<->COSMIC CARNAGE<-> System: Genesis/32X By: DEATHSCHILD, darpeigh@aol.com _____________________________________________ "DISCLAIMER" This 'FAQ' is for personal and private use only and not for promotional or profitable perposes. No portions or parts of this 'FAQ' may be changed, altered, displayed or reprinted in any Magazine's, Websites or Anywhere else without consent from the Author. ___________________________________________________________________________ -Appendix- 1) Story 2) Control -Pad Layout -Key -Button Layout -Crawl 3) Getting Started -Options Screen -Difficulty -Time Up -Music/Sound FX -Controller Configuration -Select Fighter -Select Armor 4) The Fighters -Renegades -Notes -TALMAC -NAJA -YUG -DEAMON -Soldiers -Notes -TYR -NARUTO -CYLIC -ZENA-LAN 5) Fatalities 6) Combos 7) Cyber Brawl? -Code 8) History 9) Copyright -Credits ____________________________________________________________________________ 1) STORY ONLY THE STRONGEST SURVIVE In a frantic attempt to escape a lifetime of hard labor on an intersteller mining project, a shipload of criminals have hijacked their prison barge and used it to ram a military cruiser. The damage was extensive-only four members of each ship survived. The prison barge is completely useless. Power and life support on the military cruiser are fading fast, and all the escape pods have been destroyed, except one... and that pod has only room for one passenger. Eight beings from eight different worlds, either criminals or professional soldiers, are all desperate to survive. There is only one way to determine who will escape and live, and who will die. Your life depends on it. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2) CONTROL -Pad Layout Listed below are the eight basic D-Pad positions used in the game. These positions are for when a character is facing RIGHT. Reverse the positions for when a character is facing Left. UB - U - UF (Z) \ | / (Y) B - N - F (-) (X) (C) / | \ (B) DB - D - DF (A) [KEY] UB = Up-Back U = Up UF = Up-Forward B = Back N = Neutral F = Forward DB = Down-Back D = Down DF = Down-Forward -Button Layout Listed below is the default 6-Button Arcade Pad set-up. (X) - Light Punch (Y) - Light Kick (Z) - Provoke 1 (-) - Start (A) - Fierce Punch (B) - Fierce Kick (C) - Provoke 2 Note to 3-Button Control Pad Users: The default functions of Buttons (A), (B) and (C) are the Fierce Punch, Fierce Kick and Provoke 2, but the type of attack produced depends on the speed at which the button is PRESSED. 'TAP' either (A), (B) or (C) Button quickly for a Light Attack. 'PRESS' either (A), (B) or (C) Button for a Fierce Attack. -Crawl Every character in Cosmic Carnage is able to 'crawl' or crabwalk (as some like to call it). To Crawl in Cosmic Carnage Press and Hold the D-Pad either Down Back or Down Forward. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3) GETTING STARTED Following the SEGA logo is a breif game introduction, then the Title screen appears. Press Start at any time to bring up the Game Menu. -OPTIONS- Select OPTIONS and press Start to bring up the Option menu. Highlight an option by pressing the D-Pad up or down, and change features within a highlighted option by pressing left or right, or select EXIT and press any button. -Difficulty: How tough do you want your opponents in the One Player game? Level 1 is the easiest and level 5 is the hardest. -Time Up: This sets a time limit on your battle. Turn this feature off for an unlimited time match. -Music/Sound FX Test: Use these features to play the background music and the sound effects used in the game. Press the D-Pad left or right to select the number of the track you wish to play, and press Button A, B, C, X, Y or Z to play the music or sound effect. -Controller Configuration: Customize the fuctions of the buttons on your Control Pad. Select this feature and press Button A, B, C, X, Y or Z. When the Configuration screen appears, press the D-Pad up or down to highlight the desired function, then press the button you would like to use for that function. To return to the Options screen, press Start, or select EXIT and press any button. -SELECT FIGHTER- When you select a game and press Start, the Player Select screen appears. Use the D-Pad to highlight the desired fighter, and press Start. In a One Player game, the computer randomly chooses an opponent once you've chosen a fighter. In a Two Player game, both players must select a fighter and press Start to proceed to the next screen. -SELECT your ARMOR- The Parts Select screen appears next. If you chose one of the soldiers (Tye, Naruto, Cylic or Zena-Lan), you select the armor you want your fighter to wear. Press the D-Pad up or down to select the armor category and press left or right to choose within that category. The special attacks you can use depend on the armor your fighter is wearing. If you've choosen one of the fugitives from the barge, the screen shows that no armor is available. In a One Player game, the computer automatically selects armor (if available) for your opponent. Press Start to begin your match. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4) The FIGHTERS Those who wear armor have two types of special attacks: one for light armor and one for heavy armor. The type of attack you can do depends on the part your fighter uses to attack (arms, legs or body) and the type of armor on that part. All instructions are for when a character is facing RIGHT & with the 'Default 6-button'. Reverse the method for when a character is facing Left. After the motions for the Special-Moves will be a small description (which will be in "Quotation Marks"). This description will tell you if you can do this move while in the Air/Jumping or whether or not it's an Air-Throw. -Notes The 4 Renegades (Talmac, Yug, Naja and Deamon) do not have the option of selecting between Light & Heavy armor. This can also be considered an 'Advantage' for them.. because they will not lose any of their Special-Attacks as is the case with the Soldiers. TALMAC: This tall, dark and sinister fugitive uses razor claws, has lightning reflexes and powerful punches to hold his own in the arena. No one is sure whether he is wearing a mask, or if that is his real face. No one has gotten close enough to find out. Talmac does not use armor. -Gale Wall: Press D, DB, B + (X) or (A). (reverses projectiles) -Gale Wave: Press F, B, F + (X) or (A). -Pile Dragon: Press F, D, DF + (X) or (A). -Gale Arrow: Press and hold B, then F + (X) or (A). ======== NAJA: To defeat this serpintine siren, you must steer clear of her tail, a weapon she uses as a battering ram, whip or vice. Naja doesn't need any armor. -Back Whip: Press and hold D, then U + (Y) or (B). -Winder Rush: Press D, DB, B + (X) or (A). "Can perform this move while jumping" -Tail Squeeze: contact your opponent and press (Y) or (B). ======== YUG: This gorilla-like humanoid relies almost entirely on his long, powerful arms to deliver punishing hammer blows, bone-crushing holds and devastating throws. He has a very long reach. Yug's armor is built in, so he does not use additional armor. -Spinning Double Strike: Press F, FD, D, DB, B + (X) or (A) twice. -Blaze Hold: Press D, DF, F + (X) or (A). -Strangle Hold: Grab your opponent with the Blaze Hold.. Then press and hold U + (X) or (A) repeatedly. This must be done quickly or Yug will not perform the move. -Wheel Press: Grab your opponent with the Blaze Hold.. Then Press U, UF, F, FD, D + (X) or (A). -Rolling Gangbuster: Grab your opponent with the Blaze Hold.. Then Press B, F + (X) or (A). ======== DEAMON: Deamon is as vicious as he is ugly, and he enjoys using his natural weapons to their best advantage. His long claws can tear an opponent to bloody shreds, and that scorpion stinger attached to the back of his isn't just for show. Deamon does not use armor. -Whirling Thrasher: Press F, F + (X) or (A), then (Y) or (B). -Hammerhead Whip: Press B, D, U + (X) or (A). -Rolling Claw: contact your opponent and press (X) or (A). ____________________ -Notes The Soldiers are already equiped wearing 'Light Armor'. You have the option to equip them with 'Heavy Armor'. The Heavy Armor will make your Soldier move Slower and will cut their Jumping in half. Also keep in mind that when a Certain Armor part gets knocked off, you will lose the move which pertained to that part of the body. Before I forget, moves that are 'Both Armor Styles' can be performed both with or without Armor. The 'Layout' for the Soldiers is going to be a little different in that you'll see a letter following the name of the Special-Move. This letter will let you know which body armor part you'll need to perform that Special-Move. [KEY] <A> = Arms <B> = Body <L> = Legs The chart below is how the Layout is going to look for the Soldiers. An example is given with 1 of 'Cylics' Special-Moves: (Body Armor needed to perform Special-Move) _/ | | "Machine Gun Knuckle <A>: F, D, DF + (X) or (A)." |___________________| |_____________________| \ \ (name of Special-Move) \ (motion for Special-Move) TYR: A master designer of weapons and bodysuits, Tyr has saved the best designs for himself. He uses the weight and power of his armor to support devastating charges and body slams. His drop throws are lethal. "Light Armor Only" -Atomic Hammer <A>: Press F, DF, D + (X) or (A) for a front attack or (Y) or (B) for a rear attack. -Dash Hurdler <L>: Press and hold B, then F + (Y) or (B). "Can perform this move while jumping" -Breast Charger <B>: Press and hold B, then F + (C) or (Z). "Heavy Armor Only" -Mega Buster Drop <A>: While in midair, press B + (X) or (A) simultaneously. "Air-Throw" -Mega Cyclone Wrecker <K>: Press and hold B, then F + (Y) or (B). -Mega Cannon <B>: Press and hold B, then F + (C) or (Z). "Both Armor Styles" -Super Press: Press D, DF, UF + (X) or (A). -Tornado: Press B, DB + (Y) or (B). "DODGE attacks" -Super Whip: Press B, F + (A). ======== NARUTO: Elbow blades and a long sword give Naruto a long, sharp reach. He is especially proficient at aerial maneuvers and martial arts moves. "Light Armor Only" -Naruto Slice <A>: Press F, DF, D, F + (X) or (A). -Spinning Kick <L>: Press D, DF, F + (Y) or (B). "Can perform this move while jumping" -Whirlwind Kick <B>: Press D, DF, UF then Button (C) or (Z). "Heavy Armor Only" -Spinning Double Slice <A>: Press F, D, DF + (X) or (A). -Whilwind Blast Kick <L>: Press B, DB, D, DF, F + (Y) or (B). "Can perform this move while jumping" -Double Hammer Blast <B>: F, B, F + (C) or (Z). "Both Armor Styles" -Dash: Press the D-Pad "TWICE" in the direction you want to dash. "Can be performed while jumping in ALL 8 D-Pad directions" -Drop Throw: Contact opponent and press B or F + (X) or (A). "This move is an Air-Throw" ======== CYLIC: An entomologist's worst nightmare, this fighter is fast and agile, with a number of projectile attacks that allow him to wreak havoc from a distance. "Light Armor Only" -Energy Smasher <A>: Press D, DF, F + (X) or (A). -Gravitation Crush <L>: While in midair (next to your opponent), press B or F + (Y) or (B). -Energy Blast <B>: Press D, DF, F + (C) or (Z). "Heavy Armor Only" -Machine Gun Knuckle <A>: Press F, D, DF + (X) or (A). -Energy Thunder <L>: Press (Y) or (B) repeatedly. -Granade Attack <B>: Press and hold B, then F + (C) or (Z). "Both Armor Styles" -Double Needle Kick: Press F, D, U + (Y) or (B). -Neck Throw: Contact opponent, then press B or F + (X) or (A). ======== ZENA-LAN: This fiery fighter has a number of electrifying moves at her command. Speed and agility are her greatest assets. "Light Armor Only" -Fury Punch <A>: Press (X) or (A) repeatedly. -Bloody Spiral <L>: Press B, B, F + (Y) or (B). -Riding Crusher <B>: While in midair, press B or F + (Y) or (B). "This move is an Air-Throw" "Heavy Armor Only" -Lightning Ring <A>: Press (X) or (A) repeatedly. -Knee Blas <L>: Press D, DF, UF + (Y) or (B). -Blazing Charge <B>: Press F, F + (C) or (Z). "Both Armor Styles" -Flying Lariat: Press B, DB, D, DF, F + (X) or (A). ____________________________________________________________________________ 5) FATALITIES The Fatalities in Cosmic Carnage are simple and are identicle for every character in how you perform/execute them and what happens to either you or your foe. You must finish/beat your opponent on the Final Round using a Special-Attack (its that simple), Special-Throws will not count as a Fatality. It doesn't matter which Special-Attack you use or if you/they are in the Air or on the Ground. If you or your opponent are blocking and get Knocked Out in the final round then a Fatality will not happen. 1 of 3 things will happen to either you or your opponent: 1) - Your/Their 'Head' will explode. 2) - Your/Their 'Arms' will be cut off. 3) - You'll/They'll be 'Cut in Half' at the waist. ____________________________________________________________________________ 6) COMBOS As awkward? alright "BAD"... as the control in Cosmic Carnage is, there are many decent Combos....for Certain Characters at least: [Talmac] 2 Hits - Crouching (X), Gale Wall 3 Hits - Jump-In (B), crouching (B) 3 Hits - Jump-In (B), crouching (X), Gale Wall [Naga] 2 Hits - Jump-In (B), crouching (B) [Yug] 2 Hits - Standing (A), Blaze Hold + Wheel Press 3 Hits - Standing (A), Spinning Double Striker 3 Hits - Jump-In (A), standing (A), Blaze Hold + Strangle Hold 4 Hits - Jump-In (A), standing (A), Spinning Double Strike [Deamon] 3 Hits - Jump-In (B), Whirling Thrasher ________ [Tyr] 2 Hits - Jump-In (B), crouching (B) [Naruto] 3 Hits - Crouching (B), Naruto Slice 3 Hits - Crouching (A), Spinning Double Slice 5 Hits - Crouching (B), Spinning Kick [Cylic] 2 Hits - Standing (A), Machine Gun Knuckle 2 Hits - Standing (A), Granade Attack [Zena-Lan] 2 Hits - Standing (A), Blazing Charge 3 Hits - Jump-In (B), standing (A), Blazing Charge -Notes As you know after playing Cosmic Carnage the Control is EXTREMELY Picky. The combos do WORK, you just have to get familiarized with the 'Timing' of your normal attacks. ____________________________________________________________________________ 7) CYBER BRAWL In Japan Cosmic Carnage is known as Cyber Brawl. In Cyber Brawl three of the four soldiers were Human, while the same four soldiers were changed or illustrated differently for Cosmic Carnage to look like Aliens/Freaks. Mortal Kombat was highly ripped on by several organizations for it's fatality moves which these groups considered 'Barbaric' and 'InHumane'. By doing this form of Censoring you're not doing these fatality moves to a Human, you're just doing it to an Alien. Something they forgot to change is the 'Blood' color, While the YUG's Blood is a yellow-brown hue the Soldier's Blood is...you guessed it....RED. Sega most likely Re-illustrated the Soldiers because when they get their Armor knocked off they're pretty much in their underwear, and you know how 'some' people feel about that. I don't know? That's just my 2-cents. CYBER BRAWL Code: Before turning on your 32X, hold buttons X, B & Z, then press the Start button at the introduction. -Note: You'll need a 6-Button controller for this code to work. ____________________________________________________________________________ 8) HISTORY 05/21/04 - Started layout for 'CC' FAQ. 05/28/04 - Confirmed Special-Move motions. 05/28/04 - Added 'Crawl' section. 05/30/04 - Added Cyber Brawl code. 06/01/04 - Added Renegades, Soldiers & Notes section/s. 06/02/04 - Altered FAQ & added Combo section. 06/09/04 - Reconfigured FAQ layout. 06/11/04 - Checked FAQ ????. 09/28/04 - Added what can be done in the "Air" and what not. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9) COPYRIGHT info. SEGA, Genesis, 32X and Cosmic Carnage are TradeMarks of SEGA. (c)1994 SEGA, P.O. Box 8097, Redwood City, CA 94063. All rights reserved. -Credits Sega, for making this game & the 32X hardware. YOU, for reading this FAQ. GAMEFAN & GAMERS' REPUBLIC magazine's (R.I.P)....... COPYRIGHT(c) Anthony G.