------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------[ VIDEOCART 2: DESERT FOX/SHOOTING GALLERY]-------------- ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- ------------------------------------[Channel F]-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o The second game in the Channel F series was also a multi-game. This one only had two games: Desert Fox and Shooting Gallery (same as the one in Vidcart 1). Desert Fox is strictly 2-player. If you are playing this using the MESS emulator and you don't know the actual controls of the system, I will tell you the buttons to press on the emulator. As you can see, I've contributed a lot of screenshots to the system itself with the MESS. I'm playing this on the actual console itself. o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Videocart 2: 2-in-1 and its characters are trademarks of Fairchild and all copyrights belong to them. This FAQ is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka Ice Queen Zero and cannot be put on other sites or posted without my given permission nor can it be reproduced without proper consent. For my other guides: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html o---------------------o OVERVIEW o---------------------o Desert Fox: If you are familiar with the game called Tank, then you have an idea of what this game is about. It is a 2-player game which each player will control a tank and shoot their opponent while avoiding running over mines. Shooting Gallery: You will be shooting at falling ducks during a set amount of time. o---------------------o CONTROLS o---------------------o Console and Controller 1 - Desert Fox 2 - Shooting Gallery +---------------------+ | Desert Fox | +---------------------+ At the start of the game: S1: Change Time S2: Change Speed S4: Start Game T1: 2:00 T2: 5:00 T3: 10:00 T4: 20:00 3: Stop Game to Change Settings Joystick = move an any direction Plunge Down = Fire Twist Left = Rotate gun counterclockwise Twist Right = Rotate gun clockwise +---------------------+ | Shooting Gallery | +---------------------+ At the start of the game: S1: Change Time S2: Change Speed S4: Start Game T1: 2:00 T2: 5:00 T3: 10:00 T4: 20:00 Plunge Down = Shoot 3: Stop Game to Change Settings MESS EMULATOR 1 - Desert Fox (1/Start) 2 - Shooting Gallery (2/Button 5) +---------------------+ | Desert Fox | +---------------------+ At the start of the game: S1: Change Time S2: Change Speed S4: Start Game T1: 2:00 T2: 5:00 T3: 10:00 T4: 20:00 Button 6 (3): Stop Game to Change Settings Arrow keys (Joystick) = move an any direction Button 1 (Plunge Down) = Fire Button 4 (Twist Left) = Rotate gun counterclockwise Button 3 (Twist Right) = Rotate gun clockwise +---------------------+ | Shooting Gallery | +---------------------+ S1: Change Time S2: Change Speed S4: Start Game T1: 2:00 T2: 5:00 T3: 10:00 T4: 20:00 Button 6 (3): Stop game to change settings. o---------------------o GAMEPLAY o---------------------o I will go over the basics of both games so hang tight. +---------------------+ | Desert Fox | +---------------------+ In Desert Fox, it's you against another player in an all-out war to get the most points in a match during a given amount of time. You can choose to fight each other for as little as 2 minutes or as much as 20 minutes. You chase each other all over the playing field trying to gain points for sucessfully hitting your opponent. There are obstacles in the field that can protect you and in some cases hurt you. There are two barriers that a pllayer can run through and not get hit by any bullets coming their way while they are behind it. There are also mines in the area that not only snuff out shots but they can damage whoever runs over them for one point to the opponent. Unfortunately, the damage is not continual so if one runs over a mine, it still shows damage being done but only one point is scored period by the opponent. Whoever has the most points at the end of time is the winner. +---------------------+ | Shooting Gallery | +---------------------+ First you will choose the amount of time or speed. Default is 2:00 at slow speed. When yiou press 4 during S mode (Button 7 on MESS), the game starts. You shoot at falling ducks coming from the top of the screen. The gun is place in a random spot and tilted at a random angle where the shots will be fired from where the gun is pointed and bounce of the top or bottom of the screen. If you hit a duck, the gun is moved elsewhere at a different angle. Ducks will never fall from the left side of the gun. On the lower left is the number of ducks shot. On the lower right is the number of total shots fired. After time runs out, you are given the option of changing your settings or keeeping the old ones and resuming the game. o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o Fairchild for making the game. GameFAQs for hosting my FAQ as well as my reviews. The readers for reading the FAQ. My grandpa, Jageau "Jagged O" Steile Sr. for having the actual Channel F unit. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o My email address is here if you have any questions to ask about this FAQ or give any suggestions. azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Check out me and my sisters Youtube page at http://www.youtube.com/user/PurrfectTrio Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero