Final Fight Revenge FAQ Ver 0.5 Sega Saturn (JAP) FAQ by GalFord ( ///////////////// <VERSION HISTORY> ///////////////// 07/08/00 Version 0.5 Added the "To everyone that 'mailed me" section. Corrected the Version Header to read the current version... DOH! 28/07/00 Version 0.4 Added the Item Use section after receiving a nice little informative E-Mail from a certain Chen Guojun. :) Thanks dude! I also forgot to update the Version header at the top of the FAQ.. So, Ver 0.4 still says "Version 0.3" >_< 06/07/00 Version 0.3. Corrections to small grammatical errors. Corrected command for Cody's Diving Knife Twist. Corrected "Lead Pipe" to the "Steel Pipe" that it was meant to be! Added Endings after receiving an inquisitive E-Mail from Raistlin Archmage. :) Added taunts and color listings to each characters details. Added Win Icons. Added a little something in the Hidden Stuff section about changing game text to English. Pity it's not a Boss code :( 19/06/2000 Version 0.2. Corrections to some grammatical errors and corrected move command for Andores' Giant Meteo. Added "Chainsaw" to the Weapons List...(How did I miss THAT one?) Added descriptions to moves. Added a Hidden Stuff section. (Not much in it though.) 13/06/2000 Version 0.1. Created FAQ with Intro, Legend, Weapon list/Item List, Moves Lists and Win-Poses. /////// <INTRO> /////// Final Fight Revenge was a game that I REALLY wanted to play. I had waited for ages for a true arcade sequel to Final Fight and it seemed that my prayers were answered... Or not. Disappointed? Yep! But I played it, I cursed Capcom of America for making it... And then I bought the Japanese Saturn Version and liked it. So I thought to write an FAQ on it. And Lo' and behold.. GalFord did write the FAQ, and he did forget to correct the Header saying "Version 0.3" to "Version 0.4"! Doh....! //////////// <DISCLAIMER> //////////// This FAQ may not be used for profit or promotional purposes; this MEANS being used by ANY Publisher of ANY Magazine (OK?), or be used in a Website without the Writers Consent. This FAQ was created by Bob Ritchings a.k.a. GalFord ( And after playing this darn game for long enough to warrant an FAQ, I will not take a breach of the above lightly! Be warned! Final Fight Revenge is (c) Capcom Co Ltd. 1999 ////////// <CONTENTS> ////////// #Legend #Win Icons #Weapon List/Item List #Item Use #Moves Lists #Endings #Hidden Stuff #Prologue #Credits and Thanks #To everyone that 'Mailed me //////// <LEGEND> //////// F = Forward B = Back U = Up D = Down J = Jumping S = Standing C= Crouching JX= Cross-up, cross-over, back-door, overlap attack P = Punch K = Kick WP = Weak Punch WK = Weak Kick HP = Heavy Punch HK = Heavy Kick SP = Special T = Taunt (Can be set in Options) QCF = Quarter Circle Forwards / Ryu's Ha-Dou-Ken Motion QCB = Quarter Circle Backwards / Ryu's Hurricane Kick Motion HCF = Half Circle Forwards / Ryu's Shakunetsu Ha-Dou-Ken Motion HCB = Half Circle Backwards / Cammy's Spinning Knuckle Motion DP = Forwards, Down, Down-Forwards / Dragon Punch Motion RDP = Back, Down, Down-Backwards / Reverse Dragon Punch Motion CBF = Charge Back then Forwards / Guile's Sonic Boom Motion CDU = Charge Down then Up / Guile's Flash Kick Motion 360 = Complete 1 Rotation of D-Pad / Zangief's Spin Piledriver Motion 720 = Complete 2 Rotations of D-Pad / Zangief's F.A.Buster Motion /////////// <WIN ICONS> /////////// SWORD = Defeated opponent with a Weapon. LASSO = Defeated opponent with a standard throw (Not a Sp or Super throw). CHEESE = Defeated opponent with block damage.. Naughty person! CHERRY = Defeated opponent with a weak attack. V = Defeated opponent with a standard attack. LIGHTNING BOLT = Defeated opponent with a Special Move. LIGHTNING BOLT w/STAR = Defeated opponent with a Super Move. ///////////// <WEAPON LIST> ///////////// STICK = Rolento's default weapon. To everyone else it's just like the Steel Pipe. POLICE STICK = Edi.E's default weapon. Same use as the Steel Pipe. But without the range. STEEL PIPE = Haggar's Best Weapon. He gains a Swipe with it. Medium power. NYOI-BO = Slightly stronger than Rolento's Stick. Disappears after 10 successful hits. ARMY KNIFE = El Gado's default weapon. SURVIVAL KNIFE = Cody's Best Weapon. As he gains a quick double-stab as a standing attack. An all-round OK weapon for the others. JACK KNIFE = Red Blade. Quite powerful. Disappears after around 10 successful hits. Once again, it's a good weapon for Cody. KATANA = Guy's Best Weapon. As he gains a Thrust with it. Nice, fairly quick. MUSASHI'S SWORD = A strong weapon with which Guy again gains the Thrust. But after around 10 hits with it, it disappears. CHAINSAW = Nice, meaty weapon with good range and nice amounts of damage. Damnds' Ball attacks gain range with this weapon. WAR HAMMER = Strong Heavy Weapon. Can Stun an Opponent in 3 Hits. Disappears after around 10 successful hits. SPIKED KNUCKLES = Using these slightly improves your Punching power. POISON CLAWS = Poison's Best Weapon. She gains an extra hit to the Cat Claw Special Move as well as increased punch damage GUN = 8 Shots. Not too fast and only deals out as much Damage as a WP. F+HP = Fire slightly upwards. DF+HP = Fire slightly upwards whilst crouching. BOMB = 8 Bombs. Hand grenades which explode on impact or after 2 seconds. Additional Commands: F+HP = Far Throw DF+HP = Far Lob whilst crouching MACHINE GUN = 48 Shots!! Weak, but can be directed up or down. RIFLE = 16 Shots. Fires high-powered Shots one at a time. SHOTGUN = 10 Shots. Fires 3 Pellets that cover a wide vertical range. FREEZE GUN = 16 Shots. Freezes Opponent (Duh!). But not for long. FLAMETHROWER = 32 Shots. Not powerful but can be used as a great keep-out weapon. Direct-able either up or down. STUN GUN = 10 Shots. Fires a ball of Electricity, which knocks down. Additional Commands: F+HP = Fire slightly upwards. DF+HP = Fire slightly upwards whilst crouching. BAZOOKA = 8 Shots. Slow to fire and not very powerful. BOW GUN = Only found on Belger's stage. Nice Damage but a bit slow. HEAD = Erm.. It's Belger's Decayed and Dismembered Head. Bit like throwing a Bowling Ball at an Enemy. ARM = Belger's Arm acts the same way as a Steel Pipe. LEG = Belger's Leg acts the same way as the War Hammer (Note: If you throw a gun-type weapon [Flame thrower, Gun...] then pick it up again, it'll be reloaded!! ^_^) /////////// <ITEM LIST> /////////// BURGER = Small Life Gain FRIES = Very Small Life Gain MEAT = Small Life Gain SUSHI = Very Small Life Gain CURRY = Very Small Life Gain HOT DOG = Small Life Gain ESPRESSO = Small Life Gain ////////// <ITEM USE> ////////// To pick up any items (Food, Guns... Belgers' Head) simply stand over the item and a flashing green arrow should appear to signify that you're in range to pick it up. Pressing the SP Button will pick up the item. Now, if you've picked up a food item then you will gain an amount of energy. When you pick up a weapon however, you have two options:- #WP+WK = Pressing these two will cycle through and equip any weapons you have collected. There will be a yellow border around the selected item. If there isn't a yellow border around anything, then you have nothing equipped! #HP+HK = Pressing these two will throw the current weapon/item at the opponent. If you hit the opponent then pick up the weapon again it will be fully loaded. Cool, huh? Thanks to Chen Guojun for reminding me about this section!! Thank you !!! ^_^ ///////////// <MOVES LISTS> ///////////// ------ <CODY> - Searching for his Angel ------ The search for his sweetheart Jessica has brought Cody back to Metro City. "Great" he thinks "I'm back where I started, and the scum seems to be coming out of the woodwork again" Taking a deep breath Cody walks into an alley. "So, has anyone here heard of the whereabouts of the Major's daughter?" "Shut it, Blondie" spat one of the thugs "The Mad Gear ASK the questions not answer them!" Less than five minutes later, Cody emerges from the alley with barely a sweat. "Hmm.. Something's going on at the Cemetery" -COLOURS- Punch = White T-shirt, Blue Jeans, White Sneakers Kick = Black T-shirt, Dark Blue Jeans, Black Sneakers -TAUNT- Cody stands straight and punches his right fist into his left palm. -THROWS- Belly-to-Belly Suplex = F or B+HP Knee Jamboree = F or B+HK Shoulder Throw = F or B+HP whilst in Knee Jamboree -ADDITIONAL ATTACKS- Glancing Upper = F+WP Brawling Smash = F+HP (Overhead) Push Kick = F+WK Knee Drop = D+WK in Mid-Air Overdrive Wheel Kick = U+HK in Mid-Air -WEAPON ATTACKS- With Any Knife: Gutting Knife = F+WP Shin Stab = F+WK Windmill Knife Swipe = B+HP Jumping Knife Twist = DF+HP Downward Stab = D+WP Diving Knife Twist = D+HP in Mid-Air With any Stick or Sword/Chainsaw: Overhead Slap = F+WP Toe Poke = F+WK Knee Capper = DF+WP -SPECIAL MOVES- Strike Fist = QCF+P #This is a blatant Tekken rip-off with an odd "fireball" sprite on his fist. Somersault Kick = DP+K #Standard Air defense, just not a move you would expect Cody to have. Rapid Punch = DP+P #Not very combo-able but it's not a bad move. Sobat Combo = QCB+K, K, K #You can get 4 hits out of this if you mix up the kick buttons used. e.g. QCB+WK, WK, HK, HK or QCB+HK, WK, HK, HK) Judo Catch = WP+HP+SP (Will reverse any standing attack) #Nice little reversal. -SUPERS- Punch-Out = QCF, QCF+P #When this connects the view will switch to behind Cody. You then may string as many hits as you want using the standard attack buttons. Try to finish your Opponent with this for the Grand Finale... Heh, heh. Hyper Active = HCB+P #This is basically the same as the custom combos from SFA3/SFZ3. You get to control your character and may unleash a fast barrage of hits, but you cannot block any incoming attacks.. I find the Punch-Out to be the better of the two supers. -WIN POSES- ROUND 1 = Cody shakes his two fists in front of him and exclaims "Yeah!" ROUND 2 = Cody takes a Photo out of his back pocket, glances at it and merely utters the name "Jessica" FINAL FINISH = Finish your Opponent with the Punch-Out and the Opponent will get up dazed. Cody (With his back turned) raises a fist and tells them "You're already dead". The Enemy is then battered senseless by some unseen force and Cody simply walks away from them. ----- <GUY> - Sneaker Wearing Ninja ----- After the destruction of the Mad Gear gang and the death of its leader Belger, Guy has been training intensely as he believes that the Mad Gear gang is all but gone. Numerous times he tried to tell Haggar but the result would be the same "Guy, you're over-reacting.. Without Belger there IS no Mad Gear." Now there were more and more violent crimes being committed and the Police force was too afraid to deal with the problem. Guy decided that it had gone on long enough. So, he set off into the City Center to rid it of scum. -COLOURS- Punch = Red Ninja Outfit, Red Sneakers Kick = White Ninja Outfit, White Sneakers -TAUNT- Guy turns his back on the opponent, raises his left hand to his head and drops it to his side. -THROWS- Bushin Shoulder Throw = F or B+HP Bushin Knee Murder = F or B+HK Bushin Overhead Throw = F or B+HP whilst in Bushin Knee Murder Flying Bushin Izuna Drop = F or B+HP or HK in Mid-Air -ADDITIONAL ATTACKS- Bushin Upper = F+WP Overhead Elbow = F+HP (Overhead) Push Kick = F+WK Flip Kick = F+HK Bushin Slide = DF+HK Chuu Otoshi = D+HP in Mid-Air -WEAPON ATTACKS- With any Stick or Sword/Chainsaw: Overhead Slice = F+WP Toe Poke = F+WK Sword Thrust = F+HP (Only with Sword's, Silly! ^_^) Crouching Overhead Slice = DF+WP With any Knife: Gutting Knife = F+WP Shin Stab = F+WK Crouching Shin Stab = DF+WP -SPECIAL MOVES- Shuriken = QCF+P #Ninja style projectile attack. Kuuchu Shuriken = QCF+P in Mid-Air #Mid-Air projectile attack Bushin Senpu Kyaku = QCB+K #Guy's signature Spin-Kick. Only goes straight up though. Bushin Izuna Otoshi = HCF+K, then K when next to opponent. (Pressing Kick early shall get you a Chuu Otoshi) #Guy's Jumping throw move from the Alpha series. Quite useful. Shira Hadori = WP+HP+SP (Will reverse any standing Punch) #A pretty nice reversal, if I do say so myself. -SUPERS- Super Shinobi = QCF, QCF+K #When this connects the view will switch to behind Guy. You then have to shoot shurikens at the Enemy using the punch buttons to throw them and the joypad to direct Guy's sight left or right. Hitting WP will cause Guy to throw standard Shurikens while hitting HP will cause him to throw red Kunai darts that knock down the Enemy. Shippu = HCB+P #This is also the same as the custom combos from SFA3/SFZ3. You get to control your character and may unleash a fast barrage of hits, but you cannot block any incoming attacks. -WIN POSES- ROUND 1 = Guy turns his back and says "Korezo, Bushinryuu" ROUND 2 = Guy stands tall, clasps his hands together. A ring of Fire encircles him as he says "Waruku Omouna" FINAL FINISH = If you finish your Opponent with the Super Shinobi then Guy will throw a Smoke Bomb at his feet... And Disappear! -------- <HAGGAR> - Muscle-bound Mayor of Metro City -------- Haggar had a headache. For two weeks there had been riots and violent crimes all over Metro City. This City, his City was being defiled and he could do nothing to prevent it. "All I wanted was a little peace," he said as he looked at the picture on his desk. "Jessica. My little baby. Where are you? Where did you go? Come home to Daddy safely." Haggar wiped the forming tears away and looked out of the window. "Daddy'll make your city better, dear Jess." He promised as he tore off his shirt and tie, stormed out of the Office and called out to the Secretary "If anyone calls, I'm in a meeting busting heads!!!" -COLOURS- Punch = Green Trousers Kick = Red/Brown Trousers -TAUNT- Haggar leans forward and beckons the opponent closer. -THROWS- Repeated Headbutts = F or B+HP Jumping Piledriver = F or B+HK Back Drop = F or B+HK whilst in Repeated Headbutts Spinning Leg Takedown = DF+HP Piledriver Interceptor = F or B+HP or HK in Mid-Air -ADDITIONAL ATTACKS- Forearm Smash = F+WP Heavy Lunge = F+HP Drop Kick = F+HK (Overhead) Body Splash = D+HP in Mid-Air Knee Press = D+WK in Mid-Air -WEAPON ATTACKS- With any Stick or Sword/Chainsaw: Overhead Slap = F+WP Toe Poke = F+WK Swinging Pipe = F+HP (With Steel Pipe) Knee Capper = DF+WP Hopping Overhead = DF+HP (With Steel Pipe) With Any Knife: Gutting Knife = F+WP Shin Stab = F+WK Crouching Shin Stab = DF+WP -SPECIAL MOVES- Double Lariat = WP+HP #Like Zangief, Haggar spins about twice knocking his opponent silly Quick Double Lariat = WK+HK #See above, only quicker. Screw Piledriver = 360+P #Not as fast as Zangeifs' but then Zangeif doesn't say "Geronimo!" when he does his either! Power Swing = DP+P #Nice advancing move. You can try for a Screw Piledriver afterwards. Hammer Thru = WP+HP+SP (Can reverse any standing attack) #Grabs the attack and Irish Whips them to the floor! -SUPERS- Gamble Slam = 720+P #OK. Connecting with this Super throw will display a roulette around your character. Pressing a button will cause the highlighted marker to stop on a suitable punishment. Not hitting a button will only deal out a standard throw. The Roulette is as follows: (Clockwise from top) SP2 = 2 Powerbombs then a Screw Piledriver N = Spinning Leg Takedown S1 = 1 Powerbomb then a Screw Piledriver N3 = Back Drop SP1 = 2 Powerbombs then a Jumping Powerbomb STAR = 3 Powerbombs then a Screw Piledriver S2 = 1 Powerbomb then a Jumping Powerbomb N2 = Piledriver Giant Swing = QCF, QCF+K #This move will only connect if you use it to counter someone attacking you with a Jumping Kick. Once connected, you will swing them 'round by their legs then spinning piledriver them to unconsciousness! -WIN POSES- ROUND 1 = Haggar punches the air and shouts "Daa!" ROUND 2 = Haggar pulls out a Cigar, takes a puff and says "Well done!" FINAL FINISH = Finish your Opponent with either the Star-Ender Gamble Slam or the Giant Swing and Witness the power of Haggar as he Piledrives the Opponent through the Planet!!! -------- <POISON> - Erm.. Is she pleased to see you? -------- Poison had been a Bad Girl, a really Bad Girl. And she did NOT want to spend any amount of time behind bars. But, what could she do to avoid that situation? She could always give up the Mad Gear and the life of crime that went with it. But, it was so much FUN! Playing cat and mouse with the cops, making them bow and scrape before her when they thought that they had "caught" her, only to be confronted with Damnd, Andore and the rest of the Gang. But lately, the gang haven't been showing up to help out.. What could be the problem? Whatever it was she'd get to the bottom of it and find a way out of her predicament. -COLOURS- Punch = Blue Hot Pants, White Top, Red Shoes, Pink Hair Kick = Black Hot Pants, Yellow Top, Yellow Shoes, Orange Hair -TAUNT- Poison puts her hands on her hips and wiggles for the opponent! -THROWS- Love Bites = F or B+HP Reverse Facebreaker = F or B+HK whilst in Love Bites Flying Clothesline = F or B+HP or HK in Mid-Air -ADDITIONAL ATTACKS- Cat Paw = F+WP Quick Whip = F+HP Step Push Kick = F+HK Straight Paw = DF+WP Sweeping Whip = DF+HP Drop Whip = D+HP in Mid-Air -WEAPON ATTACKS- With Any Knife: Gutting Knife = F+WP Shin Stab = F+WK Crouching Shin Stab = DF+WP With any Stick or Sword/Chainsaw: Overhead Slap = F+WP Toe Poke = F+WK Knee Capper = DF+WP -SPECIAL MOVES- Cat Claw = DP+P #VERY high-priority Dragon Punch style move. Handcuff = QCF+P #Projectile that "Cuffs" an enemy for a couple of seconds. If you're next to the opponent when you connect, you can hit them with the Poison Kiss. Whip = HCB+P (Will steal the current weapon held by Opponent) #Kinky. But very useful. -SUPERS- Poison Kiss = QCF, QCF+P #This move shall automatically stun your opponent when it connects. Thunder Whip = QCF, QCF+K #Badly done Shin-Ryuu-Ken rip-off. -WIN POSES- ROUND 1 = Poison jiggles her hips, turns around to reveal her butt and says "What a Man!" ROUND 2 = Poison, err... jiggles her breasts, then brushes her hair back while saying "Piece of Cake" FINAL FINISH = Finish the Opponent with the Poison Kiss and watch as Poison gets carried away with a little Pole Dance for you! --------- <EL GADO> - Quiet Knife Assassin --------- Something was bothering him. He had never said anything to anyone before, so he won't need to start now. The anger that was boiling in him didn't show on his face when he was given his orders by the one who killed his family and friends. But he had been plotting his silent rebellion for a while now, and soon it would come to fruition. His Blade would flash, Blood would be spilt and screams would be wrenched from the foul one's throat as it was cut. He would have his Revenge and finally after all this time... He would be Free! -COLOURS- Punch = Olive Green Shirt, Olive Green Camouflage Trousers Kick = Deep Red Shirt, Deep Red Camouflage Trousers -TAUNT- El Gado licks his blade.... nice.. -THROWS- Strangle = F or B+HP Limb Breaker = F or B+HK Frankensteiner = DF+HP Flying Rack Breaker = F or B+HP or HK in Mid-Air -WEAPON ATTACKS- With any Stick or Sword/Chainsaw: Overhead Slap = F+WP Toe Poke = F+WK Knee Capper = DF+WP With Any Knife: Gutting Knife = F+WP Shin Stab = F+WK Crouching Shin Stab = DF+WP -ADDITIONAL ATTACKS- Quick Upper = F+WP w/out Knife Spinning Backfist = B+HP with, w/out Knife Push Kick = F+WK w/out Knife Axe Kick = F+HK with, w/out Knife Crawling Double Punch = DF+HK w/out Knife Diving Heel Smash = D+WK, HK with, w/out Knife Gutting Knife = F+WP w/Knife Thigh Slice = F+HP w/Knife Shin Stab = F+WK w/Knife Jumping Knife Twist = DF+HP w/Knife Crawling Lunge = DF+HK w/Knife Downward Stab = D+WP w/Knife in Mid-Air Diving Knife Twist = D+HP w/Knife in Mid-Air -SPECIAL MOVES- Assassin Knife: High = CBF+P #Slow 2-Hit projectile. Quite useful. Assassin Knife: Low = CBF+K # Slow 2-Hit projectile. Again, quite useful. Scorpion Attack = CDU+K, then press K when next to opponent (Pressing Kick early shall get you a Knife Slash) #This move is similar to Vega/Balrogs' Izna Drop. Fast and quite cheap. Assassin Trap = WP+HP then WP+HP to set the trap off #The first Command will lay a scorpion on the floor. When the Opponent walks over it, hit the buttons again and a net trap shall spring up and dizzy the Opponent. Attack without mercy! Catch = WP+HP+SP (Can reverse any standing attack) #Cool. Another reversal! -SUPERS- Death Scorpion = QCF, QCF+K #A Command Throw with a little distance to it, not bad. Scorpion Veil = HCB+P #Once activated, this move will make you invisible. You can still see your shadow though. Pressing WP will make you throw a Knife at the Enemy and HP will make you throw Dynamite. -WIN POSES- ROUND 1 = El Gado licks his blade spins around and says "Sweet Victory" ROUND 2 = El Gado wipes his blade on his sleeve, thrusts his left hand into the air and says "Buenos Noches" FINAL FINISH = Finish your Opponent with the Death Scorpion and after the final bone break El Gado will stand and deliver the Scorpion Flash. -------- <ANDORE> - Me Big, You Jane! Uhh... -------- Andore was a simple man who enjoyed the pleasures of being a larger than life man. If there was something that he wanted, he took it. That's why he was proud to be a part of the Mad Gear. What they wanted they also took, but after the Boss was done in Andore grew bored. So he took up Pro-Wrestling as a little fun. Andore soon blasted through the opponents and the ranks like a rogue wrecking-ball. But, there was a Title that Andore wanted.. And he wanted it bad. He wanted to be Major of Metro City. "I'm stronger than Mike Haggar ever was and ever will be!" exclaimed Andore. "I will find you Haggar, challenge you, beat you and take the Title of Major from you!" So, Andore set off into the heart of Metro City to find his Nemesis. (GalFord's Hint: Be wary when facing Andore.. He has a form of Super Armor because he's so slow..) -COLOURS- Punch = Nice, tasteful Pink Leopard-skin outfit.. Kick = Even nicer, Yellow Leopard-skin outfit?? -TAUNT- Andore leans forward then stands upright whilst flexing his muscles. -THROWS- Choke Hold = F or B+HP Hopping Piledriver = F or B+HK Choke Slam = F or B+HK whilst in Choke Hold -ADDITIONAL ATTACKS- Overhead Chop = F+WP Thunder Clap = F+HP Booty Call = F+WK Cossack Wannabe = DF+HK Butt Rush = D+HK in Mid-Air -WEAPON ATTACKS- With any Stick or Sword/Chainsaw: Overhead Slap = F+WP Toe Poke = F+WK Knee Capper = DF+WP With Any Knife: Gutting Knife = F+WP Shin Stab = F+WK Crouching Shin Stab = DF+WP -SPECIAL MOVES- Giant Chain = HCB+P #Slow, but the HP version can hit 10 times. And it is a good energy drain. Giant Attack = HCF+P #I love this move. Andore lunges forward with no grace at all attempting to squash the opponent! Giant Hip Drop = DP+K #High-priority "Jumping Sit" style mayhem. Giant Slam = 360+P #Hilarious Spin Piledriver variant. -SUPERS- Giant Grab = QCF, QCF+P then P when near Opponent #Heh, heh... I like this move... After activation, you then have a Giant Hand. What to do with it? Hitting WP when close shall make Andore slap his Opponent down then Body Splash them... While hitting HP shall make Andore slap them down, jump.. And Butt Splash them! Yay! Giant Meteo = QCF, QCF+K #Andore jumps and lands with a Shockwave... Barrels then descend from the sky and pound the Enemy. -WIN POSES- ROUND 1 = Andore stamps on the floor then grabs 3 Burgers that drop down and stuffs the lot into his greedy mouth. ROUND 2 = Andore beats his chest like a Gorilla. FINAL FINISH = Finish the Opponent with either Giant Grab and you get to see the Enemy like a Pancake underneath Andore's Giant Body! ------- <DAMND> - Rasta Gangster ------- Damnd was bored. Bored with looting. Bored with violence. Just bored with being a Menial Small-Time Criminal Boss and woman-less. "I'm gonna be the Boss 'round here" he bellowed. "But I gotta prove myself to the others first" he thought. He looked around and then knew what to do. He would travel around Metro City beating the living daylights out of anyone who resisted his claim to Belger's old title. It would just be like the old days! -COLOURS- Punch = White Waistcoat, Maroon trousers, Brown Boots Kick = Yellow Waistcoat, Green Trousers, Brown Boots -TAUNT- Damnd clutches his stomach as he giggles. -THROWS- Punch Mayhem = F or B+HP Back Drop = F or B+HK Bulldog = F or B+HK whilst in Punch Mayhem Flying Clothesline = F or B+HP or HK in Mid-Air -ADDITIONAL ATTACKS- Midsection Chop = F+WP Lunging Rasta = F+HP Headbutt = B+HP Drop Kick = F+HK (Overhead) Uppercut = DF+HP -WEAPON ATTACKS- With any Stick or Sword/Chainsaw: Overhead Slap = F+WP Toe Poke = F+WK Knee Capper = DF+WP With Any Knife: Gutting Knife = F+WP Shin Stab = F+WK Crouching Shin Stab = DF+WP -SPECIAL MOVES- Damnd Ball = CBF+P #Blanka rip-off. Except Damnd laughs while doing it. Sidestep Damnd Ball = CBF+K #Time-Warp induced "Step to the right!" before executing the above move. Guillotine Drop = CDU+K #Otherwise known as "I sit on you, scrawny pipsqueak!" -SUPERS- Hyper Damnd = HCB+WP or HP or SP #Okay. If you activate this move with WP the Damnd goes into Custom Combo Mode, much like Cody or Guy. If activated with HP then Damnd grows slightly, turns Red and the next attack that you perform shall be VERY strong. And lastly.. Activating the move with SP shall bestow you with Super Armor. Emergency Whistle = QCF, QCF+P #One quick whistle and the whole Gang joins in! -WIN POSES- ROUND 1 = Damnd laughs and claps his hands. He then Body Pops with his arms and gives a Thumbs-up exclaiming "Sweet!" ROUND 2 = Damnd looks as though he drinks something, then shakes his head. All the while laughing like a loon! FINAL FINISH = Finish your Opponent with the Second part of the Emergency Whistle (Where the Gang joins in) and Damnd will walk over to the fallen One and pose for a bit longer than usual. ------- <SODOM> - American longing to be Japanese ------- No matter how hard he tried to disguise it the other members of the Mad Gear knew that he, Japan's No1 Son was only a Gaijin. The shame to be born an American! He was Japanese! Couldn't anyone understand? Undeterred he set off on a journey to achieve "Shougaku", perfect enlightenment whilst fighting his Gaijin Enemies. Sodom would soon perceive the truth of many things. In the meantime though, he would have another Sushi-Burger before he left on his Journey. -COLOURS- Punch = Red Top, Blue Jeans, White Shoes (?) Kick = Blue Top, Black Jeans, White Shoes (?) -TAUNT- Sodom bows to the opponent.(It also hits AND you can cancel into a Sp or Super from it!!!!!) -THROWS- Shoulder Throw = F or B+HP -ADDITIONAL ATTACKS- Groin Punch = F+WP with, w/out Swords Side Kick = F+WK with, w/out Swords Slide Kick = DF+HK with, w/out Swords -WEAPON ATTACKS- With any Stick or Sword/Chainsaw: Overhead Slap = F+WP Toe Poke = F+WK Knee Capper = DF+WP With Any Knife: Gutting Knife = F+WP Shin Stab = F+WK Crouching Shin Stab = DF+WP -SPECIAL MOVES- Butsumetsu Buster = 360+P #Spin Piledriver variant that has to hop at the opponent first. Daikyo Burning = 360+K #Sodom runs forward before picking up his opponent and slapping them to the floor. Then proceeds to push them along the floor giving them carpet-burns. Jigoku Scrape = QCF+P #Quick slide forward with a slice with his blades. Negates projectiles. Shiraha Catch = WP+HP+SP (Can reverse standing and ducking punch attacks, will also steal Opponents current weapon) #Nice! :) -SUPERS- Tenchuu Satsu = 720+P #After connecting with this move Sodom will start to push the Opponent across the floor. You can then direct Sodom left or right. And if the Opponent comes into contact with any weapons lying on the floor they will receive additional damage. Meido no Miyage = QCF, QCF+P #After the 4 hits that this move deals out it is possible to score a Crouching HK once in a while.. If you do connect with it then two-in-one either a Jigoku Scrape or another Meido no Miyage! -WIN POSES- ROUND 1 = Sodom bows, then sits Cross-legged on the floor while saying "Ka!" LOTS. ROUND 2 = Sodom jams his blades into the floor, stands back with his arms folded after saying "Appare!" FINAL FINISH = Finish your Opponent with the Tenchuu Satsu and you'll be treated to either a lit up piece of Kanji (Reading: Kyou, Evil, Calamity) or a lit up line drawing of Sodom's face. ------- <EDI.E> - Bad Cop with a twisted sense of Justice ------- The Mad Gear was corrupt, evil and full of downright nasty people. Edi.E thought that it was a great idea to join in with the fun that the Gang had. While being with the Mad Gear, Edi.E had managed to put most of the rival gangs behind bars. This had secured him the position of Sergeant at Metro City PD. Now all he had left was Captain, but how to do that? Well if the remainder of the Mad Gear were behind bars, then the Captaincy would be his in next to no time! "Time to get busy busting heads" he thought. -COLOURS- Punch = Light Blue Police Shirt, Dark Blue Trousers, Black Shoes Kick = Pink (?) Police Shirt, Maroon Trousers, Black Shoes -TAUNT- Edi.E steps forward and waves his fist at the opponent. -THROWS- Punch Mayhem = F or B+HP Bulldog = F or B+HK Police Brutality = F or B+HK whilst in Punch Mayhem -ADDITIONAL ATTACKS- Cudgel Beat = F+WP w/Stick Slap Down =F+WP w/out Stick Clapper-Jack = F+HP with, w/out Stick Straight Punch = DF+WP with, w/out Stick Flying Head Butt = D+HP with, w/out Stick -WEAPON ATTACKS- With any Stick or Sword/Chainsaw: Overhead Slap = F+WP Toe Poke = F+WK Knee Capper = DF+WP With Any Knife: Gutting Knife = F+WP Shin Stab = F+WK Crouching Shin Stab = DF+WP -SPECIAL MOVES- 44 Shot: High = QCF+P #Standard projectile with the added bonus of Edi.E saying "BANG!". 44 Shot: Low = QCF+K #This time Edi.E sits on the floor while shooting. Taikuu 44 Shot = DP+P #Anti-Air Gunshot blast. All but useless. Nightstick = HCB+B #Handy move this. Edi.E lunges forward to bop the enemy with his bulk. -SUPERS- Auto Arm = QCF, QCF+K #This move will, like it says.. Automatically arm you with a random weapon. Patrol Crash = QCF, QCF+P #After being hit with this move the view switches to behind the character, and you take control of a Police car. All you have to do is run your Opponent over! They just have to run for their life! -WIN POSES- ROUND 1 = Edi.E steps forward, waves his Nightstick before him and states that "Crime don't pay" ROUND 2 = Edi.E writes out a Ticket, flings it at the screen at say that you're "Busted!" FINAL FINISH = Finish your Opponent with the Patrol Crash and Edi.E will then be standing behind his Fallen Opponent when he 'Cuffs them and boots them to the floor! --------- <ROLENTO> - Military Madman --------- "After Belger was killed by the meddlesome Mayor and his flunkies" Rolento said to a few select Members "It has come to my attention that the Mad Gear need a new leader, a strong leader who can be as ruthless as a kid stealing candy from a baby". He turned to gaze upon the Members present. "Does anybody have a problem with me being the new Leader?" The others looked at the eyes of a Madman and simply shook their heads in resignation. "Good" he chuckled "Then I'll begin to clear this matter up with anyone who DOES have a problem with it" -COLOURS- Punch = White T-shirt, Yellow Body Warmer, Yellow Slacks, Brown Boots Kick = White T-shirt, Green Body Warmer, Green Slacks, Brown Boots -TAUNT- Rolento twirls his stick underneath his arm and salutes the opponent. -THROWS- Shoulder Toss = F or B+HP Wildfire Grab = F or B+HK -ADDITIONAL ATTACKS- Patriot Upper = F+WP w/out Stick Straight Punch = DF+WP w/out Stick Angle Kick = DB+WK, HK with, w/out Stick High-Angle Descent Kick = D+WK, HK with, w/out Stick Short Pole Tap = B+WP with Stick Pole Upper = B+HP with Stick Pole Poke = DB+WP with Stick Pole Trip = DB+HP with Stick Pogo Pole = D+WP with Stick in Mid-Air Pole Dive = D+HP with Stick in Mid-Air -WEAPON ATTACKS- With any Stick or Sword/Chainsaw: Overhead Slap = F+WP Toe Poke = F+WK Knee Capper = DF+WP With Any Knife: Gutting Knife = F+WP Shin Stab = F+WK Crouching Shin Stab = DF+WP -SPECIAL MOVES- Patriot Strike = QCF+P, P, P #Similar to the one his has in the Alpha series, just not as effective. Mekong Delta Escape = QCB+K #Run away! Jump back and bop them senseless! Sky Diver = DP+P then P or K to attack #Strange move this. He jumps forward and then curls in to a ball to strike whilst falling. -SUPERS- Hell Sniper = QCB, QCB+P #Acts just like his SFZ2 super, but upon connection the view is once again behind the character. This time, the player is inside an attack helicopter hunting the Opponent with a Gattling Gun! Take No Prisoner = QCF, QCF+K #This move MUST be blocked low. It's a bit cheap, but how you use it is up to you... -WIN POSES- ROUND 1 = Rolento swings his staff underneath his arm, leans to one side and chuckles to himself. ROUND 2 = Rolento swings his staff underneath his arm, stands to attention. He then salutes and says "Mission Complete" FINAL FINISH = Finish the Opponent with the Hell Sniper and watch them run for they're lives.. Only to be gunned down by the helicopter's Cannons! ///////// <ENDINGS> - CAUTION!!! SPOILERS!!! ///////// ------ <CODY> - ------ Though triumphant in his battle against Belger, Cody remains heart broken over his missing Jessica. Suddenly from out of the darkness, lights emerge.. (The screen then fades to a picture of the graveyard with Edi.E standing over Cody with his hands 'Cuffed behind his back.) "On the ground, Dirtbag!" "Huh!?! What???.. Jessicaaaaaaaaa!" Would our Hero ever see his love again? ----- <GUY> - ----- Victorious, but not unscathed, Guy realizes he has been contaminated by his vile foe. (The screen fades to a picture of Guy meditating underneath a waterfall, his body seems to be infected with something) "I shall not succumb to this evil inside me" Unwilling to let the zombie possess him, Guy returns to his native land and now faces the fight of his life. -------- <HAGGAR> - -------- Mayor Haggar defeats Belger! The residents of Metro City bestow a hero's welcome. (The screen fades to a picture of Haggar standing at a podium with a cut-away of Rolento smiling into a phone) Haggar: "Hello, Haggar speaking" Rolento: "Sorry for the disruption, Old boy. Heh, heh" Haggar: "WHO IS THIS?" Rolento: "F.Y.I Your precious city is under siege!" -------- <POISON> - -------- Piece of cake indeed, yet not so sweet. Fearful of serving time, Poison and friends devise a plot to frame Cody for their crimes. (The screen fades to a picture of Poison holding a small bunch of flowers and Cody in the Background sitting in jail wearing the prison outfit he has in SFA/Z 3) Poison: "He'll never love anyone but Jessica anyway" "Unless..." --------- <EL GADO> - --------- Unable to feel joy in his victory, El Gado seethes with anger over all he has endured from Rolento. (The screen fades to a picture of El Gado behind Rolento with a knife at his throat) El Gado: "Now you shall pay for all the tragedies that you've caused my family and comrades" Rolento: "Let's talk it over E.G. I can make you a very powerful man!" -------- <ANDORE> - -------- Reigning victorious, Andore's ego reaches new heights (The screen fades to a picture of Andore and a wrestling commentator, Andore looks rabid) "I can't be touched! I am the best! Listen up Haggar, I challenge you to a winner takes all match!" "If I win I'll be the Mayor of Metro City" "If you win..Heh, heh Call me Mr.Mayor." Andore's outburst is for naught as it never finds it's way to the airwaves of Metro City. ------- <DAMND> - ------- With his work done in Metro City. Damnd seeks some of life's pleasures in his Caribbean Homeland. (The screen fades to a picture of a Damnd buried up to his head at a beach with a buxom female storming off in a bad mood) "Hey sweety, what's your sign?" "How's about it Honey?" Could it be that our dreadlocked Romeo has lost his touch? His old reliable pick-up lines have left him neck high in rejection. ------- <SODOM> - ------- Humored by the ease at which he dispenses of his Enemies, Sodom regards himself to be a true warrior. (The screen fades to a picture of Sodom in a temple surrounded by geisha's) Servant: "Sushi-burger Sodom-san?" Sodom: "" "I erect this Temple yet still Zen escapes me (sigh)" "Perhaps I must turn my sights east" ------- <EDI.E> - ------- Having beaten the City's Archenemy, Edi.E sees himself as Metro City's greatest public servant. (The screen fades to a picture of Edi.E sitting at a desk trying to sleaze a female officer) "Just rewards for a job well done" "Finally, I am the man" "Hey Baby, how about you and me?" Sweet dreams Edi.E --------- <ROLENTO> - --------- Having defeated the zombified ex-boss of the Mad Gear, Rolento seeks greater triumphs. (The screen fades to a picture of Rolento looking over Metro City being put to siege by tanks) "Operation Metro City. Hah Hah" "A minor campaign to a man of my military prowess" ////////////// <HIDDEN STUFF> ////////////// If you set the Saturn's Internal Language to English then the text in the game will be in ENGLISH!! Oooh! Capcom give their English speaking Fans a chance to understand what on earth's going on! Um... even the "The 4MB RAM cartridge is not inserted correctly. Turn off the Power and re-insert the cartridge" is translated :) Thanks to...Me, for realizing this.. :) Wanna see something funky? Complete the game without losing a match and you're treated to Belger dancing to the ending credits in the style of Michael Jackson's Thriller! Cool! Thanks to GHOULSnGHOSTS and Mikochan for that! ////////// <PROLOGUE> ////////// I must say, I'm one of the very few who liked this game. But, I'm glad to have done. It wasn't a Hardcore Serious Beat-em-up but I guess that's why I enjoyed it a lot more. Final Fight Revenge is just a nice diversion from playing K.O.F, I whole-heartily recommend getting this game, as it's the last major Saturn release and a testament to the Saturn being a fun machine. If you notice a discrepancy in this FAQ (Spelling, Wrong info) or just notice that something's missing, Mail me at the Address at the top of this FAQ and I'll get to work on it! And, if ANYONE comes up with a way to pick Belger.. Mail me the method and I'll include you in the next Rev. Hope you enjoyed the FAQ!! /////////////////// <CREDIT AND THANKS> /////////////////// GameFAQs ( = Without this site, I would have never started writing FAQ's. It still remains one of the best on the 'Net. Capcom = Goes without saying really, but... Could we have a PROPER sequel to Final Fight, PLEASE? Sega = For making the Saturn, one of my favourite consoles. Just gotta love that silly RAM Cartridge port! :) (Will you WORK!!! Grrrr....) RetroX = For not trying to talk me out of buying the game.. Thanks Guys! :) RalfKick = After seeing this game I'm amazed you didn't hate it! True, you didn't love it. You just didn't hate it. :) Raistlin Aftermage = 'Cos you asked for the endings... Chen Guojun = For telling/reminding me about the Item Use Commands. GHOULSnGHOSTS = OK, so YOU hate the game. :p Thanks for the help, anyway! Mihochan = Thanks for the correction on the help! :) ///////////////////////////// <TO EVERYONE THAT 'MAILED ME> ///////////////////////////// This is a little section just to say "Thanks for the kind words about this FAQ". I never thought that an FAQ written by me would generate the kind of response that it did. So, after being pleasantly surprised. THANK YOU ALL! ^_^ This FAQ is (C) Bob (GalFord) Ritchings 2000