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The correctness and accuracy of the contents of this document are not guaranteed, and the author will not be liable for any damage resulting from errors or omissions. - Permission for private use of this document is granted by the author. Permission is also granted to edit the document for PRIVATE use only. Permission is NOT granted for submissions of any part of this document to any magazine or paper for their use, unless permission is sought and granted by the author beforehand. - This document may be distributed in its UNEDITED form. ------------------------------------------------------------ Versions: - Ver. 0.9: (17 July 1998) working release what's still missing: - damage values of weapons - heal values of food ------------------------------------------------------------ GAMEPLAY The Punisher is another Final-Fight-like beat'n scroll game by Capcom. Although I never was a big fan of Final Fight, I found this game quite enjoyable. The graphics, the gameplay and the movie-like sequences between the stages makes this game special. ------------------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER BACKGROUND Both The Punisher and Nick Fury are characters of Marvel Comic Inc. [http://www.marvelonline.com/marvel.html]. THE PUNISHER: A Vietnam veteran, Frank Castle became a Vigilante after seeing his wife and children gunned down for accidentally observing a Mafia "hit". Since then he has devoted his life to the task of destroying organised crime wherever he finds it. First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 129, 1973. thanks to Arjan Houtman [http://www.sigma.net/spiderman/people/punisher.html] NICK FURY was once the commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Hazard Intervention Enforcement Logistics Directorate), the world's premier intelligence network. Fury had fought in three wars, and, because he had been given the Infinity Formula, which maintained his youth, Fury had consistently been involved in many operations. First Recorded Comic Appearance: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos 1, 1963. thanks to Alan Quern [http://www.smartlink.net/~falcon/comics/fury.html] ------------------------------------------------------------ GAME OBJECTS In the game 4 different classes of objets exit: 1. CONTAINER OBJECTS (objects of this class can be used to harm opponents when picked up; When broken reveal several objects of classes 2-4; eg. Armour, Barrel, Bucket, Oil Drum, Tire, Video Game,...) 2. WEAPPON OBJECTS (objects of this class can be used to harm opponents) ITEM DURANCE NOTE DAMAGE -------------------------------------------------------------- Chair 1x Hand Grenade: 1x you can stock them. Dynamite: 1x explodes after some time or on contact when thrown. skull: 1x remaining part of pretty boy/legs; explodes after some time or on contact when thrown. Stone: 1x Legs 1-2x the remaining part of pretty boy/legs Throwing star: 3x Shuriken: 3x Lance: 4x Will go through all enemies. Bag of Cement: 4x Knife: 6x in close range stab, otherwise you throw it; shortest recover time. Bat: 6x breaks after 5 uses; use remaining part like a knife Iron Plate: 6x Battle Axe: 8x Hammer: 8x Flame Thrower: 8x you can jumpkick Boomerang: 8x after throwing, you have to catch it in order to reuse. just stay aligned and idle. Extinguisher: 8x you can jumpkick Bisen Osafune: 10x Pipe: 10x Ingram: 20x you can jumpkick M-16: 20x you can jumpkick 3. FOOD OBJECTS (refill certain amount of life energy; some award you with additional points) ITEM VALUE HEALTH --------------------------------- Hot Dog: 0 Meat: 0 Pudding: 0 Cheese: 1 500 Slice Pizza: 4 000 Pizza: 10 000 Chicken: 15 000 4. BONUS OBJECTS (just add points to your score) ITEM VALUE ---------------------- Pistol: 800 Money: 1 000 Coins: 3 000 Gold: 16 000 Trunk: 20 000 Aquamarine: varies Dark Sapphire: varies Emerald: varies Ruby: varies ------------------------------------------------------------ PUNISHER MOVES Although Fury's moves may look different they have the same affect as those of The Punisher. So only his are mentioned here. conventions: u ... up d ... down f ... forward b ... backward n ... neutral , ... sequence / ... or A ... attack button B ... jump button moves may depend on what state you are in (what 'objects' you are currently holding): (1) hold nothing or gun (2) hold weapon object (to pick up a weapon walk over the desired object and hit A). (3) hold container object (to pick up a container stand right beside the object and hit A; not all container opjects can be lifted!; while holding the container you can not do (4)). (4) hold opponent (just walk into an opponent; after about 4 seconds he will break free; occasional attacks (hitting A) will slightly extend the holding time; you can even do this while (3)). (5) hold fallen opponent (walk over a fallen opponent and hit A; after about 3 seconds he will break free). ATTACK (hit A): (1) punch(es). Hit several time for a combo. during the third attack: n + A: kick d + A: throw; hold f/b to ajust direction; u + A: overhead throw in the opposite direction; f/b + A: superpunch in that direction; d, u + A: super kick; (2) use weapon. see list of weapon objects for details. (3) throw container. (4) knee your opponent up to three times. if you are holding a dagger at least the third time you will not knee him but cut his throat. The same goes for holding the gun: at least the third time you will not knee but shoot him. (the finishing blow is always a throat cut/shot!). (5) throw opponent; hold f/b to ajust direction;. SWEEP (hit A+B; this takes some live energy if you hit something; if your life energy is gone this makes you throw a hand grenade left/right to the screen, if you have at least one hand grenades left) (1)(2) sweep (3) drop container and sweep (4)(5) windmill SUPER KICK (d, u + A) (1)(2) super kick (3) throw container (4)(5) drop body and super kick JUMP (f/n/b + B) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) jump (forward/up/backward) ROLL (tap joystick twice in the same direction; adjust direction with joystick; release joystick to stop) (1)(2) roll (3)(4)(5) drop object and roll ROLL ATTACK (while rolling hit A) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Strait kick ROLL JUMP (f/n/b + B) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) jump (forward/up/backward) ROLL SWEEP (while rolling hit A+B; this takes some live energy if you hit something; the duration is much longer then a standing version; it does considerably more damage on bosses the the standing version;) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) sliding sweep ROLL SUPER KICK (d, u + A) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) super kick AIR ATTACK (while jump hit A) (1) jumpkick (on impact hold back to rebound) (2) throw weapon or (1). see list of weapon objects for details. (you can adjust left/right if throwing a weapon) (3) throw container (you can adjust left/right) (4)(5) throw opponent (you can adjust left/right) AIR DOWN ATTACK (while jump hold d + A) (1)(2)(3) same as AIR ATTACK (4)(5) headcrush opponent HAND GRANADE (while jump hit A+B) (1)(2)(3) drop hand grenade (4)(5) throw opponent ------------------------------------------------------------ ENEMIES Here is a list of enemies you are facing during the game. When enemies marked with an asterix show up you automatically draw your gun. B. Hannigan, Skinner, Luis Allegre, Kolsky, Bogart: These guys can hold you! Bakosu, Leon: unlimited supply of daggers, can roll Bone Breaker: you can jump on his vehicle Buddy: hand grenade thrower; kill him to get a hand grenade! Chrys, Max, Dean: these crash test dummies are great for grab and throw *Cool, *Trench: Dylan, Shone: axe, hammer, Bisen Osafune or bat swinger Gaullee: M-16 equipped Guardroid: wait and avoid the initial forward rush. now he is in the left corner. do a punch, punch, kick combo, jump and throw a hand greande. repeat this 6 times (you should have 6 hand grenades by now). go to the right and get the goodies and afterwards finish him off. Guardroid2: keep the pretty boy alive and finish him with the gun! always roll to a position where the Guardroid is nearer than pretty boy. Gus, Scully, Red: Hawke, Yan Lee, Saxon: can escape throws *Jack, *Jagger: Luna, Mizuki, Midori, Misa: they can defend against your gun! Red-Lamp, Wow-Cat: usually equipped with a flame thrower, axe or hammer *Pretty Boy, *Pretty Legs: never stay aligned with these guys, their throw may take away nearly all of your life energy! use head and legs as a weapon. shoot the remaining legs to get food. ------------------------------------------------------------ STAGE NOTES GENERAL: - Fighting against the End-Of-Level bosses: concentrate on the boss - the longer you wait the more enemies show up. - collect all hand grenades and use them on the End-Of-Level bosses. this is the fasted and safest way to get rid of them! - Holding (pressing) A during movie-like sequences will fast forward (skip) them. STAGE 1 (End-Of-Level Boss: Scully): - shoot Cool showing up at the entrance just before the telephone booth. that's how to do it: position your character in front of the stairs, so that you do not trigger the appearance of COOL. now start a forward roll, after the stairs roll up and then back. when you stop rolling you are right behind the dog, facing COOL. Now let him have it... - destroy the telephone booth - pick up tire in bus? STAGE 2 (End-Of-Level Boss: Guardroid): - destroy couch and sun screens behind the swimming pool. - Free Barbara (prison 1 and 3) and let her hug you... she will award you with some live energy. - Destroy Kingpin's Portrait next to prison 3 and get a Hand Grenade. - When facing the Guardroid, go to the end of the room and destroy bed and painting to get some goodies. STAGE 3 (End-Of-Level Boss: Bone Breaker): - destroy the two cars, watch the incoming second car. - after entering the factory and finishing the first 3 enemies, when proceeding to the passage way between the right and left gallery, roll forward since SAXON always attacks with a flying kick. BONUS STAGE: - 200 000 award for Perfect (20 hits) STAGE 4 (End-Of-Level Boss: Bushwacker): - destroy the crane on the train an get a flame thrower STAGE 5 (End-Of-Level Boss: Guardroid 2) - destroy the computer in the background, where the pretty boys/legs attack you (after defeating Gus and Red) FINAL STAGE (End-Of-Level Boss: Kingpin): - right at the beginning of this stage walk till the JAGGERs show up, now roll forward to the wall and turn around; you can now safely gun down all the bad guys with your back covered by the wall. - in the following passage (where you have to break the doors) there appear 3 BUDDYs from behind. Kill them and get 3 valuable extra hand grenades. - after the small passage destroy the columns to get stones (behind the fourth and last column there are hand grenades hidden!) - on the elevator just stay on the left end, shoot and bomb the enemies with the dynamite - after the elevator destroy the pipes in the foreground for to get pipes sometimes. - before facing Kingpin you are fighting RED and a couple of ninja girls. During this fight there show up 2 BUDDYs from behind. Kill them and get the 2 extra hand grenades. ------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: Thanks to the following for their contributions: - Jonathan Li for providing me with some move information. - Geoff Chiang for the FAQ layout - "_Portal_" for some sweep observations. - Everyone else who has contacted me with ideas, minor contributions, support and encouragement. ------------------------------------------------------------ - I would appreciate any extra info that you might have on the game. Any moves, combos, information, cheats, etc. are welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------