a second player's laughter fit to good advantage! It's not a lot of use against a computer opponent, and a Dragon Punch will knock you noisily to the ground. x K | + 2 + | | | x THROW As with all throws, tricky to use unless the opponent is stunned. When close: x---- / ----x Strong CRUSHING HOLD This move is a devastating version of the quicker character's throws, it usually only becomes possible on a stunned character, the victim must quickly press all the buttons to escape before they fall down. When close: x---- / ----x Fierce BODY FLOP In this move Honda looks to be attempting to sit on you, but hits you with his feet instead, a good fast move to open up a round. Follow up with a kick. x Short / / FLYING CHOP Not a 'pigs might fly' joke, but an effective move with the full weight of Honda behind it. Don't expect to follow up too quickly though. x Fierce / / KNEE Grab the opponent and slam their head into your knee. A useful move and quick [for Honda]. When close: x---- / ----x Forward CHUN LI "Yatta!" ~~~~~~~ Chun Li is regarded by many people as the best fighter, and she is certainly the fastest [except maybe Vega]. A computer Chun Li shows off her skills to good advantage, by continually jumping, kicking in the air and, Chun Li's most important ability, jumping right over an opponent and landing behind them with up to a full second's worth of surprise attack. Chun Li can bounce off the walls when jumping to confuse her enemies and get out of corners when trapped. LIGHTNING KICK "Yap" This move is very destructive, especially when an opponent is trapped. It is easy to do, and blows away the Special Stages. After you finishing pressing, the move carries on for a while, giving you a chance to prepare for your next move. Beware that no-one gets behind you, or fires a missile at you in this 'lag' time, though. This move is rather more difficult to perform on the fastest speed, however. Press any KICK button repeatedly. [Harder kicks move faster] SPINNING BIRD KICK "Yap" This move of Chun Li's is pretty spectacular, but unlikely to catch any computer opponents out, but a Lightning Kick can be prepared for when you land, followed by another move. x K | + 2 + | | | x FIREBALL "Yap" Chun Li's new missile move, the Fireball is fairly tricky to execute, and so is not a safe way of neutralising opponent's missiles, Chun Li can more often than not, jump forwards over a fireball and kick the opponent in the face. The fireball is useful against characters like E. Honda, as described for Ryu and Ken's fireballs. x---- + / + | + \ + ----x P / | \ x x x BACK FLIP This useful move attacks while also getting you out of trouble, but you have to be close to start with. Good for those surprise attacks from behind, though. When close: x---- / ----x Forward BODY THROW The usual throw here for Chun Li, effective mainly on a stunned opponent. When close: x---- / ----x Fierce AIR SPINNING BIRD KICK This move, documented in the manual involves jumping, and performing a Spinning Bird Kick while in the air. As of yet, I have not been able to do this move and so it is left out for the time being. If anyone can give me hints on how to do it, I would be most grateful, but I can't see how you can charge for two seconds when you've just jumped (ie. pressed up) and you only spend about a second in the air! HAND PLANT KICK Sweeping the opponent off their feet, with a lot of power and a long reach, this move alone can beat some computer opponents. | | x Fierce ELBOW No surprises here, this move is useful for finishing off an opponent when you land next to them when you expected them to be dizzy. Good at the end of those combos that sometimes need that one extra hit to make their heads spin. When close: Strong FLYING THROW This is a great move, and very satisfying. You can grab people in the middle of their aerial attacks, and slam them to the ground. x / + When close: x---- / ----x Fierce / WALL JUMP This isn't an attacking move, but can be used to trick opponents and to get behind them. Remember to release the D-pad as soon as this move begins, both to begin charging your next move, and also to avoid jumping back to the same position you just got out of. x At [left] edge of screen: \ \ BLANKA ~~~~~~ I have to admit that Blanka is my favourite character, his lack of many moves makes him a challenge, but his long reach is second only to that of Balrog's punches [and Dhalsim's stretchy arms of course]. A computer-controlled Blanka can give you a lot of trouble, while it uses a large number of spin attacks, his long punches and kicks can cause you more aggravation - not forgetting that electricity attack when you least suspect it, and watch out - he bites! ROLLING ATTACK This move is much like Honda's Sumo Headbutt, in that it won't fool many, and they'll kick or punch you out of the air. Zangief and Balrog don't seem to do this though, but be careful. x---- + 2 + ----x P VERTICAL ROLLING ATTACK This move is like Honda's Sumo Smash, and about as effective. It's a very fast and violent-looking move that can scare some human opponents out of a quick reaction, bringing you crashing down on their heads, with an Electricity attack ready for good measure. However, a quick Dragon Punch and your eyes will soon be popping out of their sockets. x K | + 2 + | | | x ELECTRICITY This easy to perform move will prove shocking to your opponents, and it's great to see that all the characters have got their own 'Skeleton-Body' graphic while being hit. Watch out for missile attacks while executing this move, though. Press any PUNCH button repeatedly. HEAD BITE I love this move! It's Blanka's version of the throw, and can really do some satisfying damage when an opponent is stunned. Unfortunately, it's not that easy to stun people with Blanka, as he has no missile attacks. When close: x---- / ----x Fierce BACK FLIP This move is a kick with a difference. It not only delivers a full strength kick, but it blocks attacks and moves you out of danger. Dhalsim hates this one! x Roundhouse | | UPPERCUT This can be used while blocking, and has a long range ability to remove a quarter of your opponents energy. About three in a row should stun, but by that time your opponent will, I think, have cottoned on. | | x Fierce KNEE Like all Knees, Blanka's is a quick retaliation when you're taking a beating in the corner. When close: ---x Forward HEAD BUTT A double-hitting move, like the Axe Kicks - this move must be done at close range. When close: Fierce ZANGIEF ~~~~~~~ Zangief, while being very strong, is dismally slow. When the computer controls him, he takes all your punches, just so he can get in close for his Spinning Pile Driver. Don't let him get near you, a couple of Fireballs [that he doesn't bother to block] and he's stunned and history. SPINNING LARIAT This move can be executed on the move [sort of], but is pretty easy to defend against. He is invulnerable to missiles while performing it though. Press all three PUNCH buttons at once. TURBO SPINNING LARIAT Another spin that protects you from missiles, but faster and shorter. It will hit characters in the air if you are lucky. Press all three KICK buttons at once. FLYING KICK This simple kick is about Zangief's only attempt at long-range combat, but it does hurt! Easily blocked, leaving Zangief open to attack. x K / / SPINNING PILE DRIVER This is the most deadly move in the game, and also the most difficult to execute. The only time it can be safely attempted is when your opponent is stunned. I've only managed it a few times on stationary two player characters, but it does some serious damage when you get it right! x x x x | + / + ----x + \ + | + / + x---- + \ + | | / \ | / \ | x x x [which represents a 360-degrees clockwise rotation] Then, when close: x---- / ----x P The move must be wholly performed when close to your opponent, and you must push into them to grab at the end, as if for a throw. PILE DRIVER This is an easier to do version of the Spinning Pile Driver, can only be done close up, and is moderately effective. When close: x---- / ----x Strong POWER SQUEEZE This is a crushing move, like Blanka's Head Bite, but not as powerful. Useful when opponents are stunned, though. When close: Strong BACK BREAKER One of Zangief's many throws, this is a spectacular wrestling move, and does a moderate amount of damage. Can only be used close up, though. When close: x---- / ----x Forward BACK DROP Another throw, this one is more powerful, but again is for close-up. A good substitute for the Spinning Pile Driver, if you can't always pull it off when your opponent is stunned, they lose nearly a quarter of their energy. When close: x---- / ----x Fierce POWER CRUSH Yet another close-up throw, this is the most powerful after the Spinning Pile Driver, it removes over a quarter of energy and makes them dizzy. When close: x---- / ----x Roundhouse GUILE ~~~~~ Guile is a popular fighter, but difficult to master. The computer likes to send Sonic Booms at you, until it can lure you into coming close enough for a Flash Kick. The good thing about Guile is that most of his moves can be charged up while blocking, making him one of the most difficult fighters to hit. SONIC BOOM "Sonic Boom!" This missile move is easy to perform, and can be charged up while in a defensive crouch, so that even though it is difficult to be fast enough to cancel other character's missile attacks, if one gets through then it won't do so much damage. x---- + 2 + ----x P FLASH KICK This move is effective at any time, but it can be charged when blocking to lure your opponent into it for maximum effect. x K | + 2 + | | | x BACK DROP Guile's variation of the throw is a good move to use when your opponent is stunned, otherwise it's rather dangerous. When close: x---- / ----x Fierce FLYING THROW Like Chun Li's version, this move really takes the stuffing out of an aerial attack, but be careful not to get kicked in the face before you grab. x / + When close: x---- / ----x Fierce / UPPERCUT When crouched, Guile can stand up with a massive punch that takes out lazy attacks from the air. When close: Fierce TUMBLE KICK This kick is the one where Guile turns upside down, and can be executed in one of two ways: When close: x---- / ----x Roundhouse The 'away' example is more useful as it gets you out of trouble if your opponent retaliates. KNEE A rare move that is quick and can be followed up well with a block. x---- / ----x Forward ROUNDHOUSE FOOTSWEEP This is Guile's breakdancing trip move. His foot trips the opponent once, then comes around again in enough time for them to have got up and walked into it again. | | x Roundhouse DHALSIM ~~~~~~~ Dhalsim is a very difficult fighter to master, but can be used to great effect, as the computer shows. When he is controlled by the computer, he leaps around a lot and uses his corkscrew moves and his leg slide to wear you down. Dhalsim is best when he gets in control, so don't let him! When he teleports, it is normally to appear next to you, and in front - so make him pay for his insolence with a quick smack in the mouth, if he appears close behind you, you turn round anyway and the punch still hits, and if he appears at a distance, you've lost nothing except for your pride as you punch at the fresh air. CORKSCREW Good move for wearing down opponents, doesn't do much damage, and you must be ready to retreat as soon as you hit. x | + | P [in air] | | x VERTICAL CORKSCREW This move is similar to the Corkscrew, but it has a shorter range, and can be continually performed. x | + | K [in air] | | x YOGA FIRE Dhalsim's missile attack is spectacular, and does as much damage as one of Ryu or Ken's Fireballs, but it doesn't stun as quickly. | + \ + ----x P [Travels faster with harder punches] | \ x x YOGA FLAME A reduced range fire attack, but with increased damage, the Flame can be cancelled with a missile attack. This move is tricky to perform, and because of the similarity in the controls, a Yoga Fireball will often come out instead. x---- + / + | + \ + ----x P / | \ x x x YOGA TELEPORT This move, which uses the same motion as the Dragon Punch, is very difficult to perform. It is useful against a human opponent, but there is no element of surprise against a computer, because it obviously knows exactly where you are going to reappear. There are four variations of this move. To appear behind your opponent: ----x + | + \ | \ x x Any 2 PUNCH buttons [near opponent] Any 2 KICK buttons [far away] To appear in front of your opponent: x---- + | + / | / x x Any 2 PUNCH buttons [near opponent] Any 2 KICK buttons [far away] HEAD BUTT Holy double-hitting cranial combinations! This move is powerful when close, but is risky, as with all close moves. When close: Fierce HEAD SMASH A version of the other's crushing moves, most similar to Honda's knee in that few people use it, as they tend to use only the hard kicks and punches, and never discover it. When close: x---- / ----x Strong SLIDE The best trip move, Dhalsim grins inanely as he sweeps your feet from under you. | | x Roundhouse BALROG ~~~~~~ Balrog can't kick, he can't throw, and he can't jump particularly well. His reach is incredible with the Dash and Turn Punches, but unfortunately, his punches are _all_ block-able. His Head Butt can get you when all else fails. A computer Balrog cheats. He continually releases dashing punches, without the proper charge time. But, this is ok. To beat it, just hit him once, then retreat to a crouching block in the corner, and wait while his frenzied attacks fail to connect each and every time until the time runs out and you win 'on points'. Well, if the computer can cheat... In general, the punch buttons control his left hand, and the kick buttons his right hand, so you may want to change the button configurations to easily deliver a quick one-two. DASHING STRAIGHT PUNCH Look out! Too late. This fast move will really knock 'em for six, but don't use it too often on the computer, it learns and begins to block you. x---- + 2 + ----x P DASHING UPPERCUT Same as the Dash Punch, but more effective against airborne opponents. x---- + 2 + ----x K TURN PUNCH "Two" - !? The mother of all punches, this one will have you opponent bending over backwards for you. Not too difficult to spot this one coming, though. Hold all three PUNCH or KICK buttons, then release. The longer you hold the buttons, the harder the punch. You can charge this one up while backing away. UPPERCUT Two of these monsters, and your opponent will be seeing stars [or birdies]. Good when your opponent's in a corner. | | x Fierce HEAD BUTT IMHO, Balrog's only decent move. Like Blanka's Head Bite, this one is another grab-and-not-let-go move, with dire consequences. When close: x---- / ----x Fierce DROP PUNCH One of the few ways of sorting out aerial attacks, or attacking from above yourself. x Fierce / / RIGHT HOOK Not too difficult to pull off, this one. As mentioned before, the kick buttons control your right hand, and wow, what a right hand! When close: Roundhouse SAGAT ~~~~~ Sagat is a most unpleasant man, and has ripped of all of Ryu and Ken's moves, except for the Hurricane Kick. Instead he can deliver both High and Low Tiger Shots. A computer Sagat will always Tiger Uppercut you, then retreat to send alternate High and Low Tiger Shots at you. You will become sick to death of him continually saying "Ti-ger", and this is probably designed to break your concentration. HIGH TIGER SHOT "Tiger" Sagat's missile attack is aimed at smaller characters' head height, and can be ducked, or negated by a counter-missile. | + \ + ----x P [Travels faster with harder punches] | \ x x LOW TIGER SHOT "Tiger" [again] This is typical of Sagat's low down cheapness. You have to jump this one, or blast it with one of your own. | + \ + ----x K [Travels faster with harder kicks] | \ x x TIGER UPPERCUT "Tiger Uppercut" A nasty dragon punch, with variable speeds and ranges, depending on the button used. Leaves Sagat open to counter-attack, assuming he hasn't just punched your lights out. ----x + | + \ | \ x x P HIGH KICK A fearsome kick, which is useful in a corner. When close: Roundhouse LOW KICK Surprisingly, the reverse of the High Kick, this one is a trip move, but does a fair bit of damage, too. | | x K TIGER KNEE "Tiger" [groan] There are two claimed ways of doing this move, one is the Dragon Punch movement with a kick instead of a punch, but the one that works for me is: x K | + / | / x THROW I suppose you know what this does by now. Use it when they're stunned. When close: x---- / ----x Strong/Fierce VEGA "Yo Vega Wi-hin!" ~~~~ Vega's moves are complicated, and don't take much energy, but it will be no surprise to learn that the computer can execute them all perfectly. A Vega controlled electronically will leap about almost continually, pausing only to charge for his Swan Dive, or to pose to the crowd. He can bounce off the walls like Chun Li, and is probably the fastest character in the game. SWAN DIVE This move is tricky to execute at first, it doesn't do an awful lot of damage, but it is certainly spectacular. In Spain, before diving, Vega will climb the wire at the back, he will eventually jump off by himself, but you can hurry it up by pressing punch or kick. x K | + 2 + | Then, when diving: ----x P | | x BARCELONA This is the same as the swan dive, except that Vega throws when he lands on his opponent. This move has more power than the Swan Dive, and is a good way to get a throw in without getting too close to your opponent. x K | + 2 + | Then, when diving: P x---- | | x FACE SLASH Vega uses his claws to attack his opponent, but surprisingly they don't take away much energy. When close: P WALL LEAP Not an attacking move, this helps you out of a sticky situation. x At [left] edge of screen: \ \ LOW LUNGE Hit 'em where it hurts! Well, anywhere you hit 'em hurts when you wear a 12-inch razor-sharp claw on your fist. | | x Fierce CRYSTAL ROLL This can hit an opponent six times [but then again, so can a hurricane kick, but have you ever actually seen it hit that many times?]. It is sort of a missile attack, but if you are hit, you lose more than your missile. x---- + 2 + ----x P SLIDING KICK Can be done while charging a Swan Dive, this move will irritate your opponents into submission. | | x Roundhouse THROW This is pretty self-explanatory by now, use it when they're stunned [by your good looks] When close: x---- / ----x Strong/Fierce M. BISON ~~~~~~~~ M. Bison is a very, very unpleasant man, I mean, when you lose he has absolutely no qualms about telling you to get lost! A computer Bison will head stomp you a lot, then flame you when he starts to lose [Psycho-flame you that is, not argue with you on the net]. When you are in a corner, he will use the second part of his head stomp move to get behind you and throw you. PSYCHO CRUSHER [FLAMING TORPEDO] This move will hit at least four times if you block it, otherwise you will be consumed in wiggly blue lines of electricity. x---- + 2 + ----x P FIERY FIST Just a punch, well sort of. When Bison punches he has fists of fire that can stun quickly. When close: P BELLY FLOP Unblock opponents with this aerial attack. x P / / SCISSOR KICK Two hits from this nasty move, charge it while retreating for a surprise when they're expecting the Psycho Crusher. x---- + 2 + ----x K FLYING KICK Like everyone else's [except Balrog's] flying kick, but with a bit more venom. x K / / SLIDING KICK The same as Dhalsim's, except that Bison can be kicked in the face by a flying kick, _while_ he is performing this move. | | x K HEAD STOMP A complicated move, but very effective. Hard to block against, and quick for stunning. x K | + 2 + | Then, after the stomp: ----x P | | x THROW "What's that?", I hear you ask, but you were only joking. x---- / ----x Strong/Fierce Well, that [finally] concludes my guide to the MegaDrive/Genesis versions of Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition. I may not have included all of the moves, or I may have got some mixed up. Either way - tell me. I am at - which is the Reply address of this document. Before I go, here is a 'cheat' I know works: At the Capcom logo at the beginning of the game: x | + Z + | + X + A + Y + B + C | | x You hear Chun Li say "Yatta!", and when you play the one-player game, you can use special moves _only_. This is rather a bitch, but it _does_ make you practise! Here's another: On the screen where you choose Match Play/Elimination: x Using controller two: | + Z + | + X + A + Y + B + C | | x Chun Li again shrieks an excited "Yatta!", and each character can be selected twice, so that in a match play of 3 rounds (for instance) you could have Ryu vs. Ryu, then Ken vs. Ken and then Chun Li vs. Chun Li. Useful. And now here's a cheat I use a _lot_, this cheat is an adaptation of a standard cheat common to nearly all two-player games, where you use the second player to carry on when your original player is in trouble. The quickest [and easiest] way to get to M. Bison on any level. 1. Choose Start Game with Player 1 2. On the character selection screen, press Start for Player 2 3. Pick Player 1 & Player 2 characters 4. Use Player 1 to quickly beat in a stationary Player 2 5. Press Start to continue Player 2 6. Choose another victim, the Player 2 who was just beaten will be crossed out on the map, and you won't have to fight them again. Note: this cheat does not apply to M. Bison, so you can cross everyone off the list, but then you must beat M. Bison. Of course you won't have had any practise this way, so Bison will probably cream you, as you are used to static opponents, so... A nice variation of this is to actually _have_ two players, ruling that when one is beaten, they choose a _new_ character - then when all the characters are used up, the winner stays on with their last character to fight M. Bison. Ok, that's it - let me know if there's anything I missed [or anything that I _should_ have missed]. Thanks to: (Phil Stroffolino) - for the FAQ (T. Cannon) - for buffers & much more (Eu-Ming Lee) - for throws & tips - for the Arcade moves & more - for the sayings - for the dizzies - for Internet access Thanks also to all the people who have e-mailed me with comments on this list, about terminology and Ken's computer-controlled moves in particular, otherwise this would still be version 0.9. Document Licensing Arrangement follows: you can do what you like with this document in whole or in part Cheers, fil -- *************************************** * Fil Brown * * *************************************** Guile : "Go home and be a family man"