MARVEL SUPER HEROES v. STREET FIGHTER FAQ v. 2.0 by Charles Washington Changes from 0.5 Added a small combo section for each character, added endings for most characters. Expanded the move descriptions for the characters in .5 pts one and two. Inserted the proper name for most moves, corrected the obvious mistakes and added a few minor moves I forgot the first time. Added the origin of Shuma Gorath. I never saw it published anywhere on the net, so I thought it would be a cool piece of trivia to have. I am very pissed, because I sat in the arcade, and wrote down the names of every move on the draft of this FAQ, then someone swiped the draft while I was playing. Contents : (1) Arcade Locations - or, where in Atlanta to find me if you want to play (2) General information for those who have not seen the game (3) The move KEY, what all my little symbols mean (4) The characters, in alphabetical order (my new invention) Sections for characters are as follows: i. NORMAL MOVES ii. SPECIAL MOVES iii. SUPER MOVES iv. TEAM MOVES / TEAM SUPERS v. COMBO SECTION vi. ENDINGS (5) Comments on the overall game (6) Thank You's (1) New Arcade Location : Stone Mountain, GA Arcade : Gamewarp @ Hairston Place Great controls, good owners and a large 50" screen. Stays open until 2 or 3 AM on weekends, if you are a marathon gamer or doing a FAQ. Atlanta, GA Arcade : Challenges @ North Dekalb Mall Everything is shitty but the women are pretty, so I go. The attendants are all pretty cool as well and it has a very nice AMC movie theater. (2) Graphics: Still on CPS2, the hardware that spawned Alpha, and its descendants. The old girl keeps on going, but this should be her last hurrah. Sound : The speakers (as well as most of the crouch positions on the joysticks) are blown. They fixed the 1p side, at Challenges, however, since controls break there constantly it is broke again. Excellent controls at Gamewarp. Players : No Norimaru. Just a box with a logo MSH : Blackheart, Captain America, Cyclops, The Hulk, Omega Red, Shuma-Gorath, Spider-Man, Wolverine SF: Akuma, Chun-Li, Dan, Dhalsim, Ken Masters, Ryu (AKA Deux), Sakura, Vega (M, Bison), Zangief (AKA Beef) Gameplay Options : EASY or NORMAL EASY supposedly will finish combos in the air for you and auto-block. I played one guy who turned this on. He lost so much block damage to Spidey/Shuma's team super it was ridiculous. (3) KEY: JP = jab punch MP = strong punch FP = Fierce punch SK = short kick MK = forward kick RK = Roundhouse kick b = back d = down u = up f = forward j = while jumping s = while standing c = while crouching QCF = quarter circle forward (d,df,f) QCB = quarter circle back (d,db,b) HCF = half circle forward (b,db,d,df,f) HCB = half circle back (f,df,d,db,b) AC = Alpha Counter motion or QCF motion starting at back, ending at down (b ,db ,d) 270 = Spinning Piledriver motion Note: All 270s start at BACK and circle to UP DP = Dragon punch motion (f,d,df) 2n1 = Cancelling a normal move with a special move New moves (major changes to old moves) for all characters. Switch Out (Press FP+RK) Description : You tag out with your teammates Comment: Unlike X-Men v. SF the teammates do not always jump in at the same level, instead they jump in at whatever angle is needed to hit opponent. (Ex. Use your launcher then switch out, teammate will hit the launched opponent) Push off ( while blocking press 3 punches) You will push your opponent away and not suffer block damage from supers. Depending on the super, you must repeatedly press the punches or you will be hit. Some supers are also not worth your while to push as well. Team Counter (while blocking do AC + FP+RK ) Description: Your teammate comes in and hits opponent (1 level of energy) Afterwards the members switch out Comments: These are very screwed up now. If you try and counter a beam super expect both of your guys to get trashed. Only characters who counter with a DP should use this. They work fine against normal moves. Team Attack (press MP+MK) Description: The character you are using signals to his teammate, the teammate comes in for a hit then leaves. Comments: You can also hit the character while your opponent is hitting them, unfortunately, the opponent can torch you teammate (and sometimes you) if they block. Your combination on characters determines the attack's effectiveness. Team Super (QCF + FP+RK), recommend using (HCF + FP + RK) DESC: Both characters do a super (Takes 2 levels of energy bar to use) Taunt : Press Start Description : The polite way to say "LOSER!" really loud so everyone in the arcade can hear or see you. Spidey has 4 different taunts phrases. Wolverine can 2n1 from his taunt (hard). Other : Say goodbye to throw combos, comboing supers at the end of normal moves, and hello to a very "slow" game. For the most part, these techniques are gone except for the more popular characters (Ryu, Wolvie, DP supers) DO NOT PICK NORMAL SPEED, IT IS SLOWER THAN 'FIGHTING STREET'. Also, all the SUPER moves labeled with 2 punches can also be done with 3 punches, sometimes it works better to do the move with three punches, especially in the air. The exception is Zangief's Super. END KEY, but check out the metal idol from Viz. (4) Character information : In alphabetical order. *** AKUMA *** ***** GOUKI ***** *** AKUMA *** - "Evil is what I am. Death is what I bring." -x-men/sf Before anybody asks, I am 75% sure that Cyber Akuma (THE BOSS of all time making his first appearance here) is not playable since NONE of the bosses in the previous X-series games has been selectable. That said, Akuma is still Akuma, he takes and loses a lot of life with every hit. Till they give him back the moves he had in X-Men, (His double air fireball, his counter, and his neck throw [Cammy has the last two in X-Men v. SF]) he will not be complete. Still, very formidable in a master's hands. Also, the proper name for all of Akuma's moves is "Hmmph." Normal Moves : F + MP : Overhead punch F + MK : A sometimes comboable, sometimes an overhead hop kick Standing FP : Hitting an opponent with this for all Ryu type characters enables one to chain a super fireball (Messatsu Hadoken) Special Moves : Messatsu : (QCF + punch) [air] I feel no need to elaborate Gou Retsuken : (DP + punch) Akuma's dragon punch, will actually chain with many of his move fairly easily. Love the black flames. Teleport : (DP or RDP (b,d,db) with 3 punches or kicks) [Ground Only] Akuma moves swiftly across the screen, during this time he is invincible after he is finished, however, he is vulnerable. DP + punches Slides forward across half the screen DP + kicks Slides forward a full screen's distance RDP + punches Slides back half the screen RDP + kicks Slides back full screen Demon Blade Kick : (QCF + kick) [air only] Akuma flies down at a 60 degree angle, hitting multiple times. If all the hits connect you can, if timed correctly, start a ground combo. Probably his best overall move, cancel out of air fireballs with this and most opponents will not block all six hits if you catch them standing on the ground. Gou Tatsumaki Senpyuken : (QCB + kick) [air] Akuma twirls his legs in the air surrounded by electricity. Simply one of the highest priority moves in the game. It combos well, juggles excellently, and beats almost every other special move. The SK version does excellent damage, while the RK version has excellent range. Supers : Shun-goku-satsu AKA the Raging Demon { LEVEL 3 } [unblockable attack] (jab, jab, f, short, fierce) ~ (jp,jp,f,sk,fp) The definitive Akuma move he ripped off from Morrigan Aenslad. Akuma glides forward, grabs you, and hits you fifteen times. Though it takes half of the opponent's life, it is still ridiculously easy to avoid unless you combo it. However, if you play Akuma, you will use it. Learn to combo it, it is not as hard as it seems. Messatsu Hadoken : (QCB + 2 punches) {Ground Only} {1 level) Akuma's astoundingly short lasting super fireball. It takes no damage and never goes above 20 hits. Still, is useful like every other super fireball. Tenma Gou Zankyu : (QCF + 2 punches) [air only] {1 level} Akuma powers up and then releases 20 air fireballs. Useful against Ryu, and generally a good super. Occasionally juggles opponents on floor. Messatsu Gou Shorryuu (QCF + 2 punches) [ground only] Akuma rushes forward with three dragon punches. Like Ken's it combos off of the MK, so in tight battles a good move to use. Very low damage. TEAM MOVES: Team Attack : Messatsu Team Counter : Dragon punch Team Super : A very delayed Messatsu Hadoken COMBOS : All these combos will work for Ryu as well [1] ( j. MK, j.FK, c. jab, s. MP, s. FP, 2n1 Messatsu Hadoken) [2] (while dashing c. sk, c. FP, j. jab, j. SK, j. MP, j. MK, hold up and press j. MK, 2n1 Messatsu, Demon Blade Kick) Demon Blade kick does not combo, but most opponents will not expect it [3] (j. MP, c. jab, s. jab, 2n1 Raging Demon) This is the only combo I've done so far where the opponent could not escape the demon. Very useful. ENDING : Pic 1 : A total black screen VOICE : Don't boast just yet, Akuma. Pic 2 : Dan, in the CYBER ARMOR, surrounded by electricity DAN : Apocalypse transformed me as well! Animated Pic 3: Akuma, dragon punching Dan as Dan's armor flies everywhere DAN : Ouch, that hurt. Blackheart AKA Mephisto's boy "My father and I will enjoy your soul." --- Midnight Sons Blackheart and Shuma both got the same treatment from Capcom. Here were two characters who were odd and in MSH lost an average amount of life. Thus, both were pretty good. In MSH v. SF, both are still pretty good but lose more life than just about any character in the game. That said, they both have many good tactics, but require time and patience to learn. In particular, the new Blackheart is a normal move character only. In normal moves he has not only excellent priority, but they do adequate damage. His special moves, however, get him killed. The Inferno should only be used against airborne opponents due to its tremendous delay time and most of the Street Fighters, save BEEF and SLIM, can walk under his MP lightning blast. A very difficult character to play. Normal Moves: FP - All Blackheart's fierce punch moves release little RED demons into the air that go out 1/3 the screens distance then come back to him. They hit the opponent going both ways and if they connect Blackheart's hits do extra damage for 2 seconds. RK - All Blackheart's roundhouse kick attacks release little GREEN demons that surround and capture you for three seconds. During this time the opponent is at Blackheart's mercy. But unless all six of the demons hit, this move is ridiculously easy to shake out of, and it is now very hard to combo a Heart of Darkness behind this. MP - On the ground, this is his launcher. In the air I have watched this move knock Ryu out of his Dragon fairly consistently (50%) with utter amazement at what I was seeing, why it was happening to me, and plenty of "how in the hell did I do it, oh yeah, I'm from hell." statements. His best attack, even the crouching MP is good air defense. Special Moves : Lightning Stream : (QCF + punch) jab = lightning from his hands travels along the ground strong = lightning from his hands travels horizontally across screen fierce = lightning from his hands travels 45 degrees up into the air Blackheart's fireball is hard to hit since the lightning emanating from his hands can tag you no matter where you are in the air. Still a cautious Blackheart player will guess where you are going and force you to air block accordingly. Notice, most SF characters can walk under the STRONG Lightning Stream. Inferno : (HCB + punch) jab = close to Blackheart fierce = far away A pentagram opens in the ground and erupts a geyser of hellfire to the top of the screen. This move is now best used against jumping opponents since it no longer lingers around. Thus, if blocked, the opponent can walk through it and hit Blackheart. If the opponent does not block it the old linger around effect from MSH is still there. The best setup for a Heart of Darkness since the opponent cannot block while falling down. Supers: Judgment Day: (QCB+ 2 punches) [air] {1 level} Blackheart powers up then releases about 25 demons across the screen. Kind of like the Magnetic Tempest, but not quite as good at chipping life. Still, an air super is something he needed, so I'm glad he got it. Armaggedon :(QCF + 2 punches) [ground only] Blackheart lifts his hands into the air and fire and brimstone rains from the sky. This move is easily pushed away, but can combo off his standing MP. Heart of Darkness : (QCF + kicks) [ground only] Blackheart floats into the air as a pentagram appears beneath opponent. Demons then begin to spiral up from the pentagram carrying opponent to the top of the screen. At the top, Blackheart chuckles to himself and then the pentagram erupts with a geyser of Hellfire as Blackheart falls to the ground. In the corner Blackheart can hit the opponent as they land. TEAM MOVES : Team Counter : Lightning Stream along the ground (very slow) Team Attack : Lightning Stream along the ground (extremely slow) Team Super : Armageddon Combos : Seriously, all his good combos in MSH involved special moves, and since his special moves are f*cked, so is he. [1](j, MP, c.jab, c.jab, s. SK, s. MP, j. jab, j. SK, j. MK, j. MP, j. FK) This is not a real combo, but is quite effective due to the returning demons [2](Air Dash, j. MK, j. FP, c. SK, c. SK, (red demons return to hit opponent) s. MP, 2n1 Armageddon) ENDING : Pic 1 : Blackheart looking at his electrified fist BLACKHEART : Father, I have done as you bid. Pic 2 : Blackheart, hands outstretched, looking at a wall of hellfire Behind him lays the bodies of Cap, Ryu, Ken, Cyclops BLACKHEART : These mortals were no match for me. I bring you yet another offering to your greatness, father. *** CAPTAIN AMERICA ***** *** CAP *** ***** CAPTAIN AMERICA *** "When Captain America throws his mighty shield, all those who chose to oppose his shield must yield With a left and a right the evil flew When the red, and the white and the blue come through. When Captain America throws his mighty shield." ---Cap's cartoon, from the 1960's Captain America AKA the fountain of corny phrases and poses I can honestly say that if the real Cap from MSH was in any game he would kill almost every projectile character Capcom has (Iceman is tough, the original Sagat was worse.) However this is MSH v SF where... Cap is the slowest super hero ever. You will swear he is in covered in pixelated molasses since the game (which is pretty slow moving on Turbo) seems to be moving at the speed of Street Fighter ONE when he plays. If you played the old Captain America like myself, expect to relearn almost everything, because when you initially play him he feels wrong. HOWEVER you will soon discover that Capcom has given him power. After Hulk and Zangief, Cap is easily the next strongest character in the game. His jumping FP, standing FP combo takes ridiculous damage. In fact, any normal move/combo he does involving the shield inhales life. Add to that the fact that he can do some of his old combos, and his priority on moves is high as hell, you will find that this prioritized power makes him a match for anybody. MSH Cap is still better, but not by much. MOVES: Shield Slash : (QCF + punch) [air] Cap throws the shield at opponent depending on which button is used. As long as the opponent is hit or blocks the shield, it will bounce back to Cap. If Cap totally whiffs, he must retrieve the shield by touching it with any part of his body. The delay time on this has increased and now both Cap and the shield light up for a second before he throws it. JP = skims shield across the ground MP = throws shield across screen at shoulder height [air] FP = throws the shield up at 40 degree angle [air] [air JP] = throws the shield down at 40 degree angle Stars n' Stripes : (DP + punch) Cap's dragon punch. Regretfully, he no longer has the 8 hit Tiger effect when he does this without the shield. Also, without the shield it is pretty easy to kick CAP out of this uppercut. Charging Star : (HCF + kick) Cap dashes at the opponent. If he has his shield, this goes through all projectiles but Spider-Man's webs. This move was not that hot in MSH, now it has a small startup delay and a massive lag time after it's finished. It's still comboable, but hardly worth the risk since Cap's normal standing FP does more damage than this in a combo. As a team attack however, this is very useful. Not only does the Charging Star beat most moves, but if the opponent jumps behind you it will cross them up. Cartwheel : (HCB + punch) Cap does a cartwheel through an opponents attack, during this time he cannot be hit by normal attacks. Surprisingly, he can now be thrown during his cartwheels, which was not the case in MSH. Still, this is move has many uses and should be utilized. Supers : Hyper Charging Star : (QCF + 2 kicks) {1 level} Cap does his old Power gem variant of the Charging Star. It is now a super with a larger hit area as he runs the full length of the screen. It hits 10 times and is great for chipping energy. Has delay after it is completed, however, so use it wisely. Hyper Stars n' Stripes : (DP + 2 punches) {1 level) Another Power gem variant, this time of the Stars n' Stripes. Cap does three Dragon punches across the screen. Like most DP supers, it combos off all normal attacks but surprising drains little life. Other than that, a typical super DP and like all super DP's is an excellent team super starter. Final Justice : (QCF + 2 punches) {1 level} Cap charges at his opponent. He is invincible while charging so long as he has the shield, if not everything hits him. Upon hitting the opponent, Cap administers a 9 hit beat down, throws the opponent into the air, jumps and catches the opponent and slams him/her to the ground. Unfortunately, if this move still combos, I do not know how and the old ways (off FK or a throw w/kicks) do not work, so now I combo it off the team attack. No it is not a true combo, but since most people try to hit the vulnerable teammate, it catches them. TEAM MOVES : NOTE : Cap is a real team player, and actually will vary the team attack and team super he does based upon whether he is on the screen at the time or off screen at time of move. Team Counter : Stars n' Stripes Team Attack : Stars n' Stripes / Charging Star Team Super : Hyper Stars n' Stripes / Hyper Charging Star COMBOS : I will say this once, after all of Cap's combos throw the shield. People are mad after the red, white and blue boy finishes with them so teach them to keep their player blocking. [1] (j. FP, s. jab, c. SK, s. MK, s. MK, s. FP) This combo does not seem like much, but it takes about a third of a bar of life. [2] (c. SK, c. FP, j. jab, j. SK, j. MP, j. MK., j. FK, j. FP) The FP does not hit constantly, but if it does, there goes another third of life. [3] (j. SK, j. MK, j. FK, s. jab, c. SK, c. MK, 2n1 Hyper Stars n' Stripes) A wonderful end to an opponents life with a team super. [4] (c. SK, c. MK, c. FK, 2n1 jab Shield Slash) A basic fundamental CAP combo. ENDING : Pic 1 : A nice shot of Cap shaking Ryu's hand, not as cheesy as the Cyclops / Ryu handshake in X v. SF CAP : Thank you, Ryu. Your help was invaluable. Maybe you should consider joining us [the Avengers]. We could show each other a thing or two. RYU : Thanks, but no. I still have much more training ahead of me. CAP : Well maybe, when you finish, you can come back again. Pic 2 : Ryu, in the background, walking away, as Cap watches him RYU : Yeah... maybe... someday. CAP : Until that day... **** Chun Li **** ***** Chun Li Dohrai ***** **** Chun Li **** Since playing Street Fighter 2 she one of my favorite characters. However Capcom is constantly changing her moves. I liked her the way she was in SF Alpha 2, with the option to make her a charge move character. Overall, Capcom has severely weakened her in this series IF you liked her as an aggressively comboing attack character. However, if you liked to play the classic "Let Me Embrace My Inner Bitch" style of hit and run away and she is very good. Specifically, her power is now higher than it was before and her priority is, as always, very high. In addition, she does not lose as much life as she used to when she is hit. Don't get me wrong, she's not cock-diesel like Ryu, but it is a noticeable and welcome change. Anyway, here are the new moves and how the old ones have changed. NORMAL MOVES: She can still triple jump in the air (just jump again) and air dash (tap f, f). The Head Stomp (d + MK)[air only] still combos with the Lightning Legs and these are the moves you will be using most with her, since the best strategy is to hop, air dash, and Head Stomp people to death. The Neck Breaker (df + FK) [ground only] has very high priority, and is a genuinely useful, often forgotten move. Standing FK : Chun's impenetrable anti air defense move, combo starter SPECIAL MOVES: Vertical Spinning Bird Kick : (DP + kick) This used to be a charge move, now it is not. Decent priority, but since Chun Li never had a Dragon Punch this really ticks me off. Still has very high recovery. Mini- Kikosho : (charge back, forward + punch) The title says it all. It only hits once but has the hit range of the Kikosho in Alpha. Primarily she has this move to enable her to have yet another low risk defensive air move. Comes out very fast and has good priority. Kikoken : (HCF + punch) Chun's full screen fireball. Faster than it was in SF v. X-Men, with a little less delay when released. Axe Kick : (HCB + kick) [Overhead - must be blocked standing] The same as it was in X-Men v SF but seems faster since the game is slower overall. Can be comboed off of a low sweep. Lightning Leg Kicks : [Tap kick rapidly] [air] THE ONLY SPECIAL MOVE SHE'S KEPT SINCE THE ORIGINAL STREET FIGHTER 2. Works very well as an air combo finisher, risky on the ground. SUPER MOVES: Thunder n' Lightning Leg Kicks: (QCF + 2 kicks) Chun-Li runs across the screen with the Lightning Leg Kicks. This move now has a delay BEFORE it comes out and the same delay after it finishes, only this time she is NOT INVINCIBLE once the super is over. It is also, like many supers, is harder to combo. Kikosho : (QCF + 2 punches) A gigantic vacuum of energy This move still sucks enemies into it, but now, once it is finished it will usually push the opponent to the other side of the screen. They also cut her delay time on this super in half and as always, she is invincible when it is on since it blocks or repels all supers. Overall, dramatically improved. Hazan Tengyo Zyaku / Super Vertical Spinning Bird Kick : (DP + 2 kicks) Same as it was before. Chun spins into the air hitting opponent 8 times. Massively damaging even to the strongest characters, this move should be used whenever a clean hit is available. TEAM MOVES : Team Counter: Kikoken Team Attack : Axe Kick Team Super : Kikosho COMBOS : [1] (air dash j. SK, j. MK, j. FK, c. SK, c. MP, c. FP, 2n1 Thunder n' Lightning Legs) Oh yes, this combo does do a lot of damage. [2] (j. MP, j. FP, s. jab, s. SK, c. MP, c. MK, c. FK, 2n1 Axe Kick) [3] (while sliding c. SK, s. MP, s. FK, j, jab, j. SK, j. MP, j.MK, hold down j. MK, 2n1 Lightning Legs) [4] (s. jab, s. MP, s. FP, 2n1 Kikosho) You can tack a lot of stuff on before this combo. s. FP is the only Kikosho linker. ENDING : Pic 1 : Chun Li standing in a hallway saluting an elderly gentleman in a blue suit, glasses, red tie, and black shoes. Chun : I have completed my mission sir. Chief : Good. Good. Were there did you encounter any problems. Chun : Not with the mission sir... PIC 2 : On the right side of screen, an extreme closeup of Chun-Li's face. Behind her on the right, Ken, Ryu, Zangief, Spider-Man, the Hulk, and Wolvie are making funny faces and sounds. CHUN : But I haven't quite figured out what to do with these guys yet. Chief : Oh dear! *** Cyclops *** **** Scott Summers **** *** Cyclops *** "Know why I won? Because I kept my eye on you." --- X-Men v SF The hands down cheapest character in X-Men v. SF is slower now. His normal attacks still have high priority and supers take massive block damage. A few moves have been changed, but overall he is still one of the better characters. A perfect teammate for everybody, and will make you wish Iceman were back in the game so you could kick his ass. In addition, Cyclops is now THE number one shit-talker in the game. Unlike most characters, for team action he says a phrase. Check the chart. Team Attack : "Do It!" Switch Out : "Your turn." Switch In : "My turn. Yes." Super Move : "BEHOLD! Optic Blast!" Taunt : "Ahhh YES!" Beginning of Round : "Let's GO."?? Victory Screen : "Dreams don=92t die." Normal Moves : Cyke has a number of variants on moves d + FP [air only] A two fisted downward strike, beats most ducking uppercuts. d + FK [air only] A double footed downward kick... Amazing priority. FP [ground only] A mini fireball. Combos with all of his beams. SPECIAL MOVES : Holyfield ! (Cyke's rushing punches): (charge B, F + punch tap punch) A 6 hit combo that end in Cyke's normal fierce punch. Yet again they have changed up the combos you can do after this move. It no longer combos off of any of his ducking moves because the optic blast will ALWAYS come out, there really is no way around it. While standing, the best linker is now MK (it was JP) and with the additional ranges comes additional power, this move will now take a BLOCK and a half (out of 9 blocks) of damage. Bulldog slam : (charge B, F + kick ) [unblockable running throw] They took away most of the combo possibilities after this move since it no longer jacks the opponent into orbit and Cyke now has some delay after connecting with it. Still, an excellent move, it is the one most likely to have your opponents calling Cyke a cheap bastard. Optic Blast : (QCF + punch) [air] Now has more delay time after it connects but it pushes your opponent pretty far back and hits opponents multiple times like the blast in X-Men COTA. Shorter delay time when you 2n1 it with the FP but the beam still disappears when your opponent does a super. Optic Sweep : (HCB + punch) Cyke lays on ground and bounces an optic blast onto the ground. If it hits the opponent is tripped and falls to the ground. Massive delay time and is generally a screw up move. Gene Splice : (DP + punch, tap punch) Cyke punches the opponent into the air multiple times, he ends the attack with a vertical Optic Burst (like his ground FP). It is harder to hit Cyke now after he connects since even if you block the move you are pushed very far away (note this is the same for all dragon punchers.) Unlike most DPs, the Splice has specific ranges depending on where the opponent is on the screen. If you mess up, stop pressing buttons, this will cause Cyke to just fire the Optic Burst. If an opponent super jumps, it is wise to do a quick Gene Splice. The fat beam will usually tag the opponent. Super Kick : (QCB + kick) Cyke hits you with a standing kick followed by a low sweep. This is the best ender for all of Cyke's ground combos and though it leave him open, opponent will rarely be able to retaliate with a super. SUPER MOVES: Mega Optic Blast : (QCF + 2 punches) rapidly hit all buttons for more hits The ultimate super. Can hit up to 40 + times. Does a ton of block damage, it cannot be pushed. And stops everything except the Maximum Spider and rushing Dragon Punch supers. Super jumping is the only escape. No longer combos with standing RK, but still hits any low swept opponents. Super Optic Blast : (QCB + 2 punches) [air] Aim with joystick This move has been improved in two ways. First, if you are hit with any part of it, you can no longer block. Second, whatever way you are holding after the Super Move pause is the way you will shoot. NO more waiting until Cyke turns his head around. However, it will no longer combo in the air. TEAM MOVES: Team Counter: Optic Blast Team Attack : Gene Splice - Easily one of the best team attacks in the game. Team Super : Mega Optic Blast COMBOS : They took away Cyke's multi-hit air to ground combos, but even with that loss, he still has more combos than anybody. As a default, I will use the super kick as an ender, but his other special moves will combo just as easily. [1] (j. jab, j. MP, s. jab, s.jab, s. SK, c. MP, s. MK, s.FK, s. FK, 2n1 optic blast) I usually omit the c.MP, since it will not always connect. [2] (while sliding in, c. SK, c. MK, s. MP, j, jab, j. SK, j. MP, hold up j. MK, 2n1 Super Optic Blast) This combo is now a bitch to complete, 2n1 ing the S.O.B. requires perfect timing. [3] (j. SK, j. MK, d + j. FK, s. jab, s. SK, s. MK, 2n1 Holyfield press button 3 times 2n1 fierce Gene Splice) Another very hard combo to do. I've only completed it twice mainly because the Holyfield does not like to 2n1 or lead into 2n1's. [4] (d + FP, s. SK, s. MK, s. FK, 2n1 Super Kick) Finally, something easy. [5] (c. SK, c. SK., c. SK, c. FK, 2n1 Super Kick) And something cheesy. Ending : Pic 1 : Ryu shaking Cyclops' hand. Behind them is a giant face resembling Cyber Akuma. Cyke : Thanks again for your help Ryu, we couldn't have done it without you. Ryu : Your welcome Cyclops, anytime. Watch Out! Pic 2 : A giant Cyber Akuma getting Optic blasted by Cyke. In the background, Ryu is Hurricane Kicking the robot's head. *** DAN *** ***** DAN ***** *** DAN *** "Wa-hoo! Wa-huey! Crack hoe!!!" --- Dan from Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo I have developed a new type of respect for Dan. Yes, he is still not the ideal choice for beginners, but keep in mind he is a master's character. His most redeeming quality is that he is very strong. His normal moves take good damage and his special moves hurt. Plus, his throw range, especially in the air, is high. Unfortunately, he has built in screw up moves, so flailing players beware, and any time he is hit by a special or super move, he loses life like the bitch he is. Point of interest : In SF Alpha, when you fight as Ryu against Sagat, Sagat throws Dan off the screen. In MSH v. SF, when you pick him, Dan finally lands in a big explosion. This is just further proof of Dan's scrubnicity. Moves: Gadoken: QCF + punch [This is a really pathetic fireball] In general, you only want to use this in combos off the Medium or FP attacks. It is a pretty powerful fireball, but it is very small. Frankly, it looks like a gigantic sperm surfing through the air. (I am not trying to be nasty, it really does look like a sperm) Dan kicks : QCB + kick [Hah, Yah, Hee-aahh] Dan flies across the screen struggling to do a Hurricane Kick These are your best friend. The SK version is almost worthless, but medium and fierce both do high damage. It is a decent 2n1 move plus, this move is very hard to retaliate against if blocked. Dan with a good move, 'jinky Scooby'. Kouryuken : DP + punch [DIRECTLY ported from Alpha also] Dan's very undraconic, dragon punch. This deserves some explanation. Normally, a true Dragon Punching character is invincible as he goes up. Thus if a beam of energy hits him, he will not get hit until he is falling. In the case of Alpha Dan, no part of him was invincible, thus, he traded hits with most normal moves. MSH v. SF Dan's Koureppa is different because now his fist is invincible going up. A dramatic improvement, for Dan. Plus, when Dan turns white he is totally invincible, this however, is very random. Dan's autograph : [Really, you don't want to know this] (HCF + punch) Dan removes a picture and pen from his gi, signs the picture, holds it up, and then throws it at his opponent. It takes a pixel of energy, but stops most normal attacks. Dan's quick autograph : HCF + kick Dan holds up a picture from his gi and throws it at the opponent. Both versions of this move stop normal attacks when he holds the picture in his hand, but overall, this move really just sets him up for attack. Taunt: This is an essential part of playing with Dan for the simple reason that it charges his super meter and of course, it is DAN. Besides, it almost always makes your opponent want to attack you senselessly. Mess with their heads until they start doing this and then hit them with his Kouryuu Gadoken. Press Start [air] Only Dan can do this in the air, Rolling Taunt : [QCF or QCB + Start] Goes under some fireballs. Remember, no one else can charge a super meter with taunts. SUPER MOVES: Super Taunt : QCF + QCF + start (STILL doesn't hit) {Level 1} [But if you win, you can almost do the whole thing] The number one crowd pleasing super. The ultimate insult since you are basically begging your opponent to hit you and if they don't all the laughter around the machine will embarrass them too much to actually win (unless of course, they were waiting there with a team super to hit you with.) Kouryuu Gadoken: QCF + any 2 punches {Level 1} [Even more pathetic because it took a level] This is hands down the most powerful fireball super in the game. Yes, it goes nowhere, but if you connect it takes a staggering 50% of a lifebar. Unfortunately, it only connects off a deep jumping attack. Kouryuu Reppa : QCF + any two kicks {level 1} Dan's two hit Dragon punch. This move has almost no range, but comes out pretty fast and with PERFECT timing juggles jumping in opponents sort of Okayishly. DEPENDING UPON NO ONE BUT MYSELF PUNCH aka Hissho Murai Ken and it has a new name in MSH v SF: QCB + 2 kicks Dan's super flurry, straight from Alpha but it combos with MK much better than it used too. The chip damage on this move is pretty good an unlike Alpha, it has a suction effect so if you touch it, you are hit by the rest of the combo. Another good reason to play with Dan. TEAM MOVES : Team Attack : Hadoken (Don't bother) Team Counter : Kouryuken Team Super : It is his super fireball. Do not use this unless you start with Dan. Combos : Remember this is DAN, his BEST combos are everybody else's worst. Jumping FP, Kouryuu Hadoken (Takes about half a ground opponents life.) [1] (j. MK, c. SK, s. FP 2n1 Kouryuken) [2] (j. FK, s. MK, 2n1 Dan kicks {fierce}) [3] (j. FP, c. MK, 2n1 Hissho Murai Ken) [4] (c. FP, j. SK, j. MP, j. MK, j. FK, j. FK) DAN can 2n1 the Fierce Kouryuken off of most of his normal attacks DAN can finish off air combos with two fierce kicks, but he sucks at air combos. ENDING : Pic 1 : Dan eyes bulging, holding Akuma by the throat, fist upraised and shaking. DAN : I've finally beaten you Akuma. I'll endure no more teasing. No longer will I be your punching bag. THIS IS THE END! GIRL : Brother, wait !! Pic 2 : Dan turning his head to the left to see his sister (dressed in a school uniform like Sakura) crying on the right. GIRL : You can't kill him. He's our... our... Pic 3 : "END ?!" in bright letter on a black background. ***** Dhalsim ***** (AKA Slim) ***** Dhalsim ****** "I have halted the flow of Ki in his body and now he is experiencing the terror of paralysis first-hand. As shall you." - Street Fighter II Victory The master of Hadou returns again to teach the beasts a lesson. A keep away character at heart, there is little one can do against a good Dhalsim besides super jump and hope for an opening. Besides that, he seems faster since the game is slower and has more priority. His keep away tactics are harder to break since he can do the Yoga Inferno in the air. Cyclops is still his ultimate nemesis as he is also the best menace to Cyke players. NORMAL MOVES: Air Drill : (D + kick) [air only] Dhalsim spins in the air and glides feet first towards the opponent Air Headbutt : (D + FP) [air only] Dhalsim spins in the air and glides head first towards the opponent. Excellent priority against normal moves. By holding back on the joystick, you will usually get Dhalsim's short range attacks. However, the computer usually selects the appropriate Dhalsim attack in these games so it is not that critical. Holding DF + kicks on the ground will do Slim's slide, while holding DB will keep him doing normal kicks. SPECIAL MOVES :=20 Yoga Fire : (QCF + punch) [air] Dhalsim spits a ball of fire at his opponent. It travels the full distance of the screen once again and now he can throw more than one at a time when he super jumps. Yoga Flame (horizontal): (HCB + punch) Dhalsim spits a large tendril of flame in front of him. It goes three quarters of the screen and depending upon punch used hits 1-3 times. Yoga Flame (Angled at 45 degrees up) : (HCB + kick) Dhalsim spits a said tendril of flame at said angle. This comes out faster than the horizontal flame and the recovery time is faster. If your opponent is on the ground, however, you are screwed. Meditation : (QCB + 3 kicks) [air only] (Do motion again to turn it off) Dhalsim harmonizes his chi with the earth and floats above the ground. During this time SLIM can move freely around the screen and has increased priority on his attacks. However, WHILE LEVITATING DHALSIM CANNOT BLOCK so practice turning it off. Yoga Teleport: (DP or RDP (b,d,db) with 3 punches or kicks) Dhalsim disappears and teleports to a different location on the screen. The ground locations are a definite. The air locations are about 65% accurate. As a rule, you do not want to do a lot of teleports with Slim since his return location is dependent upon your opponents location and orientation instead of a definitive area on the screen. Ground Teleports DP + punches Directly in front of opponent DP + kicks Behind the opponent RDP + punches Teleports back half the screen RDP + kicks Teleports back full screen Air Teleports DP + punches In front of opponent at the height of a normal jump DP + kicks Behind the opponent at the height of a normal jump RDP + punches Teleports back half the screen higher than where he started RDP + kicks Teleports back full screen lower than where he started. Supers : Yoga Inferno : (QCF + 2 punches) [AIR] {1 level} Dhalsim spits a gout of flame from his mouth that hits 26 times. You can aim this with the joystick by pressing up or down. Moving the joystick up and down rapidly causes him to spew flame in a wavelike manner. This super is fast, and combos off of his sweep still. Use it to retaliate against other supers and to keep away airborne opponents. Still has delay though, but is hard to push. Yoga Throw : (QCF + 2 kicks) {1 level} Dhalsim levitates into the air the distance of a normal jump. If opponent touches him they are grabbed, cartwheeled into the air, and slammed on the ground. This takes about one third of an energy bar but it trades hits with too many moves to use more than once a match unless you manage to 2n1 it off of Dhalsim's Air Launcher, which sets it up perfectly. TEAM MOVES: Team Counter : Yoga Flame {3 hit} Team Attack : Yoga Flame {1 hit} Team Super : Yoga Inferno COMBOS : Dhalsim is not a character you pick for combos. All his combos are basically 2n1's. Not many people use this, but Slim's Air Drill (D + short kick) combos with his MK, RK, special/super. As far as air combos, three punches or kicks in a row combo, but the timing is so awkward it is better to concentrate on ground combos/ 2n1's. [1] Against airborne opponents (b + s. MP, 2n1 Yoga Throw) [2] ( d + j. SK, j. MK, j. FK, s. MP, 2n1 Yoga Inferno) [3] (j. MP, j. FP, s. FP, 2n1 Yoga Flame) ENDING: Has one of the funniest endings in the game. He eats dinner with Shuma Gorath and they have a hilarious conversation. PIC : Shuma is at a wooden table sitting like a huge pink blob holding a knife and fork. Dhalsim is sitting across from him, smiling congenially while his wife (who looks like the little girl from Street Fighter 2 Victory) serves them both. Dhalsim : What do you think about reincarnation? Shuma : Shuma-Gorath is coming. Shuma-Gorath is coming. Shuma-Gorath is coming. Dhalsim : Really, would you like some more tea? Shuma : I will devour your planet. Shuma. Dhalsim : Oh, do you think the weather is going to change? **** HULK **** ***** The Incredible Hulk ***** **** HULK **** "What do you want to hear? 'Hulk crash, Hulk bash, Hulk smash?' Well I'm not that Hulk anymore. Eat Lead!" --- The comic Taken from the excellent Peter David run comes the intelligent, cocky super hero. The main complaint about Hulk from MSH (the fact that he did not have super armor while the Juggernaut [Hulk's frequently used punching bag did] has been addressed but he lost the excellent pick up off the ground combos from MSH. Most of his regular combos are still intact, however, due to the sluggishness of the game and the fact that Capcom has dramatically slowed down the Hulk, these combos are harder to accomplish (timing them is a b*tch now) and most people will prefer his new super armored normal attacks. Other than that, he is one of the better characters in the game. Note: Hulk does NOT have super armor in the air. NORMAL ATTACKS: All of Hulk's normal attacks take block damage and his punches now push you far away. His FP takes its normal damage + 1.5 times whatever you hit him with if it connects (The Dudley Cross-Counter Effect) SPECIAL MOVES: Ground Wave : (QCF + punch) Hulk rips up concrete from the ground This is a combination of Hulk's Ground Rip (d, d +punch) and Ground toss from MSH. Hulk rips up the ground with his ducking FP animation so jumping in and attacking him is pretty much useless. This move also trades hits with all the super fireballs too, if he does it first. Quick. Gamma Throw : (HCB + punch) Hulk extends his arm to reach for a throw, the throw is blockable Much slower than it was in MSH, Hulk now stands there for a second before he grabs you. But since he's super armored, hitting him in this situation is not a wise move for the opponent. Has a long delay after move so Hulk players need to use it sparingly. Gamma Charge : (charge b, f + kick, aim with joystick, press kick again) or (charge d, u + kick, aim with joystick, press kick again) Hulk charges at opponent with super power armor (i.e. it takes three hits to stop him instead of two.) Afterwards he can redirect by pressing kick. Massively damaging, however, if opponent blocks the first hit you are eating a super. However, the reward is worth the risk. If someone super jumps at you, Charge under them, then redirect Charge at the opponent. Like in MSH, this crossup is hard to block even if you know it is coming. Supers : Gamma Wave - (QCF + 2 punches, press all buttons rapidly) {1 level} Hulk does a ground wave that goes all the way across the screen. Hulk is invincible when he does this super. DO NOT try to hit him with a jumping attack since he has super armor and you do not. This move takes a staggering 45% of life when you trade hits with it. It beats all super fireballs (Opponents will hit him with part of their super, all of his will connect.) but can be pushed off. This super should be used frequently since it has zero recovery time and pushes opponents far away. Gamma Crush - (QCB + 2 punches, aim with joystick) Note:(Holding down makes him come back down on the spot he jumped from immediately.} {1 level} Hulk jumps into space, grabs a piece of Asteroid M, and brings it back on opponents head. This is a great anti-air move, but delay time is huge if you fail to connect with it. TEAM MOVES: Team Counter - Gamma Charge (RK distance plus redirect) Team Attack - Gamma Charge (SK distance, no redirect) Team Super - Gamma Wave (Mash those buttons) COMBOS : The super armor enhancement really has tampered with Hulk's combos, so these few are it until I can find some more. [1] (j. SK, j. MK, c. FP, j. jab, j. SK, j. MK, hold up + j. FK, j. FK) [2] (s. jab, s. SK, s. MK, 2n1 Gamma Charge, redirect) [3] (j. FK, s. jab, s. FP) This combo just takes mad life. ENDING : Hulk sits beside Blanka on a bench. Hulk : Yes, I can understand how you feel being bombarded by radiation Blanka : Gyaaargh! Hulk : Um-hmm... I experienced similar frustrations early in my life. Yeah, pretty damn stupid. **** KEN **** **** Ken Masters (AKA Mel's dad.) **** **** KEN **** Oh my god! WTF! and "This is bullsh*t" are the first responses when anybody picks Ken in this game. Since, for the first time ever Capcom has altered one of the big two significantly. See below. NORMAL MOVES : f + MK : Overhead Kick s. FP : Combos with the new super as well as the Shinkyuu Hadoken. SPECIAL MOVES : Hadoken: (QCF + punch) [air] Ken fires a large ball of ki that goes HALF the distance of the screen. It comes out quickly but still has the same delay and though it is larger, the dissipation factor simply makes the Ken players cry. Shoryuken : (DP + punch) [air] THE definitive Dragon Punch. Now all Ken's DP's are flaming. The delay on this dragon is very low. It links well with itself and consumes considerable life while in the air it can easily interrupt an opponent's air combo. In other words, it must be Ken's. BTW, other dragon punches simply cannot FUCK with this move anymore, even if they do their dragon after his, he will still hit them and do high damage.. Tatsumaki Senpyu Kyaku [air only] (QCB + kick) The original Hurricane kick in the air. Same arc and everything. Now combos with the ground hurricane. Tatsumaki Senpyu Kyaku EX [ground only] (QCB + kick) Ken's hurricane kick from Street Fighter EX. It arcs up at a 45 degree angle for 2-4 kicks then ends with an axe kick to the ground. In EX, you had to do the motion every time you wanted an extra kick, which was good since you could stop it from going too high in the air. In MSH, however, you cannot stop it and it is the ultimate screw up move. Redeeming Qualities: Combos with air hurricane. Works like Guy's in terms of priority and suction range. SUPER MOVES: Shippu Jinrai Kyaku : (QCB+ 2 kicks) {1 level} Ken's new Super from SF III. He rushes towards you with four kicks and then takes you up in the air for a 10 hit vacuum hurricane kick. Looks a lot better than in SF3 since now his legs are on fire during the move. Shinryuken : (QCF + 2 kicks) {1 level} The vertical column of flaming death. Still combos off his launcher. Still takes mad life. The important thing to remember is not to get jump happy against Ken. Shorryu Reppa : (QCF + punch) {1 level} Three rushing dragon punches. Still combos off MK and all around his most useful super move. Great team super starter. TEAM MOVES: Team Counter: Dragon Punch Team Attack : Shoryuken Team Super : Shorryu Reppa. Shinkyuu Hadoken with Ryu only. COMBOS : Sorry, I have never been a big Ken fan. [1] ( j. MK, j. FK, c. jab, s. MP, s. MK, 2n1 Shorryuu Reppa) [2] (while dashing c. sk, c. FP, j. jab, j. SK, j. MP, j. MK, 2n1 a SPECIAL) [3] air to air : (j. SK, j. MK, j. FK, 2n1 air Hurricane, 2n1 ground Hurricane Kick) ENDING : It's not the exact dialogue, but be it cheddar or gouda, it's all cheese. Pic 1 : Ken, snoozing under the big tree during his training days. He is being tapped on the knee by Ryu. RYU : Ken, wake up! The master is looking for you. KEN : Huh.. Oh .. What Ryu! You wouldn't believe this dream I had about us. We were in another world and there was this guy who could shoot beams from his eyes. And you could... Pic 2 : Ken and Ryu running towards the dojo RYU : Forget the silly dream, we're going to be late for dinner. KEN : Oh no, let's go! **** OMEGA RED **** **** OMEGA RED **** **** OMEGA RED **** Note : Throughout this section I will use Carbonadium Coils and tentacles interchangeably. The proper terminology is Carbonadium Coils Probably the second best character in X-Men with his combination of speed, power, and normal move priority, Omega comes to MSH v. SF with few changes compared to everybody else. The major differences being the Omega Destroyer does not chip the incredible amounts of block damage it once did, his jumping FP (6 hit auto combo) now has a startup delay, and the delay on a missed coils is immense. Besides that, he is the same Omega Red minus his old infinite combos (not to say he does not have new ones, and upon further review is a good team up with Bison to make the "almost ultimate bad guy team up squad." Normal Moves: (1) Standing MK chains with the MK Omega Strike for an air Launcher (2) Standing MP, when close is an air Launcher (3) Crouching FK on ground (Omega stabs tentacles into ground and they break through the pavement) has three controllable ranges db = Coils appear close to Omega d = Coils appear in the middle of the screen df = Coils appear on the far edge of the screen (4) Jumping FP is an auto air combo of six hits, it has a startup delay unless you put it in a combo (5) AIR DASH : Omega can dash forward in the air by tapping forward twice (6) Most moves involving the coils are immune to energy projectiles (but remember, the optic blast is a energized force beam) Special Moves : Carbonadium Coil : (QCF + punch) [in air Omega can use any button] Omega throws a tentacle to a specified location on the screen. However long the button performing the move is held determines how far the tentacle travels and Omega's delay time after the move's completion. JP : Omega throws the coil directly in front of him [air] MP : Omega throws the coil upwards at a 45 degree angle [air] FP : Omega throws the coil straight up into the air [air] SK : Omega throws the coil directly in front of him [air only] MK : Omega throws the coil down at a 45 degree angle [air only] RK : Omega throws the coil straight down to the floor [air only] After connecting with the Coil you can : Rapidly tap PUNCH, to drain life from opponent's life bar Rapidly tap KICK, to drain Chi from opponent's super meter bar Press b, d, f, d in order to slam opponent on the ground twice (very hard) After finishing the moves above you can : Throw the opponent to whatever location on the screen you wish (including straight up) by holding the joystick in that direction. Omega Strike : (QCF + kick) Omega uses his coils to propel himself across the screen while kicking. He will propel himself forward until he hits a boundary. SK : Omega kicks straight across the screen MK : Omega kicks upwards at a 45 degree angle (air launcher) FK : Omega kicks straight up At any time this move can be interrupted two ways (1) Tapping BACK + KICK on the joystick makes him pull himself back to where he originally planted the tentacles. While he is moving back pushing FORWARD will make him recall the tentacles from the ground, allowing him to attack immediately with a normal attack. (2) Tapping DOWN + PUNCH on the joystick will cause Omega to recall the tentacles from the ground. While doing this Omega will float upwards, enabling him to finish off an air combo if he used the MK Omega Strike. (See normal moves) SUPERS : Omega Destroyer : (QCF + 2 punches) [ground only] {1 level} Omega lets loose and flails his Coils wildly across screen. One of the few full screen supers left in the game. This no longer chips incredible life, but is still a good chipping super, especially against airborne opponents. It's normal damage is variable depending on where you caught the opponent with it, but I have seen it take a third of a bar, which is not shabby in MSH v. SF. BTW, this is the highest priority move in the game and once it is out nothing will penetrate it. Carbonadium Smash : (QCF + 2 punches) [air only] {1 level} Omega dashes at his opponent, if he connects he does a twelve hit air combo ending with his FP, grabs the opponent with a coil as they are falling then whips the opponent over his head and slams them back onto the ground with a gigantic explosion. Think of this as the airborne Weapon X, it has immense priority and only select supers (Final Justice, Weapon X, Maximum Spider, and Ryu magic) go through it. Omega can use this at a level barely above the ground and that usually catches opponents off guard. Also, even if you miss, it has no recovery time, so it is worth using once for every two Omega Destroyers. TEAM MOVES: Team Counter : Omega Strike Team Attack : Standing FP Team Super : Omega Destroyer COMBOS : [1] (jump back, air dash forward hitting FP, s. jab, s. SK, s. MP, j.jab, j. SK, j. MK, j. MP after which one can do : i. FP for another six hits ii. 2n1 a Carbonadium Coil to suck some life iii. 2n1 the Carbonadium Smash if your timing is perfect [2] (j. SK, j. MK, j. FK, s. SK, s. MK, after which one can : i. s. FK, 2n1 Omega Strike (SK version) ii. down back crouching. FK, c. FP iii. 2n1 Omega Strike (MK) hold down, j. jab, j. MP, j. FP Ending : Pic : Arkady on the right of the screen, looking over his shoulder at Ken, who is holding the limp body of Ryu. KEN : Ryu... Ryu! Wake up. H- He's gone... You murderer, how many lives have you ended? OMEGA : Do you count the number of breaths you have taken? KEN : Damn you. I going to kill you. OMEGA : Don't be foolish, boy... Pic : A black screen. **** RYU **** **** RYU AKA Deux! ***** **** RYU **** I can not wait until they take him out of the game and make him a boss. However, like all adept at Street Fighter I can play him and play him well. What can be said, in the hands of an above average player he is death. As always, nothing major has changed and he is better than he was in SF vs. X-Men for the simple reason that he has a new super and his old one combos better. NORMAL MOVES: F+ MP - Overhead punch F+ MK - Hop kick - A very fast move which occasionally is a overhead and combos very well with the Shin Shoryuken SPECIAL MOVES: Hadoken: ( QCF + punch ) [air] The motion every fighting game has ripped off Ryu throws THE fireball as naturally as everybody else does a jab punch. Quick and to the point, it defines his style. Delay time can be cancelled by... Shoryuken: (DP+ punch) The other motion every fighting game has ripped off This move now pushes enemies far away, so even if they block it is hard to retaliate against. Tatsumaki Senpyu-Kyaku : (QCB + kick) [air] The hurricane kick is now easier to finish the SK version with a dragon punch SUPER MOVES : Shin Shoryuken : (DP + 2 punches) The most popular super in THREE! makes it's second appearance in MSH v. SF. It combos off of most normal moves and now the air variation (the seven hit rising dragon) takes off almost as much damage as the ground version (Which thankfully does not take half your life.) Combos well off the Ducking FP launcher as well. Vacuum Shinkuu Hadoken : (QCF + 2 punches) [air] {Press buttons rapidly} This move is now extremely hard to hit. The whole area around Ryu's head and feet will usually suck you into the fireball if you try and hit it. It trades hits with the Maximum Spider, Gamma Wave, and beats the Mega Optic Blast (if you are close.) It also combos off the low sweep before you land as well as any single hit of an air combo so even a novice Ryu player can hit you with it. This is very hard to escape from and now it is only Team Countered by Dragon punches. Shinkyuu Tatsumaki Senpyu-Kyaku AKA Vacuum Hurricane : (QCB + 2 kicks) The mysterious vacuum hurricane. Trying to push it away is a risky proposition (usually you are hit) and countering it is very useless. If it is pushed off, Ryu is very vulnerable to counter attacks but again, when Dirty Harry asked "Are you feeling lucky, punk?" and the punk moved, what happened? The only dashing in type move that will hit this cleanly is the Weapon X. Aim Maximum Spiders at his head, don't try a Final Justice, Sakura Beat Down - no --, Double Final Atomic Buster - hope you can live through the 30 hit combo Ryu will put on both your teammates. In other words, use a beam. TEAM MOVES: Team Counter : Shoryuken Team Attack : Hadoken Team Super : Vacuum Shinkyuu Hadoken Combos : This is the area where Ryu shines and will easily treat opponents like they were prostitutes. "Say what?" [1] while sliding in (c. SK, c. FP, j. jab, j. SK, j. MP, j. MK, up + j. MK 2n1 Shinkyuu Hadoken) [2] (j. MK, j. FK, s. jab, s. SK, s. FP 2n1 Shinkyuu Hadoken) [3] (f + MK, c. jab, c. SK, c. MK, c. FK, 2n1 Shinkyuu Hadoken) [4] (f + MK, 2n1 Shin Shoryuken) [5] (j. FP, s. MP, c. FK, 2n1 Vacuum Hurricane) Ending : Pic 1 : A large close up shot of Ryu=92s face, drawn in the style of SF3 and I believe it may have been a rejected screenshot from that game. He looks like he is 35 - 40 yrs old. Pic 2 : The standard shot of Ryu's back, bag slung over shoulder, as he searches for more competition. Is there any need to explain a Ryu ending? He has beaten everybody and now goes onward to find another challenge. **** SAKURA **** *** The queen of scream *** **** SAKURA *** Simply the most enjoyable personality on the game. Easily a fan favorite, with all that crazy yelling, laughing, and shoe-flinging, her comic antics are aided this time around by her classmate who now runs on the screen with her and then waits in the background holding her backpack nervously.(In one of Sakura's victory poses she runs back in carrying the pack, trips, and lands face down on the ground, a must see.) As far as fighting goes, Sakura's flashiness initially attracts many to play with her and after awhile, you find she can really kick ass. Her DP combos with every normal move and you looks pretty painful and of course her throws are always there to save you. Probably the biggest change from Alpha is the fact that now all her special moves can be performed in the air, and her DP goes through fireballs. Her best combos and supers are strictly on the ground based, however, which fits the First Disciple of Ryu perfectly. Moves : Hadoken: (QCB + punch) [air] Sakura's fireball. The jab version of these fireballs travels the length of her arm while the fierce goes the length of the screen. Arguably her best move, since they are bigger than Ken's NEW fireball and she can throw them repeatedly like him as well. The FP version in the air is very good against ground based opponents since it travels the full screen's length. On ground : throws a fireball diagonally up into the air In air : throws a fireball diagonally down Dragon Charge (Shoryuken) : (QCF + punch) [air] Sakura charges at you wrapped in a field of energy that destroys all ENERGY projectiles (no eyeballs, no webs, no optic blasts.) If she connects she hits you 6 times with a dragon punch, and unlike Alpha, she does miss a hit now. The FP has a startup delay, and therefore will not combo often, however the MP version not only combos but has better recovery time than the other two. The Jab version 2n1's with everything and works the best in air combos. Senpyuu Kyaku : Hurry-Cane Kick : (QCB + kick) [air] Same weird kick from Alpha but now the FK version goes very high and across screen at the arc of a regular jumping Hurricane Kick. It also has very good priority in the air and serves well to finish your combos in lieu of a Dragon. Supers: Haru-Ichiban: (QCB + 2 kicks) Sakura goes straight up into the air with a hurricane kick. After helicoptering her way to the top she proceeds to pummel the opponent with a 3 hit punch combo followed by a palm thrust that sends the unworthy foe hurtling to the ground. Midare Zakura : The Sakura Beat Down : (QCF + 2 punches) Sakura slowly runs at the target. If she connects she will hit him/her 15 times, takes their lunch money, and finishes the move off with a dragon punch. Nice! Shinkyuu Hadoken : The Sakura super fireball : (QCB + 2 punches) Sakura throws 10 big long range fireballs into the air and across the screen. This is an excellent super to place in a combo even though it takes very low damage for a super, it is a wonderful Team Super starter. TEAM MOVES: Team Counter : Dragon Charge (Very useful, it actually works and is fast) Team Attack : Senpyuu Kyaku (FK version) Team Super : Midare Hadoken (use with Omega Red or Blackheart) COMBOS: Sakura has the full six button "Hunter" chain on the ground and in the air, meaning that if you push (jp,sk,mp,mk,fp,rk) in this order they will connect even if you skip a button or three. The problem is that she is the shortest Capcom character in height and thus her range is limited and her air launcher has very little range, so when you are close you must immediately commit to either an air or ground combo. "BE MORE SPECIFIC." --ok [1] j. MK, j. RK, s. jab, c. SK, c. MK, s. FK, 2n1 Dragon Charge (MP only) You must be very deep to hit this, [2] while sliding c. FP, j. jab, j. SK, j. MP, j. MK, 2n1 Dragon Charge (jab or MP) [3] The Midare Zakura chains only off the standing FP [4] The Shinkyuu Hadoken chains off of all attacks. Basically, range is everything in her combos. ENDING : Pic : A young boy looking through some photo in a kitchen. On the table is an old shoebox and pair of sneakers. Behind him, a woman is doing the dishes in a well furnished kitchen. BOY : Man, you had a lot of stuff. Hey mom, who's that girl in this picture? Woman : Oh, just a picture of your mother in her younger days. Pic : Sakura, arm upraised with the wind blowing her skirt and top, yelling. She is standing on a mound of heroes which includes Cap, Ryu, Ken, Dan, the Hulk, Cyclops, and others. Spider-Man and Shuma (my original MSH MFs ) *** Shuma - Gorath *** (or simply Shuma) "That is where we differ Strange, you are merely a part of this dimension whereas I AM my dimension." ---Shuma If you go by the comic books, Shuma-Gorath would be the strongest character in this game. Let me explain, Shuma is an enemy of Dr. Strange, in his dimension, he was the Sorceror Supreme as Strange is the Sorceror Supreme of the Marvel Universe. At first he was good, but eventually events transpired to make him hate his people, he got mad and went on a hunt for power like Thanos did with the Infinity Gauntlet. Unlike Thanos he succeeded and destroyed every living person, planet, star, galaxy, and even the fabric of space itself in his dimension until he was that dimension's entire universe. His lust for power was not satiated, so he traveled to other dimensions destroying their universes as well. Until he came to Earth and went against Dr. Strange who, after Shuma pulled him into the 'Chaos Dimension' used the Eye of Armaggaddo (it contains the mystical power of every known dimension) to seal Shuma in his own dimension as he escaped. Sorry, I worked at a comic shop for 6 years and collected for 12. Anyway, in MSH v. SF Shuma has been weakened dramatically, he now loses a ton of life for every hit and his special moves take no energy. His strength is chipping block damage with his moves, combos, and his Level 3 super. Like Omega Red his six hit auto combo (standing RK) has a startup delay, however overall, he is pretty close to the speed he was in MSH. And by the way, Shuma is like Zangief, to win he must throw. If you cannot or prefer not to throw, do not attempt to play him, because you have already committed yourself to not use three of his best moves. An expert's character. Moves : Regeneration : When close, throw with the kicks, press kick rapidly [air] Shuma glows yellow and drains life from his opponent into his life bar People wonder why I consider this a special move, I do because as far as throw ranges go, it is large like the Spinning Piledriver and it combos easily. Stone Drop : (D + MK) "Get a piece of the rock, LOSER." -Scott [air only] Shuma turns to stone and drops straight down This move is incredibly useful since it drops incredibly fast. In addition, since he turns into a block of stone, this beats all normal moves. He recovers quicker than he did in MSH as well. Tentacle Slam AKA Devitalization : (HCB + kick) [unblockable throw] Shuma morphs into a pink blob with small tentacles on the end. These have a pretty short range but if they touch the opponent he grabs you with two tentacles, lifts you into the air and slams you on the mat like dominos. Afterwards, he faces the screen and says "Whose the beessst?" This combos well. Shuma-Ball : charge b, f + kick [air] Shuma turns into a spiked eyeball and rolls across the screen leaving a trail of Shadow images behind him. Low damage. This has very high delay time so refrain from using it on ground based opponents. And like in MSH, it has ridiculously low priority for a special move, so unless you use the right trajectory, Shuma is usually hit out of it cleanly by normal moves. The shadow images also hit the opponent as they fly across, and against jumping opponents it is good strategy to do the SK version beneath them and let them land on the shadows. Mystic Stare: charge b, f + punch Shuma fires six eyeballs at his opponent [Hard to jump, high recovery time] When the Mystic Stare hits you the eyeballs now will stick to the opponent. While stuck you cannot use another Mystic Stare. After a few seconds the will blink fast and turn brown just before the eyes blow up and do more damage as they knock off your opponents block. Timing your attacks to correspond with the eyes exploding is a key Shumaism. If Shuma is hit while the eyes are on opponent the eyes will vanish. Supers : The Spawning : (QCF + 2 kicks) {1 level} Shuma splits into two Shumas both of which are really him. THE SECOND SHUMA CANNOT THROW PROJECTILES and will last for either 20 ticks of the round clock, until one of them is hit, or you exceed a 10 hit combo. It will perform whatever move you did last. However due to either design or RAM space, his attack speed is reduced and comboing is difficult. Chaos Dimension : HCF + 2 punches {LEVEL 3 SUPER} Shuma powers up for ten seconds. Unlike MSH, Shuma is not invincible when he turns the Chaos Dimension on. During this time all his punches are throws. If you grab the opponent he will lose 50% of a life bar, guaranteed. You can no longer combo after this move. Also, Capcom left in a lot of glitches on this move so you will find your tentacle going through people quite often. Best example (Shuma will not grab anybody if the opponent does a team attack.) TEAM MOVES : Team Counter : Shuma Ball (very weak) Team attack : Shuma Ball (works well) Team super : Mystic Bash (This is the super's real name) - Shuma pauses and then releases 15-20 ball size Shumas that fly across the screen. When coupled with certain supers this is impossible to push-off and for a super projectile has very quick startup time. COMBOS Shuma's bread and butter has always been air combos, his ground combos have been slowed down like many of the characters in the game and do not work as well. These are some of his best combos. [1] (c. jab, s. short, c. medium, 2n1 c. forward, 2n1 Mystic Stare (FP) [2] (s. jab, s. medium, c. forward, s. fierce, {in corner} s. roundhouse) [3] Air to air or in air combo (j. jab, j. medium, j.forward, 2n1 Shuma Ball [FK]) [4] Best COMBO : (j. medium, j. forward, s. jab or s. short, s. medium, s.forward, j. jab, j. short, j. medium, j. forward, hold up w/ j. fierce, 2n1 Regeneration) This part only works in MSH : {2n1 Shuma Ball (MK), c. jab, 2n1 Chaos Dimension, grab with Chaos Dimension , j. short, s. forward, j. jab, j. medium, j. MK, 2n1 Shuma Ball, s. RK} ENDING : In MSH, Shuma ate the Marvel Universe with the aid of the Infinity Gems. In MSH v. SF he simply settles for a small snack, the Earth. Total death and destruction is the only answer. Picture : Shuma begins the spawning and about 25 nation size Shuma's begin to cover every portion of the Earth. *** Spider-Man *** [Spider-Man, spiderman, raYdioACTive spiderman] "This fight won't even make the Society page." Of all the Marvel Super Heroes, I believe Spider-Man is the only one to truly capture the feeling of playing a super hero against a bunch of normal humans. He is fast, powerful and hard to hit, in addition he rules the air without staying up there forever (like Chun-Li.) As far as this game goes, he is one of the few characters who was not dramatically slowed down or changed. He retained all of his combos from MSH, got some new combos just for the SF, and a new super to go along with a dramatic improvement to the Maximum Spider. Overall, this is a rebirth similar to what Cyclops experienced from COTA to X-Men v SF. Moves : Web Swing : QCB + kick [air] Spidey cast a web line into the background and swings across screen An excellent air to air combat move, at all times this takes a large amount of damage and has excellent priority. Like a dragon punch, the opponent will AT BEST only trade hits if they try and knock Spidey out of it. As he is landing, there is some recovery time, but not as severe as it was in MSH. Web Throw : HCB + punch (jp =3D straight /mp=3D45 angle up / fp =3D straight up) Spider-Man casts a webline across the screen at an angle. If it connects he swings you over his head three times and then throws opponent away like a two dollar hoe. He finishes by taunting the opponent. At close range this is a throw, at long range a projectile. Another high damaging special move that works best if used in moderation. Web Ball : QCF + punch [air] Spider-Man shoots some webbing at his opponent. This is not your typical Capcom projectile. On the ground, it usually will not dissolve other projectiles, but instead goes through them. When it connects, it will ensnare the victim. How long it lasts depends on whether the opponent shakes out of it or not as well as what you hit them with before the move connected. Also the jab version will not hold the victim as long, but recovers quicker than the fierce, which holds the opponent the longest. Spider Sting : DP + punch, punch Spidey's Dragon punch that Sean copied after he saw it in a daydream before he ran into the third (or was it fourth) fireball Ryu threw at him. In this version, you must continue hitting the second punch until it comes out. Supers : Maximum Spider : QCF + 2 punch [air] then aim joystick at opponent Spider-Man flies back towards the wall very fast. He then dives at the opponent. If he connects, he then flies across the screen until he hits the opponent five times. If he misses... At all times you control where Spidey is going so remember to aim. Aiming nothing will make him fly straight across the screen. Crawler Assault : QCF + 2 kicks He runs across screen doing a crazy looking combo, reminiscent of Guy's super. This super is pretty hard to air block and push since Spidey's style is so awkward that it knocks people out of the air. But has a significant lag time which leaves him open for quick supers and attacks. TEAM MOVES: Team Attack : Web Swing (Horrible recovery time) Team Counter : Spider Sting (A very good counter, best range for a DP) Team Super : Crawler Assault COMBOS: The air combos Spidey can do are now dependent on the launcher you use. Following a standing MP you can do (jp,sp,fp), (sk,mk,rk), or (jp,mp,mk,rk or special move.). Usually, it is best to just start your air combos with the Medium strength attacks after this launcher. Using his other launcher (d + MK followed by standing RK) lets you do the full (jp,sk,mp,mk, Web Ball (FP), let opponent land then do either super). Unlike most characters, Spidey can also use his air combos without super jumping, thus, you can do a (jp,mp,fp) as a regular jumping attack against ground based opponents, you can also 2n1 a web ball or web swing while still airborne. On the ground, use his sweep (d + RK) can be followed with 2n1 Web-Swing or a super, specifically a crawler assault. COMBOS: [1] The brackets {} indicate you must be fast to add this extra hit, the hit is not necessary to the combo, however. (j. jab, j. medium, j. fierce, {j. short}, s. jab, s. short, c. forward, s. roundhouse, j. jab, j. short. j. medium, j. forward, 2n1 Web Ball(FP), land on ground, team super) [2] (s. jab, s. jab, s. SK, s. MK, c. FK, 2n1 Crawler Assault) Ending : Peter Parker finishes another day of saving the world from destruction and returns home to Mary Jane Pic : Peter, with mask off in windowsill on the right. MJ on the left turning as he comes in "How was your day, Tiger?" Pic : Peter and MJ embracing in a hug. Yep, just like his ending in MSH. *** Wolverine *** *** Wolvie *** *** Logan *** *** Weapon X *** "Either you tell what I need to know, bub, or get a new windpipe." Keeping with Capcom's desire not to redraw any old characters, Wolverine still has admantium. BUT NOW HE IS LIKE THE WOLVIE FROM X-MEN. For those who did not play X-Men, let me elaborate. He has unbelievable priority, the original SF2 Zangief throw range, and combos out the as*. Also, if you do enough moves in a row, he will lose delay time. As usual, Wolvie can combo everything. His only flaw is that if you actually think when you play with him, you tend to lose his effectiveness. NORMAL MOVES : Jab punch - this is without a doubt Wolverine's best friend. This button defeats supers, most special moves, and 80% of the normal moves in the game. Use it liberally, since all his chains start and reboot with this button. Head Stomp: D + FK [air only] Wolvie stomps on your head and then bounces into the air. If timed correctly you can link some normal moves after this causing Wolvie to land on the ground and start a really long combo. SPECIAL MOVES: Drill Claw : (Press MP + SK while aiming with joystick) [air] Wolverine dives towards the opponent with claws extended. After hitting he bounces off the opponent. If blocked, you are screwed. Very useful at ending air or ground combos. If you end an air combo with a drill claw going straight up you can hit your opponent with a combo as they fall. Opponents can block this, but they usually will not. Also, if you Drill Claw into a wall, you can bounce off of it with another Drill Claw. Berserker Barrage : (QCF + punch) Wolvie charges opponent slashing wildly 4 to 9 times A very decent move that ends most Wolvie ground combos and chips away large amounts of life if the opponent is blocking. This will leave you open to attack, however, if timed correctly chains with a Tornado Claw and most of his normal moves, especially s. MK. Tornado Claw : (DP + punch) Wolvie jumps into the air while spinning his arms around himself. Perhaps the hardest dragon punch to air block since it can cross you up by itself. This move chains with many things it should not fairly inconsistently, making it all the more aggravating for turtling opponents. Supers: Fatal Claw : (DP + 2 kicks) [air] {1 level} Wolverine floats into the air releasing energy from his body in the pattern of a X. Anything within range gets sucked in. The usefulness of this move has yet to be realized, but it has very little delay time and takes decent damage. I believe it air combos (Seriously, I messed up my timing, and almost got my opponent anyway.) Berzerker Rage : (QCB + 2 punches) { 1 level } Wolverine's original level one from X-Men. He slashes once in the air and then shadow images of himself appear behind them adding hits and making him ridiculously fast for 10 real time seconds. I am serious people, he is as fast as Cyber-Akuma (this game's boss) and has infinitesimal delay time after specials. Berserker Barrage X : (QCF + 2 punches) (1 level} Wolverine charges at you slashing rapidly for 18 hits. The ultimate combo super is one of the few that still combos with every normal move in the game and most specials. If you know you have messed up and think you are going to be hit, do this and you will usually be saved. Weapon X : (DP + 2 punches) { 1 level } Wolverine dashes at the opponent, during the dash he is invincible. After connecting he does a 13 hit combo and finishes with a X-slash. In corner, do any ground combo ending in down-forward + RK and you can 2n1 a Weapon X. This makes you look like a gaming God. Combos : Wolverine is a combo, so every conceivable link will work. D+MP, RK is the best way to start his air combo. (All moves are standing unless otherwise noted) These are not the best Wolvie Comboes, just a small appetizer of death. [1] Ground : jab, jab, short, c. (crouch) forward, c. strong, roundhouse (launch) j. jab, j. short, j. strong, j. strong, j. forward, 2n1 Fatal Claw OR DRILL CLAW up, {The rest is pure cheapness, it can be blocked, but if they block you can catch them with the throw} j. JP, j. JP, j. MP, j. FP As they are falling throw them on or just above the ground Berzerker Barrage X. Follow by doing a diagonally up or straight up drill claw or standing RK. Sometimes you will catch them sleeping. [2] (j. jab, j. MP, j. MP, j. MK, j. FP, s. jab, c. jab, s. MP, s. MK, s. MK, c. FP, 2n1 Berserker Barrage or Berserker Barrage X) [3] (Turn on the Berserker Rage, press a lot of buttons while doing circles) 13 hits minimum Team Counter : Tornado Claw Team Attack : Berserker Barrage Team Super : Berserker Barrage X Ending : Pic : A wary Wolverine standing to the side of a Shaolin temple looking to the left at the moon as it bathes light over a wicked looking Akuma. A must see. "Why are you following me Akuma. Tell me now or I end this here." Akuma actually speaks back to him. "You are not ready to know this Logan, but soon I shall reveal everything to you." *** VEGA aka M. Bison *** aka *** The Big Bad Capcom Truck Driver *** Vega is pretty much the same guy he was in X-Men v SF. His teleport has been Galfordized (or Hanzoided) and is much better. Besides that, nothing is new about him and like almost everyone else he is slower and lost some combos. Since Ken got most of his moves from SF EX + Alpha I assumed Bison would have his Super fireball, but of course he did not, thanks Capcom. Vega still has more moves and move variants than every other character and using all of them to CONFUSE your opponent is a necessity. Overall, Bison is still a good character, but without Magneto and the whole ultimate bad boss guy combination, he seems to be missing something. Normal Moves : All of Bison's punches have PSCHYO POWER MOVES : Teleportation : (DP + any button) [air] Vega disappears with a crackle of black energy, then SIX images of him appear on the screen. Three are in the air while the other 3 are on the ground. The images then disappear leaving the true Bison somewhere on the screen. THIS MOVE IS A MUST. The delay time is low and as a confusion tactic there is none that are better. JP : Vega reappears in the air, upper left corner MP : Vega reappears in the air, middle of the screen FP : Vega reappears in the air, upper right corner SK : Bison reappears on the ground on the left side of the screen MK : Bison reappears on the ground in the middle of the screen RK : Bison reappears on the ground on the right side of the screen Psycho Shot : (QCF + punch) They left in this crazed variant of Bison's fireball. It has delay time before its release but very little after. Useful to an extent, but you are losing every fireball war you enter. JP = Bison throws the Shot at up into the air, then halfway across the screen it arcs parabolicly towards the floor. Good against jumping opponents MP = A normal, straight across the screen, Shot FP = Bison throws the Shot at down at the floor, then halfway across the screen it arcs up and goes off the top of the screen. The circumstances for connecting with this are few, but its still there. Levitation : (QCB + 3 kicks) [air only] (Do motion again to turn it off) Vega defies gravity and floats. During this time Vega can move freely around the screen and has increased priority on his attacks. However, WHILE LEVITATING VEGA CANNOT BLOCK so practice turning it off. Psycho Explosion : (QCB + punch) Vega charges up a large ball of psycho energy that travels across the screen a certain distance and then explodes. If the opponent is caught in the explosion, they can be hit with a combo or super. Vega's delay during this move is horrible. Punch strength determines where ball explodes. Scissors Kick : (HCF + kick) [air] {2 hits} Bison glides at opponent, kicking them in the head and feet. His signature move, the delay time is variable depending on the angle you hit the person at. Psycho Palm : (charge d, up + punch. Press punch [optional]) [air] VEGA jumps into the air, during this time he is extremely maneuverable and can crossup opponents without confusing himself. If you push punch he will dive at opponent with both hands. Excellent priority and good damage. Head Stomp : (charge d, up + kick. Press punch [optional]) [air] Bison jumps into the air, lands on the opponents head, jumps off the opponent into the air, and (if you pushed punch) dives at opponent with both hands. Incredibly high priority and damage factor. Controlling the head stomp : When initiating this move, the kick used to start it is very important. The computer does control the position where Bison will land, but will only make him hit the opponent if you tell it where the opponent is. RK : Meant to hit jumping opponents or if super jumping anybody whose position is above Vega's. If the target is on the ground it will almost always miss them unless they are cornered MK : Hits anybody dashing away from you on ground. If the target is stationary will go length of screen at a high arc SK : Meant to hit anybody within a half screen's distance. If the target is stationary will go length of screen at low arc. This is the best kick to use in the air if the opponent is anywhere directly below you since it goes straight down. After the initial stomp, you bounce in the air. Holding up and any direction makes you float longer while down and a direction makes you fall faster. If you choose to punch, the later you press punch, the less delay you will have on the ground. If you do not punch, you still have delay time on the ground, but can move further away in the air. I recommend a good mix between the two and utilizing the Psycho Palm to further confuse your opponents. SUPERS : Psycho Crusher : (QCF + 2 punches) [air] {1 level} [press all buttons rapidly for more hits] Bison charges at opponent with Psycho energy. You know this move, it has not changed much be it a super or normal move. Scissors-Kick Nightmare : (QCF + 2 kicks) Vega teleports into the air, and then proceeds to kick you 18 times with the heel of his boots. This move is still very hard to push off. One major change is that unlike X-Men v SF, when he teleports you cannot hit him out of the move. He is simply not there and you will be hit by the entirety of this super, enjoy. TEAM MOVES: Team Counter : Scissors Kick Team Attack : Psycho Shot Team Super : Scissors-Kick Nightmare COMBOS : [1] (j. MK, j. FK, s. FK, 2n1 Scissors Kick) [2] (c. MK, s. FP, j. jab, j. MP, j. MK, 2n1 Psycho crusher, j. FP) The FP connects about half of the time, besides that, a great combo. [3] (j. MK, j. FK, s. SK, s. MK. S. FK 2n1 Psycho Crusher) Ending : Picture of a robotic soldier that looks like Charlie. Behind him Vega is laughing maniacly. The story tells us how upon defeating Cyber Akuma, Bison uses his technology in order to create an army of super soldiers who take over the Earth. **** BEEF **** AKA **** Grief **** and **** Zangief **** From Russia with love comes the king of the Bear Hug Zangief. A master of grappling techniques, he comes to the world of MSH and incredibly is almost as strong as the Hulk. That said, in a chain combo game, it is hard for Zangief to get close enough to opponents to really do some damage, but then again, it was never really that easy. Chun Li is without a doubt the hardest person for him to fight due to her mastery of "Dipology - the art of running away." However, in the power department Grief has been made stronger by the addition of a wonderful team super. Capcom took away his ability to grab opponents with the Final Atomic Crusher after killing their teammate, now if you try it the incoming opponent's kick will knock you down like a sweep, still, even though this bit of technique is gone, Beef is a force to be reckoned with if only for the simple reason the Spinning Piledriver takes more life than most supers (if the damage is set low). Normal Moves : Many do not know this, but when he dashes at an opponent he will automatically grab them with the original suplex move from SF2. It is easy to see his dash coming, however. Chestnuts AKA Siberian Splash: D + FP [air only] A very high priority move. Essential for his air to ground to air back to ground combos. Moves : Air Grief : (DP + kick) Beef flies into the air. If the opponent is airborne they are grabbed This is one of Grief's best moves. He can block before the top of his jump even though he will be moving forward or he can do a normal or a special move as he is floating down. A great forward advance move that should be utilized. The Green Hand : (DP + punch) Zangief swings around with a hand full of energy. This will neutralize some fireballs, but for the most part is just a quick forward advance move. Can combo with the Spinning Piledriver if opponent is close. Spinning Lariat : ( Push all three punches AKA JP + MP + FP ) [air] A very quirky form of air defense, since his arms are the only invincible part of the move. Still does not go through fireballs. Short Spinning Lariat : ( Push all three kicks AKA SK + MK + RK ) [air] Not as vulnerable to sweeps as the regular Lariat, you can use this as a forward advancing move and usually block before being tripped. In general it comes out faster and last less time than the regular version. Better in air combos. Spinning Piledriver : 270 + punch [air] [unblockable grab] The grand terrorist of throw's twister of trauma is not quite as devastating as it was in X-Men v. SF. The move does not miss as much now, but takes off less damage than it did before, however only a VERY little bit. In the air, this move has always been tricky, since its suction range is down and in front of him. Thus in air combos it is NOT the move of choice however it does still grab those people who like to super jump everywhere, so do not abandon it totally. Siberian Suplex : HCF + kick (Super Armor) [unblockable grab] Far : Zangief takes his opponent up into the air and slams them on the ground Near : Beef suplexes opponent to the ground, before he takes his opponent up into the air and slams them on the ground The super armor on this move is just not what it used to be. However, overall it works the same way and still combos off the SK well for double slam. Supers : Final Atomic Crusher : 270 + 2 punches [unblockable grab] [super armor] The ultimate answer to people who like to switch out a lot. Though not as damaging as it was in X-Men v. SF Double Final Atomic Buster : THE BEST TEAM SUPER IN THE GAME (super armor) You must be playing as Zangief. Do the motion for the team super when you are in grab range (QCF + FP+RK). You and your partner both walk towards the opponent, grab them, and then do a double spinning piledriver off the screen. IT TAKES 50% of a life bar EVERY TIME. More if you are teamed up with a power character. TEAM MOVES: Team Attack : Spinning Lariat Team Counter : Siberian Slam Team Super : See above COMBOS: [1] (j. FK, s. MK, 2n1 Siberian Slam, as they get up {corner} spinning piledriver) [2] (j. Mk, s. jab, 2n1 Green Hand, 2n1 Spinning Piledriver) [3] Beef's Super Combo (It's the same as in X-Men v SF, but I must mention it) Chestnuts (d + FP)in air, followed by crouching MP (launcher) JP,MP,MK, 2n1 Spinning Lariat (kicks). Land on ground and do a standing RK, to knock opponent back into the air. Then walk or jump forward - As they are landing do whatever special grab or super throw you like. ENDING: Pic : Zangief sitting at a table with a bowl in front of him. He is smiling while holding up a spoon and fork. Around the table is a Big Russian bear, a baby bear, a mama bear, Zangief's mother, a Russian monk, some little human kids (one is blond with golden locks of hair) and assorted food is on the table. "We are so happy that you are home brother." "Yes, they have not been feeding you right." "Will you play with us tonight brother?" "Yes I will, children." And other corny phrases abound throughout the ending. *** Special Cyber Akuma section *** Here it is, a description of Cyber Akuma's beefed up moves. Cyber Akuma, is the game's boss. F*ck Gill, he is the hardest boss Capcom has ever made. It is fair to fight him, since you do have two life bars to his one and can regenerate while he cannot. He takes energy like the Hulk and loses it like Ryu, however, so be careful. Energy management is the key to defeating him. Do not be afraid to switch out since he will usually not hit you with a super when you come back in. But overall, he is the real deal, Archangel wings, sensor eye, cybernetic arm and all. Fireball : [ground only] At his discretion, he can fire one or two ground fireballs, with the option of having the last one a red fireball. Extremely fast and bigger than Ken's, this move can be followed with... The Hard Knuckle: Mega Man fans rejoice. Cyber-Akuma has the Hard Knuckle. Like in Mega Man, it sort of homes in on you then glides up the wall, unlike Mega Man, this is faster than Sean's Hado Burst. Air Fireball : [air only] Cyber-Akuma sends two fireballs on a mission. They move like rockets. However if you get hit by the first you can sometimes block the second. Dragon Punch : (DP + punch) Love the black flames, the wings make it better, however. The jab version of this has no delay. Attack him afterwards only if you want to eat his super. Teleport : (DP or RDP (b,d,db) with 3 punches or kicks) [Ground Only] Cyber-Akuma literally jets across the screen and spreads his wings in order to stop himself. During this time he is invincible and after he is finished, he may let you sweep you, assuming he gives you time to turn around, which he usually does not. Save yourself from being comboed and jump. DP + punches Slides forward across half the screen DP + kicks Slides forward a full screen's distance RDP + punches Slides back half the screen RDP + kicks Slides back full screen Note : I just cut n' pasted this. These are the places he will appear but there are no motions for this move. Plus, the computer can stop anywhere. Demon Blade Kick : (QCF + kick) [air only] Cyber-Akuma power boosts downward at a 60 degree angle, hitting multiple times with a flaming electric blade kick. If all the hits connect you and you stay on the ground pray your man has some life for he will be comboed. Hyper Electric Hurricane Kick : (QCB + kick) [air] Cyber Akuma twirls his legs in the air surrounded by electricity as he uses his boosters to propel him across the screen. This move is very fast, hits around four to eight times, and he can combo afterwards. Supers : Instant Hell Murder AKA the Raging Demon { LEVEL 1 } [unblockable attack] (jab, jab, f, short, fierce) ~ (jp,jp,f,sk,fp) I made a few mistakes on this the first time, number one, Cyber-Akuma can do this move as a level one super NOT as a level three, be aware out he will use this at any time and that you cannot hit Cyber-Akuma out of this move, unless you are using a well-timed long range attack. In addition, this move will not kill you, it only takes 80 percent of your life and unlike other supers you cannot recover the damage from this... In other words, no matter how much life you have, your man is dead, period. Expect to see two of these a match and jump both times since it's not worth messing around with. Messatsu Gou Shorryuu : (QCB + 2 punches) {Ground Only} {1 level) Cyber Akuma's astoundingly long lasting super fireball. It will take between 45 - 60% of your life and hits 35-45 times. In addition it is a flaming red beam of death and takes good block damage. It is so powerful Akuma spreads his wings to brace himself. Tenma Gou Zankyu : (QCF + 2 punches) [air only] {1 level} Cyber-Akuma powers up, spreads his wings, and then releases about 42 red air fireballs. This takes immense block damage and excellent life if it hits. Messatsu Gou Punch (this is what Cyber-Akuma calls his) (QCF + 2 punches) [ground only] Akuma rushes forward with three dragon punches. It combos off of every move in his arsenal and takes 65% of your life, unless he decides to make it take more energy. It sort of magically glides across the screen so be wary. Team Attack : Fu*k a team. Team Counter : Team Super : Charles' Personal Part : IF you need all the parts to this FAQ, e-mail me, I WILL send them out as I receive requests. Or if you want a MS Word version, e-mail me as well. Never believe my dating system. It was a long time in coming but yes, version 2.0 is done and ready for post. Special thanks go out to everyone in Atlanta who helped me make this document. Kamau H : Well, he hates this game since neither Charlie, Gambit, or Guile are in it, most of the Hulk stuff belongs to him and Steve, however. Scott B : For the general smartass comments, making me play when mad and all the information on Omega Red. Young : A shitload of Omega Red techniques as well as a load of other combos. Franco C: For the Wolverine combo tips and proper use of the Team Attack Steve : For playing Cap before I got to him, Hulk tactics, and Combos for both. Rashad : The man of many names for the many Ryu combos going back a ways. Johanthon S : For the Hulk and Bison ending, and all the "Oh no!!!" quotes The rest of the best posse - Larry D, Matt O, Ant, etc. They'll have more input next game. And thanks to the fine bitches at North Dekalb who give me a reason to go to that busted arcade. Thanks to the people who wrote me on the net as well for the Omega Red Faq for actually beating me J for more Wolvie stuff than I ever wanted to know for Chris Benson=92s address and number for posting my original FAQ at his website who honored me by posting my FAQ at for letting me know the real. And all the rest who understand how tired 10 fingers can get. Well that ends FAQ version 2.0 I appreciate any comments, question, or additions you wish to make to this FAQ and you can mail me at if you wish. (Expect no replies on the weekends.) Also, this FAQ is again, not copywritten but I still request you e-mail me with the details of when and how it was used. FUTURE PLANS : I have none for this FAQ, I will update it when I feel like it unless popular demand makes me do it sooner. Then I will probably just chill for a while until my next major impulse to write a document hits me. Appendix #1 Secret Character FAQ and Codes Update Contents ---Charles' Introduction ---Miscellaneous Codes and Credit to those who posted them ---Secret Character Endings ---The Stupidity of Dan ---The secret characters, in alphabetical order Sections for characters are as follows i. CODE TO OBTAIN CHARACTER ii. CODE TO FIGHT CHARACTER (AMERICAN VERSION) iii. COMMENTS AND/OR THE CHARACTER'S ORIGIN iv. NORMAL MOVES v. SPECIAL MOVES vi. SUPER MOVES vii. TEAM MOVES / TEAM SUPERS viii. COMBO SECTION ---The Massive Thank You Section ---Goodbye CHARLES' INTRODUCTION "FUTURE PLANS : I have none for this FAQ, I will update it when I feel like it unless popular demand makes me do it sooner. Then I will probably just chill for a while until my next major impulse to write a document hits me. Thanks for reading, --me AKA Charles" That is how I ended my last FAQ. Well, now there are secret characters, and before I go offline I feel the need to complete the FAQ and update it by adding the secret characters. Do not worry, I will not upload the MSH v. SF v.2.0 FAQ on the newsgroups again. Instead, the sites where it is located are going to be at the end of the document. With the upcoming release of Pocket Fighter, Street Fighter 3, 2nd Impact Giant Attack, Vampire Savior 2, and the return of a ton of long lost characters in Street Fighter Alpha 3, I imagine this will be in the archives very soon. Plus, with Final Fantasy at home IN ENGLISH after nearly two and a half years of publicity as well as GoldenEye, and Madden '98, there is little chance of anyone seriously going to the arcade for the entire month of September. MISCELLANEOUS CODES AND CREDIT TO THOSE WHO POSTED THEM That said, here are the new discoveries I have read. Credit is given to the people I first received the information from. Sorry if I have slighted anybody. " HERE'S HOW YOU GET TO FIGHT A HIDDEN TEAM AT THE SIXTH STAGE: From: Yow Hong Chieh 1. no continues 2. your partner cannot be defeated 3. dependent on the number of VCF (Variable Combo Finishes) and SCF (Super Combo Finishes) after the first five stages have passed. 4. only works on the Japanese version of MSHvSF [For the American version codes, see the individual character sections] The challenger teams that appear are: 5 VCF 0 SCF -> Evil Sakura/Akuma 2 VCF 3 SCF -> Mega Zangief/M.Bison 3 VCF 2 SCF -> Mega Zangief/M.Bison 6 VCF 0 SCF -> Shadow Charlie/M.Bison (1 VCF comes from a vs. human game) " " From: " Cyber Banshee" I found it! in order to change which character starts the match, hold all three punches in the VS screen. The order will not change back until you do itagain. " " Subject: MSF Secret Character Codes/ Dan Suicide From: "Dr.micheal monroe" Thank yous on the local front Kamau H : Mau! Come out of Final Fantasy 7. Please, your scaring us. Johanthon S : Wait a minute! Don't kick all their asses at Shannon and be too tired to play me. Man, if you whisper "Bomberman" one more time I will put that Tranzor Z Thunder Break on your ass.. Scott B : The only male in an all female fighting game. Between this, work, school, Wipeout XL, and Final, he's going to burn out soon. Young : A shitload of Omega Red techniques as well as a load of other combos, stories of 3 angry Asians clubbing, and the famous "My name is Young, not Yun. I am not a Street Fighter 3 character." Quote. Franco C: For the Wolverine combo tips and proper use of the Team Attack. Plus, I have so many female friends at the mall because of you, I cannot express my gratitude. Steve : For bringing the agony of studying for MCATs to the arcade Larry D : For showing me true bliss is killing somebody with the Colt 45 in Goldeneye for the 64 Matt O : For pre-purchasing KOF '97 for his Neo Geo cartridge system, plus a ton of new Dan and Ken cheese techniques Ant : I could not play Akuma without him there to call out the Raging Demon so the whole arcade knows I did it. Plus, the women he pulls, man, please use your powers and help a brother out. Good Bye That is it. My Internet access will be gone next week, probably by September 13. Write me before then, I will send copies of either FAQ to any who ask. The copies are in both text and super nice word format. And thanks for a wonderful summer Capcom and all the people who read, used, and enjoyed my FAQ or after the FAQ discussions. Sincerely, ---Charles and the crow everywhere else. All characters are copywritten by Capcom and/or Marvel Entertainment FAQ, both versions, is now © by Charles Washington Please ask if you wish to use an portion of it.