Wheel Of Fortune: Deluxe Edition - Super Nintendo Final Version October 13, 2000 Written By Freddie Byies cheesemonkey@worldnet.att.net -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #################################### # Wheel of Fortune: Deluxe Edition # #################################### -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >>UPDATES 5/28/01 (v final) - Reformatted, slight changes. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .::Table Of Contents::. 1) Introduction 2) Controls 3) Options 4) Getting Started -Starting The Game -Controllers Used -Human Players -Computer Players -Enter Your Name -Choose Character 5) Categories 6) How To Play 7) Rounds -Round 1 -Round 2 -Round 3 -Round 4 -Round 5: Speed-Up Round -Round 6: Bonus Round 8) Disclaimer/Credits 9) Closing Notes -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .::INTRODUCTION::. Wheel of Fortune. One of the most popular game shows of all time. You may have watched the show, tried to solve the puzzles, etc. Well, now you have the chance to be IN the show. Well, not really. But you come close! You get to participate with two other opponents. Either computer, or human. Or both. And of course, what Wheel of Fortune game would be complete without everyone's favorite letter turner, Vanna White. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .::CONTROLS::. Control Pad - Used to move the cursor to choose options or letters. Start Button - Used to pause the game and to skip the introductory sequence. Select Button - Used to reset the game, when it is paused. Also used to change the puzzle at the start of a round. X Button - Locks in choice, skips spinning wheel section, selects strenght of spin. Y Button - Selects spin, deletes letters when entering names, or solving puzzles. B Button - Buys a vowel. A Button - Solves puzzle, completes entered name. L Button - No use. R Button - No use. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .::OPTIONS::. There are no options in this game, other than choosing from one of the six characters which you represent. Choose with the X button. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .::GETTING STARTED::. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ STARTING THE GAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Press start when prompted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ CONTROLLERS USED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Answer if you will use one or two controllers by choosing N or Y. Press X button to confirm your choice. Two controllers are used for 2 or 3 player games. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ HUMAN PLAYERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Choose the number of human players, from 0 to 3. If you choose 0, you will watch the computer play the game. X button is used to confirm your choice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ COMPUTER PLAYERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Choose how many computer players there will be. From 0 to 3. Press X Button to choose an option. Note that if you are playing, there will be only 0 to 2. And vice versa, if you are not playing, there will be 1 to 3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ENTER YOUR NAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Enter your name next. Press X to choose a letter. Press Y to delete a letter. You can also delete a letter by moving to DEL and pressing X. A button will confirm your choice, or you can move to END and press X button. Your name can be up to 10 characters in length. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ CHOOSE CHARACTER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Choose your character next. You can choose from 6 different people. 3 males, and 3 females. Scroll to your choice, and press the X button to choose that person. After you have chosen your character, you will start the real game. You have the option of choosing another puzzle, or choosing the puzzle on the screen. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .::CATEGORIES::. These are the list of categories that are in the game. Person People Phrase Place Event Title Thing Things Fictional Character Same Name Before And After Quotation Nickname Slang Family Husband And Wife Landmark Occupation Places Star And Role -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .::HOW TO PLAY::. When it is your turn, you will have the option to: Y Button - Spin the wheel B Button - Buy a vowel(250$) A Button - Solve the puzzle If you choose to spin the wheel, it will switch to your character. It will show your name, money won, and FREE SPINS if you have any. There will be a blue bar moving back and forth. The longer the bar, the more power in your spin. Press the X button to stop the bar. Press the X button, and it will stop the spinning quickly(but not right away). You have 15-20 seconds to choose a letter. If you choose a letter that is in the puzzle, it will highlight where the letter, or letters are, and Vanna White will turn them over. Letters that have been chosen are removed from the list. And, if you choose a correct letter, you will get to go again. However, if you choose a wrong letter, you will lose your turn. Some rounds have their own special rules. These can be found below, under their specific round. The most notable round that is different, is Round 6: Bonus Round. Or, better put, the winner round, in which the winner with most money, gets to play by themselves. When solving a puzzle, you will have to spell out the entire puzzle. It will start with the first unturned letter, then move in order, from left to right until the puzzle is solved, or you are incorrect. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .::ROUNDS::. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ROUND 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Player 1 goes first. This round is very simple, as your only options are SPIN, BUY, and SOLVE. To buy a vowel, a player must have at least $250. Not choosing fast enough, will result in the timer running out, and you losing your turn. The money which can be won is low in this round. Also, there is the risk of hitting BANKRUPT, and LOSE A TURN. Both of which, are pretty self explanitory. You might also land on FREE SPIN, which you can only get by selecting a consonant that is on the board. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ROUND 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Basically the same as round one. In this round, a $1,500 space is added to the wheel. Player 2 starts the second round(unless there is one player). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ROUND 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ The same as round 1 and 2 almost. There is a $2,500 space added to the wheel in this round. Player 3 starts this round if there are 3 players. If there are 2, then player 1 starts this round. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ROUND 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ The last of the "regular" rounds. A $5,000 space is added to the wheel. Player 1 starts this round in a 3 player game. In a 2 player game, player 2 starts this round. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ROUND 5: SPEED-UP ROUND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ In this round, the wheel is spun for the contestants. Whatever money value the wheel lands on, is the amount of money each letter is worth throughout the round(i.e. if the wheel lands on $200, each letter is worth $200, unless it is a vowel, or you solve the puzzle). If you choose the correct letter, then you have to attempt to solve the puzzle. If you fail, then the turn is passed to the next player. In the event of a tie, then this round is played over until there is a winner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ROUND 6: BONUS ROUND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ This is the final round for the winner. You will go to a screen with the word WHEEL on it. The letters will be blinking. Press the X button to choose one of the letters. This will be your prize if you win this round. The game will give you the letters R, S, T, L, N, and E. If they are in the puzzle, they will be revealed. You now choose 3 more consonants, and one vowel. Again, if the letters you chose are in the puzzle, they will be revealed. You will then be given a short amount of time to solve the puzzle. You do so by basically spelling out the word in order from left to right. When you are finished move to END or press the A button to confirm you are done. If you win, you get to see what was behind the letter you chose earlier. You do so, buy pressing the X button. The game will now end, and you can press the X button to start a new game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .::DISCLAIMER/CREDITS::. This FAQ is written exclusively for www.gamefaqs.com, and may not be used in full, or partial form, on any other website, book, or any other publication without written permission from me. To recieve my permission, please email me at cheesemonkey@worldnet.att.net. I would like to thank the following: Nintendo Of America Gametek GameFAQs.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .::CLOSING NOTES::. Well, I hope this FAQ helped you. If you would like to use this, please email me at cheesemonkey@worldnet.att.net. Or, email me there if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. This document is copyrighted by Freddie Byies.