==GLITCHES== -Infinite Zenny Glitch- This glitch can be executed after opening the Central Gate (the three doors in the Main Gate opened with the three Sub-City keys). Speak with Data there and say "I keep losing fights...", then "Yes" to his next question, and "No" to his next two questions. As a result, you can repeat this process infinitely, gaining 1,100 Zenny each time. (Note: If you say "Yes" to his third question - the second "No" question - you will earn a total of 56,100 Zenny, but can no longer get Zenny from Data.) ==UNLOCKABLES== -Bonus Parts- Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting in under eight hours to unlock the jet skates and buster max parts -Extra Difficulty Settings- Successfully complete the game to unlock the Hard difficulty setting. Successfully complete the game on the Hard difficulty - or the Normal difficulty in under three hours - to unlock the Easy difficulty setting. ==SECRETS== -Infinite money- Go to Apple Market and kick the can into the bakery. The woman behind the counter will give you 1000 Zenny. Enter any shop and exit. The can will reappear. Repeat this as many times as needed. Note: This will still work when everyone leaves.